def __init__(self, num_agents = 500, max_sugar=5, sugar_growth_rate=.5, agent_vision=3, agent_metabolism=4, tax_rate=.5): ''' The sugarscape is a matrix of Location objects.''' Matrix.__init__(self, 51, 51) self.max_sugar = max_sugar self.sugar_growth_rate = sugar_growth_rate self.agent_vision = agent_vision self.agent_metabolism = agent_metabolism self.tax_rate = tax_rate self.agents = [] self.total_wealth = 0 self.num_agents = num_agents self.timestamp = 0 = Government(tax_rate=self.tax_rate, sugarscape=self) self.populate_sugarscape()
class Sugarscape(Matrix): def __init__(self, num_agents = 500, max_sugar=5, sugar_growth_rate=.5, agent_vision=3, agent_metabolism=4, tax_rate=.5): ''' The sugarscape is a matrix of Location objects.''' Matrix.__init__(self, 51, 51) self.max_sugar = max_sugar self.sugar_growth_rate = sugar_growth_rate self.agent_vision = agent_vision self.agent_metabolism = agent_metabolism self.tax_rate = tax_rate self.agents = [] self.total_wealth = 0 self.num_agents = num_agents self.timestamp = 0 = Government(tax_rate=self.tax_rate, sugarscape=self) self.populate_sugarscape() def reset(self): '''resets the whole sugarscape''' self.agents = [] = self.tax_rate Matrix.__init__(self,51,51) self.agents = [] self.populate_sugarscape() self.timestamp = 0 return True def populate_sugarscape(self): '''updates the blank sugarscape to have the attributes we want. also, populates the agents.''' for x in range(self.length): for y in range(self.width): loc = self.get_location(x, y) loc.set_max_sugar(self.max_sugar) loc.set_sugar_amt(self.max_sugar) loc.set_sugar_growth_rate(self.sugar_growth_rate) while len(self.agents) < self.num_agents: x = random.randint(0, self.length - 1) y = random.randint(0, self.width - 1) self.add_agent(x, y) return True def add_agent(self, x, y): '''adds an agent to the sugarscape''' if not self.get_location(x, y).get_has_agent(): agent = Agent(x, y, self.agent_vision, 1, self.agent_metabolism, self) self.agents.append(agent) return True else: return False def remove_agent(self, agent): '''removes an agent from the sugarscape''' self.agents.remove(agent) return True def get_nearby_locations(self, vision, location): ''' returns a list of all location objects within a certain range of the object''' nearby_locations = [] for i in range(-vision, vision + 1): if i==0: continue nearby_xloc = self.get_location((location.x + i) % self.length, location.y) nearby_yloc = self.get_location(location.x, (location.y + i) % self.width) nearby_locations.append(nearby_xloc) nearby_locations.append(nearby_yloc) return nearby_locations def nextstep(self): '''moves the sugarscape forward one time step. Agents and all locations update''' for x in range(self.length): for y in range(self.width): self.get_location(x, y).regrow_sugar() self.total_wealth = 0 for agent in self.agents: self.total_wealth += agent.sugar_reserve for agent in self.agents: agent.nextstep() self.timestamp +=1 if self.timestamp % 1 == 0: def agent_wealths(self): ''' makes a list of all agent wealths ''' wealths = [] for agent in self.agents: wealths.append(agent.get_sugar_reserve()) return wealths def get_location(self, x, y): return self.get_value(x,y) def set_agent_vision(self, value): self.agent_vision = value def set_tax_rate(self, value): self.tax_rate = value def set_max_sugar(self, value): self.max_sugar = value def set_sugar_growth_rate(self, value): self.sugar_growth_rate = value def set_num_agents(self, value): self.num_agents = value def set_agent_metabolism(self, value): self.agent_metabolism = value def __str__(self): return_str = "" for y in range(self.width): for x in range(self.length): return_str += str(self.get_location(x, y).get_sugar_amt()) return_str += " " return_str += "\n" return return_str
class Sugarscape(Matrix): def __init__(self, num_agents = 500, max_sugar=5, sugar_growth_rate=.5, agent_vision=3, agent_metabolism=2.5, tax_rate=.5): ''' The sugarscape is a matrix of Location objects.''' Matrix.__init__(self, 51, 51) self.max_sugar = max_sugar self.sugar_growth_rate = sugar_growth_rate self.agent_vision = agent_vision self.agent_metabolism = agent_metabolism self.tax_rate = tax_rate self.agents = [] self.total_wealth = 0 self.num_agents = num_agents self.timestamp = 0 = Government(tax_rate=self.tax_rate, sugarscape=self) self.populate_sugarscape() def reset(self): '''resets the whole sugarscape''' self.agents = [] = self.tax_rate Matrix.__init__(self,51,51) self.agents = [] self.populate_sugarscape() self.timestamp = 0 return True def make_uniform_terrian(self): ''' update the blank uniform sugarscape ''' for x in range(self.length): for y in range(self.width): loc = self.get_location(x, y) loc.set_max_sugar(self.max_sugar) loc.set_sugar_amt(self.max_sugar) loc.set_sugar_growth_rate(self.sugar_growth_rate) def initialize_slope_terrian(self,_value=0): for x in range(self.length): for y in range(self.width): loc = self.get_location(x, y) loc.set_max_sugar(_value) def add_slope_terrian(self,c_x,c_y,_gradient=0.3): for x in range(self.length): for y in range(self.width): nDistance = math.sqrt((x-c_x)**2 + (y-c_y)**2) ratio_max_sugar = (int)(self.max_sugar - _gradient*nDistance) if ratio_max_sugar <= 0: ratio_max_sugar = 0 if ratio_max_sugar >= self.max_sugar: ratio_max_sugar = self.max_sugar loc = self.get_location(x, y) #print loc.get_max_sugar() loc.set_max_sugar(loc.get_max_sugar() + ratio_max_sugar) def modify_slope_terrian(self): for x in range(self.length): for y in range(self.width): loc = self.get_location(x, y) value = loc.get_max_sugar() + 1 if value <= 1: value = 1 if value >= self.max_sugar: value = self.max_sugar loc.set_max_sugar(value) loc.set_sugar_amt(value) loc.set_sugar_growth_rate(self.sugar_growth_rate) def populate_sugarscape(self): '''updates the blank sugarscape to have the attributes we want. also, populates the agents.''' self.make_uniform_terrian() self.initialize_slope_terrian() self.add_slope_terrian(15,15) self.add_slope_terrian(35,35) self.modify_slope_terrian() while len(self.agents) < self.num_agents: x = random.randint(0, self.length - 1) y = random.randint(0, self.width - 1) self.add_agent(x, y) return True def add_agent(self, x, y): '''adds an agent to the sugarscape''' if not self.get_location(x, y).get_has_agent(): if random.randint(2) is 0: agent = Agent(x, y, self.agent_vision, 2, 'male',self.agent_metabolism, self) else agent = Agent(x, y, self.agent_vision, 2, 'female',self.agent_metabolism, self) self.agents.append(agent) return True else: return False def remove_agent(self, agent): '''removes an agent from the sugarscape''' self.agents.remove(agent) return True def get_nearby_locations(self, vision, location): ''' returns a list of all location objects within a certain range of the object''' nearby_locations = [] for i in range(-vision, vision + 1): if i==0: continue nearby_xloc = self.get_location((location.x + i) % self.length, location.y) nearby_yloc = self.get_location(location.x, (location.y + i) % self.width) nearby_locations.append(nearby_xloc) nearby_locations.append(nearby_yloc) return nearby_locations def nextstep(self): '''moves the sugarscape forward one time step. Agents and all locations update''' for x in range(self.length): for y in range(self.width): self.get_location(x, y).regrow_sugar() self.total_wealth = 0 for agent in self.agents: self.total_wealth += agent.sugar_reserve for agent in self.agents: agent.nextstep() self.timestamp +=1 if self.timestamp % 1 == 0: def agent_wealths(self): ''' makes a list of all agent wealths ''' wealths = [] for agent in self.agents: wealths.append(agent.get_sugar_reserve()) return wealths def get_location(self, x, y): return self.get_value(x,y) def set_agent_vision(self, value): self.agent_vision = value def set_tax_rate(self, value): self.tax_rate = value def set_max_sugar(self, value): self.max_sugar = value def set_sugar_growth_rate(self, value): self.sugar_growth_rate = value def set_num_agents(self, value): self.num_agents = value def set_agent_metabolism(self, value): self.agent_metabolism = value def __str__(self): return_str = "" for y in range(self.width): for x in range(self.length): return_str += str(self.get_location(x, y).get_sugar_amt()) return_str += " " return_str += "\n" return return_str
def create_government(): bonds = Parameters.Initial_economy_bonds_stocks / Parameters.Bonds_price reserves = 0 return Government.Gov(bonds, reserves)