 def __init__(self, id_to_specify):
     _note_db_writer = DBHelper.DBWriter()
     if _note_db_writer.db_check_notepad_id(id_to_specify) == 0:
         self._id = id_to_specify
         print "Error: This ID already exists."
class Note:
    # Private Variables
    _note_id = ''
    _notepad_id = ''
    _note_creator = ''
    _note_content = ''
    _note_title = ''
    _note_db_query = ''
    _note_db_writer = DBHelper.DBWriter()
    _note_db_reader = DBHelper.DBReader()
    #Constructor method
    def __init__(self):
        #This will eventually sync with the ID in the DB
        self._note_id = 0
    #Function to set Note
    def create_note(self, content_to_add, creator):
        self._note_creator = creator
        self._note_content = content_to_add
        self._note_title = self._determine_title(content_to_add + '\n')  #include a '\n' in case it's a one-liner
        #Prep DB Query
        self._note_db_query = "INSERT INTO notes (note_content, note_title, note_creator, note_date_updated, notepad_id_key)"
        self._note_db_query += "VALUES ('" + self._note_content + "','" + self._note_title + "','" + self._note_creator + "','"
        self._note_db_query += str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "'," + str(self._notepad_id) + ");"
        #Write to DB
        #Read back new ID
        self._note_id = self._note_db_reader.db_get_last_row_id()
    #Updates the note with the specified content
    def update_note(self, content_to_update):
        self._note_content = str(content_to_update)
        self._note_title = self._determine_title(content_to_update + '\n')
        #, note_title, note_date_updated)"
        #Prep DB Query
        self._note_db_query = "UPDATE notes SET note_content='" + self._note_content + "',"
        self._note_db_query += "note_title='" + self._note_title + "',"
        self._note_db_query += "note_date_updated='" + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "' "
        self._note_db_query += "WHERE note_id = " + self._note_id + ";" 
        #Write to DB
    #Function to set the notepad ID for the note
    def assign_notepad(self, notepad_id):
        self._notepad_id = notepad_id
    #Determines the title from the content
    #by finding the first new line character.
    def _determine_title(self, title_to_cut):
        return title_to_cut.split('\n', 1)[0]