def unifyLdLibraryPath( path, newpath ):
  """ for Linux and MacOS link all the files in the path in a single directory
      newpath. For that we go along the path in a reverse order and link all files
      from the path, the latest appearance of a file will take precedence
  if not DIRAC.getPlatformTuple()[0] == 'Windows':
    if os.path.exists( newpath ):
      if not os.path.isdir( newpath ):
          os.remove( newpath )
        except Exception:
          return path
        os.makedirs( newpath )
      except Exception:
        return path
    pathList = path.split( ':' )
    for dummy in pathList[:]:
      ldDir = pathList.pop()
      if not os.path.isdir( ldDir ):
      ldLibs = os.listdir( ldDir )
      for lib in ldLibs:
        newF = os.path.join( newpath, lib )
        ldF = os.path.join( ldDir, lib )
        # 1. Check if the file exist (broken links will return False)
        if os.path.isfile( ldF ):
          ldF = os.path.realpath( ldF )
          # 2. Check if the link is present already
          if os.path.exists( newF ):
            # 3. Check is the point to the same file
            if os.path.samefile( newF, ldF ):
              os.remove( newF )
          # 4. Create the link
          os.symlink( ldF, newF )
    return newpath
    # Windows does nothing for the moment
    return path
def sourceEnv(timeout, cmdTuple, inputEnv=None):
  """ Function to source configuration files in a platform dependent way and get
      back the environment

  # add appropriate extension to first element of the tuple (the command)
  envAsDict = '&& python -c "import os,sys ; print >> sys.stderr, os.environ"'

  # 1.- Choose the right version of the configuration file
  if DIRAC.getPlatformTuple()[0] == 'Windows':
    cmdTuple[0] += '.bat'
    cmdTuple[0] += '.sh'

  # 2.- Check that it exists
  if not os.path.exists(cmdTuple[0]):
    result = DIRAC.S_ERROR('Missing script: %s' % cmdTuple[0])
    result['stdout'] = ''
    result['stderr'] = 'Missing script: %s' % cmdTuple[0]
    return result

  # Source it in a platform dependent way:
  # On windows the execution makes the environment to be inherit
  # On Linux or Darwin use bash and source the file.
  if DIRAC.getPlatformTuple()[0] == 'Windows':
    # this needs to be tested
    cmd = ' '.join(cmdTuple) + envAsDict
    ret = shellCall(timeout, [cmd], env=inputEnv)
    cmdTuple.insert(0, 'source')
    cmd = ' '.join(cmdTuple) + envAsDict
    ret = systemCall(timeout, ['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd], env=inputEnv)

  # 3.- Now get back the result
  stdout = ''
  stderr = ''
  result = DIRAC.S_OK()
  if ret['OK']:
    # The Command has not timeout, retrieve stdout and stderr
    stdout = ret['Value'][1]
    stderr = ret['Value'][2]
    if ret['Value'][0] == 0:
      # execution was OK
        result['outputEnv'] = eval(stderr.split('\n')[-2] + '\n')
        stderr = '\n'.join(stderr.split('\n')[:-2])
      except Exception:
        stdout = cmd + '\n' + stdout
        result = DIRAC.S_ERROR('Could not parse Environment dictionary from stderr')
      # execution error
      stdout = cmd + '\n' + stdout
      result = DIRAC.S_ERROR('Execution returns %s' % ret['Value'][0])
    # Timeout
    stdout = cmd
    stderr = ret['Message']
    result = DIRAC.S_ERROR(stderr)

  # 4.- Put stdout and stderr in result structure
  result['stdout'] = stdout
  result['stderr'] = stderr

  return result
文件: Os.py 项目: TaykYoku/DIRAC
def sourceEnv(timeout, cmdTuple, inputEnv=None):
    """Function to source configuration files in a platform dependent way and get
    back the environment

    # add appropriate extension to first element of the tuple (the command)
    envAsDict = '&& python -c "import os,sys ; print >> sys.stderr, os.environ"'

    # 1.- Choose the right version of the configuration file
    if DIRAC.getPlatformTuple()[0] == "Windows":
        cmdTuple[0] += ".bat"
        cmdTuple[0] += ".sh"

    # 2.- Check that it exists
    if not os.path.exists(cmdTuple[0]):
        result = DIRAC.S_ERROR("Missing script: %s" % cmdTuple[0])
        result["stdout"] = ""
        result["stderr"] = "Missing script: %s" % cmdTuple[0]
        return result

    # Source it in a platform dependent way:
    # On windows the execution makes the environment to be inherit
    # On Linux or Darwin use bash and source the file.
    if DIRAC.getPlatformTuple()[0] == "Windows":
        # this needs to be tested
        cmd = " ".join(cmdTuple) + envAsDict
        ret = shellCall(timeout, [cmd], env=inputEnv)
        cmdTuple.insert(0, "source")
        cmd = " ".join(cmdTuple) + envAsDict
        ret = systemCall(timeout, ["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd], env=inputEnv)

    # 3.- Now get back the result
    stdout = ""
    stderr = ""
    result = DIRAC.S_OK()
    if ret["OK"]:
        # The Command has not timeout, retrieve stdout and stderr
        stdout = ret["Value"][1]
        stderr = ret["Value"][2]
        if ret["Value"][0] == 0:
            # execution was OK
                result["outputEnv"] = eval(stderr.split("\n")[-2] + "\n")
                stderr = "\n".join(stderr.split("\n")[:-2])
            except Exception:
                stdout = cmd + "\n" + stdout
                result = DIRAC.S_ERROR("Could not parse Environment dictionary from stderr")
            # execution error
            stdout = cmd + "\n" + stdout
            result = DIRAC.S_ERROR("Execution returns %s" % ret["Value"][0])
        # Timeout
        stdout = cmd
        stderr = ret["Message"]
        result = DIRAC.S_ERROR(stderr)

    # 4.- Put stdout and stderr in result structure
    result["stdout"] = stdout
    result["stderr"] = stderr

    return result
def sourceEnv( timeout, cmdTuple, inputEnv = None ):
  """ Function to source configuration files in a platform dependent way and get
      back the environment

  # add appropriate extension to first element of the tuple (the command)
  envAsDict = '&& python -c "import os,sys ; print >> sys.stderr, os.environ"'

  # 1.- Choose the right version of the configuration file
  if DIRAC.getPlatformTuple()[0] == 'Windows':
    cmdTuple[0] += '.bat'
    cmdTuple[0] += '.sh'

  # 2.- Check that it exists
  if not os.path.exists( cmdTuple[0] ):
    result = DIRAC.S_ERROR( 'Missing script: %s' % cmdTuple[0] )
    result['stdout'] = ''
    result['stderr'] = 'Missing script: %s' % cmdTuple[0]
    return result

  # Source it in a platform dependent way:
  # On windows the execution makes the environment to be inherit
  # On Linux or Darwin use bash and source the file.
  if DIRAC.getPlatformTuple()[0] == 'Windows':
    # this needs to be tested
    cmd = ' '.join( cmdTuple ) + envAsDict
    ret = shellCall( timeout, [ cmd ], env = inputEnv )
    cmdTuple.insert( 0, 'source' )
    cmd = ' '.join( cmdTuple ) + envAsDict
    ret = systemCall( timeout, [ '/bin/bash', '-c', cmd ], env = inputEnv )

  # 3.- Now get back the result
  stdout = ''
  stderr = ''
  result = DIRAC.S_OK()
  if ret['OK']:
    # The Command has not timeout, retrieve stdout and stderr
    stdout = ret['Value'][1]
    stderr = ret['Value'][2]
    if ret['Value'][0] == 0:
      # execution was OK
        result['outputEnv'] = eval( stderr.split( '\n' )[-2] + '\n' )
        stderr = '\n'.join( stderr.split( '\n' )[:-2] )
      except Exception:
        stdout = cmd + '\n' + stdout
        result = DIRAC.S_ERROR( 'Could not parse Environment dictionary from stderr' )
      # execution error
      stdout = cmd + '\n' + stdout
      result = DIRAC.S_ERROR( 'Execution returns %s' % ret['Value'][0] )
    # Timeout
    stdout = cmd
    stderr = ret['Message']
    result = DIRAC.S_ERROR( stderr )

  # 4.- Put stdout and stderr in result structure
  result['stdout'] = stdout
  result['stderr'] = stderr

  return result