def repairMosaicDatasets(dataDrive): try: totalSuccess = True newPath = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) # "Create" RepairMosaicDatasetPaths GP tool Original Path/New Path # parameter string repairOrigNewPath = "" for regName in installOnlyPublishingFolders.keys(): repairOrigNewPath = repairOrigNewPath + "; " + \ installOnlyPublishingFolders[regName] + " " + newPath # Remove leading semicolon repairOrigNewPath = repairOrigNewPath.replace("; ", "", 1) rootSearchPath = newPath # Get list of all folders ending in ".gdb" print print "Searching " + rootSearchPath + " looking for file geodatabases..." gdbList = findFolderPath(rootSearchPath, "*.gdb", False) # Ensure that list only contains entries that are local geodatabase # (file geodatabase); just in case there happens to be a folder with ".gdb" # that is not a geodatabase gdbList[:] = [gdb for gdb in gdbList if arcpy.Describe(gdb).workspaceType.upper() == "LOCALDATABASE"] # Loop through all file geodatabases and repair paths for any non-referenced # mosaic datasets for gdb in gdbList: print print "Found file geodatabase: " + gdb print "\tChecking for existence of non-referenced mosaic datasets..." # Get any mosaic datasets in geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = gdb mdList = arcpy.ListDatasets("*", "Mosaic") # Modify list to contain only non-reference mosaic datasets mdList[:] = [md for md in mdList if not arcpy.Describe(md).referenced] if len(mdList) == 0: print "\tNone found." else: print "\tFound " + str(len(mdList)) + " non-referenced mosaic dataset(s)." for md in mdList: print print "\tRepairing paths in mosaic dataset '" + md + "'..." results = repairMosaicDatasetPaths(md, repairOrigNewPath) success = checkResults(results, printMsg) if not success: totalSuccess = success except: # Get the traceback object tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window print print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****" print pymsg + "\n" finally: print print if totalSuccess: print "Done repairing mosaic dataset paths." else: print "ERROR occurred during mosaic dataset path repair." print return totalSuccess
def registerDataStores(sharedDataStoreConfig, forInstallPurposeOnly, username, password, dataDrive): successRegister = True sharedDBConfig = sharedDataStoreConfig sharedFolderConfig = sharedDataStoreConfig try: opsServer = OpsServerConfig.getOpsServerRootPath(dataDrive) environmentData = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) clientServerName = OpsServerConfig.publishingDBServer clientFolderPath = OpsServerConfig.publishingFolder clientFolderDSName = OpsServerConfig.dataFolderDStoreName installOnlyClientFolders = OpsServerConfig.installOnlyPublishingFolders dbsToRegister = OpsServerConfig.databasesToCreate print "\n\t-Register Data Stores with Site...\n" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register Folders by just using paths # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if regFolders: if forInstallPurposeOnly: clientFolderPaths = installOnlyClientFolders else: clientFolderPaths = {clientFolderDSName: clientFolderPath} for registrationName, clientFolderPath in clientFolderPaths.items( ): # Create folder data store item if sharedFolderConfig: sharedStr = "shared" dsPath, dsItem = create_shared_folder_item( registrationName, environmentData, serverName) else: sharedStr = "replicated" dsPath, dsItem = create_replicated_folder_item( registrationName, clientFolderPath, environmentData) # Register the data store item print "\t\t-Registering folder " + environmentData + " with site as " + registrationName + " (" + sharedStr + ")..." success, response = register(serverName, serverPort, username, password, dsItem, useSSL=False) if success: print "\t\tDone.\n" else: successRegister = False print "ERROR:" + str(response) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Register databases ## (NOTE: Assumes database password is the same as that used to install ## arcgis server) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- if regDatabases: for db in dbsToRegister: isManaged = dbsToRegister[db][0] registrationName = dbsToRegister[db][1] # Do not register managed database if it is for # install purposes only if isManaged and forInstallPurposeOnly: continueRegister = False else: continueRegister = True if continueRegister: success, server_db_conn = create_postgresql_db_connection_str( serverName, serverPort, username, password, serverName, db, 'sde', password, useSSL=False, token=None, encrypt_dbpassword=False) if not success: successRegister = False print "ERROR: error encountered while creating server database connection string -" print str(server_db_conn) if forInstallPurposeOnly: registrationName = registrationName + "_InstallOnly" managedStr = "" if isManaged: managedStr = "Managed" dsPath, dsItem = create_managed_entdb_item( registrationName, server_db_conn) else: managedStr = "Non-managed" if sharedDBConfig: managedStr = managedStr + " - shared" dsPath, dsItem = create_shared_entdb_item( registrationName, server_db_conn) else: managedStr = managedStr + " - replicated" success, publisher_db_conn = create_postgresql_db_connection_str( serverName, serverPort, username, password, clientServerName, db, 'sde', password, useSSL=False, token=None, encrypt_dbpassword=False) if not success: successRegister = False print "ERROR: error encountered while creating publisher database connection string -" print str(publisher_db_conn) dsPath, dsItem = create_replicated_entdb_item( registrationName, publisher_db_conn, server_db_conn) print "\t\t-Registering " + db + " database with site as " + registrationName + " (" + managedStr + ")..." success, response = register(serverName, serverPort, username, password, dsItem, useSSL=False) if success: print "\t\tDone.\n" else: successRegister = False print "ERROR:" + str(response) except: successRegister = False # Get the traceback object tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str( sys.exc_info()[1]) # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window print print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****" print pymsg + "\n" finally: # Return success flag return successRegister
def registerDataStores(sharedDataStoreConfig, forInstallPurposeOnly, username, password, dataDrive): successRegister = True sharedDBConfig = sharedDataStoreConfig sharedFolderConfig = sharedDataStoreConfig try: opsServer = OpsServerConfig.getOpsServerRootPath(dataDrive) environmentData = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) clientServerName = OpsServerConfig.publishingDBServer clientFolderPath = OpsServerConfig.publishingFolder clientFolderDSName = OpsServerConfig.dataFolderDStoreName installOnlyClientFolders = OpsServerConfig.installOnlyPublishingFolders dbsToRegister = OpsServerConfig.databasesToCreate print "\n\t-Register Data Stores with Site...\n" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register Folders by just using paths # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if regFolders: if forInstallPurposeOnly: clientFolderPaths = installOnlyClientFolders else: clientFolderPaths = {clientFolderDSName: clientFolderPath} for registrationName, clientFolderPath in clientFolderPaths.items(): # Create folder data store item if sharedFolderConfig: sharedStr = "shared" dsPath, dsItem = create_shared_folder_item(registrationName, environmentData, serverName) else: sharedStr = "replicated" dsPath, dsItem = create_replicated_folder_item(registrationName, clientFolderPath, environmentData) # Register the data store item print "\t\t-Registering folder " + environmentData + " with site as " + registrationName + " (" + sharedStr + ")..." success, response = register(serverName, serverPort, username, password, dsItem, useSSL=False) if success: print "\t\tDone.\n" else: successRegister = False print "ERROR:" + str(response) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Register databases ## (NOTE: Assumes database password is the same as that used to install ## arcgis server) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- if regDatabases: for db in dbsToRegister: isManaged = dbsToRegister[db][0] registrationName = dbsToRegister[db][1] # Do not register managed database if it is for # install purposes only if isManaged and forInstallPurposeOnly: continueRegister = False else: continueRegister = True if continueRegister: success, server_db_conn = create_postgresql_db_connection_str( serverName, serverPort, username, password, serverName, db, 'sde', password, useSSL=False, token=None, encrypt_dbpassword=False) if not success: successRegister = False print "ERROR: error encountered while creating server database connection string -" print str(server_db_conn) if forInstallPurposeOnly: registrationName = registrationName + "_InstallOnly" managedStr = "" if isManaged: managedStr = "Managed" dsPath, dsItem = create_managed_entdb_item(registrationName, server_db_conn) else: managedStr = "Non-managed" if sharedDBConfig: managedStr = managedStr + " - shared" dsPath, dsItem = create_shared_entdb_item(registrationName, server_db_conn) else: managedStr = managedStr + " - replicated" success, publisher_db_conn = create_postgresql_db_connection_str( serverName, serverPort, username, password, clientServerName, db, 'sde', password, useSSL=False, token=None, encrypt_dbpassword=False) if not success: successRegister = False print "ERROR: error encountered while creating publisher database connection string -" print str(publisher_db_conn) dsPath, dsItem = create_replicated_entdb_item(registrationName, publisher_db_conn, server_db_conn) print "\t\t-Registering " + db + " database with site as " + registrationName + " (" + managedStr + ")..." success, response = register(serverName, serverPort, username, password, dsItem, useSSL=False) if success: print "\t\tDone.\n" else: successRegister = False print "ERROR:" + str(response) except: successRegister = False # Get the traceback object tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window print print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****" print pymsg + "\n" finally: # Return success flag return successRegister
if not doesDriveExist(dataDrive): print "\nThe drive specified for parameter <DataDriveLetter>" + " (" + dataDrive + ") is an invalid drive." goodParameters = False if not doesDriveExist(cacheDrive): print "\nThe drive specified for parameter <CacheDriveLetter>" + " (" + cacheDrive + ") is an invalid drive." goodParameters = False # Exit script if parameters are not valid. if not goodParameters: print "\nInvalid script parameters. Exiting " + scriptName + "." sys.exit(1) DestinationDBFolder = OpsServerConfig.getDBConnFileRootPath(dataDrive) DestinationCacheFolder = OpsServerConfig.getCacheRootPath(cacheDrive) DestinationFolder = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) modifyOwnershipList = [] printMsg = True totalCopySuccess = True totalRepairMDSuccess = True def copyDataFolders(srcRootPath, destRootPath, ownerAccount): copySuccess = True # Check if there is available space on destination drive # to copy folders. freeSpace = getFreeSpace(destRootPath, "GB")
"SupportFiles") sys.path.append(supportFilesPath) import httplib, urllib, json import arcpy import OpsServerConfig import subprocess from Utilities import makePath from Utilities import findFilePath from Utilities import editFiles serverName = OpsServerConfig.serverName serverPort = OpsServerConfig.serverPort dbsForOpsServer = OpsServerConfig.databasesToCreate rootPostgreSQLPath = OpsServerConfig.getPostgreSQLRootPath() siteExistsCheck = True dbExistsCheck = True def PreConfigChecks(agsSiteAdminUserName, password): try: success = True msgPrefix = "Failed: " print print "--Running pre-configuration checks..." print # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if not doesDriveExist(dataDrive): print "\nThe drive specified for parameter <DataDriveLetter>" + \ " (" + dataDrive + ") is an invalid drive." goodParameters = False if not doesDriveExist(cacheDrive): print "\nThe drive specified for parameter <CacheDriveLetter>" + \ " (" + cacheDrive + ") is an invalid drive." goodParameters = False # Exit script if parameters are not valid. if not goodParameters: print "\nInvalid script parameters. Exiting " + scriptName + "." sys.exit(1) DestinationDBFolder = OpsServerConfig.getDBConnFileRootPath(dataDrive) DestinationCacheFolder = OpsServerConfig.getCacheRootPath(cacheDrive) DestinationFolder = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) modifyOwnershipList = [] printMsg = True totalCopySuccess = True totalRepairMDSuccess = True def copyDataFolders(srcRootPath, destRootPath, ownerAccount): copySuccess = True # Check if there is available space on destination drive # to copy folders. freeSpace = getFreeSpace(destRootPath, "GB")
os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))), "SupportFiles") sys.path.append(supportFilesPath) import httplib, urllib, json import arcpy import OpsServerConfig import subprocess from Utilities import makePath from Utilities import findFilePath from Utilities import editFiles serverName = OpsServerConfig.serverName serverPort = OpsServerConfig.serverPort dbsForOpsServer = OpsServerConfig.databasesToCreate rootPostgreSQLPath = OpsServerConfig.getPostgreSQLRootPath() siteExistsCheck = True dbExistsCheck = True def PreConfigChecks(agsSiteAdminUserName, password): try: success = True msgPrefix = "Failed: " print print "--Running pre-configuration checks..." print # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if site already exists
def createSite(username, password, dataDrive, cacheDrive): success = True try: print print "--Create ArcGIS Server Site..." print agsCache = OpsServerConfig.getCacheRootPath(cacheDrive) pathList = ["arcgisserver", "directories"] agsData = makePath(serverDrive, pathList) pathList = ["arcgisserver", "config-store"] agsConfig = makePath(serverDrive, pathList) # Set up required properties for config store print "\t-Setting up required properties for config store..." configStoreConnection={"connectionString": agsConfig, "type": "FILESYSTEM"} print "\tDone." print # Set up paths for server directories jobsDirPath = os.path.join(agsData, "arcgisjobs") outputDirPath = os.path.join(agsData, "arcgisoutput") systemDirPath = os.path.join(agsData, "arcgissystem") # Create Python dictionaries representing server directories print "\t-Creating Python dictionaries representing server directories" print "\t\t(arcgiscache, arcgisjobs, arcgisoutput, arcgissystem)..." cacheDir = dict(name = "arcgiscache",physicalPath = agsCache,directoryType = "CACHE",cleanupMode = "NONE",maxFileAge = 0,description = "Stores tile caches used by map, globe, and image services for rapid performance.", virtualPath = "") jobsDir = dict(name = "arcgisjobs",physicalPath = jobsDirPath, directoryType = "JOBS",cleanupMode = "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED",maxFileAge = 360,description = "Stores results and other information from geoprocessing services.", virtualPath = "") outputDir = dict(name = "arcgisoutput",physicalPath = outputDirPath,directoryType = "OUTPUT",cleanupMode = "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED",maxFileAge = 10,description = "Stores various information generated by services, such as map images.", virtualPath = "") systemDir = dict(name = "arcgissystem",physicalPath = systemDirPath,directoryType = "SYSTEM",cleanupMode = "NONE",maxFileAge = 0,description = "Stores files that are used internally by the GIS server.", virtualPath = "") print "\tDone." print # Serialize directory information to JSON print "\t-Serializing server directory information to JSON..." directoriesJSON = json.dumps(dict(directories = [cacheDir, jobsDir, outputDir, systemDir])) print "\tDone." print # Construct URL to create a new site print "\t-Constructing URL to create a new site..." createNewSiteURL = "/arcgis/admin/createNewSite" print "\tDone." print # Set up parameters for the request print "\t-Setting up parameters for the request to create new site..." params = urllib.urlencode({'username': username, 'password': password, 'configStoreConnection': configStoreConnection, 'directories':directoriesJSON, 'f': 'json'}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"} print "\tDone." print # Connect to URL and post parameters print "\t-Making request to create new site..." httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(servername, serverPort) httpConn.request("POST", createNewSiteURL, params, headers) # Read response response = httpConn.getresponse() if (response.status != 200): httpConn.close() print "\tERROR: Error while creating the site." print success = False else: data = httpConn.close() # Check that data returned is not an error object if not assertJsonSuccess(data): print "\tERROR: Error returned by operation. " + str(data) print else: print "\tSite created successfully." print "\tDone." print except: success = False # Get the traceback object tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window print print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****" print pymsg + "\n" finally: # Return success flag return success
def createDataStores(agsServerAccount, password, dataDrive): success = True try: opsServer = OpsServerConfig.getOpsServerRootPath(dataDrive) environmentData = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) dbConnFileRootPath = OpsServerConfig.getDBConnFileRootPath(dataDrive) print print "--Create Local Data Stores..." # Create local variables to use for both creating enterprise # geodatabases and creating connection files. dbPlatform = "POSTGRESQL" accountAuthentication = "DATABASE_AUTH" dbAdmin = "postgres" #For PostgreSQL this is the postgres superuser gdbAdminName = "sde" #For PostreSQL this must be 'sde' # 2/26/2013: Modified to dynamically search for keycodes file instead of # hardcoding to specific version of the software. #pathList = ["Program Files", "ESRI", "License10.1", "sysgen", "keycodes"] #authorizationFile = makePath("C", pathList) pathList = ["Program Files", "ESRI"] authorizationFile = findFilePath(makePath("C", pathList), "keycodes") # Create list of database names to create connection file. dbsToConnect = [] for db in dbsToCreate: dbsToConnect.append(db) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create local environment data folders # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if createLocalEnvFolders: print "\n\t-Creating local environment data folders..." foldersToCreate = [] foldersToCreate.append(environmentData) foldersToCreate.append(dbConnFileRootPath) if not os.path.exists(environmentData): for folder in foldersToCreate: print "\t\tCreating folder: " + folder os.makedirs(folder) print "\t\tDone." print changeOwnership(opsServer, agsServerAccount) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create local enterprise databases # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if createEnterpriseGDBs: print "\n\t-Creating local enterprise geodatabases" + \ " (this will take a few minutes)...\n" for db in dbsToCreate: print "\t\tCreating geodatabase '" + db + "'..." arcpy.CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase_management(dbPlatform, "localhost", db, accountAuthentication, dbAdmin, password, "", gdbAdminName, password, "", authorizationFile) print "\t\tDone.\n" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update PostgreSQL connection file to allow remote connections # to environment databases # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if updatePostgreSQLConnectionFile: connectionFilePath = findFilePath(rootPostgreSQLPath, "pg_hba.conf") print "\n\t-Updating PostgreSQL connection file to allow remote" + \ " connections to databases..." print "\t\tFile: " + connectionFilePath # Create list of PostgreSQL connection entries postgreSQLConnEntries = [] postgreSQLConnEntries.append("host all all md5") #IPv4 postgreSQLConnEntries.append("host all all ::/0 md5") #IPv6 # Determine if connection entry already exists in file for postgreSQLConnEntry in postgreSQLConnEntries: if findInFile(connectionFilePath, postgreSQLConnEntry): #Entry already exists in file so remove entry from list postgreSQLConnEntries.remove(postgreSQLConnEntry) # Add connection entries if len(postgreSQLConnEntries) > 0: hbaFile = open(connectionFilePath, 'a') for postgreSQLConnEntry in postgreSQLConnEntries: hbaFile.write("{}\n".format(postgreSQLConnEntry)) hbaFile.close() # Reload config file print "\n\t-Reloading connection file..." exeFile = findFilePath(rootPostgreSQLPath, "pg_ctl.exe") confFolder = os.path.dirname(connectionFilePath) exeCommand = "”" + exeFile + "” -D “" + confFolder + "” reload" os.popen(exeCommand) print "\t\tDone." # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create SDE connection files to environment geodatabases # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if createSDEConnectionFiles: print "\n\t-Creating SDE connection files..." for db in dbsToCreate: outFile = dbsToCreate[db][1] + ".sde" # Set output folder location outFolder = dbConnFileRootPath sdeFilePath = os.path.join(outFolder, outFile) # If SDE connection file already exists, delete it. if os.path.exists(sdeFilePath): print "\t\t* Deleting existing file " + sdeFilePath os.remove(sdeFilePath) print "\t\tRe-creating connection file " + sdeFilePath else: print "\t\tCreating connection file " + sdeFilePath arcpy.CreateDatabaseConnection_management(outFolder, outFile, dbPlatform, servername, accountAuthentication, gdbAdminName, password, "SAVE_USERNAME", db.lower(), "#", "TRANSACTIONAL", "sde.DEFAULT", "#") print "\t\tDone.\n" # Change ownership of sde file changeOwnership(sdeFilePath, agsServerAccount) except: success = False # Get the traceback object tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages() + "\n" # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window print print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****" print pymsg + "\n" print msgs finally: # Return success flag return success
def repairMosaicDatasets(dataDrive): try: totalSuccess = True newPath = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) # "Create" RepairMosaicDatasetPaths GP tool Original Path/New Path # parameter string repairOrigNewPath = "" for regName in installOnlyPublishingFolders.keys(): repairOrigNewPath = repairOrigNewPath + "; " + \ installOnlyPublishingFolders[regName] + " " + newPath # Remove leading semicolon repairOrigNewPath = repairOrigNewPath.replace("; ", "", 1) rootSearchPath = newPath # Get list of all folders ending in ".gdb" print print "Searching " + rootSearchPath + " looking for file geodatabases..." gdbList = findFolderPath(rootSearchPath, "*.gdb", False) # Ensure that list only contains entries that are local geodatabase # (file geodatabase); just in case there happens to be a folder with ".gdb" # that is not a geodatabase gdbList[:] = [ gdb for gdb in gdbList if arcpy.Describe(gdb).workspaceType.upper() == "LOCALDATABASE" ] # Loop through all file geodatabases and repair paths for any non-referenced # mosaic datasets for gdb in gdbList: print print "Found file geodatabase: " + gdb print "\tChecking for existence of non-referenced mosaic datasets..." # Get any mosaic datasets in geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = gdb mdList = arcpy.ListDatasets("*", "Mosaic") # Modify list to contain only non-reference mosaic datasets mdList[:] = [ md for md in mdList if not arcpy.Describe(md).referenced ] if len(mdList) == 0: print "\tNone found." else: print "\tFound " + str( len(mdList)) + " non-referenced mosaic dataset(s)." for md in mdList: print print "\tRepairing paths in mosaic dataset '" + md + "'..." results = repairMosaicDatasetPaths(md, repairOrigNewPath) success = checkResults(results, printMsg) if not success: totalSuccess = success except: # Get the traceback object tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str( sys.exc_info()[1]) # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window print print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****" print pymsg + "\n" finally: print print if totalSuccess: print "Done repairing mosaic dataset paths." else: print "ERROR occurred during mosaic dataset path repair." print return totalSuccess
def createDataStores(agsServerAccount, password, dataDrive): success = True try: opsServer = OpsServerConfig.getOpsServerRootPath(dataDrive) environmentData = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) dbConnFileRootPath = OpsServerConfig.getDBConnFileRootPath(dataDrive) print print "--Create Local Data Stores..." # Create local variables to use for both creating enterprise # geodatabases and creating connection files. dbPlatform = "POSTGRESQL" accountAuthentication = "DATABASE_AUTH" dbAdmin = "postgres" #For PostgreSQL this is the postgres superuser gdbAdminName = "sde" #For PostreSQL this must be 'sde' # 2/26/2013: Modified to dynamically search for keycodes file instead of # hardcoding to specific version of the software. #pathList = ["Program Files", "ESRI", "License10.1", "sysgen", "keycodes"] #authorizationFile = makePath("C", pathList) pathList = ["Program Files", "ESRI"] authorizationFile = findFilePath(makePath("C", pathList), "keycodes") # Create list of database names to create connection file. dbsToConnect = [] for db in dbsToCreate: dbsToConnect.append(db) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create local environment data folders # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if createLocalEnvFolders: print "\n\t-Creating local environment data folders..." foldersToCreate = [] foldersToCreate.append(environmentData) foldersToCreate.append(dbConnFileRootPath) if not os.path.exists(environmentData): for folder in foldersToCreate: print "\t\tCreating folder: " + folder os.makedirs(folder) print "\t\tDone." print changeOwnership(opsServer, agsServerAccount) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create local enterprise databases # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if createEnterpriseGDBs: print "\n\t-Creating local enterprise geodatabases" + \ " (this will take a few minutes)...\n" for db in dbsToCreate: print "\t\tCreating geodatabase '" + db + "'..." arcpy.CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase_management( dbPlatform, "localhost", db, accountAuthentication, dbAdmin, password, "", gdbAdminName, password, "", authorizationFile) print "\t\tDone.\n" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update PostgreSQL connection file to allow remote connections # to environment databases # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if updatePostgreSQLConnectionFile: connectionFilePath = findFilePath(rootPostgreSQLPath, "pg_hba.conf") print "\n\t-Updating PostgreSQL connection file to allow remote" + \ " connections to databases..." print "\t\tFile: " + connectionFilePath # Create list of PostgreSQL connection entries postgreSQLConnEntries = [] postgreSQLConnEntries.append("host all all md5") #IPv4 postgreSQLConnEntries.append("host all all ::/0 md5") #IPv6 # Determine if connection entry already exists in file for postgreSQLConnEntry in postgreSQLConnEntries: if findInFile(connectionFilePath, postgreSQLConnEntry): #Entry already exists in file so remove entry from list postgreSQLConnEntries.remove(postgreSQLConnEntry) # Add connection entries if len(postgreSQLConnEntries) > 0: hbaFile = open(connectionFilePath, 'a') for postgreSQLConnEntry in postgreSQLConnEntries: hbaFile.write("{}\n".format(postgreSQLConnEntry)) hbaFile.close() # Reload config file print "\n\t-Reloading connection file..." exeFile = findFilePath(rootPostgreSQLPath, "pg_ctl.exe") confFolder = os.path.dirname(connectionFilePath) exeCommand = "”" + exeFile + "” -D “" + confFolder + "” reload" os.popen(exeCommand) print "\t\tDone." # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create SDE connection files to environment geodatabases # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if createSDEConnectionFiles: print "\n\t-Creating SDE connection files..." for db in dbsToCreate: outFile = dbsToCreate[db][1] + ".sde" # Set output folder location outFolder = dbConnFileRootPath sdeFilePath = os.path.join(outFolder, outFile) # If SDE connection file already exists, delete it. if os.path.exists(sdeFilePath): print "\t\t* Deleting existing file " + sdeFilePath os.remove(sdeFilePath) print "\t\tRe-creating connection file " + sdeFilePath else: print "\t\tCreating connection file " + sdeFilePath arcpy.CreateDatabaseConnection_management( outFolder, outFile, dbPlatform, servername, accountAuthentication, gdbAdminName, password, "SAVE_USERNAME", db.lower(), "#", "TRANSACTIONAL", "sde.DEFAULT", "#") print "\t\tDone.\n" # Change ownership of sde file changeOwnership(sdeFilePath, agsServerAccount) except: success = False # Get the traceback object tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str( sys.exc_info()[1]) msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages() + "\n" # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window print print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****" print pymsg + "\n" print msgs finally: # Return success flag return success