def load_coordinate_row(self, feature):
        id = self.getID(feature)
        locations = self.getLocationList(feature)

        if (feature == None or id == None):
            self.stderr.write("missing id or locations")

        # For current zone, load coordinates
        zone = Zone() = feature["id"]
        zone.zone_type = feature["properties"]["Name"]
        zone_center = GeoUtils().getCentroid(locations)
        zone.center_lat = zone_center[1]
        zone.center_lon = zone_center[0]
        print("**** created zone:", zone)

        for lat_lon in locations:
            lat = lat_lon[0]
            lon = lat_lon[1]
            coordinate = \
                Coordinate(name=zone, lat=lat, lon=lon)
            print("added", coordinate)
def main():
    # print "reade ntuple for file ", sys.arg[1]
    # print "read geometry from file ", sys.argv[2]
    # ntuple = HGCalNtuple(sys.argv[1])
    # planes = GeoUtils.read_planes(sys.argv[2])

    # for plane in planes:
    #  print_geo(ntuple, plane)
    print "read geometry from file: ", "fullgeometry_.txt"

    print "reading planes"
    planes = GeoUtils.read_planes("fullgeometry_.txt")

    c = TCanvas()

    mg = TMultiGraph()

    cells = planes[0].cells

    for cell in cells:
        x = array("d", cell.coordinates.vertices[:, 0])

        y = array("d", cell.coordinates.vertices[:, 1])

        gi = TGraph(len(x), x, y)

        mg.Add(gi, "AL")

    # mg.Draw("AL")
def processGEview(bbox,ge_key):
    # Get current user's information
    user = DBhandle.ConnUserName()
    # Import shelving and datetime modules
    import shelve
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    # Get BBOX boundaries
    west = float(bbox[0])
    east = float(bbox[2])
    north = float(bbox[3])
    south = float(bbox[1])
    # If large view, create small square view at center
    if abs(east-west) > 30 or abs(north-south) > 30:
        center_lng = ((east - west) / 2) + west
        center_lat = ((north - south) / 2) + south
        west = center_lng - 0.2
        east = center_lng + 0.2
        north = center_lat + 0.2
        south = center_lat - 0.2
    # Create bounding polygon
    boundingPoly = GeoUtils.makeBoundingPolygon(north,south,east,west)
    # KML Header
    kml_output = '<Folder id="ConnUserViewInfo">\n'
    kml_output += '<styleUrl>%s/</styleUrl>\n' % (BASE_URL,)
    kml_output += '<name>Connected User View Information</name><open>0</open><visibility>1</visibility>\n'
    # Open persistent object storage
    s ='realtimeGEuserview.db', writeback=True)
        if not 'liveview' in s:
        s['liveview'][user] = { 'timestamp' :, 'view' : boundingPoly }
        for u in s['liveview'].keys():
            if s['liveview'][u]['timestamp'] + timedelta(minutes = 5) <
                del s['liveview'][u]
            elif u == "visitor":
                if not s['liveview'][u]['view'] == boundingPoly:
                    kml_output += createViewPoly(u, s['liveview'][u])
    # KML footer
    kml_output += '</Folder>\n'
    return kml_output
def visible(p, points, q, T, S):
    if points.index(q) == 0:
        ant_point = None
        ant_point = points[points.index(q) - 1]
    for poly in S:
        if q in poly.vertices:
            for edge in poly.edges:
                if GeoUtils.edge_intersect(p, q, edge): return False
        elif ant_point == None or not GeoUtils.is_on(p, ant_point, q):
            for edge in poly.edges:
                found = T.min_item() == edge
                if found and GeoUtils.edge_intersect(p, q, edge): return False
                else: return True
        elif not visible(p, points, ant_point, T, S): return False
            for edge in T:
                if GeoUtils.edge_intersect(p, q, edge):
                    return False
                else: return True
def visible(p, points, q, T, S):
    if points.index(q) == 0:
        ant_point = None
        ant_point = points[points.index(q) - 1]
    for poly in S:
        if q in poly.vertices:
            for edge in poly.edges:
                if GeoUtils.edge_intersect(p, q, edge): return False
        elif ant_point == None or not GeoUtils.is_on(p, ant_point, q):
            for edge in poly.edges:
                found = T.min_item() == edge
                if found and GeoUtils.edge_intersect(p, q, edge): return False
                else: return True
        elif not visible(p, points, ant_point, T, S): return False
            for edge in T:
                if GeoUtils.edge_intersect(p, q, edge):
                    return False
                    return True
def visible_vertices(p, S, start, goal):
    V = getAllVertices(S)
    W = []
    for point in V:
        visible = True
        for poly in S:
            for edge in poly.edges:
                if p not in edge and point not in edge: #the two vertexs of the same edge can see each other, disjoint polygons
                    if GeoUtils.edge_intersect(p, point, edge): visible = False
                if p in poly.vertices and point in poly.vertices:
                    if GeoUtils.midpoint_in_polygon([p, point], poly): visible = False
                    for poly2 in S:
                        if GeoUtils.midpoint_in_polygon([p, point], poly2): visible = False
        if visible:

    return W
def visible_vertices(p, S, start, goal):
    V = getAllVertices(S)
    W = []
    for point in V:
        visible = True
        for poly in S:
            for edge in poly.edges:
                if p not in edge and point not in edge:  #the two vertexs of the same edge can see each other, disjoint polygons
                    if GeoUtils.edge_intersect(p, point, edge): visible = False
                if p in poly.vertices and point in poly.vertices:
                    if GeoUtils.midpoint_in_polygon([p, point], poly):
                        visible = False
                    for poly2 in S:
                        if GeoUtils.midpoint_in_polygon([p, point], poly2):
                            visible = False
        if visible:

    return W
def visibility_graph(S, start, goal):
    V = getAllVertices(S)
    E = []
    for v in V:
        W = visible_vertices(v, S, start, goal)
        for w in W:
            E.append((v, w))
    Gvis = Graph()
    for v in V:
    for e in E:
        Gvis.addEdge(e[0], e[1])
        cost = GeoUtils.euclidean_distance(e[0], e[1])
        Gvis.addCost((e[0], e[1]), cost)
    return Gvis
def visibility_graph(S, start, goal):
    V = getAllVertices(S)
    E = []
    for v in V:
        W = visible_vertices(v, S, start, goal)
        for w in W:
            E.append((v, w))
    Gvis = Graph()
    for v in V:
    for e in E:
        Gvis.addEdge(e[0], e[1])
        cost = GeoUtils.euclidean_distance(e[0],e[1])
        Gvis.addCost((e[0], e[1]), cost)
    return Gvis
def KMLout(bbox=["-74.4","40.4","-73.5","40.9"],ge_key=""):
    # Dictionary of KML Styles associated with type
    noteStatusStyle = {
            "Caution" : 'noteCaution',
            "Sticky" : 'noteSticky',
            "Info" : 'noteInfo',
            "Hidden" : 'noteHidden'
    # Get BBOX boundaries
    west = bbox[0]
    east = bbox[2]
    north = bbox[3]
    south = bbox[1]
    # Database query
    dbq = "SELECT ID,attribution,details,status,visible,AsText(feature_geometry) FROM notes WHERE MBRIntersects(PolyFromText('%s'),feature_geometry) AND visible=1" \
        % (GeoUtils.makeBoundingPolygon(north,south,east,west),)
    # Query database
    dbdata,rowcount = DBhandle.query(dbq)
    # Close database
    if rowcount > 0:
        # Folder contents
        import operator
        FolderContents = reduce(operator.concat,[GeoUtils.Interface.genKML.InterfaceNotePlacemark(ge_key,noteStatusStyle,r) for r in dbdata])
        FolderContents = ''
    # Folder details
    FolderID = 'UserNotes'
    FolderName = 'User Notes'
    FolderStyle = '%s/' % (BASE_URL,)
    FolderOpen = 0
    FolderVisibility = 1
    # Create output
    kml_output = GeoUtils.Interface.genKML.Folder(id=FolderID,name=FolderName,open=FolderOpen,visibility=FolderVisibility,contents=FolderContents)
    # Return KML output
    return kml_output
def makeNetwork(pid,w=1,h=1,eq=GeoUtils.constants.Equations.BMASW,elev_data=GeoUtils.constants.ElevSrc.DEFAULT30SEC):
    Create network from elevation grid
        @param pid - port ID
        @param w - grid width in degrees (default: 1)
        @param h - grid height in degrees (default: 1)
        @param eq - design equation as constant in GeoUtils.constants.Equations (default: SUPERSLR Minimum-Criteria Dike Design)
        @param elevdata - elevation data to use for grid as constant in GeoUtils.constants.ElevSrc (default: 30-second SRTM30Plus)
    # Query database for port details
    portq = "SELECT ID,name,latitude,longitude FROM portdata WHERE ID='%s'" % (pid,)
    portdata,portrowcount = DBhandle.query(portq)
    # If not only one port returned from database, raise error
    if portrowcount == 0 or portrowcount > 1:
        # Return error
        errtxt = "There was an error while retrieving the port data. <br/><br/>\n"
        errtxt += "Please report this error to %s " % (GeoUtils.constants.contactEmail,)
        errtxt += "including the following information: "
        errtxt += "Port ID - %s, Number of ports - %s" % (pid,portrowcount)  
        # Return error text and error
        # Function exits
        return errtxt,True
    # Get port latitude and longitude
    port_lat = float(portdata[0]['latitude'])
    port_lon = float(portdata[0]['longitude'])
    # Determine bounding box for area of interest surrounding port
    west = float(port_lon) - float(w) / 2
    east = float(port_lon) + float(w) / 2
    north = float(port_lat) + float(h) / 2
    south = float(port_lat) - float(h) / 2
    # Create bounding polygon syntax for SQL
    boundingPoly = "PolyFromText('%s')" % (GeoUtils.makeBoundingPolygon(north,south,east,west),)
    # Query database for associated port polygons
    polyq = "SELECT ID,AsText(feature_geometry) FROM current_features WHERE "
    polyq += "(feature_type = 'Port Infrastructure Polygon' OR feature_type = 'Model Avoid Polygon') "
    polyq += "AND MBRIntersects(%s,feature_geometry)" % (boundingPoly,)
    polydata,polyrowcount = DBhandle.query(polyq)
    # Query database for associated port polygons
    seq = "SELECT ID,AsText(feature_geometry) FROM current_features WHERE "
    seq += "feature_type = 'Model StartEnd Polygon' "
    seq += "AND MBRIntersects(%s,feature_geometry)" % (boundingPoly,)
    sedata,serowcount = DBhandle.query(seq)
    # Query database for elevation grid
    elevq = "SELECT longitude,latitude,elevation FROM elev_data WHERE "
    elevq += "longitude <= %s AND longitude >= %s AND latitude <= %s AND latitude >= %s AND source='%s' ORDER BY latitude, longitude ASC" % \
    #elevdata,elevrowcount = elevDBhandle.query(elevq)
    elevdata,elevrowcount = DBhandle.query(elevq)
    # If there are results from the database, process elevation grid
    if elevrowcount == 0:
        # Return error message
        errtxt = "There was an error while retrieving the elevation grid. "
        errtxt += "The elevation data may not currently be loaded in the database. <br/><br/>"
        errtxt += "Please report this error to %s " % (GeoUtils.constants.contactEmail,)
        errtxt += "along with the following information: Port ID - %s" % (pid,)
        # Return error text and error
        # Function exits
        return errtxt,True
    # Import design cost functions
    import designs
    # Dictionary of possible cross-section equations
    eqns = {
            GeoUtils.constants.Equations.BMASW : designs.pieceByPiece,
            GeoUtils.constants.Equations.SMCDD : designs.SMCDD
    # Query database for global parameters
    gpq = "SELECT * FROM modelparameters WHERE eqn = '%s'" % (eq,)
    gpdata,gprowcount = DBhandle.query(gpq)
    # Query database for local parameters
    lpq = "SELECT mean_low_low_tide,mean_high_high_tide,storm_surge,design_wave_height "
    lpq += "FROM portdata WHERE ID = '%s'" % (pid,)
    lpdata,lprowcount = DBhandle.query(lpq)
    # Process global parameters database result
    # If more than one record returned or no records returned, raise error
    if gprowcount == 0 or gprowcount > 1:
        # Return error
        errtxt = "There was an error while retrieving the global port protector parameters.<br/><br/>y\n"
        errtxt += "Please report this error to %s, " % (GeoUtils.constants.contactEmail,)
        errtxt += "including the information below.\n\n"
        errtxt += "Port ID: %s\n" % (pid,)
        errtxt += "Design equation: %s\n" % (eq,)
        errtxt += "Number of global parameter rows: %s\n" % (gprowcount,)
        errtxt += "Number of local parameter rows: %s\n" % (lprowcount,)
        # Return error text and error
        # Function exits
        return errtxt,True
    # Set parameters to global values 
    params = gpdata[0]
    # Only work with localized parameters if only one set is returned
    if lprowcount == 1:
        # Search for localized parameters, if exists and different from global value,
        #   set parameter to localized value
        for i in params:
            if not lpdata[0].has_key(i) or lpdata[0][i] == "-9999" or lpdata[0][i] == -9999 or lpdata[0][i] == params[i]:
                params[i] = lpdata[0][i]
    # Get initial point
    initPt = GeoUtils.Features.Point(x=float(elevdata[0]['longitude']),y=float(elevdata[0]['latitude']),elev=float(elevdata[0]['elevation']))
    # Select elevation grid size based on elevation data source
    dr = GeoUtils.constants.ElevSize.get(elev_data)
    # Get local distance between points
    distDiffInit = initPt.distanceFrom(GeoUtils.Features.Point(x=initPt.lon+dr,
    # Dictionary for grid vertices
    grid = {}
    for r in elevdata:
        # Create new Point based on database record
        curPt = GeoUtils.Features.Point(x=float(r['longitude']),y=float(r['latitude']),elev=float(r['elevation']))
        # Get metric distances from initial point
        distCurInit = curPt.distanceFrom(initPt)
        # Convert to integer coordinates on grid
        IntCoordX = int(round(distCurInit["horiz"] / distDiffInit["horiz"],0))
        IntCoordY = int(round(distCurInit["vertical"] / distDiffInit["vertical"],0))
        GridCoord = (IntCoordX,IntCoordY)
        # Store raw metric coordinates and elevation at integer coordinate on grid
        grid[GridCoord] = {
                "latlon" : (curPt.lon,,
                "metric" : (distCurInit["horiz"],distCurInit["vertical"]),
                "elev" : curPt.elev
    # List of keys to delete because of avoid polygons or parameter exclusion
    del_keys = []
    # If there is one or more avoid polygons, delete vertices inside these polygons
    if polyrowcount > 0:
        # For each avoid polygon, if vertex lies within polygon, add to list of keys to be deleted
        for polygon in polydata:
            poly = GeoUtils.Features.Polygon()
            del_keys.extend([ v for v in grid if poly.containsPoint(GeoUtils.Features.Point(x=grid[v]["latlon"][0],y=grid[v]["latlon"][1])) ])
    # Add vertices excluded by parameters to delete list
    #   Current disqualifying parameters: max_elevation, min_elevation
    del_keys.extend([ v for v in grid if grid[v]["elev"] > float(params['max_elevation']) or grid[v]["elev"] < float(params['min_elevation']) ])
    # Delete listed keys from available vertices
    for v in del_keys:
        if v in grid:
            del grid[v]
    # Process start/end points
    # If two start end polygons in immediate vicinity, use these regions for starting and ending points
    if serowcount == 2:
        # Start and end polygons
        startpoly = GeoUtils.Features.Polygon()
        endpoly = GeoUtils.Features.Polygon()
        # Check vertices for appropriate inclusion in start and end points
        spts = [ v for v in grid if startpoly.containsPoint(GeoUtils.Features.Point(x=grid[v]["latlon"][0],y=grid[v]["latlon"][1])) ]
        epts = [ v for v in grid if endpoly.containsPoint(GeoUtils.Features.Point(x=grid[v]["latlon"][0],y=grid[v]["latlon"][1])) ]
        # Return error message
        errtxt = "There was an error while retrieving the starting and ending polygons.<br/><br/>\n"
        errtxt += "Please ensure that there are exactly two StartEnd Polygons in the prescribed grid "
        errtxt += "and that each polygon contains possible grid points.<br/><br/>\n"
        errtxt += "Please report this error to %s " % (GeoUtils.constants.contactEmail,)
        errtxt += "along with the following information:\n"
        errtxt += "Port ID - %s\n" % (pid,)
        errtxt += "SE Polygons returned - %s\n" % (serowcount,)
        # Return error text and error
        # Function exits
        return errtxt,True
    # Dictionary to store graph
    graph = {}
    # Create network based on vertices
    for vertex in grid:
        # Create directory for edges
        graph[vertex] = {}
        # Get grid x and y for current vertex
        x,y = vertex
        # Neighbors of current vertex
        neighbors = [
                (x,y + 1),
                (x,y - 1),
                (x - 1,y),
                (x - 1,y + 1),
                (x - 1,y - 1),
                (x + 1,y),
                (x + 1,y + 1),
                (x + 1,y - 1)
        # For each neighbor, check for key and compute cost based on distance and average elevation
        for neighbr in neighbors:
            if grid.has_key(neighbr):
                # Calculate distance between current vertex and neighbor
                vertexPt = GeoUtils.Features.Point(x=grid[vertex]["latlon"][0],y=grid[vertex]["latlon"][1])
                nighbrPt = GeoUtils.Features.Point(x=grid[neighbr]["latlon"][0],y=grid[neighbr]["latlon"][1])
                dist = vertexPt.distanceFrom(nighbrPt)
                # Calculate average elevation
                avg_elev = (float(grid[vertex]["elev"]) + float(grid[neighbr]["elev"])) / 2
                # Get cost for edge
                graph[vertex][neighbr] = eqns.get(eq)(dist["total"],avg_elev,params)
    # List of edges to delete
    #del_edges = []
    # For each avoid polygon, if edges intersects with polygon, add to list of edges to be deleted
    #for polygon in polydata:
    #    poly = GeoMySQL.poly2coords(polygon['AsText(feature_geometry)'])["outer"]
    #    for v in graph:
    #        for e in graph[v]:
    #            edge = (grid[v]["latlon"],grid[e]["latlon"])
    #            if edgeintersectpoly(edge,poly):
    #                del_edges.append((v,e))
    # Delete listed edges from graph
    #for e in del_edges:
    #    if e[0] in graph:
    #        if e[1] in graph[e[0]]:
    #            pass
    #            #del graph[e[0]][e[1]]
    #            #print e
    # Return graph and no error
    return (grid,graph,spts,epts,boundingPoly),False
def KMLout(bbox=["-74.4","40.4","-73.5","40.9"],ge_key="",type="Port Infrastructure Polygon"):
        # Dictionary of IDs associated with type
        polyIDs = {
                        "Port Infrastructure Polygon" : 'PortInfraPoly',
                        "Basin Polygon" : 'BasinPoly',
                        "Model Avoid Polygon" : 'AvoidPoly',
                        "Berm Avoid Polygon" : 'BermAvoidPoly',
                        "Model StartEnd Polygon" : 'StartEndPoly'

        # Dictionary of KML Styles associated with type
        polyStyles = {
                        "Port Infrastructure Polygon" : 'portInfrastructure',
                        "Basin Polygon" : 'basinPolygon',
                        "Model Avoid Polygon" : 'avoidPolygon',
                        "Berm Avoid Polygon" : 'bermAvoidPolygon',
                        "Model StartEnd Polygon" : 'startEndPolygon'

        # Dictionary of heights associated with polygon types
        polyHeights = {
                        "Port Infrastructure Polygon" : 120,
                        "Basin Polygon" : 20,
                        "Model Avoid Polygon" : 50,
                        "Berm Avoid Polygon" : 50,
                        "Model StartEnd Polygon" : 75

        # Get BBOX boundaries
        west = bbox[0]
        east = bbox[2]
        north = bbox[3]
        south = bbox[1]

        # Database query
        dbq = "SELECT ID,portID,AsText(feature_geometry) FROM current_features WHERE feature_type = '%s' AND MBRIntersects(PolyFromText('%s'),feature_geometry)" % (type,GeoUtils.makeBoundingPolygon(north,south,east,west))

        # Query database
        dbdata,rowcount = DBhandle.query(dbq)

        if rowcount > 0:
                # Folder contents
                import operator
                FolderContents = reduce(operator.concat,[GeoUtils.Interface.genKML.InterfacePortPolygon(ge_key,polyIDs.get(type),polyStyles.get(type),polyHeights.get(type,0),r) for r in dbdata])
                FolderContents = ''

        # Folder details
        FolderID = str(polyIDs.get(type))
        FolderName = '%ss' % (type,)
        FolderStyle = '%s/' % (BASE_URL,)
        FolderOpen = 0
        FolderVisibility = 1

        # Create output
        kml_output = GeoUtils.Interface.genKML.Folder(id=FolderID,name=FolderName,open=FolderOpen,visibility=FolderVisibility,contents=FolderContents)

        # Return KML output
        return kml_output
def KMLout(bbox=["-74.4","40.4","-73.5","40.9"],ge_key=""):
    # Database table information
    table = 'current_features'

    # Get BBOX boundaries
    west = bbox[0]
    east = bbox[2]
    north = bbox[3]
    south = bbox[1]

    # Database query
    dbq = "SELECT ID,portID,attribution,path_length,structure_height_above_msl, AsText(path_geometry) FROM portprotector WHERE MBRIntersects(PolyFromText('%s'),path_geometry)" % (GeoUtils.makeBoundingPolygon(north,south,east,west),)

    # Query database
    dbdata,rowcount = DBhandle.query(dbq)

    # Close database

    if rowcount > 0:
        # Folder contents
        import operator
        FolderContents = reduce(operator.concat,[GeoUtils.Interface.genKML.InterfacePath(ge_key,r) for r in dbdata])
        FolderContents = ''

    # Folder details
    FolderID = 'ModelPaths'
    FolderName = 'Port Protector Model Paths'
    FolderOpen = 0
    FolderVisibility = 1
    FolderStyle = '%s/' % (BASE_URL,)

    # Create output
    kml_output = GeoUtils.Interface.genKML.Folder(id=FolderID,name=FolderName,open=FolderOpen,visibility=FolderVisibility,contents=FolderContents)

    # Return KML output
    return kml_output