def getDataBinance(numDays): """ :param numDays: :return: """ global priceSymbols noData = {} priceSymbols = PriceSymbolsUpdater.chooseUpdate('binance') #the absolute end time for all data absEndTime = requests.get("") absEndTime = absEndTime.json() #code for writing the values into three text files for each crypto: an open price, close price, and volume file. for key, currencyname in priceSymbols.items(): noDataCount = 0 #creating the file path lengths and opening them openPriceCryptoPath = os.path.join(cryptoPaths, currencyname + "OpenPrice" + ".txt") closePriceCryptoPath = os.path.join(cryptoPaths, currencyname + "ClosePrice" + ".txt") volumeCryptoPath = os.path.join(cryptoPaths, currencyname + "Volume" + ".txt") highCryptoPath = os.path.join(cryptoPaths, currencyname + "High" + ".txt") lowCryptoPath = os.path.join(cryptoPaths, currencyname + "Low" + ".txt") oprice = open(openPriceCryptoPath, "w") cprice = open(closePriceCryptoPath, "w") volume = open(volumeCryptoPath, "w") highPrice = open(highCryptoPath, "w") lowPrice = open(lowCryptoPath, "w") #while loop with a counter to make sure that the start and endtime stay one day apart but go backwards in time, numdays amount of days timeBackwards = 0 while(timeBackwards < ONE_DAY*numDays): endTime = absEndTime['serverTime'] - timeBackwards startTime = endTime - ONE_THIRD_DAY parameters = {'symbol': currencyname, 'startTime': startTime, 'endTime': endTime, 'interval': '1m'} data = requests.get("", params=parameters) data = data.json() if(len(data) == 0): noDataCount+=1 noData.update({currencyname: noDataCount}) print("Length of data set: {} coin associated with data set: {} data set: {}".format(len(data), currencyname, data)) for i in reversed(data): oprice.write("{},".format(i[1])) highPrice.write("{}, ".format(i[2])) lowPrice.write("{}, ".format(i[3])) cprice.write("{},".format(i[4])) volume.write("{},".format(i[5])) timeBackwards += ONE_THIRD_DAY print(noData) #closing all the files once we're done oprice.close() highPrice.close() lowPrice.close() cprice.close() volume.close()
def getDataDatabase(startMinuteBack, endMinuteBack): """ :param startMinuteBack: first minute of the interval you want :param endMinuteBack: end minute of the interval desired :return: """ global priceSymbols priceSymbols = PriceSymbolsUpdater.chooseUpdate('binance') #code for writing the values into three text files for each crypto: an open price, close price, and volume file. dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filename = os.path.join(dirname + '/', '') databasePath = os.path.join(dirname + '/', 'databases/' + 'binance.db') conn = sqlite3.connect(databasePath) cur = conn.cursor() openPriceDict = {} closePriceDict = {} volumeDict = {} highPriceDict = {} lowPriceDict = {} length = getNumRows(cur, 'openprices') print(length) startIndex = length - startMinuteBack - 1 endIndex = length - endMinuteBack - 1 index = startIndex for key, crypto in priceSymbols.items(): openPriceDict[crypto] = [] closePriceDict[crypto] = [] volumeDict[crypto] = [] highPriceDict[crypto] = [] lowPriceDict[crypto] = [] while (endIndex < index <= startIndex): for key, crypto in priceSymbols.items(): openPrice = select_by_crypto(conn, 'openprices', crypto, index)[0][0] closePrice = select_by_crypto(conn, 'closeprices', crypto, index)[0][0] volume = select_by_crypto(conn, 'volumes', crypto, index)[0][0] highPrice = select_by_crypto(conn, 'highprices', crypto, index)[0][0] lowPrice = select_by_crypto(conn, 'lowprices', crypto, index)[0][0] openPriceDict[crypto].append(openPrice) closePriceDict[crypto].append(closePrice) volumeDict[crypto].append(volume) highPriceDict[crypto].append(highPrice) lowPriceDict[crypto].append(lowPrice) index -= 1 return openPriceDict, closePriceDict, volumeDict, highPriceDict, lowPriceDict
def main(): global priceSymbols priceSymbols = PriceSymbolsUpdater.chooseUpdate('binance', list=True) #create path to connect to database and create a cursor object to the database dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filename = os.path.join(dirname + '/', '') databasePath = os.path.join(dirname + '/', 'databases/' + 'binance.db') conn = sqlite3.connect(databasePath, timeout=720) cursor = conn.cursor() openP, close, volume, highP, lowP = getDataDatabase(0, 60) print("Open Price: {} Open Price ETHBTC Length: {}".format( openP, len(openP['ETHBTC'])))
def generatePriceSymbols(desiredVolume, maxLoss, website='binance'): """ :param desiredVolume: :param maxLoss: :param website: :return: """ global priceSymbols #list to hold all the threads threads = [] #get an updated version of price symbols symbols = PriceSymbolsUpdater.chooseUpdate(website) #get the prices to lowercase priceSymbols = getLowerCaseDict(symbols) #iterate through the price symbols dictionary and create a thread to find the the depth of that crypto then append the thread to the list of threads for key, currencyname in priceSymbols.items(): thread = depthThread(currencyname, desiredVolume, maxLoss, price) thread.start() threads.append(thread) #asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(getDepth(value, 10000, -1)) #wait for all the threads to finish for thread in threads: thread.join() #uppercase the symbols for i in possibleBuyCryptos: i.upper() for i in possibleSellCryptos: i.upper() print("Buy List: {}".format(possibleBuyCryptos)) print("Num Items: {}".format(len(possibleBuyCryptos))) print("Sell List: {}".format(possibleSellCryptos)) print('Num Items: {}'.format(len(possibleSellCryptos))) return possibleBuyCryptos
def main(): runTime = time.time() * 1000 global priceSymbols priceSymbols = PriceSymbolsUpdater.chooseUpdate('binance')
#one day in min ONE_DAY_MIN = 1440 #one third day in ms ONE_THIRD_DAY = 28800000 #one third day in min ONE_THIRD_MIN = 480 #one minute in ms ONE_MIN_MS = 60000 #one second in ms ONE_SEC_MS = 1000 priceSymbols = PriceSymbolsUpdater.updatePriceSymbolsBinance() def main(): #grabbing the starttime of the data desired and the current time (endtime) endTime = requests.get("") endTime = endTime.json() endTime = endTime['serverTime'] startTime = endTime - ONE_THIRD_DAY #temporary dictionaries for each of the five types of data openpricedict = {} closepricedict = {} highpricedict = {} lowpricedict = {} volumedict = {}
def main(): global priceSymbols #read in any passed parameters params = readParams(defaultdatastreamparamspassed) #this price symbols is different and is just a list of the names #we also store them so that any file needing the symbols can pull them from storage #thus whatever symbols are used in making the table are also used by scripts requesting data from that table priceSymbols = PriceSymbolsUpdater.chooseUpdate(params['website'], list=True, store=True) #store the price symbols dictionary version as well PriceSymbolsUpdater.chooseUpdate(params['website'], list=False, store=True) #quit() #the different table names tablenames = [ 'openprices', 'closeprices', 'highprices', 'lowprices', 'volumes' ] db_file = setupdbfiles() connection = create_connection_db(db_file) setuptables(connection, priceSymbols) connection.commit() cursor = connection.cursor() if (params['freshrun']): for name in tablenames: delete_rows(connection, name) connection.commit() numRows = getNumRows(cursor, 'openprices') if (isinstance(numRows, int)): #set the minutes past to be the number of rows already in each table params['mins'] = numRows #uncommon if you want to prime the database (TODO use to prime with params['hourprime'] = hourstoprime and params['freshrun'] = true #set the database up with 240 minutes of data primeDatabase(connection, priceSymbols, params) #set the mins passed to reflect the new data params['mins'] += params['minstoprime'] #waits for one minute - time spent priming database with 2 hours of data so that the next data we grab is a full minute #after we have primed time.sleep(60.0 - ((time.time() - buffertimestart) % 60.0)) #commit any changes connection.commit() #loop that runs every minute to grab another row of data starttime = time.time() while int(params['mins']) < int(params['minmax']): getcurrentmindata(connection, priceSymbols) connection.commit() time.sleep(60.0 - ((time.time() - starttime) % 60.0)) params['mins'] += 1 connection.commit() close_connection(connection)