def test_helper(A,
    Test if the singular values of the original (M x N) and sketched matrix
    (R x N) are fulfilling some measurement criteria. The test is repeated
    num_repeats times.
    results = []
    for i in range(num_repeats):

        if direction == "columnwise":
            S = sketch(M, R)
            SA = El.DistMatrix(El.dTag, El.STAR, El.STAR)
            El.Uniform(SA, R, N)
            S = sketch(N, R)
            SA = El.DistMatrix(El.dTag, El.STAR, El.STAR)
            El.Uniform(SA, M, R)

        S.apply(A, SA, direction)

        for m in measures:

    return results
    def _read_elemental_dense(self, colDist=El.MC, rowDist=El.MR):

        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rank = comm.Get_rank()
        size = comm.Get_size()

        # only the root process touches the filesystem
        if rank == 0:
            f = h5py.File(self.fpath, 'r')
            dataset_obj = f[self.dataset]
        shape = dataset_obj.shape if rank == 0 else None
        shape = comm.bcast(shape, root=0)
        height = shape[0]
        width = shape[1]

        num_entries = height * width
        # max memory capacity per process assumed/hardcoded to 10 blocks
        # XXX should this number be passed as a parameter?
        max_blocks_per_process = 10
        max_block_entries = int(
            (1.0 * num_entries) / (max_blocks_per_process * size))

        # XXX We could set up a different block generating scheme, e.g. more
        # square-ish blocks
        block_height = int(numpy.sqrt(max_block_entries))
        while max_block_entries % block_height != 0:
            block_height = block_height + 1
        block_width = max_block_entries / block_height
        num_height_blocks = int(numpy.ceil(height / (1.0 * block_height)))
        num_width_blocks = int(numpy.ceil(width / (1.0 * block_width)))
        num_blocks = num_height_blocks * num_width_blocks

        A = El.DistMatrix(colDist=colDist, rowDist=rowDist)
        for block in range(num_blocks):
            # the global coordinates of the block corners
            i_start = (block / num_width_blocks) * block_height
            j_start = (block % num_width_blocks) * block_width
            i_end = min(height, i_start + block_height)
            j_end = min(width, j_start + block_width)
            # the block size
            local_height = i_end - i_start
            local_width = j_end - j_start
            # [CIRC, CIRC] matrix is populated by the reader process (i.e. the root)...
            A_block = El.DistMatrix(colDist=El.CIRC, rowDist=El.CIRC)
            A_block.Resize(local_height, local_width)
            if rank == 0:
                for j in range(j_start, j_end):
                    for i in range(i_start, i_end):
                        A_block.SetLocal(i - i_start, j - j_start,
                                         dataset_obj[i, j])
            # ... then a view into the full matrix A is constructed...
            A_block_view = A[i_start:i_end, j_start:j_end]
            # ... and finally this view is updated by redistribution of the [CIRC, CIRC] block
            El.Copy(A_block, A_block_view)
        if rank == 0:
        return A
def load_libsvm_file(fpath, col_row):
    Read from a libsv file
    :param fpath: path of the file
    :param col_row: 0 to read in col mode, 1 to read in row mode
    :returns: Returns X, Y matrices
    # Read the data
    X = El.DistMatrix()
    Y = El.DistMatrix()
    return sl_io.readlibsvm(fpath, X, Y, 0)
def ConcatFD2D(N0,N1):
  A = El.DistMatrix(El.zTag)
  height = N0*N1
  width = 2*N0*N1
  localHeight = A.LocalHeight()
  for iLoc in xrange(localHeight):
    i = A.GlobalRow(iLoc)
    x0 = i % N0
    x1 = i / N0
    iRel = i + N0*N1

    A.Update( i, i,    El.ComplexDouble(1,1) )
    A.Update( i, iRel, El.ComplexDouble(20,2) )
    if x0 > 0:
      A.Update( i, i-1,    El.ComplexDouble(-1,3) )
      A.Update( i, iRel-1, El.ComplexDouble(-17,4) )
    if x0+1 < N0:
      A.Update( i, i+1,    El.ComplexDouble(2,5) )
      A.Update( i, iRel+1, El.ComplexDouble(-20,6) )
    if x1 > 0:
      A.Update( i, i-N0,    El.ComplexDouble(-30,7) )
      A.Update( i, iRel-N0, El.ComplexDouble(-3,8) )
    if x1+1 < N1:
      A.Update( i, i+N0,    El.ComplexDouble(4,9) )
      A.Update( i, iRel+N0, El.ComplexDouble(3,10) )

    # The dense last column
    A.Update( i, width-1, El.ComplexDouble(-10/height) );

  return A
    def test_approximate_symmetric_svd(self):
        """Compute the SVD of symmetric **A** such that **SVD(A) = V S V^T**"""
        n = 100
        A = El.DistMatrix()
        El.Uniform(A, n, n)
        A = A.Matrix()

        # Make A symmetric
        for i in xrange(0, A.Height()):
            for j in xrange(0, i + 1):
                A.Set(j, i, A.Get(i, j))

        # Usign symmetric SVD
        SA = El.Matrix()
        VA = El.Matrix()

        sl_nla.approximate_symmetric_svd(A, SA, VA, k=n)

        # Check result
        VAT = El.Matrix()
        El.Copy(VA, VAT)

        RESULT = El.Matrix()
        El.Zeros(RESULT, n, n)

        El.DiagonalScale(El.RIGHT, El.NORMAL, SA, VAT)
        El.Gemm(El.NORMAL, El.ADJOINT, 1, VAT, VA, 1, RESULT)

        self.assertTrue(utils.equal(A, RESULT))
    def test_approximate_svd(self):
        """Compute the SVD of **A** such that **SVD(A) = U S V^T**."""

        n = 100

        # Generate random matrix
        A = El.DistMatrix()
        El.Uniform(A, n, n)
        A = A.Matrix()

        # Dimension to apply along.
        k = n

        U = El.Matrix()
        S = El.Matrix()
        V = El.Matrix()

        sl_nla.approximate_svd(A, U, S, V, k=k)

        # Check result
        RESULT = El.Matrix()
        El.Zeros(RESULT, n, n)

        El.DiagonalScale(El.RIGHT, El.NORMAL, S, U)
        El.Gemm(El.NORMAL, El.ADJOINT, 1, U, V, 1, RESULT)

        self.assertTrue(utils.equal(A, RESULT))
    def test_Linear_kernel(self):
        """Test Linear kernel."""
        X, Y = sl_test_utils.load_libsvm_file(fpath, 0)
        K = El.DistMatrix()
        Linear_kernel = sl_kernels.Linear(X.Height())
        Linear_kernel.gram(X, K, 0, 0)

    def test_Gaussian_kernel(self):
        """Test Gaussian kernel."""
        X, Y = sl_test_utils.load_libsvm_file(fpath, 0)
        K = El.DistMatrix()
        Gaussian_kernel = sl_kernels.Gaussian(X.Height(), 10.0)
        Gaussian_kernel.gram(X, K, 0, 0)

    def test_Laplacian_kernel(self):
        """Test Laplacian kernel."""
        X, Y = sl_test_utils.load_libsvm_file(fpath, 0)
        K = El.DistMatrix()
        Laplacian_kernel = sl_kernels.Laplacian(X.Height(), 2.0)
        Laplacian_kernel.gram(X, K, 0, 0)

    def test_Polynomial_kernel(self):
        """Test Polynomial kernel."""
        X, Y = sl_test_utils.load_libsvm_file(fpath, 0)
        K = El.DistMatrix()
        Polynomial_kernel = sl_kernels.Polynomial(X.Height(), 1, 1, 1)
        Polynomial_kernel.gram(X, K, 0, 0)

        self.assertTrue(sl_test_utils.is_kernel(K, positive=False))
    def test_ExpSemiGroup_kernel(self):
        """Test ExpSemiGroup kernel."""
        X, Y = sl_test_utils.load_libsvm_file(fpath, 0)
        K = El.DistMatrix()
        ExpSemiGroup_kernel = sl_kernels.ExpSemiGroup(X.Height(), 0.1)
        ExpSemiGroup_kernel.gram(X, K, 0, 0)

    def _write_elemental_dense(self, A):
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rank = comm.Get_rank()
        size = comm.Get_size()

        # XXX currently gathers at root
        A_CIRC_CIRC = El.DistMatrix(colDist=El.CIRC, rowDist=El.CIRC)
        El.Copy(A, A_CIRC_CIRC)
        if rank == 0:
            A_numpy_dense = A_CIRC_CIRC.Matrix().ToNumPy()
def RectangSparse(height,width):
  A = El.DistMatrix()
  El.Zeros( A, height, width )
  for s in xrange(height):
    if s < width:                        A.Update( s, s,        11 )
    if s >= 1 and s-1 < width:           A.Update( s, s-1,      -1 )
    if s+1 < width:                      A.Update( s, s+1,       2 )
    if s >= height and s-height < width: A.Update( s, s-height, -3 )
    if s+height < width:                 A.Update( s, s+height,  4 )
    # The dense last column
    A.Update( s, width-1, -5/height );    

  return A
    def test_apply_colwise(self):
        A = El.DistMatrix(El.dTag, El.VR, El.STAR)

        #FIXME: Christos, use your matrix problem factory here
        El.Uniform(A, _M, _N)

        #FIXME: A.Matrix will not work in parallel
        self.sv = np.linalg.svd(A.Matrix().ToNumPy(),

        for sketch in self.sketches:
            results = test_helper(A, _M, _N, _R, sketch, [self.svd_bound], MPI)
            self.check_result(results, str(sketch))
def StackedFD2D(N0, N1):
    A = El.DistMatrix()
    height = 2 * N0 * N1
    width = N0 * N1
    A.Resize(height, width)
    blocksize = height // worldSize
    myStart = blocksize * worldRank
    if worldRank == worldSize - 1:
        myHeight = height - myStart
        myHeight = blocksize

    A.Reserve(6 * myHeight)
    for sLoc in xrange(localHeight):
        s = A.GlobalRow(sLoc)
        if s < N0 * N1:
            x0 = s % N0
            x1 = s / N0
            A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, s, 11)
            if x0 > 0:
                A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, s - 1, -1)
            if x0 + 1 < N0:
                A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, s + 1, 2)
            if x1 > 0:
                A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, s - N0, -30)
            if x1 + 1 < N1:
                A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, s + N0, 4)
            sRel = s - N0 * N1
            x0 = sRel % N0
            x1 = sRel / N0
            A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, sRel, -20)
            if x0 > 0:
                A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, sRel - 1, -17)
            if x0 + 1 < N0:
                A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, sRel + 1, -20)
            if x1 > 0:
                A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, sRel - N0, -3)
            if x1 + 1 < N1:
                A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, sRel + N0, 3)

        # The dense last column
        A.QueueUpdate(sLoc, width - 1, -10 / height)

    return A
    def _read_elemental_dense_parallel(self, colDist=El.MC, rowDist=El.MR):

        f = h5py.File(fpath, 'r', driver='mpio', comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD)
        height, width = int(f['shape'][0]), int(f['shape'][1])

        A = El.DistMatrix(colDist=colDist, rowDist=colDist)
        A.Resize(height, width)
        local_height, local_width = A.LocalHeight(), A.LocalWidth()

        indices = elemental_dense.get_indices(A)
        local_data = f[self.dataset][indices]
        local_buf = A.Matrix().Buffer()
        for i in range(len(indices)):
            local_buf[i] = local_data[i]

        return A
#  Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Jack Poulson
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License, 
#  which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at 
#  http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
import math, El
n = 100                 # matrix size
realRes = imagRes = 100 # grid resolution

# Display an instance of the Fox-Li/Landau matrix
A = El.DistMatrix(El.zTag)
El.Display(A,"Fox-Li/Landau matrix")

# Display its spectral portrait
portrait, box = El.SpectralPortrait(A,realRes,imagRes)
El.DisplayPortrait(portrait,box,"spectral portrait of Fox-Li/Landau matrix")

# Display its singular values
s = El.SingularValues(A)

# Require the user to press a button before the figures are closed
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()
if worldSize == 1:
  raw_input('Press Enter to exit')
display = False
progress = True
worldRank = El.mpi.WorldRank()
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()

# Make a dense matrix
def RectangDense(height,width):
  A = El.DistMatrix()
  El.Gaussian( A, height, width )
  return A

A = RectangDense(m,n)

# Generate a b which implies a primal feasible x
# ==============================================
xGen = El.DistMatrix()
b = El.DistMatrix()
El.Zeros( b, m, 1 )
El.Gemv( El.NORMAL, 1., A, xGen, 0., b )

# Generate a c which implies a dual feasible (y,z)
# ================================================
yGen = El.DistMatrix()
c = El.DistMatrix()
El.Gemv( El.TRANSPOSE, -1., A, yGen, 1., c )

if display:
  El.Display( A, "A" )
#  Copyright (c) 2009-2015, Jack Poulson
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License,
#  which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at
#  http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
import math, El
k = 140  # matrix size
realRes = imagRes = 100  # grid resolution

# Display an instance of the pathological example
A = El.DistMatrix()
El.DruinskyToledo(A, k)
El.Display(A, "Bunch-Kaufman growth matrix")

# Display the spectral portrait
portrait, box = El.SpectralPortrait(A, realRes, imagRes)
El.DisplayPortrait(portrait, box, "spectral portrait of BK growth matrix")

# Make a copy before overwriting with LDL factorization
A_LU = El.DistMatrix()
El.Copy(A, A_LU)

# Display the relevant pieces of pivoted LDL factorization
dSub, p = El.LDL(A, False, El.BUNCH_KAUFMAN_A)
El.MakeTrapezoidal(El.LOWER, A)
El.Display(dSub, "Subdiagonal of D from LDL")
#P = El.DistMatrix(iTag,MC,MR,A.Grid())
# TODO: Construct P from p
def RectangSparse(height,width):
  A = El.DistMatrix()
  El.Zeros( A, height, width )
  for s in xrange(height):
    if s < width:                        A.Update( s, s,        11 )
    if s >= 1 and s-1 < width:           A.Update( s, s-1,      -1 )
    if s+1 < width:                      A.Update( s, s+1,       2 )
    if s >= height and s-height < width: A.Update( s, s-height, -3 )
    if s+height < width:                 A.Update( s, s+height,  4 )
    # The dense last column
    A.Update( s, width-1, -5/height );    

  return A

# Define a random (affine) hyperplane
wGen = El.DistMatrix()
El.Gaussian( wGen, n, 1 )
wGenNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm( wGen )
El.Scale( 1./wGenNorm, wGen )
El.Print( wGen, "wGen" )
# TODO: Add support for mpi::Broadcast and randomly generate this
offset = 0.3147

# Define a random set of points
A = RectangSparse(m,n)

# Label the points based upon their location relative to the hyperplane
d = El.DistMatrix()
El.Ones( d, m, 1 )
El.Gemv( El.NORMAL, 1., A, wGen, -offset, d )
El.EntrywiseMap( d, lambda alpha : 1. if alpha > 0 else -1. )
m = 2000
n = 1000
display = True
worldRank = El.mpi.WorldRank()
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()

def Rectang(height, width):
    A = El.DistMatrix()
    El.Uniform(A, height, width)
    return A

A = Rectang(m, n)
b = El.DistMatrix()
El.Gaussian(b, m, 1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(b, "b")

ctrl = El.LPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True
startCP = El.mpi.Time()
x = El.CP(A, b, ctrl)
endCP = El.mpi.Time()
if worldRank == 0:
    print "CP time:", endCP - startCP, "seconds"
if display:
    El.Display(x, "x")
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()

# If on rank 0 read data
if rank == 0:
    print "Loading training data..."
    trnfile = skylark.io.libsvm(sys.argv[1])
    data = trnfile.read()

# Now broadcast the sizes
shape_X = data[0].shape if rank == 0 else None
shape_X = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(shape_X, root=0)

# Transfer to Elemental format and redistribute the matrix and labels
if rank == 0: print "Distributing the matrix..."
X_cc = El.DistMatrix(colDist=El.CIRC, rowDist=El.CIRC)
El.Zeros(X_cc, shape_X[0], shape_X[1])
Y_cc = El.DistMatrix(colDist=El.CIRC, rowDist=El.CIRC)
El.Zeros(Y_cc, shape_X[0], 1)
if rank == 0:
    X_ll = X_cc.Matrix()
    s = 0
    row = 0
    for e in data[0].indptr[1:]:
        for idx in range(s, e):
            col = data[0].indices[idx]
            val = data[0].data[idx]
            X_ll.Set(row, col, val)
        s = e
        row = row + 1
#  Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Jack Poulson
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License, 
#  which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at 
#  http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
import math, El
n = 100                 # matrix size
realRes = imagRes = 100 # grid resolution

# Display an instance of the pathological example
A = El.DistMatrix()
El.Display(A,"GEPP growth matrix")

# Display the spectral portrait
portrait, box = El.SpectralPortrait(A,realRes,imagRes)
El.DisplayPortrait(portrait,box,"spectral portrait of GEPP growth matrix")

# Display the relevant pieces of pivoted LU factorization
p = El.LU(A)
El.Display(p,"LU permutation")
El.EntrywiseMap(A,lambda x:math.log10(max(abs(x),1)))
El.Display(A,"Logarithmically-scaled LU factors")
El.Display(A[0:n,n-1],"Last column of logarithmic U")

# Require the user to press a button before the figures are closed
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()
m = 200
n = 400
numLambdas = 5
startLambda = 0.01
endLambda = 1
display = True
worldRank = El.mpi.WorldRank()
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()

def Rectang(height,width):
  A = El.DistMatrix()
  El.Uniform( A, height, width )
  return A

A = Rectang(m,n)
b = El.DistMatrix()
El.Gaussian( b, m, 1 )
if display:
  El.Display( A, "A" )
  El.Display( b, "b" )

ctrl = El.LPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True

for j in xrange(0,numLambdas):
  lambd = startLambda + j*(endLambda-startLambda)/(numLambdas-1.)
  if worldRank == 0:
    print "lambda =", lambd

  startDS = El.mpi.Time()
  x = El.DS( A, b, lambd, ctrl )
def RectangDense(height,width):
  A = El.DistMatrix()
  El.Gaussian( A, height, width )
  return A
progress = True
worldRank = El.mpi.WorldRank()
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()

# Make a dense matrix
def RectangDense(height,width):
  A = El.DistMatrix()
  El.Gaussian( A, height, width )
  return A

A = RectangDense(m,n)
G = RectangDense(k,n)

# Generate a (b,h) which implies a primal feasible (x,s)
# ======================================================
xGen = El.DistMatrix()
# b := A xGen
# -----------
b = El.DistMatrix()
El.Zeros( b, m, 1 )
El.Gemv( El.NORMAL, 1., A, xGen, 0., b )
# h := G xGen + sGen
# ------------------
sGen = El.DistMatrix()
h = El.DistMatrix()
El.Copy( sGen, h )
El.Gemv( El.NORMAL, 1., G, xGen, 1., h )

# Generate a c which implies a dual feasible (y,z)
numLambdas = 7
startLambda = 0
endLambda = 1
display = True
worldRank = El.mpi.WorldRank()
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()

def Rectang(height, width):
    A = El.DistMatrix()
    El.Uniform(A, height, width)
    return A

A = Rectang(m, n)
b = El.DistMatrix()
El.Gaussian(b, m, 1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(b, "b")

ctrl = El.BPDNCtrl_d()
ctrl.ipmCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True

for j in xrange(0, numLambdas):
    lambd = startLambda + j * (endLambda - startLambda) / (numLambdas - 1.)
    if worldRank == 0:
        print "lambda =", lambd

    startBPDN = El.mpi.Time()
    x = El.BPDN(A, b, lambd, ctrl)
def Semidefinite(height):
    Q = El.DistMatrix()
    El.Identity(Q, height, height)
    return Q
def Rectang(height, width):
    A = El.DistMatrix()
    El.Uniform(A, height, width)
    return A
def _usage_tests(usps_path='./datasets/usps.t'):
    Various simple example scenaria for showing the usage of the IO facilities

    # libsvm
    fpath = usps_path

    # read features matrix and labels vector
        store = libsvm(fpath)
    except ImportError:
        print 'Please provide the path to usps.t as an argument'
        import sys
    features_matrix, labels_matrix = store.read()
    matrix_info = features_matrix.shape, features_matrix.nnz, labels_matrix.shape

    # stream features matrix and labels vector
    #store = libsvm(fpath)
    #for features_matrix, labels_matrix in store.stream(num_features=400, block_size=100):
    #    matrix_info = features_matrix.shape, features_matrix.nnz, labels_matrix.shape
    print 'libsvm OK'

    # mtx
    features_fpath = '/tmp/test_features.mtx'
    labels_fpath = '/tmp/test_labels.mtx'

    # write features and labels
    store = mtx(features_fpath)
    store = mtx(labels_fpath)

    # read back features as 'scipy-sparse' and 'combblas-sparse'
    store = mtx(features_fpath)
    A = store.read('scipy-sparse')
    store = mtx(features_fpath)
    B = store.read('combblas-sparse')
    print 'mtx OK'

    # hdf5
    fpath = '/tmp/test_matrix.h5'

    # write a random 'numpy-dense' to HDF5 file
    store = hdf5(fpath)
    A = numpy.random.random((20, 65))

    # read HDF5 file as:
    # - 'numpy-dense'
    # - 'elemental-dense' (default [MC, MR] distribution)
    # - 'elemental-dense' ([VC, STAR] distribution)
    B = store.read('numpy-dense')
    C = store.read('elemental-dense')
    D = store.read('elemental-dense', colDist=El.VC, rowDist=El.STAR)
    print 'hdf OK'

    # txt
    fpath = '/tmp/test_matrix.txt'

    # write a uniform random 'elemental-dense', 'MC_MR' distribution
    A = El.DistMatrix()
    El.Uniform(A, 10, 30)
    store = txt(fpath)

    # read the matrix back as 'numpy-dense'
    store = txt(fpath)
    A = store.read('numpy-dense')
    print 'txt OK'