def calcFitness(thing, maxDim, value=None):
    '''Calculate the fitness of a thing based on it's current location, the view size, and
    the other things that exist within that range. Use EuclideanDistance to determine intra-thing
    similarity. Several conditions exist where we want to punish so fitness is bottomed to 0.'''
    global inputs
    global inputLocations
    global maxDimensions
    fitness = 0
    testing = copy.deepcopy(thing.location)
    for i in range(-maxDim, maxDim + 1):
        for j in range(-maxDim, maxDim + 1):
            testing[0] = int((thing.location[0] + i) % (maxDimensions + 1))
            testing[1] = int((thing.location[1] + j) % (maxDimensions + 1))
            if testing in inputLocations and value == None:
                testFit = 1 - ((PSO.EuclideanDistance(
                    inputs[inputLocations.index(thing.location)])) /
                if testFit <= 0:  # If we ever go negative, bail
                    return 0
                    fitness += testFit
            elif testing in inputLocations and value != None:
                testFit = 1 - \
                        inputs[inputLocations.index(testing)], value)) / thing.activity)
                if testFit <= 0:  # If we ever go negative, bail
                    return 0
                    fitness += testFit
    #fitness = (1 / 2) * fitness
    if fitness <= 0:  # If the final sum is negative
        return 0
        return fitness
def getClusters(inputs, centroids, k):
    '''Find closest cluster to each centroid via euclidean distance'''
    chosenCluster = 0
    for i in range(k):
        centroids[i][1:] = []
    for i in range(len(inputs)):
        chosenCluster = 0
        euclidean = PSO.EuclideanDistance(inputs[i], centroids[0][0])
        for j in range(k):
            tempEuc = PSO.EuclideanDistance(inputs[i], centroids[j][0])
            if tempEuc < euclidean:
                euclidean = tempEuc  #PSO.EuclideanDistance(inputs[i], centroids[j][0])
                chosenCluster = j
    return centroids
def compLearn(inputs, numHNodes, iterations, learnRate):
    clusters = []
    cluster_num = 0
    final_clusters = []
    inputs_copy = []
    # normalize inputs
    minIn = 10000
    maxIn = 0
    for x in inputs:
        for y in x:
            minIn = min(minIn, y)
            maxIn = max(maxIn, y)
    inputs_copy = PSO.rescaleMatrix(inputs, minIn, maxIn, 0, 1)
    clusters = competitiveLearn(inputs_copy, numHNodes, iterations, learnRate)
    for c in range(len(clusters)):
    # calculate distance to get which cluster center the inputs lie in
    dist = 10000
    for i in range(len(inputs_copy)):
        for j in range(len(clusters)):
            tmpDist = PSO.EuclideanDistance(clusters[j], inputs_copy[i])
            if tmpDist < dist:
                dist = tmpDist
                cluster_num = j
        dist = 10000
    #print("Clusters: ")
    #for i in range(len(final_clusters)):
    #    print(clusters[i], final_clusters[i])
    return [x for x in final_clusters if x != []]
def seperation(cluster1, cluster2):
    # calc the difference for every element in cluster1 to every element
    # in cluster2 and sum.
    # We want to maximize this value
    sep = 0
    for p1 in cluster1:
        for p2 in cluster2:
            sep += PSO.EuclideanDistance(p1, p2)
    return sep
def cohesian(cluster):
    # Compare the intra distance of the cluster for all points and divide
    # by the number of instances in the cluster
    # We want to minimize this value
    coh = 0
    for p1 in cluster:
        for p2 in cluster:
            if p1 != p2:
                coh += PSO.EuclideanDistance(p1, p2)
    return coh / len(cluster)
def competitiveLearn(inputs, numHNodes, iterations, learnRate):
    index = 0
    nodes = []
    winner = []
    weights = []
    wcount = 0
    tmp_wt = []
    minWt = 10000
    maxWt = 0
    # randomly assign numHNodes input vectors to be the weights
    for i in range(numHNodes):
    for i in range(iterations):
        print("{:>7.2%}".format(i / iterations), end="\r")
        # randomly select an input vector for comparison
        selectedInput = random.choice(inputs)
        # calculate a starting point for the winner
        winner = PSO.EuclideanDistance(weights[0], selectedInput)
        # find the winning weight vector
        index = 0
        for w in weights:
            tmp_w = w
            temp = PSO.EuclideanDistance(tmp_w, selectedInput)
            if winner >= temp:  # want the shortest distance
                winner = temp
                index = weights.index(w)  # winning index
        # update the weight at the winning index
        dist = PSO.EuclideanDistance(selectedInput, weights[index])
        for j in range(len(weights[index])):
            weights[index][j] += learnRate * (dist)
        # renormalize weights
        for x in weights:
            for y in x:
                minWt = min(minWt, y)
                maxWt = max(maxWt, y)
        weights = PSO.rescaleMatrix(weights, minWt, maxWt, 0, 1)
    # weights are now the cluster centers
    return weights
 def die(self):
     '''Once the ant has reached the end of it's life, we give it a chance to be enlightened.
     The ant will explore all locations on the grid systematical and determine the best location
     for the currently held block. Once this is determined, it is placed there.'''
     global inputs
     global maxDimensions
     global inputLocations
     bestFit = 0
     bestLoc = []
     if self.heldValue != None:
         # We have a location that is obvously better
         for i in range(maxDimensions + 1):
             for j in range(maxDimensions + 1):
                 testLoc = [i, j]
                 if testLoc not in inputLocations:
                     self.location = testLoc
                     fitness = calcFitness(self, 1, self.heldValue)
                     #print(bestFit, fitness)
                     if fitness > bestFit:
                         bestFit = fitness
                         bestLoc = [i, j]
         # We need to look for the best place now that an obvious one doesn't exist
         if bestFit == 0:
             bestFit = 1000
             for i in range(maxDimensions + 1):
                 for j in range(maxDimensions + 1):
                     testLoc = [i, j]
                     if testLoc not in inputLocations:
                         diff = 0
                         for k in range(-5, 6):
                             for l in range(-5, 6):
                                 testPos = copy.deepcopy(testLoc)
                                 testPos[0] = int(
                                     (testLoc[0] + k) % (maxDimensions + 1))
                                 testPos[1] = int(
                                     (testLoc[1] + l) % (maxDimensions + 1))
                                 if testPos in inputLocations:
                                     diff += PSO.EuclideanDistance(
                                         self.heldValue, inputs[
                         if diff < bestFit:
                             bestFit = diff
                             bestLoc = [i, j]
         #print(self, 'DROP @\t', bestLoc, ' \t<=', self.heldValue)
         self.heldValue = None
         self.heldDensity = None