文件: CPenis.py 项目: dvochin/Blender
    def __init__(self, sNameBodySource, sNameBodyDestination):
        self.sNameBodySource        = sNameBodySource       # The name of our source body.  Either "Woman" or "ManRawImport".  Must exist and be properly imported by our body importer
        self.sNameBodyDestination   = sNameBodyDestination  # The name we give the body we create.  Either "Shemale" or "Man"
        self.oMeshBody              = CMesh.AttachFromDuplicate_ByName(sNameBodyDestination + "-Source", sNameBodySource + "-Source")
        self.oMeshPenis             = None                      # The fitted penis.  A modified version of source penis adapted to 'mount' on a given game-time CBody instance.  Must be re-generated everytime source body morphs to ensure a proper mount

        print("\n\n\n=============== PENIS MOUNTING PROCEDURE ===============")
        #=== Visualizer Cubes Preparation.  Must run first before entering edit mode ===
        self.oVisualizerCubes = G.CVisualizerCubes(0)       # Utility class to help debug / visualise this complex algorithm.  Set to about 600 to create enough 'visualization cubes' shown about different layers       
        bpy.data.scenes[0].layers[1] = 0            ###INFO: How to select which layers are shown.  (Must have at least one layer shown at ALL times!)
        bpy.data.scenes[0].layers[0] = 1            ###INFO: How to hide default layer 0 (show another layer first!)

        #=== Duplicate the source body's armature object and give it the required name ===
        oArmNode = DuplicateAsSingleton('[' + sNameBodySource + ']', '[' + sNameBodyDestination + ']')

        #=== Create extra geometry near where the penis will be mounted (the 'mounting hole') ===
        if self.oMeshBody.Open():
            oVertGrp_PenisExtraGeometry = self.oMeshBody.VertGrp_SelectVerts("_CPenisFit_ExtraGeometry")     # Obtain the area of the body's mesh that we are to replace with a fitted penis
            bpy.ops.mesh.select_more()                  # Select one more ring so the rim gets enough geometry to properly connect to fine-geometry penis
            bpy.ops.mesh.select_less()                  # Fix the extra geometry group by selected twice less and re-assigning
            #=== The above subdivide messed up our vertex group for the mounting hole rim.  Fix it now ===  (Only half the verts are now in group, new ones not)
            oVertGrp_PenisMountingHole = self.oMeshBody.VertGrp_SelectVerts("_CPenisFit_MountingHole", bClearSelection = False)     # Obtain the area of the body's mesh that we are to replace with a fitted penis
            bpy.ops.mesh.select_more()                  ###INFO: Trick when half the verts in a ring are selected is to select more and then less = selects all in that ring!        ###CHECK: Is that really true??
            bpy.ops.mesh.select_less()                  # Fix the important mounting hole vert group by adding to fixed extra geometry group above, selecting more then less.
            #=== Obtain reference to the rim verts ===
            bpy.ops.mesh.region_to_loop()               # Obtain the rim from the mesh (still containing inner part of hole) with region_to_loop()
            aVertsBodyRim = [oVert.index for oVert in self.oMeshBody.bm.verts if oVert.select]      # Obtain list of all body rim hole verts.  Needed for many iterations
            #=== Find the key verts of the rim hole opening.  We need these in 'modify base vert' section below to morph the penis base closer to the rim ===
            vecPenisRimCenter = Vector()
            oVertRimRightmost = None                        # The rim vert with the highest +X coordinate.  Used to re-interpolate penis UVs for re-texturing                        
            nVertRimRightmostX_Max = sys.float_info.min                # The X coordinates of the rightmost rim vert.  Used to find 'oVertRimRightmost'
            aVertsAtZeroX = []
            for nVertRim in aVertsBodyRim:                  # Iterate through the rim verts to find the verts at X=0.  There should be exactly two: One for top of hole the other for bottom of hole
                oVertRim = self.oMeshBody.bm.verts[nVertRim]
                oVertRim.tag = False                        # Make sure each rim vert is untagged (next loop depends on this)
                vecPenisRimCenter += oVertRim.co
                if abs(oVertRim.co.x) < 0.0001:             ###WEAK: Rim verts at rim centers not exactly zero?  WTF happened to body mesh??
                if nVertRimRightmostX_Max < oVertRim.co.x:
                    nVertRimRightmostX_Max = oVertRim.co.x
                    oVertRimRightmost = oVertRim
            #=== Determine which are the top and bottom rim verts from results of previous loop ===
            if aVertsAtZeroX[0].co.z > aVertsAtZeroX[1].co.z:
                oVertRimTop    = aVertsAtZeroX[0]         
                oVertRimBottom = aVertsAtZeroX[1]
                oVertRimTop    = aVertsAtZeroX[1]         
                oVertRimBottom = aVertsAtZeroX[0]
            vecVertRimTop    = oVertRimTop.co.copy()    ###INFO: copy() is extremely important (data would point to some garbage once owning bmesh goes out of scope!)      
            vecVertRimBottom = oVertRimBottom.co.copy()
            vecPenisRimCenter /= len(aVertsBodyRim)
            vecPenisRimCenter.y -= 0.05                 ###HACK: Hack on center so that it's easier to determine verts toward penis / toward base (give a push forward toward tip) 
            bpy.context.scene.cursor_location = vecPenisRimCenter      
            print("\n=== Center = {}   Top = {}   Bottom = {}  Rightmost {} ===".format(vecPenisRimCenter, vecVertRimTop, vecVertRimBottom, oVertRimRightmost.co))   
            print("\n===== B. CREATE CHAIN OF RIM VERTS IN OUR STRUCTURES =====")
            oLayUV_Body  = self.oMeshBody.bm.loops.layers.uv.active                    # Obtain access to the body's UV layer (so we can extract rim vert UVs and set them into penis rim verts)
            oRimVertBodyRoot = CRimVertBody(self, None, oVertRimTop, oVertRimTop.link_loops[0][oLayUV_Body].uv.copy())        # The string starts at the master rim vert (topmost at X=0)
            oRimVertBodyNow = oRimVertBodyRoot                              # Before we iterate set the 'next' as the root because it is the iteration's starting point
            while True:                             # Iterate through circular loop until we reach the node flagged as the last one
                oVertBodyRimNow = self.oMeshBody.bm.verts[oRimVertBodyNow.nVertBody]
                for oEdgeToChild in oVertBodyRimNow.link_edges:
                    if oEdgeToChild.select and oEdgeToChild.tag:                    # Only iterate into edges that are on the rim that (currently selected) and not traversed (tag = True)    ###CHECK: Why are all edges tagged??  Might have to create a loop above to set them to a deterministic state if this check ever fails
                        oVertNext = oEdgeToChild.other_vert(oVertBodyRimNow)
                        if oVertNext.index != oVertRimTop.index:                # Only create a new link if we haven't looped back to starting vert yet
                            vecUV_Body = oVertBodyRimNow.link_loops[0][oLayUV_Body].uv.copy()
                            oRimVertBodyNow = oRimVertBodyNow.SetNext(oEdgeToChild, oVertNext, vecUV_Body)
                        else:                                                           # We've encountered the 'first vert' once again.  End the iteration by...
                            oRimVertBodyNow.bLastInLoop = True                          #... flagging the last node as the last one...
                            oRimVertBodyNow .oRimVertBodyNext = oRimVertBodyRoot        #... and set 'next'     of last  node to first node...
                            oRimVertBodyRoot.oRimVertBodyPrev = oRimVertBodyNow         #... and set 'previous' of first node to last  node...
                            print("- Chaining: linking first {} to last {}".format(oRimVertBodyRoot, oRimVertBodyNow))
                        oEdgeToChild.tag = False            # Tag this edge as 'traversed' so we don't iterate that way again...
                        break                                                           # We have committed to this edge.  Stop iterating through other edges (exit for loop and back into infinite while loop)
                if oRimVertBodyNow.bLastInLoop:
            self.oMeshBody.Close(bHide = True)

        #=== Move all penis verts so the designated penis master vert coincides with the body's rim master vert (located at X=0 at penis top) ===
        self.oMeshPenisSource = CMesh.Attach("Penis")                   ###IMPROVE: From argument?  Ok to assume this name?
        self.oMeshPenis = CMesh.AttachFromDuplicate(self.oMeshBody.GetName() + "-Penis-Fitted", self.oMeshPenisSource)
        Cleanup_RemoveDoublesAndConvertToTris(0.000001)                             # Convert the penis to tris right away                                                              

        #=== Link to our custom armature and set all our meshes to this just-created armature object ===        #?
        self.oMeshPenis.  GetMesh().modifiers["Armature"].object = oArmNode       # Set both body and penis to the new armature
        self.oMeshBody.         GetMesh().modifiers["Armature"].object = oArmNode
        self.oMeshBody.         SetParent(oArmNode.name)                                # Set both body and penis as parent of armature Blender node
        self.oMeshPenis.  SetParent(oArmNode.name)

        if self.sNameBodySource != "Woman" and self.sNameBodySource != "ManRawImport": 
            raise Exception("###EXCEPTION: Manual morphing procedure not created to modify penis base for a body mesh of type '{}'".format(self.oMeshBody.GetName()))       ###TODO21:!! Man mesh

        if self.oMeshPenis.Open():
            self.oMeshPenis.VertGrp_SelectVerts("_CPenisFit_VertTop")     # Obtain our previously defined top vert.
            oVertPenisTop = Util_GetFirstSelectedVert(self.oMeshPenis.bm)
            vecShiftOfAllPenisVerts = vecVertRimTop - oVertPenisTop.co
            #=== Proportionally move the bottom penis vert so that bottom of penis aligns much closer to bottom of rim hole ===
            oVertPenisBottom = Util_GetFirstSelectedVert(self.oMeshPenis.bm)
            vecShiftBottomVert = vecVertRimBottom - oVertPenisBottom.co
            bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=vecShiftBottomVert, proportional='CONNECTED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=0.12)       ###TUNE: proportional size
            #=== Proportionally move a small area of verts underneath the scrotum close to base that are just too far from rim ===
            bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0, 0, 0.0046), proportional='ENABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=0.012)           ###TUNE
            #=== Proportionally move the side verts to make them wider (and with a softer angle) to rim edges ===
            nRatio = 1.12
            bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(nRatio, nRatio, nRatio), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='CONNECTED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=0.032)
            bpy.context.scene.cursor_location = Vector((0,0,0))     

            print("\n===== D. MATCH PENIS RIM VERTS TO BODY RIM VERTS =====")
            #=== Create a KD Tree of all the verts in the penis mounting area.  This tree will be used to rapidly find the closest vert to each vert of our mouting rim ===
            oKDTreePenis = kdtree.KDTree(len(self.oMeshPenis.bm.verts))                     ###OPT: Would run a bit faster if we limit KDTree to verts near base
            for oVertPenis in self.oMeshPenis.bm.verts:
                oKDTreePenis.insert(oVertPenis.co, oVertPenis.index)
            #=== Iterate through all the body rim verts to find their closest penis vert.  As we have a many-to-many between the two rim domains some body rim verts will point to multiple penis rim verts and some body rim verts will have no penis rim verts.  (Next loop choses the closest one)
            dictRimVertPenis = {}                                   # Dictionary of unique penis rim verts.
            oRimVertBodyNow = oRimVertBodyRoot
            while True:
                vecVertPenisClosestToRimVertBody, nVertPenisClosestToRimVertBody, nDist = oKDTreePenis.find(oRimVertBodyNow.vecVertBody)
                oVertPenisRim = self.oMeshPenis.bm.verts[nVertPenisClosestToRimVertBody]
                if nDist > 0.05:
                    raise Exception("###EXCEPTION: CPenis.ctor() could not find vert near enough to {}.  Closest dist = {}".format(oRimVertBodyNow.vecVertBody, nDist))
                if nVertPenisClosestToRimVertBody in dictRimVertPenis:                      # If a CRimVertPenis instance already exists for this penis rim vert obtain it so we can append this body rim vert to it
                    oRimVertPenis = dictRimVertPenis[nVertPenisClosestToRimVertBody] 
                else:                                                                       #... otherwise create a new one and we will map it to this body rim vert (its first)
                    oRimVertPenis = CRimVertPenis(self, oVertPenisRim)
                    dictRimVertPenis[nVertPenisClosestToRimVertBody] = oRimVertPenis
                oRimVertPenis.RimVertBody_Add(oRimVertBodyNow)                              # Add an additional body rim vert to this penis rim vert.  (We will pick which one is closest in next loop)  This is how we can find best rim-to-rim matches accross our many-to-many relationship between the two domains
                if oRimVertBodyNow.bLastInLoop:
                oRimVertBodyNow = oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertBodyNext
            #=== Create a new vertex group for the non-manifold penis base.  We will need it later as we delete vertices ===
            oVertGrp_PenisBaseNonManifold = self.oMeshPenis.GetMesh().vertex_groups.new("_CPenisFit_BaseNonManifold")     ###IMPROVE: Function for new vert groups?
            #=== Iterate through all the defined penis rim verts and choose the closest body rim vert for each one ===
            for nRimVertPenis in dictRimVertPenis:
                oRimVertPenis = dictRimVertPenis[nRimVertPenis]
                oRimVertBody = oRimVertPenis.RimVertBody_FindClosest()
                oRimVertPenis.oVertPenis.select_set(True)                       # Also select so we can define vertex group just below
            #=== Create a new vertex group for the penis rim.  It will be needed later on to easily identify penis rim verts ===
            oVertGrp_PenisRimVerts = self.oMeshPenis.GetMesh().vertex_groups.new("_CPenis_RimVerts") 
            #=== Mark the unused body rim verts from our chain (Those that have no corresponding penis rim vert)  They will be dissolved when we can re-open body mesh ===
            aRimVertBodyToDissolve = []                                     # Remember where they are so we can remove when we re-open body's mesh
            oRimVertBodyNow = oRimVertBodyRoot
            while True:
                if oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertPenis is None:
                    oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertBodyPrev.oRimVertBodyNext = oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertBodyNext        #... first link the 'next' pointer of our previous to our next node...
                    oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertBodyNext.oRimVertBodyPrev = oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertBodyPrev        #... and link the 'previous' pointer of our next node to our previous one.  (Bypassing & unlinking this node in both cases)
                    print("- Marked body rim vert for dissolution: {}".format(oRimVertBodyNow))                # Remove this node from doubly-linked list:
                    aRimVertBodyToDissolve.append(oRimVertBodyNow)              # Remember it so we can dissolve when we can re-open body mesh
                    ###BROKEN: Reinstate facility to change cube color? oRimVertBodyNow.oVisualizerCube.material_slots[0].material = bpy.data.materials['VisualizerCube-GreenDark']   # Change our visualizer color to indicate dissolve
                if oRimVertBodyNow.bLastInLoop:
                oRimVertBodyNow = oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertBodyNext
            print("\n===== G. DISSOLVE EXTRANEOUS PENIS RIM GEOMETRY =====")
            ###NOTE: Key part of algorithm!  What we have to do to form a solid rim border that can separate the good part of the mesh from the throwaway is to iterate through all rim edges and find edges that don't have BMEdge objects between them...
            ###NOTE: For those we dissolve the verts in the way and use 'vert_connect' to properly form a new BMEdge on the appropriate face (Does it properly as it won't introduce non-manifold geometry) 
            oRimVertBodyNow = oRimVertBodyRoot
            while True:
                print("- Running edge vert dissolve on {}".format(oRimVertBodyNow))
                oRimVertPenis1 = oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertBodyPrev.oRimVertPenis.oVertPenis 
                oRimVertPenis2 = oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertPenis.oVertPenis
                oEdgeOnRim = self.oMeshPenis.bm.edges.get([oRimVertPenis1, oRimVertPenis2])         ###INFO: How to find an existing edge
                if oEdgeOnRim is None:
                    bpy.ops.mesh.shortest_path_select()                     ###INFO: How to select shortest path
                    bpy.ops.mesh.dissolve_verts()                           ###OPT!!!: Runs very slowly but essential.  Can we possibly try to fix mesh after deleting this verts?  (Or UVs too badly damaged after 'make face' again?)
                    print("- Edge vert dissolve: Dissolved verts between {} and {} ".format(oRimVertPenis1, oRimVertPenis2))
                    oEdgeOnRim = self.oMeshPenis.bm.edges.get([oRimVertPenis1, oRimVertPenis2])         ###INFO: How to find an existing edge
                    if oEdgeOnRim is None:
                        print("- ERROR: Edge vert dissolve: Could not connect verts {} and {} ".format(oRimVertPenis1, oRimVertPenis2))
                if oRimVertBodyNow.bLastInLoop:
                oRimVertBodyNow = oRimVertBodyNow.oRimVertBodyNext
            print("\n===== H. REMOVE UNNEDDED PENIS GEOMETRY =====")
            #=== Starting at the non-manifold penis base edges keep selecting 'more' and de-selecting the rim verts... this will select all geometry we can delete ===         
            self.oMeshPenis.GetMesh().vertex_groups.active_index = oVertGrp_PenisBaseNonManifold.index
            self.oMeshPenis.GetMesh().vertex_groups.active_index = oVertGrp_PenisRimVerts.index
            for n in range(30):
                bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_deselect()      #... and de-selecting rim verts...
                bpy.ops.mesh.select_more()                  #... selecting one more layer of verts...
            #=== Destroy the verts that are past the rim verts and convert to tris once more.  After this we can directly move penis verts to the position of their associated body rim vert as they have the exact same topology ===
            print("\n===== I. MOVE PENIS RIM VERTS TO BODY RIM VERTS =====")
            #=== Move the penis rim verts to their associated body rim verts positions ===
            for nRimVertPenis in dictRimVertPenis:
                oRimVertPenis = dictRimVertPenis[nRimVertPenis]
                oRimVertPenis.oVertPenis.co = oRimVertPenis.oRimVertBody.vecVertBody
                oRimVertPenis.nVertPenis = oRimVertPenis.oVertPenis.index                   # Deleting verts in statement group above changed vertice indexes.  Refresh them so we have valid ones to still find penis rim verts after join below
            #=== Before joining heavily smooth the verts in the area of the joined rim vertices ===            ###TUNE: End-result penis smoothing.
            self.oMeshPenis.GetMesh().vertex_groups.active_index = oVertGrp_PenisRimVerts.index
            for n in range(5):
                bpy.ops.mesh.select_more()                  # Progressively smooth right around (modified rim)...
                bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_deselect()      #... but we never move rim verts themselves!
                bpy.ops.mesh.vertices_smooth(5)             ###TUNE: Smoothing
            #=== Remove all vertex groups and create a new one for CSoftBody implementation to use to create soft body from penis ===
            self.oMeshPenis.VertGrp_Remove(r"_CPenisFit_")        #?
            oVertGrp_Penis = self.oMeshPenis.GetMesh().vertex_groups.new("_CSoftBody_Penis")
            bpy.data.scenes[0].tool_settings.vertex_group_weight = 0        ###CHECK: Make sure this works!

        #=== Switch the penis to its unique material / texture / image so that the starting texture can be modified to uniquely 'blend' this penis texture to this body ===
        aMatSlots = self.oMeshPenis.GetMesh().material_slots
        oMatBase = aMatSlots[0].material
        aMatSlots[0].material = bpy.data.materials[oMatBase.name + "_WomanA"]           ###INFO: Materials / textures / images have already been populated in the .blend file to be able to simply switch materials like this

        print("\n===== J. SKINNING PENIS FROM ORIGINAL BODY =====")
        #=== Transfer skinning info from body to unskinned penis.  This is essential so penis base moves with the body! ===
        ###OPT ###IMPROVE: We only need skinning info to transfer to the base not the entire shaft!  Can be sped up?
#         self.oMeshPenis.Util_TransferWeights(self.oMeshBody, False)
#         if self.oMeshPenis.Open():
#             self.oMeshPenis.VertGrp_Remove(re.compile(oVertGrp_PenisMountingHole.name), bSelectVerts = True)      # Weight transfer above also transferred the mounting hole vert group which we don't want
#             self.oMeshPenis.Close()

        #=== Cleanup the extraneous materials while keeping the most important one ===        ###OBS: Raw penis from DAZ gets it extra texture removed manually
        #oMatPenisMainMaterial = self.oMeshPenis.GetMeshData().materials["Skin"]       # Before removing all materials obtain reference to the one we need to keep
        #while len(self.oMeshPenis.GetMeshData().materials) > 0:                       # Remove all the materials
        #    bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove()
        #self.oMeshPenis.GetMesh().material_slots[0].material = oMatPenisMainMaterial     # In the re-created slot re-assign the body material so it is the only material there.
        #=== Refresh the BMVerts we need to dissolve after the next vert delete for mounting hole ===
        if self.oMeshBody.Open(bDeselect = True):
            for oRimVertBodyNow in aRimVertBodyToDissolve:
                oRimVertBodyNow.oVertBody = self.oMeshBody.bm.verts[oRimVertBodyNow.nVertBody]     # Update the BMVert from the index all indices are about to become invalid after vert delete below

            #=== Remove the verts inside the penis mounting hole (e.g. finally create the 'hole' needed for penis to weld in) ===
            self.oMeshBody.GetMesh().vertex_groups.active_index = oVertGrp_PenisMountingHole.index
            bpy.ops.mesh.select_less()                  # Vertex group contains the rim verts which we want to keep.  Select one vert ring less to select only the inner verts we must delete
            bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='VERT')            # Delete the mounting area's inner hole.  Penis can now be merged right in place by welding close verts
            #=== Dissolve the unused geometry of the body's penis rim.  Leaving them would create holes after join! ===
            for oRimVertBodyNow in aRimVertBodyToDissolve:
                if oRimVertBodyNow.oVertBody.is_valid:
                print("- Dissolving marked body rim vert {}".format(oRimVertBodyNow))
            #=== Re-triangulate penis mounting hole area ===

        print("\n===== Z. FINISHED! =====")