def get_info_from_file(start, stop, filename, num_entries, radius_cut):

    :param start: number of first file
    :param stop: number of last file
    :param filename: path and name of the file
    :param num_entries: number of entries per file
    :param radius_cut: radius, that define the volume cut, in mm
    """ preallocate arrays: """
    # number of PE of each event:
    number_pe = np.array([])
    # initial total momentum of each event in MeV:
    momentum_init = np.array([])
    # deposit energy in each event in MeV:
    edep = np.array([])
    # quenched deposit energy in each event in MeV:
    qedep = np.array([])

    # loop over files of proton = 10 MeV:
    for num in range(start, stop + 1, 1):
        # path to file:
        input_file = filename + "_{0:d}.root".format(num)

        # get number of PE per event (array of int), hit-times of the last event in ns (array of float),
        # initial momentum per event in MeV (array of float), deposit energy per event in MeV and quenched deposit
        # energy per event in MeV:
        num_pe, momentum, e, qe = NC_background_functions.conversion_npe_mev(
            input_file, num_entries, radius_cut)

        # append arrays to array:
        number_pe = np.append(number_pe, num_pe)
        momentum_init = np.append(momentum_init, momentum)
        edep = np.append(edep, e)
        qedep = np.append(qedep, qe)

    return number_pe, momentum_init, edep, qedep
min_time = -50
max_time = 10000
# Set bin-width of hittime histogram in ns:
binwidth = 5.0
""" thresholds for delayed signal: """
# Set threshold of number of PE per bin for possible delayed signal (bin-width = 5 ns):
threshold1 = 50
# set threshold2 of number of PEs per bin (signal peak is summed as long as nPE is above threshold2):
threshold2 = 0

# set the radius for the volume cut in mm:
r_cut = 16000
""" load position of the PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PMT_position.root: """
file_PMT_position = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PMT_position.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding x, y, z position in mm:
pmtID_pos_file, x_pos_pmt, y_pos_pmt, z_pos_pmt = NC_background_functions.get_pmt_position(
""" load 'time resolution' in ns of the 20 inch PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PmtData.root: """
file_PMT_time = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PmtData.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding sigma in ns:
pmtID_time_file, sigma_time_20inch = NC_background_functions.get_20inchpmt_tts(
# set TTS (FWHM) of the 3inch PMTs in ns:
tts_3inch = 5.0
# calculate time resolution (sigma) for the 3inch PMTs in ns:
sigma_time_3inch = tts_3inch / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
# set effective speed of light in the liquid scintillator in mm/ns (see page 7 of c_effective_JUNO-doc-3144-v2.pdf in
# folder /home/astro/blum/PhD/paper/Pulse_Shape_Discrimination/). Effective refraction index in LS n_eff = 1.54.
# c/n_eff = 299792458 m / 1.54 s ~ 194670427 m/s = 194670427 * 10**(-6) mm/ns ~ 194.67 mm/ns:
c_effective = 194.67

    number_pe_file = np.loadtxt(input_file)

    # file name, where evtID of preselected events are saved:
    input_file_evtID = input_path_evtID + "evtID_preselected_{0:d}.txt".format(
    # read this file:
    evtID_preselected, x_reco, y_reco, z_reco = np.loadtxt(input_file_evtID,

    # number of preselected events:
    number_preselected = number_preselected + len(number_pe_file)

    # loop over all entries in number_pe_file:
    for index1 in range(len(number_pe_file)):
        # convert number_pe to E_vis:
        e_vis = NC_background_functions.conversion_npe_to_evis(

        # check, if energy is in the correct time window:
        if min_energy <= e_vis <= max_energy:
            # add e_vis to default evis histogram:
            e_vis_array += np.histogram(e_vis, bins_evis)[0]

            # event is rejected by prompt energy cut:
            number_rejected_prompt_cut += 1

            if e_vis < min_energy:
                # nPE below min_energy:
                number_rejected_prompt_cut_min += 1
            elif e_vis > max_energy:
                # nPE above max_energy:
# first file of neutron simulation:
first_file_neutron = 0
# last file of neutron simulation (100 corresponds to user_neutron_300_MeV_0.root, 200 corresponds to
# user_neutron_500_MeV_0.root and 299 corresponds to user_neutron_500_MeV_99.root):
last_file_neutron = 1099
# number of events per file:
number_evts_per_file = 10
# total number of neutron events (factor 2 for 10 MeV and 100 MeV):
number_evts_total = (last_file_neutron - first_file_neutron +
                     1) * number_evts_per_file
# preallocate number of events that are analyzed (pass volume cut):
number_analyzed = 0
""" load position of the PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PMT_position.root: """
file_PMT_position = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PMT_position.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding x, y, z position in mm:
pmtID_pos_file, x_pos_pmt, y_pos_pmt, z_pos_pmt = NC_background_functions.get_pmt_position(
""" load 'time resolution' in ns of the 20 inch PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PmtData.root: """
file_PMT_time = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PmtData.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding sigma in ns:
pmtID_time_file, sigma_time_20inch = NC_background_functions.get_20inchpmt_tts(
# set TTS (FWHM) of the 3inch PMTs in ns:
tts_3inch = 5.0
# calculate time resolution (sigma) for the 3inch PMTs in ns:
sigma_time_3inch = tts_3inch / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
# set effective speed of light in the liquid scintillator in mm/ns (see page 7 of c_effective_JUNO-doc-3144-v2.pdf in
# folder /home/astro/blum/PhD/paper/Pulse_Shape_Discrimination/). Effective refraction index in LS n_eff = 1.54.
# c/n_eff = 299792458 m / 1.54 s ~ 194670427 m/s = 194670427 * 10**(-6) mm/ns ~ 194.67 mm/ns:
c_effective = 194.67

# loop over root files with neutron simulation:
""" Script to read the 'original' ROOT file from Julia's GENIE simulation and convert it to a ROOT-file, which can be
    read from the DSNB-NC.exe generator of the JUNO offline software.

    The ROOT-file, which is generated with this script can be used as input for the DSNB-NC.exe generator.


# import ROOT
import datetime
# import glob
import NC_background_functions
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# set the path of the inputs:
input_path = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/data_Julia/"

# file name of the input file:
input_name = input_path + "gntp.101.gst.root"

# set the path, where the outputs are saved:
output_path = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/data_NC/"

    input_name, output_path)
def check_volume_cut(input_path, number_entries_input, radius_cut):

    :param input_path: file name with path to input root files from tut_detsim.py: user_atmoNC_{}.root
    :param number_entries_input:  number of entries, that the input files should have (integer), normally = 100
    :param radius_cut: radius, which defines the fiducial volume, in mm
    # load the ROOT file:
    rfile = ROOT.TFile(input_path)
    # get the "geninfo"-TTree from the TFile:
    rtree_geninfo = rfile.Get("geninfo")
    # get the "prmtrkdep"-TTree from TFile:
    rtree_prmtrkdep = rfile.Get("prmtrkdep")

    # get the number of events in the geninfo Tree:
    number_events = rtree_geninfo.GetEntries()
    # check if number_events_geninfo is equal to number_entries_input (if not, the detector simulation was incorrect!!):
    if number_events != number_entries_input:
            "ERROR: number of events are not equal to {0:d} -> Detector Simulation not correct!"

    # number of events with reconstructed position inside fiducial volume (r_reco < Radius_cut):
    n_reco_inside = 0
    # number of leak-out events (r_init < Radius_cut, but r_reco >= Radius_cut):
    n_leak_out = 0
    # number of leak-in events (r_init >= Radius_cut, but r_reco < Radius_cut):
    n_leak_in = 0

    # loop over every event, i.e. every entry, in the TTree:
    for event in range(number_events):
        """ read prmtrkdep tree: """
        # get nInitParticles from prmtrkdep tree:
        n_par_prmtrkdep = int(
        # preallocate sum of Qedep of initial particles:
        qedep_sum = 0
        # to get total quenched deposited energy, sum over initial particles:
        for index1 in range(n_par_prmtrkdep):
            # get deposit energy of initial neutron in MeV:
            qedep = float(
            # add qedep to qedep_sum:
            qedep_sum += qedep
        """ read 'geninfo' tree: """
        # get the current event in the Tree:

        # get event ID:
        evt_id = int(
        if evt_id != event:
                "ERROR: event ID's are not equal in file {0}".format(rfile))

        # get number of particles in the event:
        n_par_geninfo = int(

        # check if there are initial particles:
        if n_par_geninfo == 0:
            # no initial particle -> go to next event

        # preallocate array for initial position:
        initx = np.array([])
        inity = np.array([])
        initz = np.array([])

        # loop over number of particles in the event:
        for index1 in range(n_par_geninfo):
            # get initial position of the particle in mm :
            initx = np.append(
            inity = np.append(
            initz = np.append(

        # set 0th entry of array as initial position in mm:
        x_init = initx[0]
        y_init = inity[0]
        z_init = initz[0]

        # check if all initial position are equal:
        for index1 in range(n_par_geninfo):
            if x_init != initx[index1] or y_init != inity[
                    index1] or z_init != initz[index1]:
                    "ERROR: initial positions are not equal for all initial particles (event {0:d}, file {1})"
                    .format(event, rfile))

        # smear the initial position with vertex reconstruction:
        x_reco = NC_background_functions.position_smearing(x_init, qedep_sum)
        y_reco = NC_background_functions.position_smearing(y_init, qedep_sum)
        z_reco = NC_background_functions.position_smearing(z_init, qedep_sum)

        # calculate r_init in mm:
        r_init = np.sqrt(x_init**2 + y_init**2 + z_init**2)
        # calculate r_reco in mm:
        r_reco = np.sqrt(x_reco**2 + y_reco**2 + z_reco**2)

        if r_reco < radius_cut:
            # reco. position inside fiducial volume:
            n_reco_inside += 1

        if r_init < radius_cut and r_reco >= radius_cut:
            n_leak_out += 1

        if r_init >= radius_cut and r_reco < radius_cut:
            n_leak_in += 1

    return number_events, n_reco_inside, n_leak_out, n_leak_in
import NC_background_functions
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# path, where GENIE cross-sections are saved:
path_xsec = "/home/astro/blum/juno/GENIE/genie_xsec_2.12.0_eventrate/genie_xsec/v2_12_0/NULL/DefaultPlusMECWithNC/data/"
# set energy interval in MeV:
interval_energy = 10
# set energy range in MeV (do NOT change this, it is hardcoded in function read_xml_xsec()):
energy = np.arange(0, 10000 + interval_energy, interval_energy)
""" Neutral Current interaction cross-sections of neutrinos with C12 for each neutrino flavour: """
# NC interaction nu_e + C12 -> nu_e + ...:
# define path, where cross-sections are saved (string):
path_xsec_NC_nue_C12 = path_xsec + "gxspl-FNALsmall_nue.xml"
# calculate total cross-section with function 'read_xml_xsec()' (total cross-section in cm**2, array of float):
xsec_NC_nue_C12 = NC_background_functions.read_xml_xsec(
    path_xsec_NC_nue_C12, interval_energy)

# NC interaction nu_e_bar + C12 -> nu_e_bar + ...:
# define path, where cross-sections are saved (string):
path_xsec_NC_nuebar_C12 = path_xsec + "gxspl-FNALsmall_nuebar.xml"
# calculate total cross-section with function 'read_xml_xsec()' (total cross-section in cm**2, array of float):
xsec_NC_nuebar_C12 = NC_background_functions.read_xml_xsec(
    path_xsec_NC_nuebar_C12, interval_energy)

# NC interaction nu_mu + C12 -> nu_mu + ...:
# define path, where cross-sections are saved (string):
path_xsec_NC_numu_C12 = path_xsec + "gxspl-FNALsmall_numu.xml"
# calculate total cross-section with function 'read_xml_xsec()' (total cross-section in cm**2, array of float):
xsec_NC_numu_C12 = NC_background_functions.read_xml_xsec(
    path_xsec_NC_numu_C12, interval_energy)
    efficiency_neutron_multiplicity_cut / 100.0 * efficiency_distance_cut /
    100.0 * error_efficiency_muon_veto)

# spectrum of all simulated IBD-like events (cut efficiencies are considered):
Evis_histo = Evis_histo_without_eff * cut_efficiency / 100.0
# number of simulated IBD-like events (cut efficiencies are considered):
number_IBDlike_events_simu = number_IBDlike_events_simu_without_eff * cut_efficiency / 100.0
    "number of IBD-like events from simulation (with cut efficiency) = {0:.2f}"
""" Event rate calculation: """
# calculate the theoretical event rate in NC events/sec in JUNO for neutrino energies from 0 MeV to 10 GeV (float)
# (event_rate = A * (flux_nue*xsec_nue + flux_nuebar*xsec_nuebar + flux_numu*xsec_numu + flux_numubar*xsec_numubar)):
event_rate = NC_background_functions.event_rate(bin_width_energy, r_cut,
                                                output_path, PLOT_FLUX,
                                                SHOW_FLUXPLOT, SAVE_FLUXPLOT,
                                                PLOT_EVT_RATE, SHOW_EVT_RATE,

# number of NC events in JUNO after 10 years:
number_NC_events_JUNO = event_rate * time_seconds

# number of IBD-like events in JUNO after 10 years (cut efficiencies are considered):
number_IBDlike_events_JUNO = int(
    number_NC_events_JUNO * number_IBDlike_events_simu / number_NC_events_simu)

# normalize the spectrum of IBD-like events to the spectrum, JUNO will measure after 10 years (cut efficiencies are
# considered):
Evis_histo_JUNO = float(number_IBDlike_events_JUNO) / float(
    number_IBDlike_events_simu) * Evis_histo
""" display simulated spectrum: """
filename_positron_100MeV = "user_positron_100_MeV_"
totalPE_positron_100MeV, Redep_positron_100MeV, Qedep_positron_100MeV, Edep_positron_100MeV = \
    get_npe_redep_qedep_from_file(path_positron, filename_positron_100MeV, first_file_positron, last_file_positron,
                                  E_min_window, E_max_window)

# positrons of 50 MeV in detector center:
path_positron_CDcenter = "/local/scratch1/pipc51/astro/blum/positron_output_CDcenter/"

filename_positron_50MeV = "user_positron_50MeV_"
totalPE_positron_50MeV, Redep_positron_50MeV, Qedep_positron_50MeV, Edep_positron_50MeV = \
    get_npe_redep_qedep_from_file(path_positron_CDcenter, filename_positron_50MeV, first_file_positron,
                                  last_file_positron, E_min_window, E_max_window)
# convert list Qedep_positron_50MeV to numpy array:
Qedep_positron_50MeV = np.asarray(Qedep_positron_50MeV)
# smear Qedep_positron_50MeV with the energy resolution of JUNO:
sigma = NC_background_functions.energy_resolution(Qedep_positron_50MeV)
Qedep_positron_50MeV_smeared = np.random.normal(Qedep_positron_50MeV, sigma)

""" read IBD files: """
print("read IBD events...")
path_IBD = "/local/scratch1/pipc51/astro/blum/IBD_hepevt/"

first_file_IBD = 0
last_file_IBD = 199

# IBD (positron and neutron) events from 10 MeV to 100 MeV:
# filename_IBD = "user_IBD_hepevt_"
# totalPE_IBD, Redep_IBD, Qedep_IBD, Edep_IBD = \
#     get_npe_redep_qedep_from_file(path_IBD, filename_IBD, first_file_IBD, last_file_IBD, E_min_window, E_max_window)

""" plot Qedep vs. nPE and Qedep vs. Redep: """
# number of events without neutron, but with possible delayed signal (agree with time but NOT with energy cut):
number_possible_delayed = 0
# number of events without neutron, but with possible second delayed signal (agree only with time cut) after one
# delayed or possible delayed cut:
number_possible_second_delayed = 0

# loop over files:
for file_number in range(start_number, stop_number + 1, 1):
    # path to file:
    input_file = "user_atmoNC_{0:d}.root".format(file_number)
    print("Start reading {0} ...".format(input_file))

    # analyze file with function check_neutron_cut():
    num_events, num_neutron, num_no_neutron, num_no_delayed, num_delayed, num_pos_delayed, num_pos_second_delayed = \
        NC_background_functions.check_neutron_cut(input_path, file_number, output_path, min_hittime, max_hittime,
                                                  threshold, threshold2, binwidth, min_PE_delayed, max_PE_delayed,
                                                  Number_entries_input, SAVE_HITTIME)

    # add variables:
    number_events = number_events + num_events
    number_neutron = number_neutron + num_neutron
    number_no_neutron = number_no_neutron + num_no_neutron
    number_no_delayed = number_no_delayed + num_no_delayed
    number_delayed = number_delayed + num_delayed
    number_possible_delayed = number_possible_delayed + num_pos_delayed
    number_possible_second_delayed = number_possible_second_delayed + num_pos_second_delayed

print("\nnumber_events = {0}".format(number_events))
print("\nnumber_neutron = {0}".format(number_neutron))
print("\nnumber_no_neutron = {0}".format(number_no_neutron))
print("\nnumber_no_delayed = {0}".format(number_no_delayed))
""" thresholds and cuts for delayed signal: """
# Set threshold of number of PE per bin for possible delayed signal (bin-width = 5 ns):
threshold1_del = 50
# set threshold2 of number of PEs per bin (signal peak is summed as long as nPE is above threshold2):
threshold2_del = 0
# min and max number of PE for delayed energy cut (from check_delayed_energy.py):
min_PE_delayed = 2805.53
max_PE_delayed = 3731.04
# preallocate number of events that are rejected by delayed energy cut:
number_rejected_delayed_energy_cut = 0
# preallocate array, where npe of delayed signal, that wouldn't pass the delayed energy cut are saved:
number_pe_delayed_rejected_array = np.array([])
""" load position of the PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PMT_position.root: """
file_PMT_position = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PMT_position.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding x, y, z position in mm:
pmtID_pos_file, x_pos_pmt, y_pos_pmt, z_pos_pmt = NC_background_functions.get_pmt_position(
""" load 'time resolution' in ns of the 20 inch PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PmtData.root: """
file_PMT_time = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PmtData.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding sigma in ns:
pmtID_time_file, sigma_time_20inch = NC_background_functions.get_20inchpmt_tts(
# set TTS (FWHM) of the 3inch PMTs in ns:
tts_3inch = 5.0
# calculate time resolution (sigma) for the 3inch PMTs in ns:
sigma_time_3inch = tts_3inch / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
# set effective speed of light in the liquid scintillator in mm/ns (see page 7 of c_effective_JUNO-doc-3144-v2.pdf in
# folder /home/astro/blum/PhD/paper/Pulse_Shape_Discrimination/). Effective refraction index in LS n_eff = 1.54.
# c/n_eff = 299792458 m / 1.54 s ~ 194670427 m/s = 194670427 * 10**(-6) mm/ns ~ 194.67 mm/ns:
c_effective = 194.67

# loop over the files:
distance_cut = 1500

""" thresholds and cuts for ncapture signal: """
# Set threshold of number of PE per bin for possible delayed signal (bin-width = 5 ns):
threshold1_del = 50
# set threshold2 of number of PEs per bin (signal peak is summed as long as nPE is above threshold2):
threshold2_del = 0
# min and max number of PE for delayed energy cut (delayed energy cut: 1.9 MeV / 0.0007483 = 2573 PE ~ 2500 PE,
# 2.5 MeV / 0.0007384 = 3385 PE ~ 3400 PE):
min_PE_delayed = 2400
max_PE_delayed = 3400

""" load position of the PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PMT_position.root: """
file_PMT_position = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PMT_position.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding x, y, z position in mm:
pmtID_pos_file, x_pos_pmt, y_pos_pmt, z_pos_pmt = NC_background_functions.get_pmt_position(file_PMT_position)

""" load 'time resolution' in ns of the 20 inch PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PmtData.root: """
file_PMT_time = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PmtData.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding sigma in ns:
pmtID_time_file, sigma_time_20inch = NC_background_functions.get_20inchpmt_tts(file_PMT_time)
# set TTS (FWHM) of the 3inch PMTs in ns:
tts_3inch = 5.0
# calculate time resolution (sigma) for the 3inch PMTs in ns:
sigma_time_3inch = tts_3inch / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
# set effective speed of light in the liquid scintillator in mm/ns (see page 7 of c_effective_JUNO-doc-3144-v2.pdf in
# folder /home/astro/blum/PhD/paper/Pulse_Shape_Discrimination/). Effective refraction index in LS n_eff = 1.54.
# c/n_eff = 299792458 m / 1.54 s ~ 194670427 m/s = 194670427 * 10**(-6) mm/ns ~ 194.67 mm/ns:
c_effective = 194.67

""" preallocate variables: """
# preallocate number of IBD-like events:
number_IBDevts = 0

# loop over the files that are read:
for index in range(start_number, stop_number + 1):

    # file name of the input file:
    input_name = input_path + "user_atmoNC_{0:d}.root".format(index)

    # get the visible energy of the prompt signal from events that mimic IBD signals (E_vis in MeV) (np.array):
    num_evts, evt_ID_IBD, E_vis = NC_background_functions.read_sample_detsim_user(
        input_name, R_cut, E_prompt_min, E_prompt_max, E_delayed_min,
        E_delayed_max, time_cut_min, time_cut_max, Distance_cut,
        time_resolution, Number_entries_input)

    # add number_evts to number_events:
    number_events = number_events + num_evts

    # calculate number of IBD-like events:
    num_IBD = len(E_vis)
    # add num_IBD to number_IBDevts:
    number_IBDevts = number_IBDevts + num_IBD

    # append E_vis to E_visible:
    E_visible = np.append(E_visible, E_vis)

 Frac_C12_Li6_4p_2n_piminus, Frac_C12_Li6_3p_3n_piminus_piplus,
 Frac_C12_Li8_3p_n, Frac_C12_Li8_4p_piminus, Frac_C12_Li8_4p_2piminus_piplus, Frac_C12_Li8_2p_2n_piplus,
 Frac_C12_Li7_2p_3n_piplus, Frac_C12_Li7_4p_n_piminus, Frac_C12_Li7_3p_2n, Frac_C12_Li7_3p_2n_piminus_piplus,
 Frac_C12_Li7_4p_n_2piminus_piplus, Frac_C12_Li7_2p_3n_piminus_2piplus,
 Frac_C12_B8_p_3n, Frac_C12_B8_p_3n_piminus_piplus, Frac_C12_B8_2p_2n_2piminus_piplus, Frac_C12_B8_2p_2n_piminus,
 Frac_C12_Li9_2p_n_piplus, Frac_C12_Li9_3p, Frac_C12_Li9_3p_piminus_piplus, Frac_C12_Li9_2p_n_piminus_2piplus,
 Frac_C12_C8_4n, Frac_C12_He8_4p, Frac_C12_B7_p_4n, Frac_C12_He7_4p_n, Frac_C12_H7_5p, Frac_C12_Be6_2p_4n,
 Frac_C12_Li5_3p_4n, Frac_C12_Li4_3p_5n, Frac_C12_He6_4p_2n, Frac_C12_He5_4p_3n, Frac_C12_He4_4p_4n,
 Frac_C12_He3_4p_5n, Frac_C12_H6_5p_n, Frac_C12_H5_5p_2n, Frac_C12_H4_5p_3n, Frac_C12_H3_5p_4n, Frac_C12_H2_5p_5n,
 Frac_C12_C12, Frac_C12_NoIso,
 Frac_no_C12, Frac_ES_proton_chID, Frac_ES_electron_chID, Frac_ES_O16_chID, Frac_ES_N14_chID, Frac_ES_S32_chID,
 Frac_C12_missing) \
    = NC_background_functions.get_channels_from_original_genie_file(input_name)

""" Save information from get_interaction_channel() into txt file: """
    np.savetxt(output_path + "interaction_channels_NC_onlyC12_{0:d}evts.txt".format(Number_Events),
               np.array([Frac_C12_B11_p, Frac_C12_B11_n_piplus, Frac_C12_B11_n_piminus_2piplus,
                         Frac_C12_B11_p_piminus_piplus, Frac_C12_B11_p_2piminus_2piplus, Frac_C12_B11_piplus,
                         Frac_C12_C11_n, Frac_C12_C11_p_piminus, Frac_C12_C11_n_piminus_piplus,
                         Frac_C12_C11_p_2piminus_piplus, Frac_C12_C11_p_3piminus_2piplus,
                         Frac_C12_B10_p_n, Frac_C12_B10_2p_piminus, Frac_C12_B10_p_n_piminus_piplus,
                         Frac_C12_B10_2n_piplus, Frac_C12_B10_2n_piminus_2piplus, Frac_C12_B10_2p_2piminus_piplus,
                         Frac_C12_B10_2p_3piminus_2piplus, Frac_C12_B10_p_n_2piminus_2piplus,
                         Frac_C12_C10_2n, Frac_C12_C10_p_n_piminus, Frac_C12_C10_p_n_2piminus_piplus,
                         Frac_C12_C10_2n_piminus_piplus, Frac_C12_C10_2p_2piminus,
for index in range(start_number, stop_number + 1):

    # file name of the input file:
    input_name = input_path + "user_atmoNC_{0:d}.root".format(index)

    # get the visible energy of the prompt signal from events that mimic IBD signals (E_vis in MeV) (np.array):
    (num_evts, evt_ID_IBD, E_vis, number_case0, number_case0_1ibdlike, number_case1, number_case1_1posibdlike,
     number_case1_2posibdlike, number_case1_2posibdlike_added, number_case1_2posibdlike_notadded,
     number_case1_moreposibdlike, number_case2, number_case2_1posibdlike, number_case3, number_case3_noibdlike,
     number_case3_1ibdlike, number_case3_2ibdlike, number_check1, number_check2, number_case3_moreibdlike) \
        = NC_background_functions.read_sample_detsim_user(input_name, R_cut_mm, E_prompt_min, E_prompt_max,
                                                          E_delayed_min, E_delayed_max, time_cut_min, time_cut_max,
                                                          Distance_cut, time_resolution, Number_entries_input)

    # check numbers:
    Number_case0 = Number_case0 + number_case0
    Number_case0_1ibdlike = Number_case0_1ibdlike + number_case0_1ibdlike
    Number_case1 = Number_case1 + number_case1
    Number_case1_1posibdlike = Number_case1_1posibdlike + number_case1_1posibdlike
    Number_case1_2posibdlike = Number_case1_2posibdlike + number_case1_2posibdlike
    Number_case1_2posibdlike_added = Number_case1_2posibdlike_added + number_case1_2posibdlike_added
    Number_case1_2posibdlike_notadded = Number_case1_2posibdlike_notadded + number_case1_2posibdlike_notadded
    Number_case1_moreposibdlike = Number_case1_moreposibdlike + number_case1_moreposibdlike
    Number_case2 = Number_case2 + number_case2
    Number_case2_1posibdlike = Number_case2_1posibdlike + number_case2_1posibdlike
    Number_case3 = Number_case3 + number_case3
    Number_case3_noibdlike = Number_case3_noibdlike + number_case3_noibdlike
E_neutrino = np.arange(105, 223 + E_neutrino_interval, E_neutrino_interval)
E_visible = np.arange(10, 100 + 0.5 + 0.5, 0.5)

# exposure time in seconds:
time_seconds = 10 * 3.156 * 10**7
# fiducial volume cut in mm:
radius_cut = 16000
# mass of proton in MeV (reference PDG 2016) (float constant):
MASS_PROTON = 938.27203
# mass of neutron in MeV (reference PDG 2016) (float constant):
MASS_NEUTRON = 939.56536
# mass of muon in MeV (reference PDG 2019):
MASS_MUON = 105.658

# number of C12 in JUNO LS for specific radius cut:
number_C12 = NC_background_functions.number_c12_atoms(radius_cut / 1000)

# number of free protons in total JUNO LS (17.7 m and 20 ktons):
N_free_protons_total = 1.45 * 10**33
# number of free protons in JUNO LS for specific radius cut:
number_free_protons = N_free_protons_total * radius_cut**3 / 17700**3
""" Results of the HONDA simulation (based on the paper of Honda2015: 'Atmospheric neutrino flux calculation using
the NRLMSISE-00 atmospheric model'): """
# Neutrino energy in MeV from the table from file HONDA_juno-ally-01-01-solmin.d (is equal to neutrino energy
# in HONDA_juno-ally-01-01-solmax.d) (np.array of float):
energy_honda = 10**3 * np.array([
    1.0000E-01, 1.1220E-01, 1.2589E-01, 1.4125E-01, 1.5849E-01, 1.7783E-01,
    1.9953E-01, 2.2387E-01
""" for solar minimum (HONDA_juno-ally-01-01-solmin.d): """
# all-direction averaged flux for no oscillation for electron-neutrinos for solar minimum at the site of JUNO
array_TTR_20_30 = []
array_TTR_30_40 = []
array_TTR_40_100 = []
# array, where prompt energy of neutron events is saved in MeV:
array_E_prompt_neutron = []
array_E_10_20 = []
array_E_20_30 = []
array_E_30_40 = []
array_E_40_100 = []
# number of neutron events, that pass the PSD cut:
number_pass_PSD_total = 0
number_pass_PSD_array = np.zeros(len(energy_range))
""" load position of the PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PMT_position.root: """
file_PMT_position = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PMT_position.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding x, y, z position in mm:
pmtID_pos_file, x_pos_pmt, y_pos_pmt, z_pos_pmt = NC_background_functions.get_pmt_position(
""" load 'time resolution' in ns of the 20 inch PMTs and corresponding PMT ID from file PmtData.root: """
file_PMT_time = "/home/astro/blum/juno/atmoNC/PMT_information/PmtData_old.root"
# array with PMT ID and corresponding sigma in ns:
pmtID_time_file, sigma_time_20inch = NC_background_functions.get_20inchpmt_tts(
# set TTS (FWHM) of the 3inch PMTs in ns:
tts_3inch = 5.0
# calculate time resolution (sigma) for the 3inch PMTs in ns:
sigma_time_3inch = tts_3inch / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
# set effective speed of light in the liquid scintillator in mm/ns (see page 12 of
# 20200111_zli_VertexReconstruction_page20.pdf in folder /home/astro/blum/PhD/paper/reconstruction/).
# The effective refraction index in LS depends on the TTS of the PMT (Hamamatsu with TTS ~ 2.7 ns,
# NNVT with TTS ~ 18 ns).
# for Hamamatsu and 3inch PMTs (TTS ~ 2.7 ns and 5 ns) use n_eff = 1.544 (c/n_eff = 299792458 m / 1.544 s
# = 194166100 * 10**(-6) mm/ns ~ 194.17 mm/ns):
    # file name of the input file:
    input_name = input_path + "user_atmoNC_{0:d}.root".format(index)

    # preselection of detsim events:
    (num_events, evt_id_preselected, edep_total, x_reco, y_reco, z_reco,
     num_preselected, num_rejected,
     num_vol_pass, num_vol_reject, num_vol_pass_initial,
     num_e_pass, num_mine_reject, num_maxe_reject, num_nmult_pass, num_nmult_reject, num_without_ncap,
     num_time_pass, num_time_reject, num_dist_pass, num_dist_reject) = \
        NC_background_functions.preselect_sample_detsim_user(input_name, R_cut_mm, dep_energy_min, dep_energy_max,
                                                             time_cut_min, time_cut_max, dist_cut_mm,

    # add numbers to parameters:
    number_events += num_events
    number_preselected += num_preselected
    number_rejected += num_rejected
    number_vol_pass += num_vol_pass
    number_vol_reject += num_vol_reject
    number_vol_pass_initial += num_vol_pass_initial
    number_e_pass += num_e_pass
    number_mine_reject += num_mine_reject
    number_maxe_reject += num_maxe_reject
    number_nmult_pass += num_nmult_pass
    number_nmult_reject += num_nmult_reject
    number_without_ncap += num_without_ncap
# TODO: include the event rate to get "real" spectra
# TODO-me: Get the Event Rate for GENIE simulations of Julia!!!
# evt_rate_Genie = 3.59E-5
evt_rate_Genie = 1

# total exposure time in years (float):
t_years = 10
# total time-exposure in seconds (1yr = 365.2425 * 24 * 60 * 60 sec = 3.1556952 * 10^7 sec), 10 years (float):
# TODO: include the total exposure time to get "real" spectra
# time = t_years * 3.156 * 10 ** 7
time = 1

# read NC generator data to arrays:
(event_ID, projectile_PDG, projectile_E, target_PDG, NC_inter_ch_ID,
 deexcitation_ID, isotope_PDG, Nparticles, final_PDG, final_Px, final_Py,
 final_Pz) = NC_background_functions.read_nc_data(input_name)

# get the number of events in the root file:
# from the maximum of event_ID +1 (float):
evtnumber_fromMax = int(np.max(event_ID) + 1)
# from the length of the array:
evtnumber_fromLength = len(event_ID)
if evtnumber_fromMax != evtnumber_fromLength:
    print("WARNING: different values for max(event_ID) and len(event_ID)!!!")
    NumEvent = evtnumber_fromLength

# get the number of event as function of the energy of the incoming neutrinos for each neutrino type:
 Event_nu_e_IN, Event_nu_e_bar_IN, Event_nu_mu_IN, Event_nu_mu_bar_IN, Event_nu_tau_IN, Event_nu_tau_bar_IN,
 Number_nu_e_IN, Number_nu_e_bar_IN, Number_nu_mu_IN, Number_nu_mu_bar_IN, Number_nu_tau_IN, Number_nu_tau_bar_IN,