def _start():
    '''Start the module
    This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch, name
    global monitor, debug, mididevice, output_scale, output_offset, port, inputport

    # this can be used to show parameters that have changed
    monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name, debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug'))

    # get the options from the configuration file
    debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug')
    mididevice = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')
    mididevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice)

    # the scale and offset are used to map MIDI values to Redis values
    output_scale = patch.getfloat('output', 'scale', default=1. / 127)  # MIDI values are from 0 to 127
    output_offset = patch.getfloat('output', 'offset', default=0.)    # MIDI values are from 0 to 127

    # this is only for debugging, check which MIDI devices are accessible
    monitor.info('------ INPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_input_names():

        inputport = mido.open_input(mididevice)
        monitor.success('Connected to MIDI input')
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot connect to MIDI input")

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print('LOCALS: ' + ', '.join(locals().keys()))
def _start():
    """Start the module
    This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch, name
    global monitor, debug, mididevice, outputport, lock, trigger, port, channel, previous_val, previous_port_val

    # this can be used to show parameters that have changed
    monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name, debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug'))

    # get the options from the configuration file
    debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug')
    mididevice = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')
    mididevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice)
    mididevice = process.extractOne(mididevice, mido.get_output_names())[0]  # select the closest match

    # this is only for debugging, check which MIDI devices are accessible
    monitor.info('------ OUTPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_output_names():

        outputport = mido.open_output(mididevice)
        monitor.success('Connected to MIDI output')
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI output")

    # this is to prevent two messages from being sent at the same time
    lock = threading.Lock()

    # each of the gates that can be triggered is mapped onto a different message
    trigger = []
    for channel in range(0, 16):

        # channels are one-offset in the ini file, zero-offset in the code
        name = 'channel{}'.format(channel + 1)
        if config.has_option('gate', name):

            # start the background thread that deals with this channel
            this = TriggerThread(patch.getstring('gate', name), channel)
            monitor.debug(name + ' trigger configured')

    # start the thread for each of the notes
    for thread in trigger:

    # control values are only relevant when different from the previous value
    previous_val = {}
    previous_port_val = {}
    for channel in range(0, 16):
        name = 'channel{}'.format(channel + 1)
        previous_val[name] = None
        previous_port_val[name] = None

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print("LOCALS: " + ", ".join(locals().keys()))
def _start():
    '''Start the module
    This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch
    global monitor, duration_scale, duration_offset, serialdevice, s, lock, trigger, chanindx, chanstr, redischannel, thread

    # this can be used to show parameters that have changed
    monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name,
                               debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug'))

    # values between 0 and 1 work well for the duration
    duration_scale = patch.getfloat('duration', 'scale', default=1)
    duration_offset = patch.getfloat('duration', 'offset', default=0)

    # get the specified serial device, or the one that is the closest match
    serialdevice = patch.getstring('serial', 'device')
    serialdevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(serialdevice)
    serialdevice = process.extractOne(
        [comport.device for comport in serial.tools.list_ports.comports()
         ])[0]  # select the closest match

        s = serial.Serial(serialdevice,
                          patch.getint('serial', 'baudrate'),
        monitor.success("Connected to serial port")
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to serial port")

    # this is to prevent two triggers from being activated at the same time
    lock = threading.Lock()

    trigger = []
    # configure the trigger threads for the control voltages
    for chanindx in range(1, 5):
        chanstr = "cv%d" % chanindx
        if patch.hasitem('trigger', chanstr):
            redischannel = patch.getstring('trigger', chanstr)
            trigger.append(TriggerThread(redischannel, chanindx, chanstr))
            monitor.info("configured", redischannel, "on", chanindx)
    # configure the trigger threads for the gates
    for chanindx in range(1, 5):
        chanstr = "gate%d" % chanindx
        if patch.hasitem('trigger', chanstr):
            redischannel = patch.getstring('trigger', chanstr)
            trigger.append(TriggerThread(redischannel, chanindx, chanstr))
            monitor.info("configured", redischannel, "on", chanindx)

    # start the thread for each of the triggers
    for thread in trigger:

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print('LOCALS: ' + ', '.join(locals().keys()))
def _start():
    '''Start the module
    This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch, name
    global monitor, debug, serialdevice, s, dmxsize, chanlist, chanvals, chanindx, chanstr, dmxframe, prevtime, START_VAL, END_VAL, TX_DMX_PACKET, FRAME_PAD

    # this can be used to show parameters that have changed
    monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name,
                               debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug'))

    # get the options from the configuration file
    debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug')

    # get the specified serial device, or the one that is the closest match
    serialdevice = patch.getstring('serial', 'device')
    serialdevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(serialdevice)
    serialdevice = process.extractOne(
        [comport.device for comport in serial.tools.list_ports.comports()
         ])[0]  # select the closest match

        s = serial.Serial(serialdevice,
                          patch.getint('serial', 'baudrate'),
        monitor.info("Connected to serial port")
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to serial port")

    # determine the size of the universe
    dmxsize = 0
    chanlist, chanvals = list(map(list, list(zip(*config.items('input')))))
    for chanindx in range(0, 512):
        chanstr = "channel%03d" % (chanindx + 1)
        if chanstr in chanlist:
            # the last channel determines the size
            dmxsize = chanindx + 1

    # my fixture won't work if the frame size is too small
    dmxsize = max(dmxsize, 16)
    monitor.info("universe size = %d" % dmxsize)

    # make an empty frame
    dmxframe = [0] * dmxsize
    # blank out
    sendframe(s, dmxframe)

    # keep a timer to send a packet every now and then
    prevtime = time.time()

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print('LOCALS: ' + ', '.join(locals().keys()))
def _start():
    '''Start the module
    This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch, name
    global monitor, control_name, control_code, note_name, note_code, debug, port, midichannel, mididevice, outputport, scale, offset, lock, trigger, code, this, thread, previous_val

    # this can be used to show parameters that have changed
    monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name,
                               debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug'))

    # the list of MIDI commands is the only aspect that is specific to the Volca Keys
    # see http://media.aadl.org/files/catalog_guides/1444140_chart.pdf
    control_name = [
        'portamento', 'expression', 'voice', 'octave', 'detune', 'vco_eg_int',
        'vcf_cutoff', 'vcf_eg_int', 'lfo_rate', 'lfo_pitch_int',
        'lfo_cutoff_int', 'eg_attack', 'eg_decay_release', 'eg_sustain',
        'delay_time', 'delay_feedback'
    control_code = [
        5, 11, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
    note_name = [
        'C0', 'Db0', 'D0', 'Eb0', 'E0', 'F0', 'Gb0', 'G0', 'Ab0', 'A0', 'Bb0',
        'B0', 'C1', 'Db1', 'D1', 'Eb1', 'E1', 'F1', 'Gb1', 'G1', 'Ab1', 'A1',
        'Bb1', 'B1', 'C2', 'Db2', 'D2', 'Eb2', 'E2', 'F2', 'Gb2', 'G2', 'Ab2',
        'A2', 'Bb2', 'B2', 'C3', 'Db3', 'D3', 'Eb3', 'E3', 'F3', 'Gb3', 'G3',
        'Ab3', 'A3', 'Bb3', 'B3', 'C4', 'Db4', 'D4', 'Eb4', 'E4', 'F4', 'Gb4',
        'G4', 'Ab4', 'A4', 'Bb4', 'B4', 'C5', 'Db5', 'D5', 'Eb5', 'E5', 'F5',
        'Gb5', 'G5', 'Ab5', 'A5', 'Bb5', 'B5', 'C6', 'Db6', 'D6', 'Eb6', 'E6',
        'F6', 'Gb6', 'G6', 'Ab6', 'A6', 'Bb6', 'B6', 'C7', 'Db7', 'D7', 'Eb7',
        'E7', 'F7', 'Gb7', 'G7', 'Ab7', 'A7', 'Bb7', 'B7', 'C8', 'Db8', 'D8',
        'Eb8', 'E8', 'F8', 'Gb8', 'G8', 'Ab8', 'A8', 'Bb8', 'B8', 'C9', 'Db9',
        'D9', 'Eb9', 'E9', 'F9', 'Gb9', 'G9', 'Ab9', 'A9', 'Bb9', 'B9', 'C10',
        'Db10', 'D10', 'Eb10', 'E10', 'F10', 'Gb10', 'G10', 'Ab10', 'A10',
        'Bb10', 'B10'
    note_code = [
        12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
        30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
        48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
        66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83,
        84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
        101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114,
        115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128,
        129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,

    # get the options from the configuration file
    debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug')

    # this is only for debugging, check which MIDI devices are accessible
    monitor.info('------ OUTPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_output_names():

    midichannel = patch.getint(
        'midi', 'channel') - 1  # channel 1-16 get mapped to 0-15
    mididevice = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')
    mididevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice)
    mididevice = process.extractOne(
        mididevice, mido.get_output_names())[0]  # select the closest match

        outputport = mido.open_output(mididevice)
        monitor.success('Connected to MIDI output')
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI output")

    # the scale and offset are used to map Redis values to MIDI values
    scale = patch.getfloat('input', 'scale', default=127)
    offset = patch.getfloat('input', 'offset', default=0)

    # this is to prevent two messages from being sent at the same time
    lock = threading.Lock()

    # each of the notes that can be played is mapped onto a different trigger
    trigger = []
    for name, code in zip(note_name, note_code):
        if config.has_option('note', name):
            # start the background thread that deals with this note
            this = TriggerThread(patch.getstring('note', name), code)
            monitor.debug(name + ' trigger configured')

    # start the thread for each of the notes
    for thread in trigger:

    # control values are only relevant when different from the previous value
    previous_val = {}
    for name in control_name:
        previous_val[name] = None

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print('LOCALS: ' + ', '.join(locals().keys()))
# combine the patching from the configuration file and Redis
patch = EEGsynth.patch(config, r)
del config

# this determines how much debugging information gets printed
debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug')

# this is only for debugging
print('------ INPUT ------')
for port in mido.get_input_names():

mididevice = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')
mididevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice)

    inputport = mido.open_input(mididevice)
    if debug > 0:
        print("Connected to MIDI input")
    print("Error: cannot connect to MIDI input")

# the scale and offset are used to map MIDI values to Redis values
scale = patch.getfloat('output', 'scale', default=127)
offset = patch.getfloat('output', 'offset', default=0)

while True:
    time.sleep(patch.getfloat('general', 'delay'))
def _start():
    '''Start the module
    This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch, name
    global monitor, push, toggle1, toggle2, toggle3, toggle4, slap, scale_note, scale_control, offset_note, offset_control, mididevice_input, mididevice_output, port, inputport, Off, Red_Low, Red_Full, Amber_Low, Amber_Full, Yellow_Full, Green_Low, Green_Full, ledcolor, note_list, status_list, note, state0change, state0color, state0value, state1change, state1color, state1value, state2change, state2color, state2value, state3change, state3color, state3value, state4change, state4color, state4value, state5change, state5color, state5value, midichannel, outputport

    # this can be used to show parameters that have changed
    monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name,
                               debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug'))

    # get the options from the configuration file
    push = patch.getint('button', 'push', multiple=True)  # push-release button
    toggle1 = patch.getint('button', 'toggle1', multiple=True)  # on-off button
    toggle2 = patch.getint('button', 'toggle2',
                           multiple=True)  # on1-on2-off button
    toggle3 = patch.getint('button', 'toggle3',
                           multiple=True)  # on1-on2-on3-off button
    toggle4 = patch.getint('button', 'toggle4',
                           multiple=True)  # on1-on2-on3-on4-off button
    slap = patch.getint('button', 'slap', multiple=True)  # slap button
    midichannel = patch.getint('midi', 'channel', default=None)

    # the scale and offset are used to map MIDI values to Redis values
    scale_note = patch.getfloat('scale', 'note', default=1. / 127)
    scale_control = patch.getfloat('scale', 'control', default=1. / 127)
    offset_note = patch.getfloat('offset', 'note', default=0)
    offset_control = patch.getfloat('offset', 'control', default=0)

    # on windows the input and output are different, on unix they are the same
    # use "input/output" when specified, otherwise use "device" for both
        mididevice_input = patch.getstring('midi', 'input')
        mididevice_input = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice_input)
        mididevice_input = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')  # fallback
        mididevice_input = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice_input)
        mididevice_output = patch.getstring('midi', 'output')
        mididevice_output = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice_output)
        mididevice_output = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')  # fallback
        mididevice_output = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice_output)

    mididevice_input = process.extractOne(
        mido.get_input_names())[0]  # select the closest match
    mididevice_output = process.extractOne(
        mido.get_output_names())[0]  # select the closest match

    # this is only for debugging, check which MIDI devices are accessible
    monitor.info('------ INPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_input_names():
    monitor.info('------ OUTPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_output_names():

        inputport = mido.open_input(mididevice_input)
        monitor.info("Connected to MIDI input")
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI input")

        outputport = mido.open_output(mididevice_output)
        monitor.info("Connected to MIDI output")
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI output")

    # channel 1-16 in the ini file should be mapped to 0-15
    if not midichannel is None:
        midichannel -= 1
    monitor.update('midichannel', midichannel)

    # these are the MIDI values for the LED color
    Off = 12
    Red_Low = 13
    Red_Full = 15
    Amber_Low = 29
    Amber_Full = 63
    Yellow_Full = 62
    Green_Low = 28
    Green_Full = 60

    # concatenate all buttons
    note_list = push + toggle1 + toggle2 + toggle3 + toggle4 + slap
    status_list = [0] * len(note_list)

    # ensure that all buttons and published messages start in the Off state
    for note in note_list:
        ledcolor(note, Off)

    # the button handling is implemented using an internal representation and state changes
    # whenever the actual button is pressed or released

    # push    button sequence P-R                   results in state change 0-1-0
    # toggle1 button sequence P-R-P-R               results in state change 0-11-12-13-0
    # toggle2 button sequence P-R-P-R-P-R           results in state change 0-21-22-23-24-25-0
    # toggle3 button sequence P-R-P-R-P-R-P-R       results in state change 0-31-32-33-34-35-36-37-0
    # toggle4 button sequence P-R-P-R-P-R-P-R-P-R   results in state change 0-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-0
    # slap    button sequence P-R                   results in state change 0-51-0

    state0change = {0: 1, 1: 0}
    state0color = {0: Off, 1: Red_Full}
    state0value = {0: 0, 1: 127}

    state1change = {0: 11, 11: 12, 12: 13, 13: 0}
    state1color = {0: Off, 11: Red_Full}  # don't change color on 12,13
    state1value = {0: 0, 11: 127}  # don't send message on 12,13

    state2change = {0: 21, 21: 22, 22: 23, 23: 24, 24: 25, 25: 0}
    state2color = {
        0: Off,
        21: Red_Full,
        23: Yellow_Full
    }  # don't change color on 22,24,25
    state2value = {
        0: 0,
        21: int(127 * 1 / 2),
        23: int(127 * 2 / 2)
    }  # don't send message on 22,24,25

    state3change = {
        0: 31,
        31: 32,
        32: 33,
        33: 34,
        34: 35,
        35: 36,
        36: 37,
        37: 0
    state3color = {0: Off, 31: Red_Full, 33: Yellow_Full, 35: Green_Full}
    state3value = {
        0: 0,
        31: int(127 * 1 / 3),
        33: int(127 * 2 / 3),
        35: int(127 * 3 / 3)

    state4change = {
        0: 41,
        41: 42,
        42: 43,
        43: 44,
        44: 45,
        45: 46,
        46: 47,
        47: 48,
        48: 49,
        49: 0
    state4color = {
        0: Off,
        41: Red_Full,
        43: Yellow_Full,
        45: Green_Full,
        47: Amber_Full
    state4value = {
        0: 0,
        41: int(127 * 1 / 4),
        43: int(127 * 2 / 4),
        45: int(127 * 3 / 4),
        47: int(127 * 4 / 4)

    state5change = {0: 1, 1: 0}
    state5color = {0: Off, 1: Amber_Full}
    state5value = {0: None, 1: 127}  # don't send message on button release

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print('LOCALS: ' + ', '.join(locals().keys()))
    response = r.client_list()
except redis.ConnectionError:
    raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to Redis server")

# combine the patching from the configuration file and Redis
patch = EEGsynth.patch(config, r)

# this can be used to show parameters that have changed
monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name, debug=patch.getint('general','debug'))

# get the options from the configuration file
debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug')

# get the specified serial device, or the one that is the closest match
serialdevice = patch.getstring('serial', 'device')
serialdevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(serialdevice)
serialdevice = process.extractOne(serialdevice, [comport.device for comport in serial.tools.list_ports.comports()])[0] # select the closest match

    s = serial.Serial(serialdevice, patch.getint('serial', 'baudrate'), timeout=3.0)
    monitor.info("Connected to serial port")
    raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to serial port")

# determine the size of the universe
dmxsize = 0
chanlist, chanvals = list(map(list, list(zip(*config.items('input')))))
for chanindx in range(0, 512):
    chanstr = "channel%03d" % (chanindx + 1)
    if chanstr in chanlist:
        # the last channel determines the size
def _start():
    '''Start the module
    This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch, name
    global monitor, note_name, note_code, debug, midichannel, mididevice, input_scale, input_offset, scale_velocity, scale_pitch, scale_duration, offset_velocity, offset_pitch, offset_duration, output_scale, output_offset, port, inputport, outputport, lock, trigger, code, onset, velocity, pitch, duration, thread

    # this can be used to show parameters that have changed
    monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name, debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug'))

    # the list of MIDI commands is specific to the implementation for a full-scale keyboard
    # see https://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/notes.html
    note_name = ['C0', 'Db0', 'D0', 'Eb0', 'E0', 'F0', 'Gb0', 'G0', 'Ab0', 'A0', 'Bb0', 'B0', 'C1', 'Db1', 'D1', 'Eb1', 'E1', 'F1', 'Gb1', 'G1', 'Ab1', 'A1', 'Bb1', 'B1', 'C2', 'Db2', 'D2', 'Eb2', 'E2', 'F2', 'Gb2', 'G2', 'Ab2', 'A2', 'Bb2', 'B2', 'C3', 'Db3', 'D3', 'Eb3', 'E3', 'F3', 'Gb3', 'G3', 'Ab3', 'A3', 'Bb3', 'B3', 'C4', 'Db4', 'D4', 'Eb4', 'E4', 'F4', 'Gb4', 'G4', 'Ab4', 'A4', 'Bb4', 'B4', 'C5', 'Db5', 'D5', 'Eb5', 'E5', 'F5',
                 'Gb5', 'G5', 'Ab5', 'A5', 'Bb5', 'B5', 'C6', 'Db6', 'D6', 'Eb6', 'E6', 'F6', 'Gb6', 'G6', 'Ab6', 'A6', 'Bb6', 'B6', 'C7', 'Db7', 'D7', 'Eb7', 'E7', 'F7', 'Gb7', 'G7', 'Ab7', 'A7', 'Bb7', 'B7', 'C8', 'Db8', 'D8', 'Eb8', 'E8', 'F8', 'Gb8', 'G8', 'Ab8', 'A8', 'Bb8', 'B8', 'C9', 'Db9', 'D9', 'Eb9', 'E9', 'F9', 'Gb9', 'G9', 'Ab9', 'A9', 'Bb9', 'B9', 'C10', 'Db10', 'D10', 'Eb10', 'E10', 'F10', 'Gb10', 'G10', 'Ab10', 'A10', 'Bb10', 'B10']
    note_code = [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
                 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143]

    # get the options from the configuration file
    debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug')
    midichannel = patch.getint('midi', 'channel', default=None)
    mididevice = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')
    mididevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice)
    mididevice = process.extractOne(mididevice, mido.get_input_names())[0]  # select the closest match

    # the input scale and offset are used to map Redis values to MIDI values
    input_scale = patch.getfloat('input', 'scale', default=127)
    input_offset = patch.getfloat('input', 'offset', default=0)

    scale_velocity = patch.getfloat('scale', 'velocity', default=127)
    scale_pitch = patch.getfloat('scale', 'pitch', default=127)
    scale_duration = patch.getfloat('scale', 'duration', default=2.0)
    offset_velocity = patch.getfloat('offset', 'velocity', default=0)
    offset_pitch = patch.getfloat('offset', 'pitch', default=0)
    offset_duration = patch.getfloat('offset', 'duration', default=0)

    # the output scale and offset are used to map MIDI values to Redis values
    output_scale = patch.getfloat('output', 'scale', default=1. / 127)
    output_offset = patch.getfloat('output', 'offset', default=0)

    # this is only for debugging, check which MIDI devices are accessible
    monitor.info('------ INPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_input_names():
    monitor.info('------ OUTPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_output_names():

        inputport = mido.open_input(mididevice)
        monitor.success('Connected to MIDI input')
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI input")

        outputport = mido.open_output(mididevice)
        monitor.success('Connected to MIDI output')
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI output")

    # channel 1-16 in the ini file should be mapped to 0-15
    if not midichannel is None:
        midichannel -= 1
    monitor.update('midichannel', midichannel)

    # this is to prevent two messages from being sent at the same time
    lock = threading.Lock()

    # the keyboard notes can be linked to separate triggers, where the trigger value corresponds to the velocity
    trigger = []
    for name, code in zip(note_name, note_code):
        if config.has_option('input', name):
            # start the background thread that deals with this note
            onset = patch.getstring('input', name)
            velocity = None  # use the value of the onset trigger
            pitch = code
            duration = None
            trigger.append(TriggerThread(onset, velocity, pitch, duration))
            monitor.debug(name + ' = OK')

        # the keyboard notes can also be controlled using a single trigger
        onset = patch.getstring('input', 'onset')
        velocity = patch.getstring('input', 'velocity')
        pitch = patch.getstring('input', 'pitch')
        duration = patch.getstring('input', 'duration')
        trigger.append(TriggerThread(onset, velocity, pitch, duration))
        monitor.debug('onset, velocity, pitch and duration OK')

    # start the thread for each of the notes
    for thread in trigger:

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print('LOCALS: ' + ', '.join(locals().keys()))
def _loop_once():
    """Run the main loop once
    This uses the global variables from setup and start, and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch
    global monitor, stepsize, scale_rate, offset_rate, scale_shift, offset_shift, scale_ppqn, offset_ppqn, lock, clock, i, clockthread, midithread, redisthread, midiport, previous_midi_play, previous_midi_start, previous_redis_play
    global start, redis_play, midi_play, midi_start, rate, shift, ppqn, elapsed, naptime

    redis_play = patch.getint('redis', 'play')
    midi_play = patch.getint('midi', 'play')
    midi_start = patch.getint('midi', 'start')

    if previous_redis_play is None and redis_play is not None:
        previous_redis_play = not (redis_play)

    if previous_midi_play is None and midi_play is not None:
        previous_midi_play = not (midi_play)

    if previous_midi_start is None and midi_start is not None:
        previous_midi_start = not (midi_start)

    # the MIDI port should only be opened once, and only if needed
    if midi_play and midiport == None:
        mididevice = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')
        mididevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice)
        mididevice = process.extractOne(
            mididevice, mido.get_output_names())[0]  # select the closest match
            outputport = mido.open_output(mididevice)
            monitor.success('Connected to MIDI output')
            raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI output")

    # do something whenever the value changes
    if redis_play and not previous_redis_play:
        previous_redis_play = True
    elif not redis_play and previous_redis_play:
        previous_redis_play = False

    # do something whenever the value changes
    if midi_play and not previous_midi_play:
        previous_midi_play = True
    elif not midi_play and previous_midi_play:
        previous_midi_play = False

    # do something whenever the value changes
    if midi_start and not previous_midi_start:
        if midiport != None:
        previous_midi_start = True
    elif not midi_start and previous_midi_start:
        if midiport != None:
        previous_midi_start = False

    rate = patch.getfloat('input', 'rate', default=0)
    rate = EEGsynth.rescale(rate, slope=scale_rate, offset=offset_rate)
    rate = EEGsynth.limit(rate, 30., 240.)

    shift = patch.getfloat('input', 'shift', default=0)
    shift = EEGsynth.rescale(shift, slope=scale_shift, offset=offset_shift)
    shift = int(shift)

    ppqn = patch.getfloat('input', 'ppqn', default=0)
    ppqn = EEGsynth.rescale(ppqn, slope=scale_ppqn, offset=offset_ppqn)
    ppqn = find_nearest_value([1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24], ppqn)

    # show the parameters whose value has changed
    monitor.update("redis_play", redis_play)
    monitor.update("midi_play", midi_play)
    monitor.update("midi_start", midi_start)
    monitor.update("rate", rate)
    monitor.update("shift", shift)
    monitor.update("ppqn", ppqn)

    # update the clock and redis

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print("LOCALS: " + ", ".join(locals().keys()))
offset_control = patch.getfloat('offset', 'control', default=0)

# this is only for debugging, check which MIDI devices are accessible
print('------ INPUT ------')
for port in mido.get_input_names():
print('------ OUTPUT ------')
for port in mido.get_output_names():

# on windows the input and output are different, on unix they are the same
# use "input/output" when specified, or otherwise use "device" for both
    mididevice_input = patch.getstring('midi', 'input')
    mididevice_input = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice_input)
    mididevice_input = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')  # fallback
    mididevice_input = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice_input)
    mididevice_output = patch.getstring('midi', 'output')
    mididevice_output = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice_output)
    mididevice_output = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')  # fallback
    mididevice_output = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice_output)

mididevice_input = process.extractOne(
    mididevice_input, mido.get_input_names())[0]  # select the closest match
mididevice_output = process.extractOne(
    mididevice_output, mido.get_output_names())[0]  # select the closest match
def _start():
    '''Start the module
    This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch, name
    global debug, mididevice, port, previous_note, trigger_name, trigger_code, code, trigger, this, thread, control_name, control_code, previous_val, duration_note, lock, midichannel, monitor, monophonic, offset_duration, offset_velocity, outputport, scale_duration, scale_velocity, velocity_note

    # this can be used to show parameters that have changed
    monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name,
                               debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug'))

    # get the options from the configuration file
    debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug')
    monophonic = patch.getint('general', 'monophonic', default=1)
    midichannel = patch.getint(
        'midi', 'channel') - 1  # channel 1-16 get mapped to 0-15
    mididevice = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')
    mididevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice)
    mididevice = process.extractOne(
        mididevice, mido.get_output_names())[0]  # select the closest match

    # values between 0 and 1 work well for the note duration
    scale_duration = patch.getfloat('scale', 'duration', default=1)
    offset_duration = patch.getfloat('offset', 'duration', default=0)
    # values around 64 work well for the note velocity
    scale_velocity = patch.getfloat('scale', 'velocity', default=1)
    offset_velocity = patch.getfloat('offset', 'velocity', default=0)

    # this is only for debugging, and to check which MIDI devices are accessible
    monitor.info('------ INPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_input_names():
    monitor.info('------ OUTPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_output_names():

        outputport = mido.open_output(mididevice)
        monitor.success('Connected to MIDI output')
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI output")

    # this is to prevent two messages from being sent at the same time
    lock = threading.Lock()

    previous_note = None
    velocity_note = None
    duration_note = None

    # call them once at the start

    trigger_name = []
    trigger_code = []
    for code in range(1, 128):
        trigger_name.append("note%03d" % code)
        trigger_name.append("control%03d" % code)
        trigger_name.append("polytouch%03d" % code)
    for name in [
            'note', 'aftertouch', 'pitchwheel', 'start', 'continue', 'stop',

    # each of the Redis messages is mapped onto a different MIDI message
    trigger = []
    for name, code in zip(trigger_name, trigger_code):
        if config.has_option('trigger', name):
            # start the background thread that deals with this note
            this = TriggerThread(patch.getstring('trigger', name), name, code)
            monitor.debug(name + ' trigger configured')

    # start the thread for each of the triggers
    for thread in trigger:

    control_name = []
    control_code = []
    for code in range(1, 128):
        control_name.append("note%03d" % code)
        control_name.append("control%03d" % code)
        control_name.append("polytouch%03d" % code)
    for name in [
            'note', 'aftertouch', 'pitchwheel', 'start', 'continue', 'stop',

    # control values are only interesting when different from the previous value
    previous_val = {}
    for name in control_name:
        previous_val[name] = None

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print('LOCALS: ' + ', '.join(locals().keys()))
def _start():
    '''Start the module
    This uses the global variables from setup and adds a set of global variables
    global parser, args, config, r, response, patch, name
    global monitor, control_name, control_code, note_name, note_code, debug, port, midichannel, mididevice, outputport, scale, offset, lock, trigger, code, this, thread, previous_val

    # this can be used to show parameters that have changed
    monitor = EEGsynth.monitor(name=name,
                               debug=patch.getint('general', 'debug'))

    # the list of MIDI commands is the only aspect that is specific to the Volca Beats
    # see http://media.aadl.org/files/catalog_guides/1445131_chart.pdf
    control_name = [
        'kick_level', 'snare_level', 'lo_tom_level', 'hi_tom_level',
        'closed_hat_level', 'open_hat_level', 'clap_level', 'claves_level',
        'agogo_level', 'crash_level', 'clap_speed', 'claves_speed',
        'agogo_speed', 'crash_speed', 'stutter_time', 'stutter_depth',
        'tom_decay', 'closed_hat_decay', 'open_hat_decay', 'hat_gra    in'
    control_code = [
        40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
        58, 59
    note_name = [
        'kick', 'snare', 'lo_tom', 'hi_tom', 'closed_hat', 'open_hat', 'clap'
    note_code = [36, 38, 43, 50, 42, 46, 39]

    # get the options from the configuration file
    debug = patch.getint('general', 'debug')

    # this is only for debugging, check which MIDI devices are accessible
    monitor.info('------ OUTPUT ------')
    for port in mido.get_output_names():

    midichannel = patch.getint(
        'midi', 'channel') - 1  # channel 1-16 get mapped to 0-15
    mididevice = patch.getstring('midi', 'device')
    mididevice = EEGsynth.trimquotes(mididevice)
    mididevice = process.extractOne(
        mididevice, mido.get_output_names())[0]  # select the closest match

        outputport = mido.open_output(mididevice)
        monitor.success('Connected to MIDI output')
        raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to MIDI output")

    # the scale and offset are used to map Redis values to MIDI values
    scale = patch.getfloat('input', 'scale', default=127)
    offset = patch.getfloat('input', 'offset', default=0)

    # this is to prevent two messages from being sent at the same time
    lock = threading.Lock()

    # each of the notes that can be played is mapped onto a different trigger
    trigger = []
    for name, code in zip(note_name, note_code):
        if config.has_option('note', name):
            # start the background thread that deals with this note
            this = TriggerThread(patch.getstring('note', name), code)
            monitor.debug(name + ' trigger configured')

    # start the thread for each of the notes
    for thread in trigger:

    # control values are only relevant when different from the previous value
    previous_val = {}
    for name in control_name:
        previous_val[name] = None

    # there should not be any local variables in this function, they should all be global
    if len(locals()):
        print('LOCALS: ' + ', '.join(locals().keys()))