# create a mesh of 8 by 8 by 8 hexes for a unit cube
nd = 3
elemtype = 0
mesh['p'], mesh['t'] = Mesh.gmshcall(pde, "coneincube", nd, elemtype)[0:2]
# expressions for domain boundaries
mesh['boundaryexpr'] = [
    lambda p: (p[1, :] < -10.0 + 1e-3), lambda p: (p[0, :] > 10.0 - 1e-3),
    lambda p: (p[1, :] > 10.0 - 1e-3), lambda p: (p[0, :] < -10.0 + 1e-3),
    lambda p: (p[2, :] < -10.0 + 1e-3), lambda p: (p[2, :] > 10.0 - 1e-3),
    lambda p: (p[2, :] < 1e+3)
mesh['boundarycondition'] = numpy.array([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1])
# Set boundary condition for each boundary
# # call exasim to generate and run C++ code to solve the PDE model
sol, pde, mesh = Postprocessing.exasim(pde, mesh)[0:3]

# visualize the numerical solution of the PDE model using Paraview
pde['visscalars'] = ["temperature", 0]
# list of scalar fields for visualization
pde['visvectors'] = [
    "temperature gradient",
    numpy.array([1, 2, 3]).astype(int)
# list of vector fields for visualization
dgnodes = Postprocessing.vis(sol, pde, mesh)
# visualize the numerical solution
# x = dgnodes[:,0,:]; y = dgnodes[:,1,:]; z = dgnodes[:,2,:];
# uexact = numpy.sin(numpy.pi*x)*numpy.sin(numpy.pi*y)*numpy.sin(numpy.pi*z); # exact solution
# uh = sol[:,0,:];  # numerical solution
文件: pdeapp.py 项目: exapde/Exasim
# unit thermal conductivity
pde['tau'] = numpy.array([1.0])
# DG stabilization parameter

# create a mesh of 8 by 8 quads on a square domain
mesh['p'], mesh['t'] = Mesh.SquareMesh(16, 16, 1)[0:2]
# expressions for domain boundaries
mesh['boundaryexpr'] = [
    lambda p: (p[1, :] < 1e-3), lambda p: (p[0, :] > 1 - 1e-3), lambda p:
    (p[1, :] > 1 - 1e-3), lambda p: (p[0, :] < 1e-3)
mesh['boundarycondition'] = numpy.array([1, 1, 1, 1])
# Set boundary condition for each boundary

# call exasim to generate and run C++ code to solve the PDE model
sol, pde, mesh = Postprocessing.exasim(pde, mesh)[0:3]

# visualize the numerical solution of the PDE model using Paraview
pde['visscalars'] = ["temperature", 0]
# list of scalar fields for visualization
pde['visvectors'] = ["temperature gradient",
                     numpy.array([1, 2]).astype(int)]
# list of vector fields for visualization
Postprocessing.vis(sol, pde, mesh)
# visualize the numerical solution

# npf = dmd[0]['facecon'].shape[0];
# nf = dmd[0]['facecon'].shape[2];
# print(numpy.reshape(dmd[0]['facecon'][:,0,:],(npf,nf),'F').T)
# print(numpy.reshape(dmd[0]['facecon'][:,1,:],(npf,nf),'F').T)
文件: pdeapp.py 项目: exapde/Exasim
pinf = 1/(gam*Minf**2);          # freestream pressure
rEinf = 0.5+pinf/(gam-1);       # freestream energy
pde['physicsparam'] = [gam, Minf, rinf, ruinf, rvinf, rEinf];
pde['tau'] = numpy.array([2.0]); # DG stabilization parameter
pde['GMRESrestart']=30;            # number of GMRES restarts
pde['linearsolvertol']=0.0001;     # GMRES tolerance
pde['linearsolveriter']=31;        # number of GMRES iterations
pde['precMatrixType']=2;           # preconditioning type
pde['NLtol'] = 1e-7;               # Newton tolerance
pde['NLiter']=3;                   # Newton iterations

# read a grid from a file
mesh['p'], mesh['t'] = Mesh.readmesh("grid.bin",0);
mesh['t'] = mesh['t'] - 1;

# expressions for domain boundaries
mesh['boundaryexpr'] = [lambda p: (numpy.sqrt((p[0,:]-0.5)*(p[0,:]-0.5)+p[1,:]*p[1,:]) < 3), lambda p: (p[0,:] < 20)];
mesh['boundarycondition'] = numpy.array([1, 2]); # Set boundary condition for each boundary
#expressions for curved boundaries
mesh['curvedboundary'] = numpy.array([1, 0]);
mesh['curvedboundaryexpr'] = [lambda p: p[1,:]**2-(5*0.01*12*(0.29690*numpy.sqrt(numpy.abs(p[0,:]))-0.12600*p[0,:]-0.35160*p[0,:]**2+0.28430*p[0,:]**3-0.10150*p[0,:]**4))**2, lambda p: 0];

# call exasim to generate and run C++ code to solve the PDE model
sol, pde, mesh  = Postprocessing.exasim(pde,mesh)[0:3];

# visualize the numerical solution of the PDE model using Paraview
pde['visscalars'] = ["density", 0, "energy", 3]; # list of scalar fields for visualization
pde['visvectors'] = ["momentum", [1, 2]]; # list of vector fields for visualization
Postprocessing.vis(sol,pde,mesh); # visualize the numerical solution
                # Load in the two models:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Loading models..."
                rc = RelationDetector('SVM', params=[10, 0.01])
                rcl = RelationClassifier('SVM', params=[10, 0.001])

                print >> sys.stderr, "Loading data..."
                sentences = Preprocessing.parse_processed_sentence_file(
                pos = Preprocessing.parse_processed_sentence_file(args.pos)
                ne_plain = Preprocessing.parse_processed_sentence_file(args.ne)
                ne = [
                    Preprocessing.process_named_entities(n) for n in ne_plain

                print >> sys.stderr, "Running detector..."
                pred = rc.predict_sentences(zip(sentences, ne, pos))

                print >> sys.stderr, "Running classifier..."
                predictions = rcl.predict_sentences(zip(sentences, ne, pos),

                sentences, pos, ne_plain, predictions)

            print >> sys.stderr, 'Missing input'
def process_dependency_parse(sentence):
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G.add_node(0, word='HEAD', type='HEAD')
    for elem in sentence:
        G.add_node(int(elem[0]), word=elem[1], type=elem[7])
        G.add_edge(int(elem[0]), int(elem[6]))

    return G

if __name__ == '__main__':

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Contains implementation for two relation extraction strategies.")
    parser.add_argument("--input", required=True, help="Specify the input file")
    parser.add_argument("--extract", required=False)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    f = args.input

    if args.extract:
        sentences, _, ne, pos = parse_full_re_file(f, zip_ne_to_dictionary=False)
        if args.extract == 'pos':
        elif args.extract == 'sentences':
        elif args.extract == 'ne':
        sentences = parse_sentence_file(f)
    "initial_memberships": initial_memberships

out = al_model(input_dict)

if args.vis_seq_rep:
    mem = [out[3 * i] for i in range(int(len(out) / 3))]
    seq_rep = [out[3 * i + 1] for i in range(int(len(out) / 3))]
    cons_rep = [out[3 * i + 2] for i in range(int(len(out) / 3))]
    if AlignmentModel.NUM_ITERATIONS == 1:
        mem = [out]
        mem = out

cols = Postprocessing.seq_consistent(msa, mem[-1])

end_time = time.time()

print("prec, recall: ", msa.recall_prec(cols))
print("It took ", end_time - start_time,
      " seconds to construct the alignment.")


if args.o != "":
    MSA.column_pred_to_fasta(msa, cols, args.o)
