    def track_points(self, markers):
        '''Track a set of markers using phasespace.

        markers : int or sequence of int
            If this is an integer, specifies the number of markers we ought to
            track. If this is a sequence of integers, it specifies the IDs of
            the markers to track.

        PointTracker :
            A PointTracker instance to use for tracking the markers in question.
        if isinstance(markers, int):
            markers = range(markers)
        marker_ids = sorted(markers)

        # set up tracker using owl libraries.
        index = len(self.trackers)
        OWL.owlTrackeri(index, OWL.OWL_CREATE, OWL.OWL_POINT_TRACKER)
        for i, marker_id in enumerate(marker_ids):
            OWL.owlMarkeri(OWL.MARKER(index, i), OWL.OWL_SET_LED, marker_id)
        OWL.owlTracker(index, OWL.OWL_ENABLE)
        if OWL.owlGetStatus() == 0:
            raise OwlError('point tracker (index {})'.format(index))

        tracker = PointTracker(index, marker_ids)
        return tracker
    def reset(self):
        '''Reset this rigid body based on the current locations of its markers.
        logging.info('resetting rigid body %s', self.marker_ids)

        # assemble marker positions
        positions = []
        com = []
        with self._lock:
            for m in self.marker_ids:
                marker = self._raw_markers[self.marker_ids.index(m)]
                if marker is None or not 0 < marker.cond < 100:
                    logging.error('missing marker %d for reset', m)
                if m in self.center_marker_ids:

        # compute center of mass
        cx = sum(x for x, _, _ in com) / len(com)
        cy = sum(y for _, y, _ in com) / len(com)
        cz = sum(z for _, _, z in com) / len(com)
        logging.info('body center: (%s, %s, %s)', cx, cy, cz)

        # reset phasespace marker positions
        OWL.owlTracker(self._index, OWL.OWL_DISABLE)
        for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(positions):
            OWL.owlMarkerfv(OWL.MARKER(self._index, i), OWL.OWL_SET_POSITION,
                            (x - cx, y - cy, z - cz))
        OWL.owlTracker(self._index, OWL.OWL_ENABLE)
    def __init__(self, ip_address, num_points, framerate=None):
        super(PhasespaceMocapSource, self).__init__()
        self._num_points = num_points
        self._shutdown_flag = False

        # Run the read loop at 2000Hz regardless of actual framerate to control
        # jitter
        self._timer = RateTimer(2000)

        # Connect to the server
        OWL.owlInit(ip_address, 0)
        OWL.owlSetInteger(OWL.OWL_FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE, 0)

        tracker = 0
        OWL.owlTrackeri(tracker, OWL.OWL_CREATE, OWL.OWL_POINT_TRACKER)

        # add the points we want to track to the tracker
        for i in range(num_points):
            OWL.owlMarkeri(OWL.MARKER(tracker, i), OWL.OWL_SET_LED, i)

        # Activate tracker
        OWL.owlTracker(0, OWL.OWL_ENABLE)

        # Set frequency
        if framerate is None:
            # self._timer = RateTimer(1500)
            OWL.owlSetFloat(OWL.OWL_FREQUENCY, framerate)
            # self._timer = RateTimer(framerate*3)

        # Start streaming

        # Check for errors

        if OWL.owlGetError() != OWL.OWL_NO_ERROR:
            print('%s', (OWL.owlGetError()))
            raise RuntimeError(
                'An error occurred while connecting to the mocap server')

        # Start the reader thread
        self._reader = Thread(target=self._reader_thread)
        self._reader.daemon = True
        self._start_time = time.time()
    def reset(self):
        '''Reset this rigid body based on the current locations of its markers.

        #logging.info('resetting rigid body %s', self.marker_ids)

        print('Tryingn to reset rigid body %s', self.filename)

        localPositions = self._getLocalPositions()

        if (localPositions == -1):

        OWL.owlTracker(self._index, OWL.OWL_DISABLE)

        for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(localPositions):
            print('Resetting marker: ' + str(i))
            OWL.owlMarkerfv(OWL.MARKER(self._index, i), OWL.OWL_SET_POSITION,
                            [x, y, z])

        OWL.owlTracker(self._index, OWL.OWL_ENABLE)

        print('Done. resetting rigid body %s', self.filename)
    def reset(self):
        '''Reset this rigid body based on the current locations of its markers.

        logging.info('resetting rigid body %s', self.marker_ids)

        localPositionsPS_mIdx_xyz = self._getLocalPositions(psFormat=True)

        #        localPositionsPS_mIdx_xyz = []
        #        for viz_XYZ in localPositionsViz_mIdx_xyz:
        #            ps_XYZ = (-1000*viz_XYZ[2],1000*viz_XYZ[1],-1000*viz_XYZ[0])
        #            localPositionsPS_mIdx_xyz.append(ps_XYZ)

        if (localPositionsPS_mIdx_xyz == -1):

        OWL.owlTracker(self._index, OWL.OWL_DISABLE)

        for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(localPositionsPS_mIdx_xyz):

            OWL.owlMarkerfv(OWL.MARKER(self._index, i), OWL.OWL_SET_POSITION,
                            [x, y, z])

        OWL.owlTracker(self._index, OWL.OWL_ENABLE)
    def track_rigid(self,
                    localOffest_xyz=[0, 0, 0]):
        '''Add a rigid-body tracker to the phasespace workload.

        markers_orFilename : varied
            This parameter describes the markers that make up the rigid body. It
            can take several forms:

            - An integer, n. This will result in tracking markers 0 through n-1.
            - A sequence of integers, (n1, n2, ...). This will use markers n1,
              n2, ... to track the rigid body.
            - A dictionary, {n1: (x, y, z), n2: ...}. This will use markers n1,
              n2, ... to track the rigid body, using relative marker offsets
              specified by the values in the dictionary.
            - A string. The rigid body configuration will be loaded from the
              file named in the string.

            If markers_orFilename is an integer or sequence of integers, then random marker
            offsets will be assigned initially; call the .reset() method on the
            rigid tracker to reassign the marker offsets.

        center_markers : sequence of int
            This parameter specifies which marker ids to use for computing the
            center of the rigid body. If this is None, all markers will be

        RigidTracker :
            A RigidTracker instance to use for tracking this rigid body.
        def random_offsets():
            return [random.random() - 0.5 for _ in range(3)]

        marker_map = {}

        # If markers_orFilename is a dictionary
        if isinstance(markers_orFilename, dict):
            marker_map = markers_orFilename

        # If markers_orFilename is an int
        if isinstance(markers_orFilename, int):
            for i in range(markers_orFilename):
                marker_map[i] = random_offsets()

        # If markers_orFilename is a tuple
        if isinstance(markers_orFilename, (tuple, list, set)):
            for i in markers_orFilename:
                marker_map[i] = random_offsets()

        # If markers_orFilename is a string
        if isinstance(markers_orFilename, str):

            fileLocation = self.phaseSpaceFilePath + markers_orFilename
            print "Initializing rigid body: " + fileLocation

            import os

            #import os.path
            #f = open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../data.yml')

            # load rigid body configuration from a file.
            with open(fileLocation) as handle:
                for line in handle:
                    id, x, y, z = line.replace(',', '').strip().split()
                    marker_map[int(id)] = float(x), float(y), float(z)

        marker_map = sorted(marker_map.iteritems())
        marker_ids = tuple(i for i, _ in marker_map)

        # set up tracker using owl libraries.
        # Marker locations have been read in from file
        index = len(self.trackers)

        OWL.owlTrackeri(index, OWL.OWL_CREATE, OWL.OWL_RIGID_TRACKER)

        for i, (marker_id, pos) in enumerate(marker_map):
            OWL.owlMarkeri(OWL.MARKER(index, i), OWL.OWL_SET_LED, marker_id)
            OWL.owlMarkerfv(OWL.MARKER(index, i), OWL.OWL_SET_POSITION, pos)

        OWL.owlTracker(index, OWL.OWL_ENABLE)
        if OWL.owlGetStatus() == 0:
            raise OwlError('rigid tracker (index {})'.format(index))

        tracker = RigidTracker(index, marker_ids, center_markers or marker_ids,

        if isinstance(markers_orFilename, str):
            tracker.filepath = self.phaseSpaceFilePath
            tracker.filename = markers_orFilename

        return tracker