def lastStoneWeight(self, stones): print("Before Heapify", stones) stoneHeap = MaxHeap.MaxHeap(stones) print("After Heapify", stoneHeap.printHeap()) # while I have more than 2 stones while (len(stoneHeap.heap) > 2): print("Inside Loop", stoneHeap.printHeap()) # take the max elements s1 = stoneHeap.pop() s2 = stoneHeap.pop() # smash them together if s1 > s2: diff = s1 - s2 elif s2 > s1: diff = s2 - s1 else: continue stoneHeap.push(diff) # if there are no stones left, return 0 if len(stoneHeap.heap) == 1: return 0 # otherwise return the remaining stone else: return (stoneHeap.heap[1])
def cosinus_max_heap_creator(query_res, docs_res): helper = CosinusArray(query_res, docs_res) score_final_result = [] i = 1 while i < len(helper.helper_array): score_final_result.append([ helper.helper_array[i].id, single_cosinus_score(helper.helper_array[0], helper.helper_array[i]) ]) max_heap = MaxHeap.MaxHeap() for i in range(len(score_final_result)): max_heap.push(score_final_result[i]) return max_heap
def test_popMax(self): max_heap = MaxHeap.MaxHeap(10) max_heap.insert(5) max_heap.insert(14) max_heap.insert(23) max_heap.insert(32) max_heap.insert(41) max_heap.insert(87) max_heap.insert(90) max_heap.insert(50) max_heap.insert(64) max_heap.insert(53) max_heap.fullHeapify() self.assertEqual(max_heap.popMax(), 90) self.assertEqual(max_heap.popMax(), 87)
def Main(): MH = MaxHeap.MaxHeap() try: fo = open("Cars.txt", "r") except IOError: print("No such file!") else: for line in fo.readlines(): info = line.split() Make = info[0] Model = info[1] Year = int(info[2]) Mileage = float(info[3]) Price = float(info[4]) newCar = Car.Car(Make, Model, Year, Mileage, Price) MH.heapInsert(newCar) fo.close() print("Cars information in the system are as follows:") MH.printHeap() s = menu() while s in range(1, 4): if s == 1: if MH.heapSize > 0: oldCar = MH.extractMax() print( "The car information with the max price are Make: %s, Model: %s, Year: %d, Mileage: %.0f, Price: %.0f" % (oldCar.Make, oldCar.Model, oldCar.Year, oldCar.Mileage, oldCar.Price)) else: print("Empty heap!") if s == 2: print("Enter the new car information you want to insert:") Make = input("Make: ") Model = input("Model: ") Year = int(input("Year: ")) Mileage = float(input("Mileage: ")) Price = float(input("Price: ")) newCar = Car.Car(Make, Model, Year, Mileage, Price) MH.heapInsert(newCar) print("Cars information in the system are as follows:") MH.printHeap() if s == 3: MH.printHeap() s = menu()
def test_popMax_benchmark(self): max_heap = MaxHeap.MaxHeap(10) max_heap.insert(5) max_heap.insert(14) max_heap.insert(23) max_heap.insert(32) max_heap.insert(41) max_heap.insert(87) max_heap.insert(90) max_heap.insert(50) max_heap.insert(64) max_heap.insert(53) max_heap.fullHeapify() input_list = np.array([5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 87, 90, 50, 64, 53]) input_list *= -1 expected = list(input_list) heapq.heapify(expected) expected = [-1 * _ for _ in expected] # Using minHeap heapify to reverse create the max heap tree yields a different result # expected = [90 64 87 50 53 5 23 14 32 41] # actual = [90 64 87 50 53 14 41 5 32 23] self.assertEqual(expected, max_heap)
def __init__(self, idUser, name): self.idUser = idUser = name # Stores all the accounts of the user in a MaxHeap. # The order criteria is how many times an account is used. self.accounts = MaxHeap.AccountsMaxHeap()
def __init__(self): self.maxHeap = MaxHeap.MaxHeap() self.minHeap = MinHeap.MinHeap()
def __init__(self): self.maxh = MaxHeap.MaxHeap() self.minh = MinHeap.MinHeap() self.medians = list()
def DijkstraHeap(graph, src, dst): # Initialization heap = MaxHeap() status = dict() width = dict() dad = dict() for v in graph.nodes(): status[v] = 'unseen' status[src] = 'intree' for neighbor in graph.get_neighbors(src): status[neighbor] = 'fringe' width[neighbor] = graph.get_weight(src, neighbor) dad[neighbor] = src # insert into fringe heap heap.insert(neighbor, width[neighbor]) while status[dst] != 'intree': # pick the best fringe v best_fringe = heap.maximum()[0] # put best fringe v in tree status[best_fringe] = 'intree' # heap.delete(0) heap.delete(best_fringe) for neighbor in graph.get_neighbors(best_fringe): weight = graph.get_weight(best_fringe, neighbor) if status[neighbor] == 'unseen': status[neighbor] = 'fringe' dad[neighbor] = best_fringe width[neighbor] = min(width[best_fringe], weight) # insert into fringe heap heap.insert(neighbor, width[neighbor]) elif status[neighbor] == 'fringe' and width[neighbor] < min( width[best_fringe], weight): dad[neighbor] = best_fringe width[neighbor] = min(width[best_fringe], weight) heap.delete(neighbor) heap.insert(neighbor, width[neighbor]) # print results path = [] last = dst while last != src: path.append(last) last = dad[last] # print('Max bandwidth path:', src, end=" ") # while path: # print('->', path.pop(), end=" ") # print('\nmax bandwidth:', width[dst]) return width[dst]
def Kruskal(graph, src, dst): parent = [i for i in graph.nodes()] rank = [0] * len(graph.nodes()) def find(x): if parent[x] != x: parent[x] = find(parent[x]) return parent[x] def union(x, y): xr, yr = find(x), find(y) if xr != yr: if rank[xr] > rank[yr]: parent[yr] = xr elif rank[xr] < rank[yr]: parent[xr] = yr else: parent[xr] = yr rank[yr] += 1 heap = MaxHeap() for edge in graph.edges(): u, v, w = edge heap.insert((u, v), w) heap.heapSort() mst = MyGraph(graph.num_nodes()) index = len(heap.H) - 1 while find(src) != find(dst): # u, v = heap.H[len(heap.H)-1] # weight = heap.D[len(heap.D)-1] # heap.delete((u, v)) u, v = heap.H[index] weight = heap.D[index] index -= 1 ur, vr = find(u), find(v) if ur != vr: union(ur, vr) mst.add_edge(u, v, weight) color = [None] * len(mst.nodes()) path = [] width = {} for i in mst.nodes(): color[i] = 'white' width[i] = math.inf path.append(src) def dfs(src, dst, color, path, width): if src == dst: return path, width[dst] color[src] = 'grey' for neighbor in mst.get_neighbors(src): if color[neighbor] == 'white': width[neighbor] = min(width[src], mst.get_weight(src, neighbor)) path.append(neighbor) path, width[dst] = dfs(neighbor, dst, color, path, width) if dst in path: return path, width[dst] color[src] = 'black' path.remove(src) return path, width[dst] dfs(src, dst, color, path, width) # # print results # print('Max bandwidth path:', path.pop(0), end=" ") # while path: # print('->', path.pop(0), end=" ") # print('\nmax bandwidth:', width[dst]) return width[dst]
def main(): """Main method, does some testing.""" print( "*** Initializing new MaxHeap ... done." ) print( "*** Adding values 7, 42, 999, 0, 212, 512, 21 ... done." ) test = MaxHeap() test.insert( 7 ) test.insert( 42 ) test.insert( 999 ) test.insert( 0 ) test.insert( 212 ) test.insert( 512 ) test.insert( 21 ) print( " ### Current MaxHeap: " ) test.println() print( "\n ### Number of Nodes: " + str( test.getSize() )) print( "\n*** Performing \"deleteMax\" ... done." ) test.deleteMax() print( " ### Current MaxHeap: " ) test.println() print( "\n ### Number of Nodes: " + str( test.getSize() ))
from MaxHeap import * l = [10, 45, 21, 44, 22, 14, 20, 40, 100, 32, 56, 12, 54] max_heap1 = MaxHeap() for element in l: max_heap1.insert(element) ssl = sorted(l, reverse=True) sl1 = [] while max_heap1.maximum() is not None: sl1.append(max_heap1.extract_max()) print(ssl) print(sl1) max_heap2 = MaxHeap(l) sl2 = [] while max_heap2.maximum() is not None: sl2.append(max_heap2.extract_max()) print(sl2)
from MaxHeap import * points = [2, 22, 33, 20, 54, 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 22, 3] n = 2 myHeap = MaxHeap(points[0:n]) for point in points[n:]: if point < myHeap.peak(): myHeap.pop() myHeap.push(point) print(myHeap)
import MaxHeap import MinHeap min_heap = [] max_heap = [] current_median = 0.0 stream = [6, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 1, 7, 7, 8] for value in stream: if current_median > value: MaxHeap.push_heap(max_heap, value) else: MinHeap.push_heap(min_heap, value) current_median = value if len(max_heap)-len(min_heap) > 1: max_value = MaxHeap.pop_heap(max_heap) MaxHeap.push_heap(min_heap, max_value) elif len(min_heap)-len(max_heap) > 1: min_value = MinHeap.pop_heap(min_heap) MinHeap.push_heap(max_heap, min_value) if len(max_heap) == len(min_heap): current_median = (max_heap[0]+min_heap[0])/2 elif len(max_heap) > len(min_heap): current_median = max_heap[0] else: current_median = min_heap[0]