    def run(self, rect, cur_frame, next_frame):
        x, y, w, h = rect
        cur_roi = PostProcessing.get_roi_from_images(rect, cur_frame)
        center_of_window = (x + (w / 2), y + (h / 2))

        # compute centroid of current frame
        cur_moment = cv2.moments(cur_roi)
        cx = x + int(cur_moment['m10'] / cur_moment['m00'])
        cy = y + int(cur_moment['m01'] / cur_moment['m00'])
        cur_frame_centroid = (cx, cy)

        # compute centroid of next frame with current windows
        cur_roi_next = PostProcessing.get_roi_from_images(rect, next_frame)
        cur_moment_next = cv2.moments(cur_roi_next)
        next_cx = x + int(cur_moment_next['m10'] / cur_moment_next['m00'])
        next_cy = y + int(cur_moment_next['m01'] / cur_moment_next['m00'])
        next_frame_centroid = (next_cx, next_cy)

        # calculate distance between current frame centroid and next frame centroid
        x0, y0 = cur_frame_centroid
        x1, y1 = next_frame_centroid
        xwin, ywin = center_of_window
        new_center_of_window = ((xwin + (x1 - x0)), (ywin + (y1 - y0)))
        new_rect = (new_center_of_window[0] - (w / 2), new_center_of_window[1] - (h / 2), w, h)
        print new_rect

 def add_object(self, obj, frame):
     # set up ROI
     roi = PostProcessing.get_roi_from_images(obj, frame)
     hsv_roi = cv2.cvtColor(roi, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
     n_in_frame = 0
     n_not_moving = 0
     self.list_of_objects.append((obj, hsv_roi, n_in_frame, n_not_moving))
    def apply_meanshift(self, obj, cur_frame, next_frame):
        new_obj = None
        if next_frame is not None and cur_frame is not None:
            cur_frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(cur_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            next_frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(next_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            x, y, w, h = obj
            if w > 0 and h > 0:
                cur_roi = PostProcessing.get_roi_from_images(obj, cur_frame_gray)
                # center_of_window = (x + (w / 2), y + (h / 2))

                # compute centroid of current frame
                cur_moment = cv2.moments(cur_roi)
                cx0 = x + int(cur_moment['m10'] / cur_moment['m00'])
                cy0 = y + int(cur_moment['m01'] / cur_moment['m00'])

                num_of_iteration = 0
                delta = -1
                prev_obj = obj
                while (num_of_iteration < 15) and (delta > 1 or delta == -1):

                    x1, y1, w1, h1 = prev_obj
                    next_frame_roi = PostProcessing.get_roi_from_images(prev_obj, next_frame_gray)
                    next_w, next_h = next_frame_roi.shape
                    if next_w > 0 and next_h > 0:

                        # get moment
                        next_frame_moment = cv2.moments(next_frame_roi)
                        cx1 = x1 + int(next_frame_moment['m10'] / next_frame_moment['m00'])
                        cy1 = y1 + int(next_frame_moment['m01'] / next_frame_moment['m00'])

                        # compare with previous moment
                        deltacx = cx1 - cx0
                        deltacy = cy1 - cy0
                        new_obj = x1+deltacx, y1+deltacy, w1, h1

                        # initialization for next iteration
                        cx0, cy0 = cx1, cy1
                        prev_obj = new_obj
                        delta = math.sqrt((deltacx)**2 + (deltacy)**2)
                    num_of_iteration += 1

        return new_obj