def main(): quit = -1 while quit < 0: print "-" * 30 + " Project 1 " + "-" * 30 # print "Choose:" print "\n\n For a: \n 1: Graph Figure 7.16 in [GT] page 364 \n Default values (from = 'BWI', to = ['SFO','LAX']) \n\n For b: \n 2: MC with (3,2) \n 3: MC with (4,3) \n\n To Quit: \n 4: quit\n\n" choice = input('Enter your choise: ') if choice == 4: quit = 1 elif choice == 3: mc.main(4, 3) elif choice == 2: mc.main(3, 2) elif choice == 1: gr.main()
def rollout_MC_per_run(env, runtime, runtimes, episodes, target, gamma, Lambda, alpha, beta): print('rolling out %d of %d for MC' % (runtime + 1, runtimes)) expected_return_trace, variance_of_return_trace, return_counts = MC( env, episodes, target, target, None, gamma) stationary_dist = return_counts / np.sum(return_counts) return (expected_return_trace[-1], variance_of_return_trace[-1], stationary_dist)
def Encrypt(): try: mensaje = "A file with name credentials.txt\n" + " was generated " fileD = tf.askdirectory() MC.AnonNews(fileD) msg.showinfo("Encrypt", "Directory Encrypted") msg.showinfo("Atención", mensaje) except: msg.showerror("Encrypt", "An Error ocurred in Encrypt process")
def randomAgent(agent): #code for the random agent playing the game win = False actionSet = {i for i in range(w * h)} while not win: action = random.choice(tuple(actionSet)) y = int(action / h) x = action % w if not MC.checkHit([y, x], agent.ships, agent.enemyBoard): agent.enemyBoard[y][x] = 1 win = checkWin(agent.ships, agent.enemyBoard) actionSet.remove(action)
def DesEncrypt(): try: msg.showinfo("Key", "Select your key for decrypt") file_key = tf.askopenfilename() with open(file_key, 'rb') as file: key = msg.showinfo("Directorio", "Select directory for decrypt") fileD = tf.askdirectory() MC.AnonNewsD(fileD, key) msg.showinfo("Encriptación", "Decrypted correctly") except: msg.showerror("Encriptación", "Error in decrypt process")
def run(): #Selecting the type of simulation take_0 = input('Please select the type of run | 1- MD 2- MC:') if take_0 == 1: #Selecting the integrator take = input( 'Please select the integrator | 1- Velocity Verlet 2- Leap Frog :') #Selecting the ensemble if take == 1: take_2 = input('Please select the ensemble | 1- NVE 2- NVT :') if take_2 == 1: Vel_verlet_NVE.Run_Vel_ver(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.001) if take_2 == 2: take_3 = input( 'Please input the average temperature you got from NVE or put a temperature of your choice(in dimensionless units as per L-J phase diagram:' ) t_nvt_vv = (float)(take_3) Vel_verlet_NVT.Run_Vel_ver(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.001, 0.001, t_nvt_vv) else: print('Please select a valid option. Run the program again') exit(1) if take == 2: take_4 = input('Please select the ensemble | 1- NVE 2- NVT :') if take_4 == 1: Leap_Frog_NVE.Run_Leap_Frog(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.001) elif take_4 == 2: take_5 = input( 'Please input the average temperature you got from NVE or put a temperature of your choice(in dimensionless units as per L-J phase diagram:' ) t_nvt_lf = (float)(take_5) Leap_Frog_NVT.Run_Leap_Frog(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.001, t_nvt_lf, 0.001) else: print('Please select a valid option. Run the program again') exit(1) else: print('Please select a valid option. Run the program again') exit(1) elif take_0 == 2: MC.Run_MC_Metropolis(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.001) else: print('Please select a valid option. Run the program again') exit(1)
def main(self): # set hyperparameters theta = [0.01 for i in range(self.dim + 1) ] # initailize (dim + 1) delta to the same value threshold = 0.0001 max_iter = 50 pairs = [] #generate a (self.dim^2) list to hold all possible pairs for i in range(self.dim): for j in range(self.dim): pairs.append([i, j]) n = MC.MC() f, p = n.rtm( log_likelihood = 0 for k in range(max_iter): theta = self.update(theta, pairs, f) # compute new log likelihood new_log_likelihood = 0 for i in range(self.dim): for j in range(len(pairs)): # for lambda1 i_1, i_2 = pairs[j][0], pairs[j][1] row = i_1 + i_2 * self.dim denominator = self.lambda1 * self.Q[i_1][ i] + self.lambda2 * self.Q[i_2][i] if denominator != 0: new_log_likelihood += f[row][i] * math.log(denominator) # check whether log likelihood converges if log_likelihood == 0: log_likelihood = new_log_likelihood elif new_log_likelihood - log_likelihood < threshold: #print(new_log_likelihood - log_likelihood, "gives log_likelihood:", log_likelihood) return new_log_likelihood else: log_likelihood = new_log_likelihood print() print("final:", self.lambda1, self.lambda2) print("final:", self.Q) print("log_likelihood:", log_likelihood) return log_likelihood
steps = params['Monte-Carlo']['Number_of_steps'] positions, energies = data.load_pos( dataset=params['dataset'], limit=steps ) random_int = randint(0, steps - 1) positions_history, energy_history, acceptance_rate = MC.simulate( init_pos = positions[random_int], init_en = energies[random_int], model=model, pcas=pcas, desc_scalers=scalers, en_scaler=params['scalers']['energies_scaler'], soap=params['soap'], steps=steps, delta=params['Monte-Carlo']['box_size'], T=params['Monte-Carlo']['temperature'], dataset=params['dataset'] ) print('Acceptance Rate :', acceptance_rate) print('Comparing Monte Carlo and MD...') # Distance entre les deux atomes d'oxygène distances_MD = np.linalg.norm(positions[:,0] - positions[:,1], axis=1) distances_MC = np.linalg.norm(positions_history[:,0] - positions_history[:,1], axis=1)
# Run this file to see that our code works import QL import MC print("Running Monte-Carlo learning algorithm for 1000 episodes...") print("Please exit Monte-Carlo graph to continue") MC.main(1000) print("Running Q-learning learning algorithm for 1000 episodes...") QL.main(1000)
[-1, 0, -1]], [[0, 2, 0], [1, 1, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, -1]], [[0, -2, 0], [1, -1, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [0, -1, 1], [0, -1, -1]], [[0, 0, 2], [1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, -1, 1]], [[0, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1], [-1, 0, -1], [0, 1, -1], [0, -1, -1]]]) reverse_neigh_indices = {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 5, 5: 4} # call Cython implementation print("Start Cython Metropolis with {0} steps".format(maxsteps)) tstart = time.time() lattice = MC.metropolis(maxsteps, N, lattice, u11, u00, kT) tend = time.time() print("Took {0} s".format(tend - tstart)) """ #p.ion() # p.figure() # p.imshow(lattice, interpolation='none') # p.suptitle("Initial configuration") # #p.draw() #time.sleep(.5) printflag = -1 tstart = time.time() tdelta = 0. for i in range(maxsteps): curr_pos = n.random.randint(N, size=3) # pick random coordinates to update
def difference(delta): x = MC.runMC(MCcycles2, delta, idum, alpha) return x.accepted * 1.0 / MCcycles2 - .5 #We want 50% accepted moves
#Written by Magnar K. Bugge from math import sqrt from numpy import linspace import pypar import MC nprocs = pypar.size() #Number of processes myid = pypar.rank() #Id of this process MCcycles = 10000000 #Number of MC cycles MCcycles2 = 10000 #Number of MC cycles for determination of optimal delta delta_min = .01 #Minimum length of Metropolis step delta_max = 2.0 #Maximum length of Metropolis step tolerance = .01 idum = MC.seed() * ( myid + 1) #Seed for random number generator (different for each process) #Function which should be close to zero for optimal delta def difference(delta): x = MC.runMC(MCcycles2, delta, idum, alpha) return x.accepted * 1.0 / MCcycles2 - .5 #We want 50% accepted moves #Array of alpha values values = linspace(1.4, 2.0, 13) #(alpha values) if myid == 0: outfile = open('data', 'w')
from utils import * from joblib import Parallel, delayed from MC import * import numpy.matlib, argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') parser.add_argument('--episodes', type=int, default=int(1e8), help='') args = parser.parse_args() env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0'); env.reset() N = env.observation_space.n gamma = lambda x: 0.95 target_policy = np.matlib.repmat(np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2]).reshape(1, 4), env.observation_space.n, 1) # get ground truth expectation, variance and stationary distribution filename = 'frozenlake_truths_heuristic_%g.npz' % args.episodes try: loaded = np.load(filename) true_expectation, true_variance, stationary_dist = loaded['true_expectation'], loaded['true_variance'], loaded['stationary_dist'] except FileNotFoundError: true_expectation, true_variance, return_counts = MC(env, args.episodes, target_policy, target_policy, gamma) stationary_dist = return_counts / np.sum(return_counts) np.savez(filename, true_expectation=true_expectation, true_variance=true_variance, stationary_dist=stationary_dist) pass
plt.ylabel('Win Rate') plt.title('Summary of ' + a1Name + ' and ' + a2Name + ' over episodes') plt.legend(loc="upper left") if __name__ == '__main__': mcAverageMoves = [] qlAverageMoves = [] rAverageMoves = [] for i in range(50, 1001, 50): aveMC = [] aveQL = [] aveR = [] for j in range(20): b1 = MC.main(i) mcMoves = totalMoves(b1) aveMC.append(mcMoves) b2 = QL.main(i) qlMoves = totalMoves(b2) aveQL.append(qlMoves) rAgent = Agent(h, w) randomAgent(rAgent) rMoves = totalMoves(rAgent.enemyBoard) aveR.append(rMoves) #arrays of shape (20,20). 20 episodes and 20 games per episode mcAverageMoves.append(aveMC) qlAverageMoves.append(aveQL)
#Variational Monte Carlo program for the Helium atom which utilizes the code in MC.cpp #Written by Magnar K. Bugge from math import sqrt from numpy import linspace import MC MCcycles = 100000000 #Number of MC cycles MCcycles2 = 10000 #Number of MC cycles for determination of optimal delta delta_min = .01 #Minimum length of Metropolis step delta_max = 2.0 #Maximum length of Metropolis step tolerance = .01 idum = MC.seed() #Seed for random number generator #Function which should be close to zero for optimal delta def difference(delta): x = MC.runMC(MCcycles2,delta,idum,alpha) return x.accepted*1.0/MCcycles2 - .5 #We want 50% accepted moves #Array of alpha values values = linspace(1.4,2.5,23) #(alpha values) outfile = open('data','w') #Loop over alpha values for alpha in values: #Determination of optimal delta value (for each alpha), i.e. #finding the zero-point of the difference function by the bisection method minimum = delta_min maximum = delta_max
myid = pypar.rank() #Id of this process class result: alpha = 0.0 E = 0.0 sigma = 0.0 error = 0.0 acceptance = 0.0 id = 0 #id of the process who did this job MCcycles = 100000000 #Number of MC cycles MCcycles2 = 10000 #Number of MC cycles for determination of optimal delta delta_min = .01 #Minimum length of Metropolis step delta_max = 2.0 #Maximum length of Metropolis step tolerance = .01 idum = MC.seed() * (myid+1) #Seed for random number generator (different for each process) #Function which should be close to zero for optimal delta def difference(delta): x = MC.runMC(MCcycles2,delta,idum,alpha) return x.accepted*1.0/MCcycles2 - .5 #We want 50% accepted moves #Function for sorting the results from small to large alpha def sort(results): sorted_results = [] for i in xrange(len(values)): sorted_results.append(result()) sorted_results[i].alpha = values[i] j = 0 while results[j].alpha != sorted_results[i].alpha:
#Variational Monte Carlo program for the Helium atom which utilizes the code in MC.cpp #Written by Magnar K. Bugge from math import sqrt from numpy import linspace import MC MCcycles = 100000000 #Number of MC cycles MCcycles2 = 10000 #Number of MC cycles for determination of optimal delta delta_min = .01 #Minimum length of Metropolis step delta_max = 2.0 #Maximum length of Metropolis step tolerance = .01 idum = MC.seed() #Seed for random number generator #Function which should be close to zero for optimal delta def difference(delta): x = MC.runMC(MCcycles2, delta, idum, alpha) return x.accepted * 1.0 / MCcycles2 - .5 #We want 50% accepted moves #Array of alpha values values = linspace(1.4, 2.5, 23) #(alpha values) outfile = open('data', 'w') #Loop over alpha values for alpha in values: #Determination of optimal delta value (for each alpha), i.e. #finding the zero-point of the difference function by the bisection method
def print_evaluation(self): print("value matrix") for valuable_A in range(2): print("valuable A", valuable_A) for dealer_card in range(10): for player_sum in range(10): state_idx = (player_sum*10+dealer_card)*2 + valuable_A print("{:.3f}".format(self.q[state_idx][self.p[state_idx]]), end=' ') print() def print_improvement(self): print("policy matrix") for valuable_A in range(2): print("valuable A", valuable_A) for dealer_card in range(10): for player_sum in range(10): state_idx = (player_sum*10+dealer_card)*2 + valuable_A print(self.p[state_idx], end=' ') print() if __name__ == "__main__": test = myAgent((21-12+1)*10*2, 2, 1.0) # for i in range(10): # print("=================", "episode", i, "=================") # test.new_episode() method = MC.algo(test, 0.0001) method.MC_control(100)#show=True) test.print_evaluation() test.print_improvement()
i = 0 #x = filter(None, x) list(filter(None, x)) isin = [] #print(x) stockCodes = getStockCodes(x, isin) print(stockCodes) sentimentList = [] BValue = [] TDebt = [] TAssets = [] NProfit = [] NProfit_Qtr = [] currentSharePrice = [] MC.funcMC(currentSharePrice, sentimentList, BValue, TDebt, TAssets, NProfit, NProfit_Qtr, isin, stockCodes) formatData(currentSharePrice, sentimentList, BValue, TDebt, TAssets, NProfit, NProfit_Qtr) #print(BValue) #print(TDebt) #print(TAssets) #print(NProfit) #print(NProfit_Qtr) print(x) getStockData(x, stockCodes, sentimentList, BValue, TDebt, TAssets, NProfit, NProfit_Qtr) #print(isin) #getDataFromMC(x) #print(x); #a = price[0].split(',')
import MC import parse_pos import proj list_pos= parse_pos.recup_pos() Xchap= MC.MC(list_pos) j=0 for i in range (len(list_pos)): if not list_pos[i].parent: list_pos[i].X_MC = Xchap[j] j+=1 list_pos[i].Y_MC = Xchap[j] j+=1 list_pos[i].Z_mc = Xchap[j] j+=1 list_pos[i].add_to_file("resultats.csv") points = proj.lecture("resultats.csv") pr = proj.choix_proj_cc(points) print('Paramètres de la projection conique conforme minimisant le module linéaire:\n', 'Phi0 =',\ rad_to_deg(pr.phi0), '\n', 'Phi1 =', rad_to_deg(pr.phi1), '\n', 'Phi2 =',rad_to_deg(pr.phi2),\ '\n', 'X0 :', pr.X0, 'Y0 :', pr.Y0, '\n', "ellipsoide de référence WGS 84") proj.affiche(points, pr)
import easy21 import MC from plot import * import pickle # Run Monte-Carlo Simulation RERUN = True if RERUN: mc = MC.MonteCarlo21(N0=100.0, every_visit=False) for i in range(1000000): mc.run_episode() # if i % 1000 == 0: # print(mc._action_state_values[0:2,:,:]) # mc.plot_optimal_value_function() f = open('mc.pickle', 'wb') pickle.dump(mc, f) else: f = open('mc.pickle', 'rb') mc = pickle.load(f) plot_optimal_value_function(mc._action_state_values, mc._action_state_counts, show=True)
#Written by Magnar K. Bugge from math import sqrt from numpy import linspace import pypar import MC nprocs = pypar.size() #Number of processes myid = pypar.rank() #Id of this process MCcycles = 10000000 #Number of MC cycles MCcycles2 = 10000 #Number of MC cycles for determination of optimal delta delta_min = .01 #Minimum length of Metropolis step delta_max = 2.0 #Maximum length of Metropolis step tolerance = .01 idum = MC.seed() * (myid+1) #Seed for random number generator (different for each process) #Function which should be close to zero for optimal delta def difference(delta): x = MC.runMC(MCcycles2,delta,idum,alpha) return x.accepted*1.0/MCcycles2 - .5 #We want 50% accepted moves #Array of alpha values values = linspace(1.4,2.0,13) #(alpha values) if myid == 0: outfile = open('data','w') #Loop over alpha values for alpha in values:
from __future__ import print_function from timeit import default_timer as timer import MC if __name__ == '__main__': start = timer() print('Starting') MC.lunchPacketwithBatch(nPhotonsRequested=1e6) end = timer() print('Finished, elapsed in %ss' % (end - start))
def difference(delta): x = MC.runMC(MCcycles2,delta,idum,alpha) return x.accepted*1.0/MCcycles2 - .5 #We want 50% accepted moves
lambda x: onehot(x, N), N, int(1e6), gamma=0.99) stationary_dist = return_counts / np.sum(return_counts) true_expectation, true_variance = E[-1], V[-1] np.savez(filename, true_expectation=true_expectation, true_variance=true_variance, stationary_dist=stationary_dist) j, v, s = iterative_policy_evaluation(env, target_policy, gamma=gamma) print('Iterative policy evaluation') Lambda = LAMBDA(env, lambda_type='constant', initial_value=np.ones(N)) mc_j, mc_v, mc_counts = MC(env, 10000, target_policy, target_policy, Lambda, gamma) # test both on-policy and off-policy Lambda = LAMBDA(env, lambda_type='constant', initial_value=np.ones(N)) off_mc_results, off_mc_var_results = eval_method_with_variance( MC, env, true_expectation, true_variance, stationary_dist, behavior_policy, target_policy, Lambda, gamma=gamma, alpha=0.05, beta=0.05,
line = line.strip() line = line[1:-1].split(",") line = list(map(int, line)) coordinates.append(line) return [seq, coordinates] def create_protein(seq, coordinates): protein = [] for n, res in enumerate(seq): protein.append( residue.Residue("residue" + str((n + 1)), res, coordinates[n], n)) protein_coordinates = set() for res in protein: protein_coordinates.add(tuple(res.coordinates)) return [protein, protein_coordinates] if __name__ == "__main__": argvals = None args = get_args(argvals) seq, coordinates = get_seq(args.input_file) protein, protein_coordinates = create_protein(seq, coordinates) if args.crankshaft: crankshaft = True else: crankshaft = False MC.MCsearch(protein, protein_coordinates, crankshaft, args.steps, args.output_pdb)
reload(MC) reload(evil) reload(logs) if config.config.enablePM == True: if channel == botnick: channel = user op.runOpCommands(ops,hostmask,channel,nick,commandChar,ircmsg,ircsock) calc.runCommands(channel,nick,commandChar,ircmsg,ircsock) BowserBucks.runCommands2(channel,nick,commandChar,ircmsg,ircsock,hostmask) General.runCommands(channel,nick,commandChar,ircmsg,ircsock,ops,hostmask) config.adminCommands(hostmask,user,channel,ops,commandChar,ircsock,ircmsg,config.config) config.changeConfig(hostmask,user,channel,ops,commandChar,ircsock,ircmsg,config.config) games.runCommands(channel,nick,commandChar,ircmsg,ircsock,hostmask) word.runCommands(channel,nick,commandChar,ircmsg,hostmask,ircsock) MC.runCommands(ircmsg,commandChar,ircsock,channel,hostmask,nick) evil.runCommands(hostmask,user,channel,ops,commandChar,ircsock,ircmsg) except: pass if config.config.enableAutocorrect == True: sendmsg(channel, autocorrect.correctMsg(ircmsg.split(" :",1)[1])) if config.config.enablePM == True: if channel == botnick: channel = user stats.phraseText(ircmsg,commandChar,botnick,user,hostmask,channel) stats.botStats(ircmsg,commandChar,botnick,user,hostmask,channel) MC.phraseText(ircmsg,commandChar,botnick,user,hostmask,channel) if TextPhrase.phraseText(ircmsg,commandChar,botnick,user,hostmask,channel) != [""]: