def buildMangaReply(searchText, isExpanded, baseComment, blockTracking=False): try: ani = { 'search_function': Anilist.getMangaDetails, 'synonym_function': Anilist.getSynonyms, 'checked_synonyms': [], 'result': None } mal = { 'search_function': MAL.getMangaDetails, 'synonym_function': MAL.getSynonyms, 'checked_synonyms': [], 'result': None } kit = { 'search_function': Kitsu.search_manga, 'synonym_function': Kitsu.get_synonyms, 'checked_synonyms': [], 'result': None } mu = {'search_function': MU.getMangaURL, 'result': None} ap = {'search_function': AniP.getMangaURL, 'result': None} try: sqlCur.execute( 'SELECT dbLinks FROM synonyms WHERE type = "Manga" and lower(name) = ?', [searchText.lower()]) except sqlite3.Error as e: print(e) alternateLinks = sqlCur.fetchone() if (alternateLinks): synonym = json.loads(alternateLinks[0]) if synonym: malsyn = None if 'mal' in synonym and synonym['mal']: malsyn = synonym['mal'] anisyn = None if 'ani' in synonym and synonym['ani']: anisyn = synonym['ani'] kitsyn = None if 'kit' in synonym and synonym['kit']: kitsyn = synonym['kit'] musyn = None if 'mu' in synonym and synonym['mu']: musyn = synonym['mu'] apsyn = None if 'ap' in synonym and synonym['ap']: apsyn = synonym['ap'] mal['result'] = MAL.getMangaDetails( malsyn[0], malsyn[1]) if malsyn else None ani['result'] = Anilist.getMangaDetailsById( anisyn) if anisyn else None kit['result'] = Kitsu.get_manga(kitsyn) if kitsyn else None mu['result'] = MU.getMangaURLById(musyn) if musyn else None ap['result'] = AniP.getMangaURLById(apsyn) if apsyn else None else: data_sources = [ani, kit, mal] aux_sources = [mu, ap] synonyms = set([searchText]) for x in range(len(data_sources)): for source in data_sources: if source['result']: break else: for synonym in synonyms: if synonym in source['checked_synonyms']: continue source['result'] = source['search_function']( synonym) source['checked_synonyms'].append(synonym) if source['result']: break if source['result']: synonyms.update([ synonym.lower() for synonym in source['synonym_function'](source['result']) ]) for source in aux_sources: for synonym in synonyms: source['result'] = source['search_function'](synonym) if source['result']: break if ani['result'] or mal['result'] or kit['result']: try: titleToAdd = '' if ani['result']: try: titleToAdd = ani['result']['title_romaji'] except: titleToAdd = ani['result']['title_english'] elif mal['result']: titleToAdd = mal['result']['title'] elif kit['result']: try: titleToAdd = kit['result']['title_romaji'] except: titleToAdd = kit['result']['title_english'] if (str(baseComment.subreddit).lower is not 'nihilate') and ( str(baseComment.subreddit).lower is not 'roboragi') and not blockTracking: DatabaseHandler.addRequest(titleToAdd, 'Manga',, baseComment.subreddit) except: traceback.print_exc() pass return CommentBuilder.buildMangaComment(isExpanded, mal['result'], ani['result'], mu['result'], ap['result'], kit['result']) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return None
def buildMangaReply(searchText, isExpanded, baseComment, blockTracking=False): """ Builds a manga reply from multiple sources """ try: ani = { 'search_function': Anilist.getMangaDetails, 'title_function': Anilist.getTitles, 'synonym_function': Anilist.getSynonyms, 'checked_synonyms': [], 'result': None } kit = { 'search_function': Kitsu.search_manga, 'synonym_function': Kitsu.get_synonyms, 'title_function': Kitsu.get_titles, 'checked_synonyms': [], 'result': None } mu = {'search_function': MU.getMangaURL, 'result': None} ap = {'search_function': AniP.getMangaURL, 'result': None} try: query = ('SELECT dbLinks' ' FROM synonyms' ' WHERE type = "Manga"' ' AND lower(name) = ?') sqlCur.execute(query, [searchText.lower()]) except sqlite3.Error as e: print(e) alternateLinks = sqlCur.fetchone() if (alternateLinks): synonym = json.loads(alternateLinks[0]) if synonym: anisyn = None if 'ani' in synonym and synonym['ani']: anisyn = synonym['ani'] kitsyn = None if 'kit' in synonym and synonym['kit']: kitsyn = synonym['kit'] musyn = None if 'mu' in synonym and synonym['mu']: musyn = synonym['mu'] apsyn = None if 'ap' in synonym and synonym['ap']: apsyn = synonym['ap'] if anisyn: ani['result'] = Anilist.getMangaDetailsById(anisyn) else: ani['result'] = None kit['result'] = Kitsu.get_manga(kitsyn) if kitsyn else None mu['result'] = MU.getMangaURLById(musyn) if musyn else None ap['result'] = AniP.getMangaURLById(apsyn) if apsyn else None else: data_sources = [ani, kit] aux_sources = [mu, ap] synonyms = set([searchText]) titles = set() for x in range(len(data_sources)): for source in data_sources: if source['result']: break else: for title in titles: if title in source['checked_synonyms']: break if source['result']: break source['result'] = source['search_function'](title) source['checked_synonyms'].append(title) if source['result']: break for synonym in synonyms: if synonym in source['checked_synonyms']: break if source['result']: break search_function = source['search_function'] source['result'] = search_function(synonym) source['checked_synonyms'].append(synonym) if source['result']: break if source['result']: result = source['result'] synonym_function = source['synonym_function'] title_function = source['title_function'] synonyms.update( [s.lower() for s in synonym_function(result)]) titles.update( [t.lower() for t in title_function(result)]) for source in aux_sources: for title in titles: source['result'] = source['search_function'](synonym) if source['result']: break if not source['result']: for synonym in synonyms: source['result'] = source['search_function'](synonym) if source['result']: break if ani['result'] or kit['result']: try: titleToAdd = '' if ani['result']: try: titleToAdd = ani['result']['title_romaji'] except Exception: titleToAdd = ani['result']['title_english'] elif kit['result']: try: titleToAdd = kit['result']['title_romaji'] except Exception: titleToAdd = kit['result']['title_english'] subreddit = str(baseComment.subreddit).lower ignored_subreddits = ('nihilate', 'roboragi') if subreddit not in ignored_subreddits and not blockTracking: DatabaseHandler.addRequest( name=titleToAdd, rType='Manga',, subreddit=baseComment.subreddit) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() pass if ani['result'] or kit['result']: return CommentBuilder.buildMangaComment(isExpanded=isExpanded, ani=ani['result'], mu=mu['result'], ap=ap['result'], kit=kit['result']) else: print('No result found for ' + searchText) return None except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return None
def buildMangaReply(searchText, isExpanded, baseComment, blockTracking=False): try: ani = None mal = None mu = None ap = None try: sqlCur.execute( 'SELECT dbLinks FROM synonyms WHERE type = "Manga" and lower(name) = ?', [searchText.lower()]) except sqlite3.Error as e: print(e) alternateLinks = sqlCur.fetchone() if (alternateLinks): synonym = json.loads(alternateLinks[0]) if (synonym['mal']): mal = MAL.getMangaDetails(synonym['mal'][0], synonym['mal'][1]) if (synonym['ani']): ani = Anilist.getMangaDetailsById(synonym['ani']) if (synonym['mu']): mu = MU.getMangaURLById(synonym['mu']) if (synonym['ap']): ap = AniP.getMangaURLById(synonym['ap']) else: #Basic breakdown: #If Anilist finds something, use it to find the MAL version. #If hits either MAL or Ani, use it to find the MU version. #If it hits either, add it to the request-tracking DB. ani = Anilist.getMangaDetails(searchText) if ani: try: mal = MAL.getMangaDetails(ani['title_romaji']) except: pass if not mal: try: mal = MAL.getMangaDetails(ani['title_english']) except: pass if not mal: mal = MAL.getMangaDetails(searchText) else: mal = MAL.getMangaDetails(searchText) if mal: ani = Anilist.getMangaDetails(mal['title']) #----- Finally... -----# if ani or mal: try: titleToAdd = '' if mal: titleToAdd = mal['title'] else: try: titleToAdd = ani['title_english'] except: titleToAdd = ani['title_romaji'] if not alternateLinks: #MU stuff if mal: mu = MU.getMangaURL(mal['title']) else: mu = MU.getMangaURL(ani['title_romaji']) #Do the anime-planet stuff if mal and not ap: if mal['title'] and not ap: ap = AniP.getMangaURL(mal['title']) if mal['english'] and not ap: ap = AniP.getMangaURL(mal['english']) if mal['synonyms'] and not ap: for synonym in mal['synonyms']: if ap: break ap = AniP.getMangaURL(synonym) if ani and not ap: if ani['title_english'] and not ap: ap = AniP.getMangaURL(ani['title_english']) if ani['title_romaji'] and not ap: ap = AniP.getMangaURL(ani['title_romaji']) if ani['synonyms'] and not ap: for synonym in ani['synonyms']: if ap: break ap = AniP.getMangaURL(synonym) if (str(baseComment.subreddit).lower is not 'nihilate') and ( str(baseComment.subreddit).lower is not 'roboragi') and not blockTracking: DatabaseHandler.addRequest(titleToAdd, 'Manga',, baseComment.subreddit) except: traceback.print_exc() pass return CommentBuilder.buildMangaComment(isExpanded, mal, ani, mu, ap) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return None
def buildMangaReply(searchText, isExpanded, baseComment, blockTracking=False): try: ani = None mal = None mu = None ap = None try: sqlCur.execute('SELECT dbLinks FROM synonyms WHERE type = "Manga" and lower(name) = ?', [searchText.lower()]) except sqlite3.Error as e: print(e) alternateLinks = sqlCur.fetchone() if (alternateLinks): synonym = json.loads(alternateLinks[0]) if (synonym['mal']): mal = MAL.getMangaDetails(synonym['mal'][0], synonym['mal'][1]) if (synonym['ani']): ani = Anilist.getMangaDetailsById(synonym['ani']) if (synonym['mu']): mu = MU.getMangaURLById(synonym['mu']) if (synonym['ap']): ap = AniP.getMangaURLById(synonym['ap']) else: #Basic breakdown: #If Anilist finds something, use it to find the MAL version. #If hits either MAL or Ani, use it to find the MU version. #If it hits either, add it to the request-tracking DB. ani = Anilist.getMangaDetails(searchText) if not (ani is None): mal = MAL.getMangaDetails(ani['title_romaji']) else: mal = MAL.getMangaDetails(searchText) if not (mal is None): ani = Anilist.getMangaDetails(mal['title']) #----- Finally... -----# if ani or mal: try: titleToAdd = '' if mal: titleToAdd = mal['title'] else: titleToAdd = ani['title_english'] if not alternateLinks: #MU stuff if mal: mu = MU.getMangaURL(mal['title']) else: mu = MU.getMangaURL(ani['title_romaji']) #Do the anime-planet stuff if mal and not ap: if mal['title'] and not ap: ap = AniP.getMangaURL(mal['title']) if mal['english'] and not ap: ap = AniP.getMangaURL(mal['english']) if mal['synonyms'] and not ap: for synonym in mal['synonyms']: if ap: break ap = AniP.getMangaURL(synonym) if ani and not ap: if ani['title_english'] and not ap: ap = AniP.getMangaURL(ani['title_english']) if ani['title_romaji'] and not ap: ap = AniP.getMangaURL(ani['title_romaji']) if ani['synonyms'] and not ap: for synonym in ani['synonyms']: if ap: break ap = AniP.getMangaURL(synonym) if (str(baseComment.subreddit).lower is not 'nihilate') and (str(baseComment.subreddit).lower is not 'roboragi') and not blockTracking: DatabaseHandler.addRequest(titleToAdd, 'Manga',, baseComment.subreddit) except: traceback.print_exc() pass return CommentBuilder.buildMangaComment(isExpanded, mal, ani, mu, ap) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return None