 def test_name(self):
     type_channel_modes = [('opencv', 'bgr', 'uint8'), ('pil', 'rgb', 'uint8'), ('numpy', 'bgr', 'uint8'),
                           ('opencv', 'bgr', 'float32'), ('numpy', 'bgr', 'float32')]
     to_np8 = lambda x: imfeat.convert_image(x, {'type': 'numpy', 'dtype': 'uint8', 'mode': 'bgr'})
     to_np32 = lambda x: imfeat.convert_image(x, {'type': 'numpy', 'dtype': 'float32', 'mode': 'bgr'})
     for fn in ['lena.jpg', 'lena.pgm', 'lena.ppm']:
         image_np8 = None
         image_np32 = None
         for i in load_images(fn):
             if image_np8 is None:
                 image_np8 = to_np8(i)
                 image_np32 = to_np32(i)
                 np.testing.assert_equal(image_np8, np.array(image_np32 * 255, dtype=np.uint8))
             for t, c, m in type_channel_modes:
                 cur_img = imfeat.convert_image(i, {'type': t, 'dtype': m, 'mode': c})
                 if t == 'opencv':
                     self.assertTrue(isinstance(cur_img, cv.iplimage))
                 elif t == 'pil':
                     self.assertTrue(isinstance(cur_img, np.ndarray))
                 if m == 'uint8':
                     np.testing.assert_equal(image_np8, to_np8(cur_img))
                     np.testing.assert_equal(image_np32, to_np32(cur_img))
def FromImage(input_, backend):
    """Create the initial image layer from some input.

  :param input_: Input data. If array, values should lie in the range [0, 1].
  :type input_: PIL.Image or 2D ndarray of float
  :returns: Image layer data with values in the range [0, 1].
  :rtype: 2D ndarray of float

    if Image.isImageType(input_):
        input_ = fromimage(input_.convert('L'))
        input_ = input_.astype(np.float)
        # Map from [0,255) to [0,1)
        input_ /= 255
        # Note: we could have scaled pixels to [-1,1). This would result in a
        # doubling of the dynamic range of the S1 response, since each S1 activation
        # is of the form:
        #    y = XW
        # where X and W are the input and weight vector, respectively. The rescaled
        # version of X (call it X') is given by:
        #    X' = 2X - 1
        # so the activation is given by
        #    y' = X'W = (2X - 1)W = 2XW - \sum w_i = 2XW
        # since W is a mean-zero Gabor filter. (This ignores retinal processing, and
        # nonlinearities caused by normalization). The scaling of S1 response seems
        # unlikely to cause a significant change in the network output.
    elif isinstance(input_, np.ndarray):
        if input_.ndim != 2:
            raise ValueError("Image array must be 2D")
        raise ValueError("Unknown input value of type: %s" % type(input_))
    output = backend.PrepareArray(input_)
    if np.isnan(output).any():
        raise BackendError("Found illegal values in image layer")
    return output
  def MakeState(self, source, copy = False):
    """Create a model state wrapper for the given image source.

    :type state: str or Image.Image or 2D array of ACTIVATION_DTYPE or `State`
    :param state: Source information
    :param bool copy: If the input is already a state object, this argument
       determines whether the state is copied.
    :rtype: `state.State` subclass

    If `source` is an array, values should lie in the range [0,1).

    if isinstance(source, self.StateClass):
      if copy:
        source = copy_mod.copy(source)  # shallow copy
      return source
    state = self.StateClass()
    if isinstance(source, basestring):
      state[self.LayerClass.SOURCE] = InputSource(source)
    elif Image.isImageType(source):
      img = PrepareImage(source, self.params)
      state[self.LayerClass.IMAGE] = layer.FromImage(img, self.backend)
    elif isinstance(source, np.ndarray):
      if source.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError("Array inputs must be 2D")
      if source.dtype != ACTIVATION_DTYPE:
        raise ValueError("Array values must have type: %s" % ACTIVATION_DTYPE)
      state[self.LayerClass.IMAGE] = source
      raise ValueError("Image source had unknown type: %s" % source)
    return state
def FromImage(input_, backend):
  """Create the initial image layer from some input.

  :param input_: Input data. If array, values should lie in the range [0, 1].
  :type input_: PIL.Image or 2D ndarray of float
  :returns: Image layer data with values in the range [0, 1].
  :rtype: 2D ndarray of float

  if Image.isImageType(input_):
    input_ = fromimage(input_.convert('L'))
    input_ = input_.astype(np.float)
    # Map from [0,255) to [0,1)
    input_ /= 255
    # Note: we could have scaled pixels to [-1,1). This would result in a
    # doubling of the dynamic range of the S1 response, since each S1 activation
    # is of the form:
    #    y = XW
    # where X and W are the input and weight vector, respectively. The rescaled
    # version of X (call it X') is given by:
    #    X' = 2X - 1
    # so the activation is given by
    #    y' = X'W = (2X - 1)W = 2XW - \sum w_i = 2XW
    # since W is a mean-zero Gabor filter. (This ignores retinal processing, and
    # nonlinearities caused by normalization). The scaling of S1 response seems
    # unlikely to cause a significant change in the network output.
  elif isinstance(input_, np.ndarray):
    if input_.ndim != 2:
      raise ValueError("Image array must be 2D")
    raise ValueError("Unknown input value of type: %s" % type(input_))
  output = backend.PrepareArray(input_)
  if np.isnan(output).any():
    raise BackendError("Found illegal values in image layer")
  return output
文件: main.py 项目: amiller/imfeat
def convert_image(image, modes):
        image: A PIL image or an OpenCV BGR/Gray image (8 bits per channel)
        modes: List of valid image types

        Valid image

        ValueError: There was a problem converting the color.
    if isinstance(image, cv.cvmat):
        image = cv.GetImage(image)
    if Image.isImageType(image) and image.mode == 'LA':
        image = image.convert('L')
    if Image.isImageType(image) and image.mode not in ('L', 'RGB'):
        image = image.convert('RGB')
    if Image.isImageType(image) and (image.mode == 'L' or image.mode == 'RGB'):
        if image.mode not in modes:
            image = _convert_pil(image, modes[0])
    elif isinstance(image, cv.iplimage) and (image.channels == 1 or image.channels == 3) and image.depth == cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U:
        mode = 'bgr' if image.channels == 3 else 'gray'
        if ('opencv', mode, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U) not in modes:
            image = _convert_cv(image, modes[0])
    elif isinstance(image, cv.iplimage) and (image.channels == 1 or image.channels == 3) and image.depth == cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F:
        mode = 'bgr' if image.channels == 3 else 'gray'
        if ('opencv', mode, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F) not in modes:
            # Convert to 8bit to bgr
            image = _convert_depth(image, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U)
            image = _convert_cv(image, modes[0])
        if Image.isImageType(image):
            raise ValueError('Unknown image type PIL Mode[%s]' % image.mode)
            raise ValueError('Unknown image type[%s]' % repr(image))
    return image
def fromimage(im, flatten = 0):
  """Convert Image to numpy array."""
  if isinstance(im, np.ndarray):
    return im  # make function idempotent
  if not Image.isImageType(im):
    raise TypeError("Input is not a PIL image.")
  if flatten:
    im = im.convert('F')
  elif im.mode == '1':
    # Add workaround to bug on converting binary image to numpy array.
    im = im.convert('L')
  elif im.mode == 'LA':
    raise ValueError("Greyscale with alpha channel not supported. Convert to"
        " RGBA first.")
  return np.array(im)
def fromimage(im, flatten=0):
    """Convert Image to numpy array."""
    if isinstance(im, np.ndarray):
        return im  # make function idempotent
    if not Image.isImageType(im):
        raise TypeError("Input is not a PIL image.")
    if flatten:
        im = im.convert('F')
    elif im.mode == '1':
        # Add workaround to bug on converting binary image to numpy array.
        im = im.convert('L')
    elif im.mode == 'LA':
        raise ValueError(
            "Greyscale with alpha channel not supported. Convert to"
            " RGBA first.")
    return np.array(im)
def PrepareImage(img, params):
  """Prepare an image for input into the model.

  :param Image img: Input data.
  :param params.Params params: Parameters controlling image transformation.
  :returns: Image layer data with values in the range [0, 1].
  :rtype: 2D ndarray of float

  The image may be scaled and/or cropped, depending on the settings of the
  `image_resize_method` attribute of the `params` argument. If the value is
  NONE, the image is returned unchanged. Given a value of SCALE_SHORT_EDGE,
  SCALE_LONG_EDGE, SCALE_WIDTH, or SCALE_HEIGHT, the given image edge will be
  rescaled to match `params.image_resize_length` (preserving the aspect ratio).

  Finally, the `image_resize_method` attribute could be SCALE_AND_CROP. In this
  case, the image is scaled and cropped to a fixed size of (w, w/rho), where w
  is `image_resize_length` and rho is `image_resize_aspect_ratio`. This is
  achieved scaling the short edge (preserving aspect ratio) and then cropping
  from the long edge.

  See also :func:`ScaleImage` and :func:`ScaleAndCropImage`.

  if not Image.isImageType(img):
    raise ValueError("Bad input type: %s" % type(img))
  resize_method = params.image_resize_method
  if resize_method == ResizeMethod.NONE:
    return img
  resize_length = params.image_resize_length
  old_size = np.array(img.size, np.float)  # format is (width, height)
  if resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_SHORT_EDGE:
    img = ScaleImage(img, old_size / min(old_size) * resize_length)
  elif resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_LONG_EDGE:
    img = ScaleImage(img, old_size / max(old_size) * resize_length)
  elif resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_WIDTH:
    img = ScaleImage(img, old_size / old_size[0] * resize_length)
  elif resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_HEIGHT:
    img = ScaleImage(img, old_size / old_size[1] * resize_length)
  elif resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_AND_CROP:
    width = resize_length
    height = width / float(params.image_resize_aspect_ratio)
    img = ScaleAndCropImage(img, (width, height))
    raise ValueError("Unknown resize method: %s" % resize_method)
  return img
def PrepareImage(img, params):
    """Prepare an image for input into the model.

  :param Image img: Input data.
  :param params.Params params: Parameters controlling image transformation.
  :returns: Image layer data with values in the range [0, 1].
  :rtype: 2D ndarray of float

  The image may be scaled and/or cropped, depending on the settings of the
  `image_resize_method` attribute of the `params` argument. If the value is
  NONE, the image is returned unchanged. Given a value of SCALE_SHORT_EDGE,
  SCALE_LONG_EDGE, SCALE_WIDTH, or SCALE_HEIGHT, the given image edge will be
  rescaled to match `params.image_resize_length` (preserving the aspect ratio).

  Finally, the `image_resize_method` attribute could be SCALE_AND_CROP. In this
  case, the image is scaled and cropped to a fixed size of (w, w/rho), where w
  is `image_resize_length` and rho is `image_resize_aspect_ratio`. This is
  achieved scaling the short edge (preserving aspect ratio) and then cropping
  from the long edge.

  See also :func:`ScaleImage` and :func:`ScaleAndCropImage`.

    if not Image.isImageType(img):
        raise ValueError("Bad input type: %s" % type(img))
    resize_method = params.image_resize_method
    if resize_method == ResizeMethod.NONE:
        return img
    resize_length = params.image_resize_length
    old_size = np.array(img.size, np.float)  # format is (width, height)
    if resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_SHORT_EDGE:
        img = ScaleImage(img, old_size / min(old_size) * resize_length)
    elif resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_LONG_EDGE:
        img = ScaleImage(img, old_size / max(old_size) * resize_length)
    elif resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_WIDTH:
        img = ScaleImage(img, old_size / old_size[0] * resize_length)
    elif resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_HEIGHT:
        img = ScaleImage(img, old_size / old_size[1] * resize_length)
    elif resize_method == ResizeMethod.SCALE_AND_CROP:
        width = resize_length
        height = width / float(params.image_resize_aspect_ratio)
        img = ScaleAndCropImage(img, (width, height))
        raise ValueError("Unknown resize method: %s" % resize_method)
    return img
	def _generate_thumbnail(self, image_file, output, size = None):
			if Image.isImageType(image_file):
				image = image_file
				image = Image.open(image_file)
			if image.mode != 'RGB':
				image = image.convert('RGB')
			if size is None:
				size = [self.Constants.PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH, self.Constants.PREVIEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT]
			image.save(output, 'JPEG')
		except IOError:
			logger.exception('Could not generate thumbnail')
			raise PreviewImageGenerationFailed()
	def _generate_thumbnail(self, image_file, output, size = None):
			if Image.isImageType(image_file):
				image = image_file
				image = Image.open(image_file)
			if image.mode != 'RGB':
				image = image.convert('RGB')
			if size is None:
				size = [self.Constants.PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH, self.Constants.PREVIEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT]
			image.save(output, 'JPEG')
		except IOError:
			logger.exception('Could not generate thumbnail')
			raise PreviewImageGenerationFailed()
 def __init__(self, floor_image, collector):
   [floor_image] will be either a file name or a PIL image. All coordinates for internal structures of this
   floor will be relative to the image dimensions. Upper left corner is (0,0).
   [collector] is of class pipe.Collector and serves as the mechanism for getting data
   [macs] is a list of mac address we are tracking
   self.routers = {}
   self.centroid_store = defaultdict(lambda : deque(maxlen=5))
   self.collector = collector
   self.r = redis.StrictRedis() 
   if isinstance(floor_image, str):
     self.floor_image = Image.open(floor_image)    
     self.floor_image_width = self.floor_image.size[0]
     self.floor_image_height = self.floor_image.size[1]
   elif Image.isImageType(floor_image):
     self.floor_image = floor_image
     raise TypeError('floor_image must be PIL image or filename string')
def fromimage(im, flatten=0):
    """Return a copy of a PIL image as a numpy array.

        im : PIL image
            Input image.
        flatten : bool
            If true, convert the output to grey-scale.

        img_array : ndarray
            The different colour bands/channels are stored in the
            third dimension, such that a grey-image is MxN, an
            RGB-image MxNx3 and an RGBA-image MxNx4.

    if not Image.isImageType(im):
        raise TypeError("Input is not a PIL image.")
    if flatten:
        im = im.convert('F')
    return array(im)
    def __init__(self, img=None, cam=None):
        # Regular interface
        if type(img) is str:
            self.img = Image.open(img)
        elif hasattr(img, 'copy'):
            self.img = img.copy()
            self.img = img

        # Numpy interface 
        if Image.isImageType(self.img):
            self.numpy_img = np.asarray(self.img).copy()
            self.img = Image.fromarray(self.numpy_img)
        elif type(self.img) == np.ndarray:
            self.numpy_img = self.img
            self.img = Image.fromarray(self.numpy_img)
            self.numpy_img = None
        if cam is not None:
            self.cam = cam.copy()
def fromimage(im, flatten=0):
    """Return a copy of a PIL image as a numpy array.

        im : PIL image
            Input image.
        flatten : bool
            If true, convert the output to grey-scale.

        img_array : ndarray
            The different colour bands/channels are stored in the
            third dimension, such that a grey-image is MxN, an
            RGB-image MxNx3 and an RGBA-image MxNx4.

    if not Image.isImageType(im):
        raise TypeError("Input is not a PIL image.")
    if flatten:
        im = im.convert('F')
    return array(im)
def extract_colors(filename_or_img, min_saturation=MIN_SATURATION,
        min_distance=MIN_DISTANCE, max_colors=MAX_COLORS,
        min_prominence=MIN_PROMINENCE, n_quantized=N_QUANTIZED):
    Determine what the major colors are in the given image.
    if Im.isImageType(filename_or_img):
        im = filename_or_img
        im = Im.open(filename_or_img)

    # get point color count
    if im.mode != 'RGB':
        im = im.convert('RGB')
    im = autocrop(im, WHITE) # assume white box
    im = im.convert('P', palette=Im.ADAPTIVE, colors=n_quantized,
    data = im.getdata()
    dist = Counter(data)
    n_pixels = mul(*im.size)

    # aggregate colors
    to_canonical = {WHITE: WHITE, BLACK: BLACK}
    aggregated = Counter({WHITE: 0, BLACK: 0})
    sorted_cols = sorted(dist.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    for c, n in sorted_cols:
        if c in aggregated:
            # exact match!
            aggregated[c] += n
            d, nearest = min((distance(c, alt), alt) for alt in aggregated)
            if d < min_distance:
                # nearby match
                aggregated[nearest] += n
                to_canonical[c] = nearest
                # no nearby match
                aggregated[c] = n
                to_canonical[c] = c

    # order by prominence
    colors = sorted((Color(c, n / float(n_pixels)) \
                for (c, n) in aggregated.iteritems()),

    colors, bg_color = detect_background(im, colors, to_canonical)

    # keep any color which meets the minimum saturation
    sat_colors = [c for c in colors if meets_min_saturation(c, min_saturation)]
    if bg_color and not meets_min_saturation(bg_color, min_saturation):
        bg_color = None
    if sat_colors:
        colors = sat_colors
        # keep at least one color
        colors = colors[:1]

    # keep any color within 10% of the majority color
    colors = [c for c in colors if c.prominence >= colors[0].prominence
            * min_prominence][:max_colors]

    return Palette(colors, bg_color)
def toimage(arr, *args, **kw):
  if Image.isImageType(arr):
    return arr
  return scipy.misc.toimage(arr, *args, **kw)
def toimage(arr, *args, **kw):
    if Image.isImageType(arr):
        return arr
    return scipy.misc.toimage(arr, *args, **kw)