    def compute_cipher (self, user, X, Y):
        C = self.conc(X, Y)

        dsa = DSA(self.point, self.n)
        u, v, m = dsa.sign(user, C)

        D = str(u) + '$' + str(v) + '$' + str(m)
        u_cipher =  encrypt_AES(user, D)

        return u_cipher
def TransactionGen(p, q, g): #Generating one transaction
    (payer_a, payer_b) = DSA.KeyGen(p, q, g) #Generating Keys for Payer
    (payee_a, payee_b) = DSA.KeyGen(p, q, g) #Generating Keys for Payee
    transaction = BeforeSign(p, q, g, payer_b, payee_b) #Generating first part of the Transaction
    (r, s) = DSA.SignGen(transaction, p, q, g, payer_a, payer_b) #Signing the Transaction
    transaction += \
    "Signature (r): " + str(r) + "\n" + \
    "Signature (s): " + str(s) + "\n"
    #Appending the signatures
    return transaction
    def verify_cipher (self, user, cipher, X, Y):
        D = decrypt_AES(user, cipher)
        [u, v, C] = D.split('$')

        u = int(u)
        v = int(v)
        if C != self.conc(Y, X):
            return 1, "[STS ERROR] Received message is different from expected"

        dsa = DSA(self.point, self.n)
        nb, error_m = dsa.verify(Y, C, u, v)
        if nb != 0:
            return nb, error_m

        return 0, "[STS] Verification OK, shared secret validated"
def GenTxBlock(p, q, g, count):
    whole_transaction = ""

    for i in range(count):
        transaction = ""
        transaction += "*** Bitcoin transaction ***\n"

        line = "Serial number: "
        x = uuid.uuid4().int
        line += str(x) + "\n"
        transaction += line

        line = "p: " + str(p) + "\n"
        transaction += line

        line = "q: " + str(q) + "\n"
        transaction += line

        line = "g: " + str(g) + "\n"
        transaction += line

        alpha, beta = DSA.KeyGen(p, q, g)

        line = "Payer Public Key (beta): " + str(beta) + "\n"
        transaction += line

        alpha2, beta2 = DSA.KeyGen(p, q, g)
        line = "Payee Public Key (beta): " + str(beta2) + "\n"
        transaction += line

        line = "Amount: "
        y = random.randint(1, 1000)
        line += str(y) + " Satoshi\n"
        transaction += line

        m = transaction

        (r, s) = DSA.SignGen(m, p, q, g, alpha, beta)

        line = "Signature (r): " + str(r) + "\n"
        transaction += line

        line = "Signature (s): " + str(s) + "\n"
        transaction += line

        whole_transaction += transaction

    return whole_transaction
def PoW(TxBlockFile, ChainFile, PoWLen,
        TxLen):  #Updates LongestChain File for Each Block
    block = ""
    if TxBlockFile[-5] != "0":
        chainBuffer = open(ChainFile, "r")
        chain = chainBuffer.readlines()
        block = chain[-1]  #PoW for the Previous Transaction Block
    else:  #for TransactionBlock0.txt
        block = "Day Zero Link in the Chain" + "\n"

    block += rootMerkle(TxBlockFile,
                        TxLen) + "\n"  #The Root Hash of the Merkle Tree

    while True:
        new_block = block + str(DSA.bitGenerator(2**128 - 1)) + "\n"
        new_PoW = hashlib.sha3_256(new_block).hexdigest()
        if new_PoW[:PoWLen] == "0" * PoWLen:
            new_PoW += "\n"  #PoW
            block = new_block
            block += new_PoW
    #Write/append to the ChainFile
    if TxBlockFile[-5] != "0":
        chainBuffer = open(ChainFile, "a")
    else:  #for TransactionBlock0.txt
        chainBuffer = open(ChainFile, "w")
def GenSingleTx(p, q, g, alpha, beta): # Generating single transaction text file.
    transaction = nineLine(p, q, g, beta) # First nine lines will be hashed and signed.
    (r, s) = DSA.SignGen(transaction, p, q, g, alpha, beta)
    transaction += \
    "Signature (r): " + str(r) + "\n" + \
    "Signature (s): " + str(s) + "\n"
    return transaction # Returns the transaction string.
def GenSingleTx(p, q, g, alpha, beta):
    DSA_params = [p, q, g, alpha, beta]
    m = genMessageToHash(DSA_params)
    (r, s) = DSA.SignGen(m, p, q, g, alpha, beta)
    r = 'Signature (r): ' + str(r)
    s = 'Signature (s): ' + str(s)
    linesToBeWritten = '\n'.join(
        [m.rstrip(), r, s]) + '\n'
    return linesToBeWritten
def BeforeSign(p, q, g, payer_b, payee_b): #The Lines of the Transaction to be Signed
    transaction = \
    "*** Bitcoin transaction ***" + "\n" + \
    "Serial number: " + str(DSA.bitGenerator(2**128-1)) + "\n" + \
    "p: " + str(p) + "\n" + \
    "q: " + str(q) + "\n" + \
    "g: " + str(g) + "\n" + \
    "Payer Public Key (beta): " + str(payer_b) + "\n" + \
    "Payee Public Key (beta): " + str(payee_b) + "\n" + \
    "Amount: " + satoshi() + " Satoshi" + "\n"
    return transaction
def GenTxBlock(p, q, g, count):
	transaction = ""
	temp = ""
	for i in range(count):
		alpha_payee, beta_payee = DSA.KeyGen(p,q,g)
		alpha_payer, beta_payer = DSA.KeyGen(p,q,g)
		temp += "*** Bitcoin transaction ***\n"
		temp += "Serial number: " + str(random.getrandbits(128)) + "\n"
		temp += "p: " + str(p) + "\n"
		temp += "q: " + str(q) + "\n"
		temp += "g: " + str(g) + "\n"
		temp += "Payer Public Key (beta): " + str(beta_payer) + "\n"
		temp += "Payee Public Key (beta): " + str(beta_payee) + "\n"
		temp += "Amount: " + str(random.randint(0, 1000)) + " Satoshi\n"
		r, s = DSA.SignGen(temp, p, q, g, alpha_payer, beta_payer);
		temp += "Signature (r): " + str(r) + '\n'
		temp += "Signature (s): " + str(s)  + '\n'
		transaction += temp
		temp = ""
	return transaction
def nineLine(p, q, g, beta): # First nine lines of single transaction.
    transaction = \
    "*** Bitcoin transaction ***" + "\n" + \
    "Serial number: " + str(DSA.bitGenerator(2**128-1)) + "\n" + \
    "Payer: " + payee() + "\n" + \
    "Payee: " + payee() + "\n" + \
    "Amount: " + satoshi() + " Satoshi" + "\n" + \
    "p: " + str(p) + "\n" + \
    "q: " + str(q) + "\n" + \
    "g: " + str(g) + "\n" + \
    "Public Key (beta): " + str(beta) + "\n"

    return transaction
def main():
    # returns a list containing p, q, g, r, s, beta
    # publicParams = DSA.main()

    # returns a list containing p, q, g, alpha, beta
    initParams = DSA.main()

    # Print SingleTransaction.txt file
    lines = GenSingleTx(initParams[0], initParams[1],
                        initParams[2], initParams[3], initParams[4])
    TxLib.writeToFile(lines.rstrip(), outputFiles[3])
    print 'All text files are created.'
def GenSingleTx(p, q, g, alpha, beta):
    transaction = ""
    transaction += "*** Bitcoin transaction ***\n"

    line = "Serial number: "
    x = uuid.uuid4().int
    line += str(x) + "\n"
    transaction += line

    line = "Payer: " + id_generator() + "\n"
    transaction += line

    line = "Payee: " + id_generator() + "\n"
    transaction += line

    line = "Amount: "
    y = random.randint(1, 1000)
    line += str(y) + " Satoshi\n"
    transaction += line

    line = "p: " + str(p) + "\n"
    transaction += line

    line = "q: " + str(q) + "\n"
    transaction += line

    line = "g: " + str(g) + "\n"
    transaction += line

    line = "Public Key (beta): " + str(beta) + "\n"
    transaction += line

    m = transaction

    (r, s) = DSA.SignGen(m, p, q, g, alpha, beta)

    line = "Signature (r): " + str(r) + "\n"
    transaction += line

    line = "Signature (s): " + str(s) + "\n"
    transaction += line

    return transaction
def testSingleTx():
    if os.path.exists('DSA_pkey.txt') == True and os.path.exists(
            'DSA_skey.txt') == True:
        skeyFile = open('DSA_skey.txt', 'r')
        q = int(skeyFile.readline())
        p = int(skeyFile.readline())
        g = int(skeyFile.readline())
        alpha = int(skeyFile.readline())
        print("Public key is read from DSA_skey.txt")

        pkeyFile = open('DSA_pkey.txt', 'r')
        lines = pkeyFile.readlines()
        beta = int(lines[3])
        print("Public key is read from DSA_pkey.txt")

        print('DSA_skey.txt or DSA_pkey.txt does not exist')

    # pick a random message (string)
    TxFile = open("SingleTransaction.txt", "w")
    lines = TxFile.readlines()
    m = lines[0:9]
    print("message: ", m)

    r = int(lines[9][15:])
    s = int(lines[10][15:])
    print("r: ", r)
    print("s: ", s)

    if DSA.SignVer(m, r, s, p, q, g, beta) == 1:
        print("Signature verifies:))")
        print("Signature does not verify:((")
def write_context_vectors(path_ctxvec, context_vectors_assoc, occ, min_occ,path_termlist_csv,source_lang,target_lang):

	termlist,termlist_inv = DSA.load_termlist(path_termlist_csv)
	with  codecs.open(path_ctxvec,'w',encoding='utf-8') as f1 :		
		for x in context_vectors_assoc:
			count = occ[x] 
			if count >= min_occ : 
				f1.write(context_vectors_assoc[x] + '\n')
			else: # If token has a frequency less than min_occ keep it as it is part of the evaluation list
				if termlist.has_key(x)  and lang == source_lang:
					# keep the reference list
					line = context_vectors_assoc[x].split(':')
					token0 = line[0].split('#')
					result = str(token0[0]) + '#' + str(min_occ)+ ":" + ':'.join(line[1:]) 
					f1.write(result.encode('utf-8') + '\n')
					if termlist_inv.has_key(x) and 	lang == target_lang:
						line = (context_vectors_assoc[x].split(':'))
						token0 = line[0].split('#')
						print token0
						result = ((token0[0]) + '#' + (str(min_occ)) + ":" + (':'.join( line[1:])))
						print result
						f1.write(result + '\n')
def GenSingleTx(p, q, g, alpha, beta):
    serialNum = random.getrandbits(128)
    payer = "Erdem Bozkurt"
    payee = ''.join(
        random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)
        for _ in range(10))
    amount = random.randint(1, 10000)
    transaction = '''*** Bitcoin transaction ***
Serial number: %d
Payer: %s
Payee: %s
Amount: %d Satoshi
p: %d
q: %d
g: %d
Public Key (beta): %d
''' % (serialNum, payer, payee, amount, p, q, g, beta)

    r, s = DSA.SignGen(transaction, p, q, g, alpha, beta)
    transaction = transaction + '''Signature (r): %d
Signature (s): %d
''' % (r, s)

    return transaction
s1 = 10137413521818981860558295844142463248736280669671376607939774420169
m2 = b"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies"
r2 = 13601517662990253244919392623006368173804524139680316147330845851641
s2 = 5354638027707905626045156057361096890377811387248394522419069236340

shake1 = DSA.SHAKE128.new(m1)
h1 = int.from_bytes(shake1.read(q.bit_length() // 8),
                    byteorder='big')  #computing hash for m1
shake2 = DSA.SHAKE128.new(m2)
h2 = int.from_bytes(shake2.read(q.bit_length() // 8),
                    byteorder='big')  #computing hash for m2

x = 2  #coefficient between k1 and k2, start trying from 2
beta1_ = beta2_ = 0
while True:
    inv1 = DSA.modinv(s2 * r1 * x - s1 * r2, q)  #i=2, j=1
    inv2 = DSA.modinv(s1 * r2 * x - s2 * r1, q)  #i=1, j=2
    if inv1 != None:  #if modular inverse exists
        a1 = ((s1 * h2 - s2 * h1 * x) * inv1) % q
        beta1_ = pow(g, a1, p)  #corresponding public key
    if inv2 != None:  #if modular inverse exists
        a2 = ((s2 * h1 - s1 * h2 * x) * inv2) % q
        beta2_ = pow(g, a2, p)  #corresponding public key
    if beta == beta1_:  #if it gives our public key
        print("Private key found when x =", x)
        print("Private key is found as", a1)
    if beta == beta2_:  #if it gives our public key
        print("Private key found when x = 1/", x)
        print("Private key is found as", a2)
import DSA

if __name__ == '__main__':
    while True:
        cmdGenerate = "0) Generate keys\n"
        cmdSign = "1) Signature generation\n"
        cmdVerify = "2) Signature verification\n"
        cmdExit = "3) Exit\n"
        opt = input("please input your command\n" + cmdGenerate + cmdSign + cmdVerify + cmdExit + "> ")
        if opt == "0":
            (p, q, g), pubKey, priKey = DSA.KeyGenerator()
            print("\n============== result ==============\n")
            print("P      %X" % p)
            print("Q      %X" % q)
            print("G      %X" % g)
            print("pubKey %X" % pubKey)
            print("priKey %X\n" % priKey)
        elif opt == "1":
            m = input("Please enter your message: ")
            p = int(input("Please enter P(base 16): "), 16)
            q = int(input("Please enter Q(base 16): "), 16)
            g = int(input("Please enter G(base 16): "), 16)
            priKey = int(input("Please enter your key(base 16): "), 16)
            r, s = DSA.Sign(m, p, q, g, priKey)
            print("\n============== result ==============\n")
            print("R %X" % r)
            print("S %X\n" % s)

        elif opt == "2":
            m = input("Please enter your message: ")
            p = int(input("Please enter P(base 16): "), 16)
    TxBlockFile = open(TxBlockFileName, "r")
    lines = TxBlockFile.readlines()

    # read the transaction txNo from the file and verify its signature
    transaction = lines[txNo*TxLen:(txNo+1)*TxLen]
    SignedPart = "".join(transaction[0:TxLen-2])
    p = int(transaction[2][3:])
    q = int(transaction[3][3:])
    g = int(transaction[4][3:])
    beta = int(transaction[5][25:])
    r = int(transaction[8][15:])
    s = int(transaction[9][15:])
    if DSA.SignVer(SignedPart, r, s, p, q, g, beta)==1:
        print "The signature of the transaction verifies:))"
        print "The signature of the transaction does not verify:(("

    # Check if the transaction really belongs to that block
    # using "LongestChain.txt file"
    # The method is hash tree
    BlockChainFileName = "LongestChain.txt"
    if os.path.exists(BlockChainFileName) == False:
        print "Error: ", BlockChainFileName, "does not exist"
    BlockChainFile = open(BlockChainFileName, "r")
    blocks = BlockChainFile.readlines()

    # read the root hash from the BlockChainFileName file
if response.ok:
    res = response.json()
    c, N, e = res['c'], res['N'], res['e']  #get c, N, e

#c = 6850041245076098620324426208284809865598841760601355452569737339927351640266063051633031519540852881248276490971209933718577133836504579781727541727907393107116722045684457705917182924930498126749834641777073669191391684909670209826184198364640308696309963363803404264413377922038109665920190322658776246031665560823913075896351811982752212355209132165312413531911427515411470755798203380954840262527373829334705065690391826299834426989543935194953188537288642925748676255132959650599692084424253943038794750498705386083735575602936006995765461839110456977783165336035330964125304394828315105519941869301711909130317
#N = 26570927162480737628985979203754072331946194492775210615224297972011744173941901816424061641629410774614008488685919271530391604171337234198111376684967784318130245430521386636931825815033716005580574144536158735220817017331513776598639232191685378945108934070246971078593116594187093852985690509208868473031905575752098253618707363954507549299255829726753255010984781668655145200872618181467368237195042352624541163587556719474038165282251445151777510755393767011091201655442513743652421000131775919984218048130718796389532361194191968866028104038025606263666775683757562416321168778465969563785651946597616485652527
#e = 65537

import DSA

x = random.randint(pow(2, 8, N), pow(2, 9, N))  #picking a random integer
g = DSA.egcd(x, N)[0]
while g != 1:  #pick the integer again if it's gcd(x,N) is not 1 (not relatively prime)
    x = random.randint(pow(2, 8, N), pow(2, 9, N))
    g = DSA.egcd(x, N)[0]
print("x is", x)

x_inverse = DSA.modinv(x, N)  #calculating x^-1
print("x inverse is", x_inverse)

c_ = (c * pow(x, e, N)) % N  #calculating c_
print("c_ is", c_)

###### Query Oracle it will return corresponding plaintext
endpoint = '{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(API_URL, "RSA_Oracle_query", my_id, c_)
response = requests.get(endpoint)
if (response.ok): m_ = (response.json()['m_'])
random.seed(3) # uncommment if you want it to generate the same random number in every run
ParamGenOn = 0   # set to 1 if you want to generate the DSA parameters
ParamTestOn = 0  # set to 1 if you want to validate the DSA parameters
KeyGenOn = 0     # set to 1 if your want to generate secret/public key pair for a user
KeyTestOn = 0    # set to 1 if you want to validate the DSA keys
SignTestOn = 0   # set to 1 if you want to test your signature generation and verification
TxGenOn = 0      # set to 1 if you want to generate a signed bitcoin transaction
TxTestOn = 0     # set to 1 if you want to validate your transaction

# DSA parameter generation
if ParamGenOn:
    print "DSA Parameter Generation: "
    small_bound = 1 << 256
    large_bound = 1 << 2048

    q, p, g = DSA.DL_Param_Generator(small_bound, large_bound)

    outf = open('DSA_params.txt', 'w')
    print "p, q, and g were written into file DSA_params.txt"

# Validation for DSA parameter generation
if ParamTestOn:
    if ParamGenOn==0:
        if os.path.exists('DSA_params.txt') == True:
            inf = open('DSA_params.txt', 'r')

# Main

if __name__ == '__main__':

    stopwords = {}
    occ = {}
    coocc = {}
    tab_res = []

    # Load arguments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    args = DSA.load_args()

    # Parameters:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    corpus = args.corpus  # sys.argv[1]
    lang = args.lang  # sys.argv[2]	# Language : en/fr/...
    corpus_type = args.corpus_type  # sys.argv[3]	# Flag     : tok/lem/postag
    flag_filter = args.flag_filter  # True if  int(sys.argv[4]) == 1 else False	# Filter stopwords 1/0
    w = int(
    )  # int(sys.argv[5]) # : window size 1/2/3... number of words before and after the center word

    corpus_dir = "../data/train/corpora/" + corpus + '/' + corpus_type + '/' + lang
    stopwords_path = "../data/train/stopwords/" + "stopwords_" + lang + ".txt"
    path_vocab = "../data/train/corpora/" + corpus + '/tmp/vocab_' + lang + ".csv"
    path_ctxvec = "../data/train/corpora/" + corpus + '/context_vectors/' + corpus + '_' + lang + '_w' + str(
        w) + ".vect"
def DSAVerifySignature(p, q, g, y, r, s, message):

    return DSA.verifySignature(p, q, g, y, r, s, message)
def DSAGenerateSignature(p, q, g, x, message):
    sign = DSA.generateSignature(p, q, g, x, message)
    r, s = sign[0], sign[1]

    return r, s
Automatically generated by Colaboratory.

Original file is located at

import DSA
q = 18462870797958734358460540315802311963744999954506807981508498635091
p = 21844102112122237484058484990223222527816981702828279171498143036582716271485474028380542696862193720852272618397503658771128114568430034544311836848132556591324273117839115478343051538427437664722980830771161939139222964707695276957432968033365352302080366315415735532111302710857807281798249043320899027800135122873123243743524724602070457967657285884563858968187732680723369906222214201250288443824722261682828970158731587663585174032887767988219143996717380923998096794060064023264584949115354715211375168860544716843940259887168163262505413440632980952366656691935232538721726450037087263854935179798694999345517
g = 13843079639351340920273184714590884400432847093058770970775133079628015343474638985949514224469231316509301786191837239734743524804707156837615319355419215945094865320399756037490734275197507243978890158231379210099367755690209217652326933425758170008835084657241675545571324146202714002127571892258435472678396358353938476569410849475658691697420643000086724156167275855286708191941521213998074404126295230559090196852525498568126029906179168789585152438330622252753643553805877257623433974639379577436808678860489830511416186993204671106346196262903362008285485594747047950971109814842643611103016670841253194356243
beta = 6187481213658176498787124123601684091780046690985227386674127034254039365850646655310542241724937514112519192485497669738105144173607992347626869972509174309127140941080651743898030456747633487761927322752193676176314211884662768871783260572354989592156755352437101758031330846064492530779348477298394716501400849788380847680039744807953192006233069850428367974025006391433578254859633968702925514987402010031888483663325943692618870576893826021018783543580318493456251127341437691102522482919743872855098214539426447960934626890138798345418250945885432084267499991534185991486840567366979305573275554091497155603826
m1 = b"He who laugh last didn't get the joke"
r1 = 6164572993148268278544315246158794966061243456603081427389792698784
s1 = 2412874836775368230194957659405258449579579568340501217618177629780
m2 = b"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies"
r2 = 6164572993148268278544315246158794966061243456603081427389792698784
s2 = 343379365128270720539597367095485301128970178274104846189598795161
#r1 = r2

shake1 = DSA.SHAKE128.new(m1)
h1 = int.from_bytes(shake1.read(q.bit_length()//8), byteorder='big') #computing hash for m1
shake2 = DSA.SHAKE128.new(m2)
h2 = int.from_bytes(shake2.read(q.bit_length()//8), byteorder='big') #computing hash for m1

a = (s2*h1 - s1*h2) * DSA.modinv(r1 * (s1 - s2),q) #Computing a when i=2, j=1
a = a % q

beta_ = pow(g,a,p) #computing corresponding public keys

if beta_ == beta: #checking if it gives our public key
  print("Private key is:", a)
# Main 

if __name__=='__main__':

	context_vectors = {}
	Tab_occ_X ={}
	Tab_cooc_XY ={}
	Tab_cooc_X_ALL ={}
	Tab_cooc_ALL_Y ={}
	Total = 0
	context_vectors_assoc = {} 
	occ = {}
	# Load arguments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	args = DSA.load_args()
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	# Parameters:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	corpus 				= args.corpus 	    	# sys.argv[1]	   # Corpus	
	lang 				= args.lang 	    	# sys.argv[2]	   # Language : en/fr/...
	source_lang			= args.source_lang		# sys.argv[3]	   # 
	target_lang			= args.target_lang		# sys.argv[4]	   # 
	assoc       		= args.assoc			# sys.argv[5]	   # MI / JAC / ODDS 
	w 					= int(args.w)			# int(sys.argv[6]) # : window size 1/2/3... number of words before and after the center word
	min_occ				= int(args.min_occ)		# int(sys.argv[7]) # : filtering tokens with number of occurence less than min_occ
	termlist_name		= args.termlist_name	# sys.argv[8]	   # Term list name (evaluation list name)					   

	path_vocab      	= "../data/train/corpora/" + corpus + '/tmp/vocab_'+lang + ".csv"
	path_ctxvec			= "../data/train/corpora/" + corpus + '/context_vectors/'+corpus+'_'+lang + '_w' + str(w) + ".vect"
	path_ctxvec_assoc	= "../data/train/corpora/" + corpus + '/context_vectors/'+corpus+'_'+lang + '_w' + str(w) + "_min" + str(min_occ)+ "_"+ assoc + ".assoc"
if __name__=='__main__':

	source_vec      = {}
	target_vec      = {}
	termlist        = {}
	termlist_inv	= {}
	occ 	        = {}	  
	sorted_vocab    = []
	cpt_src_terms   = 0
	cpt_target_cand = 0

	# Load arguments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	args = DSA.load_args()
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	# Parameters:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	corpus 				= args.corpus 	    	# sys.argv[1]	   # Corpus	
	source_lang			= args.source_lang		# sys.argv[2]	   # 
	target_lang			= args.target_lang		# sys.argv[3]	   # 
	assoc       		= args.assoc			# sys.argv[4]	   # MI / JAC / ODDS 
	sim 				= args.sim              # cos / jac 	
	w 					= int(args.w)			# int(sys.argv[5]) # : window size 1/2/3... number of words before and after the center word
	min_occ				= int(args.min_occ)		# int(sys.argv[6]) # : filtering tokens with number of occurence less than min_occ
	termlist_name		= args.termlist_name	# sys.argv[7]	   # Term list name (evaluation list name)					   
	dictionary_name		= args.dictionary_name  # sys.argv[8] 	   # Bilinguam dictionary

# Main 

if __name__=='__main__':

	occ_src 			  = {}
	occ_tgt 			  = {}
	context_vectors_assoc = {}
	context_vectors_trad  = {}
	dico 				  = {}
	dico_cooc			  = {}
	termlist  			  = {}	
	termlist_inv		  = {}	

	# Load arguments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	args = DSA.load_args()
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	# Parameters:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	corpus 				= args.corpus 	    	# sys.argv[1]	   # Corpus	
	source_lang			= args.source_lang		# sys.argv[2]	   # 
	target_lang			= args.target_lang		# sys.argv[3]	   # 
	assoc       		= args.assoc			# sys.argv[4]	   # MI / JAC / ODDS 
	w 					= int(args.w)			# int(sys.argv[5]) # : window size 1/2/3... number of words before and after the center word
	min_occ				= int(args.min_occ)		# int(sys.argv[6]) # : filtering tokens with number of occurence less than min_occ
	termlist_name		= args.termlist_name	# sys.argv[7]	   # Term list name (evaluation list name)					   
	dictionary_name		= args.dictionary_name  # sys.argv[8] 	   # Bilinguam dictionary

	path_vocab_src     	= "../data/train/corpora/" + corpus + '/tmp/vocab_'+source_lang + ".csv"
	path_vocab_tgt     	= "../data/train/corpora/" + corpus + '/tmp/vocab_'+target_lang + ".csv"