def para_train(model, modelname_prefix, dataconf,x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, x_test, y_test): modelname = "%s#%s"% (model,modelname_prefix) modelconf = ModelConf.ModelConf(dataconf=dataconf, batch_size=600, learning_rate=0.0001, epochs=50) modelbuild = ModelBuilder.ModelBuilder(modelconf, modelname, allconfig['target']) if model == 'cnn': os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '8' modelbuild.train_cnn(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, figplot=True) modelbuild.test(x_test, y_test, ROC=False) elif model == 'vgg': os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '7' modelbuild.train_vgg(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, figplot=True) modelbuild.test(x_test, y_test, ROC=False) elif model == 'vgglstm': os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '6' modelbuild.train_vgg_lstm(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, figplot=True) modelbuild.test(x_test, y_test, ROC=False) # elif model == 'lstm': # # modelbuild.train_lstm(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, figplot=True) # modelbuild.test(x_test, y_test, ROC=False) elif model == 'bilstm': os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '5' modelbuild.train_bilstm(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, figplot=True) modelbuild.test(x_test, y_test, ROC=False)
def TrainRNN(setupClient): (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), (w_train,w_test), (ix_train, ix_test) = LoadDataRNN(setupClient) modelpath = setupClient.ModelSavePath model=ModelBuilder.BuildTestRNN(setupClient,X_train) model.compile('adam', 'binary_crossentropy') print (Fore.BLUE+"--------------------------") print (Back.BLUE+" TRAINING RNN ") print (Fore.BLUE+"--------------------------") try: modelMetricsHistory =[X_train], y_train, batch_size=16, # class_weight={ # 0 : 0.20 * (float(len(y)) / (y == 0).sum()), # 1 : 0.40 * (float(len(y)) / (y == 1).sum()), # 2 : 0.40 * (float(len(y)) / (y == 2).sum()) # }, callbacks = [ EarlyStopping(verbose=True, patience=10, monitor='val_loss'), ModelCheckpoint(modelpath+'/model.h5', monitor='val_loss', verbose=True, save_best_only=True) ], epochs=30, validation_split = 0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: print ('Training ended early.') #store the configuration of the training to disk outfile = open(modelpath+'/RNN_Setup','wb') pickle.dump(setupClient,outfile) outfile.close() return modelMetricsHistory
def recur(in_state): '''after calling the recur function, these things should be done: 1. Actions (if any) in the in_state are complete 2. Transitions are checked 3. For those good transitions, the destination states are activated (except ['*'] as destination) 4. If any transition is gotten through, which means destination state is activated, in_state should be deactivated) Therefore, we can keep running the recursion with: in_state = all active states. ''' StateDiagram().add_state(state_name=in_state) # Add in_state Action = State(name=in_state).attrs # Get State Attribute evaluate_action = State_Attr(state_name=in_state).evaluate( ) # Add Action in state and check if action complete dest_state = GetDict().source_destination()[ in_state] # Get List of Destination from in_state if evaluate_action == True: connection = [] for item in range(0, len(dest_state)): connection.append((in_state, dest_state[item])) '''If in_state is a SuperState, we run the childStates inside this superstate, start with the start point of the childstate''' #TODO: SuperState List in GetList module has to be developed. if State(name=in_state).num_substates > 0: #TODO: SuperState:ChildStart Dictionary has to be developed in GetDict start_superstate = ModelBuilder.StateModelBuilder( state_id=in_state).start_superstate() recur(start_superstate) if connection[item] in GetDict().states_transition(): Transition = GetDict().states_transition()[ connection[item]] # Get List of Transitions (if any) for n in range(0, len(Transition)): # Add Transitions pass #StateAlgo.StateAlgorithm().add_trasition(transition = Transition[n], # current_state = in_state, next_state = dest_state[item]) if StateAlgo.StateAlgorithm().evaluate_transitions(): '''Deactivate in_state; activate dest_state (except ['*'])''' if dest_state[item] != '[*]': StateAlgo.StateAlgorithm().change_state( done_state=in_state, new_state=dest_state[item], check_permissive=True) else: StateAlgo.State(state_id=in_state).deactivate() '''If in_state is a superstate and transition of in_state complete, deactivate all childstates inside the in_state ''' #TODO: SuperState:ChildState Dictionary has to be developed in GetDict. if in_state[item] in GetList().SuperState(): for item in GetDict().superstate_child(): StateAlgo.State(state_id=GetDict().SuperState() [item]).deactivate()
def para_train(model, modelname_prefix, dataconf, target, x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, x_test, y_test): modelname = "%s#%s"% (model,modelname_prefix) modelconf = ModelConf.ModelConf(dataconf=dataconf, batch_size=600, learning_rate=0.0001, epochs=50) modelbuild = ModelBuilder.ModelBuilder(modelconf, modelname, target) if model == 'cnn': modelbuild.train_cnn(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, figplot=True) modelbuild.test(x_test, y_test, ROC=False) elif model == 'vgglstm': modelbuild.train_vgg_lstm(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, figplot=False) modelbuild.test(x_test, y_test, ROC=True) elif model == 'vgg': modelbuild.train_vgg(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, figplot=True) modelbuild.test(x_test, y_test, ROC=False) elif model == 'lstm': modelbuild.train_lstm(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid, figplot=True) modelbuild.test(x_test, y_test, ROC=False)
def StartDemo(self, ref, model_path): self.captureWidth = 640 self.captureHeight = 480 self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) self.cap.set(3, self.captureWidth) self.cap.set(4, self.captureHeight) # self.graph = tf.get_default_graph() bp = 'trained_model/' a = read_model("models/model99.txt") modelObject = ModelBuilder.ModelBuilder(a, (80, 80, 2)) self.model = modelObject.model self.model.load_weights(bp+model_path) #self.model = load_model(bp+model_path) self.ref_img = FaceExtractionPipeline.SingletonPipeline().FaceExtractionPipelineImage( demo.Window(ref)
def build(self): self.label_error.config(text="Begin building") self.modelBuilder = ModelBuilder.ModelBuilder(self.isStructure) self.modelTrainer = ModelTrainer.ModelTrainer(self.isTrain, self.modelBuilder, self.entry_bins.get()) self.modelTrainer.readFile() maxbins = self.modelTrainer.getMaxbins() if maxbins < int(self.entry_bins.get()): tkMessageBox.showinfo("Alert Message", "Invalid number of bins") elif os.stat(self.isTest).st_size == 0 or os.stat( self.isTrain).st_size == 0 or os.stat( self.isStructure).st_size == 0: tkMessageBox.showinfo("Alert Message", "One of the files is empty") else: self.modelTrainer.fillMissingValues() self.modelTrainer.discretization() tkMessageBox.showinfo( "Alert Message", "Building classifier using train-set is done!") self.button_classify['state'] = 'normal' self.label_error.config(text='')
TREPONEMAL ANTIBODY SCREEN T_PALLIDUM IGG TREPONEMAL B CMIA'''.split('\n') rl = '''NON-REACTIVE NEGATIVE NONREACTIVE EQUIVOCAL LOW_POSITIVE NEAT'''.split('\n') #tl = ['Test1','Sample Test','The other test'] #rl = ['POSITVE','Non Negative','NA','Mostky ok'] tests = Tags.TagSet('Tests') tests.labels = [Tags.Tag(ModelBuilder.splitText(x.strip())) for x in tl] results = Tags.TagSet('Results') results.labels = [Tags.Tag(ModelBuilder.splitText(x.strip())) for x in rl] def tagsFromFullRules(data, rules, nodes, tags, rowIndex=0): text = data.mainData words = splitText(text) for index, x in enumerate(rules): s = 0 l = len(x[1]) while s < l and x[1][s].getData()[1] != TAG: s += 1 if s != 0 and s != l: i = boyerMoore([y.getData() for y in x[1][:s]], words)
fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd' thresh = cm.max() / 2. for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])): plt.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt), horizontalalignment="center", color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black") plt.tight_layout() plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label') a = read_model("models/model08.txt") modelObject = ModelBuilder(a, (80, 80, 2)) model = modelObject.model model.load_weights( 'trained_model/2018-07-04 22:29:20/model08.txt_2018-07-05 12:24:21.h5') #plot_model(model, to_file='model_graph.png', show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True) (X_test, y_test, _) = GetData('lfw-whofitinram_p80x80') Y_test = np_utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes) X_test = X_test.astype('float32') X_test /= np.max(X_test) # Normalise data to [0, 1] range model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', # using the cross-entropy loss function optimizer='adam', # using the Adam optimiser metrics=['accuracy']) model.summary()
batch_size = 100 train_dataset, training_count = dlt.load(batch_size) test_dataset, testing_count = dlt.load(batch_size, pathToData='./DATA/images/TEST/') # Create general iterator iterator =, train_dataset.output_shapes) next_element = iterator.get_next() # Create the model should_drop = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) # The actual value can be set up in '' directly dropout_rate1_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(), name='dropout1_rate') mb = ModelBuilder.ModelBuilder(120, 160, 4, dropout_rate1_placeholder, should_drop) with tf.variable_scope('model') as scope: logits = mb.networkBuilder(next_element[0]) trainer = TrainerOpt.TrainerOpt(logits, should_drop, dropout_rate1_placeholder, iterator, next_element, train_dataset, test_dataset) # Define hyper parameters and others learning_rate = 0.0005 #Best found : 0.0005 epochs = 600 iterations = epochs*round(float(training_count)/batch_size) drop1 = False dropout_rate1 = 0.3 backup_folder = "models/"+"reference_model" # folder in which save the model and other useful information start_time = time.time()
ValMir_Pol_A = ValInputBatch['Mir_Pol_A'] Mir_Pol_A = tf.cond(bValidation, lambda: tf.identity(TrainMir_Pol_A), lambda: tf.identity(ValMir_Pol_A)) All0DSignalsSplits=tf.split(All0DSignals,GpuNum) StoredEnergySplits=tf.split(StoredEnergy,GpuNum) Ne_R0Splits=tf.split(Ne_R0,GpuNum) Mir_Pol_ASplits=tf.split(Mir_Pol_A,GpuNum) EmergencyValueSplits=tf.split(EmergencyValue,GpuNum) MeanSquaredErrorTower=[] RNNOutputMeanTower=[] Ne_R0CNNOutputMeanTower=[] with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()): for GpuIndex in range(GpuNum): with tf.device('/GPU:%s' % GpuIndex): StoredEnergyCNNOutput = ModelBuilder.CNNForStoredEnergy(StoredEnergySplits[GpuIndex], DropoutProb, IsTraining=True) Ne_R0CNNOutput = ModelBuilder.CNNForNe_R0(Ne_R0Splits[GpuIndex], DropoutProb, IsTraining=True) Mir_Pol_ACNNOutput = ModelBuilder.CNNForMir_Pol_A(Mir_Pol_ASplits[GpuIndex], DropoutProb, IsTraining=True) AllSignalsSplits = tf.concat([All0DSignalsSplits[GpuIndex], StoredEnergyCNNOutput, Ne_R0CNNOutput, Mir_Pol_ACNNOutput, ],2,name='AllSignalsSplits') RNNOutput=ModelBuilder.RNNForAllSignals(AllSignalsSplits ,DropoutProb) MeanSquaredErrorSplit = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(EmergencyValueSplits[GpuIndex], RNNOutput) RNNOutputMeanSplit = tf.reduce_mean(RNNOutput) Ne_R0CNNOutputMeanSplit = tf.reduce_mean(Ne_R0CNNOutput)
if __name__ == "__main__": import os import config import ModelBuilder from Attributes import AttributeBuilder config.sys_utils.set_pp_on() # specify file path to model file_path = os.path.join(config.specs_path, 'EM', 'S_EMC_PRESS_CND.puml') # create attribute builder instance for solving attributes #abuilder = AttributeBuilder.create_attribute_builder(server_ip='', server_port=5489) abuilder = AttributeBuilder.create_attribute_builder(server_ip='', server_port=5489) # build StateDiagram instance diagram = ModelBuilder.build_state_diagram(file_path, attribute_builder=abuilder, preprocess=True) # generate test cases from model test_gen = TestCaseGenerator(diagram) test_gen.generate_test_cases() # verify paths manually (for now) print "Drawing possible diagram paths...", # test_gen.draw_test_paths() print "complete." print "State diagram complexity: " + str(test_gen.calculate_complexity()) print "Total test cases: ", len(test_gen.test_cases.keys()) # generate drawing of flattened graph - will work on getting better syntax # test_gen.draw_solved_graph()
def TrainDNN(setupClient): (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), (w_train, w_test), (ix_train, ix_test) = LoadData(setupClient) n_dim = X_train.shape[1] modelpath = setupClient.ModelSavePath Nsig = (y_train == 1).sum() Nbkg = (y_train != 1).sum() # TODO: Check this is working or still needed if (Nsig != Nbkg) and setupClient.useEqualSizeSandB == True: print( 'You have selected to use equal portions of signal and background events but the numbers are not equal' ) print(Nsig, Nbkg) quit() print(Fore.BLUE + "--------------------------") print(Back.BLUE + " TRAINING...! ") print(Fore.BLUE + "--------------------------") print("Number of input variables : ", X_train.shape[1]) from collections import Counter cls_ytrain_count = Counter(y_train) Nclass = len(cls_ytrain_count) lossFunc = 'binary_crossentropy' if setupClient.runMode == 'multi': print(Fore.GREEN + 'Number of events per class in Train Sample:') for channel in channelDic: print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format(channel, cls_ytrain_count[channelDic[channel]])) lossFunc = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy' model = ModelBuilder.BuildDNNMulti(setupClient, Nclass, n_dim, setupClient.Params['Width'], setupClient.Params['Depth']) else: print(Fore.GREEN + 'Number of events per class in Train Sample:') print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Background', cls_ytrain_count[0])) print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Signal', cls_ytrain_count[1])) model = ModelBuilder.BuildDNN(setupClient, n_dim, setupClient.Params['Width'], setupClient.Params['Depth']) model.compile(loss=lossFunc, optimizer=setupClient.Params['Optimizer'], metrics=['accuracy']) K.set_value(, setupClient.Params['LearningRate']) # model.summary() print(model.get_config()) # print (model.optimizer.__class__.__name__) # print (K.get_value( callbacks = [ # if we don't have a decrease of the loss for 4 epochs, terminate training. EarlyStopping(verbose=True, patience=3, monitor='val_loss'), # Always make sure that we're saving the model weights with the best val loss. ModelCheckpoint(modelpath + '/model.h5', monitor='val_loss', verbose=True, save_best_only=True) ] # TODO: make the number of classes be found and treated automatically by the flow #store the configuration of the training to disk outfile = open(modelpath + '/DNN_Setup', 'wb') pickle.dump(setupClient, outfile) outfile.close() if setupClient.runMode == 'multi': Nsig = float(cls_ytrain_count[1]) NZjets = float(cls_ytrain_count[0]) NDiboson = float(cls_ytrain_count[2]) NTop = float(cls_ytrain_count[3]) wZjets = round(Nsig / NZjets, 3) wDiboson = round(Nsig / NDiboson, 3) wTop = round(Nsig / NTop, 3) wsig = round(1.0, 2) print(Fore.GREEN + 'Weights to apply:') print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Zjets', wZjets)) print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Signal', wsig)) print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Diboson', wDiboson)) print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Top', wTop)) modelMetricsHistory = X_train, y_train, class_weight={ 0: wZjets, 1: wsig, ## Signal 2: wDiboson, 3: wTop }, epochs=setupClient.Params['Epochs'], batch_size=setupClient.Params['BatchSize'], validation_split=0.2, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=1) else: if setupClient.useEqualSizeSandB == True: modelMetricsHistory = X_train, y_train, epochs=setupClient.Params['Epochs'], batch_size=setupClient.Params['BatchSize'], validation_split=0.2, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=0) print(modelMetricsHistory.history['val_loss']) else: print('{:<25}'.format( Fore.BLUE + 'Training with class_weights because of unbalance classes !!')) nsignal = cls_ytrain_count[1] nbackground = cls_ytrain_count[0] print('Signal=', nsignal, 'Background=', nbackground) wbkg = (nsignal / nbackground) wsig = 1.0 if nsignal > nbackground: wbkg = 1.0 wsig = (nbackground / nsignal) print(Fore.GREEN + 'Weights to apply:') print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Background', round(wbkg, 3))) print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Signal', wsig)) modelMetricsHistory = X_train, y_train, class_weight={ 0: wbkg, 1: wsig }, epochs=setupClient.Params['Epochs'], batch_size=setupClient.Params['BatchSize'], validation_split=0.2, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=1) return modelMetricsHistory
import config import ModelBuilder from Attributes import AttributeBuilder config.sys_utils.set_pp_on() # specify file path to model file_path = os.path.join(config.specs_path, 'EM', 'S_EMC_PRESS_CND.puml') # create attribute builder instance for solving attributes #abuilder = AttributeBuilder.create_attribute_builder(server_ip='', server_port=5489) abuilder = AttributeBuilder.create_attribute_builder( server_ip='', server_port=5489) # build StateDiagram instance diagram = ModelBuilder.build_state_diagram(file_path, attribute_builder=abuilder, preprocess=True) # generate test cases from model test_gen = TestCaseGenerator(diagram) test_gen.generate_test_cases() # verify paths manually (for now) print "Drawing possible diagram paths...", # test_gen.draw_test_paths() print "complete." print "State diagram complexity: " + str(test_gen.calculate_complexity()) print "Total test cases: ", len(test_gen.test_cases.keys()) # generate drawing of flattened graph - will work on getting better syntax
def doKFold(setupClient): print(Fore.BLUE + "--------------------------") print(Back.BLUE + " K-Fold Cross Validation ") print(Fore.BLUE + "--------------------------") pdtoLoad_Train = setupClient.PDPath + setupClient.MixPD_TrainTestTag + '_Train.pkl' pdtoLoad_Test = setupClient.PDPath + setupClient.MixPD_TrainTestTag + '_Test.pkl' print('{:<45}{:<25}'.format("Train sample", Fore.GREEN + pdtoLoad_Train)) print('{:<45}{:<25}'.format("Test sample", Fore.GREEN + pdtoLoad_Test)) if not os.path.isfile(pdtoLoad_Train): print("PD file", pdtoLoad_Train, " not found!") quit() if not os.path.isfile(pdtoLoad_Test): print("PD file", pdtoLoad_Test, " not found!") quit() df_Train = pd.read_pickle(pdtoLoad_Train) df_Test = pd.read_pickle(pdtoLoad_Test) ## Add them together: df_tot = pd.concat([df_Train, df_Test], ignore_index=True) VariablesSet = setupClient.InputDNNVariables[setupClient.VarSet] print('{:<45}{:<25}'.format( "Variable set", Fore.GREEN + str(setupClient.VarSet) + ' ' + str(VariablesSet))) X = df_tot[VariablesSet].as_matrix() scaler = StandardScaler() le = LabelEncoder() Y = le.fit_transform(df_tot['isSignal']) kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=False, random_state=None) cvscores = [] ii = 0 tprs = [] aucs = [] mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) for train, test in kfold.split(X, Y): print('Doing Fold', ii) cls_ytrain_count = Counter(Y[train]) print(Fore.GREEN + 'Number of events per class in Train Sample:') print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Background', cls_ytrain_count[0])) print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Signal', cls_ytrain_count[1])) X[train] = scaler.fit_transform(X[train]) X[test] = scaler.fit_transform(X[test]) n_dim = X[train].shape[1] lossFunc = 'binary_crossentropy' model = ModelBuilder.BuildDNN(setupClient, n_dim, setupClient.Params['Width'], setupClient.Params['Depth']) if setupClient.runMode == 'multi': lossFunc = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy' model = ModelBuilder.BuildDNNMulti(setupClient, Nclass, n_dim, setupClient.Params['Width'], setupClient.Params['Depth']) model.compile(loss=lossFunc, optimizer=setupClient.Params['Optimizer'], metrics=['accuracy']) K.set_value(, setupClient.Params['LearningRate']) callbacks = [ EarlyStopping(verbose=True, patience=5, monitor='val_loss'), ModelCheckpoint(setupClient.ModelSavePath + '/model_kfold' + str(ii) + '.h5', monitor='val_loss', verbose=True, save_best_only=True) ] wbkg = (cls_ytrain_count[1] / cls_ytrain_count[0]) wsig = 1.0 print(Fore.GREEN + 'Weights to apply:') print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Background', round(wbkg, 3))) print('{:<15}{:<15}'.format('Signal', wsig)) kf_history =[train], Y[train], class_weight={ 0: wbkg, 1: wsig }, epochs=setupClient.Params['Epochs'], batch_size=setupClient.Params['BatchSize'], validation_split=0.2, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=1) kf_scores = model.evaluate(X[test], Y[test], verbose=1) print("%s: %.3f%%" % (model.metrics_names[1], kf_scores[1] * 100)) cvscores.append(kf_scores[1] * 100) kf_yhat_test = model.predict(X[test]) # Get 'Receiver operating characteristic' (ROC) fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(Y[test], kf_yhat_test) tprs.append(np.interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr)) tprs[-1][0] = 0.0 roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr) aucs.append(roc_auc) plt.plot(fpr, tpr, lw=1, alpha=0.3, label='ROC fold %d (AUC = %0.3f)' % (ii, roc_auc)) os.path.join(setupClient.ModelSavePath, 'cv_metrics_fold' + str(ii) + '.npy'), kf_scores) os.path.join(setupClient.ModelSavePath, 'cv_thresholds_fold' + str(ii) + '.npy'), thresholds) os.path.join(setupClient.ModelSavePath, 'cv_tpr_fold' + str(ii) + '.npy'), tpr) os.path.join(setupClient.ModelSavePath, 'cv_fpr_fold' + str(ii) + '.npy'), fpr) ii += 1 plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--', lw=2, color='r', label='Luck', alpha=.8) mean_tpr = np.mean(tprs, axis=0) mean_tpr[-1] = 1.0 mean_auc = auc(mean_fpr, mean_tpr) std_auc = np.std(aucs) plt.plot(mean_fpr, mean_tpr, color='b', label=r'Mean ROC (AUC = %0.3f $\pm$ %0.3f)' % (mean_auc, std_auc), lw=1, alpha=.7) std_tpr = np.std(tprs, axis=0) tprs_upper = np.minimum(mean_tpr + std_tpr, 1) tprs_lower = np.maximum(mean_tpr - std_tpr, 0) plt.fill_between(mean_fpr, tprs_lower, tprs_upper, color='grey', alpha=.2, label=r'$\pm$ 1 std. dev.') plt.xlim([-0.05, 1.05]) plt.ylim([-0.05, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') # plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic example') plt.xticks(np.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.1)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.1)) plt.title('ROC curves for Signal vs Background') plt.legend(loc="lower right", fontsize='x-small') plt.savefig(setupClient.ModelSavePath + "/KFold_ROC.png") plt.clf()
def solve(self): model_builder = ModelBuilder.ModelBuilder(self.doctors, self.hospitals, self.shifts, self.shift_days, self.placements, self.nightshifts, self.total_work_time) return model_builder.solve()
# defining the folders path train and test TRAINING_DATASET_FOLDER_NAME = '3_preprocessed_1_dataset train' X_train, Y_train, _ = GetData(TRAINING_DATASET_FOLDER_NAME, limit_value=1) Y_train = np_utils.to_categorical(Y_train, 2) X_train = X_train.astype('float32') X_train /= np.max(X_train) width = 80 height = 80 depth = 2 num_classes = 2 # load the model architecture from file a = read_model("models/model01.txt") modelObject = ModelBuilder.ModelBuilder(a, (height, width, depth)) model = modelObject.model model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', # using the cross-entropy loss function optimizer='adam', # using the Adam optimiser metrics=['accuracy']) # reporting the accuracy # train the model, Y_train, batch_size=128, epochs=1, verbose=1, validation_split=0.2)
def main(config_path): ''' Main script for classifier building and testing ''' config = loader.load_config(config_path) training_data = None testing_data = None # load training and testing data from files, normalize if necessary if c.TRAINING_D in config.keys(): training_data = loader.load_dataset(config[c.TRAINING_D]) if c.TESTING_D in config.keys(): testing_data = loader.load_dataset(config[c.TESTING_D]) if c.NORM_METHOD in config.keys(): method = None if config[c.NORM_METHOD] == c.SHIFT_SCALE: method = Preprocess.shift_and_scale elif config[c.NORM_METHOD] == c.ZERO_MEAN_UNIT_VAR: method = Preprocess.zero_mean_unit_var if c.TESTING_D in config.keys(): Preprocess.normalize_features_all(method, training_data[0], testing_data[0]) else: Preprocess.normalize_features_all(method, training_data[0]) # generate thresholds file if needed if c.THRESHS in config.keys() and not os.path.isfile(config[c.THRESHS]): Preprocess.generate_thresholds(training_data[0], config[c.THRESHS]) # get path to store models and output results model_path = config[c.MODEL_PATH] output_path = config[c.OUTPUT_PATH] # use different validation method base on the config match = re.match(c.K_FOLD_RE, config[c.VALID_METHOD]) if match: # perform k-fold validation k = int( training_errs = [] testing_errs = [] for i in range(k): (tr_data, te_data) = Preprocess.prepare_k_fold_data(training_data, k, i + 1) model = builder.build_model(tr_data, config) training_errs.append(model.test(tr_data[0], tr_data[1], Utilities.get_test_method(config))) testing_errs.append(model.test(te_data[0], te_data[1], Utilities.get_test_method(config))) mean_training_err = np.mean(training_errs) mean_testing_err = np.mean(testing_errs) print str(k) + '-fold validation done. Training errors are:' print training_errs print 'Mean training error is:' print mean_training_err print 'Testing errors are:' print testing_errs print 'Mean testing error is:' print mean_testing_err config['TrainingErrs'] = str(training_errs) config['MeanTrainingErr'] = str(mean_training_err) config['TestingErrs'] = str(testing_errs) config['MeanTestingErr'] = str(mean_testing_err) elif config[c.VALID_METHOD] == c.HAS_TESTING_DATA: # perform testing with given testing dataset model = builder.build_model(training_data, config) training_err = model.test(training_data[0], training_data[1], Utilities.get_test_method(config)) testing_err = model.test(testing_data[0], testing_data[1], Utilities.get_test_method(config)) print 'Error for training data is:' print training_err print 'Error for testing data is:' print testing_err config['TrainingErr'] = str(training_err) config['TestingErr'] = str(testing_err) # Log the err f = open(output_path, 'w+') f.write(str(config)) f.close() return