def ifft2d(F): (Nr, Nc) = F.shape f = np.zeros((Nr, Nc), dtype=complex) for m in range(Nr): f[m,:] = mm.ifft(F[m,:]) for n in range(Nc): f[:,n] = mm.ifft(f[:,n]) return(f)
def conv2dsep(x,h,v): (Nrx,Ncx)=x.shape y=np.zeros((Nrx+len(h)-1, Ncx+len(v)-1)) for m in range(Nrx): y[m,:]=mm.conv(x[m,:],h) for n in range(Ncx+len(v)-1): y[:,n]=mm.conv(y[:Nrx,n],v) return(y)
def fft2d(f): (Nr, Nc) = f.shape F = np.zeros((Nr, Nc), dtype=complex) for m in range(Nr): F[m,:] = mm.fft(f[m,:]) for n in range(Nc): F[:,n] = mm.fft(F[:,n]) return(F)
def get_Mu_from_Vs_Rho(Vs, Rho): """ Computes shear modulus from shear velocity and density. The units must be as described below. Input Variables: Vs = (Shear Velocity) (m/s) Rho = (Density) (g/(cm^3)) Output Variable: Mu = Shear Modulus (Gpa) """ if isinstance(Vs, (int, long, float, complex)) and (isinstance( Rho, (int, long, float, complex))): # Conversion to (mks) system for computation Rho = 1E3 * Rho # Conversion from g/(cm^3) to Kg/(m^3) Mu = Rho * (Vs * Vs) Mu = Mu / 1E9 # Conversion from Pa to Gpa elif type(Vs) == np.ndarray and (type(Rho) == np.ndarray) and (len(Vs) == len(Rho)): # Conversion to (mks) system for computation Rho = 1E3 * Rho # Conversion from g/(cm^3) to Kg/(m^3) Mu = Rho * (Vs * Vs) Mu = Mu / 1E9 # Conversion from Pa to Gpa elif type(Vs) == list and (type(Rho) == list) and (len(Vs) == len(Rho)): Rho = [Rho[i] * 1E3 for i in range(len(Rho)) ] # Conversion from g/(cm^3) to Kg/(m^3) Mu = [Rho[i] * (Vs[i] * Vs[i]) for i in range(len(Vs))] Mu = [Mu[i] / 1E9 for i in range(len(Mu))] # Conversion from Pa to Gpa else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Error: get_Vp_from_K_Mu_Rho", ("The input variables are not consistent for this function")) return return Mu
def get_Vp_from_K_Mu_Rho(K, Mu, Rho): """ Computes the compressional velocity from bulk modulus, shear modulus and density. The units must be as described below. Input Variables: K = Bulk modulus (Gpa) Mu = Shear Modulus (Gpa) Rho = Density (g/cc) Output Variable: Vp = Compressional Velocity (m/s) Note the inputs variables can be either scalars, python lists or numpy arrays, however all variables must be of the same type and dimenson in the case of lists and arrays. """ if isinstance(K, (int, long, float, complex)) and (isinstance( Mu, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( Rho, (int, long, float, complex))): # Conversion to (mks) system for computation K = 1E9 * K # Conversion from GPa to Pa Mu = 1E9 * Mu # Conversion from GPa to Pa Rho = 1E3 * Rho # Conversion from g/(cm^3) to Kg/(m^3) Vp = sqrt((K + 4 * Mu / 3) / Rho) elif type(K) == np.ndarray and (type(Mu) == np.ndarray) and ( type(Rho) == np.ndarray) and (len(K) == len(Mu)) and (len(Mu) == len(Rho)): Vp = np.sqrt((1E9 * K + 4E9 * Mu / 3) / (1E3 * Rho)) elif type(K) == list and (type(Mu) == list) and (type(Rho) == list) and ( len(K) == len(Mu)) and (len(Mu) == len(Rho)): Vp = [ sqrt((1E9 * K[i] + 4E9 * Mu[i] / 3) / (1E3 * Rho[i])) for i in range(len(K)) ] else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Error: get_Vp_from_K_Mu_Rho", "The input variables are not consistent for this function") mm.exitNow() return Vp
def main(): #startApplication("my_aut") #mymodule.click_button(":object_name") print("In the Main") MyModule.Module_click_button(":Test") MyModule3.Module_TestModule3(":Test") MyModule2.Module_TestModule2(":Test")
def vrhAverage(values=[], weights=[]): """ Computes the Voigt-Reuss-Hill average (vrhAve = 1/2(voigtAve + reussAve)) Weights will be normalized so sum will equal 1. """ reussAve = 0 sumWeight = 0 if len(values) != len(weights): mm.myStdErrorMessage("Error: vrhAverage", ( "The number of elements in your values does not equal the number of weights" )) mm.exitNow() voigtAve = voigtAverage(values, weights) reussAve = reussAverage(values, weights) vrhAve = 0.5 * (voigtAve + reussAve) return vrhAve
def go(): try: path = sys.argv[1] #print(path) toemail = sys.argv[3] #print(toemail) logfilepath, start_time, scanned_files, dup_files = check = mm.sendemail(logfilepath, toemail, start_time, scanned_files, dup_files) if (check): print("Email Sent to " + toemail + "with attachement file " + logfilepath) else: print("email sending error") exit() except Exception: print("Exception") print(traceback.format_exc())
def matrix_K_calculator(constituentVolFrac=[], constituentK=[]): """ The function computes the equivalent bulk modulus Kmin from the contituent minerals within the matrix and their respective volume fractions using the Voigt-Reuss-Hill average. """ if len(constituentVolFrac) == len(constituentK): Kmin = vrhAverage(constituentVolFrac, constituentK) else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Length missmatch", "The number of elements in weights do not match the numvber of constituents" ) return return Kmin
def reussAverage(values=[], weights=[]): """ Computes the Voigt average (1/reussAve = w1/v1 + w2/v2 + ...) Weights will be normalized to insure the sum of all weights will equal 1. It is assumed, both input values are 1 dimensional. """ reussAve = 0 sumWeight = 0 i = 0 if type(values) == np.ndarray and (type(weights) == np.ndarray) and (len(values) == len(weights)): for i in range(len(weights)): sumWeight += weights[i] for i in range(len(values)): reussAve += weights[i] / (values[i] * sumWeight) reussAve = 1 / reussAve elif type(values) == list and (type(weights) == list) and (len(values) == len(weights)): for i in range(len(weights)): sumWeight += weights[i] for i in range(len(values)): reussAve += weights[i] / (values[i] * sumWeight) reussAve = 1 / reussAve else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Error: voigtAverage", ("The input variables are not consistent for this function")) return return reussAve
def __init__( self, parent = tk.Tk(), aBunchOfLogs = mm.BunchOfLogs() ): """ Creates a 'BunchOfLogs' object that contains the log information chosen by the caller through a GUI dialog. """ self.numberOneSon = tk.Toplevel( parent ) # tk window under the parent from calling routine self.aBunchOfLogs = aBunchOfLogs # BunchOfLogs object from calling function self.lasPath = str(mm.findFileGui()).split("'")[1] # GUI to find las file and return it's path if self.lasPath == "": # If no file selected, exit the process mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Read LAS error", "No file was select so will exit process.") sys.exit() self.lasFileName = self.ladPath.split("/") # Retreive the LAS filename self.lasFileName = self.lasFileName[len(self.lasFileName)-1]..replace(".LAS", "").replace(".las", "") self.logsAvailableInFile = mm.CurvesInfoLAS() # Retreive available log names in LAS file self.logsAvailableInFile = mm.ReadLogTypesFromLasFile( self.lasPath ) self.logChoiceNumber = IntVar( master = self.numberOneSon ) self.logChoiceNumber.set( 0 ) # Initialize radio button choice to first log curve self.theLog = mm.Log() # Container for a particular log curve self.aBunchOfLogs.setnumLogs( self.logsAvailableInFile.numCurves ) self.aBunchOfLogs.setlogType( self.logsAvailableInFile.logMnemonic ) def readAllLogsFromLasFile( self , filePath ): """ Attempts to read all detected logs in a LAS file pointed to by 'filePath' into the 'aBunchOfLogs' object """ self.lasFile = open( self.lasPath, "r") self.flag = 0 for self.i in range( self.logsAvailableInFile.numCurves ): self.aBunchOfLogs.theLog[ self.i ].ValueUnit = self.logsAvailableInFile.logUnit[ self.i ] for self.lasRow in self.lasFile: if self.lasRow[0] == '~A': self.flag = 1 if self.flag == 1: for i in range( self.logsAvailableInFile.numCurves ): self.aBuchOfLogs.TheLog[i].Value.append( float( self.lasRow.split()[ self.i ] ) )
def voigtAverage(values=[], weights=[]): """ Computes the Voigt average (voigtAve = w1*v1 + w2*v2 + ...) Weights will be normalized so sum will equal 1. """ voigtAve = 0 sumWeight = 0 i = 0 if type(values) == np.ndarray and (type(weights) == np.ndarray) and (len(values) == len(weights)): for w in np.nditer(weights): sumWeight += w for i in range(len(values)): voigtAve += weights[i] * values[i] / sumWeight elif type(values) == list and (type(weights) == list) and (len(values) == len(weights)): for i in range(len(weights)): sumWeight += weights[i] for i in range(len(values)): voigtAve += weights[i] * values[i] / sumWeight else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Error: voigtAverage", ("The input variables are not consistent for this function")) return return voigtAve
def selectingLogForConversion( self ): """ Selection of a log from a bunch of logs for """ self.logChoice = mm.getALogFromBunchOfLogs( self.branch2, self.localBunchOfLogs ) print "\n Update information for chosen log:\n" print " Log ID : " + str(self.logChoice.logId) print " Log Type : " + str(self.logChoice.logType) print " Log Unit : " + str(self.logChoice.logUnit) + "\n" self.displayLogId.set( self.logChoice.logId ) self.displayLogType.set( self.logChoice.logType ) self.displayLogUnit.set( self.logChoice.logUnit )
def unitConvert( self ): """ Unit conversion function """ self.FirstTimeOnly = 0 self.branch2 = tk.Toplevel( self.branch1 ) self.branch2.wm_title( "Unit Conversion Funation") if self.FirstTimeOnly == 0: self.logChoice = mm.getALogFromBunchOfLogs( self.branch2 ) self.FirstTimeOnly = 1 self.fromUnit = tk.StringVar( self.branch2 ) self.fromUnit.set( "None" ) self.toUnit = tk.StringVar( self.branch2 ) self.toUnit.set( "None" ) self.displayLogId = tk.StringVar( self.branch2 ) self.displayLogId.set( str( self.logChoice.logId ) ) self.displayLogType = tk.StringVar( self.branch2 ) self.displayLogType.set( str( self.logChoice.logType ) ) self.displayLogUnit = tk.StringVar( self.branch2 ) self.displayLogUnit.set( str( self.logChoice.logUnit ) ) # Set up allowed units for conversion. Not all members of this list # can be converted to the others, as can be seen by its members. # Current convention is to keep all the characters in lower case. self.unitList = [ 'm', 'ft', 'km', 'm/s', 'ft/s', 'km/s' ] self.conversionScalarDictionary = {} for u in self.unitList: # Initialize conversion matrix to null values for v in self.unitList: self.conversionScalarDictionary[ (u,v) ] = None # Setting actual possible conversion scalars within conversion matrix # For Lengths self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('m','ft') ] = 3.280839895 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('m','m') ] = 1.0 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('m','km') ] = 0.001 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('ft','ft') ] = 1.0 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('ft','m') ] = 1.0 / self.conversionScalarDictionary[('m','ft')] self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('ft','km') ] = 0.001 / self.conversionScalarDictionary[('m','ft')] self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('km','ft') ] = 1.0 / self.conversionScalarDictionary[('ft','km')] self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('km','m') ] = 1000.0 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('km','km') ] = 1.0 # For Velocities self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('m/s','ft/s') ] = 3.280839895 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('m/s','km/s') ] = 0.001 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('m/s','m/s') ] = 1.0 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('ft/s','m/s') ] = 1.0 / self.conversionScalarDictionary[('m/s','ft/s')] self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('ft/s','ft/s') ] = 1.0 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('ft/s','km/s') ] = 0.001 / self.conversionScalarDictionary[('m/s','ft/s')] self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('km/s','ft/s') ] = 1.0 / self.conversionScalarDictionary[('ft/s','km/s')] self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('km/s','m/s') ] = 1000.0 self.conversionScalarDictionary[ ('km/s','km/s') ] = 1.0 for i in range( len( self.unitList ) ): if str( self.unitList[i] ) == str( self.logChoice.logUnit ).lower() : self.fromUnit.set( str( self.unitList[i] ) ) self.rowCounter = 0 self.unitConvertMainLable = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "Unit conversion function", font = ("Comic Sans MS",16), fg = "Blue" ) self.unitConvertMainLable.grid( row = self.rowCounter, columnspan = 3, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 10 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.chooseALogButton = tk.Button( self.branch2, text = "Click to select log", command = self.selectingLogForConversion, font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Black") self.chooseALogButton.grid( row = self.rowCounter, columnspan = 3, padx = 20, pady = 10) self.rowCounter += 1 self.logLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "Chosen Log for Conversion", font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Green") self.logLabel.grid(row = self.rowCounter, columnspan = 3, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.chosenLogIdLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "Log ID", font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Green") self.chosenLogIdLabel.grid(row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.chosenLogTypeLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "Log Type", font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Green") self.chosenLogTypeLabel.grid(row = self.rowCounter, column = 1, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.chosenLogUnitLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "Log Unit", font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Green" ) self.chosenLogUnitLabel.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 2, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5) self.rowCounter += 1 self.chosenLogId = tk.Label( self.branch2, textvariable = self.displayLogId, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black" ) self.chosenLogId.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20 ) self.chosenLogType = tk.Label( self.branch2, textvariable = self.displayLogType, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black" ) self.chosenLogType.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 1, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20 ) self.chosenLogUnit = tk.Label( self.branch2, textvariable = self.displayLogUnit, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black" ) self.chosenLogUnit.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 2, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20) self.rowCounter += 1 self.lineLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "___________________________________________", font = ("Comic Sans MS",12), fg = "Blue") self.lineLabel.grid( row = self.rowCounter, columnspan = 3, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.convetChoiceLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "Choose units for conversion", font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Green") self.convetChoiceLabel.grid(row = self.rowCounter, columnspan = 3, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.fromLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "From unit below", font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Green") self.fromLabel.grid(row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.toLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "To unit below", font = ("Comic Sans MS",16), fg = "Green") self.toLabel.grid(row = self.rowCounter, column = 2, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.rowCounter += 1 for self.unit in self.unitList: self.fromButton = tk.Radiobutton( self.branch2, text = self.unit, variable = self.fromUnit, value = self.unit, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black" ) self.fromButton.grid(row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20 ) self.pointerLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "--------->", font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Blue" ) self.pointerLabel.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 1, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20) self.toButton = tk.Radiobutton( self.branch2, text = self.unit, variable = self.toUnit, value = self.unit, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black" ) self.toButton.grid(row = self.rowCounter, column = 2, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.fromLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "Chosen unit to convert", font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Green") self.fromLabel.grid(row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.toLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "Chosen resultant unit", font = ("Comic Sans MS",16), fg = "Green") self.toLabel.grid(row = self.rowCounter, column = 2, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.finalUnitChoosen = tk.Label( self.branch2, textvariable = self.fromUnit, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black") self.finalUnitChoosen.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20 ) self.finalUnitChoosen = tk.Label( self.branch2, textvariable = self.toUnit, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black") self.finalUnitChoosen.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 2, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.lineLabel = tk.Label( self.branch2, text = "___________________________________________", font = ("Comic Sans MS",12), fg = "Blue") self.lineLabel.grid( row = self.rowCounter, columnspan = 3, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.submitForUnitChange = tk.Button( self.branch2, text = "Submit for Conversion", command = self.applyUnitChange, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black") self.submitForUnitChange.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 1, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20) self.rowCounter += 1 self.exitButton = tk.Button( self.branch2, text = "Exit", font = ("Comic Sans MS",14), fg = "Red", command = self.branch1.destroy ) self.exitButton.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 1, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 10 ) self.branch2.mainloop()
def __init__( self, root, aBunchOfLogs = mm.BunchOfLogs ): """ Main setup for log processing. """ self.root = root self.localBunchOfLogs = aBunchOfLogs print "+------------------------------------------+" print "| |" print "| Start of log processing function |" print "| |" print "+------------------------------------------+" self.branch1 = tk.Toplevel( self.root ) self.branch1.wm_title( "Basic Log Processing Function" ) self.logChoice = mm.getALogFromBunchOfLogs() self.rowCounter = 0 self.basicDescriptionLable = tk.Label( self.branch1, text = "Basic Log Processing Functions", font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Blue" ) self.basicDescriptionLable.grid( row = self.rowCounter, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 30 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.unitConversionLabel = tk.Label( self.branch1, text = "Log unit conversion", font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Blue" ) self.unitConversionLabel.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.unitConversionButton = tk.Button( self.branch1, text = "Convert Unit", command = self.unitConvert, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black" ) self.unitConversionButton.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 1, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.sonicVelocityTransformLabel = tk.Label( self.branch1, text = "Transform sonic travel time to velocity", font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Blue" ) self.sonicVelocityTransformLabel.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.sonicVelocityTransformButton = tk.Button( self.branch1, text = "Time to Vel", command = self.sonicVelocityTransform, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black" ) self.sonicVelocityTransformButton.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 1, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.castagnaVpVsTransformLabel = tk.Label( self.branch1, text = "Castagna Vp to Vs transform", font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Blue" ) self.castagnaVpVsTransformLabel.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.castagnaVpVsTransformButton = tk.Button( self.branch1, text = "Vp to Vs", command = self.castagnaVpVsTransform, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black" ) self.castagnaVpVsTransformButton.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 1, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.gardnerDensityVpTransformLabel = tk.Label( self.branch1, text = "Gardner's Density to Vp transform", font=("Comic Sans MS",16), fg="Blue" ) self.gardnerDensityVpTransformLabel.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 0, sticky = tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.gardnerDensityVpTransformButton = tk.Button( self.branch1, text = "Density to Vp", command = self.gardnerDensityVpTransform, font=("Comic Sans MS",14), fg="Black" ) self.gardnerDensityVpTransformButton.grid( row = self.rowCounter, column = 1, sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 5 ) self.rowCounter += 1 self.exitButton = tk.Button( self.branch1, text = "Exit", font = ("Comic Sans MS",16), fg = "Red", command = self.branch1.destroy ) self.exitButton.grid( row = self.rowCounter, columnspan = 2, # sticky = tk.E+tk.W, padx = 20, pady = 20 ) self.rowCounter += 1
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): pyrogue.Device.__init__(self, name=name, description='SMuRF Data CustomTransmitter', **kwargs) self._transmitter = MyModule.MyTransmitter() # Add "Disable" variable self.add( pyrogue.LocalVariable( name='Disable', description= 'Disable the processing block. Data will just pass thorough to the next slave.', mode='RW', value=False, localSet=lambda value: self._transmitter.setDisable(value), localGet=self._transmitter.getDisable)) # Add a variable for the debugData flag self.add( pyrogue.LocalVariable( name='DebugData', description='Set the debug mode, for the data', mode='RW', value=False, localSet=lambda value: self._transmitter.setDebugData(value), localGet=self._transmitter.getDebugData)) # Add a variable for the debugMeta flag self.add( pyrogue.LocalVariable( name='DebugMeta', description='Set the debug mode, for the metadata', mode='RW', value=False, localSet=lambda value: self._transmitter.setDebugMeta(value), localGet=self._transmitter.getDebugMeta)) # Add the data dropped counter variable self.add( pyrogue.LocalVariable(name='DataDropCnt', description='Number of data frame dropped', mode='RO', value=0, pollInterval=1, localGet=self._transmitter.getDataDropCnt)) # Add the metadata dropped counter variable self.add( pyrogue.LocalVariable( name='MetaDropCnt', description='Number of metadata frame dropped', mode='RO', value=0, pollInterval=1, localGet=self._transmitter.getMetaDropCnt)) # Command to clear all the counters self.add( pyrogue.LocalCommand(name='clearCnt', description='Clear all counters', function=self._transmitter.clearCnt))
def get_Kdry_FromGassmannEquation(Ksat, Kfluid, Kmin, Phi): """ Computes the saturated dry frame bulk modulus of a rock using Gassmann's equation. Input Variables: Ksat = The saturated bulk modulus (Gpa) Kfluid = The fluid bulk modulus (Gpa) Kmin = The mineral/matrix bulk modulus (Gpa) Phi = The porosity (Fraction, V/V) Output Variable: Kdry = The dry frame bulk modulus (Gpa) """ if isinstance(Ksat, (int, long, float, complex)) and (isinstance( Kfluid, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( Kmin, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( Phi, (int, long, float, complex))): A1 = B1 = (Phi * Kmin) / Kfluid A2 = A1 + 1 - Phi A3 = Ksat * A2 A = A3 - Kmin B2 = Ksat / Kmin B = B1 + B2 - 1 - Phi Kdry = A / B elif type(Kdry) == np.ndarray and (type(Kfluid) == np.ndarray) and ( type(Kmin) == np.ndarray) and (type(Phi) == np.ndarray) and ( len(Kdry) == len(Kfluid)) and (len(Kfluid) == len(Kmin)) and (len(Kmin) == len(Phi)): A1 = B1 = (Phi * Kmin) / Kfluid A2 = A1 + 1 - Phi A3 = Ksat * A2 A = A3 - Kmin B2 = Ksat / Kmin B = B1 + B2 - 1 - Phi Kdry = A / B elif type(Vp) == list and (type(Vs) == list) and (type(Rho) == list) and ( len(Vp) == len(Vs)) and (len(Vs) == len(Rho)): numItems = len(Vp) A1 = B1 = [(Phi[i] * Kmin[i]) / Kfluid[i] for i in range(numItems)] A2 = [A1[i] + 1 - Phi[i] for i in range(numItems)] A3 = [Ksat[i] * A2[i] for i in range(numItems)] A = [A3[i] - Kmin[i] for i in range(numItems)] B2 = [Ksat[i] / Kmin[i] for i in range(numItems)] B = [B1[i] + B2[i] - 1 - Phi[i] for i in range(numItems)] Kdry = [A[i] / B[i] for i in range(numItems)] else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Error: get_Vp_from_K_Mu_Rho", ("The input variables are not consistent for this function")) return Kdry = A / B return Kdry
import math import cmath import numpy as np import imageio import MyModule as mm import time x=[1,2,3,4] x1=mm.complex_idft(mm.complex_dft(x)) x2=mm.complex_idft(mm.fft(x)) x3=mm.ifft(mm.complex_dft(x)) x4=mm.ifft(mm.fft(x)) y=[5,6,7,8] output1=mm.conv(x,y) output2=mm.ifft(mm.fft(x)*mm.fft(y)) img=imageio.imread('lena.png')#[256-128:256+128,256-128:256+128] t1=time.time() imageio.imwrite('lenareconstructed.png',mm.ifft2d(mm.fft2d(img))) t2=time.time() print('img ifft takes %10.2f sec' %( t2-t1))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import MyModule as mm fs,'Libai.wav') N=512 fcutoff=2000 #freq Ncutoff=int(fcutoff/fs*N) #freq=fs*n/N Hlp=np.zeros((N),dtype=complex) for n in range(1,Ncutoff): Hlp[n]=(1.0+0.0j) Hlp[N-n]=(1.0+0.0j) Hlp[0]=1.0 hlp=mm.ifft(Hlp) mm.dftplot(hlp,Hlp) # Nfft=2**15 # xlp=mm.convlong(x,hlp,Nfft) # sw.write('LibaiLp.wav',fs,xlp)
import MyModule as mm mm.sayHello()
# coding=utf8 """ Created on Tue Jan 19 23:06:42 2021 @author: Neal LONG """ import sys import imp MyModule = imp.load_source('MyModule', "/Users/mac/Desktop/MDS5724_DataMining/Data_Mining_Codes/Data_Mining/week2/") import MyModule as mm person_name = "Jim" # from MyModule import person_name mm.greeting(person_name) print(mm.pi*(10**2))
def applyScalarFunctionToArrayVariables(function, parms=[]): """ apply a scalar function to an array of variables each of which can be arrays as well right now this function can only handle up to 10 variable arrays of equal dimension. """ numvars = len(parms) if numvars == 1: output = [function(parms[0][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0]))] elif numvars == 2: output = [ function(parms[0][i], parms[1][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0])) ] elif numvars == 3: output = [ function(parms[0][i], parms[1][i], parms[2][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0])) ] elif numvars == 4: output = [ function(parms[0][i], parms[1][i], parms[2][i], parms[3][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0])) ] elif numvars == 5: output = [ function(parms[0][i], parms[1][i], parms[2][i], parms[3][i], parms[4][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0])) ] elif numvars == 6: output = [ function(parms[0][i], parms[1][i], parms[2][i], parms[3][i], parms[4][i], parms[5][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0])) ] elif numvars == 7: output = [ function(parms[0][i], parms[1][i], parms[2][i], parms[3][i], parms[4][i], parms[5][i], parms[6][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0])) ] elif numvars == 8: output = [ function(parms[0][i], parms[1][i], parms[2][i], parms[3][i], parms[4][i], parms[5][i], parms[6][i], parms[7][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0])) ] elif numvars == 9: output = [ function(parms[0][i], parms[1][i], parms[2][i], parms[3][i], parms[4][i], parms[5][i], parms[6][i], parms[7][i], parms[8][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0])) ] elif numvars == 10: output = [ function(parms[0][i], parms[1][i], parms[2][i], parms[3][i], parms[4][i], parms[5][i], parms[6][i], parms[7][i], parms[8][i]) for i in range(len(parms[0])) ] else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Too many variables", "Only up to 10 variables can be entered for a funtion") mm.exitNow() return output
def hashinShtrikmanMu(K1, Mu1, f1, K2, Mu2, f2): """ Computes Hashin Shtrikman bounds on the shear modulus for 2 material mixture. Upper bounds is acheived when the subscrpt 1 is populated with the stiff material and visa versa. Definition of variables follows. Input Variables: K1 = Bulk modulus of first phase of the mixture (GPa) Mu1 = Shear modulus of first phase of the mixture (GPa) f1 = Volume fraction of first phase of the mixture (fraction, V/V) K2 = Bulk modulus of the 2nd phase of the mixture (GPa) Mu2 = Shear modulus of the 2nd phase of the mixture (GPa) f1 = Volume fraction of second phase of the mixture (fraction, V/V) Output Variable: Muhs = Hashin Shtrikman bulk modulus (GPa) Recall if (K1,Mu1,f1) corresponds to the stiffer material this will be an upper bound, otherwise, if (K1,Mu1,f1) corresponds to the softer material this will be the lower bound. Mavko-Stanford Rock Physics Lab """ if isinstance(K1, (int, long, float, complex)) and (isinstance( Mu1, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( f1, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( K2, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( Mu2, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( f2, (int, long, float, complex))): A = 1 / (Mu2 - Mu1) B1 = 2 * f1 * (K1 + 2 * Mu1) B2 = 5 * Mu1 * (K1 + 4 * Mu1 / 3) B = B1 / B2 C = f2 / (A + B) Muhs = Mu1 + C elif type(K1) == np.ndarray and (type(Mu1) == np.ndarray) and ( type(f1) == np.ndarray) and (type(K2) == np.ndarray) and ( type(Mu2) == np.ndarray) and (type(f2) == np.ndarray) and ( len(K1) == len(Mu1)) and (len(Mu1) == len(f1)) and ( len(f1) == len(K2)) and (len(K2) == len(Mu2)) and (len(Mu2) == len(f2)): A = 1 / (Mu2 - Mu1) B1 = 2 * f1 * (K1 + 2 * Mu1) B2 = 5 * Mu1 * (K1 + 4 * Mu1 / 3) B = B1 / B2 C = f2 / (A + B) Muhs = Mu1 + C elif type(K1) == list and (type(Mu1) == list) and (type(f1) == list) and ( type(K2) == list) and (type(f2) == list) and (len(K1) == len(Mu1)) and ( len(Mu1) == len(f1)) and (len(f1) == len(K2)) and ( len(K2) == len(Mu2)) and (len(Mu2) == len(f2)): numItems = len(K1) A = [1 / (Mu2[i] - Mu1[i]) for i in range(numItems)] B1 = [2 * f1[i] * (K1[i] + (2 * Mu1[i])) for i in range(numItems)] B2 = [5 * Mu1[i] * (K1[i] + (4 * Mu1[i] / 3)) for i in range(numItems)] B = [B1[i] / B2[i] for i in range(numItems)] C = [f2[i] / (A[i] + B[i]) for i in range(numItems)] Muhs = [Mu1[i] + C[i] for i in range(numItems)] else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Error: get_Vp_from_K_Mu_Rho", ("The input variables are not consistent for this function")) return return Muhs
def get_K_from_Vp_Vs_Rho(Vp, Vs, Rho): """ Computes bulk modulus from compressional velocity, shear velocity and density. The units must be as described below. Input Variables: Vp = Compressional Velocity) (m/s) Vs = (Shear Velocity) (m/s) Rho = (Density) (g/(cm^3)) Output Variable: K = Bulk Modulus (Gpa) """ if isinstance(Vp, (int, long, float, complex)) and (isinstance( Vs, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( Rho, (int, long, float, complex))): # Conversion to (mks) system for computation Rho = 1E3 * Rho # Conversion from g/(cm^3) to Kg/(m^3) A = 4 * Vs * Vs / 3 B = Vp * Vp C = B - A K = Rho * C K = K / 1E9 # Conversion from Pa to Gpa elif type(Vp) == np.ndarray and (type(Vs) == np.ndarray) and ( type(Rho) == np.ndarray) and (len(Vp) == len(Vs)) and (len(Vs) == len(Rho)): # Conversion to (mks) system for computation Rho = 1E3 * Rho # Conversion from g/(cm^3) to Kg/(m^3) A = 4 * (Vs * Vs) / 3 B = Vp * Vp C = B - A K = Rho * C K = K / 1E9 # Conversion from Pa to Gpa elif type(Vp) == list and (type(Vs) == list) and (type(Rho) == list) and ( len(Vp) == len(Vs)) and (len(Vs) == len(Rho)): Rho = [Rho[i] * 1E3 for i in range(len(Rho)) ] # Conversion from g/(cm^3) to Kg/(m^3) A = [4 * Vs[i] * Vs[i] / 3 for i in range(len(Vs))] B = [Vp[i] * Vp[i] for i in range(len(Vp))] C = [B[i] - A[i] for i in range(len(B))] K = [Rho[i] * C[i] for i in range(len(C))] K = [K[i] / 1E9 for i in range(len(K))] # Conversion from Pa to Gpa else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Error: get_Vp_from_K_Mu_Rho", ("The input variables are not consistent for this function")) return return K
def __init__(self, ip_addr, config_file, server_mode, group_name, epics_prefix,\ polling_en, comm_type, pcie_rssi_link, stream_pv_size, stream_pv_type,\ pv_dump_file): try: pyrogue.Root.__init__(self, name='AMCc', description='AMC Carrier') # File writer for streaming interfaces # DDR interface (TDEST 0x80 - 0x87) stm_data_writer = pyrogue.utilities.fileio.StreamWriter( name='streamDataWriter') self.add(stm_data_writer) # Streaming interface (TDEST 0xC0 - 0xC7) stm_interface_writer = pyrogue.utilities.fileio.StreamWriter( name='streamingInterface') self.add(stm_interface_writer) # Workaround to FpgaTopLelevel not supporting rssi = None if pcie_rssi_link == None: pcie_rssi_link = 0 # Instantiate Fpga top level fpga = FpgaTopLevel(ipAddr=ip_addr, commType=comm_type, pcieRssiLink=pcie_rssi_link) # Add devices self.add(fpga) # Add data streams (0-7) to file channels (0-7) for i in range(8): # DDR streams pyrogue.streamConnect( + i), stm_data_writer.getChannel(i)) # Streaming interface streams #pyrogue.streamConnect( + i), # new commended out # stm_interface_writer.getChannel(i)) # Our receiver data_fifo =, 0, 1) # new self.my_processor = MyModule.MyProcessor() self.my_processor.setDebug(False) #pyrogue.streamConnect(, data_fifo) # new #pyrogue.streamConnect(, data_fifo) # new pyrogue.streamConnect(, data_fifo) pyrogue.streamConnect(data_fifo, self.my_processor) #pyrogue.streamTap(, rx) # Run control for streaming interfaces self.add( pyrogue.RunControl(name='streamRunControl', description='Run controller', cmd=fpga.SwDaqMuxTrig, rates={ 1: '1 Hz', 10: '10 Hz', 30: '30 Hz' })) # PVs for stream data, used on PCAS-based EPICS server if epics_prefix and stream_pv_size: if use_pcas: print("Enabling stream data on PVs (buffer size = {} points, data type = {})"\ .format(stream_pv_size,stream_pv_type)) # Add data streams (0-7) to local variables so they are expose as PVs # Also add PVs to select the data format for i in range(8): # Calculate number of bytes needed on the fifo if '16' in stream_pv_type: fifo_size = stream_pv_size * 2 else: fifo_size = stream_pv_size * 4 # Setup a FIFO tapped to the steram data and a Slave data buffer # Local variables will talk to the data buffer directly. stream_fifo = 0, fifo_size, 0) data_buffer = DataBuffer(size=stream_pv_size, data_type=stream_pv_type) stream_fifo._setSlave(data_buffer) #pyrogue.streamTap( + i), stream_fifo) # Variable to read the stream data stream_var = pyrogue.LocalVariable( name='Stream{}'.format(i), description='Stream {}'.format(i), mode='RO', value=0,, update=False, hidden=True) # Set the buffer callback to update the variable data_buffer.set_callback(stream_var.updated) # Variable to set the data format data_format_var = pyrogue.LocalVariable( name='StreamDataFormat{}'.format(i), description='Type of data being unpacked', mode='RW', value=0, enum={ i: j for i, j in enumerate( data_buffer.get_data_format_list()) }, localSet=data_buffer.set_data_format, localGet=data_buffer.get_data_format, hidden=True) # Variable to set the data byte order byte_order_var = pyrogue.LocalVariable( name='StreamDataByteOrder{}'.format(i), description='Byte order of data being unpacked', mode='RW', value=0, enum={ i: j for i, j in enumerate( data_buffer.get_data_byte_order_list()) }, localSet=data_buffer.set_data_byte_order, localGet=data_buffer.get_data_byte_order, hidden=True) # Variable to read the data format string format_string_var = pyrogue.LocalVariable( name='StreamDataFormatString{}'.format(i), description='Format string used to unpack the data', mode='RO', value=0, localGet=data_buffer.get_data_format_string, hidden=True) # Add listener to update the format string readback variable # when the data format or data byte order is changed data_format_var.addListener(format_string_var) byte_order_var.addListener(format_string_var) # Add the local variable to self self.add(stream_var) self.add(data_format_var) self.add(byte_order_var) self.add(format_string_var) # lcaPut limits the maximun lenght of a string to 40 chars, as defined # in the EPICS R3.14 CA reference manual. This won't allowed to use the # command 'ReadConfig' with a long file path, which is usually the case. # This function is a workaround to that problem. Fomr matlab one can # just call this function without arguments an the function ReadConfig # will be called with a predefined file passed during startup # However, it can be usefull also win the GUI, so it is always added. self.config_file = config_file self.add( pyrogue.LocalCommand(name='setDefaults', description='Set default configuration', function=self.set_defaults_cmd)) self.add( pyrogue.LocalCommand(name='runGarbageCollection', description='runGarbageCollection', function=self.run_garbage_collection)) self.add( pyrogue.LocalVariable( name='smurfProcessorDebug', description='Enable smurf processor transmit debug', mode='RW', value=False, localSet=lambda value: self.my_processor.setDebug(value), hidden=False)) # Start the root if group_name: # Start with Pyro4 server host_name = get_host_name() print( "Starting rogue server with Pyro using group name \"{}\"". format(group_name)) self.start(pollEn=polling_en, pyroGroup=group_name, pyroHost=host_name, pyroNs=None) else: # Start without Pyro4 server print("Starting rogue server") self.start(pollEn=polling_en) self.ReadAll() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Killing server creation...") super(LocalServer, self).stop() exit() # Show image build information try: print("") print("FPGA image build information:") print("===================================") print("BuildStamp : {}"\ .format(self.FpgaTopLevel.AmcCarrierCore.AxiVersion.BuildStamp.get())) print("FPGA Version : 0x{:x}"\ .format(self.FpgaTopLevel.AmcCarrierCore.AxiVersion.FpgaVersion.get())) print("Git hash : 0x{:x}"\ .format(self.FpgaTopLevel.AmcCarrierCore.AxiVersion.GitHash.get())) except AttributeError as attr_error: print("Attibute error: {}".format(attr_error)) print("") # Start the EPICS server if epics_prefix: print("Starting EPICS server using prefix \"{}\"".format( epics_prefix)) # Choose the appropiate epics module: if use_pcas: self.epics = pyrogue.epics.EpicsCaServer(base=epics_prefix, root=self) else: self.epics = pyrogue.protocols.epics.EpicsCaServer( base=epics_prefix, root=self) # PVs for stream data, used on GDD-based EPICS server if stream_pv_size: print("Enabling stream data on PVs (buffer size = {} points, data type = {})"\ .format(stream_pv_size,stream_pv_type)) for i in range(8): stream_slave = self.epics.createSlave( name="AMCc:Stream{}".format(i), maxSize=stream_pv_size, type=stream_pv_type) # Calculate number of bytes needed on the fifo if '16' in stream_pv_type: fifo_size = stream_pv_size * 2 else: fifo_size = stream_pv_size * 4 stream_fifo = 0, fifo_size, 0) # chnages stream_fifo._setSlave(stream_slave) pyrogue.streamTap( + i), stream_fifo) self.epics.start() # Dump the PV list to the especified file if pv_dump_file: try: # Try to open the output file f = open(pv_dump_file, "w") except IOError: print("Could not open the PV dump file \"{}\"".format( pv_dump_file)) else: with f: print("Dumping PV list to \"{}\"...".format( pv_dump_file)) try: try: # Redirect the stdout to the output file momentarily original_stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, f self.epics.dump() finally: sys.stdout = original_stdout print("Done!") except: # Capture error from epics.dump() if any print("Errors were found during epics.dump()") # If no in server Mode, start the GUI if not server_mode: create_gui(self) else: # Stop the server when Crtl+C is pressed print("") print("Running in server mode now. Press Ctrl+C to stop...") try: # Wait for Ctrl+C while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
# It is better to use module's name with its objects # in order to avoid confusion with objects of other # modules having the same name. print('Version of this program: {}'.format(__version__)) print('Version of MyModule: {}'.format(mm.__version__)) print('Version of sys module: {}'.format(sys.version)) # We can get Program's name via sys module as we get # from CLI in C. But we cannot get argc. print('Name of this program: {}'.format(sys.argv[0])) print('No. of CLI arguments: {}'.format(len(sys.argv))) # Module 'os' has interesting usage specially when # we need to deal with multiple files with different # naming styles. # os.walk() returns dirPath, subdirs and filenames. dirName = '/home/sangeeta/Programming/TensorFlow/ADCIS/exudates' for dirPath, subDir, imgFileList in os.walk(dirName): print(dirPath) print(subDir) for imgFileName in imgFileList: print(imgFileName) # Usage of user-defined module # (i.e., my module named MyModule) print('a + b: {}'.format(mm.add())) print('a - b: {}'.format(mm.sub())) print('a * b: {}'.format(mm.mul())) print('a / b: {}'.format(mm.div()))
#from time import * 调用time里的所有功能 #form time import time,localtime 只调用time的time() localtime()函数 import time as t print(t.time()) print(t.gmtime) #导入自己的模块 #放在同一目录下或者是在C:\Users\75286\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Lib\site-packages import MyModule MyModule.Print('world')
def crossplotLogs(aBunchOfLogs=mm.BunchOfLogs()): branch = tk.Tk() branch.wm_title("Cross plotting logs") branch.withdraw class simPlotXY: def __init__(self, X=[], Y=[]): self.Z = zip(self.X, self.Y) self.plt = SimPlot() plt.plotLine(self.Z) plt.mainloop() class set_X_VariablesIn: def __init__(self, aBunchOfLogs=mm.BunchOfLogs, logNum=-999): mainCrossplotFrame.xIdVariable.set( str(aBunchOfLogs.MyLogLabel[LogNum])) mainCrossplotFrame.xTypeVariable.set( str(aBunchOfLogs.LogType[LogNum])) mainCrossplotFrame.xLog = aBunchOfLogs.TheLog[LogNum].Value class set_Y_VariablesIn: def __init__(self, aBunchOfLogs=mm.BunchOfLogs, logNum=-999): mainCrossplotFrame.yIdVariable.set( str(aBunchOfLogs.MyLogLabel[LogNum])) mainCrossplotFrame.yTypeVariable.set( str(aBunchOfLogs.LogType[LogNum])) mainCrossplotFrame.yLog = aBunchOfLogs.TheLog[LogNum].Value class getXLog: def __init__(self, myParent, aBunchOfLogs=mm.BunchOfLogs()): self.getXLogFrame = tk.Frame(myParent) if aBunchOfLogs.NumLogs == 0: self.rowCounter = 0 self.noLogsLabel = tk.Label( self.getXLogFrame, text=" There appears to be no logs for this session ", font=("Comic Sans MS", 16), fg="Blue") self.noLogsLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=0) self.rowCounter += 1 self.exitButton = tk.Button(self.getXLogFrame, text="Exit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Red", command=myParent.destroy) self.exitButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3, stick=E + W) else: self.rowCounter = 0 self.pickLogLabel = tk.Label( self.getXLogFrame, text="Pick a log from the list below.", font=("Comic Sans MS", 16), fg="Blue") self.pickLogLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3) self.rowCounter += 1 self.idLabel = tk.Label(self.getXLogFrame, text="Log ID", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.idLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=0) self.typeLabel = tk.Label(self.getXLogFrame, text="Log Type", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.typeLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=1) self.unitLabel = tk.Label(self.getXLogFrame, text="Log Unit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.unitLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=2) self.rowCounter += 1 for self.i in range(aBunchOfLogs.NumLogs): self.LogIdLabel = tk.Label( self.getXLogFrame, text=str(aBunchOfLogs.MyLogLabel[self.i]), font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.LogTypeRadioButton = tk.Radiobutton( self.getXLogFrame, text=str(aBunchOfLogs.LogType[self.i]), font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black", command=lambda: set_X_VariablesIn( aBunchOfLogs, self.i)) self.LogUnitLabel = tk.Label( self.getXLogFrame, text=str(aBunchOfLogs.TheLog[self.i].ValueUnit), font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.rowCounter += 1 self.exitButton = tk.Button(self.getXLogFrame, text="Exit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Red", command=myParent.destroy) self.exitButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3, stick=E + W) class getYLog: def __init__(self, myParent, aBunchOfLogs=mm.BunchOfLogs()): self.getYLogFrame = tk.Frame(myParent) if aBunchOfLogs.NumLogs == 0: self.rowCounter = 0 self.noLogsLabel = tk.Label( self.getYLogFrame, text=" There appears to be no logs for this session ", font=("Comic Sans MS", 16), fg="Blue") self.noLogsLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=0) self.rowCounter += 1 self.exitButton = tk.Button(self.getYLogFrame, text="Exit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Red", command=myParent.destroy) self.exitButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3, stick=E + W) else: self.rowCounter = 0 self.pickLogLabel = tk.Label( self.getYLogFrame, text="Pick a log from the list below.", font=("Comic Sans MS", 16), fg="Blue") self.pickLogLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3) self.rowCounter += 1 self.idLabel = tk.Label(self.getYLogFrame, text="Log ID", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.idLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=0) self.typeLabel = tk.Label(self.getYLogFrame, text="Log Type", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.typeLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=1) self.unitLabel = tk.Label(self.getYLogFrame, text="Log Unit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.unitLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=2) self.rowCounter += 1 for self.i in range(aBunchOfLogs.NumLogs): self.LogIdLabel = tk.Label( self.getYLogFrame, text=str(aBunchOfLogs.MyLogLabel[self.i]), font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.LogTypeRadioButton = tk.Radiobutton( self.getYLogFrame, text=str(aBunchOfLogs.LogType[self.i]), font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black", command=lambda: set_Y_VariablesIn( aBunchOfLogs, self.i)) self.LogUnitLabel = tk.Label( self.getYLogFrame, text=str(aBunchOfLogs.TheLog[self.i].ValueUnit), font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.rowCounter += 1 self.exitButton = tk.Button(self.getYLogFrame, text="Exit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Red", command=myParent.destroy) self.exitButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3, stick=E + W) class mainCrossplotFrame: def __init__(self, myParent, aBunchOfLogs): """ The main definitions of a cross-plotting object """ # setting up the main variables for this class of object mainCrossplotFrame.xIdVariable = tk.StrVar() mainCrossplotFrame.xIdVariable.set("None") mainCrossplotFrame.xTypeVariable = tk.StrVar() mainCrossplotFrame.xTypeVariable.set("None") mainCrossplotFrame.xLog = [] mainCrossplotFrame.yIdVariable = tk.StrVar() mainCrossplotFrame.yIdVariable.set("None") mainCrossplotFrame.yTypeVariable = tk.StrVar() mainCrossplotFrame.yTypeVariable.set("None") mainCrossplotFrame.yLog = [] self.xplotFrame = tk.Frame(myParent) self.xplotFrame.pack() self.rowCounter = 0 self.mainXplotLabel = tk.Label(self.xplotFrame, text="Log (x,y) plotting function", font=("Comic Sans MS", 16), fg="Blue") self.mainXplotLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3, sticky=E + W) self.rowCounter += 1 self.clickLable = tk.Label(self.xplotFrame, text="Click button below", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.clickLable.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=0) self.idLable = tk.Label(row=self.rowCounter, text="Log ID", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.idLable.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=1) self.typeLable = tk.Label(row=self.rowCounter, text="Log ID", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.typeLable.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=2) self.rowCounter += 1 self.xLogChooseButton = tk.Button( self.xplotFrame, text="Choose X Log", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black", command=lambda: getXLog(myParent, aBunchOfLogs)) self.xLogChooseButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=0) self.xLogIdLable = tk.Label(self.xplotFrame, textvariable=self.xIdVariable, font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.xLogIdLable.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=1) self.xLogTypeLable = tk.Label(self.xplotFrame, textvariable=self.xIdVariable, font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.xLogTypeLable.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=2) self.rowCounter += 1 self.yLogChooseButton = tk.Button( self.xplotFrame, text="Choose Y Log", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black", command=lambda: getYLog(myParent, aBunchOfLogs)) self.yLogChooseButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=0) self.yLogIdLable = tk.Label(self.xplotFrame, textvariable=self.yIdVariable, font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.yLogIdLable.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=1) self.yLogTypeLable = tk.Label(self.xplotFrame, textvariable=self.yIdVariable, font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.yLogTypeLable.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=2) self.rowCounter += 1 self.submitPlotButton = tk.Button( self.xplotFrame, text="Submit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black", command=lambda: simPlotXY(self.xLog, self.yLog)) self.submitPlotButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3, sticky=E + W) self.rowCounter += 1 self.exitButton = tk.Button(self.xplotFrame, text="Exit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Red", command=myParent.destroy) self.exitButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3, stick=E + W) self.rowCounter += 1
# h[4]=0.1 # # plt.plot(h) # plt.plot(np.abs(mm.fft(h))) '''lp filter''' LP=np.zeros((N),dtype=complex) fc=0.08 Nc=int(fc*N) for n in range(Nc): LP[n]=1.0 LP[(N-n+N) % N]=1.0 plt.plot(np.abs(LP)) lp=mm.ifft(LP) lpr=np.zeros((N),dtype=complex) lpr[:N//2],lpr[N//2:]=lp[N//2:],lp[:N//2] plt.plot(lpr.real) #plt.plot(lp.real) lp_trimed = np.zeros((N),dtype=complex) lp_trimed[N//2-M//2:N//2+M//2]=lpr[N//2-M//2:N//2+M//2] LP_trimed=mm.fft(lp_trimed) plt.plot(np.abs(LP_trimed)) plt.plot(lp_trimed.real) '''lp-windowed 0.54-0.46cos(2pi*n/M)''' window=np.zeros((N),dtype=complex) for n in range(M): # Author: Yuichiro SUGA # Created: 2018-04-17 # Email: [email protected] # This program is a demonstration of calling module from other code file in the same file. import MyModule MyModule.hello() print('fib(10)=', MyModule.fib(10))
# mm.dftplot(x,x) '''h=1.0 at 0, 0.2 at 25000, 0.02 at 50000''' '''y[n]=1x[n]+0.2x[n-25000]+0.02x[n-50000]''' echolen=25000 numofecho=3 Nfft=2**18 Nfilter=2**17 '''hlen=echolen*numofecho+1''' hecho=np.zeros((Nfilter),dtype=float) hecho[0]=1.0 hecho[1*echolen]=0.2 hecho[2*echolen]=0.04 hecho[3*echolen]=0.008 yiffted=mm.convlong(x,hecho,Nfft) sw.write('Libaiecho.wav',fs,yiffted) #h=np.array([1.0]+[0.0]*(25000-1)+[0.2]+[0.0]*(25000-1)+[0.02]+[0]*(len(x)-50000-1)) #y=mm.ifft(mm.fft(x)*mm.fft(h)) #y=mm.convlong(x,h,) # x=np.array([1,2,3,0,1,-1,0,0]) # h=np.array([3,1,4,2,0,0,0,0]) # y=mm.conv(x,h) # X=mm.fft(x) # H=mm.fft(h) # y1=mm.ifft(X*H) #
def get_Ksat_FromGassmannEquation(Kdry, Kfluid, Kmin, Phi): """ Computes the saturated bulk modulus of a rock usin Gassmann's equation. Input Variables: Kdry = The dry frame bulk modulus (Gpa) Kfluid = The fluid bulk modulus (Gpa) Kmin = The mineral/matrix bulk modulus (Gpa) Phi = The porosity (Fraction, V/V) Output Variable: Ksat = The saturated bulk modulus (Gpa) """ if isinstance(Kdry, (int, long, float, complex)) and (isinstance( Kfluid, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( Kmin, (int, long, float, complex))) and (isinstance( Phi, (int, long, float, complex))): A1 = 1 - (Kdry / Kmin) A = A1 * A1 B1 = Phi / Kfluid B2 = (1 - Phi) / Kmin B3 = Kdry / (Kmin * Kmin) B = B1 + B2 - B3 C = A / B Ksat = Kfluid + C elif type(Kdry) == np.ndarray and (type(Kfluid) == np.ndarray) and ( type(Kmin) == np.ndarray) and (type(Phi) == np.ndarray) and ( len(Kdry) == len(Kfluid)) and (len(Kfluid) == len(Kmin)) and (len(Kmin) == len(Phi)): A1 = 1 - (Kdry / Kmin) A = A1 * A1 B1 = Phi / Kfluid B2 = (1 - Phi) / Kmin B3 = Kdry / (Kmin * Kmin) B = B1 + B2 - B3 C = A / B Ksat = Kfluid + C elif type(Vp) == list and (type(Vs) == list) and (type(Rho) == list) and ( len(Vp) == len(Vs)) and (len(Vs) == len(Rho)): numItems = len(Vp) A1 = [1 - (Kdry[i] / Kmin[i]) for i in range(numItems)] A = [A1[i] * A1[i] for i in range(numItems)] B1 = [Phi[i] / Kfluid[i] for i in range(numItems)] B2 = [(1 - Phi[i]) / Kmin[i] for i in range(numItems)] B3 = [Kdry[i] / (Kmin[i] * Kmin[i]) for i in range(numItems)] B = [B1[i] + B[i] - B3[i] for i in range(numItems)] C = [A[i] / B[i] for i in range(numItems)] Ksat = [Kfluid[i] + C[i] for i in range(numItems)] else: mm.myStdErrorMessage( "Error: get_Vp_from_K_Mu_Rho", ("The input variables are not consistent for this function")) return return Ksat
# title : python <-> c test # author : ysoftman import MyModule MyModule.syscmd("ls -ahl")
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import MyModule, YourModule print "----" #print "MyModule.nick : ", MyModule.nick #MyModule.printNick() print " __name__:", __name__ # 만일 main 으로 시작 되었을 때 실행할 코드가 있다면 # 아래와 같이 작성한다. # java에서 main메소드 느낌 if __name__=="__main__": # main 으로 시작 되었을때만 실행순서가 들어온다. MyModule.printNick() YourModule.printNick()
def __init__(self, myParent, aBunchOfLogs=mm.BunchOfLogs()): self.getXLogFrame = tk.Frame(myParent) if aBunchOfLogs.NumLogs == 0: self.rowCounter = 0 self.noLogsLabel = tk.Label( self.getXLogFrame, text=" There appears to be no logs for this session ", font=("Comic Sans MS", 16), fg="Blue") self.noLogsLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=0) self.rowCounter += 1 self.exitButton = tk.Button(self.getXLogFrame, text="Exit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Red", command=myParent.destroy) self.exitButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3, stick=E + W) else: self.rowCounter = 0 self.pickLogLabel = tk.Label( self.getXLogFrame, text="Pick a log from the list below.", font=("Comic Sans MS", 16), fg="Blue") self.pickLogLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3) self.rowCounter += 1 self.idLabel = tk.Label(self.getXLogFrame, text="Log ID", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.idLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=0) self.typeLabel = tk.Label(self.getXLogFrame, text="Log Type", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.typeLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=1) self.unitLabel = tk.Label(self.getXLogFrame, text="Log Unit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Green") self.unitLabel.grid(row=self.rowCounter, column=2) self.rowCounter += 1 for self.i in range(aBunchOfLogs.NumLogs): self.LogIdLabel = tk.Label( self.getXLogFrame, text=str(aBunchOfLogs.MyLogLabel[self.i]), font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.LogTypeRadioButton = tk.Radiobutton( self.getXLogFrame, text=str(aBunchOfLogs.LogType[self.i]), font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black", command=lambda: set_X_VariablesIn( aBunchOfLogs, self.i)) self.LogUnitLabel = tk.Label( self.getXLogFrame, text=str(aBunchOfLogs.TheLog[self.i].ValueUnit), font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Black") self.rowCounter += 1 self.exitButton = tk.Button(self.getXLogFrame, text="Exit", font=("Comic Sans MS", 14), fg="Red", command=myParent.destroy) self.exitButton.grid(row=self.rowCounter, columnspan=3, stick=E + W)
from sys import exit import MyModule a_map = MyModule.Map('phone_call') a_game = MyModule.Engine(a_map) MyModule.Engine()
import MyModule MyModule.PrintDetails("Ajeya Nayak", "DS235062", "6363520361") import datetime x = print(x) print(x.year) print(x.strftime("%A"))
import MyModule # simple functions print MyModule.getNumber() print MyModule.setGetNumber(4) print MyModule.getString() # struct point = MyModule.getPoint() print point.x # class classA = MyModule.ClassA( 55 ) print classA.a print classA.getA(); # struct in class vector = classA.getVector(); print vector.x # enum in class print classA.setGetColor(MyModule.ClassA_COLOR.RED);