def getVersion(line):
     line = hf.completeStripAndLower(line)
     #print("returning with {}".format(line[line.find("version"):]))
     versionIndex = line.find("version")
     if versionIndex>=0:
         return line[line.find("version")+7:]
         return False
 def findLineFromStart(theFile, lookingFor):
     upgrade: could find the character number and then I can just use seek to set the spot in the file more easily...
     But that also runs the risk of the file being changed. But so does finding the line number, which is what I'm doing now so...
     ''', 0)
     for lineNum, line in enumerate(theFile):
         line = hf.completeStripAndLower(line)
         if line == lookingFor:  #found it
             return lineNum
     return None  #didn't find it
        def getToInfoStart(f, timesRun=0):  #f is the open file
                dh.log("where I'm at "+str(f.tell()))
                for lineNum, line in enumerate(f):
                    dh.log("where I'm at "+str(f.tell()))
                    if lineNum == self.infoStartLine:
                        if hf.completeStripAndLower(line)=="infostart":
                            dh.log("Caught the right line the first time!")
                            dh.log("here's what I got: "+str(f.tell()))
                            self.update(True) #update the starting place since I didn't get it right.
                  , 0) #go back to the start of the file to find it again.
                            for corLineNum, corLine in enumerate(f):
                                if corLineNum == self.infoStartLine: 
                                    if hf.completeStripAndLower(corLine)=="infostart": #a quick second catch in case something really weird is going on.
                                        print("Error: FileFinderHelper0p0: The infoStartLine keeps on being changed on me! I don't know how to function! Returning None.")
                                        return None

            for i in range(self.infoStartLine):
            line = f.readline(
            )  #read one more time because range(x) goes up to x-1
            if hf.completeStripAndLower(line) == "infostart":
                return  #found it and read past it. Should be right at the start of the information now
                if timesRun > 1:  #let it run through twice, then if it still can't get it right, stop it.
                        "Error: FileFinderHelper0p0: The infoStartLine keeps on being changed on me! I don't know how to function! Returning None."
                    return None
                )  #update the starting place since I didn't get it right.
                       0)  #go back to the start of the file to find it again.
                getToInfoStart(f, timesRun + 1)  #rerun this
                return  #break out with nothing
    def addPhrases(self, dT, wordIndex, wordsToKnow, possPhrases, phraseEnds,
        def getNextWordAndPhrase(
        ):  #returns a tuple of the second word in the phrase and the phrase with the first word cut out
            phraseEnd = re.sub(
                self.nextWordRegEx, "", phrase, count=1
            )  #gets rid of the first word (and any one ^$$^ at the front)
            #print("getNextWordAndPhrase: Phrase end:"+phraseEnd)
            nextWord = re.match(self.nextWordRegEx, phraseEnd).group(0).strip()
            #print("getNextWordAndPhrase: nextWord:"+nextWord)
            return nextWord, phraseEnd

        ###DEFINITIONS END###

        word, phraseNums = wordsToKnow[wordIndex]
        phrasesToAdd = dT.getPSW(
            word)  #todo write! #short for "getPhrasesStartingWith"
        for phrase in phrasesToAdd:
            if not HF.allEqual(
                    len(possPhrases), len(phraseEnds), len(nextWords)
            ):  #this shouldn't happen, but I want to display a warning if it does.
                    "addPhrases: ERROR! The phrase lists are not all the same size!"
            #dp stuff
            if len(possPhrases) - 1 > 13:
                    "addPhrases: CAUGHT SOMETHING FISHY! number (top index of possPhrases) then possPhrases",
                    len(possPhrases) - 1, possPhrases)
            phraseNums.append(len(possPhrases) - 1)
            nextWord, remainingPhrase = getNextWordAndPhrase(phrase)
        #todo delete this: nts: so something is happening in between this and getPhraseMatchOrder so that possPhrases is losing some elements
        printOut("This is the possPhrases that I'm giving back", possPhrases,
                 "Top index:",
                 len(possPhrases) - 1)
        return possPhrases, phraseEnds, nextWords
 def getToStartInfo(f, timesRun=0):  #f is the open file
     #read up to where the info start line is supposed to be
     for i in range(self.startInfoLine):
     line = f.readline(
     )  #read one more time to get past it because range(x) goes up to x-1
     if hf.completeStripAndLower(line) == "startinfo":
         return  #found it and read past it. Should be right at the start of the information now
         if timesRun > 1:  #let it run through twice, then if it still can't get it right, stop it.
                 "Error: FileFinderHelper0p0: The startInfoLine keeps on being changed on me! I don't know how to function! Returning None."
             return None
         )  #update the starting place since I didn't get it right.,
                0)  #go back to the start of the file to find it again.
         getToStartInfo(f, timesRun + 1)  #rerun this
         return  #break out with nothing
def run(unopenedFile):
    with open(unopenedFile) as file:
        ans = []
        for lineNum, line in enumerate(file):
            The line should be in the form
            "Item name symbol: ### Item name ###"
            So that when the computer sees something like...
            "### Item #23 ###" it knows that that is an item with the name "Item #23"
            So more formally the line is in the form:
            (section name) symbol:(symbol before)(section name)(symbol after)
            Where (section name) can be anything; it's really only for human readability (I call it a placeholder), ...
            and (symbol before) and (symbol after) are the symbols the computer looks for...
            to identify an object at that section level, and "symbol:" is exactly as written.
            if lineNum > 0:  #if it's not the version line
                line = line.strip()
                line = line.lower()  #I don't care about case
                if line != "":  #if the line is not just empty space
                    if hf.completeStrip(line) == "formatend":
                        ansLen = len(ans)
                        if ansLen < 6:  #if they didn't give me everything I need
                                "Warning! SectionSymbolFormat0p0Loader: Did not recieve name and item symbols correctly. Returning array as is."
                            if ansLen % 3 != 0:  #woah, something is really wrong. The array's not even in the right format!
                                    "Error! SectionSymbolFormat0p0Loader: Array has incorrect amount of items (incorrect format)! Returning it as is."
                        return ans
                    I just decided to not allow space in between the word "symbol" and the colon because...
                    I didn't want to have to import and use regex...
                    So that may be changed later on.
                    BREAKER = " symbol:"  #what we're looking for inbetween the section name and the symbols
                    sectionName = hf.getSubstringInBetween(
                        line, False, BREAKER)
                    if sectionName == None:
                            "Warning! SectionSymbolFormat0p0Loader: Did not find the correct format at line {}. Returning the symbols I got."
                            .format(lineNum + 1))
                        return ans
                    leftSymbol = hf.getSubstringInBetween(
                        line, BREAKER, sectionName)
                    rightSymbol = hf.getSubstringInBetween(
                        line, sectionName, False, line.find(BREAKER))
                    if sectionName != None and leftSymbol != None and rightSymbol != None:  #if this is supposed to be a symbol definition
                            "Warning! SectionSymbolFormat0p0Loader: Suspected bad format at line {}. I skipped that line."
                            .format(lineNum + 1))
            "Error! SectionSymbolFormat0p0Loader: encountered EOF before format end! Returning the symbols I got."
        return ans
    def __init__(self, formatPage):
        self.SECTION_SYMBOL_INDICATOR = "Section Symbol:"
        self.ITEM_NAME_SYMBOL_INDICATOR = "Item Name Symbol:"
        self.ITEM_SYMBOL_INDICATOR = "Item Symbol:"
        self.SECTION_REPLACEMENT = "Section"
        self.ITEM_NAME_REPLACEMENT = "Item Name"
        self.ITEM_REPLACEMENT = "Item"
        self.DOES_CASE_MATTER = False  #if true, it lowers everything before evaluating stuff.

        def getFormatInfo():
            ans = []
            for i in range(3):  #create a table with three slots of lists;
                #each of the small lists should be filled with two pieces of info by the end
                ans.append([None, None])
            with open(self.formatPage) as f:  #open the page to read it
                if True:
                    for line in f:
                    return True
                takes the string "Section Symbol:" or something like that that tells the computer
                you're about to tell it how to look for a new section.
                Also takes the thing inside of the sybol that stands in for the actual words, such as
                "Section" or "Item".
                Also takes the line it's supposed to find the info in 
                Assumes all parameters are lowercase.
                Returns the symbols that are supposed to go before the words and after the words as a tuple
                I know this sounds confusing, but if you just read through it, it will make sense.
                class quickSetUpSymbol():
                    #sets up the function
                    def __init__(self, line, ansTable, shouldLower):
                        self.shouldLower = shouldLower
                        self.line = line
                        if shouldLower:
                            self.line = self.line.lower()
                        self.ansTable = ansTable  #will actually change the table

                    #checkes to see if each answer in ans is not None
                    def isAnsFilled(self, theAns):
                        for val in theAns:
                            if val == [None, None]:
                                return False
                        return True

                    #gets the before and after symbols for the given signal and returns them in a tuple (if found in the given line)
                    #returns False if it doesn't find the info
                    def findInfo(self, signal, insideSymbol, line):
                        #print("findInfo report: signal: {}\ninsideSymbol: {}\nline: {}".format(signal, insideSymbol, line))
                        where = line.find(signal)
                        if where == 0:
                            pastSignal = len(
                            )  #saves the index that we need to start doing things just past the signal symbol
                            insideSymWhere = line.find(insideSymbol,
                            #print("insideSymWhere: {}".format(insideSymWhere))
                            #print("findInfo found info: {}".format((line[len(signal):insideSymWhere], line[insideSymWhere+len(insideSymbol):-1])))
                            #get the two respective pieces and return them.
                            #The -1 is there because there's a newline symbol at the end I don't want.
                            return (line[pastSignal:insideSymWhere],
                                    line[insideSymWhere +
                            return False  #no info in this line

                    def setNewLine(self, line):
                        if self.shouldLower:
                            line = line.lower()
                        self.line = line

                    def run(self, getThisInfo):
                        #getThisInfo is a list in the form [[symbolIndicator1, replaceSymbol1], [symbolIndicator2, replaceSymbol2], ...]
                        #lowering via code stuff that could be lowercased by hand (if it should be)
                        for pairNum, pair in enumerate(getThisInfo):
                            signal = pair[0]
                            insideReplacer = pair[1]
                            if self.shouldLower:
                                signal = signal.lower()
                                insideReplacer = insideReplacer.lower()
                            info = self.findInfo(signal, insideReplacer,
                            if info:
                                #print("info: {}".format(info))
                                ans[pairNum][0] = info[0]
                                ans[pairNum][1] = info[1]
                                #print("ans: {}".format(ans))

                qSetUp = False  #just declaring it for use
                for line in f:
                    #print("qSetUp type: {}".format(type(qSetUp)))
                    if not qSetUp:
                        qSetUp = quickSetUpSymbol(
                            line, ans,
                            self.DOES_CASE_MATTER)  #it will lowercase the line
                            line)  #it will lower the line when it runs
                    qSetUpArgs = [
                    ]  #set up the table that will contain what info we're looking for
                        [self.ITEM_SYMBOL_INDICATOR, self.ITEM_REPLACEMENT])
                    if qSetUp.isAnsFilled(ans):
                        print("ans is filled! Here's ans: {}".format(ans))
                        return ans
                    "SymbolPageReader:getFormatInfo(): Warning! Not all info found! I'm returning this as the symbols: {}"
                return ans

        self.formatInfo = []
        self.formatPage = formatPage
        formatInfo = getFormatInfo(
        )  #should return [[beforeSectionSymbol, afterSectionSymbol], [beforeNameSym, afterNameSym], ..., ...]
        #print("returned formatInfo: {}".format(formatInfo))
        wantedInfo = ["sectionFormat", "itemNameFormat", "itemFormat"]
        hf.addNameAtts(self, wantedInfo, formatInfo)