def GetLottoHistoryToSQL(soup): lastSeries = getLastSeries(soup) chkQuery = "SELECT series from lotto_history" chkResult = sql.selectStmt(chkQuery) chkList = [] for row in chkResult: chkList.append(int(row[0])) crawlingList = list(set(list(range(1, lastSeries+1))) - set(chkList)) if crawlingList.__len__() == 0: print('대상 없음') return for i in crawlingList: url = '' + str(i) soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read(), "lxml") result = str(soup.find(id="desc")['content']) ret = result.split('당첨번호') nubmerList = ret[1].split('.')[0].strip().split('+')[0].split((',')) n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6 = nubmerList bonusNumber = ret[1].split('.')[0].strip().split('+')[1] totalCnt = ret[1].split('.')[1].split(('총'))[1].split(',')[0].strip().replace('명','').replace(',', '') price = ret[1].split('.')[1].split(('총'))[1].split('당첨금액')[1].strip().replace('원','').replace(',', '') print(str(i) + '회 당첨번호 :', nubmerList, '보너스 번호 :', bonusNumber, '1등 수 :', totalCnt, '인당 당첨금액 :', price) query = "insert into lotto_history(series, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, bonus_n, total_winner, each_price, timestamp) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, NOW()) " % (int(i), int(n1), int(n2), int(n3), int(n4), int(n5), int(n6), int(bonusNumber), int(totalCnt), int(price)) sql.insertStmt(query=query) # GetLottoHistoryToSQL(soup)
def __init__(self, connectArgs): verbose, cacheUser, connectParams= self.__unpackConnectArgs(connectArgs) self.verbose=verbose if cacheUser: import MySQL self.conn=MySQL.getConnection(cacheUser) else: self.conn=MySQLdb.connect(**connectParams) self.bindVariables = 0
def __init__(self, parent, title, nlist, user): self.user = user if nlist == 3: self.nsize = nlist wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title=title, size=(600, 600)) self.font1 = wx.Font(20, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False, 'Consolas') panel = wx.Panel(self, -1) # 布局 # self.control = wx.TextCtrl(panel, pos =(20,20), size=(50,50),style = wx.TE_CENTER) # 控制TextCtrl self.list_text_id = list() list_tmp_num = self.Num(3) rnum = random.randint(3, 5) # print(rnum) cntnum = 0 stmp = 0 for i in range(0, 3): # 0 1 2 for j in range(0, 3): # 0 1 2 s = random.randint(stmp, 5) if s > 2 and rnum > 0: stmp = 0 rnum -= 1 text = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(90 + i * 120, 50 + j * 120), size=(50, 50), style=wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_CENTER) text.SetValue(str(list_tmp_num[int(i * 3 + j)])) text.SetFont(self.font1) text.SetMaxLength(1) self.list_text_id.append(text.GetId()) else: stmp += 1 text = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(90 + i * 120, 50 + j * 120), size=(50, 50), style=wx.TE_CENTER) text.SetFont(self.font1) text.SetMaxLength(1) self.list_text_id.append(text.GetId()) self.row.append(text.GetId()) self.row_list.append(self.row) elif nlist == 9: self.nsize = nlist wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title=title, size=(1000, 700)) self.font1 = wx.Font(20, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False, 'Consolas') panel = wx.Panel(self, -1) self.list_text_id = list() list_tmp_num = self.Num(9) rnum = random.randint(20, 60) cntnum = 0 stmp = 0 for i in range(0, 9): for j in range(0, 9): s = random.randint(stmp, stmp + 3) if s > 2 and rnum > 0: stmp = 0 rnum -= 1 text = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(30 + i * 50, 30 + j * 50), size=(50, 50), style=wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_CENTER) text.SetValue(str(list_tmp_num[i][j])) text.SetFont(self.font1) text.SetMaxLength(1) self.list_text_id.append(text.GetId()) else: stmp += 1 text = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(30 + i * 50, 30 + j * 50), size=(50, 50), style=wx.TE_CENTER) text.SetFont(self.font1) text.SetMaxLength(1) self.list_text_id.append(text.GetId()) self.row.append(text.GetId()) self.row_list.append(self.row) else: self.nsize = nlist wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title=title, size=(1000, 700)) self.font1 = wx.Font(20, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False, 'Consolas') panel = wx.Panel(self, -1) # 布局 self.list_text_id = list() list_tmp_num = self.Num(9) rnum = random.randint(20, 60) mysql = MySQL.mysql() sql = "select * from userplay where usera = '" + self.user + "' or userb = '" + self.user + "'" res = mysql.newselect(sql) touser = 0 if res[0][0] == self.user: touser = res[0][1] addr = res[0][3] self.toip = res[0][4] else: touser = res[0][0] addr = res[0][4] self.toip = res[0][3] # self.toip='' self.myip = addr s = MySQL.mysql() print('self.toip::' + self.toip) wx.StaticText(panel, label='名称', pos=(700, 0)).SetFont(self.font1) sql = "select uname from user where uid = '" + user + "'" wx.StaticText(panel, label=s.newselect(sql)[0][0], pos=(800, 0)).SetFont(self.font1) wx.StaticText(panel, label='分数', pos=(700, 30)).SetFont(self.font1) sql = "select rankcnt from user where uid = '" + user + "'" wx.StaticText(panel, label=s.newselect(sql)[0][0], pos=(800, 30)).SetFont(self.font1) wx.StaticText(panel, label='段位', pos=(700, 60)).SetFont(self.font1) sql = "select rankValue from user,user_rank where user.uid = '" + self.user + "' and user.rankID = user_rank.rankID" wx.StaticText(panel, label=s.newselect(sql)[0][0], pos=(800, 60)).SetFont(self.font1) self.thread_rev = Thread(target=self.Tcp_Rev, args=(self.toip, )) self.thread_rev.start() self.mycnt = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(700, 100), size=(50, 50), style=wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_CENTER) self.mycnt.SetValue('0') self.mycnt.SetFont(self.font1) self.tocnt = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(700, 300), size=(50, 50), style=wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_CENTER) self.tocnt.SetValue('0') self.tocnt.SetFont(self.font1) wx.StaticText(panel, label='名称', pos=(700, 200)).SetFont(self.font1) sql = "select uname from user where uid = '" + touser + "'" wx.StaticText(panel, label=s.newselect(sql)[0][0], pos=(800, 200)).SetFont(self.font1) wx.StaticText(panel, label='分数', pos=(700, 230)).SetFont(self.font1) sql = "select rankcnt from user where uid = '" + touser + "'" wx.StaticText(panel, label=s.newselect(sql)[0][0], pos=(800, 230)).SetFont(self.font1) wx.StaticText(panel, label='段位', pos=(700, 260)).SetFont(self.font1) sql = "select rankValue from user,user_rank where user.uid = '" + touser + "' and user.rankID = user_rank.rankID" wx.StaticText(panel, label=s.newselect(sql)[0][0], pos=(800, 260)).SetFont(self.font1) cntnum = 0 stmp = 0 for i in range(0, 9): # 0 1 2 for j in range(0, 9): # 0 1 2 s = random.randint(stmp, stmp + 3) if s > 2 and rnum > 0: stmp = 0 rnum -= 1 text = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(30 + i * 50, 30 + j * 50), size=(50, 50), style=wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_CENTER) text.SetValue(str(list_tmp_num[i][j])) text.SetFont(self.font1) text.SetMaxLength(1) self.list_text_id.append(text.GetId()) else: stmp += 1 text = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(30 + i * 50, 30 + j * 50), size=(50, 50), style=wx.TE_CENTER) text.SetFont(self.font1) text.SetMaxLength(1) self.list_text_id.append(text.GetId()) self.row.append(text.GetId()) self.row_list.append(self.row) self.Center() filemenu = wx.Menu() menuAbout = filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, "About", " Information about this program") filemenu.AppendSeparator() menuExit = filemenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "Exit", " Terminate the program") menuBar = wx.MenuBar() menuBar.Append(filemenu, "File") self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, menuAbout) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExit, menuExit) for i in self.list_text_id: objControl = self.FindWindowById(i) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.listennum, objControl) self.Show(True)
from SkunkWeb import Configuration import MySQL from SkunkExcept import SkunkStandardError from requestHandler.requestHandler import CleanupRequest Configuration.mergeDefaults( MySQLConnectParams = {}, MySQLRollback=0, MySQLTestFunc=None ) # add test function (used by MySQL connection cache to test # connections before handing them out) MySQL.connection_test=Configuration.MySQLTestFunc for u, p in Configuration.MySQLConnectParams.items(): MySQL.initUser(u, p) # optional rollback def rollback(*args): for v in MySQL._connections.values(): try: v.rollback() except: pass if Configuration.MySQLRollback: CleanupRequest.addFunction(rollback)
# s q l P h o n e . p y # # Maintain mysql database table 'phones' # from Tkinter import * import MySQL db = MySQL.connect("") db.selectdb("test") def whichSelected(): print "At %s" % (select.curselection()) return int(select.curselection()[0]) def dosql(cmd): print cmd c = db.query(cmd) setSelect() def addEntry(): c = db.query("select max(id)+1 from phones") id = c.fetchdict()[0].values()[0] # digs deep to get next id dosql("insert into phones values (%d,'%s','%s')" % (id, nameVar.get(), phoneVar.get())) def updateEntry(): id = phoneList[whichSelected()][0] dosql("update phones set name='%s', phone='%s' where id=%d" % (nameVar.get(), phoneVar.get(), id))
def saveIntoMySQL(fname, db=None): db = MySQL.MySQL( host="localhost", usr="******", passwd="root", dbase='bug320') if db == None else db links = openCSV(fname) for link in links: #if True: #link = links[0] save = True html = download(link[1], headers) if html == None: save = False soup = BeautifulSoup(html, htmlparser) if soup == None: save = False if save == False: db.insert("subpage", title="", url=link[1], flag=str(save)) else: attr = [] # title=0,gongsi=1,person=2,time=3, #print soup.prettify() attr.append( soup.find("h1", attrs={ "class": "TxtCenter Padding10 BorderEEEBottom Top5" }).string.encode("utf-8")) #class="TxtCenters #attr.append(string.string for string in soup.find_all("span",attrs={"class":"Blue"})) for string in soup.find_all("span", attrs={"class": "Blue"}): attr.append(string.string.encode("utf-8")) pass #for at in attr: # print at sql = "url = '%s'" % (link[1]) sql = "select title from subpage where %s" % sql if not db.selectSQL("subpage", sql): #print bool(db.selectSQL("subpage",sql)) #db.execSQL("subpage","set names utf8") db.insert("subpage", url=link[1], title=attr[0], gongsi=attr[1], person=attr[2], time=attr[3], user=attr[4], flag=str(save)) else: ##print "OK" sql = "url = '%s'" % (link[1]) sql = "select flag from subpage where %s" % sql #sql = "url = '%s'" % (link[1]) if bool(db.selectSQL("subpage", sql)[0]['flag']) == False: sql = "url = '%s'" % (link[1]) # title = attr[0], gongsi = attr[1], person = attr[2], time = attr[3], user = attr[4], flag = str(save) db.update(title=attr[0], gongsi=attr[1], person=attr[2], time=attr[3], user=attr[4], flag=str(save), where=sql) else: print "Ok" """ <div class="BorderEEE BorderRedTop" style="min-height:400px;"> <h1 class="TxtCenter Padding10 BorderEEEBottom Top5"> 关于洛阳市公安局办案设备采购项目的中标结果公告 </h1> <div class="TxtRight Padding5"> 发布机构: <span class="Blue"> 洛阳泽丰建设工程咨询有限公司 </span> 发布人: <span class="Blue"> 张晓燕 </span> 发布日期: <span class="Blue"> 2017-06-14 08:53 </span> 访问次数: <span class="Blue"> 27 </span> </div> """ pass pass
def getKbds(): return { "Principal": [[ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'tmp', lang), callback_data='Temperatura'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'hum', lang), callback_data='Humedad') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'lig', lang), callback_data='Luz'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'prs', lang), callback_data='Presion') ]], "Temperatura": [[ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'max_tmp', lang), callback_data='TMax'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'min_tmp', lang), callback_data='TMin') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'avg_tmp', lang), callback_data='TMedia'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'cur_tmp', lang), callback_data='TActual') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'back', lang), callback_data='@back') ]], "Humedad": [[ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'max_hum', lang), callback_data='HMax'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'min_hum', lang), callback_data='HMin') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'avg_hum', lang), callback_data='HMedia'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'cur_hum', lang), callback_data='HActual') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'back', lang), callback_data='@back') ]], "Luz": [[ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'max_lig', lang), callback_data='LMax'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'min_lig', lang), callback_data='LMin') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'avg_lig', lang), callback_data='LMedia'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'cur_lig', lang), callback_data='LActual') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'back', lang), callback_data='@back') ]], "Presion": [[ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'max_prs', lang), callback_data='PMax'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'min_prs', lang), callback_data='PMin') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation( db_connection, 'avg_prs', lang), callback_data='PMedia'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation( db_connection, 'cur_prs', lang), callback_data='PActual') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation( db_connection, 'back', lang), callback_data='@back') ]], }
def opt(bot, update): reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(getKbds()["Principal"]) update.message.reply_text(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'main_menu', lang), reply_markup=reply_markup)
# # Copyright (C) 2001 Andrew T. Csillag <*****@*****.**> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. # from SkunkWeb import Configuration import MySQL Configuration.mergeDefaults( MySQLConnectParams = {}, ) for u, p in Configuration.MySQLConnectParams.items(): MySQL.initUser ( u, p )
def TimeFactor(self): lists=[] if self.dbconfig['party']==1: kaijiang_ssc=int(self.GetSsc()) else: kaijiang_ssc=0 db = MySQL(self.dbconfig) db.query('select kaijiang_count,kaijiang_ssc,number,id,kaijang_time,sid,no from '+self.dbconfig['prefix']+'shop_period where state=1') result = db.fetchAllRows() if result: for row in result: kaijang_num = (row[0]+row[1])%row[2]+10000001 db.query('select uid from '+self.dbconfig['prefix']+'shop_record where pid=%d and FIND_IN_SET("%d",num)' % (row[3],kaijang_num)) uid = db.fetchOneRow() if uid: db.update('update '+self.dbconfig['prefix']+'shop_period set kaijang_num="%s",uid=%d,state=2,kaijiang_ssc=%s where id=%d' % (kaijang_num,uid[0],kaijiang_ssc,row[3])) db.query('select nickname,openid from '+self.dbconfig['prefix']+'user where id=%d and status=1' % uid[0]) user = db.fetchOneRow() if(user[1]): lists.append({"touser":user[1],"pid":row[3],"username":user[0],"no":row[6],"time":row[4],"sid":row[5]}) db.close()
# s q l P h o n e . p y # # Maintain mysql database table 'phones' # from Tkinter import * import MySQL db = MySQL.connect('') db.selectdb("test") def whichSelected(): print "At %s" % (select.curselection()) return int(select.curselection()[0]) def dosql(cmd): print cmd c = db.query(cmd) setSelect() def addEntry(): c = db.query("select max(id)+1 from phones") id = c.fetchdict()[0].values()[0] # digs deep to get next id dosql("insert into phones values (%d,'%s','%s')" % (id, nameVar.get(), phoneVar.get())) def updateEntry(): id = phoneList[whichSelected()][0] dosql("update phones set name='%s', phone='%s' where id=%d" %
from DHT import DHT from Sensors import Sensors from File import File from MySQL import * from MongoDB import * import sys newSQL = MySQL() newMongo = MongoDB() newSQL.Conexion() newMongo.mongoConexion() sensors = Sensors() sensorList = sensors.getAllInstance() print(sensorList) sensorList.returnData()
def main(): db = MySQL.connectDatabase() MySQL.createTable(db)
def getConnection(self): return MySQL.getConnection(Configuration.SessionHandler_MySQLAlias)
def Sucessjudge(self, n): self.ans.clear() if n == 3: for i in self.list_text_id: objControl = self.FindWindowById(i) if objControl.GetValue() != '': self.ans.add(objControl.GetValue()) if len(self.ans) == n * n: print('Sucess') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Sucess") dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: cnt_cur = 0 cnt_row = 0 ans_tmp = set() text_numcur = list() text_numrow = list() for i in self.list_text_id: objControl = self.FindWindowById(i) if objControl.GetValue() == '': return for i in self.list_text_id: cnt_cur += 1 objControl = self.FindWindowById(i) text_numcur.append(objControl.GetValue()) ans_tmp.add(objControl.GetValue()) if cnt_cur == 9: cnt_cur = 0 if len(ans_tmp) != 9: return text_numrow.append(text_numcur) text_numcur.clear() for i in text_numrow: for j in range(0, 9): self.ans.add(i[j]) if len(self.ans) != 9: self.ans.clear() return cnt_cur = 0 cnt_row = 0 self.ans.clear() set1 = set() set2 = set() set3 = set() for i in text_numrow: cnt_row += 1 for j in i: if cnt_cur % 3 == 0: set1.add(j) elif cnt_cur % 3 == 1: set2.add(j) elif cnt_cur % 3 == 2: set3.add(j) cnt_cur += 1 if cnt_row == 3: cnt_row = 0 if len(set1) != 9 or len(set2) != 9 or len(set3) != 9: return set1.clear() set2.clear() set3.clear() print('Sucess') if nlist == 90: server.Tcp_Send('close', self.toip) mysql = MySQL.mysql() sql = "update user set rankcnt = rankcnt+100 where uid = ' " + self.user + "'" mysql.newupdate(sql) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Sucess") dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
import requests import re import TravelVars as tv import json import Creds import SkyScannerAPI import MySQL # make_all_combo_sessions() # for key in keys: # poll_session(key) # # for price in prices: # print(price) MySQL.my_cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM inq_req") db_id = MySQL.my_cursor.fetchone() while db_id: id = db_id[0] travel_vars = MySQL.get_skyscanner_search_vars(id) best_price = SkyScannerAPI.get_best_price(travel_vars) print(best_price) db_id = MySQL.my_cursor.fetchone()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #Telegram Bot Code from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler import MySQL from time import time # Use this instead of print so that the output can be seen in a server environment from Utils import sprint #Commands lang = "EN" db_connection = MySQL.getConnection('root', 'root', 'Atmos') txtIds = [] def getKbds(): return { "Principal": [[ InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'tmp', lang), callback_data='Temperatura'), InlineKeyboardButton(MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'hum', lang), callback_data='Humedad') ],
def get_court_data(self): url = '' html = UrlUtil.get_html(url) court_data_list = re.findall( re.compile( r'<a href="\S*?\?id=(\d+)" target="_blank">(\S*?)</a>\s*<span class="iconfont-sf">\((\d+)', re.S), html.decode('utf-8')) return court_data_list def spider_and_upsert_court_info(self): print("start to get court list and insert into DB") court_info_list = self.get_court_data() for court_info in court_info_list: if court_info.__len__() > 1: court_id = court_info[0] court_name = court_info[1] auction_count = court_info[2] select_sql = 'select count(*) from Courts where CourtId=' + court_id insert_sql = 'insert into Courts (CourtId, CourtName, AuctionCount) values (' + court_id + ',"' + court_name + '",' + auction_count + ')' update_sql = 'update Courts set AuctionCount= ' + auction_count + ' where CourtId=' + court_id mysql.upsert(select_sql, insert_sql, update_sql) print("end to get court list and insert into DB") if __name__ == '__main__': mysql = MySQL.MySQL() court_util = CourtUtil() court_util.spider_and_upsert_court_info() court_list = mysql.get_courts() print(court_list)
def updatemenu(bot, update, query, msgId, kbdId): try: reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(getKbds()[kbdId]) localized_manu_name = "ERROR" if kbdId == 'Principal': localized_manu_name = MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'main_menu', lang) elif kbdId == 'Temperatura': localized_manu_name = MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'tmp_menu', lang) elif kbdId == 'Humedad': localized_manu_name = MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'hum_menu', lang) elif kbdId == 'Presion': localized_manu_name = MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'prs_menu', lang) elif kbdId == 'Luz': localized_manu_name = MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'lig_menu', lang) bot.edit_message_text(text=localized_manu_name, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id, reply_markup=reply_markup) except KeyError: if not kbdId == '@back': lastLecture = None if kbdId.endswith('Actual'): lastLecture = MySQL.getLastLecture(db_connection) elif kbdId.endswith('Media'): lastLecture = MySQL.getAvg(db_connection) elif kbdId.endswith('Max'): lastLecture = MySQL.getMax(db_connection) elif kbdId.endswith('Min'): lastLecture = MySQL.getMin(db_connection) temp = None hum = None lig = None prs = None #sprint(lastLecture.column_names) res = None try: res = lastLecture.fetchall()[0] except IndexError: res = None sprint(res) temp, hum, lig, prs = res temp, hum, lig, prs = str(temp / 100), str(hum / 100), str( lig / 100), str(prs / 100) # Data is stored *100 # if len(lastLecture) > 0: #for tempf, humf, ligf, prsf in lastLecture: # temp, hum, lig, prs = tempf, humf, ligf, prsf # sprint(tempf, humf, ligf, prsf) # break; #else: # (temp, hum, lig, prs) = 'NO DATA' if (kbdId == '@back'): updatemenu(bot, update, query, msgId, "Principal") return elif (kbdId == 'TActual'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'cur_tmp', lang) + ": " + temp) return elif (kbdId == 'HActual'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'cur_hum', lang) + ": " + hum) return elif (kbdId == 'LActual'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'cur_lig', lang) + ": " + lig) return elif (kbdId == "PActual"): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'cur_prs', lang) + ": " + prs) return elif (kbdId == 'TMedia'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'avg_tmp', lang) + ": " + temp) return elif (kbdId == 'HMedia'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'avg_hum', lang) + ": " + hum) return elif (kbdId == 'LMedia'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'avg_lig', lang) + ": " + lig) return elif (kbdId == "PMedia"): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'avg_prs', lang) + ": " + prs) return elif (kbdId == 'TMax'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'max_tmp', lang) + ": " + temp) return elif (kbdId == 'HMax'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'max_hum', lang) + ": " + hum) return elif (kbdId == 'LMax'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'max_lig', lang) + ": " + lig) return elif (kbdId == "PMax"): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'max_prs', lang) + ": " + prs) return elif (kbdId == 'TMin'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'min_tmp', lang) + ": " + temp) return elif (kbdId == 'HMin'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'min_hum', lang) + ": " + hum) return elif (kbdId == 'LMin'): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'min_lig', lang) + ": " + lig) return elif (kbdId == "PMin"): bot.send_message( chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation(db_connection, 'min_prs', lang) + ": " + prs) return else: invalidMsg = bot.send_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text=MySQL.getTranslation( db_connection, 'invalid_id', lang)) time.sleep(3) bot.delete_message(chat_id=invalidMsg.chat_id, message_id=invalidMsg.message_id) query.answer()
def main(): inputSt = input("Searching:") db = MySQL.connectDatabase() print("Keywords:%s" % (inputSt)) words = jieba.cut(inputSt) orderURL(db, words)
def TimeFactor(self): if self.dbconfig['party'] == 1: kaijiang_ssc = int(self.GetSsc()) else: kaijiang_ssc = 0 db = MySQL(self.dbconfig) db.query( 'select kaijiang_count,kaijiang_ssc,number,id,kaijang_time,sid,no from ' + self.dbconfig['prefix'] + 'shop_period where state=1') result = db.fetchAllRows() if result: for row in result: kaijang_num = (row[0] + row[1]) % row[2] + 10000001 db.query('select uid from ' + self.dbconfig['prefix'] + 'shop_record where pid=%d and FIND_IN_SET("%d",num)' % (row[3], kaijang_num)) uid = db.fetchOneRow() if uid: db.update( 'update ' + self.dbconfig['prefix'] + 'shop_period set kaijang_num="%s",uid=%d,state=2,kaijiang_ssc=%s where id=%d' % (kaijang_num, uid[0], kaijiang_ssc, row[3])) db.close()
def getWid(db, keyword): sql = "select id from wordlist where word = " + "'" + keyword + "';" finalRt = MySQL.query(db, sql) if len(finalRt) == 0: return None return finalRt[0][0]
def saveIntoDB(fname, db, hdb): # 存入 MySQL db = MySQL.MySQL( host="localhost", usr="******", passwd="root", dbase='bug320') if db == None else db links = openCSV(fname) for link in links: # if True: # link = links[0] save = True html = download(link[1], headers) if html == None: save = False soup = BeautifulSoup(html, htmlparser) if soup == None: save = False if save == False: db.insert("subpage", title="", url=link[1], flag=str(save)) else: attr = [] # title=0,gongsi=1,person=2,time=3, # print soup.prettify() attr.append( soup.find("h1", attrs={ "class": "TxtCenter Padding10 BorderEEEBottom Top5" }).string.encode("utf-8")) # class="TxtCenters # attr.append(string.string for string in soup.find_all("span",attrs={"class":"Blue"})) for string in soup.find_all("span", attrs={"class": "Blue"}): attr.append(string.string.encode("utf-8")) pass # for at in attr: # print at sql = "url = '%s'" % (link[1]) sql = "select title from subpage where %s" % sql if not db.selectSQL("subpage", sql): # print bool(db.selectSQL("subpage",sql)) # db.execSQL("subpage","set names utf8") db.insert("subpage", url=link[1], title=attr[0], gongsi=attr[1], person=attr[2], time=attr[3], user=attr[4], flag=str(save)) #hdb.put() else: ##print "OK" sql = "url = '%s'" % (link[1]) sql = "select flag from subpage where %s" % sql # sql = "url = '%s'" % (link[1]) if bool(db.selectSQL("subpage", sql)[0]['flag']) == False: sql = "url = '%s'" % (link[1]) # title = attr[0], gongsi = attr[1], person = attr[2], time = attr[3], user = attr[4], flag = str(save) db.update(title=attr[0], gongsi=attr[1], person=attr[2], time=attr[3], user=attr[4], flag=str(save), where=sql) else: print "Ok" # 存入 Hbase pass
def getURL(db, idu): sql = "select url from urllist where id = " + str(idu) + ";" finalRt = MySQL.query(db, sql) if len(finalRt) == 0: return None return finalRt[0][0]
from MongoDB import * print("-------Club Deportivo--------") print("| 1 | Registrar Persona |") print("| 2 | Guardar Persona |") print("| 3 | Registrar prestamo |") print("| 4 | Registrar Productos |") print("| 5 | Guardar Prestamo |") print("| 6 | Registrar Devolución |") print("| 7 | Crear Excel Personas |") print("| 8 | Crear Excel Prestamos |") print("| 9 | Crear Excel Materiales|") print("| 10| Cerrar Aplicación |") print("-----------------------------") #Conexion a base de datos newdb = MySQL() print(newdb.Conexion()) newdb.createTablePerson() newdb.createTablaMateriales() #------------------------------ #Conexion a MongoDB newMongo = MongoDB() print(newMongo.mongoConexion()) newMongo.createDataBase(input("Ingresa el nombre de la base de Datos: ")) newMongo.crearTabla(input("Ingresa el nombre de la Tabla: ")) newMongo.actualizarFecha(int(input("Ingresa el ID: "))) print(newMongo.actualizarFecha) #------------------------------ numero = 0 respuesta = "s"
import Download, Parse, MySQL import datetime start = datetime.datetime( # inclusive year=2005, month=2, day=18, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0 # has to be in .1 sec increments ) end = datetime.datetime( # exclusive year=2005, month=2, day=19, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0 # has to be in .1 sec increments/ 1000000 microseconds # eg. microsecond=100000 # eg. microsecond=200000 ) startdt = data = MySQL.get_data("HAL", start, end) print(data) print( - startdt)
update_sql = 'update Courts set CourtId= ' + court_id + ' where CourtCityId="' + court_city_id + '" and CourtSubId="' + court_sub_id + '"' mysql.upsert(select_sql, insert_sql, update_sql) print("end to get court list and insert into DB") def spider_and_upsert_court_info(self, court_list_url, court_item_regex): print("start to get court list and insert into DB") court_info_list = self.get_court_data(court_list_url, court_item_regex) for court_info in court_info_list: if court_info.__len__() > 1: court_city_id = court_info[0] court_sub_id = court_info[1] court_name = court_info[2] auction_count = court_info[3] select_sql = 'select count(*) from Courts where CourtCityId="' + court_city_id + '" and CourtSubId="' + court_sub_id + '"' insert_sql = 'insert into Courts (CourtCityId, CourtSubId, CourtId, CourtName, AuctionCount) values ("' + court_city_id + '","' + court_sub_id + '","' + court_sub_id + '","' + court_name + '",' + auction_count + ')' update_sql = 'update Courts set AuctionCount= ' + auction_count + ' where CourtCityId="' + court_city_id + '" and CourtSubId="' + court_sub_id + '"' mysql.upsert(select_sql, insert_sql, update_sql) print("end to get court list and insert into DB") if __name__ == '__main__': mysql = MySQL.MySQL('auction_spider_ali') court_util = CourtUtil() # court_util.spider_and_upsert_court_info('', r'<a href="\S*?\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\?\S*?" target="_blank" \S*?>(\S*?)</a>\s*<span class="iconfont-sf">\((\d+)') court_util.spider_and_upsert_court_info( '', r'<a href="\S*?\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\S*?" \S+>\s*(\S+)\s*</a>\s*</span>\s*<span class="iconfont-sf">\((\d+)' ) court_list = mysql.get_courts() print(court_list)
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #Author:Rain Wang #E-mail:[email protected] #实现某功能,且是实现的所有代码的集合 #模块儿有两种存在方式 "文件夹" #模块儿:1>自己写的模块儿;2>别人写的模块儿. import MySQL import sys sys.path.append('/Users/Rain/Python/') #添加模块儿的环境变量 sys.path.append('/Users/Rain/Python/day05/') import module import django sys.argv from sys import argv from MySQL import argv as test if __name__=='__main__': MySQL.connection() MySQL.argv() print django.get_version() module.test()
from MySQL import * from MongoDB import * import Adafruit_DHT import time from datetime import datetime newSQL = MySQL() newMongo = MongoDB() class DHT: def __init__(self, name, DHTPIN): self.idName = name self.sensor = Adafruit_DHT.DHT11 self.DHT11_pin = DHTPIN self.datos = (0, 0, "") self.temperature = 0 self.humidity = 0 self.type = 'DHT' newSQL.Conexion() newMongo.mongoConexion() def read(self): self.humidity, self.temperature = self.sensor, self.DHT11_pin) if self.humidity is not None and self.temperature is not None: self.ahora = self.fecha = self.ahora.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.datos = (self.temperature, self.humidity, self.fecha) time.sleep(1)