niter = 101

#  Open a workstation.
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "color5")

#  Define our own color table going around
#  all the hues in the HLS color space, starting
#  with blue.
for k in range(0, niter):
    h = 360 * float(k) / float(niter)
    r, g, b = Ngl.hlsrgb(h, 50., 100.)
    Ngl.set_color(wks, k, r, g, b)

#  Create the set and draw the color cells.
poly_res = Ngl.Resources()
for j in range(ny):
    for i in range(nx):
        x, y = get_cell(i, j, xl, xr, yb, yt, nx, ny)
        iter = convg(complex(x[0], y[0]), niter, 0.001, 10000)
        poly_res.gsFillColor = iter - 1  #  iter will be at least one.
        for i in range(len(x)):
            x[i], y[i] = user2ndc(x[i], y[i])
        Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, x, y, poly_res)
文件: color5.py 项目: yyr/pyngl
niter = 101

#  Open a workstation.
wks_type = "ps"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"color5") 

#  Define our own color table going around 
#  all the hues in the HLS color space, starting
#  with blue.
for k in xrange(0,niter):
  h = 360*float(k)/float(niter)
  r,g,b = Ngl.hlsrgb(h, 50., 100.)
  Ngl.set_color(wks, k, r, g, b)

#  Create the set and draw the color cells.
poly_res = Ngl.Resources()
for j in xrange(ny):
  for i in xrange(nx):
    x, y = get_cell(i, j, xl, xr, yb, yt, nx, ny)
    iter = convg(complex(x[0],y[0]), niter, 0.001, 10000)
    poly_res.gsFillColor = iter-1   #  iter will be at least one.
    for i in xrange(len(x)):
      x[i], y[i] = user2ndc(x[i], y[i])
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, x, y,poly_res)

#  Illustrations and tests for the color conversion functions.

#  Set a tolerance limit for HLS and HSV tests.
eps = 0.00001

#  HLS to RGB: (120., 50., 100.) -> (1., 0., 0.)
r, g, b = Ngl.hlsrgb(120., 50., 100.)
if numpy.sometrue(numpy.greater(numpy.fabs([r - 1., g, b]), eps)):
    print("color3: hlsrgb test failed")

#  RGB to HLS: (1., 0., 0.) -> (120., 50., 100.)
h, l, s = Ngl.rgbhls(1., 0., 0.)
if numpy.sometrue(numpy.greater(numpy.fabs([h - 120., l - 50., s - 100.]),
    print("color3: rgbhls test failed")

#  HSV to RGB: (120., 1., 1.) -> (0., 1., 0.)
r, g, b = Ngl.hsvrgb(120., 1., 1.)

#  Illustrations and tests for the color conversion functions.

#  Set a tolerance limit for HLS and HSV tests.
eps = 0.00001

#  HLS to RGB: (120., 50., 100.) -> (1., 0., 0.)
r,g,b = Ngl.hlsrgb(120., 50., 100.)
if numpy.sometrue(numpy.greater(numpy.fabs([r-1., g, b]), eps)):
  print "color3: hlsrgb test failed"

#  RGB to HLS: (1., 0., 0.) -> (120., 50., 100.)
h,l,s = Ngl.rgbhls(1., 0., 0.)
if numpy.sometrue(numpy.greater(numpy.fabs([h-120.,l-50.,s-100.]), eps)):
 print "color3: rgbhls test failed"

#  HSV to RGB: (120., 1., 1.) -> (0., 1., 0.)
r,g,b = Ngl.hsvrgb(120., 1., 1.)   
if numpy.sometrue(numpy.greater(numpy.fabs([r, g-1., b]), eps)):