def curvatures(xData, yData):
    n = len(xData) - 1
    c = np.zeros((n), dtype=float)
    d = np.ones((n + 1), dtype=float)
    e = np.zeros((n), dtype=float)
    k = np.zeros((n + 1), dtype=float)
    c[0:n - 1] = xData[0:n - 1] - xData[1:n]
    d[1:n] = 2.0 * (xData[0:n - 1] - xData[2:n + 1])
    e[1:n] = xData[1:n] - xData[2:n + 1]
    k[1:n] = 6.0*(yData[0:n-1] - yData[1:n]) /c[0:n-1] \
            -6.0*(yData[1:n] - yData[2:n+1]) /e[1:n]
    LUdecomp3.LUdecomp3(c, d, e)
    LUdecomp3.LUsolve3(c, d, e, k)
    return k
def inversePower3(d, c, s, tol=1.0e-6):
    n = len(d)
    e = c.copy()
    cc = c.copy()  # Save original [c]
    dStar = d - s  # Form [A*] = [A] - s[I]
    LUdecomp3(cc, dStar, e)  # Decompose [A*]
    x = zeros((n), type=Float64)
    for i in range(n):  # Seed [x] with random numbers
        x[i] = random()
    xMag = sqrt(dot(x, x))  # Normalize [x]
    x = x / xMag
    flag = 0
    for i in range(30):  # Begin iterations
        xOld = x.copy()  # Save current [x]
        LUsolve3(cc, dStar, e, x)  # Solve [A*][x] = [xOld]
        xMag = sqrt(dot(x, x))  # Normalize [x]
        x = x / xMag
        if dot(xOld, x) < 0.0:  # Detect change in sign of [x]
            sign = -1.0
            x = -x
            sign = 1.0
        if sqrt(dot(xOld - x, xOld - x)) < tol:
            return s + sign / xMag, x
    print 'Inverse power method did not converge'
def curvatures(xData, yData):
    n = len(xData) - 1
    c = np.zeros(n)
    d = np.ones(n + 1)
    e = np.zeros(n)
    k = np.zeros(n + 1)
    c[0:n - 1] = xData[0:n - 1] - xData[1:n]
    d[1:n] = 2.0 * (xData[0:n - 1] - xData[2:n + 1])
    e[1:n] = xData[1:n] - xData[2:n + 1]
    k[1:n] =6.0*(yData[0:n-1] - yData[1:n])/(xData[0:n-1] - xData[1:n]) \
            - 6.0*(yData[1:n] - yData[2:n+1])/(xData[1:n] - xData[2:n+1])
    LUdecomp3(c, d, e)
    LUsolve3(c, d, e, k)

    return k
def curvatures(xData, yData):
    n = len(xData) - 1
    c = zeros((n), type=Float64)
    d = ones((n + 1), type=Float64)
    e = zeros((n), type=Float64)
    k = zeros((n + 1), type=Float64)
    c[0:n - 1] = xData[0:n - 1] - xData[1:n]
    d[1:n] = 2.0 * (xData[0:n - 1] - xData[2:n + 1])
    e[1:n] = xData[1:n] - xData[2:n + 1]
    k[1:n] =6.0*(yData[0:n-1] - yData[1:n]) \
                 /(xData[0:n-1] - xData[1:n]) \
             -6.0*(yData[1:n] - yData[2:n+1])   \
                 /(xData[1:n] - xData[2:n+1])
    LUdecomp3(c, d, e)
    LUsolve3(c, d, e, k)
    return k
def inversePower3(d, c, s, tol=1.0e-6):
    n = len(d)
    e = c.copy()
    dStar = d - s
    LUdecomp3(c, dStar, e)
    x = rand(n)
    xMag = math.sqrt(np.dot(x, x))  # Normalize [x]
    x = x / xMag
    flag = 0
    for i in range(30):
        xOld = x.copy()
        LUsolve3(c, dStar, e, x)
        xMag = math.sqrt(np.dot(x, x))  # Normalize [x]
        x = x / xMag
        if np.dot(xOld, x) < 0.0:  # Detect change in sign of [x]
            sign = -1.0
            x = -x
            sign = 1.0
        if math.sqrt(np.dot(xOld - x, xOld - x)) < tol:
            return s + sign / xMag, x

    print("Inverse power method did not converge")
def inversePower3(d, c, s, tol=1.0e-6):
    n = len(d)
    e = c.copy()
    cc = c.copy()
    dStar = d - s  # Form [A*] = [A] - s[I]
    LUdecomp3(cc, dStar, e)  # Decompose [A*]
    x = rand(n)  # Seed x with random numbers
    xMag = math.sqrt(np.dot(x, x))  # Normalize [x]
    x = x / xMag

    for i in range(30):  # Begin iterations
        xOld = x.copy()  # Save current [x]
        LUsolve3(cc, dStar, e, x)  # Solve [A*][x] = [xOld]
        xMag = math.sqrt(np.dot(x, x))  # Normalize [x]
        x = x / xMag
        if np.dot(xOld, x) < 0.0:  # Detect change in sign of [x]
            sign = -1.0
            x = -x
            sign = 1.0
        if math.sqrt(np.dot(xOld - x, xOld - x)) < tol:
            return s + sign / xMag, x
    print('Inverse power method did not converge')
from numarray import zeros, ones, Float64, array, arange
from LUdecomp3 import *
from math import pi

def equations(x, h, m):  # Set up finite difference eqs.
    h2 = h * h
    d = ones((m + 1)) * (-2.0 + 4.0 * h2)
    c = ones((m), type=Float64)
    e = ones((m), type=Float64)
    b = ones((m + 1)) * 4.0 * h2 * x
    d[0] = 1.0
    e[0] = 0.0
    b[0] = 0.0
    c[m - 1] = 2.0
    return c, d, e, b

xStart = 0.0  # x at left end
xStop = pi / 2.0  # x at right end
m = 10  # Number of mesh spaces
h = (xStop - xStart) / m
x = arange(xStart, xStop + h, h)
c, d, e, b = equations(x, h, m)
c, d, e = LUdecomp3(c, d, e)
y = LUsolve3(c, d, e, b)
print "\n        x              y"
for i in range(m + 1):
    print "%14.5e %14.5e" % (x[i], y[i])
raw_input("\nPress return to exit")
## example2_14
import numpy as np
from LUdecomp3 import *
d = np.ones((n))*2.0
e = np.ones((n-1))*(-1.0) c = e.copy()
d[n-1] = 5.0
aInv = np.identity(n) c,d,e = LUdecomp3(c,d,e) 
for i in range(n):
    aInv[:,i] = LUsolve3(c,d,e,aInv[:,i])
print("\nThe inverse matrix is:\n",aInv)
input("\nPress return to exit")

def inversePower3(d, c, s, tol=1.0e-6, max_iterations=100):
    """ Inverse power method for triagonal matrix.

    Inverse power method applied to a tridiagonal matrix
    [A] = [c\d\c]. Returns the eigenvalue closest to 's'
    and the corresponding eigenvector.

    d : a numpy array of ndim = 1.
        The matrix in the diagonal.
    c : a numpy array of ndim = 1.
        The matrix in the second-diagonal.
    s : a double.
        The eigenvalue you want to find its eigenvector. This is an
	approximate value.
    tol : a double (optional).
        The overlap between consecutive solutions has to be smaller than
	that to call the eigenvector converged.
    max_iterations : an int.
        The maximum number of iteration done before raising an exception.

    s : a double.
        The eigenvalue corrected.
    x : a numpy array of ndim = 1. 
        The corresponding eigenvector.

        if the number of iterations before converging exceeds
    n = len(d)
    e = c.copy()
    cc = c.copy()                 # Save original [c]
    dStar = d - s                 # Form [A*] = [A] - s[I]
    LUdecomp3(cc,dStar,e)         # Decompose [A*]
    x = np.random.rand(n)         # Seed [x] with random numbers
    norm = np.linalg.norm(x)      # Normalize [x]
    x /= norm
    is_converged = False
    iteration = 0
    sign = 1.0
    while not is_converged:       # Begin iterations    
	iteration +=1
	if iteration > max_iterations:
	    raise TridiagonalException('Inverse power method did not converge')
        xOld = x.copy()           # Save current [x]
        LUsolve3(cc,dStar,e,x)    # Solve [A*][x] = [xOld]
        norm = np.linalg.norm(x)  # Normalize [x]
        x /= norm
        if np.dot(xOld,x) < 0.0:     # Detect change in sign of [x]
            sign = -1.0
            x = -x
	overlap = np.linalg.norm(xOld - x)
        if overlap < tol:
	    is_converged =True
    s += sign/norm
    return s, x