def pre_post_freqratio_comparison(): for subjID in subjIDs: d = pd.HDFStore(os.path.join(studydir, 'Combined', '%s_silent.h5' % subjID)) df = d['df'] d.close() df = mark_good(df) df = df[df.good] df['FFTabs'] = np.abs(df.FFT) lowhighbands = dict(low=[1,8], high=[30,70]) df = EEG.calc_freqband_power_all(df, lowhighbands, fft_freq) df['highlow'] = df.high / df.low epochgp = df.groupby(['hemi', 'epoch']) epochmean = epochgp.highlow.apply(np.mean) epocherr = epochgp.highlow.apply(np.std) colors = dict(Pre = 'b', Post = 'r') axs = dict(l = 1, r = 2) fig = plt.figure() for hemi in hemis: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, axs[hemi]) ax.set_title('%s hemisphere' % hemi)[0, 1], epochmean[hemi][::-1], yerr = epocherr[hemi]) ax.set_xticks([0.4, 1.4]) ax.set_xticklabels(epochmean[hemi].index[::-1]) fig.suptitle('%s (%s ear lesion)' % (subjID, lesionear[subjID])) fig.savefig(os.path.join(studydir, 'Analysis', '%s_freqratio.png' % subjID)) fig.suptitle('') fig.clf();
def __init__(self): QThread.__init__(self) self.current_challenge = None self.challenges = defaultdict(list) self.progress = ProgressBarThread.ProgressBarThread() self.progress.signal_progress.connect(self.change_progress) self.progress.signal_toggle_lights.connect(self.prompter_toggle_lights) self.progress.signal_start_new_stage.connect(self.start_new_stage) #self.camera_thread = Camera.WebcamRecorder() # Main Camera thread self.eeg_thread = EEG.EEG() # Main EEG client thread self.eeg_thread.sample_signal.connect(self.get_samples) self.mediaPlayer = QMediaPlayer(None, QMediaPlayer.StreamPlayback) self.beeper_thread = Beeper.Beeper() # beeper thread self.current_samples = [] self.current_original_duration = 0 self.current_eyes_open = True self.current_movie = "" self.used_challenges = [] self.current_state_filename = "" self.session_labels_dict = dict() self.symbols_count = 15 # number of repetitions for each class self.symbols_status = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # keep track # EEG samples collection self.current_log_saving = False self.current_log_filename = ""
def upload(request): context = {} if request.method == 'POST': uploaded_file = request.FILES['document'] fs = FileSystemStorage() name =, uploaded_file) url = fs.url(name) context['url'] = url data = eg.predict(pd.read_csv("/home/sjsingh/Desktop/UI/" + url)) print(data) return render(request, 'result.html', {'data': data})
def add_lfp_filt(f, fs = 384.384384384): lfp = f['lfp'].value nchan, ntrials, nsamp = lfp.shape lfp_filt = np.empty_like(lfp) for i in range(nchan): for j in range(ntrials): lfp_filt[i, j, :] = EEG.remove_60hz(lfp[i, j, :]) f.create_dataset('lfp_filt', data = lfp_filt, compression = 'gzip')
def combine(epoch = 'Pre', stimtype = 'noise'): ''' combine left and right ear stimulation blocks into one pandas DataFrame ''' sesspaths = glob.glob(os.path.join(studydir, 'Sessions', epoch, '*')) for sesspath in sesspaths: absol, sessID = os.path.split(sesspath) print sessID fpaths = glob.glob(os.path.join(sesspath, 'fileconversion', '*.h5')) subjIDs = np.unique([os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fpath)[1])[0].split('_')[0] for fpath in fpaths]) hemis = 'rl' ears = 'rl' for subjID in subjIDs: LFP = []; LFPFILT = []; ATTEN = []; EAR = []; HEMI = []; RELHEMI = []; SESSID = []; for ear in ears: fpath = glob.glob(os.path.join(sesspath, 'fileconversion', '%s_%s_%s_b*.h5' % (subjID, ear.upper(), stimtype)))[0] fin = h5py.File(fpath, 'r') lfp = fin['lfp'].value stimparams = fin['stimID'].value fin.close() nchan, ntrials, nsamp = lfp.shape for i in xrange(nchan): [LFP.append(lfp[i, j, :]) for j in xrange(ntrials)] [LFPFILT.append(EEG.remove_60hz(lfp[i, j, :])) for j in xrange(ntrials)] ATTEN.extend(stimparams[:, 1].tolist()) EAR.extend([ear]*ntrials) HEMI.extend([hemis[i]]*ntrials) if ear==hemis[i]: relhemi = 'ipsi' elif ear!=hemis[i]: relhemi = 'contra' RELHEMI.extend([relhemi]*ntrials) SESSID.extend([sessID]*ntrials) d = dict(lfp = LFP, lfpfilt = LFPFILT, atten = ATTEN, ear = EAR, hemi = HEMI, relhemi = RELHEMI, sess = SESSID) df = pd.DataFrame(d) fout = pd.HDFStore(os.path.join(sesspath, 'both', '%s_both.h5' % subjID)) fout['df'] = df fout.close()
def __init__(self): QThread.__init__(self) self.current_challenge = None self.challenges = defaultdict(list) self.progress = ProgressBarThread.ProgressBarThread() self.progress.signal_progress.connect(self.change_progress) self.progress.signal_toggle_lights.connect(self.prompter_toggle_lights) self.progress.signal_start_new_stage.connect(self.start_new_stage) self.camera_thread = Camera.WebcamRecorder() # Main Camera thread self.eeg_thread = EEG.EEG() # Main EEG client thread self.eeg_thread.sample_signal.connect(self.get_samples) self.mediaPlayer = QMediaPlayer(None, QMediaPlayer.StreamPlayback) self.current_samples = [] self.current_original_duration = 0 self.current_eyes_open = True self.current_movie = "" self.used_challenges = [] # EEG samples collection self.current_log_saving = False self.current_log_filename = ""
# Training Parameters learning_rate = 0.001 training_steps = 100 batch_size = 10 display_step = 1 # Network Parameters num_input = 20 # data input (# signals) # ~ timesteps = 1155 # timesteps timesteps = 815 # timesteps num_hidden = 128 # hidden layer num of features num_classes = 2 # Two classes: Inter and pre data_division = {} patient_data = EEG.Patient_data(data_division, FLAGS.data_path) # tf Graph input X = tf.placeholder("float", [None, timesteps, num_input]) Y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, num_classes]) def RNN(x): # GPU version # ~ lstm_cuda = tf.contrib.cudnn_rnn.CudnnLSTM(1,num_hidden) # ~ outputs, _ = lstm_cuda(x) lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMBlockCell(num_hidden, forget_bias=1.0) # ~ lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(num_hidden, forget_bias=1.0) outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=lstm_cell, inputs=x, dtype=tf.float32) # we take only the output at the last time # ~ fc_layer = tf.layers.dense(outputs[:,-1,:], 30, activation=tf.nn.relu)
import numpy as np #import pygtk import EEG #p = EEG.EEG('Dog_2', 'interictal', 17) #p = EEG.EEG('Dog_2', 'preictal', 17) #p = EEG.EEG('Patient_2', 'interictal', 17) p = EEG.EEG('Patient_2', 'preictal', 17) p.load() print p #p.normalize_channels() p.normalize_overall() #print np.shape( == (16, ~240k) data = eeg = np.rollaxis(data, 1) # see p797 of matplotlib pdf : matshow() for 2d colour-map of (say) correlation matrix #import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('Qt4Agg') # Needs PySide - difficult to install, large #matplotlib.use('GTKAgg') # Needs pygtk - found script on #matplotlib.use('TkAgg') # Needs Tkinter - difficult within VirtualEnv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #data = n = p.n_channels spacing = 5 trace_levels = spacing * np.arange(n, 0, -1)
import config import FC import TCN import RNN import CNN flags = tf.flags flags.DEFINE_string("data_path", None, "Where the training/test data is stored.") flags.DEFINE_string("NN", None, "Type of neural network.") flags.DEFINE_string("patient", None, "Patient number") FLAGS = flags.FLAGS cfg = config.Config(data_path=FLAGS.data_path, NN=FLAGS.NN, patient=int(FLAGS.patient)) patient_data = EEG.Patient_data(cfg) cfg.N_features = np.shape(patient_data.segments)[1] tf.random.set_random_seed(1) # tf Graph input X = tf.placeholder("float", [None, 1, cfg.N_features, cfg.num_inputs]) Y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, cfg.num_classes]) if (cfg.NN == "TCN"): logits = TCN.TCN(X, cfg) elif (cfg.NN == "FC"): logits = FC.FC(X, cfg) elif (cfg.NN == "RNN"): logits = RNN.RNN(X, cfg) elif (cfg.NN == "CNN"): logits = CNN.CNN(X, cfg)
f = h5py.File(fpaths[0]) nlfp = f['lfp'].value.shape[2] ustimid = np.unique(f['stimID'].value[:, 1]) print ustimid print '\t\t#LFP samples:\t%u' % nlfp print '\t\t' f.close() ''' def combine_pre_post(): for subjID in subjIDs: for epoch in epochs: print subjID, epoch sesspaths = os.path.join(studydir, 'Sessions', epoch) for sesspath in sesspaths:''' ''' EEG.fileconvert_all(experiment = 'awakeeeg', epoch = 'Pre') convert_to_pd(epoch = 'Pre') '''
import EEG as t import pandas as pd t.predict(pd.read_csv('/home/sjsingh/Desktop/Smart EEG/test - test.csv'))
all_sprites.add(PT1) all_sprites.add(P1) platforms = pygame.sprite.Group() platforms.add(PT1) for x in range(random.randint(4,5)): C = True pl = platform() while C: pl = platform() C = check(pl, platforms) platforms.add(pl) all_sprites.add(pl) s = EEG.SerialGet(baud=BAUD, port=PORT) length = len(s.ypr) while True: s.readval() jumpstrength = 0 P1.update() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() for i in range(length): if s.ypr[i] >= THRESHOLD:
to_hickle = dict( features=all_params, signal_period_starts=signal_period_starts, ) # Dump data, with compression f = "data/feat/%s/%s_%s_segment_%04d.hickle" % (p.subject, p.subject, p.desc, p.num) hickle.dump(to_hickle, f, mode='w', compression='gzip') if (args.fft > 0): if False: # Just do one sample #p = EEG.EEG(_subject, 'interictal', 17) p = EEG.EEG(_subject, 'preictal', 18) preprocess(p) exit(1) if True: # Load in the survey, and do the fft thing for everything #d = "data/orig/%s/" % (_subject, ) csv = open("data/survey.%s.csv" % (_subject, ), 'r') headers = csv.readline() for line in csv.readlines(): p = EEG.EEG(_subject, '', '') # Nonsense entries p.survey_line_read(line) preprocess(p) if (args.scale > 0): ## concatinate entries (NB, must do train first, to generate min/max meta-data)
import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Survey the data') parser.add_argument('--subject', type=str, required=True, help="Dog_{1,2,3,4,5}, Patient_{1,2}") args = parser.parse_args() # 'Dog_2', 'Patient_2' _subject = args.subject d = "data/orig/%s/" % (_subject, ) csv = open("data/survey.%s.csv" % (_subject, ), 'w') csv.write(EEG.EEG.survey_header() + "\n") f_match = re.compile(r'%s_(.*?)_segment_(\d*?)\.mat' % (_subject, )) for f in sorted(os.listdir(d)): m = re.match(f_match, f) if m is None: continue desc, num =, int( print desc, num p = EEG.EEG(_subject, desc, num) p.load() csv.write(p.survey_line_write()) csv.close()