def RequestInformation(): sys.path.insert(0, r'EMC_SRC_PATH') import IrisEMC_Paraview_Lib as lib from paraview import util from os.path import splitext import IrisEMC_Paraview_Utils as utils import IrisEMC_Paraview_Param as param depth_begin = float(Depth_begin) depth_end = float(Depth_end) File_name = File_name.strip() ext = None if File_name in list(param.filesDict.values()) or not ( File_name.lower().endswith(param.filesExtDict['ssl'].lower()) or File_name.lower().endswith(param.filesExtDict['geo'].lower())): if utils.support_nc(): ext = param.filesExtDict['ssl'] else: ext = param.filesExtDict['geo'] fileFound, address, source = lib.find_file(File_name, loc=r'EMC_MODELS_PATH', ext=ext) if not fileFound: raise Exception('model file "' + address + '" not found! Aborting.') Latitude_begin, Latitude_end, Longitude_begin, Longitude_end = lib.get_area( Area, Latitude_begin, Latitude_end, Longitude_begin, Longitude_end) this_filename, extension = splitext(address) if extension.lower() == '.nc': nx, ny, nz = lib.read_netcdf_model(address, Latitude_variable, Longitude_variable, Depth_variable, (Latitude_begin, Longitude_begin), (Latitude_end, Longitude_end), depth_begin, depth_end, Vertical_Scaling, inc=Sampling, extent=True) else: try: nx, ny, nz = lib.read_geocsv_model_3d( address, (Latitude_begin, Longitude_begin), (Latitude_end, Longitude_end), depth_begin, depth_end, Vertical_Scaling, inc=Sampling, extent=True) except Exception: raise Exception('cannot recognize model file "' + address + '"! Aborting.') # ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR THE READER TO WORK: util.SetOutputWholeExtent(self, [0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz])
def RequestInformation(): from os.path import splitext sys.path.insert(0, r'EMC_SRC_PATH') import IrisEMC_Paraview_Lib as lib from paraview import util import IrisEMC_Paraview_Utils as utils import IrisEMC_Paraview_Param as param Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End = lib.get_area( Area, Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End) if len(Alternate_FileName.strip()) > 0: FileName = Alternate_FileName.strip() Label = ' '.join(['SLAB', lib.file_name(Alternate_FileName).strip()]) else: FileName = lib.usgsSlabKeys[Slab] Label = ' '.join(['USGS Slab 1.0 -', lib.usgsSlabValues[Slab].strip()]) FileName = FileName.strip() ext = None if FileName in list(param.usgsSlabDict.keys()): if utils.support_nc(): ext = param.usgsSlabExtDict['ssl'] else: ext = param.usgsSlabExtDict['geo'] fileFound, address, source = lib.find_file(FileName, loc=r'EMC_SLABS_PATH', ext=ext) if not fileFound: raise Exception('model file "' + address + '" not found! Aborting.') this_filename, extension = splitext(address) if extension.lower() == '.grd': nx, ny, nz = lib.read_slab_file(address, (Latitude_Begin, Longitude_Begin), (Latitude_End, Longitude_End), inc=Sampling, extent=True) elif extension.lower() == '.csv': nx, ny, nz = lib.read_geocsv_model_2d( address, (Latitude_Begin, Longitude_Begin), (Latitude_End, Longitude_End), Sampling, 0, extent=True) else: raise Exception('cannot recognize model file "' + address + '"! Aborting.') # ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR THE READER TO WORK: util.SetOutputWholeExtent(self, [0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz])
def RequestInformation(): sys.path.insert(0, r'EMC_SRC_PATH') from os.path import splitext import IrisEMC_Paraview_Lib as lib from paraview import util import IrisEMC_Paraview_Utils as utils import IrisEMC_Paraview_Param as param if len(Alternate_FileName.strip()) > 0: file_name = Alternate_FileName.strip() else: file_name = lib.topoKeys[TopoFile] file_name = file_name.strip() ext = None if file_name in list(param.topoDict.keys()): if utils.support_nc(): ext = param.topoExtDict['ssl'] else: ext = param.topoExtDict['geo'] fileFound, address, source = lib.find_file(file_name, loc=r'EMC_MODELS_PATH', ext=ext) Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End = lib.get_area( Area, Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End) this_filename, extension = splitext(address) if extension.lower() in ['.nc', '.grd']: nx, ny, nz = lib.read_netcdf_topo_file( address, (Latitude_Begin, Longitude_Begin), (Latitude_End, Longitude_End), Sampling, Roughness, lon_var=Longitude_Variable, lat_var=Latitude_Variable, elev_var=Elevation_Variable, extent=True) else: try: nx, ny, nz = lib.read_geocsv_model_2d( address, (Latitude_Begin, Longitude_Begin), (Latitude_End, Longitude_End), Sampling, Roughness, extent=True) except Exception: raise Exception('cannot recognize model file "' + address + '"! Aborting.') # ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR THE READER TO WORK: util.SetOutputWholeExtent(self, [0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz])
def RequestData(): # V.2019.079 import sys sys.path.insert(0, r'EMC_SRC_PATH') from paraview.simple import RenameSource, GetActiveViewOrCreate, ColorBy, GetDisplayProperties, GetActiveSource import numpy as np import csv import os from os.path import splitext from vtk.util import numpy_support as nps import IrisEMC_Paraview_Lib as lib import IrisEMC_Paraview_Utils as utils import IrisEMC_Paraview_Param as param File_name = File_name.strip() ext = None if File_name in list(param.filesDict.values()) or not ( File_name.lower().endswith(param.filesExtDict['ssl'].lower()) or File_name.lower().endswith(param.filesExtDict['geo'].lower())): if utils.support_nc(): ext = param.filesExtDict['ssl'] else: ext = param.filesExtDict['geo'] depth_begin = float(Depth_begin) depth_end = float(Depth_end) if depth_begin > depth_end: raise Exception('Begin Depth < End Depth! Aborting.') Latitude_begin, Latitude_end, Longitude_begin, Longitude_end = lib.get_area( Area, Latitude_begin, Latitude_end, Longitude_begin, Longitude_end) if len(Latitude_variable.strip()) <= 0 or len( Longitude_variable.strip()) <= 0 or len( Depth_variable.strip()) <= 0: raise Exception('Latitude, Longitude and Depth variable are required') # make sure we have input files fileFound, address, source = lib.find_file(File_name, loc=r'EMC_MODELS_PATH', ext=ext) if not fileFound: raise Exception('model file "' + address + '" not found! Aborting.') filename = lib.file_name(File_name) if len(Label.strip()) <= 0: if source == filename: Label = "%s " % (filename) else: Label = "%s from %s " % (filename, source) sg = self.GetOutput() # vtkPolyData this_filename, extension = splitext(address) if extension.lower() in ['.nc', '.grd']: X, Y, Z, V, meta = lib.read_netcdf_model( address, Latitude_variable, Longitude_variable, Depth_variable, (Latitude_begin, Longitude_begin), (Latitude_end, Longitude_end), depth_begin, depth_end, Vertical_Scaling, Sampling) else: try: X, Y, Z, V, meta = lib.read_geocsv_model_3d( address, (Latitude_begin, Longitude_begin), (Latitude_end, Longitude_end), depth_begin, depth_end, Vertical_Scaling, Sampling) except Exception as e: raise Exception('cannot recognize model file "' + address + '"! Aborting.\n' + str(e)) nx = len(X) if nx <= 0: raise Exception('No data found!') ny = len(X[0]) nz = len(X[0][0]) sg.SetDimensions(nx, ny, nz) # make geometry points = vtk.vtkPoints() for k in range(nz): for j in range(ny): for i in range(nx): points.InsertNextPoint((X[i, j, k], Y[i, j, k], Z[i, j, k])) sg.SetPoints(points) # make geometry count = 0 for var in list(V.keys()): scalars = vtk.vtkFloatArray() scalars.SetNumberOfComponents(1) scalars.SetName(var) for k in range(nz): for j in range(ny): for i in range(nx): if V[var][i, j, k] == float('nan'): scalars.InsertNextValue(float('nan')) else: scalars.InsertNextValue(V[var][i, j, k]) if count == 0: sg.GetPointData().SetScalars(scalars) else: sg.GetPointData().AddArray(scalars) count += 1 # store boundary metadata field_data = sg.GetFieldData() field_data.AllocateArrays(3) # number of fields data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Latitude\nRange (deg)') data.InsertNextValue(meta['lat'][0]) data.InsertNextValue(meta['lat'][1]) field_data.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Longitude\nRange (deg)') data.InsertNextValue(meta['lon'][0]) data.InsertNextValue(meta['lon'][1]) field_data.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Depths (km)') for d in sorted(meta['depth']): data.InsertNextValue(d) field_data.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkStringArray() data.SetName('Source') data.InsertNextValue(File_name) field_data.AddArray(data) label_2 = " - %s (lat:%0.1f,%0.1f, lon:%0.1f,%0.1f, depth:%0.1f - %0.1f)" % ( lib.areaValues[Area], meta['lat'][0], meta['lat'][1], meta['lon'][0], meta['lon'][1], meta['depth'][0], meta['depth'][-1]) RenameSource(' '.join([Label.strip(), label_2.strip()])) sg.SetFieldData(field_data)
def RequestData(): # V.2019.030 import sys sys.path.insert(0, r'EMC_SRC_PATH') from paraview.simple import RenameSource, GetActiveViewOrCreate, ColorBy, GetDisplayProperties, GetActiveSource import numpy as np import csv import os from os.path import splitext from vtk.util import numpy_support as nps import IrisEMC_Paraview_Lib as lib import IrisEMC_Paraview_Utils as utils import IrisEMC_Paraview_Param as param # elevation units in meters Roughness = -1 * float(Roughness) baseline = float(Depth_Bias) if len(Alternate_FileName.strip()) > 0: file_name = Alternate_FileName.strip() label = ' '.join(['Topo', lib.file_name(Alternate_FileName).strip()]) else: file_name = lib.topoKeys[TopoFile] label = lib.topoValues[TopoFile] file_name = file_name.strip() ext = None if file_name in list(param.topoDict.keys()): if utils.support_nc(): ext = param.topoExtDict['ssl'] else: ext = param.topoExtDict['geo'] # make sure we have input files file_found, address, source = lib.find_file(file_name, loc=r'EMC_MODELS_PATH', ext=ext) if not file_found: raise Exception('Topo file "' + address + '" not found! Aborting.') this_filename, extension = splitext(address) sg = self.GetOutput() # vtkPolyData Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End = lib.get_area( Area, Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End) label2 = " - %s (%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f)" % ( lib.areaValues[Area], Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End) if extension.lower() in ['.nc', '.grd']: X, Y, Z, V, label = lib.read_netcdf_topo_file( address, (Latitude_Begin, Longitude_Begin), (Latitude_End, Longitude_End), Sampling, Roughness, base=baseline, lon_var=Longitude_Variable, lat_var=Latitude_Variable, elev_var=Elevation_Variable, unit_factor=float(Unit_Factor), extent=False) else: try: X, Y, Z, V, meta = lib.read_geocsv_model_2d( address, (Latitude_Begin, Longitude_Begin), (Latitude_End, Longitude_End), Sampling, Roughness, base=baseline, unit_factor=float(Unit_Factor), extent=False) except Exception: raise Exception('cannot recognize model file "' + address + '"! Aborting.') nx = len(X) ny = len(X[0]) nz = len(X[0][0]) sg.SetDimensions(nx, ny, nz) # # make geometry # points = vtk.vtkPoints() for k in range(nz): for j in range(ny): for i in range(nx): points.InsertNextPoint((X[i, j, k], Y[i, j, k], Z[i, j, k])) sg.SetPoints(points) # # make geometry # count = 0 for var in list(V.keys()): scalars = vtk.vtkFloatArray() scalars.SetNumberOfComponents(1) scalars.SetName(var) for k in range(nz): for j in range(ny): for i in range(nx): scalars.InsertNextValue(V[var][i, j, k]) if count == 0: sg.GetPointData().SetScalars(scalars) else: sg.GetPointData().AddArray(scalars) count += 1 # store metadata fieldData = sg.GetFieldData() fieldData.AllocateArrays(3) # number of fields data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Latitude\nRange (deg)') data.InsertNextValue(Latitude_Begin) data.InsertNextValue(Latitude_End) fieldData.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Longitude\nRange (deg)') data.InsertNextValue(Longitude_Begin) data.InsertNextValue(Longitude_End) fieldData.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkStringArray() data.SetName('Source') data.InsertNextValue(source) fieldData.AddArray(data) RenameSource(' '.join( [label.strip(), 'from', source.strip(), label2.strip()]))
def RequestData(): # R.1.2018.346 import sys sys.path.insert(0, r'EMC_SRC_PATH') from paraview.simple import RenameSource, GetActiveViewOrCreate, ColorBy, GetDisplayProperties, GetActiveSource import numpy as np import csv import os from os.path import splitext from vtk.util import numpy_support as nps import IrisEMC_Paraview_Lib as lib import urllib.parse import IrisEMC_Paraview_Utils as utils import IrisEMC_Paraview_Param as param USGS = True if len(Alternate_FileName.strip()) > 0: FileName = Alternate_FileName.strip() Label = ' '.join(['SLAB', lib.file_name(Alternate_FileName).strip()]) USGS = False else: FileName = lib.usgsSlabKeys[Slab] FileName = FileName.strip() ext = None if FileName in list(param.usgsSlabDict.keys()): if utils.support_nc(): ext = param.usgsSlabExtDict['ssl'] else: ext = param.usgsSlabExtDict['geo'] depthFactor = -1 Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End = lib.get_area( Area, Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End) Label2 = " - %s (lat:%0.1f,%0.1f, lon:%0.1f,%0.1f)" % ( lib.areaValues[Area], Latitude_Begin, Latitude_End, Longitude_Begin, Longitude_End, ) # Make sure we have input files fileFound, address, source = lib.find_file(FileName, loc=r'EMC_SLABS_PATH', ext=ext) if not fileFound: raise Exception('model file "' + address + '" not found! Aborting.') this_filename, extension = splitext(address) sg = self.GetOutput() # vtkPolyData if extension.lower() == '.grd': X, Y, Z, V, label = lib.read_slab_file( address, (Latitude_Begin, Longitude_Begin), (Latitude_End, Longitude_End), inc=Sampling, depth_factor=depthFactor, extent=False) elif extension.lower() == '.csv': X, Y, Z, V, meta = lib.read_geocsv_model_2d( address, (Latitude_Begin, Longitude_Begin), (Latitude_End, Longitude_End), Sampling, 1, base=0, unit_factor=depthFactor, extent=False) label = '' else: raise Exception('cannot recognize model file "' + address + '"! Aborting.') nx = len(X) ny = len(X[0]) nz = len(X[0][0]) sg.SetDimensions(nx, ny, nz) # # make geometry # points = vtk.vtkPoints() for k in range(nz): for j in range(ny): for i in range(nx): points.InsertNextPoint((X[i, j, k], Y[i, j, k], Z[i, j, k])) sg.SetPoints(points) # # make geometry # count = 0 for var in list(V.keys()): scalars = vtk.vtkFloatArray() scalars.SetNumberOfComponents(1) scalars.SetName(var) for k in range(nz): for j in range(ny): for i in range(nx): scalars.InsertNextValue(depthFactor * V[var][i, j, k]) if count == 0: sg.GetPointData().SetScalars(scalars) else: sg.GetPointData().AddArray(scalars) count += 1 # store USGS metadata if USGS: fieldData = sg.GetFieldData() fieldData.AllocateArrays(3) # number of fields data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Latitude\nRange (deg)') data.InsertNextValue( lib.usgsSlabRangeDict[lib.usgsSlabKeys[Slab]]['Y'][0]) data.InsertNextValue( lib.usgsSlabRangeDict[lib.usgsSlabKeys[Slab]]['Y'][1]) fieldData.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Longitude\nRange (deg)') minX = lib.usgsSlabRangeDict[lib.usgsSlabKeys[Slab]]['X'][0] if minX > 180: minX -= 360 maxX = lib.usgsSlabRangeDict[lib.usgsSlabKeys[Slab]]['X'][1] if maxX > 180: maxX -= 360 xMin = min([minX, maxX]) xMax = max([minX, maxX]) data.InsertNextValue(xMin) data.InsertNextValue(xMax) fieldData.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Depth to Slab\nRange (km)') data.InsertNextValue( abs(lib.usgsSlabRangeDict[lib.usgsSlabKeys[Slab]]['Z'][1])) data.InsertNextValue( abs(lib.usgsSlabRangeDict[lib.usgsSlabKeys[Slab]]['Z'][0])) fieldData.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkStringArray() data.SetName('Source') data.InsertNextValue(lib.usgsSlab_URL) Label = ' '.join([ 'USGS Slab 1.0:', lib.usgsSlabValues[Slab].strip(), 'from', urllib.parse.urlparse(lib.usgsSlab_URL).netloc.strip() ]) data.InsertNextValue(lib.usgsSlabKeys[Slab]) fieldData.AddArray(data) RenameSource(' '.join([Label.strip(), Label2.strip()]))
def read_netcdf_model(model_file, lat_variable, lon_variable, depth_variable, ll, ur, depth_min, depth_max, roughness, inc, extent=False): """read in an EMC Earth model in the netCDF format Keyword arguments: model_file: model file ll: lower-left coordinate ur: upper-right coordinate depth_min: minimum depth depth_max: maximum depth inc: grid sampling interval Return values: x: x-coordinate normalized to the radius of the Earth y: y-coordinate normalized to the radius of the Earth z: z-coordinate normalized to the radius of the Earth meta: file metadata information """ # ParaView on some platforms does not have SciPy module if not utils.support_nc(): print( "[ERR] Cannot read netCDF files on this platform, try GeoCSV format!" ) return [], [], [], [], {} # NetCDF files, when opened read-only, return arrays that refer directly to memory-mapped data on disk: print(f"[INFO] Reading model file {model_file}") data = netcdf.netcdf_file(model_file, 'r') variables = [] for name in list(data.variables.keys()): if name not in (depth_variable, lon_variable, lat_variable): variables.append(name) # expects variables be a function of latitude, longitude and depth, find the order var = variables[0] for i, value in enumerate(data.variables[var].dimensions): if value == depth_variable: depth_index = i elif value == lon_variable: lon_index = i else: lat_index = i lat = data.variables[lat_variable][:].copy() lon = data.variables[lon_variable][:].copy() lon, lon_map = utils.lon_180(lon, fix_gap=True) depth = data.variables[depth_variable][:].copy() # select the values within the ranges (this is to get a count only) latitude, longitude, depth2 = get_points_in_volume(lat, lon, depth, ll, ur, inc, depth_min, depth_max) # model data grid definition V = {} nx = len(longitude) ny = len(depth2) nz = len(latitude) if extent: return nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1 index = [-1, -1, -1] meta = { 'depth': [], 'lat': [100, -100], 'lon': [400, -400], 'source': model_file } missing_value = None if hasattr(data.variables[var], 'missing_value'): missing_value = float(data.variables[var].missing_value) for l, var_val in enumerate(variables): X = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) Y = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) Z = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) v = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) data_in = data.variables[var_val][:].copy() # increment longitudes, we want to keep the first and last longitude regardless of inc for i, lon_val in enumerate(lon): for j, depth_val in enumerate(depth): for k, lat_val in enumerate(lat): if lon_val in longitude and lat_val in latitude and depth_val in depth2: meta['lon'] = [ min(meta['lon'][0], lon_val), max(meta['lon'][0], lon_val) ] meta['lat'] = [ min(meta['lat'][0], lat_val), max(meta['lat'][0], lat_val) ] if depth_val not in meta['depth']: meta['depth'].append(depth_val) x, y, z = llz2xyz(lat_val, lon_val, depth_val * roughness) ii = longitude.index(lon_val) jj = depth2.index(depth_val) kk = latitude.index(lat_val) X[ii, jj, kk] = x Y[ii, jj, kk] = y Z[ii, jj, kk] = z index[depth_index] = j index[lat_index] = k index[lon_index] = i this_value = data_in[index[0]][index[1]][index[2]] if this_value is None: v[ii, jj, kk] = None elif this_value is not None: if this_value == missing_value: v[ii, jj, kk] = None this_value = None else: v[ii, jj, kk] = this_value else: v[ii, jj, kk] = this_value V[var_val] = v data.close() return X, Y, Z, V, meta
def find_file(address, loc, query='', ext=None): """find a file either locally or via a URL Keyword arguments: address: file address, path, url, etc. loc: location of the file query: URL query string Return values: found: indicating if the operation was a success address: full address of the local file source: where the file came from """ found = False # For default files, the calling script sends the proper extension to use depending on the OS support. if ext is not None: address = ''.join([address, ext]) if address.lower().endswith('.nc') and not utils.support_nc(): print( "[ERR] Cannot read netCDF files on this platform, try GeoCSV format!" ) return False, address, address # It is a full path to a file? source = address if os.path.isfile(address): origin = read_info_file(source) return True, address, origin # It is a file under the data directory? elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(loc, address)): source = os.path.join(loc, address) origin = read_info_file(source) return True, source, origin # Other possibilities, URL? else: # Check the DMC URL. if loc in (pathDict['EMC_BOUNDARIES_PATH'], pathDict['EMC_MODELS_PATH'], pathDict['EMC_VOLCANOES_PATH']): source = irisEMC_Files_URL + address if is_url_valid(source): found, destination, origin = get_file_from_url( source, loc, filename=os.path.join(loc, address)) # USGS Slab 1.0 elif loc == pathDict['EMC_SLABS_PATH']: source = usgsSlab_URL + address if is_url_valid(source): found, destination, origin = get_file_from_url( source, loc, filename=os.path.join(loc, address)) # Earthquakes. elif loc == pathDict['EMC_EARTHQUAKES_PATH']: source = query if is_url_valid(source): found, destination, origin = get_file_from_url( source, loc, filename=os.path.join(loc, address)) if found: fp = open(destination, 'r+') catalog =, 0) fp.write(eq_header(source)) fp.write(catalog) fp.close() # Did we find the file? if found: return found, destination, origin # Did user provide a URL. else: found, destination, origin = get_file_from_url(address, loc, query) return found, destination, origin
def read_slab_file(model_file, ll, ur, inc=1, depth_factor=-1, extent=False): """read in a 2-D netCDF Slab file Keyword arguments: model_file: model file ll: lower-left coordinate ur: upper-right coordinate inc: grid sampling interval RReturn values: X: x-coordinate normalized to the radius of Earh Y: y-coordinate normalized to the radius of Earh Z: z-coordinate normalized to the radius of Earh label: file label """ # ParaView on some systems does not have SciPy module if not utils.support_nc(): print( "[ERR] Cannot read netCDF files on this platform, try GeoCSV format!" ) return [], [], [], [], '' z_variable = 'z' lon_variable = 'x' lat_variable = 'y' depth = 0 # model data data = netcdf.netcdf_file(model_file, 'r') lat = data.variables[lat_variable][:].copy() lon = data.variables[lon_variable][:].copy() lon = utils.lon_180(lon) elevation_data = data.variables[z_variable][:].copy() data.close() dep = [depth] variables = [z_variable] # select the values within the ranges (this is to get a count only) latitude, longitude, depth2 = get_points_in_area(lat, lon, dep, ll, ur, inc) # model data grid definition V = {} nx = len(longitude) ny = len(depth2) nz = len(latitude) if extent: return nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1 label = '' if len(depth2): label = "%0.1f-%0.1fkm" % (min(depth2), max(depth2)) for l, var_value in enumerate(variables): X = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) Y = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) Z = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) v = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) for i, lon_val in enumerate(lon): for j, depth_val in enumerate(dep): for k, lat_val in enumerate(lat): if lon_val in longitude and lat_val in latitude and depth_val in depth2: ii = longitude.index(lon_val) jj = depth2.index(depth_val) kk = latitude.index(lat_val) x, y, z = llz2xyz(lat[k], lon[i], elevation_data[k][i] * depth_factor) X[ii, jj, kk] = x Y[ii, jj, kk] = y Z[ii, jj, kk] = z v[ii, jj, kk] = elevation_data[k][i] V[z_variable] = v return X, Y, Z, V, label
def read_netcdf_topo_file(model_file, ll, ur, inc, roughness, lon_var='longitude', lat_var='latitude', elev_var='elevation', base=0, unit_factor=1, extent=False): """read in etopo, a 2-D netCDF topo file Keyword arguments: model_file: model file ll: lower-left coordinate ur: upper-right coordinate inc: grid sampling interval roughness: set the variable as depth and use this for exaggeration extent: should only compute model extent? (True or False) RReturn values: X: x-coordinate normalized to the radius of Earh Y: y-coordinate normalized to the radius of Earh Z: z-coordinate normalized to the radius of Earh label: file label """ # ParaView on some platforms does not have SciPy module if not utils.support_nc(): print("[ERR] Sorry, cannot read netCDF files on this platform!") return 0, 0, 0 z_variable = elev_var lon_variable = lon_var lat_variable = lat_var depth = base # model data data = netcdf.netcdf_file(model_file, 'r') lat = data.variables[lat_variable][:].copy() lon = data.variables[lon_variable][:].copy() lon = utils.lon_180(lon) elevation_data = data.variables[z_variable][:].copy() data.close() dep = [depth] variables = [z_variable] # select the values within the ranges (this is to get a count only) latitude, longitude, depth2 = get_points_in_area(lat, lon, dep, ll, ur, inc) # model data grid definition V = {} nx = len(longitude) ny = len(depth2) nz = len(latitude) if extent: return nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1 label = '' if hasattr(data, 'description'): label = data.description elif hasattr(data, 'title'): label = data.title for l, var_value in enumerate(variables): X = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) Y = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) Z = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) v = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz)) for i, lon_val in enumerate(lon): for j, depth_val in enumerate(dep): for k, lat_val in enumerate(lat): if lon_val in longitude and lat_val in latitude and depth_val in depth2: ii = longitude.index(lon_val) jj = depth2.index(depth_val) kk = latitude.index(lat_val) # "+" since it is elevation but we already making roughness negative to make it positive up x, y, z = llz2xyz( lat_val, lon_val, depth_val + (elevation_data[k][i] * roughness * unit_factor)) X[ii, jj, kk] = x Y[ii, jj, kk] = y Z[ii, jj, kk] = z v[ii, jj, kk] = elevation_data[k][i] * float(unit_factor) V[z_variable] = v return X, Y, Z, V, label