def _createBox(proxy, size, colour, moiScale, withMesh): """ Private function. Use createBox() or createArticulatedBox() instead. """ # Mesh and cdps will be set manually proxy.meshes = None proxy.cdps = None # Compute box moi size = PyUtils.toVector3d(size) = MathLib.Vector3d( size.y * size.y + size.z * size.z, size.x * size.x + size.z * size.z, size.x * size.x + size.y * size.y, ) * 1.0 / 12.0 * proxy.mass * moiScale box = proxy.createAndFillObject() cdp = Physics.BoxCDP() halfSize = PyUtils.toVector3d(size) * 0.5 cdp.setPoint1(MathLib.Point3d(halfSize * -1)) cdp.setPoint2(MathLib.Point3d(halfSize)) box.addCollisionDetectionPrimitive(cdp) if withMesh: mesh = Mesh.createBox(size=size, colour=colour) box.addMesh(mesh) return box
def load(self): assert not self._loaded, "Cannot load scenario twice!" self._loaded = True # Create the rigid bodies for the main staircase orientation = PyUtils.angleAxisToQuaternion((self._angle, (0, 1, 0))) size = MathLib.Vector3d(self._staircaseWidth, self._riserHeight, self._threadDepth) pos = PyUtils.toPoint3d(self._position) + MathLib.Vector3d( 0, -self._riserHeight / 2.0, 0) delta = MathLib.Vector3d(size) delta.x = 0 delta = orientation.rotate(delta) for i in range(self._stepCount): box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox(size, pos=pos + delta * (i + 1), locked=True, orientation=orientation) # Create the rigid bodies for both ramps rampHeights = (self._leftRampHeight, self._rightRampHeight) deltaRamp = MathLib.Vector3d(self._staircaseWidth / 2.0, 0, 0) deltaRamp = orientation.rotate(deltaRamp) deltaRamps = (deltaRamp, deltaRamp * -1) for deltaRamp, rampHeight in zip(deltaRamps, rampHeights): if rampHeight is None: continue deltaRamp.y = rampHeight / 2.0 box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox((0.02, rampHeight, 0.02), pos=pos + deltaRamp + delta, locked=True, orientation=orientation) box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox( (0.02, rampHeight, 0.02), pos=pos + deltaRamp + (delta * self._stepCount), locked=True, orientation=orientation) deltaRamp.y = rampHeight rampOrientation = orientation * PyUtils.angleAxisToQuaternion( (math.atan2(self._riserHeight, self._threadDepth), (-1, 0, 0))) rampLen = self._stepCount * math.sqrt( self._riserHeight * self._riserHeight + self._threadDepth * self._threadDepth) box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox( (0.04, 0.02, rampLen), pos=pos + deltaRamp + (delta * ((self._stepCount + 1) * 0.5)), locked=True, orientation=rampOrientation)
def createBox(size=(1, 1, 1), position=(0, 0, 0), colour=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)): """ Creates the mesh for a box having the specified size and a specified position. The size should be a 3-tuple (xSize, ySize, zSize). The position should be a 3-tuple. Colour should be a 3-tuple (R,G,B) or a 4-tuple (R,G,B,A) """ size = PyUtils.toVector3d(size) position = PyUtils.toPoint3d(position) vertices = [] delta = MathLib.Vector3d() for repeat in range(3): for x in (-0.5, 0.5): delta.x = size.x * x for y in (-0.5, 0.5): delta.y = size.y * y for z in (-0.5, 0.5): delta.z = size.z * z vertices.append(position + delta) faces = [ (0, 1, 3, 2), (5, 4, 6, 7), # YZ Faces (9, 13, 15, 11), (12, 8, 10, 14), # XY Faces (18, 19, 23, 22), (17, 16, 20, 21) ] # XZ Faces return create(vertices, faces, colour)
def single(d): n, factors = d # merge some of the primes together for grouping in partition(factors): # print ("\tGrouping:", grouping) joined = list(map(MathLib.product, grouping)) counts = Counter(joined) modified_sum_of_div = MathLib.product( (p**(1 + c) - 1) // (p - 1) for p, c in counts.items()) if 2 * n == modified_sum_of_div: print(n, "\t", factors, grouping) return n return None
def __init__(self, controller, jointName, componentIndex, type='unknown', posInChild=MathLib.Point3d(), oppositeJointName=None, reverseOppositeJoint=False, minValue=-1000, maxValue=1000): """ Creates a handle that can be used to access a specific component in a controller in a standard (direct) way. type should be 'circular', 'reverseCircular', 'perpendicular', 'reversePerpendicular' or 'unknown' to indicate how the handle behaves posInChild should be of type MathLib.Point3d reverse should be True if the handle works in a reverse way (i.e. going clockwise increase the angle (?)) oppositeJointName should be the name of the corresponding joint on the other stance. reverseOppositeJoint should be True if the opposite joint sign is different """ self._controller = controller self._jointName = jointName trajectory = controller.getState(0).getTrajectory( jointName).getTrajectoryComponent( componentIndex).getBaseTrajectory() self._oppositeJointName = oppositeJointName self._posInChild = posInChild if oppositeJointName is not None: oppositeTrajectory = controller.getState(0).getTrajectory( oppositeJointName).getTrajectoryComponent( componentIndex).getBaseTrajectory() else: oppositeTrajectory = None self._type = type super(Handle, self).__init__(trajectory, oppositeTrajectory, reverseOppositeJoint, minValue, maxValue)
import MathLib x = MathLib.Vector3d() x.setValues(10, 0.44, -132) print "x = ", x._print() y = MathLib.Vector3d() y.setValues(3, 11, 2) print "y = ", y._print() x.addScaledVector(y, 0.5) print "x + 0.5y = ", x._print()
import MathLib from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm import multiprocessing print("Factoring") factors = MathLib.sieveOfFactors(10**5) print("Factored!") # Max factors is ~20 (2^20), so number of partition is small (674) def partition(values): if len(values) == 0: return if len(values) == 1: yield ((values[0], ), ) return first, *rest = values for smaller in partition(rest): for n, subset in enumerate(smaller): yield smaller[:n] + (((first, ) + subset), ) + smaller[n + 1:] yield ((first, ), ) + smaller def single(d): n, factors = d # merge some of the primes together for grouping in partition(factors):
def gsplot(self): ffit = open(os.path.join(self.p.fit_path, self.p.scannum + '.fit')) trfit =[:-1].split('\n') ffit.close() trfit = [e for e in trfit if not e.startswith('#')] try: srcname = trfit[0].split()[0] except IndexError: print('No data found in FITS file !!!') return fdat = open(os.path.join(self.p.fit_path, self.p.scannum + '.dat')) trdat = fdat.readlines() fdat.close() trdat = [ e[:-1] for e in trdat if (e[0] != '#' or e[:2] == '#!' or ( e[0] == '#' and len(e.split()) == 6)) ] trdat = trdat[1:] tr = [e for e in trdat if re.match('#! SUBSCAN', e)] keys = [trdat.index(e) for e in tr] keys.append(len(trdat)) subs = len(trfit) amp, eamp = np.zeros(subs), np.zeros(subs) scandir = np.array([]) n1 = int((subs + 1)**0.5) n2 = n1 * 1 while n1 * n2 < subs + 1: n2 = n2 + 1 self.Figure.clf() gsp = gridspec.GridSpec(n1, n2) sub_flag = np.array([True] * subs) for i in range(subs): ax = self.Figure.add_subplot(gsp[i]) trf = trfit[i].split() scandir = np.append(scandir, trf[2]) mjd = float(trf[4]) tsys = float(trf[14]) amp[i], eamp[i] = float(trf[7]), float(trf[8]) off = float(trf[9]) hpbw = float(trf[11]) az, el, sunang = float(trf[5]), float(trf[6]), float(trf[16]) del trf trd = trdat[keys[i] + 2:keys[i + 1]] trd = [e.split()[0:3][::2] for e in trd] trd = np.array(trd).transpose() dataX = trd[0].astype(np.float) dataY = trd[1].astype(np.float) del trd if amp[i] != 0: fitY = ML.Gauss(1, 1).fGauss(np.array([amp[i], off, hpbw, 0, 0]), dataX) else: fitY = dataY * 1.0 ampcolor, offcolor, hpbwcolor = 'white', 'white', 'white' titlecolor, titlebackcolor = 'black', '#00FF00' xmin, xmax = min(dataX), max(dataX) dy = max(dataY) - min(dataY) if self.p.flag == False: ymin = max(min(dataY), -0.1 * dy) ymax = min(max(dataY) + 0.1 * dy, 1.5 * amp[i]) else: if (amp[i] <= 0) or (eamp[i] / amp[i] > self.p.rerr): ampcolor = 'red' elif eamp[i] / amp[i] > 0.5 * self.p.rerr: ampcolor = 'yellow' if np.fabs(off) > self.p.doff: offcolor = 'red' elif np.fabs(off) > 0.5 * self.p.doff: offcolor = 'yellow' if np.fabs(hpbw / self.p.beam - 1) > self.p.dwidth: hpbwcolor = 'red' elif np.fabs(hpbw / self.p.beam - 1) > 0.5 * self.p.dwidth: hpbwcolor = 'yellow' if 'red' in [ampcolor, offcolor, hpbwcolor]: sub_flag[i] = False ymin = min(dataY) ymax = max(dataY) + 0.1 * dy else: ymin = max(min(dataY), -0.1 * dy) ymax = min(max(dataY) + 0.1 * dy, 1.5 * amp[i]) ax.text(0.05*xmax+0.95*xmin, 0.9*ymax+0.1*ymin, \ 'Amp=%0.4f' %amp[i], \ fontsize=14, \ horizontalalignment='left',\ verticalalignment='top',\ linespacing=1.5,\ color=ampcolor) ax.text(0.05*xmax+0.95*xmin, 0.815*ymax+0.185*ymin, \ 'Off=%0.2f' %off, \ fontsize=14, \ horizontalalignment='left',\ verticalalignment='top',\ linespacing=1.5,\ color=offcolor) ax.text(0.05*xmax+0.95*xmin, 0.73*ymax+0.27*ymin, \ 'HPBW=%0.2f' %hpbw, \ fontsize=14, \ horizontalalignment='left',\ verticalalignment='top',\ linespacing=1.5,\ color=hpbwcolor) ax.text(0.95*xmax+0.05*xmin, 0.9*ymax+0.1*ymin, \ 'Az=%0.1f\nEl=%0.1f\nSun=%0.1f' %(az, el, sunang), \ fontsize=14, \ horizontalalignment='right',\ verticalalignment='top',\ linespacing=1.5,\ color='white') ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_xlabel('%s-OFF (arcsec.)' % scandir[i]) ax.set_ylabel('COUNTS') ax.plot(dataX, dataY, color='white', linewidth=1) if amp[i] != 0: ax.plot(dataX, fitY, color='#00FF00', linewidth=2) ax.grid(True) ax = self.Figure.add_subplot(gsp[subs]) _amp0 = amp + eamp _amp1 = amp - eamp dy = max(_amp0) - min(_amp1) ymin = 1.1 * min(_amp1) - 0.1 * max(_amp0) ymax = 1.1 * max(_amp0) - 0.1 * min(_amp1) ax.set_xlim(0, subs + 1) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) del _amp0, _amp1 ax.set_xlabel('Comparison of Subscans') if self.p.flag == True: if True not in sub_flag[scandir=='ALON'] or \ True not in sub_flag[scandir=='ALAT']: titlecolor, titlebackcolor = 'white', 'red' inv_flag = np.array([not e for e in sub_flag]) ax.errorbar(np.arange(1,subs+1)[sub_flag], \ amp[sub_flag], yerr=eamp[sub_flag], fmt='d', \ ecolor='white', mfc='white', mec='white', \ ms=8, lw=2) ax.errorbar(np.arange(1,subs+1)[inv_flag], \ amp[inv_flag], yerr=eamp[inv_flag], fmt='o', \ ecolor='red', mfc='red', mec='red', \ ms=10, lw=2) else: ax.errorbar(np.arange(subs)+1, amp, yerr=eamp, fmt='d',\ ecolor='white', mfc='white', mec='white', \ ms=8, lw=2) ax.plot([0, subs + 1], [np.mean(amp)] * 2, color='white', linewidth=2) self.Figure.suptitle('\nScan: %4s %s @%0.1fMHz' \ %(self.p.scannum, srcname, self.p.freq), \ weight='bold', ha='center', \ linespacing=0.3, fontsize=20, \ backgroundcolor=titlebackcolor,\ color=titlecolor) self.UpdatePlot() del ax
MAX_DIGITS = 2000 SIEVE_MAX = 5000 to_test = [[[True, True, False, True, True] for a in range(10)] for d in range(MAX_DIGITS + 1)] # Filter the 6 silly patterns for a in (3, 6, 9): for b in (3, 9): for test_d in range(MAX_DIGITS + 1): assert (a * pow(10, test_d, 3) + b) % 3 == 0 to_test[test_d][a][b // 2] = False # Sieve out "small" prime factors and mark those numbers not to test. small_primes = MathLib.sieveOfErat(SIEVE_MAX) factors = MathLib.sieveOfFactors(SIEVE_MAX) print("\t PrimePi({}) = {}".format(SIEVE_MAX, len(small_primes))) for p in small_primes: if p in (2, 5): continue divisible_mods = defaultdict(list) for a in range(1, 10): if a % p == 0: continue modular_inverse = MathLib.modularInverse(a, p)
[-1.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,0.0,1.0], [0.0,1.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0] ]) m2 = np.array([ [0.0,0.0,-1.0], [0.0,-1.0,0.0], [-1.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,0.0,1.0], [0.0,1.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0] ]) r = np.array([-90.0,110.0,10.0]) u = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]) print(m.VneshPole(0, mU)) print(m.SteerOttalk(mK,u,r)) print(m.Moment(n,mK,mU,u,r)) print(m.Sila(n,mK,mU,u,r)) print(m.MathKernel(mK,mU,m1,m2,0, 0)) print(m.PorvrkaGrani(mK)) # koordi = MatrixUglSkorostiы # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # x, y, z = xp.copy(koordi[:, :1]), xp.copy(koordi[:, 1:2]), xp.copy(koordi[:, 2:3]) # ax.scatter(x, y, z, marker = 'o') #