def parameter_update(X, Y, Nr_incisor):
    """This parts strictly follow  Tim Cootes's paper as Protocol 1
    Y should be given pointset or initial guess
    X initial guess"""
    lm_objects = load_training_data(Nr_incisor)
    landmarks_pca = PCA.ASM(lm_objects)
    b = np.zeros(landmarks_pca.pc_modes.shape[1])
    b_prev = np.ones(landmarks_pca.pc_modes.shape[1])
    i = 0
    X = Landmarks(X).as_vector()
    Y = Landmarks(Y)
    while (np.mean(np.abs(b - b_prev)) >= 1e-14):
        i += 1
        # 2. Generate the model point positions using x = X + Pb
        x = Landmarks(X +, b))

        # 3. Find the pose parameters (Xt, Yt, s, theta) which best align the
        # model points x to the current found points Y
        t, s, theta = align_params(x, Y)
        #t, s, theta = align_params(x.get_crown(is_upper), Y.get_crown(is_upper))

        # 4. Project Y into the model co-ordinate frame by inverting the
        # transformation T
        y = Y.invT(t, s, theta)

        # 5. Project y into the tangent plane to X by scaling:
        # y' = y / (y*X).
        yacc = Landmarks(y.as_vector() /, X.T))

        # 6. Update the model parameters to match to y': b = PT(y' - X)
        b_prev = b

        b =, (yacc.as_vector() - X))

        # 7. If not converged, return to step 2
    The discription is discussed in the paper.....
    This function describe the opearation of changing from given lm to the model with convergended b.
    We should iterate b first to make it convergence, then we get the final value of b, which is the only
    meaningful value in this section.  The eigen value b refers to a point in high dimension space which also 
    represents a model.
    In this case, if another given 'model', like initial guess or lm, we must find this b. The way to find this b,
    is to used this iteration method,
    After b is convergence, then we know b is static and hence the model is steady, we then abstract the 
    pose(xt, yt, theta, s) for active shape model. 
    Generally speaking, accoording to equation 2 and 3, If b maintains the same, then x = xbar, then two models alignes well.
    For some practical information. 
    Feed Xbar (PCA MEAN) and Y (Final goal state model).
    By iteration using eqaition 2, we have new y (which is also the x in equation).
    then we align the new obtained y to Final gaol state Y. and we have a tmp parameters.
    The reason why we cannot get the final parameters after the alignment should be supported by the appendix 6 in paper.
    In this case, we update b by using equation 3 and check if it is convergent.
    If not, it shows the the previous obtained value y is not like the given model Y.
    Then we need to continue iteration until b convergent.
    What we want to get from this function is the transmission pose parameters.
    return b, t, s, theta
def active_shape_model(X, testimg, max_iter, Nr_incisor, search_length):

    :param X:   Init Guess
    :param testimg:   target image
    :param max_iter:   total iteration limitation
    :param Nr_incisor:   which nr. of incisor is used to do the asm
    :return:     a model describe the target incisor on the image
    img = median_filter(testimg)
    img = bilateral_filter(img)

    #img = top_hat_transform(img)
    #img = bottom_hat_transform(img)
    img = sobel(img)
    #img = canny(img)
    #img = sobel(img)
    X = Landmarks(X).show_points()
    # Initial value
    nb_iter = 0
    n_close = 0
    total_s = 1
    total_theta = 0
    # Begin to iterate.
    lm_objects = load_training_data(Nr_incisor)
    landmarks_pca = PCA.ASM(lm_objects)
    #search_length = 5
    glm_range = 3
    while (n_close < 16 and nb_iter <= max_iter):

        # 1. Examine a region of the image around each point Xi to find the
        # best nearby match for the point
        Y, n_close, quality = self.__findfits(X, img, gimg, glms, m)
        if quality < best:
               best = quality
            best_Y = Y
        Plotter.plot_landmarks_on_image([X, Y], testimg, wait=False,
                                           title="Fitting incisor nr. %d" % (self.incisor_nr,))

        # no good fit found => go back to best one
        if nb_iter == max_iter:
            Y = best_Y
        # Training glm
        # cov, mean = grey_level_model(lm, glm_range)
        # Y = find_the_best_score(X, img, search_length, glm_range, cov, mean)

        Y = get_max_along_normal(X, search_length, img)
        #print Y
        # 2. Update the parameters (Xt, Yt, s, theta, b) to best fit the
        # new found points X

        b, t, s, theta = parameter_update(X, Y, Nr_incisor)
        Apply constraints to the parameters, b, to ensure plausible shapes
        We clip each element b_i of b to b_max*sqrt(l_i) where l_i is the
        corresponding eigenvalue.
        b = np.clip(b, -3, 3)
        # t = np.clip(t, -5, 5)
        # limit scaling
        s = np.clip(s, 0.95, 1.05)
        if total_s * s > 1.20 or total_s * s < 0.8:
            s = 1
        total_s *= s
        # limit rotation
        theta = np.clip(theta, -math.pi / 8, math.pi / 8)
        if total_theta + theta > math.pi / 4 or total_theta + theta < -math.pi / 4:
            theta = 0
        total_theta += theta
        """Finish limitation"""

        # The positions of the model points in the image, X, are then given
        # by X = TXt,Yt,s,theta(X + Pb)
        """By updating X and apply equation 4, to map the dataset into image coordinates"""
        X = Landmarks(X).as_vector()
        X = Landmarks(X +, b)).T(t, s, theta)
        #Plotter.plot_landmarks_on_image([X_prev, X], testimg, wait=False,
        #                                    title="Fitting incisor nr. %d" % (Nr_incisor,))
        X = X.show_points()
        img2 = img.copy()
        final_image = drawlines(img2, X)
        cv2.imshow('iteration results ', final_image)
        # cv2.imwrite('Data\Configure\iteration-%d.tif' % nb_iter, final_image)
        nb_iter += 1
        # print('this is the %d iteration'% nb_iter)

    cv2.imwrite('Data\Configure\incisor-%d.tif' % Nr_incisor, final_image)
    return X
    mat = np.array(mat)
    return Landmarks(np.mean(mat, axis=0))

#def evaluation(X, Goldenlm)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Nr_incisor = 1
    s = 500
    t = [1370, 890]
    Golden_lm = load_training_data(
    )  # the function in util refers to the file which only contains 02-14tif.
    Golden_lm = rescale_withoutangle(gpa(Golden_lm)[2], t, s)
    lm_objects = load_training_data(Nr_incisor)
    landmarks_pca = PCA.ASM(lm_objects)
    landmarks_pca_value = rescale_withoutangle(landmarks_pca.mu_value, t, s)

    img = cv2.imread('Data/Radiographs/01.tif', 0)
    img = img.copy()
    img_withlm = drawlines(img, landmarks_pca_value)
    crop_img = crop(img_withlm, 1000, 500, 1000, 1000)

    img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
    cv2.imshow('cropped_raw', crop_img)
    #sobel = sobel(crop_img)
    #cv2.imshow('sobel', sobel)
    #median = median_filter(crop_img)
    #cv2.imshow('median', crop_img)