    def run_test(self):
        driver_source = Driver.DriverSource()
        main_driver = driver_source.get_driver(1081)

        for n in range(5):
            trip = main_driver.get_data_random_trip()
            plotTripData(trip.tang_accel_mag, trip.speed)
    def run_one(self):

        Use drive id: ####
        get all his matching trips (~60).  Split 40/20 train/test
        Get 60 random driver, and for each select a random trip
        and gain split 40/20

        for each trip, extract:
            mean_speed_to_stop; mean_speed_from_stop, mean_accel_inout_bends, mean_trip_speed

        Run SVM with RBF kernal and use 4 fold cross val to obtain gamma and C.

        See what we get with model in Test.  Exceed 90 - go for it with add drivers


        # minimum number of trips to process
        MIN_MATCH = 100

        # get a particular driver, obtain his/her trips then find the ones that match
        driver_source = Driver.DriverSource()
        main_driver = driver_source.get_driver(2053)

        trip_list = main_driver.get_all_trips()
        trips_to_process = main_driver.get_matching_trips()

        # fill up the trip collection with other trips, using random trips from
        # other drivers if necessary
        record_count = len(trips_to_process)
        print 'Matching Records:', record_count
        if record_count < MIN_MATCH:
            trip_ids_now = [trip.Id for trip in trips_to_process]
            other_trips = [trip for trip in trip_list if trip.Id not in trip_ids_now]
            extra_trips = rnd.sample(other_trips, MIN_MATCH - record_count)

        record_count = len(trips_to_process)

        # get randoom other driver but make sure it is not this one
        rand_drivers = driver_source.get_rand_drivers(1)
        while rand_drivers[0].id() == main_driver.id():
            rand_drivers = driver_source.get_rand_drivers(1)

        # add in all the trips for this random driver
        rand_trips = rand_drivers[0].get_all_trips()
        trips_to_process.extend( rnd.sample(rand_trips,record_count) )

        # classify the trips (set Y)
        targ = np.full((len(trips_to_process),1),False,dtype=bool)

        target = targ.flatten()

        # create a vector to hold features that will be calculated
        trips_features=np.zeros(shape=[len(trips_to_process),11], dtype=float)

        # calc and add in the features...
        for idx, trip in enumerate(trips_to_process):
            mean_speed, mean_accel, mean_decel = trip.mean_speed_accel_decel()
            trips_features[idx,0] = mean_speed
            trips_features[idx,1] = mean_accel
            trips_features[idx,2] = mean_decel

            std_speed, std_accel, st_decel = trip.std_speed_accel_decel()
            trips_features[idx,3] = std_speed
            trips_features[idx,4] = std_accel
            trips_features[idx,5] = st_decel

            m_ta_l, s_ta_l = trip.mean_std_tang_accel_left()

            trips_features[idx,6] = m_ta_l
            trips_features[idx,7] = s_ta_l

            acpm = trip.accel_change_per_meter()
            trips_features[idx,8] = acpm

            m_ac, s_ac = trip.mean_std_accel_changes()
            trips_features[idx,9] = m_ac
            trips_features[idx,10] = s_ac

        # set up our split for train cross validation and test
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(
            trips_features, target, test_size=0.4)

        # set up our grid to find optimal parameters
        param_grid = [{'learning_rate': [0.01, 0.1, 1], 'n_estimators': [100,200], 'max_depth': [1,2,3]}]

        top_score = 0.0
        best_params = None
        scores = ['precision', 'recall']
        for score in scores:
            clf = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(), param_grid, scoring=score)

            clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

            print("Best parameters set found on training set:")
            for params, mean_score, scores in clf.grid_scores_:
                if mean_score > top_score:
                    top_score = mean_score
                    best_params = params
                print("%0.3f (+/-%0.03f) for %r" % (mean_score, scores.std() / 2, params))

            print("Detailed classification report:")
            print("The model is trained on the full development set.")
            print("The scores are computed on the full evaluation set.")

            y_true, y_pred = y_test, clf.predict(X_test)
            print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred))
        print best_params
def run_process(driver_list, fname):


    driver_source = Driver.DriverSource()

    for the_driver in driver_list:
        main_driver = driver_source.get_driver(the_driver)
        trip_list = main_driver.get_trips()

        record_count = len(trip_list)

        # set up the feature and target arrays and set the first 200 targets to True
        trips_features=np.zeros(shape=[2 * record_count, FEATURE_COUNT], dtype=float)
        targ = np.zeros(shape=[2 * record_count,1],dtype=int)

        target = targ.flatten()

        # fill out the feature array for the main driver...
        for idx, trip in enumerate(trip_list):
            p_accel = trip.percentiles_accel()
            p_decel = trip.percentiles_decel()
            p_speed = trip.percentiles_speed()
            p_delta = trip.percentiles_delta_accel()
            p_tang = trip.percentiles_tang_accel()

            trips_features[idx,0] = p_accel[0]
            trips_features[idx,1] = p_accel[1]
            trips_features[idx,2] = p_accel[2]
            trips_features[idx,3] = p_accel[3]

            trips_features[idx,4] = p_decel[0]
            trips_features[idx,5] = p_decel[1]
            trips_features[idx,6] = p_decel[2]
            trips_features[idx,7] = p_decel[3]

            trips_features[idx,8] = p_speed[0]
            trips_features[idx,9] = p_speed[1]
            trips_features[idx,10] = p_speed[2]
            trips_features[idx,11] = p_speed[3]

            trips_features[idx,12] = p_delta[0]
            trips_features[idx,13] = p_delta[1]
            trips_features[idx,14] = p_delta[2]
            trips_features[idx,15] = p_delta[3]

            trips_features[idx,16] = p_tang[0]
            trips_features[idx,17] = p_tang[1]
            trips_features[idx,18] = p_tang[2]
            trips_features[idx,19] = p_tang[3]

        # now get bunch random drivers...
        rand_drivers = driver_source.get_rand_drivers(RAND_DRIVER_COUNT)
        while main_driver in rand_drivers:
            rand_drivers = driver_source.get_rand_drivers(RAND_DRIVER_COUNT)

        # for each of the rand drivers, complete the feature array
        # and train the model on the features.
        prob_array = np.zeros(shape=[record_count, RAND_DRIVER_COUNT], dtype=float)
        col_idx = -1
        for drv_rand in rand_drivers:

            for i, trip in enumerate(trip_list):
                p_accel = trip.percentiles_accel()
                p_decel = trip.percentiles_decel()
                p_speed = trip.percentiles_speed()
                p_delta = trip.percentiles_delta_accel()
                p_tang = trip.percentiles_tang_accel()

                idx = record_count + i
                trips_features[idx,0] = p_accel[0]
                trips_features[idx,1] = p_accel[1]
                trips_features[idx,2] = p_accel[2]
                trips_features[idx,3] = p_accel[3]

                trips_features[idx,4] = p_decel[0]
                trips_features[idx,5] = p_decel[1]
                trips_features[idx,6] = p_decel[2]
                trips_features[idx,7] = p_decel[3]

                trips_features[idx,8] = p_speed[0]
                trips_features[idx,9] = p_speed[1]
                trips_features[idx,10] = p_speed[2]
                trips_features[idx,11] = p_speed[3]

                trips_features[idx,12] = p_delta[0]
                trips_features[idx,13] = p_delta[1]
                trips_features[idx,14] = p_delta[2]
                trips_features[idx,15] = p_delta[3]

                trips_features[idx,16] = p_tang[0]
                trips_features[idx,17] = p_tang[1]
                trips_features[idx,18] = p_tang[2]
                trips_features[idx,19] = p_tang[3]

            learning_rate   = 0.1
            n_estimators    = 200
            max_depth       = 2

            scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(trips_features)
            X_train_scaled = scaler.transform(trips_features)
            #clf = RandomForestClassifier()
            clf = SVC(C=1, probability=True, kernel='rbf',gamma=0.001)
            clf.fit(X_train_scaled, target)

            X_pred_scaled = scaler.transform(trips_features[0:record_count,:])
            probs = clf.predict_proba(X_pred_scaled)

            class_label_index = 0
            if clf.classes_[1] == 1:
                class_label_index = 1

            col_idx += 1
            prob_array[:,col_idx][:] = probs[:,class_label_index]

        trip_probabilities = np.mean(prob_array,axis=1)

        print str(int(main_driver.id())) + ' - output to file....'
        with open(fname,'a') as writer:
            for trip, prob in zip(trip_list, trip_probabilities):
                writer.write( str(int(main_driver.id())) + '_' + str(int(trip.Id)) + ', ' + str(prob) + '\n')