def __Connect2Client(self, number): self.__connectionLock.acquire() self.__neighborLock.acquire() Neighborhood = lminus(self.__ClientNeighborhood, self.__ClientConnectionIPs) potentialconnect = sample(Neighborhood, min(len(Neighborhood), number)) for eachClient in potentialconnect: if self.__NumofConnections < self.__MaxNumConn: if eachClient not in self.__ClientConnectionIPs: cliSock = Mytcpsocket() ack1 = cliSock.Connect2Server(eachClient) ack2 = cliSock.sendmsg(self.__Addr[1]) ack3 = cliSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) # receive ACK if ack1 and ack2 and ack3 != 'closed': self.__NumofConnections += 1 self.__ClientConnectionSocks.append(cliSock) self.__ClientConnectionIPs.append(eachClient) t = MyThread(self.__upload, (cliSock, eachClient), self.__upload.__name__) self.__UploadThreadsLock.acquire() self.__UploadThreads.append(t) self.__UploadThreadsLock.release() self.__BWControlBoot.set() # start BW control self.__RateAllocBoot.set() # start rate allocation t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) else: self.__ClientNeighborhood.remove(eachClient) else: break self.__connectionLock.release() self.__neighborLock.release()
def __Connect2Server(self, *targs): args = targs[0] number = args[0] videohash = args[1] self.__connectionLock.acquire() self.__neighborLock.acquire() Neighborhood = lminus(self.__ServerNeighborhood, self.__ServerConnectionIPs) potentialconnect = sample(Neighborhood, min(len(Neighborhood), number)) for eachServer in potentialconnect: if self.__NumofConnections < self.__MaxNumConn: if eachServer not in self.__ServerConnectionIPs: servSock = Mytcpsocket() ack1 = servSock.Connect2Server(eachServer) ack2 = servSock.sendmsg(self.__Addr[1]) ack3 = servSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) # receive ACK if ack1 and ack2 and ack3 != 'closed': self.__NumofConnections += 1 self.__ServerConnectionSocks.append(servSock) self.__ServerConnectionIPs.append(eachServer) t = MyThread(self.__download, (servSock, eachServer, videohash), self.__download.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) self.__downloadthreads.append(t) else: self.__ServerNeighborhood.remove(eachServer) else: break self.__connectionLock.release() self.__neighborLock.release()
class MediaServer(object): '# Author: Hao Zhang\ # Created: 02/11/2011\ # Class: MediaServer - a TCP server that uploads data to users' def __init__(self, cwd, IS_SERVER=1): self.__cwd = cwd # current working directory self.__isserver = IS_SERVER # I mean the True server, not helper self.__tcpSerSock = Mytcpsocket() # initiate server socket self.__tcpTracSock = Mytcpsocket() # initiate tracker socket self.__PATH = self.__cwd + os.sep + SERVER_PATH + os.sep # set up video caching directory if not os.path.exists(self.__PATH): os.makedirs(self.__PATH) # movieList: vhash: vname; videoDict: vhash: vpath; videoStat: vhash: [NumofChunks, NumofLeftOverPieces] self.__movieList = {} self.__videoDict = {} self.__videoStat = {} # storeAlloc: vhash: vsize; storePrices: vhash: vprice self.__storeAlloc = {} self.__storePrices = {} # mediaReaders: vhash: [a list of open file readers for vhash]; mediaUpdaters: vhash: file writer self.__mediaReaders = {} self.__mediaUpdaters = {} if IS_SERVER: self.__MaxNumConn = MAX_SERV_CONNECTION self.__Addr = MEDIA_SERVER_ADDRESS # read all the movies and convert newly added movies f = open(self.__PATH + 'movielist.txt', 'r+') allLines = f.readlines() f.close() for eachmovie in allLines: moviename = eachmovie.split('\n')[0] self.__movieList[hashlib.md5( moviename).hexdigest()] = moviename #vhash: vname dirList = os.listdir(self.__PATH) for dname in dirList: if ( not os.path.isdir(self.__PATH + dname) ) and dname != 'movielist.txt': # if video not converted, convert hashname = hashlib.md5(dname.split('.')[0]).hexdigest() if (hashname in self.__movieList and not hashname in dirList): videopath = self.__PATH + hashname os.makedirs(videopath) self.__convertVideo(videopath + os.sep, self.__PATH + dname) # convert the video dirList = os.listdir(self.__PATH) for dname in dirList: if os.path.isdir(self.__PATH + dname): videopath = self.__PATH + dname + os.sep if dname in self.__movieList: self.__videoDict[dname] = videopath # vhash: vpath f = open(videopath + 'length', 'rb') dt = f.readlines() self.__videoStat[dname] = dt[0].split(',') # vhash: [NumofChunks, NumofLeftoverPieces] self.__mediaReaders[dname] = [] else: print videopath # not in list, to be deleted shutil.rmtree(videopath) else: self.__MaxNumConn = MAX_PEER_CONNECTION # need to implement NAT traversal ##########start here############ self.__Addr = (([ ip for ip in gethostbyname_ex(gethostname())[2] if not ip.startswith("127.") ][0]), choice(range(50000, 60000))) ##########end here############ dirList = os.listdir(self.__PATH) for dname in dirList: if os.path.isdir(self.__PATH + dname): videopath = self.__PATH + dname + os.sep self.__videoDict[dname] = videopath self.__mediaReaders[dname] = [] self.__mediaUpdaters[dname] = MediaFileWrapper( videopath, False) # write access self.__storeAlloc[dname] = 0 self.__storePrices[dname] = 0 self.__ClientNeighborhood = [] self.__NumofConnections = 0 self.__ClientConnectionIPs = [] self.__ClientConnectionSocks = [] self.__choketimer = 30 self.__uploadBW = 0 # KB/sec self.__uploadedBytes = 0 # uploaded bytes in a second self.__UploadThreads = [ ] # upload threads. used to control UploadBWControl self.__neighborLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__connectionLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__timerLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__rateAllocLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__mediaReaderLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__uploadStatLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__UploadThreadsLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__BWControlBoot = threading.Event() self.__BWControlBoot.clear() # we don't need BW control all the time self.__uploadBWExceed = threading.Event() self.__uploadBWExceed.clear() self.__RateAllocBoot = threading.Event() self.__RateAllocBoot.clear() # we don't need rate allocation all the time def boot(self, uploadBW): self.__uploadBW = uploadBW # force a virtual upload bandwidth; for testing reasons if VERBOSE: print 'Server %s goes online at %s' % (self.__Addr, ctime()) ####### This is fake, just for testing purpose ################ t = MyThread(self.__uploadBWControl, (1, ), self.__uploadBWControl.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # rate allocation if not self.__isserver: t = MyThread(self.__rateallocation, (1, ), self.__rateallocation.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # register to the tracker t = MyThread(self.__commtotracker, (1, ), self.__commtotracker.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # listen to passive connections t = MyThread(self.__WaitforConnection, (1, ), self.__WaitforConnection.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # actively connect to client t = MyThread(self.__Connect2Client, self.__MaxNumConn, self.__Connect2Client.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # choking t = MyThread(self.__choke, (1, ), self.__choke.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # user prompt t = MyThread( self.__userprompt, (1, ), self.__userprompt.__name__) # open a new thread for new requests t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # This is an artificial upload BW control mechanism; only used for debugging purpose def __uploadBWControl(self, *targs): checkInterval = 0.1 while True: self.__BWControlBoot.wait() # wait till there is at least one upload thread running self.__uploadStatLock.acquire() exceededBytesPerInterval = self.__uploadedBytes - checkInterval * self.__uploadBW self.__uploadStatLock.release() if exceededBytesPerInterval > 0: self.__uploadBWExceed.clear() ## fake wait to get more upload BW print 'exceeded' sleep(exceededBytesPerInterval / self.__uploadBW) print 'sleep over' # if there does not exist excessive bytes, the uploadBW will expire #print self.__uploadedBytes self.__uploadStatLock.acquire() self.__uploadedBytes = 0 self.__uploadStatLock.release() self.__uploadBWExceed.set() sleep(checkInterval) # check every second self.__UploadThreadsLock.acquire() ThreadstoRemove = [] for eachThread in self.__UploadThreads: if not eachThread.isAlive(): ThreadstoRemove.append(eachThread) for eachRemoval in ThreadstoRemove: self.__UploadThreads.remove(eachRemoval) if len(self.__UploadThreads) == 0: self.__BWControlBoot.clear( ) # if no threads are running, stop uploadBW control thread self.__UploadThreadsLock.release() return def __choke(self, *targs): while True: self.__connectionLock.acquire() if self.__NumofConnections >= self.__MaxNumConn: ## re-code the choking algorithm by allocating the probabilities## ## START ## sockind = choice(range(self.__NumofConnections - 1)) ## END ## self.__ClientConnectionSocks[sockind].close() del self.__ClientConnectionSocks[sockind] del self.__ClientConnectionIPs[sockind] self.__NumofConnections -= 1 self.__connectionLock.release() if self.__NumofConnections < self.__MaxNumConn: self.__Connect2Client(1) # connect to a new peer self.__timerLock.acquire() sleep(self.__choketimer) self.__timerLock.release() def __upload(self, *targs): args = targs[0] myClisock = args[0] cliAddr = args[1] ack = True avaPieces = None ClientFile = None while True: self.__BWControlBoot.set() self.__RateAllocBoot.set() data = myClisock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) print data if data[0] == 'start': videohash = data[1] # receive movie hash name if not videohash in self.__videoDict.keys( ): # this will happen for helpers only. Server needs all videos print self.__videoDict os.makedirs(self.__PATH + videohash) self.__videoDict[ videohash] = self.__PATH + videohash + os.sep self.__mediaReaderLock.acquire() self.__mediaReaders[videohash] = [] self.__mediaReaderLock.release() if not self.__isserver: self.__mediaUpdaters[videohash] = MediaFileWrapper( self.__videoDict[videohash], False) # write access self.__rateAllocLock.acquire() self.__storeAlloc[videohash] = 0 self.__storePrices[videohash] = 0 self.__rateAllocLock.release() ClientFile = MediaFileWrapper(self.__videoDict[videohash]) self.__mediaReaders[videohash].append( ClientFile) # add the file reader myClisock.sendmsg('ACK') # send ack elif data[0] == 'piece': if not self.__isserver: if avaPieces != None: if len(avaPieces) > 0: # more video than needed self.__rateAllocLock.acquire() self.__storePrices[videohash] -= 1 # minus a token print self.__storePrices self.__rateAllocLock.release() else: pass avaPieces = ClientFile.getPieceIdbyChunk(data[1]) ack = myClisock.sendmsg(avaPieces) print avaPieces elif data[0] == 'content': ChunkID, PieceID = data[1], data[2] datamsg = ClientFile.getPiecebyId(ChunkID, PieceID) if datamsg != None: # found the piece ack = myClisock.sendmsg('OK') ## this is a fake constraint on upBW; only for testing purpose self.__uploadBWExceed.wait() ############################################################## ack = myClisock.sendmsg(datamsg, True) self.__uploadStatLock.acquire() self.__uploadedBytes += BYTES_PER_PIECE self.__uploadStatLock.release() avaPieces = avaPieces.lstrip( PieceID) # remove the piece that is uploaded else: ack = myClisock.sendmsg('XX') # send out a none message elif data[0] == 'request': if not self.__isserver: if avaPieces != None: if len(avaPieces) == 0: # could have more video self.__rateAllocLock.acquire() self.__storePrices[videohash] += 1 # plus a token print self.__storePrices self.__rateAllocLock.release() if not ack or data == 'closed': self.__pruneconnections(myClisock, cliAddr) if ClientFile != None: ClientFile.closeAll() self.__mediaReaderLock.acquire() self.__mediaReaders[videohash].remove(ClientFile) self.__mediaReaderLock.release() break def __download(self, vhashname, segID, pieceIDs): helper = MediaClient(self.__cwd) Success = helper.bootashelper(vhashname, segID, pieceIDs, self.__Addr) del helper return Success def __rateallocation(self, *targs): while True: self.__RateAllocBoot.wait() self.__rateAllocLock.acquire() if len(self.__storeAlloc) != 0: totalsiz = 0 for vhash in self.__storeAlloc.keys(): self.__storeAlloc[vhash] = getFolderSize( self.__videoDict[vhash]) totalsiz += self.__storeAlloc[ vhash] # calculate the current total size pricevideos = zip(self.__storePrices.values(), self.__storePrices.keys()) pricevideos.sort() sortedValues, sortedVideos = zip(*pricevideos) low = 0 high = len(sortedValues) - 1 self.__rateAllocLock.release() while low <= high: if totalsiz < STORAGE_CAP: if sortedValues[high] > 0: totalsiz += self.__storageupdate( sortedVideos[low], totalsiz) # ++ storage of high high -= 1 continue else: break # no update because not needed if (abs( sortedValues[low] ) < ST_ALLOC_TH # no update because it does not satisfy threshold or abs(sortedValues[high]) < ST_ALLOC_TH): break if self.__mediaUpdaters[ sortedVideos[low]].getNumofSeg() <= 0: low += 1 continue if self.__mediaUpdaters[ sortedVideos[high]].getNumofSeg() >= SEG_PER_CHUNK: high -= 1 continue if sortedValues[low] < 0: totalsiz += self.__storageupdate( sortedVideos[low], totalsiz, False) # -- storage of low if sortedValues[high] > 0: totalsiz += self.__storageupdate( sortedVideos[low], totalsiz) # ++ storage of high self.__rateAllocLock.acquire() for vhash in self.__storePrices.keys(): self.__storePrices[vhash] = 0 # clear #self.__rateAllocLock.release(); self.__rateAllocLock.release() sleep(INTERVAL_RATEALLOC) # don't need rate allocation when no download request is present self.__UploadThreadsLock.acquire() ThreadstoRemove = [] for eachThread in self.__UploadThreads: if not eachThread.isAlive(): ThreadstoRemove.append(eachThread) for eachRemoval in ThreadstoRemove: self.__UploadThreads.remove(eachRemoval) if len(self.__UploadThreads) == 0: self.__RateAllocBoot.clear( ) # if no threads are running, stop rate allocation thread self.__UploadThreadsLock.release() # perform the storage add or removal given a video name def __storageupdate(self, vhashname, totalsiz, added=True): mul = 1 if added: pieceIDs = self.__mediaUpdaters[vhashname].getNewPieceIDs() segID = self.__mediaUpdaters[vhashname].getNumofSeg() + 1 rsize = self.__videoStat[vhashname][ 0] * BYTES_PER_CHUNK / SEG_PER_CHUNK if rsize + totalsiz < STORAGE_CAP: # write if not exceed storage limit if not self.__download(vhashname, segID, pieceIDs): # download data rsize = 0 else: rsize = 0 else: mul = -1 # the update process is self-locked because the MediaFileWrapper itself is a synchronized process UpdateSuccess = True self.__mediaReaderLock.acquire() for eachClientFile in self.__mediaReaders[vhashname]: UpdateSuccess = UpdateSuccess and eachClientFile.UpdateAccess( added) # update file object for each peer self.__mediaReaderLock.release() self.__mediaUpdaters[vhashname].UpdateAccess( added) # update file access if not added and UpdateSuccess: # wait for close() before removal rsize = self.__mediaUpdaters[vhashname].removeSegment() return rsize * mul def __commtotracker(self, *targs): ack = False while not ack: ack = self.__tcpTracSock.Connect2Server(TRACKER_ADDRESS) if ack: countdown = 0 while True: if countdown == 0: ack = self.__tcpTracSock.sendmsg('serv+' + repr(self.__Addr[1])) newneighborhood = self.__tcpTracSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) avaiMovieList = self.__tcpTracSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) if ( not ack ) or newneighborhood == 'closed' or avaiMovieList == 'closed': ack = False break ACK = 'ACK' if self.__isserver: movienames = "" for fhash, fname in self.__movieList.iteritems(): movienames = (movienames + '+' + fname + '#' + self.__videoStat[fhash][0] + '#' + self.__videoStat[fhash][1]) ack = self.__tcpTracSock.sendmsg('list' + movienames) ACK = self.__tcpTracSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) if (not ack) or ACK == 'closed': ack = False break else: del self.__videoStat self.__videoStat = {} for eachmovie in avaiMovieList.keys(): self.__videoStat[hashlib.md5( eachmovie).hexdigest( )] = avaiMovieList[eachmovie] self.__neighborLock.acquire() self.__ClientNeighborhood = union( self.__ClientNeighborhood, newneighborhood) ## might have to set a maximum limit of neighborhood ## self.__neighborLock.release() countdown = OBTAIN_NEIGHBOR_PERIOD / INTERVAL_TRACKER_COMMUNICATION else: ack = self.__tcpTracSock.sendmsg('alive') if not ack: break sleep(INTERVAL_TRACKER_COMMUNICATION) countdown -= 1 sleep(TRY_INTERVAL) del self.__tcpTracSock self.__tcpTracSock = Mytcpsocket() def __Connect2Client(self, number): self.__connectionLock.acquire() self.__neighborLock.acquire() Neighborhood = lminus(self.__ClientNeighborhood, self.__ClientConnectionIPs) potentialconnect = sample(Neighborhood, min(len(Neighborhood), number)) for eachClient in potentialconnect: if self.__NumofConnections < self.__MaxNumConn: if eachClient not in self.__ClientConnectionIPs: cliSock = Mytcpsocket() ack1 = cliSock.Connect2Server(eachClient) ack2 = cliSock.sendmsg(self.__Addr[1]) ack3 = cliSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) # receive ACK if ack1 and ack2 and ack3 != 'closed': self.__NumofConnections += 1 self.__ClientConnectionSocks.append(cliSock) self.__ClientConnectionIPs.append(eachClient) t = MyThread(self.__upload, (cliSock, eachClient), self.__upload.__name__) self.__UploadThreadsLock.acquire() self.__UploadThreads.append(t) self.__UploadThreadsLock.release() self.__BWControlBoot.set() # start BW control self.__RateAllocBoot.set() # start rate allocation t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) else: self.__ClientNeighborhood.remove(eachClient) else: break self.__connectionLock.release() self.__neighborLock.release() def __WaitforConnection(self, *targs): self.__tcpSerSock.InitServSock(self.__Addr, self.__MaxNumConn) if VERBOSE: print "Waiting for connection..." while True: (tcpClientSock, CLIENT_ADDR) = self.__tcpSerSock.WaitforConn() self.__connectionLock.acquire() clitcpsock = Mytcpsocket(tcpClientSock) if self.__NumofConnections < self.__MaxNumConn: servport = clitcpsock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) ack = clitcpsock.sendmsg('ACK') CLIENT_SERV_ADDR = (CLIENT_ADDR[0], servport) if ((CLIENT_SERV_ADDR in self.__ClientConnectionIPs) or (not ack) or servport == 'closed'): clitcpsock.close() else: self.__ClientConnectionSocks.append(clitcpsock) self.__ClientConnectionIPs.append(CLIENT_SERV_ADDR) self.__NumofConnections += 1 if VERBOSE: print "...connected from:", CLIENT_ADDR t = MyThread(self.__upload, (clitcpsock, CLIENT_SERV_ADDR), self.__upload.__name__) self.__UploadThreadsLock.acquire() self.__UploadThreads.append(t) self.__UploadThreadsLock.release() self.__BWControlBoot.set() # start BW control self.__RateAllocBoot.set() # start rate allocation t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) else: clitcpsock.close( ) # close if the number of connections exceeds max self.__connectionLock.release() # no random coding of the pieces yet. need to modify the function if needed to do so. def __convertVideo(self, path, fname): FILES = [] METAS = [] vidfile = open(fname, 'rb') for segNum in range(SEG_PER_CHUNK): file = open(path + 'seg' + repr(segNum + 1) + FILE_SUFFIX, 'wb+') meta = open(path + 'seg' + repr(segNum + 1) + META_SUFFIX, 'wb+') FILES.append(file) METAS.append(meta) Ind = 0 data = numofchunks = 0 numofleftpieces = 0 while data != "": wlen = len(data) * 1.0 / BYTES_PER_PIECE if wlen < PIECE_PER_SEG: wlen = ceil(wlen) data = pack(str(int(wlen * BYTES_PER_PIECE)) + 's', data) numofleftpieces += wlen FILES[Ind].write(data) METAS[Ind].write( PIECE_IDS[Ind * PIECE_PER_SEG:Ind * PIECE_PER_SEG + int(wlen)]) Ind += 1 Ind = Ind % SEG_PER_CHUNK data = vidfile.close() numofchunks = int(numofleftpieces / PIECE_PER_CHUNK) numofleftpieces = int(numofleftpieces % PIECE_PER_CHUNK) if numofleftpieces == 0: numofleftpieces = PIECE_PER_CHUNK f = open(path + 'length', 'wb+') f.write(str(numofchunks) + ',' + str(numofleftpieces)) f.close() for segNum in range(SEG_PER_CHUNK): FILES[segNum].close() METAS[segNum].close() def __userprompt(self, *args): while True: userinput = raw_input( 'Input your choice:\n[1] Print Neighbors\n[2] Print Connections\nYour choice>> ' ) if userinput == '1': self.__printAllNeighbors() if userinput == '2': self.__printAllConnections() else: pass def __pruneconnections(self, tcpsock, Addr): self.__connectionLock.acquire() self.__ClientConnectionSocks.remove(tcpsock) self.__ClientConnectionIPs.remove(Addr) self.__NumofConnections -= 1 self.__connectionLock.release() def __printAllNeighbors(self): for eachNeighbor in self.__ClientNeighborhood: print eachNeighbor def __printAllConnections(self): for eachConnectionIP in self.__ClientConnectionIPs: print eachConnectionIP for eachConnectionSock in self.__ClientConnectionSocks: print eachConnectionSock
class MediaClient(object): '# Author: Hao Zhang\ # Created: 02/11/2011\ # Class: MediaClient - a TCP client that downloads data from the servers' # Initialization -- set up address and port; initilize parameters def __init__(self, cwd): self.__cwd = cwd # current working directory self.__BootedasUser = True self.__tcpTracSock = Mytcpsocket() self.__tcpListenSock = Mytcpsocket() self.__MaxNumConn = MAX_PEER_CONNECTION self.__Addr = (([ ip for ip in gethostbyname_ex(gethostname())[2] if not ip.startswith("127.") ][0]), choice(range(50000, 60000))) self.__tcpCliSockets = [] self.__ServerNeighborhood = [] self.__ServerConnectionIPs = [] self.__ServerConnectionSocks = [] self.__NumofConnections = 0 self.__ExcludedServerAddr = [] self.__choketimer = 30 self.__StartWaiting = False self.__receivedFile = None # streaming file object self.__avaiMovieList = {} # available movie list from the tracker self.__movieHashNames = {} self.__currentvid = 'None' # current video that is being watched self.__NumofChunks = 0 self.__NumofLeftPieces = 0 self.__neighborLock = thread.allocate_lock( ) # lock for the neighborhood update self.__connectionLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__timerLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__streamingStatLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__bufferStatLock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__emptyAvailable = threading.Event() self.__emptyAvailable.clear() # one of the download chunks is waiting for other corresponding threads to finish that chunk self.__DownloadWait = threading.Event() self.__DownloadWait.clear() # wait till download is finished self.__BufferFullWait = threading.Event() self.__BufferFullWait.clear() # buffer too much, wait before download self.__BufferEmptyWait = threading.Event() self.__BufferEmptyWait.clear() # buffer not enough, download from server self.__streamingWait = threading.Event() self.__streamingWait.clear() # wait till buffer is ready to stream self.__downloadthreads = [] self.__EXIT = False # Boot as a pure user with prompt def bootasuser(self): self.__streamingPath = self.__cwd + os.sep + CLIENT_PATH + os.sep if not os.path.exists(self.__streamingPath): os.makedirs(self.__streamingPath) self.__PiecestoDownload = PIECE_IDS # as a user, download all the pieces self.__PiecesperChunk = PIECE_PER_CHUNK if VERBOSE: print 'User %s goes online at %s' % (self.__Addr, ctime()) # register to the tracker t = MyThread(self.__commtotracker, (1, ), self.__commtotracker.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # choking t = MyThread(self.__choke, (1, ), self.__choke.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # enable user prompt t = MyThread( self.__userprompt, (1, ), self.__userprompt.__name__) # open a new thread for new requests t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # Boot as a downloader to get packets (as a helper) def bootashelper(self, videohash, segID, piecestodownload, excludedServerAddr): self.__BootedasUser = False self.__ExcludedServerAddr = excludedServerAddr self.__PiecestoDownload = piecestodownload # as a helper, specify pieces to download self.__PiecesperChunk = len(piecestodownload) self.__streamingPath = self.__cwd + os.sep + SERVER_PATH + os.sep + videohash + os.sep + 'seg' + str( segID) + FILE_SUFFIX self.__MetaPath = self.__cwd + os.sep + SERVER_PATH + os.sep + videohash + os.sep + 'seg' + str( segID) + META_SUFFIX self.__BufferFullWait.set() # no need to buffer download for helper #### need a mechanism to control this: need to be either too greedy or too conservative self.__BufferEmptyWait.set() ###### # register to the tracker t = MyThread(self.__commtotracker, (1, ), self.__commtotracker.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME * 2) # choking t = MyThread(self.__choke, (1, ), self.__choke.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # enable download self.__movieInitialize(videohash) sleep(PROCESS_TIME) self.__DownloadWait.wait() # wait until download is finished self.__EXIT = True return True def __bufferControl(self, *targs): while True: if self.__EXIT: return self.__streamingStatLock.acquire() if self.__streamedNumofChunks >= self.__NumofChunks: print self.__NumofChunks, self.__streamedNumofChunks self.__streamingWait.set() # let the stream break self.__streamingStatLock.release() break if self.__streamingBufferLength < 1: # less than a second of buffer to play self.__streamingWait.clear() # stop streaming self.__BufferEmptyWait.set() self.__BufferFullWait.set() # start downloading NOW! else: self.__streamingWait.set() # let it stream if self.__streamingBufferLength >= BUFFER_TOO_MUCH: # buffer too much self.__BufferFullWait.clear() self.__BufferEmptyWait.clear() # stop downloading elif self.__streamingBufferLength >= BUFFER_LENGTH: self.__BufferEmptyWait.clear() elif self.__streamingBufferLength < BUFFER_LENGTH: # buffer less than required length self.__BufferFullWait.set() # download from helpers if self.__streamingBufferLength < BUFFER_EMERG_LEFT: # if less than emergency self.__BufferEmptyWait.set( ) # download from the SERVER else: self.__BufferEmptyWait.clear() self.__streamingStatLock.release() sleep(BUFFER_CHECK_INTERVAL) def __streaming(self, *targs): speedup = 1 while True: if self.__EXIT: return self.__streamingWait.wait() ### stream the video NOW for duration xxx ### ### Now it is Fake streaming ### sleep(1) self.__streamingStatLock.acquire() if self.__streamingBufferLength > 1: self.__streamingBufferLength -= speedup print 'subtracted, BufferLength = ', self.__streamingBufferLength self.__streamedNumofChunks += speedup * self.__streamingRate / BYTES_PER_CHUNK if self.__streamedNumofChunks >= self.__NumofChunks: print self.__NumofChunks, self.__streamedNumofChunks self.__streamingStatLock.release() break self.__streamingStatLock.release() ################################ def __choke(self, *targs): while True: if self.__EXIT: return self.__connectionLock.acquire() if self.__NumofConnections >= self.__MaxNumConn: ## re-code the choking algorithm by allocating the probabilities## ## START ## sockind = choice(range(self.__NumofConnections - 1)) ## END ## self.__ServerConnectionSocks[sockind].close() del self.__ServerConnectionSocks[sockind] del self.__ServerConnectionIPs[sockind] self.__NumofConnections -= 1 self.__connectionLock.release() if self.__NumofConnections < self.__MaxNumConn and self.__currentvid != 'None': self.__Connect2Server( (1, self.__currentvid)) # connect to a new peer self.__timerLock.acquire() sleep(self.__choketimer) self.__timerLock.release() def __download(self, *targs): args = targs[0] servSock = args[0] servAddr = args[1] videohash = args[2] self.__DownloadWait.clear() while True: if videohash == 'None': servSock.sendmsg('closed') self.__pruneconnections(servSock, servAddr) self.__DownloadWait.set() return ack = servSock.sendmsg(['start', videohash]) # send which video to watch ACK = servSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) # receive acknowledgement if not ack or ACK == 'closed': self.__pruneconnections(servSock, servAddr) self.__DownloadWait.set() return currentChunkID = -1 piecesperchunk = self.__PiecesperChunk while True: if self.__EXIT: return if servAddr == MEDIA_SERVER_ADDRESS: # wait until buffer is too little self.__BufferEmptyWait.wait() else: # wait until buffer is less than a certain threshold self.__BufferFullWait.wait() self.__bufferStatLock.acquire() if videohash != self.__currentvid: videohash = self.__currentvid self.__bufferStatLock.release() break if currentChunkID < self.__bufferheadChunkID: currentChunkID = self.__bufferheadChunkID self.__bufferStatLock.release() ack = servSock.sendmsg(['piece', currentChunkID]) #print ack avaiPieceIDsfromServ = servSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) #print avaiPieceIDsfromServ if not ack or avaiPieceIDsfromServ == 'closed': self.__pruneconnections(servSock, servAddr) self.__DownloadWait.set() return continue avaiPieceIDsfromServ = intersect( avaiPieceIDsfromServ, self.__avaiPieceIDs ) # Now I am sure no other peers are giving me the same data RequestingSet = lminus(avaiPieceIDsfromServ, self.__PiecesNowRequested) #print RequestingSet, "from", servAddr if len(RequestingSet) == 0: if len( lminus(self.__avaiPieceIDs, self.__PiecesNowRequested)) > 0: ack = servSock.sendmsg(['request']) if not ack: self.__pruneconnections(servSock, servAddr) self.__bufferStatLock.release() self.__DownloadWait.set() return self.__bufferStatLock.release() self.__emptyAvailable.wait( BUFFER_EMERG_LEFT) # wait until this chunk is over continue PiecesToRequest = choice( RequestingSet) # randomly choose an available piece self.__PiecesNowRequested.extend( PiecesToRequest) # put it into the requesting queue self.__bufferStatLock.release() ack = servSock.sendmsg( ['content', currentChunkID, PiecesToRequest]) # download the piece ACK = servSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) if ACK == 'OK': data = servSock.recvmsg( BYTES_PER_PIECE, True) # only receive if server still has it else: # if ACK == 'XX' avaiPieceIDsfromServ.remove( PiecesToRequest) # otherwise remove it and continue self.__PiecesNowRequested = lminus( self.__PiecesNowRequested, PiecesToRequest) continue #print data[0:5] print "data from server", servAddr self.__bufferStatLock.acquire() if videohash != self.__currentvid: # if no longer watching current video, leave videohash = self.__currentvid self.__bufferStatLock.release() break if not ack or data == 'closed': # check if the connection is still alive self.__pruneconnections(servSock, servAddr) self.__PiecesNowRequested = lminus( self.__PiecesNowRequested, PiecesToRequest) self.__bufferStatLock.release() self.__DownloadWait.set() return if currentChunkID < self.__bufferheadChunkID: # if other processes have already advanced the chunk, then dump it self.__bufferStatLock.release() continue # finally I made sure the downloaded pieces is valid and needed self.__PiecesNowRequested = lminus( self.__PiecesNowRequested, PiecesToRequest) # change status requested to available self.__avaiPieceIDs = lminus(self.__avaiPieceIDs, PiecesToRequest) self.__bufferPieceIDs.extend(PiecesToRequest) self.__bufferContent.append(data) if len(self.__bufferPieceIDs ) >= piecesperchunk: # finished downloading of a chunk sortedIDs, self.__bufferContent = PacketsDecode( self.__bufferContent, self.__bufferPieceIDs) if self.__BootedasUser: ##### feed the buffer to the streaming wrapper ##### ##### now just write the file ##### self.__receivedFile.write(self.__bufferContent) ##### END ######################### else: self.__MetaFile.write(sortedIDs) self.__receivedFile.write(self.__bufferContent) self.__streamingStatLock.acquire() # change streaming buffer length in seconds self.__streamingBufferLength += piecesperchunk * BYTES_PER_PIECE / self.__streamingRate print 'added, BufferLength = ', self.__streamingBufferLength self.__streamingStatLock.release() self.__bufferPieceIDs = [] self.__bufferContent = [] self.__PiecesNowRequested = [] self.__avaiPieceIDs = self.__PiecestoDownload piecesperchunk = self.__PiecesperChunk self.__bufferheadChunkID += 1 if self.__bufferheadChunkID == self.__NumofChunks: self.__avaiPieceIDs = intersect( PIECE_IDS[0:self.__NumofLeftPieces], self.__PiecestoDownload) # last chunk left pieces piecesperchunk = len(self.__avaiPieceIDs) if self.__bufferheadChunkID > self.__NumofChunks or piecesperchunk == 0: self.__currentvid = 'None' # finish download self.__NumofChunks = 0 self.__receivedFile.close() if not self.__BootedasUser: self.__MetaFile.close() self.__DownloadWait.set() # set the wait to finish self.__emptyAvailable.set() # release the available ID empty lock self.__emptyAvailable.clear() # set the lock again for next round self.__bufferStatLock.release() def __movieInitialize(self, videohash): ## dump all current # dump the current streaming if possible self.__bufferStatLock.acquire() if self.__currentvid == videohash: self.__bufferStatLock.release() return #### movie paramter initialization: self.__streamingRate = BYTES_PER_CHUNK / BUFFER_LENGTH self.__streamingBufferLength = 0 # in units of seconds self.__streamedNumofChunks = 0 # number of chunks that are streamed self.__bufferheadChunkID = 0 # the chunk ID in front of the buffer self.__bufferContent = [] # integer IDs self.__bufferPieceIDs = [] # string names self.__PiecesNowRequested = [] # pieces that are now requested self.__avaiPieceIDs = self.__PiecestoDownload # initialize available pieces to watch self.__streamingWait.clear() self.__BufferFullWait.clear() self.__BufferEmptyWait.clear() if videohash != 'None': # if a movie was requested self.__NumofChunks = self.__movieHashNames[videohash][0] self.__NumofLeftPieces = self.__movieHashNames[videohash][1] self.__currentvid = videohash if self.__receivedFile != None: # close the opened file self.__receivedFile.close() if self.__BootedasUser: writeFilePath = self.__streamingPath + videohash + '.flv' #writeFilePath = self.__streamingPath + 'hancock-tsr2_h480p' + '.flv' else: writeFilePath = self.__streamingPath self.__MetaFile = open(self.__MetaPath, 'w+b') self.__receivedFile = open(writeFilePath, 'w+b') # open a writable file if self.__BootedasUser: t = MyThread(self.__bufferControl, (1, ), self.__bufferControl.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) # start buffer control t = MyThread(self.__streaming, (1, ), self.__streaming.__name__) # start streaming t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) else: self.__BufferEmptyWait.set() self.__BufferFullWait.set() t = MyThread(self.__Connect2Server, (self.__MaxNumConn, videohash), self.__Connect2Server.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) if self.__StartWaiting == False: # listen to active server to user connections self.__StartWaiting = True t = MyThread(self.__WaitforConnection, (1, ), self.__WaitforConnection.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) else: self.__NumofChunks = 0 self.__NumofLeftPieces = 0 self.__currentvid = 'None' # not watching any videos self.__bufferStatLock.release() def __commtotracker(self, *targs): ack = False while not ack: if self.__EXIT: return ack = self.__tcpTracSock.Connect2Server(TRACKER_ADDRESS) #print TRACKER_ADDRESS if ack: countdown = 0 while True: if self.__EXIT: return if countdown == 0: ack = self.__tcpTracSock.sendmsg('user+' + repr(self.__Addr[1])) newneighborhood = self.__tcpTracSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) self.__avaiMovieList = self.__tcpTracSock.recvmsg( BUFSIZ) if ( not ack ) or newneighborhood == 'closed' or self.__avaiMovieList == 'closed': ack = False break del self.__movieHashNames self.__movieHashNames = {} for eachmovie in self.__avaiMovieList.keys(): self.__movieHashNames[hashlib.md5( eachmovie).hexdigest( )] = self.__avaiMovieList[eachmovie] self.__neighborLock.acquire() ## might have to set a maximum limit of neighborhood ## self.__ServerNeighborhood = union( self.__ServerNeighborhood, newneighborhood) self.__ServerNeighborhood = lminus( self.__ServerNeighborhood, self.__ExcludedServerAddr) self.__neighborLock.release() countdown = OBTAIN_NEIGHBOR_PERIOD / INTERVAL_TRACKER_COMMUNICATION else: ack = self.__tcpTracSock.sendmsg('alive') if not ack: break sleep(INTERVAL_TRACKER_COMMUNICATION) countdown -= 1 # send alive msg interval sleep(TRY_INTERVAL) # obtain neighborhood/movielist interval del self.__tcpTracSock self.__tcpTracSock = Mytcpsocket() def __WaitforConnection(self, *targs): self.__tcpListenSock.InitServSock(self.__Addr, self.__MaxNumConn) while True: if self.__EXIT: return (tcpServSock, SERVER_ADDR) = self.__tcpListenSock.WaitforConn() self.__connectionLock.acquire() servtcpsock = Mytcpsocket(tcpServSock) if self.__NumofConnections < self.__MaxNumConn: servport = servtcpsock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) ack = servtcpsock.sendmsg('ACK') # send ACK SERVER_SERV_ADDR = (SERVER_ADDR[0], servport) if ((SERVER_SERV_ADDR in self.__ServerConnectionIPs) or (SERVER_SERV_ADDR == self.__ExcludedServerAddr) or (not ack) or servport == 'closed'): servtcpsock.close() else: self.__ServerConnectionSocks.append(servtcpsock) self.__ServerConnectionIPs.append(SERVER_SERV_ADDR) self.__NumofConnections += 1 if VERBOSE: print "...connected from:", SERVER_SERV_ADDR t = MyThread( self.__download, (servtcpsock, SERVER_SERV_ADDR, self.__currentvid), self.__download.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) self.__downloadthreads.append(t) else: servtcpsock.close( ) # close if the number of connections exceeds max self.__connectionLock.release() def __Connect2Server(self, *targs): args = targs[0] number = args[0] videohash = args[1] self.__connectionLock.acquire() self.__neighborLock.acquire() Neighborhood = lminus(self.__ServerNeighborhood, self.__ServerConnectionIPs) potentialconnect = sample(Neighborhood, min(len(Neighborhood), number)) for eachServer in potentialconnect: if self.__NumofConnections < self.__MaxNumConn: if eachServer not in self.__ServerConnectionIPs: servSock = Mytcpsocket() ack1 = servSock.Connect2Server(eachServer) ack2 = servSock.sendmsg(self.__Addr[1]) ack3 = servSock.recvmsg(BUFSIZ) # receive ACK if ack1 and ack2 and ack3 != 'closed': self.__NumofConnections += 1 self.__ServerConnectionSocks.append(servSock) self.__ServerConnectionIPs.append(eachServer) t = MyThread(self.__download, (servSock, eachServer, videohash), self.__download.__name__) t.start() sleep(PROCESS_TIME) self.__downloadthreads.append(t) else: self.__ServerNeighborhood.remove(eachServer) else: break self.__connectionLock.release() self.__neighborLock.release() def __userprompt(self, *args): while True: if self.__EXIT: return userinput = raw_input( '<<<Select a function>>>:\n[-1] Exit\n[1] Watch a Movie\n[2] Print Neighbors\n[3] Print Connections\nYour choice>> ' ) if userinput == '1': numofmovies = len(self.__avaiMovieList) if numofmovies == 0: print 'No movies to watch yet!' continue print '<<<Select a movie>>>:' print '#. <<Go back>>' print '0. <<Stop the current movie>>' for i, fname in enumerate(self.__avaiMovieList): print repr(i + 1) + '. ' + fname input = raw_input('Your choice>> ') if input == '#': # if the user wants to go back pass elif input >= '0' and input <= str(numofmovies): movieID = int(input) - 1 if movieID >= 0: # watch a movie for i, eachmovie in enumerate(self.__avaiMovieList): if i == movieID: videohash = hashlib.md5(eachmovie).hexdigest() break else: videohash = 'None' # stop watching the current movie self.__movieInitialize( videohash) # initialize movie download and watching elif userinput == '2': self.__printAllNeighbors() elif userinput == '3': self.__printAllConnections() elif userinput == '-1': self.__EXIT = True return else: pass def __pruneconnections(self, tcpsock, Addr): self.__connectionLock.acquire() print tcpsock, Addr print self.__ServerConnectionSocks self.__ServerConnectionSocks.remove(tcpsock) self.__ServerConnectionIPs.remove(Addr) self.__NumofConnections -= 1 self.__connectionLock.release() def __closeAllconnections(self): self.__connectionLock.acquire() for connection in self.__ServerConnectionSocks: connection.close() self.__ServerConnectionSocks = [] self.__ServerConnectionIPs = [] self.__NumofConnections = 0 self.__connectionLock.release() def __printAllNeighbors(self): for eachNeighbor in self.__ServerNeighborhood: print eachNeighbor def __printAllConnections(self): for eachConnectionIP in self.__ServerConnectionIPs: print eachConnectionIP for eachConnectionSock in self.__ServerConnectionSocks: print eachConnectionSock