    def cg(self, force=False, com=False):
        # Generate the coarse grained structure
        # Set the b-factor field to something that reflects the secondary structure

        # If the coarse grained structure is set already, just return,
        # unless regeneration is forced.
        if self._cg and not force:
            return self._cg
        self._cg = []
        atid     = 1
        bb       = [1]
        fail     = False
        previous = ''
        for residue, rss, resname in zip(self.residues, self.sstypes, self.sequence):
            # For DNA we need to get the O3' to the following residue when calculating COM
            # The force and com options ensure that this part does not affect itp generation or anything else
            if com:
                # Just an initialization, this should complain if it isn't updated in the loop
                store = 0
                for ind, i in enumerate(residue):
                    if i[0] == "O3'":
                        if previous != '':
                            residue[ind] = previous
                            previous = i
                            store = ind
                            previous = i
                # We couldn't remove the O3' from the 5' end residue during the loop so we do it now
                if store > 0:
                    del residue[store]

            # Check if residues names has changed, for example because user has set residues interactively.
            residue = [(atom[0], resname)+atom[2:] for atom in residue]
            if residue[0][1] in ("SOL", "HOH", "TIP"):
            if not residue[0][1] in MAP.CoarseGrained.mapping.keys():
                logging.warning("Skipped unknown residue %s\n" % residue[0][1])
            # Get the mapping for this residue
            # CG.map returns bead coordinates and mapped atoms
            # This will fail if there are (too many) atoms missing, which is
            # only problematic if a mapped structure is written; the topology
            # is inferred from the sequence. So this is the best place to raise
            # an error
                beads, ids = MAP.map(residue, ca2bb=self.options['ForceField'].ca2bb)
                beads      = zip(MAP.CoarseGrained.names[residue[0][1]], beads, ids)
                if residue[0][1] in self.options['ForceField'].polar:
                    beads = add_dummy(beads, dist=0.14, n=2)
                elif residue[0][1] in self.options['ForceField'].charged:
                    beads = add_dummy(beads, dist=0.11, n=1)
            except ValueError:
                logging.error("Too many atoms missing from residue %s %d(ch:%s):",
                              residue[0][1], residue[0][2]-(32 << 20), residue[0][3])
                logging.error(repr([i[0] for i in residue]))
                fail = True

            for name, (x, y, z), ids in beads:
                # Add the bead with coordinates and secondary structure id to the list
                self._cg.append((name, residue[0][1][:3], residue[0][2], residue[0][3], x, y, z, SS.ss2num[rss]))
                # Add the ids to the list, after converting them to indices to the list of atoms
                self.mapping.append([atid+i for i in ids])

            # Increment the atom id; This pertains to the atoms that are included in the output.
            atid += len(residue)

            # Keep track of the numbers for CONECTing

        if fail:
            logging.error("Unable to generate coarse grained structure due to missing atoms.")

        return self._cg