while (not flag_exit): tObject = 0 tAmbient = 0 listTObject = [] listTAmbient = [] meanTObjecto = 0 meanTAmbient = 0 stadevTObjecto = 0 stadevTAmbient = 0 print( "mensagem curta com explicação para se aproximar a testa a 3 cm do sensor, mas sem tocar, ficar parado por tantos segundos" ) measurements = 0 while (measurements < NUM_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENTS and not flag_exit): tObject, tAmbient = MLX90615.Read_MLX90615_Temperatures() sleep_ms(TIME_MS_BETWEEN_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENTS) if (tObject < MAX_TEMPERATURE_ACCEPTABLE and tObject > MIN_TEMPERATURE_ACCEPTABLE): measurements += 1 listTObject.append(tObject) listTAmbient.append(tAmbient) print("Medindo, fique parado") if (measurements == NUM_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENTS): meanTObjecto = statistics.mean(listTObject) meanTAmbient = statistics.mean(listTAmbient) stadevTObjecto = statistics.pstdev(listTObject) stadevTAmbient = statistics.pstdev(listTAmbient)
import MLX90615, time mlx90615 = MLX90615.MLX90615(0) # Creates an mlx90615 instance on I2C bus 0. while True: print("Object Temperature: ", mlx90615.temperature()) # Prints the temperature in Celcius of the object the MLX90615 is pointing at. print("Ambient Temperature: ", mlx90615.ambient()) # Prints the temperature in Celcius of the MLX90615 package. print("Raw data: ", mlx90615.raw()) # Prints the raw ir sensor data. print("-"*50) time.sleep(1)