pawnStartBlack = deepcopy(board)
pawnStartBlack.board[6][6] = P.Pawn(0, P.BLACK)

pawnCPBlack= deepcopy(board)
pawnCPBlack.board[4][3] = P.Pawn(0, P.BLACK)
pawnCPBlack.board[3][3] = P.Pawn(1, P.WHITE)
pawnCPBlack.board[5][2] = P.Pawn(2, P.WHITE)
pawnCPBlack.passentable = (3, 3)

pawnStartMoves = [
                    P.Move((1,2), P.NON_CAPTURE),
                    P.Move((1,3), P.NON_CAPTURE)
pSB1Moves = []
pSB2Moves = [P.Move((1,2), P.NON_CAPTURE)]
pCPMoves = [
                P.Move((4,5), P.NON_CAPTURE),
                P.Move((3,5), P.EN_PASSENT),
pawnStartBlackMoves = [
                    P.Move((6,5), P.NON_CAPTURE),
                    P.Move((6,4), P.NON_CAPTURE)
pCPBMoves = [
                P.Move((4,2), P.NON_CAPTURE),
import pytest
import Board as B
import Pieces as P
import Logic

testCase1 = B.Board()
testCase1 = Logic.move_piece(testCase1, 4, 1, P.Move((4, 3), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase1 = Logic.move_piece(testCase1, 2, 6, P.Move((2, 5), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase1 = Logic.move_piece(testCase1, 5, 1, P.Move((5, 3), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase1 = Logic.move_piece(testCase1, 3, 6, P.Move((3, 5), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase1 = Logic.move_piece(testCase1, 6, 1, P.Move((6, 3), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase1 = Logic.move_piece(testCase1, 4, 6, P.Move((3, 4), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase1 = Logic.move_piece(testCase1, 6, 0, P.Move((4, 1)))
testCase1 = Logic.move_piece(testCase1, 3, 7, P.Move((7, 3)))

testCase2 = B.Board()
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 0, 1, P.Move((0, 3), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 4, 6, P.Move((4, 4), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 1, 1, P.Move((1, 3), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 7, 6, P.Move((7, 4), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 2, 1, P.Move((2, 3), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 3, 7, P.Move((5, 5)))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 0, 3, P.Move((0, 4), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 7, 7, P.Move((7, 5)))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 1, 3, P.Move((1, 4), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 5, 5, P.Move((5, 4)))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 2, 3, P.Move((2, 4), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 7, 5, P.Move((5, 5)))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 0, 4, P.Move((0, 5), P.NON_CAPTURE))
testCase2 = Logic.move_piece(testCase2, 5, 4, P.Move((5, 1)))
from DecisionTree import aiSearch, endStateCheck, Node

stalemate = B.Board(True)

stalemate.board[3][3] = P.King(stalemate.whiteKingId, P.WHITE)
stalemate.board[0][4] = P.Rook(100, P.BLACK)
stalemate.board[2][0] = P.Queen(101, P.BLACK)
stalemate.board[5][1] = P.Knight(102, P.BLACK)
stalemate.board[7][2] = P.Rook(103, P.BLACK)
stalemate.board[7][7] = P.King(stalemate.blackKingId, P.BLACK)
stalemate.unmoved = []

unknownError = B.Board()
unknownError = Logic.move_piece(unknownError, 4, 1,
                                P.Move((4, 3), P.NON_CAPTURE))
unknownError = Logic.move_piece(unknownError, 6, 6,
                                P.Move((6, 4), P.NON_CAPTURE))
unknownError = Logic.move_piece(unknownError, 3, 0, P.Move((5, 2)))
unknownError = Logic.move_piece(unknownError, 5, 7, P.Move((6, 6)))
unknownError = Logic.move_piece(unknownError, 5, 0, P.Move((2, 3)))
unknownError = Logic.move_piece(unknownError, 0, 6,
                                P.Move((0, 4), P.NON_CAPTURE))
unknownError = Logic.move_piece(unknownError, 5, 2, P.Move((5, 6)))

crash = B.Board(True)
crash.board[5][0] = P.Bishop(100, P.WHITE)
crash.board[2][1] = P.Pawn(101, P.WHITE)
crash.board[4][1] = P.Pawn(102, P.WHITE)
crash.board[5][1] = P.King(crash.whiteKingId, P.WHITE)
    def __init__(self, color, state, depth, depthLim, heuristic, space = (0,0), move = P.Move((-1, -1))):
        global totalNodes
        totalNodes += 1
        self.state = state          # board state of the node
        self.color = color          # whether the AI controls the white or black pieces.
        self.depth = depth          # current depth of node
        self.depthLim = depthLim    # depth of how far the tree can evaluate
        self.heuristic = heuristic
        self.alpha = 0              # alpha and beta are values for pruning the tree
        self.beta = 0
        if (self.heuristic == HASH or self.heuristic == HASH_SORT or self.heuristic == HASH_SORT_POS):
            self.nextMoves = {}
            self.nextMoves = []
        self.weight = 0             # How good of a move is current node
        self.space = space          # The coordinates of the piece being moved
        self.move = move            # The coordinates that the piece is being moved to
        self._equalWeights = True

        if depth == depthLim or self.heuristic == BASIC_SORT or self.heuristic == HASH_SORT  or self.heuristic == BASIC_SORT_POS or self.heuristic == HASH_SORT_POS:
        if depth < depthLim:
            global maxNodeDepth
            if (depth > maxNodeDepth):
                maxNodeDepth = depth