def __init__(self, configString=""): """ Initialize by parsing a a config file line Parameters ---------- configString : str Config file line, or empty """ # init to empty self._empty = True self._issue = datetime.datetime self._valid = datetime.datetime self._hrrr = False self._rap = False self._layered = False self._clockTime = datetime.datetime if not configString: return # parse self._empty = False self._issue=datetime.datetime.strptime(configString[0:10], "%Y%m%d%H") self._valid=datetime.datetime.strptime(configString[11:23], "%Y%m%d%H%M") self._hrrr=df.stringToBool(configString[24:25]) self._rap=df.stringToBool(configString[26:27]) self._layered=df.stringToBool(configString[28:29]) self._clockTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(configString[30:], "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
def initFromStateFile(self, confFile): # parse cf = SafeConfigParser() self._step = [] self._first = True self._empty = True status = df.stringToBool(cf.get('status', 'first')) if (status): return self._empty = False self._first = df.stringToBool(cf.get('forecast', 'first')) stime = cf.get('forecast', 'issue_time') self._issue = datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, "%Y%m%d%H") self._layered = df.stringToBool( cf.get('forecast', 'layered', self._layered)) fs0 = ForecastStep(cf.get('forecast', stepStaticName(0))) fs1 = ForecastStep(cf.get('forecast', stepStaticName(1))) fs2 = ForecastStep(cf.get('forecast', stepStaticName(2))) self._step.append(fs0) self._step.append(fs1) self._step.append(fs2) stime = cf.get('forecast', 'clock_time') self._clockTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
def _analyzeNewest(self, dataNewest, stateNewest, hoursBack, fileType): if (dataNewest <= stateNewest): return # see if issue time has increased and if so, purge old stuff # create DataFile objects, which requires breaking the full # file into yymmdd/filename sind = stateNewest.find('/') if (sind < 0): raise FileNameMatchError('Cannot parse directory from ' + stateNewest) nind = dataNewest.find('/') if (nind < 0): raise FileNameMatchError('Cannot parse directory from ' + dataNewest) symd = stateNewest[:sind] sfile = stateNewest[sind+1:] nymd = dataNewest[:nind] nfile = dataNewest[nind+1:] WhfLog.debug("Checking %s / %s against %s / %s", symd, sfile, nymd, nfile) try: df0 = df.DataFile(symd, sfile, fileType) df1 = df.DataFile(nymd, nfile, fileType) except FilenameMatchError as fe: WhfLog.debug("Cannot update due to %s", fe) except InvalidArgumentError as ie: WhfLog.debug("Cannot update due to %s", ie) if (df0._time.inputIsNewerIssueHour(df1._time)): WhfLog.debug("%s Issue hour has increased, purge now", fileType) self._update(df1._time, hoursBack, fileType)
def initFromStateFile(self, confFile): # parse cf = SafeConfigParser() self._step = [] self._first = True self._empty = True status = df.stringToBool(cf.get('status', 'first')) if (status): return self._empty = False self._first = df.stringToBool(cf.get('forecast', 'first')) stime = cf.get('forecast', 'issue_time') self._issue = datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, "%Y%m%d%H") self._layered = df.stringToBool(cf.get('forecast', 'layered', self._layered)) fs0 = ForecastStep(cf.get('forecast', stepStaticName(0))) fs1 = ForecastStep(cf.get('forecast', stepStaticName(1))) fs2 = ForecastStep(cf.get('forecast', stepStaticName(2))) self._step.append(fs0) self._step.append(fs1) self._step.append(fs2) stime = cf.get('forecast', 'clock_time') self._clockTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
def __init__(self, configString=""): """ Initialize by parsing a a config file line Parameters ---------- configString : str Config file line, or empty """ # init to empty self._empty = True self._issue = datetime.datetime self._valid = datetime.datetime self._hrrr = False self._rap = False self._layered = False self._clockTime = datetime.datetime if not configString: return # parse self._empty = False self._issue = datetime.datetime.strptime(configString[0:10], "%Y%m%d%H") self._valid = datetime.datetime.strptime(configString[11:23], "%Y%m%d%H%M") self._hrrr = df.stringToBool(configString[24:25]) self._rap = df.stringToBool(configString[26:27]) self._layered = df.stringToBool(configString[28:29]) self._clockTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(configString[30:], "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
def init(parser, logFileName, configType, action, data): """Initialize log file using configFile content, and a log file name Parameters ---------- parser : SafeConfigParser parser that has parsed the file on entry logFileName : str Name of the log file, without a .log suffix configType : str Short, Medium, Long, AA action : str Regrid, Layer data : str HRRR, RAP, MRMS, GFS, CFS """ logging_level = parser.get('log_level', 'forcing_engine_log_level') # Set the logging level based on what was defined in the parm/config file if logging_level == 'DEBUG': set_level = logging.DEBUG elif logging_level == 'INFO': set_level = logging.INFO elif logging_level == 'WARNING': set_level = logging.WARNING elif logging_level == 'ERROR': set_level = logging.ERROR else: set_level = logging.CRITICAL # log files written to configured place with yyyymmdd subdirectory logging_path = parser.get('log_level', 'forcing_engine_log_dir') if (not df.makeDirIfNeeded(logging_path)): raise SystemCommandError("Cannot create " + logging_path) logging_path += "/" now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() logging_path += now.strftime("%Y%m%d") if (not df.makeDirIfNeeded(logging_path)): raise SystemCommandError("Cannot create " + logging_path) # we have two log files, one for python, one for ncl logging_filename = logging_path + "/" + logFileName + ".log" ncl_logging_filename = logging_path + "/" + logFileName + ".ncl.log" setup_logger('main', logging_filename, set_level) setup_logger('ncl', ncl_logging_filename, set_level) # set the global var's to inputs, padded to correct length #(so logging lines up nice) global WhfConfigType WhfConfigType = configType WhfConfigType = WhfConfigType.ljust(WhfConfigTypeLen) global WhfAction WhfAction = action WhfAction = WhfAction.ljust(WhfActionLen) global WhfData WhfData = data WhfData = WhfData.ljust(WhfDataLen)
def init(parser, which, initAll): """Initialize log file using configFile content, and a log file name Parameters ---------- parser : SafeConfigParser parser that has parsed the file on entry logFileName : str Name of the log file, without a .log suffix configType : str Short, Medium, Long, AA action : str Regrid, Layer data : str HRRR, RAP, MRMS, GFS, CFS """ logging_level = parser.get('log_level', 'forcing_engine_log_level') # Set the logging level based on what was defined in the parm/config file if logging_level == 'DEBUG': set_level = logging.DEBUG elif logging_level == 'INFO': set_level = logging.INFO elif logging_level == 'WARNING': set_level = logging.WARNING elif logging_level == 'ERROR': set_level = logging.ERROR else: set_level = logging.CRITICAL # log files written to configured place with yyyymmdd subdirectory logging_path = parser.get('log_level', 'forcing_engine_log_dir') if (not df.makeDirIfNeeded(logging_path)): raise SystemCommandError("Cannot create " + logging_path) logging_path += "/" now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() logging_path += now.strftime("%Y%m%d") if (not df.makeDirIfNeeded(logging_path)): raise SystemCommandError("Cannot create " + logging_path) # we have two log files, one for python, one for ncl, for each of the cases # string 'RegridHRRR', 'RegridRAP', 'RegridMRMS', 'RegridGFS', 'ShortLayer', 'AaLayer', 'LongRegrid' global WhfWhichChoices for choice in WhfWhichChoices: if (initAll): logging_filename = logging_path + "/" + choice + ".log" ncl_logging_filename = logging_path + "/" + choice + ".ncl.log" setup_logger(choice + 'main', logging_filename, set_level) setup_logger(choice + 'ncl', ncl_logging_filename, set_level) else: if (choice == which): logging_filename = logging_path + "/" + choice + ".log" ncl_logging_filename = logging_path + "/" + choice + ".ncl.log" setup_logger(choice + 'main', logging_filename, set_level) setup_logger(choice + 'ncl', ncl_logging_filename, set_level) set(which)
def debugPrint(self): """ WhfLog debug of content """ WhfLog.debug("Fcst: empty=%d", int(self._empty)) if (self._empty): return WhfLog.debug("Fcst: I:%s V:%s hrrr:%d rap:%d layered:%d clockTime=%s", self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"), self._valid.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"), df.boolToInt(self._hrrr), df.boolToInt(self._rap), df.boolToInt(self._layered), self._clockTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"))
def main(argv): # User must pass the config file into the main driver. configFile = argv[0] if not os.path.exists(configFile): print 'ERROR forcing engine config file not found.' return 1 # read in fixed main params parms = parmRead(configFile) # query each directory to get newest thing, and update overall newest #WhfLog.debug("Looking in %s and %s", parms._hrrrDir, parms._rapDir) newestT = df.newestIssueTime(parms._hrrrDir) newestT2 = df.newestIssueTime(parms._rapDir) if (not newestT) and (not newestT2): WhfLog.debug("NO INPUT DATA available") return 0 if (newestT2 > newestT): newestT = newestT2 #WhfLog.debug("Newest issue time = %s", newestT) # if there is not a state file, create one now using newest if (not os.path.exists(parms._stateFile)): state = State()"Initializing") state.initialSetup(parms) state.initialize(parms, newestT) state.write(parms._stateFile) # Normal processing situation #WhfLog.debug("Look for Layering....") # read in state state2 = State() state2.initFromStateFile(parms._stateFile) if state2.isEmpty(): # error return here return 0 # check for new issue time if (state2.isNewModelIssueTime(newestT)):"Re-Initializing state, new model issue time %s", newestT) state2.initialize(parms, newestT) # update availability state2.setCurrentModelAvailability(parms) # layer if appropriate state2.layerIfReady(parms, configFile) # write out final state state2.write(parms._stateFile) return 0
def updateWithNew(self, data, hoursBack): """ Update internal state with new data The dataType is used to determine which part of state to update Parameters ---------- data: DataFiles The newest data hoursBack: int Maximum number of hours back to keep data in state Returns ------- list[str] The data file names that are are newly added to state """ ret = [] fnames = data.getFnames() if (not fnames): return ret if (self.isEmpty()): WhfLog.debug("Adding to empty %s list") else: sname = self.newest() if (not sname): WhfLog.error("Expected file, got none") return ret if (fnames[-1] > sname): WhfLog.debug("Newer time encountered") # see if issue time has increased and if so, purge old stuff # create DataFile objects try: df0 = df.DataFile(sname[0:8], sname[9:], 'CFS') df1 = df.DataFile(fnames[-1][0:8], fnames[-1][9:], 'CFS') except FilenameMatchError as fe: WhfLog.debug("Skipping file use due to %s", fe) except InvalidArgumentError as ie: WhfLog.debug("Skipping file use due to %s", ie) if (df0._time.inputIsNewerIssueHour(df1._time)): WhfLog.debug("Issue hour has increased, purge now") self.update(df1._time, hoursBack) for f in fnames: if (self.addFileIfNew(f)): ret.append(f) self.sortFiles() return ret
def debugPrint(self): """ logging debug of content """ WhfLog.debug("Fcst: empty=%d first=%d", df.boolToInt(self._empty), df.boolToInt(self._first)) if (self._empty): return WhfLog.debug( "Fcst: I:%s step[0]:%s step[1]:%s step[2]:%s layered:%d clockTime=%s", self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"), self._step[0].debugPrintString(), self._step[1].debugPrintString(), self._step[2].debugPrintString(), df.boolToInt(self._layered), self._clockTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"))
def debugPrint(self): """ logging debug of content """ WhfLog.debug("Fcst: empty=%d first=%d", df.boolToInt(self._empty), df.boolToInt(self._first)) if (self._empty): return WhfLog.debug("Fcst: I:%s step[0]:%s step[1]:%s step[2]:%s layered:%d clockTime=%s", self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"), self._step[0].debugPrintString(), self._step[1].debugPrintString(), self._step[2].debugPrintString(), df.boolToInt(self._layered), self._clockTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"))
def UserSelectStatic(): ## TODO: Prompt user to set-up their static data ## Set API, and optionally outputperline and timeout ## Give option to skip directory DataFiles.WriteStaticLists(API, baseURL, timeout, directory, outputperline, merchant_list) Trawler.LoadLists()
def forecastExists(dir, issueTime, fcstHour): """ Check if forecast exists Parameters ---------- dir : str Full path to the issue time directories issueTime : datetime The issue time (y,m,d,h) fcstHour: int should be 0 or 3 Returns ------- bool True if the forecast does exist on disk """ path = dir + "/" path += issueTime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") if (os.path.isdir(path)): validTime = issueTime + datetime.timedelta(hours=fcstHour) fname = validTime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") + "" names = df.getFileNames(path) for n in names: if (n == fname): WhfLog.debug("Found %s in %s", fname, path) return True return False
def regridIfZeroHr(configFile, fileType, fname): """If it is a 0 hour forecast (RAP or HRRR) regrid in a special way Parameters ---------- configFile : str configuration file with all settings fileType: str HRRR, RAP, ... string fname: str name of file to regrid and downscale, with yyyymmdd parent dir Returns ------- None """ # check for 0 hour by creating a DataFile and checking forecast hour try: f = df.DataFile(fname[0:8], fname[9:], fileType) except FilenameMatchError as fe: WhfLog.debug("Cannot check for 0 hour data due to %s", fe) raise except InvalidArgumentError as ie: WhfLog.debug("Cannot check for 0 hour data due to %s", ie) raise if (f._time._forecastHour == 0): WhfLog.setConfigType('AA') WhfLog.debug("SPECIAL 0 hour case %s", fname[9:0]) aaf.forcing(configFile, 'regrid', fileType, fname[9:]) WhfLog.setConfigType('Short')
def obsExists(dir, issueTime): """ Check if obs exists Parameters ---------- dir : str Full path to the MRMS directories issueTime : datetime The issue time (y,m,d,h) Returns ------- bool True if the data does exist on disk """ path = dir + "/" path += issueTime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") if (os.path.isdir(path)): fname = issueTime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") + "" names = df.getFileNames(path) for n in names: if (n == fname): WhfLog.debug("Found %s in %s", fname, path) return True return False
def bar_chart(self, conn, column1, column2, table_chosen, title): # since this is a bar graph only two columns will be there data_df = dfile.double_selector(conn = conn, table= table_chosen, col1 = column1, col2 = column2) bar_plot = ggplot(aes(x=column1, weight=column2), data=data_df) + geom_bar() + labs(title=title) print(bar_plot)
def createStateFile(parms, realtime): """ Called if there is no state file, look at data dirs and create state Parameters ---------- parms: Parms Parameter settings Returns ------- none Writes out the state file after creating it """"Initializing") state = State("") if (realtime): # query directory and get newest model run file, then # get all for that and previous issue time cfs = df.DataFiles(parms._cfsDir, parms._maxFcstHourCfs, "CFS") cfs.setNewestFiles(parms._hoursBackCfs) for f in cfs._content: f.debugPrint("Newest files: CFS") state.initialize(cfs) # write out file state.write(parms._stateFile)
def _forecastExists(self, dir): """ Check if forecast indicated by local state exists Parameters ---------- dir : str Full path to the issue time directories Returns ------- bool True if the forecast does exist on disk """ path = dir + "/" path += self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") if (os.path.isdir(path)): fname = self._valid.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") + "" names = df.getFileNames(path) for n in names: if (n == fname): WhfLog.debug("Found %s in %s", fname, path) return True return False else: return False
def createStateFile(parms, fileType, realtime): """ Called if there is no state file, look at data dirs and create state in realtime, in non-realtime create an empty state. Write to file. Parameters ---------- parms: Parms Parameter settings fileType: str 'HRRR', ... realtime: boolean True if realtime, False for archive mode Returns ------- none Writes out the state file after creating it """"Initializing") state = State("") if (realtime): # query each directory and get newest model run file for each, then # get all for that and previous issue time, this becomes state that # is not re-processed, we only look for new stuff data = df.DataFiles(parms._dataDir, parms._maxFcstHour, fileType) data.setNewestFiles(parms._hoursBack) for f in data._content: f.debugPrint("Newest files: " + fileType) state.initialize(data) # write out file (at least try to) state.write(parms._stateFile, fileType)
def plot_one(*args): def lbox_bind(*args): global columns curr1 = list_var.curselection() if len(curr1) == 1: curr2 = int(curr1[0]) columns[0] = list_columns[curr2] column.set(columns[0]) global table_choice column = StringVar() # Declaring the list of columns list_columns = dfiles.columns(connection_det[1], table_choice) list_col_use = StringVar(value=list_columns) #Declaring the labels label_plot_one = ttk.Label(mainframe, text="For this chart you require one variable") label_var = ttk.Label(mainframe, text="Variable:") # this is y label_var_conf = ttk.Label(mainframe, text="Use Axis Variable:") label_y = ttk.Label(mainframe, textvariable=column) label_title = ttk.Label(mainframe, text="Title of Chart:") # Declarig the List box list_var = Listbox(mainframe, height=3, width=30, listvariable=list_col_use) # Declaring Entrybox for title title_string = StringVar() title_entry = ttk.Entry(mainframe, width=30, textvariable=title_string) #Grid-ing the things label_plot_one.grid(column=2, row=8, padx=5, pady=5) label_var.grid(column=1, row=9, padx=5, pady=5) list_var.grid(column=2, row=9, padx=5, pady=5) label_var_conf.grid(column=1, row=10, padx=5, pady=5) label_y.grid(column=2, row=10, padx=5, pady=5) label_title.grid(column=1, row=11, padx=5, pady=5) title_entry.grid(column=2, row=11, padx=5, pady=5) for i in range(0, len(list_columns), 2): list_var.itemconfigure(i, background='#f0f0ff') list_var.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', lbox_bind) def plot_final(*args): global graph_chosen, table_choice title_string = str(title_entry.get()) pltr.Graphs(graph=graph_chosen, connection=connection_det[1], column_1=columns[0], table=table_choice, title=title_string) # now declaring the buttons plot = ttk.Button(mainframe, text="Plot", command=plot_final) plot.grid(column=3, row=11, padx=5, pady=5)
def run(fileType, configFile, realtime): """ Run the script, process any new data Parameters ---------- fileType: str 'HRRR', ... configFile : str Name of the file with settings realtime : boolean True if this is realtime Returns ------- 1 for error, 0 for success """ good = False regriddable = ['HRRR', 'RAP', 'MRMS', 'GFS'] if (fileType not in regriddable): print 'ERROR unknown file type command arg ', fileType return 1 # User must pass the config file into the main driver. if not os.path.exists(configFile): print 'ERROR forcing engine config file not found:', configFile return 1 # read in fixed main params parms = parmRead(configFile, fileType, realtime) #if there is not a state file, create one now using newest if (not os.path.exists(parms._stateFile)): parms.debugPrint() createStateFile(parms, fileType, realtime) # read in state state = State(parms._stateFile, fileType) # query each directory and get newest model run file for each, then # get all for that and previous issue time data = df.DataFiles(parms._dataDir, parms._maxFcstHour, fileType) data.setNewestFiles(parms._hoursBack) # Update the state to reflect changes, returning those files to regrid # Regrid 'em toProcess = state.lookForNew(data, parms._hoursBack, fileType) for f in toProcess: try: regrid(f, fileType, configFile); except: WhfLog.error("Could not regrid/downscale %s", f) else: WhfLog.debug("Adding new file %s, and writing state file", f) if (not state.addFileIfNew(f)): WhfLog.error("File %s was not new", f) else: state.write(parms._stateFile, fileType); # write out state (in case it has not been written yet) and exit #state.debugPrint() state.write(parms._stateFile, fileType) return 0
def run(configFile, realtime): if not os.path.exists(configFile): print 'ERROR forcing engine config file not found.' return 1 # read in fixed main params parms = parmRead(configFile, realtime) #parms.debugPrint() #if there is not a state file, create one now using newest if (not os.path.exists(parms._stateFile)): parms.debugPrint() createStateFile(parms, realtime) # begin normal processing situation WhfLog.debug("....Check for new input data to regid") # read in state state = State(parms._stateFile) # query directory and get newest model run file, then # get all for that and previous issue time cfs = df.DataFiles(parms._cfsDir, parms._maxFcstHourCfs, "CFS") cfs.setNewestFiles(parms._hoursBackCfs) # Same with CFS toProcess = state.updateWithNew(cfs, parms._hoursBackCfs) for f in toProcess: regridCFS(configFile, f) # write out state and exit #state.debugPrint() state.write(parms._stateFile) return 0
def setCurrentModelAvailability(self, parms, model): """ Change availability status when appropriate by looking at disk Parameters ---------- parms : Parms parameters model : Model overall status for this model run, used for clock time Returns ------- none """ if (self._layered): # no need to do more, already layered return # make note if going from nothing to something nothing = (not self._hrrr) and (not self._rap) #if (nothing): #WhfLog.debug("Nothing, so trying to get stuff") if (not self._hrrr): # update HRRR status self._hrrr = self._forecastExists(parms._hrrrDir) if (not self._rap): # update RAP status self._rap = self._forecastExists(parms._rapDir) if (nothing and (self._hrrr or self._rap)): # went from nothing to something, so start the clock WhfLog.debug("Starting clock now, hrrr=%d, rap=%d", df.boolToInt(self._hrrr), df.boolToInt(self._rap)) self._clockTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() else: if (nothing and ((not self._hrrr) and (not self._rap))): # nothing to nothing, compare current time to time from # model input, and squeaky wheel if too long tnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() diff = tnow - model._clockTime idiff = diff.total_seconds() if (idiff > parms._veryLateSeconds): WhfLog.warning( "Inputs for short range layering are very late Issue:%s Valid:%s", self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"), self._valid.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"))
def setCurrentModelAvailability(self, parms, model): """ Change availability status when appropriate by looking at disk Parameters ---------- parms : Parms parameters model : Model overall status for this model run, used for clock time Returns ------- none """ if (self._layered): # no need to do more, already layered return # make note if going from nothing to something nothing = (not self._hrrr) and (not self._rap) #if (nothing): #WhfLog.debug("Nothing, so trying to get stuff") if (not self._hrrr): # update HRRR status self._hrrr = self._forecastExists(parms._hrrrDir) if (not self._rap): # update RAP status self._rap = self._forecastExists(parms._rapDir) if (nothing and (self._hrrr or self._rap)): # went from nothing to something, so start the clock WhfLog.debug("Starting clock now, hrrr=%d, rap=%d", df.boolToInt(self._hrrr), df.boolToInt(self._rap)) self._clockTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() else: if (nothing and ((not self._hrrr) and (not self._rap))): # nothing to nothing, compare current time to time from # model input, and squeaky wheel if too long tnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() diff = tnow - model._clockTime idiff = diff.total_seconds() if (idiff > parms._veryLateSeconds): WhfLog.warning("Inputs for short range layering are very late Issue:%s Valid:%s", self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"), self._valid.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"))
def writeConfigString(self): """ Write local content as a one line string Returns ------- str """ if (self._empty): # write fake stuff out ret = "2015010100,201501010000,0,0,0,2015-01-01_00:00:00" else: ret = self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "," ret += self._valid.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") ret += ',%d,%d,%d,' %(df.boolToInt(self._hrrr), df.boolToInt(self._rap), df.boolToInt(self._layered)) ret += self._clockTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") return ret
def writeConfigString(self): """ Write local content as a one line string Returns ------- str """ if (self._empty): # write fake stuff out ret = "2015010100,201501010000,0,0,0,2015-01-01_00:00:00" else: ret = self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "," ret += self._valid.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") ret += ',%d,%d,%d,' % (df.boolToInt( self._hrrr), df.boolToInt( self._rap), df.boolToInt(self._layered)) ret += self._clockTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") return ret
def debugPrint(self): """ WhfLog debug of content """ WhfLog.debug("Model: empty=%d", df.boolToInt(self._empty)) if (self._empty): return WhfLog.debug("Model: Issue=%s clockTime=%s", self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"), self._clockTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"))
def PlotSCD( files='*.pk' ): import pylab if isinstance( files, basestring ): if os.path.isdir( files ): files = os.path.join( files, '*.pk' ) files = glob.glob( files ) d = DataFiles.load( files ) r = SigTools.correlate( d['x'], d['y'], axis=0 ) SigTools.imagesc( r*numpy.abs(r), y=d['channels'], x=SigTools.samples2msec( range( r.shape[1] ), d['fs'] ), aspect='auto', balance=0.0, colorbar=True ) pylab.title( ', '.join( [ '%d: %d' % ( yi, ( d['y'] == yi ).sum() ) for yi in numpy.unique( d['y'] ) ] ) ) pylab.draw()
def area_chart(self, conn, column1 , column2, table_chosen, title): data_df = dfile.double_selector(conn=conn, table=table_chosen, col1=column1, col2=column2) ymin = float(input("Enter the minimum value that should be plotted: ")) ymax = float(input("Enter the maximum value that should be plotted: ")) area_plot = ggplot(aes(x=column2, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), data=data_df) + geom_area() + theme_gray() + labs( title=title) print(area_plot)
def PlotTrials( files='*.pk', channel='Cz' ): import pylab if isinstance( files, basestring ): if os.path.isdir( files ): files = os.path.join( files, '*.pk' ) files = glob.glob( files ) d = DataFiles.load( files ) chind = d[ 'channels' ].index( channel ) v = [ ( d[ 'y' ][ i ], i, vi ) for i, vi in enumerate( d[ 'x' ][ :, chind, : ] ) ] v = numpy.array( [ vi for yi, i, vi in sorted( v ) ] ) SigTools.imagesc( v, x=SigTools.samples2msec( range( v.shape[1] ), d['fs'] ), aspect='auto', balance=0.0, colorbar=True ) pylab.title( ', '.join( [ '%d: %d' % ( yi, ( d['y'] == yi ).sum() ) for yi in numpy.unique( d['y'] ) ] ) + ( ' (channel %s)' % channel ) ) pylab.draw()
def __init__(self, configString=""): """ Initialize by parsing a a config file line Parameters ---------- configString : str Config file line, or empty """ # init to empty self._empty = True self._step = 0 self._hrrr0 = False self._hrrr3 = False self._rap0 = False self._rap3 = False self._mrms = False self._layered = False if not configString: return # parse self._empty = False self._step = int(configString[0:1]) self._hrrr0 = df.stringToBool(configString[2:3]) self._hrrr3 = df.stringToBool(configString[4:5]) self._rap0 = df.stringToBool(configString[6:7]) self._rap3 = df.stringToBool(configString[8:9]) self._mrms = df.stringToBool(configString[10:11]) self._layered = df.stringToBool(configString[12:13])
def main(argv): fileType = argv[0] good = False if (fileType == 'HRRR' or fileType == 'RAP' or fileType == 'MRMS' or fileType == 'GFS'): good = True if (not good): print 'ERROR unknown file type command arg ', fileType return 1 # User must pass the config file into the main driver. configFile = argv[1] if not os.path.exists(configFile): print 'ERROR forcing engine config file not found:', configFile return 1 # read in fixed main params parms = parmRead(configFile, fileType) #parms.debugPrint() #if there is not a state file, create one now using newest if (not os.path.exists(parms._stateFile)): parms.debugPrint() createStateFile(parms, fileType) # begin normal processing situation #WhfLog.debug("....Check for new input data to regid") # read in state state = State(parms._stateFile, fileType) if state.isEmpty(): # error return here return 0 #state.debugPrint() # query each directory and get newest model run file for each, then # get all for that and previous issue time data = df.DataFiles(parms._dataDir, parms._maxFcstHour, fileType) data.setNewestFiles(parms._hoursBack) # Update the state to reflect changes, returning those files to regrid # Regrid 'em toProcess = state.updateWithNew(data, parms._hoursBack, fileType) for f in toProcess: regrid(f, fileType, configFile) # write out state and exit #state.debugPrint() state.write(parms._stateFile, fileType) return 0
def SetDynamicLists(item, tree=False): ### Sigil of Strength: SetDynamicLists(24562) ### ### Damask Patch: SetDynamicLists(71334) ### ### +5 Agony Infusion: SetDynamicLists(49428) ### out, r, i = Trawler.TrawlCraftingTree(item, tree) if (out == "O"): i.update(DD.items) r.update( DataFiles.WriteDynamicLists(i, r) Trawler.LoadLists() Ledger.LoadLists() else: print("An error has occured. The data is likely corrupt or incorrect.") print(" has not been ovewritten.")
def boxplot(self, conn, column, table_chosen, title): data_df = dfile.single_selector(conn=conn, table=table_chosen, column=column) box_plot = ggplot( aes(x=column), data=data_df) + geom_boxplot() + theme_gray() + labs(title=title) now = b = now print(b) print(b - a) print(box_plot)
def connector(*args): Host = str(host.get()) User = str(user.get()) Password = str(password.get()) DB = str(database.get()) x = [] x = dfiles.connector2(Host=Host, User=User, Password=Password, DB=DB) if x[0] == 1: success.set('Success') # appended at index 1 connection_det.append(x[1]) tables_choser(conn=connection_det[1]) elif x[0] == 0: success.set('Failure')
def write(self, parmFile): """ Write contents to a state file Parameters ---------- parmFile : str Name of file to write to """ config = SafeConfigParser() config.add_section('status') config.set('status', 'first', str(int(self._empty))) # When adding sections or items, add them in the reverse order of # how you want them to be displayed in the actual file. # In addition, please note that using RawConfigParser's and the raw # mode of ConfigParser's respective set functions, you can assign # non-string values to keys internally, but will receive an error # when attempting to write to a file or when you get it in non-raw # mode. SafeConfigParser does not allow such assignments to take place. config.add_section('forecast') config.set('forecast', 'first', str(df.boolToInt(self._first))) config.set('forecast', 'issue_time', self._issue.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) config.set('forecast', 'layered', str(df.boolToInt(self._layered))) for f in self._step: s = f.writeConfigString() stepName = f.stepName() config.set('forecast', stepName, s) config.set('forecast', 'clock_time', self._clockTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")) # Write it out with open(parmFile, 'wb') as configfile: config.write(configfile)
def update(self, time, hoursBack): """Update state so that input time is newest one Parameters ---------- time: ForecastTime The newest time hoursBack: Maximum issue time hours back compared to time Returns ------- none """ self._cfs = df.filterWithinNHours(self._cfs, 'CFS', time, hoursBack)
def debugPrint(self): """ logging debug of content """ WhfLog.debug("FcstStep: empty=%d", self._empty) if (self._empty): return WhfLog.debug("FcstStep[%d] hrrr0:%d hrrr3:%d rap0:%d rap3:%d mrms:%d lay:%d", self._step, df.boolToInt(self._hrrr0), df.boolToInt(self._hrrr3), df.boolToInt(self._rap0), df.boolToInt(self._rap3), df.boolToInt(self._mrms), df.boolToInt(self._layered))
def removeYmdDirs(source_dir): '''Remove the yyyymmdd subdirectories of source_dir ''' try: #Source directory dirExists(source_dir) except MissingDirectoryError: print "Source directory missing. Check directory path", source_dir else: # Get ymd subdirectories ymdDirs = df.getYyyymmddSubdirectories(source_dir) for ymd in ymdDirs: path = source_dir + "/" + ymd print "Removing -r ", path shutil.rmtree(path)
def update(self, time, hoursBack, fileType): """Update typed state so that input time is newest one Parameters ---------- time: ForecastTime The newest time hoursBack: Maximum issue time hours back compared to time fileType: str 'HRRR', ... Returns ------- none """ self._data = df.filterWithinNHours(self._data, fileType, time, hoursBack)
def debugPrintString(self): """ logging debug of content Returns ------- str """ if (self._empty): return "" ret = 's[%d] hr0[%d] hr3[%d] rp0[%d] rp3[%d] mrms[%d] lay[%d]'%(self._step, df.boolToInt(self._hrrr0), df.boolToInt(self._hrrr3), df.boolToInt(self._rap0), df.boolToInt(self._rap3), df.boolToInt(self._mrms), df.boolToInt(self._layered)) return ret
def initFromStateFile(self, parmFile): """ Initialize from the sate file, by parsing it Parameters ---------- parmFile : str Name of file to parse """ cf = SafeConfigParser() self._empty = False self._model = [] self._state = [] status = df.stringToBool(cf.get('status', 'first')) if (status): self._empty = True return for m in cf.get('model', 'model_run').split(): self._model.append(Model(m)) for m in cf.get('forecast', 'forecast1').split(): self._fState.append(ForecastStatus(m))
def writeConfigString(self): """ Write local content as a one line string Returns ------- str """ if (self._empty): # write fake stuff out ret = "0 0 0 0 0 0 0" else: ret = '%01d %01d %01d %01d %01d %01d %01d' %(self._step, df.boolToInt(self._hrrr0), df.boolToInt(self._hrrr3), df.boolToInt(self._rap0), df.boolToInt(self._rap3), df.boolToInt(self._mrms), df.boolToInt(self._layered)) return ret
def forcing(configFile,file_in): """ Args: 1.) configFile (string): The config file with all the settings. 2.) file (string): The file name. The full path is not necessary as full paths will be derived from parameter directory paths and datetime information. Returns: None - Performs indicated bias correction, regridding, and downscaling of CFSv2 data. Any errors are trapped and passed back to the driver. """ WhfLog.debug("file_in = %s", file_in) # Obtain CFSv2 forcing engine parameters. parser = SafeConfigParser() # Set up logging environments, etc. forcing_config_label = "Long_Range" try: Whf.initial_setup(parser,forcing_config_label) except: raise out_dir = parser.get('layering','long_range_output') tmp_dir = parser.get('bias_correction','CFS_tmp_dir') if (not df.makeDirIfNeeded(out_dir)): raise MissingDirectoryError('Dir %s cannot be created', out_dir) if (not df.makeDirIfNeeded(tmp_dir)): raise MissingDirectoryError('Dir %s cannot be created', tmp_dir) # Define CFSv2 cycle date and valid time based on file name. (cycleYYYYMMDD,cycleHH,fcsthr,em) = Whf.extract_file_info_cfs(file_in) em_str = str(em) # Pull path to NCL bias correction module file. Export this as an # environmental variable NCL refers to later. nclBiasMod = parser.get('exe','CFS_bias_correct_mod') os.environ["CFS_NCL_BIAS_MOD"] = nclBiasMod # Establish datetime objects dateCurrent = dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH = datetime.datetime(year=int(cycleYYYYMMDD[0:4]), month=int(cycleYYYYMMDD[4:6]), day=int(cycleYYYYMMDD[6:8]), hour=cycleHH) dateFcstYYYYMMDDHH = dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=fcsthr*3600) # Determine if this is a 0hr forecast file or not. if dateFcstYYYYMMDDHH == dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH: fFlag = 1 else: fFlag = 0 # Establish final output directories to hold 'LDASIN' files used for # WRF-Hydro long-range forecasting. If the directory does not exist, # create it. out_path = out_dir + "/Member_" + em_str.zfill(2) + "/" + \ dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") try: Whf.mkdir_p(out_path) except: raise in_fcst_range = Whf.is_in_fcst_range("CFSv2",fcsthr,parser) if in_fcst_range: # First, bias-correct CFSv2 data and generate hourly files # from six-hour forecast"Bias correcting for CFSv2 cycle: " + \ dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + \ " CFSv2 forecast time: " + dateFcstYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')) try: Whf.bias_correction('CFSV2',file_in,dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH, dateFcstYYYYMMDDHH,parser, em = em) except (MissingFileError,NCLError): raise # Second, regrid to the conus IOC domain # Loop through each hour in a six-hour CFSv2 forecast time step, compose temporary filename # generated from bias-correction and call the regridding to go to the conus domain. if fFlag == 1: begCt = 6 endCt = 7 else: begCt = 1 endCt = 7 for hour in range(begCt,endCt): dateTempYYYYMMDDHH = dateFcstYYYYMMDDHH - datetime.timedelta(seconds=(6-hour)*3600) fileBiasCorrected = tmp_dir + "/CFSv2_bias_corrected_TMP_" + \ dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + "_" + \ dateTempYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + ".M" + \ em_str.zfill(2) + ".nc""Regridding CFSv2 to conus domain for cycle: " + \ dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + \ " forecast time: " + dateTempYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')) try: fileRegridded = Whf.regrid_data("CFSV2",fileBiasCorrected,parser) except (MissingFileError,NCLError): raise # Double check to make sure file was created, delete temporary bias-corrected file try: Whf.file_exists(fileRegridded) except MissingFileError: raise cmd = "rm -rf " + fileBiasCorrected status = os.system(cmd) if status != 0: raise SystemCommandError('Command %s failed.'%cmd) # Third, perform topography downscaling to generate final # Loop through each hour in a six-hour CFSv2 forecast time step, compose temporary filename # generated from regridding and call the downscaling function. for hour in range(begCt,endCt): dateTempYYYYMMDDHH = dateFcstYYYYMMDDHH - datetime.timedelta(seconds=(6-hour)*3600)"Downscaling CFSv2 for cycle: " + dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + " forecast time: " + dateTempYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')) fileRegridded = tmp_dir + "/CFSv2_bias_corrected_TMP_" + \ dateCycleYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + "_" + \ dateTempYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + \ "_regridded.M" + em_str.zfill(2) + ".nc" LDASIN_path_tmp = tmp_dir + "/" + dateTempYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + "" LDASIN_path_final = out_path + "/" + dateTempYYYYMMDDHH.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + "00.LDASIN_DOMAIN1" try: Whf.downscale_data("CFSv2",fileRegridded,parser, out_path=LDASIN_path_tmp, \ verYYYYMMDDHH=dateTempYYYYMMDDHH) except (MissingFileError,FilenameMatchError,NCLError,SystemCommandError): raise # Double check to make sure file was created, delete temporary regridded file try: Whf.file_exists(LDASIN_path_tmp) except MissingFileError: raise # Rename file to conform to WRF-Hydro expectations cmd = "mv " + LDASIN_path_tmp + " " + LDASIN_path_final status = os.system(cmd) if status != 0: raise SystemCommandError('Command %s failed.'%cmd) try: Whf.file_exists(LDASIN_path_final) except MissingFileError: raise cmd = "rm -rf " + fileRegridded status = os.system(cmd) if status != 0: raise SystemCommandError('Command %s failed.'%cmd)"Long_Range processing for %s%d Forecast Hour: %d Ensemble: %s", cycleYYYYMMDD, cycleHH, fcsthr, em_str) else: # Skip processing this file. Exit gracefully with a 0 exit status."Requested file is outside max fcst for CFSv2")
def ClassifyERPs ( featurefiles, C = (10.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.01), gamma = (1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0), keepchan = (), rmchan = (), rmchan_usualsuspects = ('AUDL','AUDR','LAUD','RAUD','SYNC','VSYNC', 'VMRK', 'OLDREF'), rebias = True, save = False, select = False, description='ERPs to attended vs unattended events', maxcount=None, classes=None, folds=None, time_window=None, keeptrials=None, ): file_inventory = [] d = DataFiles.load(featurefiles, catdim=0, maxcount=maxcount, return_details=file_inventory) if isinstance(folds, basestring) and folds.lower() in ['lofo', 'loro', 'leave on run out', 'leave one file out']: n, folds = 0, [] for each in file_inventory: neach = each[1]['x'] folds.append(range(n, n+neach)) n += neach if 'x' not in d: raise ValueError("found no trial data - no 'x' variable - in the specified files") if 'y' not in d: raise ValueError("found no trial labels - no 'y' variable - in the specified files") x = d['x'] y = numpy.array(d['y'].flat) if keeptrials != None: x = x[numpy.asarray(keeptrials), :, :] y = y[numpy.asarray(keeptrials)] if time_window != None: fs = d['fs'] t = SigTools.samples2msec(numpy.arange(x.shape[2]), fs) x[:, :, t<min(time_window)] = 0 x[:, :, t>max(time_window)] = 0 if classes != None: for cl in classes: if cl not in y: raise ValueError("class %s is not in the dataset" % str(cl)) mask = numpy.array([yi in classes for yi in y]) y = y[mask] x = x[mask] discarded = sum(mask==False) if discarded: print "discarding %d trials that are outside the requested classes %s"%(discarded,str(classes)) n = len(y) uy = numpy.unique(y) if uy.size != 2: raise ValueError("expected 2 classes in dataset, found %d : %s" % (uy.size, str(uy))) for uyi in uy: nyi = sum([yi==uyi for yi in y]) nyi_min = 2 if nyi < nyi_min: raise ValueError('only %d exemplars of class %s - need at least %d' % (nyi,str(uyi),nyi_min)) y = numpy.sign(y - uy.mean()) cov,trchvar = SigTools.spcov(x=x, y=y, balance=False, return_trchvar=True) # NB: symwhitenkern would not be able to balance starttime = time.time() chlower = [ch.lower() for ch in d['channels']] if keepchan in [None,(),'',[]]: if isinstance(rmchan, basestring): rmchan = rmchan.split() if isinstance(rmchan_usualsuspects, basestring): rmchan_usualsuspects = rmchan_usualsuspects.split() allrmchan = [ch.lower() for ch in list(rmchan)+list(rmchan_usualsuspects)] unwanted = numpy.array([ch in allrmchan for ch in chlower]) notfound = [ch for ch in rmchan if ch.lower() not in chlower] else: if isinstance(keepchan, basestring): keepchan = keepchan.split() lowerkeepchan = [ch.lower() for ch in keepchan] unwanted = numpy.array([ch not in lowerkeepchan for ch in chlower]) notfound = [ch for ch in keepchan if ch.lower() not in chlower] wanted = numpy.logical_not(unwanted) print ' ' if len(notfound): print "WARNING: could not find channel%s %s\n" % ({1:''}.get(len(notfound),'s'), ', '.join(notfound)) removed = [ch for removing,ch in zip(unwanted, d['channels']) if removing] if len(removed): print "removed %d channel%s (%s)" % (len(removed), {1:''}.get(len(removed),'s'), ', '.join(removed)) print "classification will be based on %d channel%s" % (sum(wanted), {1:''}.get(sum(wanted),'s')) print "%d negatives + %d positives = %d exemplars" % (sum(y<0), sum(y>0), n) print ' ' x[:, unwanted, :] = 0 cov[:, unwanted] = 0 cov[unwanted, :] = 0 nu = numpy.asarray(cov).diagonal()[wanted].mean() for i in range(len(cov)): if cov[i,i] == 0: cov[i,i] = nu if not isinstance(C, (tuple,list,numpy.ndarray,type(None))): C = [C] if not isinstance(gamma, (tuple,list,numpy.ndarray,type(None))): gamma = [gamma] c = SigTools.klr2class(lossfunc=SigTools.balanced_loss, relcost='balance') c.varyhyper({}) if c != None: c.hyper.C=list(C) if gamma == None: c.hyper.kernel.func = SigTools.linkern else: c.varyhyper({'kernel.func':SigTools.symwhitenkern, 'kernel.cov':[cov], 'kernel.gamma':list(gamma)}) c.cvtrain(x=x, y=y, folds=folds) if rebias: c.rebias() c.calibrate() chosen = if gamma == None: Ps = None Gp = c.featureweight(x=x) else: Ps = SigTools.svd(SigTools.shrinkcov(cov, copy=True, gamma=chosen.kernel.gamma)).isqrtm xp = SigTools.spfilt(x, Ps.H, copy=True) Gp = c.featureweight(x=xp) u = SigTools.stfac(Gp, Ps) u.channels = d['channels'] u.channels_used = wanted u.fs = d['fs'] u.trchvar = trchvar try: u.channels = SigTools.ChannelSet(u.channels) except: print 'WARNING: failed to convert channels to ChannelSet' elapsed = time.time() - starttime minutes = int(elapsed/60.0) seconds = int(round(elapsed - minutes * 60.0)) print '%d min %d sec' % (minutes, seconds) datestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') csummary = '%s (%s) trained on %d (CV %s = %.3f) at %s' % ( c.__class__.__name__, SigTools.experiment()._shortdesc(chosen), sum(c.input.istrain), c.loss.func.__name__, c.loss.train, datestamp, ) description = 'binary classification of %s: %s' % (description, csummary) u.description = description if save or select: if not isinstance(save, basestring): save = featurefiles if isinstance(save, (tuple,list)): save = save[-1] if save.lower().endswith('.gz'): save = save[:-3] if save.lower().endswith('.pk'): save = save[:-3] save = save + '_weights.prm' print "\nsaving %s\n" % save Parameters.Param(u.G.A, Name='ERPClassifierWeights', Section='PythonSig', Subsection='Epoch', Comment=csummary).write_to(save) Parameters.Param(c.model.bias, Name='ERPClassifierBias', Section='PythonSig', Subsection='Epoch', Comment=csummary).append_to(save) Parameters.Param(description, Name='SignalProcessingDescription', Section='PythonSig').append_to(save) if select: if not isinstance(select, basestring): select = 'ChosenWeights.prm' if not os.path.isabs(select): select = os.path.join(os.path.split(save)[0], select) print "saving %s\n" % select import shutil; shutil.copyfile(save, select) print description return u,c
def anal_assim_layer(cycleYYYYMMDDHH, fhr, action, config): """ Analysis and Assimilation layering Performs layering/combination of RAP/HRRR/MRMS data for a particular analysis and assimilation model cycle and forecast hour. Args: cycleYYYYMMDDHH (string): Analysis and assimilation model cycle date. fhr (string): Forecast hour of analysis and assimilation model cycle. Possible values are -2, -1, 0. action (string): Specifying which layering to do, given possible available model data. Possible values are "RAP", "RAP_HRRR", and "RAP_HRRR_MRMS". config (string) : Config file name Returns: None: Performs specified layering to final input directory used for WRF-Hydro. """ # Determine specific layering route to take str_split = action.split("_") process = len(str_split) # Determine specific date/time information used for composing regridded # file paths. yearCycle = int(cycleYYYYMMDDHH[0:4]) monthCycle = int(cycleYYYYMMDDHH[4:6]) dayCycle = int(cycleYYYYMMDDHH[6:8]) hourCycle = int(cycleYYYYMMDDHH[8:10]) fhr = int(fhr) dateCurrent = cycleDate = datetime.datetime(year=yearCycle, month=monthCycle, day=dayCycle, hour=hourCycle) validDate = cycleDate + datetime.timedelta(seconds=fhr * 3600) fcstWindowDate = validDate + datetime.timedelta(seconds=-3 * 3600) # Used for 3-hr forecast # HRRR/RAP files necessary for fluxes and precipitation data. # Obtain analysis and assimiltation configuration parameters. parser = SafeConfigParser() out_dir = parser.get("layering", "analysis_assimilation_output") tmp_dir = parser.get("layering", "analysis_assimilation_tmp") qpe_parm_dir = parser.get("layering", "qpe_combine_parm_dir") hrrr_ds_dir_3hr = parser.get("downscaling", "HRRR_finished_output_dir") hrrr_ds_dir_0hr = parser.get("downscaling", "HRRR_finished_output_dir_0hr") rap_ds_dir_3hr = parser.get("downscaling", "RAP_finished_output_dir") rap_ds_dir_0hr = parser.get("downscaling", "RAP_finished_output_dir_0hr") mrms_ds_dir = parser.get("regridding", "MRMS_finished_output_dir") layer_exe = parser.get("exe", "Analysis_Assimilation_layering") ncl_exec = parser.get("exe", "ncl_exe") # in case it is first time, create the output dirs df.makeDirIfNeeded(out_dir) df.makeDirIfNeeded(tmp_dir) # Sanity checking try: whf.dir_exists(out_dir) whf.dir_exists(tmp_dir) whf.dir_exists(qpe_parm_dir) whf.dir_exists(hrrr_ds_dir_3hr) whf.dir_exists(hrrr_ds_dir_0hr) whf.dir_exists(rap_ds_dir_3hr) whf.dir_exists(rap_ds_dir_0hr) whf.dir_exists(mrms_ds_dir) whf.file_exists(layer_exe) except MissingDirectoryError: WhfLog.error("Missing directory during preliminary checking of Analysis Assimilation layering") raise # Establish final output directories to hold 'LDASIN' files used for # WRF-Hydro long-range forecasting. If the directory does not exist, # create it. out_path = out_dir + "/" + cycleDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") whf.mkdir_p(out_path) # Compose necessary file paths hrrr0Path = ( hrrr_ds_dir_0hr + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "" ) hrrr3Path = ( hrrr_ds_dir_3hr + "/" + fcstWindowDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "" ) rap0Path = ( rap_ds_dir_0hr + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "" ) rap3Path = ( rap_ds_dir_3hr + "/" + fcstWindowDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "" ) mrmsPath = ( mrms_ds_dir + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "" ) hrrrBiasPath = qpe_parm_dir + "/HRRR_NLDAS-CPC_bias-corr_m" + validDate.strftime("%m") + "_v9_wrf1km.grb2" hrrrWgtPath = qpe_parm_dir + "/HRRR_wgt_m" + validDate.strftime("%m") + "_v8_wrf1km.grb2" mrmsBiasPath = ( qpe_parm_dir + "/MRMS_radonly_NLDAS-CPC_bias-corr_m" + validDate.strftime("%m") + "_v9_wrf1km-sm60.grb2" ) mrmsWgtPath = qpe_parm_dir + "/MRMS_radonly_wgt_m" + validDate.strftime("%m") + "_v8_wrf1km.grb2" rapBiasPath = qpe_parm_dir + "/RAPD_NLDAS-CPC_bias-corr_m" + validDate.strftime("%m") + "_v9_wrf1km.grb2" rapWgtPath = qpe_parm_dir + "/RAPD_wgt_m" + validDate.strftime("%m") + "_v8_wrf1km.grb2" # Sanity checking on parameter data try: whf.file_exists(hrrrBiasPath) whf.file_exists(hrrrWgtPath) whf.file_exists(mrmsBiasPath) whf.file_exists(mrmsWgtPath) whf.file_exists(rapBiasPath) whf.file_exists(rapWgtPath) except MissingFileError: WhfLog.error("Missing file encountered while checking parameter data for AA") raise # Compose output file paths LDASIN_path_tmp = tmp_dir + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "" LDASIN_path_final = out_path + "/" + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + "00.LDASIN_DOMAIN1" # Perform layering/combining depending on processing path. if process == 1: # RAP only "Layering and Combining RAP only for cycle date: " + cycleDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + " valid date: " + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") ) # Check for existence of input files try: whf.file_exists(rap0Path) whf.file_exists(rap3Path) except MissingFileError: WhfLog.error("Missing RAP files for layering") raise elif process == 2: # HRRR and RAP only "Layering and Combining RAP and HRRR for cycle date: " + cycleDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + " valid date: " + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") ) # Check for existence of input files try: whf.file_exists(rap0Path) whf.file_exists(rap3Path) whf.file_exists(hrrr0Path) whf.file_exists(hrrr3Path) except MissingFileError: WhfLog.error("Missing RAP or HRRR files for layering") raise elif process == 3: # HRRR, RAP, and MRMS "Layering and Combining RAP/HRRR/MRMS for cycle date: " + cycleDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") + " valid date: " + validDate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") ) # Check for existence of input files try: whf.file_exists(rap0Path) whf.file_exists(rap3Path) whf.file_exists(hrrr0Path) whf.file_exists(hrrr3Path) whf.file_exists(mrmsPath) except MissingFileError: WhfLog.error("Missing RAP or HRRR or MRMS files for layering") raise else: # Error out WhfLog.error("Invalid input action selected, invalid layer combination provided in AA.") raise UnrecognizedCommandError hrrrB_param = "'hrrrBFile=" + '"' + hrrrBiasPath + '"' + "' " mrmsB_param = "'mrmsBFile=" + '"' + mrmsBiasPath + '"' + "' " rapB_param = "'rapBFile=" + '"' + rapBiasPath + '"' + "' " hrrrW_param = "'hrrrWFile=" + '"' + hrrrWgtPath + '"' + "' " mrmsW_param = "'mrmsWFile=" + '"' + mrmsWgtPath + '"' + "' " rapW_param = "'rapWFile=" + '"' + rapWgtPath + '"' + "' " hrrr0_param = "'hrrr0File=" + '"' + hrrr0Path + '"' + "' " hrrr3_param = "'hrrr3File=" + '"' + hrrr3Path + '"' + "' " rap0_param = "'rap0File=" + '"' + rap0Path + '"' + "' " rap3_param = "'rap3File=" + '"' + rap3Path + '"' + "' " mrms_param = "'mrmsFile=" + '"' + mrmsPath + '"' + "' " process_param = "'process=" + '"' + str(process) + '"' + "' " out_param = "'outPath=" + '"' + LDASIN_path_tmp + '"' + "' " cmd_params = ( hrrrB_param + mrmsB_param + rapB_param + hrrrW_param + mrmsW_param + rapW_param + hrrr0_param + hrrr3_param + rap0_param + rap3_param + mrms_param + process_param + out_param ) cmd = ncl_exec + " -Q " + cmd_params + " " + layer_exe status = os.system(cmd) if status != 0: WhfLog.error("Error in combinining NCL program") raise NCLError("NCL error encountered while combining in AA") # Double check to make sure file was created, delete temporary regridded file whf.file_exists(LDASIN_path_tmp) # Rename file to conform to WRF-Hydro expectations cmd = "mv " + LDASIN_path_tmp + " " + LDASIN_path_final status = os.system(cmd) if status != 0: WhfLog.error("Failure to rename " + LDASIN_path_tmp) try: whf.file_exists(LDASIN_path_final) except MissingFileError: WhfLog.error("Missing LDASIN_path_final file") raise cmd = "rm -rf " + LDASIN_path_tmp status = os.system(cmd) if status != 0: WhfLog.error("Failure to remove " + LDASIN_path_tmp) raise SystemCommandError
def main(argv): # User must pass the config file into the main driver. configFile = argv[0] if not os.path.exists(configFile): print 'ERROR forcing engine config file not found.' return 1 # read in fixed main params parms = parmRead(configFile) newestT = "" newestT1 = df.newestIssueTime(parms._hrrrDir) if (newestT): if (newestT1): if (newestT1 > newestT): newestT = newestT1 else: newestT = newestT1 newestT1 = df.newestIssueTime(parms._rapDir) if (newestT): if (newestT1): if (newestT1 > newestT): newestT = newestT1 else: newestT = newestT1 newestT1 = df.newestIssueTime(parms._hrrr0hrDir) if (newestT): if (newestT1): if (newestT1 > newestT): newestT = newestT1 else: newestT = newestT1 newestT1 = df.newestIssueTime(parms._rap0hrDir) if (newestT): if (newestT1): if (newestT1 > newestT): newestT = newestT1 else: newestT = newestT1 newestT1 = df.newestIssueTime(parms._mrmsDir) if (newestT): if (newestT1): if (newestT1 > newestT): newestT = newestT1 else: newestT = newestT1 if (not newestT): WhfLog.debug("No data") return 0 # if there is not a state file, create one now using newest if (not os.path.exists(parms._stateFile)): state = State()"Initializing") state.initialize(parms, newestT) state.write(parms._stateFile) # Normal processing situation #WhfLog.debug("Look for Layering....") # read in state state2 = State() state2.initFromStateFile(parms._stateFile) #state2.debugPrint() if state2._empty: # error return here return 0 # check for new issue time if (state2.isNewModelIssueTime(newestT)):"Re-Initializing state, new model issue time %s", newestT) state2.initialize(parms, newestT) # update availability state2.setCurrentModelAvailability(parms, configFile) # write out final state state2.write(parms._stateFile) return 0