 def setPaperSize(self, s):
     """Set the paper size to a known size."""
     sizes = PaperSize.getPaperSize(s)
     if sizes is None:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown paper size: %s" % s
     self.paperWidth = sizes[0]
     self.paperHeight = sizes[1]
 def setPaperSize(self,s):
     """Set the paper size to a known size."""
     sizes = PaperSize.getPaperSize(s)
     if sizes is None:
         print >>sys.stderr, "Unknown paper size: %s" % s
     self.paperWidth = sizes[0]
     self.paperHeight = sizes[1]
 def setPageSize(self,s):
     """Set the page size to a known size."""
     sizes = PaperSize.getPaperSize(s)
     if sizes is None:
         print >>sys.stderr, "Unknown page size: %s" % s
     self.pageWidth = sizes[0]
     self.pageHeight = sizes[1]
     # Adjust font sizes with respect to A5, on a square root scale.
 def setPageSize(self, s):
     """Set the page size to a known size."""
     sizes = PaperSize.getPaperSize(s)
     if sizes is None:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown page size: %s" % s
     self.pageWidth = sizes[0]
     self.pageHeight = sizes[1]
     # Adjust font sizes with respect to A5, on a square root scale.
    def __init__(self, myname, opts):

        self.myname = myname
        self.opts = opts
        self.usageStrings[0] = self.usageStrings[0] % myname

        # first init the instance variables.
        self.pageNumber = 0             # Page number count
        self.currentJDaysLeft = -1      # Days left in year
        self.setStartDate(DateTime.DateTime(DateTime.now().year+1)) # Adjusted time, next year
        self.paperSize = 'a5'            # Page sizes.  Default to a5.
        wh = PaperSize.getPaperSize(self.paperSize)
        self.pageWidth = wh[0]
        self.pageHeight = wh[1]
        self.paperWidth = wh[0]
        self.paperHeight = wh[1]
        self.pageXOffset = 0.0
        self.pageYOffset = 0.0
        self.translatePage = 0
        self.translateXOffset = 0.0
        self.translateYOffset = 0.0
        self.iMargin = 12.0             # Page layout options
        self.oMargin = 5.0              #
        self.bMargin = 5.0              #
        self.tMargin = 5.0              #
        self.coverTitleFontSize = 20.0  #
        self.titleFontSize = 7.0        #
        self.titleFontName = "Times-Bold" #
        self.titleFontNoBoldName = "Times" #
        self.subtitleFontSize = 4.0     #
        self.subtitleFontName = "Helvetica" #
        self.subtitleFontNoBoldName = "Helvetica" #
        self.personalinfoFontName = "Times-Bold" #
        self.personalinfoFixedFontName = "Courier-Bold" #
        self.titleY = -1                # Distance from bottom to title, calc from page size
        self.titleLineY = -1            #
        self.titleGray = 0.8            # Background for titles on some pages
        self.underlineThick = 0.2       # Thickness of title lines etc
        self.lineSpacing = 6.0          # Spacing for writing lines
        self.evenPage = 0               # even and odd pages
        self.out = None                 # Output file
        self.outName = 'diary.ps'       # Output file name
        self.outNameSet = False         # True if the output name set by command line opt.
        self.nAddressPages = 6          # Default
        self.nNotesPages = 6            #
        self.nPlannerYears = 2          #
        self.largePlanner = False       # Default: no large planner
        self.coverImage = None          # Pic for the cover page.
        self.coverPageImage = None      # Pic for the whole cover page.
        self.appointments = False       # Different "styles" for different people.
        self.appointmentTimes = True    # Print appointment times or not
        self.appointmentWidth = 35      # Width of appointments (as percentage)
        self.colour = False             # If true, print images in colour
        self.moon = False               # If true, print moon phases
        self.northernHemisphereMoon = False # If true, print northern hemisphere moon phases
        self.layout = self.defaultLayout
        self.debugBoxes = False         # If true, draw faint boxes around things for debugging
        self.debugVersion = False       # If true, print version info on inside cover.
        self.debugWholePageBoxes = False# If true, draw faint boxes around all pages.
        self.pageRegistrationMarks=False# Print marks to show where to cut.
        self.events = {}                # Events to draw on each page, from .calendar file.
        self.drawEventImages = False    # If true, draw event images
        self.nWeeksBefore = 0           # Print this number of weeks before the current year.
        self.nWeeksAfter = 0
        self.smiley = True
        self.imagePages = []
        self.manPages = []
        self.epsPages = []
        self.title = None
        self.pdf = False
        self.pcal = False
        self.pcalPlanner = False
        self.perpetualCalendars = False
        self.calendarPages = True
        self.nExpensePages = 2
        self.griddedLogbookPages = False
        self.griddedNotesPages = False
        self.griddedLogbookPages = False
        self.dayTitleBoxes = True
        self.dayTitleShading = "all"
        self.shading = True
        self.nLogbookPages = 100
        self.lineColour = [0,0,0]
        self.personalInfoNoWork = False

        self.configOptions = ConfigParser()
        self.configOptions.read( (expanduser("~/.makediaryrc"), ".makediaryrc", "makediaryrc") )


class DiaryInfo:
    """ This class holds configuration information for the rest of the program, parses command
    line args, prints the usage message."""

    points_mm = 2.8346457  # Do all our work in millimetres

    sectionSep = "%-----------------\n"  # Separator inside the postscript

    options = [

    usageStrings = \
                  "Usage: %s [--year=year | --start-date=yyyy-mm-dd]\n",
                  "    [--output-file=file] [--title=TITLE]\n",
                  "    [--address-pages=n] [--appointment-width=w] [--appointments]\n",
                  "    [--calendar-pages=yes|no]\n",
                  "    [--colour | --colour-images] [--line-colour=COLOUR]\n",
                  "    [--cover-image=IMAGE] [--cover-page-image=IMAGE]\n",
                  "    [--day-title-shading=all|holidays|none] [--shading=yes|no]\n",
                  "    [--debug-boxes] [--debug-whole-page-boxes] [--debug-version]\n",
                  "    [--eps-page=epsfile[|title]] [--eps-2page=epsfile[|title1[|title2]]]\n",
                  "    [--event-images] [--expense-pages=0|2|4] [--gridded-notes]\n",
                  "    [--image-page=IMGFILE[,title]] [--image-2page=IMGFILE[,title][,coverage]]\n",
                  "    [--large-planner] [--line-spacing=mm] [--margins-multiplier=f] [--moon]\n",
                  "    [--layout=LAYOUT] [--logbook-pages=N] [--man-page=MANPAGE]\n",
                  "    [--northern-hemisphere-moon] [--no-appointment-times] [--no-smiley]\n",
                  "    [--no-shading] [--notes-pages=n]\n",
                  "    [--page-registration-marks] [--page-x-offset=Xmm]\n",
                  "    [--page-y-offset=Ymm] [--pdf] [--planner-years=n] \n",
                  "    [--pcal] [--pcal-planner] [--perpetual-calendars]\n",
                  "    [--personal-info-no-work]\n",
                  "    [--ref=<refname>] [--awk-ref] [--conversions-ref]\n",
                  "    [--sed-ref] [--sh-ref] [--units-ref] [--unix-ref] [--vi[m]-ref]\n",
                  "    [--weeks-before=n] [--weeks-after=n]\n",
                  "    [--help] [--version]\n",
    sizesString = "|".join(PaperSize.getPaperSizeNames())
    usageStrings.append("    [--page-size=%s]\n" % sizesString)
    usageStrings.append("    [--paper-size=%s]\n" % sizesString)
    usageStrings.append("  Defaults:\n")
    usageStrings.append("    year = next year          line-spacing = 6.0mm\n")
    usageStrings.append("    page-size = a5            paper-size = a5\n")
    usageStrings.append("    weeks-before = 0          weeks-after = 0\n")
    usageStrings.append("    appointment-width = 35%   planner-years = 2\n")
    usageStrings.append("    address-pages = 6         notes-pages = 6\n")

    layouts = ("day-to-page", "logbook", "week-to-opening",
               "week-to-2-openings", "week-to-page", "week-with-notes", "work")
    defaultLayout = "week-to-2-openings"
    usageStrings.append("  Layouts: " + ", ".join(layouts) + "\n")
    usageStrings.append("  Default layout: " + defaultLayout + "\n")

    def usage(self, f=sys.stderr, code=1):
        for i in range(len(self.usageStrings)):

    def shortUsage(self, f=sys.stderr):
        print >> f, "%s --help for usage" % self.myname

    def __init__(self, myname, opts):

        self.myname = myname
        self.opts = opts
        self.usageStrings[0] = self.usageStrings[0] % myname

        # first init the instance variables.
        self.pageNumber = 0  # Page number count
        self.currentJDaysLeft = -1  # Days left in year
        self.setStartDate(DateTime.DateTime(DateTime.now().year +
                                            1))  # Adjusted time, next year
        self.paperSize = 'a5'  # Page sizes.  Default to a5.
        wh = PaperSize.getPaperSize(self.paperSize)
        self.pageWidth = wh[0]
        self.pageHeight = wh[1]
        self.paperWidth = wh[0]
        self.paperHeight = wh[1]
        self.pageXOffset = 0.0
        self.pageYOffset = 0.0
        self.translatePage = 0
        self.translateXOffset = 0.0
        self.translateYOffset = 0.0
        self.iMargin = 12.0  # Page layout options
        self.oMargin = 5.0  #
        self.bMargin = 5.0  #
        self.tMargin = 5.0  #
        self.coverTitleFontSize = 20.0  #
        self.titleFontSize = 7.0  #
        self.titleFontName = "Times-Bold"  #
        self.titleFontNoBoldName = "Times"  #
        self.subtitleFontSize = 4.0  #
        self.subtitleFontName = "Helvetica"  #
        self.subtitleFontNoBoldName = "Helvetica"  #
        self.personalinfoFontName = "Times-Bold"  #
        self.personalinfoFixedFontName = "Courier-Bold"  #
        self.titleY = -1  # Distance from bottom to title, calc from page size
        self.titleLineY = -1  #
        self.titleGray = 0.8  # Background for titles on some pages
        self.underlineThick = 0.2  # Thickness of title lines etc
        self.lineSpacing = 6.0  # Spacing for writing lines
        self.evenPage = 0  # even and odd pages
        self.out = None  # Output file
        self.outName = 'diary.ps'  # Output file name
        self.outNameSet = False  # True if the output name set by command line opt.
        self.nAddressPages = 6  # Default
        self.nNotesPages = 6  #
        self.nPlannerYears = 2  #
        self.largePlanner = False  # Default: no large planner
        self.coverImage = None  # Pic for the cover page.
        self.coverPageImage = None  # Pic for the whole cover page.
        self.appointments = False  # Different "styles" for different people.
        self.appointmentTimes = True  # Print appointment times or not
        self.appointmentWidth = 35  # Width of appointments (as percentage)
        self.colour = False  # If true, print images in colour
        self.moon = False  # If true, print moon phases
        self.northernHemisphereMoon = False  # If true, print northern hemisphere moon phases
        self.layout = self.defaultLayout
        self.debugBoxes = False  # If true, draw faint boxes around things for debugging
        self.debugVersion = False  # If true, print version info on inside cover.
        self.debugWholePageBoxes = False  # If true, draw faint boxes around all pages.
        self.pageRegistrationMarks = False  # Print marks to show where to cut.
        self.events = {}  # Events to draw on each page, from .calendar file.
        self.drawEventImages = False  # If true, draw event images
        self.nWeeksBefore = 0  # Print this number of weeks before the current year.
        self.nWeeksAfter = 0
        self.smiley = True
        self.imagePages = []
        self.manPages = []
        self.epsPages = []
        self.title = None
        self.pdf = False
        self.pcal = False
        self.pcalPlanner = False
        self.perpetualCalendars = False
        self.calendarPages = True
        self.nExpensePages = 2
        self.griddedLogbookPages = False
        self.griddedNotesPages = False
        self.griddedLogbookPages = False
        self.dayTitleBoxes = True
        self.dayTitleShading = "all"
        self.shading = True
        self.nLogbookPages = 100
        self.lineColour = [0, 0, 0]
        self.personalInfoNoWork = False

        self.configOptions = ConfigParser()
            (expanduser("~/.makediaryrc"), ".makediaryrc", "makediaryrc"))



    def createMonthCalendars(self):
        '''Create all the month calendar names.

        There are only 14 possible yearly calendars - one for a year beginning on each day of
        the days of the week, and twice that for leap years.

        For each day of the week, we generate one set of month calendars that start on that day
        and finish on that day (ie 1JAN and 31DEC are the same day of the week) and another set
        where the year is an extra day longer.

        The idea is when something wants to print a month calendar, it can call in here with
        the year and month, and we will calculate exactly which calendar is to be printed, and
        return a name that will print that calendar in PostScript.
        self.monthCalendarList = {}
        for i in range(7):
            for m in range(1, 13):
                self.monthCalendarList[(m, i,
                                        i)] = "M_m%02d_b%d_e%d" % (m, i, i)
                i2 = (i + 1) % 7
                self.monthCalendarList[(m, i,
                                        i2)] = "M_m%02d_b%d_e%d" % (m, i, i2)

    def getMonthCalendarPsFnCall(self, year, month, addyear=True):
        '''Return the code to call a PostScript function that will print the appropriate
        calendar for a given year and month.

        If addYear==False, we return '() M_mMM_bB_eE', where MM is the month number, B is the
        day of week of the beginning of the year, and E is the day of week of the end of the

        If addYear is true, we return '(YYYY) M_mMM_bB_eE', where YYYY is the four digit year.
        dow_begin = DateTime.DateTime(year, 1, 1).day_of_week
        dow_end = DateTime.DateTime(year, 12, 31).day_of_week
        k = (month, dow_begin, dow_end)
        if not self.monthCalendarList.has_key(k):
            print >> sys.stderr, "makediary: internal error:"
            print >> sys.stderr, "-- No month calendar for year=%s month=%s" % (
                str(year), str(month))
        procname = self.monthCalendarList[k]
        if addyear:
            return (" (%d) " % year) + procname
            return " () " + procname

    def parseOptions(self):
        args = self.opts
        # The first week day should be settable by command line option.

        # Save the command line opts in here, and process them all at the end.
        c = {}

            optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, '', self.options)
        except getopt.error, reason:
            sys.stderr.write("Error parsing options: " + str(reason) + "\n")
        if len(args) != 0:
            sys.stderr.write("Unknown arg: %s\n" % args[0])
        # Gather all the command line options into a list so we can process them later.
        for opt in optlist:
            assert len(opt) == 2
            if 0:
            elif opt[0] == "--help":
                # The help option bypasses all the others.
                self.usage(sys.stdout, 0)
            elif opt[0] == "--man-page":
                # --man-page can be specified multiple times.
            elif opt[0] == "--ref":
                # --ref can be specified multiple times.
                name_and_titles = opt[1].split('|')
                self.standardEPSRef(name_and_titles[0], name_and_titles[1:])
            # Now all the standard args.
            elif len(opt[1]) == 0:
                # No argument, so just save the setting.
                c[opt[0]] = True
                # Save the setting and the argument.
                c[opt[0]] = opt[1]

        # Now process all the gathered options.  Look at the layout option first, so we can set
        # things needed by the layout, and potentially change them later.
        if c.has_key("--layout"):
            l = c["--layout"]
            if l in self.layouts:
                self.layout = l
                if self.layout == "logbook":
                    self.calendarPages = False
                    self.nPlannerYears = 0
                elif self.layout == "week-to-page" or self.layout == "week-with-notes":
                    self.dayTitleBoxes = False
                    self.dayTitleShading = "none"
                print >> sys.stderr, "%s: Unknown layout %s" % (self.myname, l)
        if c.has_key("--address-pages"):
            self.nAddressPages = self.integerOption("address-pages",
        if c.has_key("--appointment-width"):
            self.appointments = True
            aw = c["--appointment-width"]
            if aw[-1] == '%':
                optstr = aw[0:-1]  # Strip an optional trailing '%'
                optstr = aw
            self.appointmentWidth = self.floatOption("appointment-width",
            if self.appointmentWidth < 0 or self.appointmentWidth > 100:
                    "%s: appointment width must be >=0 and <=100\n" %
        if c.has_key("--appointments"):
            self.appointments = True
        if c.has_key("--awk-ref"):
            self.standardEPSRef('awk', ['Awk reference'])
        if c.has_key("--calendar-pages"):
            self.calendarPages = self.boolOption("calendar-pages",
        if c.has_key("--colour") or c.has_key("--colour-images"):
            self.colour = True
        if c.has_key("--line-colour"):
            self.dayTitleShading = "none"
            self.shading = False
        if c.has_key("--shading"):
            self.shading = self.boolOption("shading", c["--shading"])
        if c.has_key("--conversions-ref"):
            self.standardEPSRef('conversions', ['Double conversion tables'])
        if c.has_key("--cover-image"):
            self.coverImage = c["--cover-image"]
        if c.has_key("--cover-page-image"):
            self.coverPageImage = c["--cover-page-image"]
        if c.has_key("--day-title-shading"):
            dts = c["--day-title-shading"]
            if dts in ("all", "holidays", "none"):
                self.dayTitleShading = dts
                print >>sys.stderr, "day-title-shading must be all or holidays or none" \
                    + " (not \"%s\")" % dts
        if c.has_key("--debug-boxes"):
            self.debugBoxes = 1
        if c.has_key("--debug-whole-page-boxes"):
            self.debugWholePageBoxes = 1
        if c.has_key("--debug-version"):
            self.debugVersion = True
        if c.has_key("--eps-page"):
            self.epsFilePageOption(c["--eps-page"], 1)
        if c.has_key("--eps-2page"):
            self.epsFilePageOption(c["--eps-2page"], 2)
        if c.has_key("--expense-pages"):
            ep = c["--expense-pages"]
            if ep == '0' or ep == '2' or ep == '4':
                self.nExpensePages = int(ep)
                print >>sys.stderr, \
                      "%s: number of expense pages must be 0, 2, or 4 (not \"%s\")." % \
                      (sys.argv[0], ep)
        if c.has_key("--perpetual-calendars"):
            self.perpetualCalendars = True
        if c.has_key("--event-images"):
            self.drawEventImages = True
        if c.has_key("--gridded"):
            self.griddedLogbookPages = True
            self.griddedNotesPages = True
        if c.has_key("--gridded-logbook"):
            self.griddedLogbookPages = True
        if c.has_key("--gridded-notes"):
            self.griddedNotesPages = True
        if c.has_key("--image-page"):
            self.imagePageOption(c["--image-page"], 1)
        if c.has_key("--image-2page"):
            self.imagePageOption(c["--image-2page"], 2)
        if c.has_key("--large-planner"):
            self.largePlanner = True
        if c.has_key("--line-spacing"):
            self.lineSpacing = self.floatOption("line-spacing",
        if c.has_key("--logbook-pages"):
            self.nLogbookPages = self.integerOption("logbook-pages",
        if c.has_key("--margins-multiplier"):
            multiplier = self.floatOption("margins-multiplier",
            self.tMargin = self.tMargin * multiplier
            self.bMargin = self.bMargin * multiplier
            self.iMargin = self.iMargin * multiplier
            self.oMargin = self.oMargin * multiplier
        if c.has_key("--moon"):
            self.moon = True
        if c.has_key("--northern-hemisphere-moon"):
            self.moon = True
            self.northernHemisphereMoon = True
        if c.has_key("--no-appointment-times"):
            self.appointmentTimes = False
        if c.has_key("--no-smiley"):
            self.smiley = False
        if c.has_key("--notes-pages"):
            self.nNotesPages = self.integerOption("notes-pages",
        if c.has_key("--output-file"):
            self.outName = c["--output-file"]
            self.outNameSet = True
        if c.has_key("--page-registration-marks"):
            self.pageRegistrationMarks = True
        if c.has_key("--page-size"):
            self.pageSize = c["--page-size"]
        if c.has_key("--page-x-offset"):
            self.pageXOffset = self.floatOption("page-x-offset",
        if c.has_key("--page-y-offset"):
            self.pageYOffset = self.floatOption("page-y-offset",
        if c.has_key("--pdf"):
            self.pdf = True
        if c.has_key("--paper-size"):
            self.paperSize = c["--paper-size"]
        if c.has_key("--pcal"):
            self.pcal = True
        if c.has_key("--pcal-planner"):
            self.pcal = True
            self.pcalPlanner = True
        if c.has_key("--personal-info-no-work"):
            self.personalInfoNoWork = True
        if c.has_key("--planner-years"):
            self.nPlannerYears = self.integerOption("planner-years",
        if c.has_key("--version"):
            print "makediary, version " + versionNumber
        if c.has_key("--sed-ref"):
            self.standardEPSRef('sed', ['sed reference'])
        if c.has_key("--sh-ref"):
            self.standardEPSRef('sh', ['Shell and utility reference'])
        if c.has_key("--start-date"):
            self.setStartDate(DateTime.strptime(c["--start-date"], '%Y-%m-%d'))
        if c.has_key("--title"):
            self.title = c["--title"]
        if c.has_key("--units-ref"):
            self.standardEPSRef('units', ['Units'])
        if c.has_key("--unix-ref"):
            self.standardEPSRef('unix', [
                'Unix reference',
        if c.has_key("--vim-ref") or c.has_key("--vi-ref"):
            self.standardEPSRef('vi', ['Vi reference', 'Vim extensions'])
        if c.has_key("--weeks-after"):
            self.nWeeksAfter = self.integerOption("weeks-after",
        if c.has_key("--weeks-before"):
            self.nWeeksBefore = self.integerOption("weeks-before",
        if c.has_key("--year"):
                DateTime.DateTime(self.integerOption("year", c["--year"])))

        if self.pdf:
            # If the name is still diary.ps and it was not set by command line option, change
            # it to diary.pdf.
            if (not self.outNameSet) and self.outName == 'diary.ps':
                self.outName = 'diary.pdf'
            # If we are doing PDF output, let ps2pdf open the output file.
            pdfArgs = (
                '-dAutoRotatePages=/None',  # pdf2ps rotates some pages without this
                '-sPAPERSIZE=' + self.paperSize,
            #print >>sys.stderr, "Running "+str(pdfArgs)
            self.pdfProcess = subprocess.Popen(pdfArgs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
            self.out = self.pdfProcess.stdin
            if self.outName == '-':
                self.out = sys.stdout
                    self.out = open(self.outName, 'w')
                except IOError, reason:
                    sys.stderr.write(("Error opening '%s': " % self.outName) \
                                     + str(reason) + "\n")
    def __init__(self, myname, opts):

        self.myname = myname
        self.opts = opts
        self.usageStrings[0] = self.usageStrings[0] % myname

        # first init the instance variables.
        self.pageNumber = 0  # Page number count
        self.currentJDaysLeft = -1  # Days left in year
        self.setStartDate(DateTime.DateTime(DateTime.now().year +
                                            1))  # Adjusted time, next year
        self.paperSize = 'a5'  # Page sizes.  Default to a5.
        wh = PaperSize.getPaperSize(self.paperSize)
        self.pageWidth = wh[0]
        self.pageHeight = wh[1]
        self.paperWidth = wh[0]
        self.paperHeight = wh[1]
        self.pageXOffset = 0.0
        self.pageYOffset = 0.0
        self.translatePage = 0
        self.translateXOffset = 0.0
        self.translateYOffset = 0.0
        self.iMargin = 12.0  # Page layout options
        self.oMargin = 5.0  #
        self.bMargin = 5.0  #
        self.tMargin = 5.0  #
        self.coverTitleFontSize = 20.0  #
        self.titleFontSize = 7.0  #
        self.titleFontName = "Times-Bold"  #
        self.titleFontNoBoldName = "Times"  #
        self.subtitleFontSize = 4.0  #
        self.subtitleFontName = "Helvetica"  #
        self.subtitleFontNoBoldName = "Helvetica"  #
        self.personalinfoFontName = "Times-Bold"  #
        self.personalinfoFixedFontName = "Courier-Bold"  #
        self.titleY = -1  # Distance from bottom to title, calc from page size
        self.titleLineY = -1  #
        self.titleGray = 0.8  # Background for titles on some pages
        self.underlineThick = 0.2  # Thickness of title lines etc
        self.lineSpacing = 6.0  # Spacing for writing lines
        self.evenPage = 0  # even and odd pages
        self.out = None  # Output file
        self.outName = 'diary.ps'  # Output file name
        self.outNameSet = False  # True if the output name set by command line opt.
        self.nAddressPages = 6  # Default
        self.nNotesPages = 6  #
        self.nPlannerYears = 2  #
        self.largePlanner = False  # Default: no large planner
        self.coverImage = None  # Pic for the cover page.
        self.coverPageImage = None  # Pic for the whole cover page.
        self.appointments = False  # Different "styles" for different people.
        self.appointmentTimes = True  # Print appointment times or not
        self.appointmentWidth = 35  # Width of appointments (as percentage)
        self.colour = False  # If true, print images in colour
        self.moon = False  # If true, print moon phases
        self.northernHemisphereMoon = False  # If true, print northern hemisphere moon phases
        self.layout = self.defaultLayout
        self.debugBoxes = False  # If true, draw faint boxes around things for debugging
        self.debugVersion = False  # If true, print version info on inside cover.
        self.debugWholePageBoxes = False  # If true, draw faint boxes around all pages.
        self.pageRegistrationMarks = False  # Print marks to show where to cut.
        self.events = {}  # Events to draw on each page, from .calendar file.
        self.drawEventImages = False  # If true, draw event images
        self.nWeeksBefore = 0  # Print this number of weeks before the current year.
        self.nWeeksAfter = 0
        self.smiley = True
        self.imagePages = []
        self.manPages = []
        self.epsPages = []
        self.title = None
        self.pdf = False
        self.pcal = False
        self.pcalPlanner = False
        self.perpetualCalendars = False
        self.calendarPages = True
        self.nExpensePages = 2
        self.griddedLogbookPages = False
        self.griddedNotesPages = False
        self.griddedLogbookPages = False
        self.dayTitleBoxes = True
        self.dayTitleShading = "all"
        self.shading = True
        self.nLogbookPages = 100
        self.lineColour = [0, 0, 0]
        self.personalInfoNoWork = False

        self.configOptions = ConfigParser()
            (expanduser("~/.makediaryrc"), ".makediaryrc", "makediaryrc"))

