cy.sendCommand("G90\n") # Set absolute positioning

cy.homeZXY() # Home all the axis

drawTool(10, 20) # Show a marker on the gcode plot

# Move to the origin of the grid
cy.moveXY(x_points[0], y_points[0], F_fastMove)

# Warning: Do not lower too much or you will potentially cause damage!
initial_Z_lowering_distance = -10
cy.moveZrelSafe(initial_Z_lowering_distance,F_slowMove/2) # Move Z towards the PCB (saves some probing time for the first coord)

Z_origin_offset = cy.probeZ()
print "Z offset:", Z_origin_offset

toolPos_X = 0
toolPos_Y = 0
toolPos_Z = 0
toolPos_F = F_fastMove

X_dest = 0
Y_dest = 0
Z_dest = 0