def dialogueLoop(textList, path):
	q = 1 # this might actually be useless
	font = pygame.font.SysFont('Courier New', 30) #initializes pygame.font
	#font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30)
	dialogueBox = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('conf','TextBox.png')) #loads the image that holds the text
	#print "hero: ",Hero.rect.bottom
	#print "path: ",path
	windowRect = window.get_rect()
	x = (windowRect.right - 800)/2
	yTest = windowRect.bottom - 300
	if Hero.rect.bottom >= yTest - 10: # if the sprite is too close to where the text box would noramlly be, the box is moved to the top
		y = windowRect.top
		#print "True"
		y = yTest
	level = Level(path, windowRect)
	level.read_map() #redoes the level
	Textbackground = level.render()
	#Textbackground = pygame.Surface(windowRect.bottomright)
	b = 0
	textList_broken = [] #empty set to use for the broken up text
	if len(textList) > 3:
		while len(textList) != 0: #while there are still things in textList
			a = 0
			tripletset = [] #empty set to hold sets of triple lines
			while a < 3 and len(textList) != 0:
				#print "a: ",a
				#print textList
				tripletset.append(textList[0]) #adds first line from textList to tripleset
				textList.pop(0) #removes the line that was just added
				#print "length :",len(textList)
				a += 1
			if len(textList) !=0:
				tripletset.append(u'\u25bc') #if it's not the last line, adds a ▼ to the set to show text continues
			textList_broken.append(tripletset) #adds tripleset to textList_broken
#			a = 0
			#print "broken: ",textList_broken
	#print "lenght", len(textList)
	textList = textList_broken
	#print "list: ",textList
#	while q <= 200:
		#rectCoord = Hero.get_rect()
		#print y
		#Textbackground.blit(background, (0,0))
	for m in range(len(textList)):
		"""This loop here is what puts the text onto the screen. The data structure is set up so that the first
		is a list of 3 line text blocks (pages) then it is a list of those lines. 
		Textbackground.blit(dialogueBox, (x,y)) #blits the dialogue image onto the level background
		q = 0
		while q == 0:
			for event in pygame.event.get():
				for n in range(len(textList[m])):
					words = font.render(textList[m][n], 1, (0, 0, 0))
					Textbackground.blit(words, (x+20, y+20+n*30))
				change_Background(Textbackground, (0,0), True, char)
				if event.key == K_RETURN and event.type == KEYDOWN:
					#print "STUFF"
					q = 1
def main(currentWorld, path, windowRect, level, background, obstacles, teleports, position, Hero, char, attack, defense, Enemy, heroSprite, enemySprites):
	leftcount = 0
	while True:
		fpsClock.tick(45)                                  # max of 45fps
		for event in pygame.event.get():
			#print event
			if event.type == QUIT: #check for quit signal and properly terminate. 
			if event.type == KEYDOWN: # checks for actions
				#print event.key
				if event.key == K_ESCAPE: #escape key exits
				elif event.key == K_l:
					Save.saveGame(currentWorld, Hero.getRect().topleft, Hero.health, Enemy.getRect().topleft, Enemy.health, Enemy.world, Enemy.old_state, Enemy.state)
				elif (event.key == K_LEFT) or (event.key == K_RIGHT) or (event.key == K_DOWN) or (event.key == K_UP):
					# Checks for arrow keys and moves the character in that direction
					Hero.start(event.key, obstacles)
					#Enemy.start(event.key, obstacles)
					k, q = 1,1 #counters
					while k == 1:
						if q == 1: #this is a way to prevent a bug where everything was being done twice causing a crash
							reader = KeyReader(event.key, window, fpsClock.tick(45))
							k, backg, track = reader.testKey(background) # from KeyReader.py
							inventory = InventoryMap(window) #initializes the inventory system
							if track == 'inventory':
								item = inventory.moveCursor(False,track)
								if item != False and item != None:
									Hero.changeSheet(os.path.join('SpriteDev','Sheets',item.rstrip())) #updates the sprite sheet to be of the character holding the weapon
									pygame.display.flip() #updates the screen
									heroSprite = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(Hero) #renders the sprite
							elif track == 'weapons':
								item = inventory.moveCursor(True,track)
								if item != False and item != None:
									Hero.changeSheet(os.path.join('SpriteDev','Sheets',item.rstrip())) #updates the sprite sheet to be of the character holding the weapon
									pygame.display.flip() #updates the screen
									heroSprite = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(Hero) #renders the sprite
									#if item.rstrip() == "Sword.png":
									attack, defense = weaponData(item)
							elif track == 'swing':
								kill = swing(Hero, attack, defense, Enemy)
								if kill == True:
									enemycollide = False
							if backg != 1 and track == 'talk': #just a testing thing
								dialogueLoop(k, path) # see documentation there
								level = Level(path, windowRect) #re parses teh backround
								background = level.render() #resets the background
								#if Hero.old_state == None:
								#	print "down"
								#	print attack 
								#elif Hero.state == 'still': #and Hero.state != None:
								#	print Hero.old_state+" old"
								#	print attack
								#	print Hero.state+" current"
								#	print attack
							#print isinstance(k, int)
							if k == 42: #42 is the official quit signal for k
								q = 0
							elif isinstance(k, int) != True: # checks to see if k value is a code or string
								#print "break"
							elif event.key == K_ESCAPE:
								shutdown() #makes sure that pressing escape quits the program
								q +=1 #iterates the main loop if nothing happens
						if backg != 1:
							change_Background(backg, (0,0), True)
						if track == 'quit':
			elif event.type == KEYUP: #stops movement when arrow key is released
				#print Hero.state,"hero"
				#print Hero.state,"hero"
		herocollide = True
		if Enemy.alive() == True:
			herocollide = Enemy.check_collision(Enemy.getRect(),[Hero.getRect()])
			enemyCollide = Hero.check_collision(Hero.getRect(),[Enemy.getRect()])
			enemyCollide = False
		if herocollide != True:
			Enemy.AI(Hero.getRect().center, obstacles)
			#Enemy2.AI(Hero.getRect().center, obstacles)
		elif Enemy.alive():
			damage = .25-float(defense)
			if damage < 0:
				damage = 0 
			Hero.health -= damage
			#print "hero: %s" % Hero.health
			#print Hero.rect.size
		if leftcount == 140:
			leftcount = 0
		#if leftcount%10 == 0:
			#print Enemy.rect.center
		char.update(obstacles) #checks for collisions between sprites
		if enemyCollide != False and Enemy.alive() == True:
			#print "Here"
		path_2 = Hero.check_teleport(currentWorld, teleports) #checks to see if the character has moved to a different world
		if (path_2 != path) and (path_2 != None): #if path_2 is different than the already existent one, and exists
			path = path_2 #sets path to path_2
			#print "main path:", path
			level = Level(os.path.join('conf',path), windowRect)
			level.read_map()                #redoes the level render
			currentWorld = Hero.getWorld()  #sets the current word to wherever the hero is so that background can be properly rendered
			#print currentWorld
			background = level.render() #makes the background
			char = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(Hero) 
		teleports = [] # clears the sets
		obstacles = []
		obstacles, teleports = getTiles() # resets the tiles
		if Hero.health <= 0:
		#Test = Hero.check_collision(Hero.getRect(),[Enemy.getRect()])
		#print Test
		change_Background(background, (0,0), True, char)
#		window.blit(background, (0,0))
#		char.draw(window)
#		pygame.display.flip()
		save = [currentWorld, Hero.getRect().topleft, Hero.health, Enemy.getRect().topleft, Enemy.health]
	for event in pygame.event.get():
		if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): #check for quit signal and properly terminate. 
		elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
			if event.button == 1:
				if ButtonRect1.collidepoint(event.pos) == True:
					attack = 1
					defense = 0
					currentWorld = 'Home'
					path = os.path.join('conf','levelmap')
					itemPath = 'ItemData'
					windowRect = window.get_rect()
					level = Level(path, windowRect)
					background = level.render()
					window.blit(background, (0,0))
					obstacles, teleports = getTiles()
					position = getCharacter()
					Hero = Sprite.Sprite(position, obstacles, os.path.join('SpriteDev','Sheets','spritesheet1.png'),(os.path.join('SpriteDev','UpStill.png'),os.path.join('SpriteDev','RightStill.png'),os.path.join('SpriteDev','DownStill.png'),os.path.join('SpriteDev','LeftStill.png')), True)
					Enemy = Enemies.Enemy((400,500), obstacles, os.path.join('SpriteDev','Sheets','enemysheet.png'),(os.path.join('SpriteDev','EnemyUpStill.png'),os.path.join('SpriteDev','EnemyRightStill.png'),os.path.join('SpriteDev','EnemyDownStill.png'),os.path.join('SpriteDev','EnemyLeftStill.png')), currentWorld, True)
					char = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(Hero, Enemy)
					heroSprite = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(Hero)
					enemySprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(Enemy)
					h = 0
					main(currentWorld, path, windowRect, level, background, obstacles, teleports, position, Hero, char, attack, defense, Enemy, heroSprite, enemySprites)
				if ButtonRect2.collidepoint(event.pos) == True:
					save = []
					save = Save.loadGame(window)