def oCountry(self): country1 = self.cmbcntry1.currentText() country2 = self.cmbcntry2.currentText() if country1=="Choose Any Country" or country2=="Choose Any Country": QMessageBox.warning(self,"Message from OLYSIS","Please select any values from combo boxes.",QMessageBox.Ok) else: Graphs.cmpOCntryGraph(self, country1, country2)
def oSports(self): sport1 = self.cmbsprts1.currentText() sport2 = self.cmbsprts2.currentText() if sport1=="Choose Any Sport" or sport2=="Choose Any Sport": QMessageBox.warning(self,"Message from OLYSIS","Please select any values from combo boxes.",QMessageBox.Ok) else: Graphs.cmpOSprtGraph(self, sport1, sport2)
def average_analysis(temperatures, chem_pot_range, prop_array, prop_name, Wm_array, _accuracy, options, temp_depend=False): """ Performs average analysis on a selected property """ # Calculates the average values success, error, avg_array = calc_average_value(temperatures, chem_pot_range, prop_array, prop_name, Wm_array, _accuracy, options, temp_depend=temp_depend) if not success: return success, error # Plots the average values Graphs.avg_values(temperatures, chem_pot_range, avg_array, prop_name, _accuracy, options) return success, error
def floyd_warshall_test(): d = [[inf, 10, 5, 7, inf, inf], [inf, inf, inf, inf, 10, 1], [inf, inf, inf, inf, 3, inf], [inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, 1], [inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf], [inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf]] Graphs.floyd_warshall_algorithm(d) assert d[0][1] == 10 and d[0][2] == 5 and d[0][3] == 7 and d[0][ 4] == 8 and d[0][5] == 8, "Incorrect solution"
def finastro_sim(): # Add stock data ticker_group = 'FinAstro' tickers = ['LON:FTSE100'] df_tickers = da.create_df_from_tickers(tickers) # Add Ephemeris data df_eph = create_ephemeris_df() df_eph = df_eph[(df_eph.index > '2001-01-01') & (df_eph.index < '2019-09-30')] df = df_eph.join(df_tickers, how='inner') # Generate long/short tickers i.e. signals df = Strategy.create_long_short_tickers(tickers, df, ticker_group) # Run backtest portfolio = Portfolio(df), portfolio) Performance.metrics(portfolio, ticker_group) # Outputs pd.options.display.float_format = '{:20,.2f}'.format portfolio.orders_df.to_csv(cp.files['orders']) portfolio.trades_df.to_csv(cp.files['trades']) portfolio.df.to_csv(cp.files['backtest']) portfolio.metrics_df.to_csv(cp.files['metrics']) print(portfolio.metrics_df) Graphs.equity_curve(df=portfolio.df)
def mSports(self): sport = self.cmbsprts.currentText() year1 = self.cmbyear1.currentText() year2 = self.cmbyear2.currentText() if sport=="Choose Any Sports" or year1=="Choose Any Year" or year2=="Choose Another Year": QMessageBox.warning(self,"Message from OLYSIS","Please select any values from combo boxes.",QMessageBox.Ok) else: Graphs.cmpMSprtGraph(self,sport,year1,year2)
def mGender(self): gender = self.cmbgnder.currentText() year1 = self.cmbyear1.currentText() year2 = self.cmbyear2.currentText() if gender == "Choose Any Gender" or year1 == "Choose Any Year" or year2 == "Choose Another Year": QMessageBox.warning(self,"Message from OLYSIS","Please select any values from combo boxes.",QMessageBox.Ok) else: Graphs.cmpMGndrGraph(self,gender,year1,year2)
def mCountry(self): country = self.cmbcntry.currentText() year1=self.cmbyear1.currentText() year2 = self.cmbyear2.currentText() if country=="Choose Any Country" or year1=="Choose Any Year" or year2=="Choose Another Year": QMessageBox.warning(self,"Message from OLYSIS","Please select any values from combo boxes.",QMessageBox.Ok) else: Graphs.cmpMCntryGraph(self,country,year1,year2)
def bfs_test(): graph = [] graph.append([2]) graph.append([2]) graph.append([0, 1]) p = [-1 for i in range(len(graph))] Graphs.bfs(graph, p, 0) assert p[0] == -1 and p[1] == 2 and p[2] == 0, "Incorrect solution"
def mCntrywise(self): country = self.cmbcntry.currentText() medal = self.cmbmdl.currentText() if country == "Choose Any Country" or medal == "Choose Any Medal": QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Message from OLYSIS', "Please select any value from combo boxes.", QMessageBox.Ok) else: Graphs.showMCntryMGraph(self, country, medal)
def mGnderwise(self): gender = self.cmbgnder.currentText() medal = self.cmbmdl.currentText() if gender == "Choose Any Gender" or medal == "Choose Any Medal": QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Message from OLYSIS', "Please select any value from combo boxes.", QMessageBox.Ok) else: Graphs.showMGndrMGraph(self, gender, medal)
def mSprtswise(self): sport = self.cmbsprts.currentText() medal = self.cmbmdl.currentText() if sport == "Choose Any Sport" or medal == "Choose Any Medal": QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Message from OLYSIS', "Please select any value from combo boxes.", QMessageBox.Ok) else: Graphs.showMSprtMGraph(self, sport, medal)
def play(player): """ Handles the game turns. This function should be invoked after init(), connect() and share_graphs(). :param player: The player object. :return: """ srv_req = player.receive() is_over = False game_result = None if srv_req == RPSNetwork.TURN_NEED: # Asks for rock, paper or scissor. choice = ask_for_graph(player) my_g = player.get_graph(choice) # A isomorphic copy of the chosen graph will be sent to the opponent. my_iso_g, iso = my_g.isomorphic_copy() dmp = pickle.dumps(my_iso_g) player.send(dmp) # Receives the opponents chosen graph. op_g = oppon_turn(player) # Send the isomorphism player.send(pickle.dumps(iso)) # Check if the game is over and determine the winner. game_result = finish_turn(player, choice, op_g) elif srv_req == RPSNetwork.TURN_SEND: # Receives the opponents chosen graph. op_g = oppon_turn(player) # Asks for rock, paper or scissor. choice = ask_for_graph(player) my_g = player.get_graph(choice) dmp = pickle.dumps(my_g) player.send(dmp) # Receives the opponents isomorphism op_iso = oppon_turn(player) # Calculates the opponents graph back. inv_func = Graphs.inv_permut_function(op_iso) op_edges = Graphs.apply_isomorphism(op_g.edges, inv_func) op_g = Graphs.Graph(op_edges) # Check if the game is over and determine the winner. game_result = finish_turn(player, choice, op_g) if game_result != RES_DRAW: is_over = True player.send(str(game_result)) return is_over
def dfs_test(): graph = [] graph.append([2, 1]) graph.append([2]) graph.append([0, 1]) p = [-1 for i in range(len(graph))] color = [0] * len(graph) timers = [[0 for j in range(2)] for i in range((len(graph)))] timer = [0] Graphs.dfs(graph, 0, p, color, timers, timer) assert p[0] == -1 and p[1] == 2 and p[2] == 0, "Incorrect solution"
def djikstra_sparse_test(): graph = [] graph.append([(1, 10), (2, 5), (3, 7)]) graph.append([(0, 10), (4, 10), (5, 1)]) graph.append([(0, 5), (4, 1), (5, 15)]) graph.append([(0, 7), (4, 10)]) graph.append([(1, 10), (2, 1)]) graph.append([(1, 1), (2, 15)]) p = [-1 for i in range(len(graph))] d = [inf] * len(graph) Graphs.djikstra_sparse(graph, 0, p, d) assert p[0] == -1 and p[1] == 0 and p[2] == 0 and p[3] == 0 and p[ 4] == 2 and p[5] == 1, "Incorrect solution"
def bellman_ford_shortest_path_test(): graph = [] graph.append([(0, 1, 10), (0, 2, 5), (0, 3, 7)]) graph.append([(1, 0, 10), (1, 4, 10), (1, 5, 1)]) graph.append([(2, 0, 5), (2, 4, 1), (2, 5, 15)]) graph.append([(3, 0, 7), (3, 4, 10)]) graph.append([(4, 1, 10), (4, 2, 1)]) graph.append([(5, 1, 1), (5, 2, 15)]) p = [-1 for i in range(len(graph))] d = [inf] * len(graph) Graphs.bellman_ford_shortest_path(graph, 0, p, d) assert p[0] == -1 and p[1] == 0 and p[2] == 0 and p[3] == 0 and p[ 4] == 2 and p[5] == 1, "Incorrect solution"
def distribution_analysis(chem_pot_multi, names, temperatures, chem_pot_range, min_energies, delta_E_sums, experiment_cnts, permutations, omega_c_arr, _accuracy, options): """ Performs the distribution analysis: evaluates Wm and plots it against m and mu. """ log(__name__, "Distribution analysis", options.verbose, indent=2) success = True error = "" # Preparing Wm probabilities Wm_array = prepare_Wm(chem_pot_multi, temperatures, chem_pot_range, min_energies, delta_E_sums, experiment_cnts, permutations, _accuracy, options) # Writing Wm into a file success, error = IO.write_Wm(temperatures, chem_pot_range, chem_pot_multi, Wm_array) if not success: return success, error, Wm_array # Plotting the Wm probabilities 3D plots Graphs.wm_contour(temperatures, names, chem_pot_range, chem_pot_multi, Wm_array, _accuracy, options) # Performing analysis with respect to the distribution function (average m is the standard analysis) # average m average_analysis(temperatures, chem_pot_range, chem_pot_multi, "m", Wm_array, _accuracy, options, temp_depend=False) # average gamma average_analysis(temperatures, chem_pot_range, omega_c_arr, "\gamma^{c}", Wm_array, _accuracy, options, temp_depend=True) return success, error, Wm_array
def showPotential(self, data): if self.norun: return if not self.isGraphing("DRAWPOT"): return dv1 = Graphs.DrawPotential(data) self._sendplot(dv1)
def showVelocity(self, data, fvm=None, plottype=None): if not self.isGraphing(): return dv1 = Graphs.DrawVelocity(data, fvm=fvm) if plottype is not None: dv1.plottype = plottype self._sendplot(dv1)
def load_graph(self, dmp): """ Receives a graphs and appends it at self.graphs. :param dmp: A pickle dump that contains the edge list of a graph. """ edges = pickle.loads(dmp) self.graphs.append(Graphs.Graph(edges))
def showMultiTrajectories(self, name, data, itt, t0, dt, defaultplot, graphoptions=None, title=None, early=None): if self.norun: return if not self.isGraphing(name): return if early is not None: self.graphBeforeEndOfFF(name, early) dv1 = Graphs.DrawMultipleTrajectories(name, data, itt, t0, dt, defaultplot, graphoptions=graphoptions, title=title) self._sendplot(dv1)
def barabasiAlbert(n, d): """Generates an undirected Barabasi-Albert random graph. A Barabasi-Albert (A.K.A. preferential atachment) random graph starts with a clique of d nodes, then adds nodes sequentially. Each new node is connected to d existing, chosen with probability proportional to the existing node's degree. n: number of nodes d: degree of each new node """ nodes = range(n) edges = set() degrees = np.zeros(n) for node in nodes: degrees[node] += 1 new_edges = set() while degrees[node] <= d and degrees[node] <= node: neighbor = list(multinomial(1, degrees / degrees.sum())).index(1) e = (node, neighbor) if (e in new_edges) or (e[0] == e[1]): continue new_edges.add(e) degrees[neighbor] += 1 degrees[node] += 1 edges.update(new_edges) return Graphs.UndirectedGraph(nodes, edges)
def ReadGraphFromFile( fileName ): print "Name of the file: ", fileName first_header_line = True for line in open(fileName): print line edge = line.split() if first_header_line: first_header_line = False maxSize = int(edge[0]) graphFromFile = Graphs.Graph(maxSize+1) else: vertex = int(edge[0]) for next_vertex in edge: adjacent_vertex = next_vertex.split(',') #debug_var = (adjacent_vertex[0]) if int(adjacent_vertex[0]) != vertex: # Note, althought this graph isn't directed, each vertex has an adjacency list, # so to prevent duplicates we call insert edge with directed = True to prevent # that function from doing it both ways. graphFromFile.InsertEdge(vertex, int(adjacent_vertex[0]), True, int(adjacent_vertex[1]) ) return graphFromFile, maxSize
def coolGraph(n=22, cluster_n=4, p1=.9, p2=0.8): #generates a cool graph. There are n nodes, and there #are cluster_n number of clusters. The size of each cluster #is n/(cluster_n - 1). There is one clusters' worth of nodes that #are reserved to be bridge style nodes. Within clusters there is #a high probability of connection, and every node also has a small #probability of connecting with a connector node. print n print cluster_n cluster_size = int(n / cluster_n) edges = [] clusters = [[]] * (cluster_n) connectors = range(n)[(cluster_size * cluster_n - 1):n] for i in range(0, cluster_size * cluster_n): clusters[i % cluster_size].append(i) for j in range(i, cluster_size * cluster_n): if i != j and i % cluster_size == j % cluster_size: if uniform(0, 1) < p1: edges.append((i, j)) for connector in connectors: for cluster in clusters: if uniform(0, 1) < p2: edges.append((i, choice(cluster))) return Graphs.UndirectedGraph(range(n), edges)
def tryChromeWithWebsite(chrome_name, chrome, website_name, website): """Run chrome with website Args: chrome: path to chrome binary. Ex: out/Default/chrome website: website url Returns: Summary of object created and their normalized size """ out_log_file = "./" + website_name + "_" + chrome_name + ".csv" print out_log_file with open(out_log_file, "w") as fwrite: chrome_sp = sp.Popen([chrome, website], stdout=fwrite, preexec_fn=os.setsid) time.sleep(25) try: # os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM) chrome_sp.terminate() # chrome_sp.send_signal(-9) except OSError: # can't kill a dead proc pass print chrome_sp.wait() # fwrite.close() return Graphs.read_individual_csv(out_log_file, out_log_file + ".png")
def OddCore(G): """ Subgraph of vertices and edges that participate in odd cycles. Aka, the union of nonbipartite biconnected components. """ return Graphs.union(*[C for C in BiconnectedComponents(G) if not isBipartite(C)])
def createTimeline(players, date1, date2): drinks = [] dates = [] startdate = datetime.strptime(date1, "%m/%d/%y") enddate = datetime.strptime(date2, "%m/%d/%y") for player in data["Players"]: # Checks if the current player is an active player. if (player["name"] in players): for i in range((enddate - startdate).days + 1): date = (startdate + timedelta(days=i)).strftime("%#m/%#d/%y") dates.append(date) drinks.append( calculateDrinks(player["Scores"], dates[i], dates[i])) Graphs.plotTimeline(dates, drinks, player["id"]) dates.clear() drinks.clear()
def randomEdgeDirections(graph): edges = [] for src, dst in set(map(lambda e: tuple(sorted(e)), graph.allEdges())): if uniform(0, 1) < 0.5: edges.append((src, dst)) else: edges.append((dst, src)) return Graphs.DirectedGraph(graph.nodes, edges)
def showPhi(self, time, phi, dta, dt, plottype=None): if not self.isGraphing(): return if len(phi) > 0: dv1 = Graphs.DrawPhi([np.array(time), phi, dta], dt) if plottype != None: dv1.plottype = plottype self._sendplot(dv1)
def graph(self): i = self.liste.currentItem() t = 0 exchange1, null, ticker1 = i.text().split() #open the Graphs window self.window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow() self.ui = Graphs.Ui_Dialog() self.ui.setupUi(self.window, exchange1, ticker1)
def main(): trainingFiles, testFiles = getYELPFiles() print 'importing ~230,000 reviews...' reviewsList = importJSONFiles([trainingFiles[REVIEW]])[0] print 'import finished' # construct list "y" of scores scoreVector = np.asmatrix([review['votes']['useful'] for review in reviewsList]).T # GENERATE GRAPH ################################# Graphs.helpfulDist(reviewsList) ################################# # CONCURRENT REGRESSION CONFIGURATIONS ############################################################################################### pid1 = os.fork() if pid1 == 0: weightVector, RMSLE = regSentences(reviewsList, scoreVector) # RMSLE = 0.6447 exit(RMSLE) pid2 = os.fork() if pid2 == 0: weightVector, RMSLE = regLines(reviewsList, scoreVector) # RMSLE = 0.6382 exit(RMSLE) pid3 = os.fork() if pid3 == 0: weightVector, RMSLE = regLinesSqrLines(reviewsList, scoreVector) # RMSLE = 0.6371 exit(RMSLE) pid4 = os.fork() if pid4 == 0: weightVector, RMSLE = regLinesLogLines(reviewsList, scoreVector) # RMSLE = 0.6365 exit(RMSLE) pid5 = os.fork() if pid5 == 0: weightVector, RMSLE = regLinesSentences(reviewsList, scoreVector) # RMSLE = 0.6320 exit(RMSLE) pid6 = os.fork() if pid6 == 0: weightVector, RMSLE = regUserScores(reviewsList, scoreVector, trainingFiles) # RMSLE = 0.5330 exit(RMSLE) weightVector, RMSLE = regUserScores(reviewsList, scoreVector, trainingFiles) # RMSLE = 0.5330 pid7 = os.fork() if pid7 == 0: weightVector, RMSLE = regLogLinesLogSentences(reviewsList, scoreVector) # RMSLE = 0.6340 exit(RMSLE) RMSLE1 = os.waitpid(pid1,0) RMSLE2 = os.waitpid(pid2,0) RMSLE3 = os.waitpid(pid3,0) RMSLE4 = os.waitpid(pid4,0) RMSLE5 = os.waitpid(pid5,0) RMSLE6 = os.waitpid(pid6,0) RMSLE7 = os.waitpid(pid7,0) ############################################################################################### # REGRESSION (with testing) ON ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS RMSLE = 0.6329 ################################################################################# # CONCURRENT training (set desired number of training reviews to use inside the method) weightVector, RMSLE = concurrentFeatureExtractor(reviewsList, scoreVector) # SEQUENTIAL training (set desired number of training reviews to use inside the method) weightVector, RMSLE = regLinesAdjAdv(reviewsList, scoreVector) # concurrent testing TestSet.testConcAdjAdv(testFiles, weightVector) ################################################################################# # 2 other possible test configurations ################################################################# weightVector, RMSLE = regLinesSentences(reviewsList, scoreVector) TestSet.testLinesSentences(testFiles, weightVector) ################################################################# # NAIVE BAYES #################################################### NaiveBayes.probScoreGivenCategories(trainingFiles) #################################################### print '\nGot to the end, Terminating...'
def __init__(self): global ARM_ADDRESS, SENSOR_ADDRESS, DRIVE_ADDRESS, SENSOR_READ_ADDRESSES global SENSORS, ser, pser QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowTitle("application main window") self.resize(1000, 1000) # --- Menu --- # self.file_menu = QMenu('&File', self) self.file_menu.addAction('&Quit', self.fileQuit, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_Q) self.menuBar().addMenu(self.file_menu) # --- Widgets --- # self.tabs = QTabWidget() self.graph_widget = QWidget() self.map_widget = QWidget() self.topview_widget = QWidget() # Combo box for selecting which graphs to view self.graph_chooser_top = QComboBox(self.graph_widget) self.graph_chooser_top.addItems(['Gas Sensor', 'Moisture Sensor']) self.graph_chooser_bottom = QComboBox(self.graph_widget) self.graph_chooser_bottom.addItems(['Gas Sensor', 'Moisture Sensor']) # Dynamic canvases to hold graphs dc1 = Graphs.dynamic_graph_canvas(Graphs.dynamic_graph_canvas.\ gas_sensor, parent=self.graph_widget, width=5, height=4, dpi=100) dc2 = Graphs.dynamic_graph_canvas(Graphs.dynamic_graph_canvas.\ moisture_sensor, parent=self.graph_widget, width=5, height=4, dpi=100) # Make map widget if GPSGui.marble_imported: # see import statement at top for reason UTIAS = Marble.GeoDataCoordinates(-79.466083, 43.782247, 0, Marble.GeoDataCoordinates.Degree) gps_map = GPSGui.GPSMapWidget(UTIAS,'UTIASTest.osm','/dev/ttyUSB0','/dev/ttyUSB1') # Start joystick try: # so that it can still run without joystick connected self.joystick_thread = QThread() self.j = Joystick.Joystick(ARM_ADDRESS, DRIVE_ADDRESS, ser, pser) self.j.moveToThread(self.joystick_thread) self.connect(self.joystick_thread, SIGNAL("started()"), self.j.start_joystick) self.connect(self.joystick_thread, SIGNAL("finished()"), self.j.end_joystick) self.joystick_thread.start() except: print "Failed to start joystick: joystick probably not plugged in" # start sensor getter try: self.sensor_getter_thread = QThread() = SensorGetter.SensorGetter(SENSOR_READ_ADDRESSES, SENSORS, ser, pser) self.connect(self.sensor_getter_thread, SIGNAL("started()"), self.j.start_sg) self.connect(self.sensor_getter_thread, SIGNAL("finished()"), self.j.end_sg) self.sensor_getter_thread.start() except: print "Failed to start sensor getter" # Coloured wheels widget rov = RoverTopview.RoverTopview() # Box layout for graph_widget, holds 2 graph canvases and combo box l = QHBoxLayout() v1 = QVBoxLayout() v2 = QVBoxLayout() v1.addWidget(dc1) v1.addWidget(self.graph_chooser_top) v2.addWidget(dc2) v2.addWidget(self.graph_chooser_bottom) l.addLayout(v1) l.addLayout(v2) self.graph_widget.setLayout(l) # Horizontal box layout for map_widget, holds label with map image l2 = QHBoxLayout() if GPSGui.marble_imported: # see import for reason l2.addWidget(gps_map) self.map_widget.setLayout(l2) # Layout for topview_widget l3 = QHBoxLayout() l3.addWidget(rov) self.topview_widget.setLayout(l3) # Combo box event self.graph_chooser_top.activated[str].connect(dc1.graph_change_handler) self.graph_chooser_bottom.activated[str].connect(dc2.graph_change_handler) # Create tabs self.tabs.addTab(self.graph_widget, 'Graphs') self.tabs.addTab(self.map_widget, 'Map') self.tabs.addTab(self.topview_widget, 'Top View') self.tabs.setWindowTitle('RSX Rover Control')