文件: Tables.py 项目: amgregoi/School
def insertAppend(C6, v, e) :
    """appends  e  to the end of array/list  v  in the heap.
       Does the same actions as an insertAssign to an indexed array,
       but preserves more heap info since the append does not produce
       any aliases within v

       params : C6; v - a vartee; e - an etree
    sigma = C6["store"]
    heap = C6["heap"]
    vname = v[1]
    vold = Parse.makeOldVar(v)
    if lookupType(C6, vname) != "array" :
        error("cannot append to a non-list/array")
    else :
        loc = PE.peToTuple(sigma[vname])
        length = heap[loc][0]
        newlength = PE.add(length, PE.make(1))
        vector = heap[loc][1]

        # assign original to v_old:
        sigma[vold[1]] = sigma[vname]

        # make copy for the new value of  v:
        copy = {}
        for k in vector :
            copy[k] = vector[k]
        newloc = PE.make(PE.makeSym())
        rhs = PE.evall(C6, e)
        copy[ PE.peToTuple(length) ] = rhs
        sigma[vname] = newloc
        heap[ PE.peToTuple(newloc) ] = (newlength, copy)
文件: Tables.py 项目: amgregoi/School
def insertAssign(C6, v, etree):
    """updates the store of C6  with an assignment. 
       If v already exists in C6's store, saves former value as  v_old
       for later use in proof reasoning.

       params: v - has form,  ["var", s]  or  ["index", ["var", s], etree]
               etree - another etree, to be assigned to the var.
    sigma = C6["store"]
    heap = C6["heap"]
    badvars = C6["novars"]
    if v[0] == "var" : vtree = v
    elif v[0] == "index" : vtree = v[1]
    vold = Parse.makeOldVar(vtree)  # ["var", vname_old]

    # first, check if we are allowed to update  v:
    if (vtree in badvars) :
        error("you may not update a protected global var outside of its maintenance function")

    # if possible, rename current value of var v  as  v_old:

    if v[0] == "var" and v[1] in sigma : # and lookupType(C6, v[1]) != "array":
        sigma[vold[1]] = sigma[v[1]]  # assign v's current value to v_old
    elif v[0] == "index" and lookupType(C6, v[1][1]) == "array":
        vname = v[1][1]
        loc = PE.peToTuple(sigma[vname])
        length = heap[loc][0]
        vector = heap[loc][1]
        # make copy:
        copy = {}
        for k in vector :
            copy[k] = vector[k]
        # assign original to v_old and copy to v :
        sigma[vold[1]] = sigma[vname]
        newloc = PE.make(PE.makeSym())
        sigma[vname] = newloc
        heap[ PE.peToTuple(newloc) ] = (length, copy)

    # (later,  vold  will be erased from  sigma....)
    # now, eval assignment's  rhs  and store it into  v:
    rhs = PE.evall(C6, etree)

    if v[0] == "var":  # simple var
            sigma[v[1]] = rhs
    elif v[0] == "index":   # an array/list reference
        # eval  index  expression (NOTE: no nested indexing allowed):
        indexpe = PE.evall(C6, v[2])
        # save values in sigma[vname][1] provably distinct from  vname[index]:
        vname = v[1][1]
        if vname not in sigma or lookupType(C6, vname) != "array" :
            error(vname + " is not an array in the store")
            #sigma[vname] = PE.makeArray()
        else :
            vmap = heap[PE.peToTuple(sigma[vname])][1]
            saveDistinctElements(C6, vmap, indexpe)
            vmap[PE.peToTuple(indexpe)] = rhs