def showProgressBar(self, flag=True): if flag and self.progress == None: self.progress = ProgBar() elif self.progress != None and not flag: if self.progress.isActive(): self.progress.halt() self.progress = None
def showProgressBar(self,flag=True): if flag and self.progress==None: self.progress = ProgBar() elif self.progress!=None and not flag: if self.progress.isActive(): self.progress.halt() self.progress = None
def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs={}): = self.params['samples'] self.progbar = ProgBar.Progbar(, newline_on_end=False) self.seen = 0 self.progbar.last_run = 0 return
class PlotsBase: variables = { } cutflows = { } def getVariables(self): return PlotsBase.variables def getVariables1D(self): return [ v for v in PlotsBase.variables.values() if not v.is2D() ] def getVariables2D(self): return [ v for v in PlotsBase.variables.values() if v.is2D() ] def addVariable(self,name,nbins,xmin,xmax,scut='l',uselog=True,binEdges=None): assert name.isalnum() assert not name in self.histogramList if not name in PlotsBase.variables: nb = nbins if binEdges else nbins/self.rebin PlotsBase.variables[name] = Variable(name,nb,xmin,xmax,scut,uselog) h1d = PlotsBase.variables[name].createHistogram(binEdges) self.histogramList[name] = h1d setattr(self,"h"+name,h1d) def getCutFlows(self): return PlotsBase.cutflows def addCutFlow(self,labels,nameFlow="DefaultCutFlow"): assert nameFlow.isalnum() assert not nameFlow in self.cutflowList if not nameFlow in PlotsBase.cutflows: PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow] = CutFlow(nameFlow,labels) h = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow].createHistogram() self.cutflowList[nameFlow] = h setattr(self,"c"+nameFlow,h) def addVariablePair(self,xname,nbinsx,xmin,xmax,yname,nbinsy,ymin,ymax,uselog=True,suffix=None): varPair = VariablePair(xname,nbinsx/self.rebin,xmin,xmax,yname,nbinsy/self.rebin,ymin,ymax, \ uselog,suffix) assert not in self.histogramList if not in PlotsBase.variables: PlotsBase.variables[] = varPair h2d = varPair.createHistogram() self.histogramList[] = h2d setattr(self,"h",h2d) def __init__(self,name,preselection=None,elist=None,elistBase="./elists",rebin=1): = name self.preselection = preselection self.elist = elist if elist!=None: self.elist = elist.lower()[0] self.elistBase = elistBase assert os.path.isdir(elistBase) self.timers = [ ] for i in range(10): self.timers.append(MyTimer()) self.writeElist = False self.readElist = False if self.preselection!=None and self.elist!=None: self.preselName = self.preselection.__class__.__name__ if self.elist=="w" or self.elist=="a": self.writeElist = True elif self.elist=="r" or self.elist=="a": self.readElist = True if self.writeElist or self.readElist: self.preselDirName = os.path.join(self.elistBase,self.preselName) if not os.path.isdir(self.preselDirName): os.mkdir(self.preselDirName,0744) self.rebin = rebin self.progress = None def showProgressBar(self,flag=True): if flag and self.progress==None: self.progress = ProgBar() elif self.progress!=None and not flag: if self.progress.isActive(): self.progress.halt() self.progress = None def showTimers(self): line = "" for t in self.timers: line += "{0:14.2f}".format(1000000*t.meanTime()) # line += " " + str(t.meanTime()) print line def prepareElist(self,sample,subSampleName): elist = None elistFile = None if self.readElist or self.writeElist: dirName = os.path.join(self.preselDirName, if not os.path.isdir(dirName): os.mkdir(dirName,0744) elistFileName = os.path.join(dirName,subSampleName+"_elist.root") if self.elist=="a": self.writeElist = False self.readElist = False if not os.path.exists(elistFileName): self.writeElist = True else: elistTime = os.path.getmtime(elistFileName) if elistTime<=os.path.getmtime(self.preselection.sourcefile): self.writeElist = True if elistTime<=os.path.getmtime(sample.fullname(subSampleName)): self.writeElist = True self.readElist = not self.writeElist if self.writeElist: print "(Re)creating elist for ",,subSampleName if self.writeElist: print "Reading elist for ",,subSampleName opt = "recreate" if self.writeElist else "read" elistFile = ROOT.TFile(elistFileName,opt) objarr = ROOT.TObjArray() if self.writeElist: objstr = ROOT.TObjString() objstr.SetString( objarr.Add(objstr.Clone()) objstr.SetString(subSampleName) objarr.Add(objstr.Clone()) objstr.SetString(str(sample.downscale)) objarr.Add(objstr.Clone()) objarr.Write("file",ROOT.TObject.kSingleKey) elist = ROOT.TEventList("elist",self.preselName+" / "" / "+subSampleName) else: objarr = elistFile.Get("file") assert objarr[0].GetString().Data() assert objarr[1].GetString().Data()==subSampleName assert objarr[2].GetString().Data()==str(sample.downscale) elist = elistFile.Get("elist") return ( elist, elistFile ) def createGenerator(self,end,downscale=1): i = downscale - 1 while i<end: yield i i += downscale def fillall(self,sample): for itree in range(len(sample.names)): tree = sample.getchain(itree) # print,itree # print tree.GetEntries() nentries = tree.GetEntries() nprog = nentries downscale = sample.downscale iterator = self.createGenerator(tree.GetEntries(),sample.downscale) if self.readElist or self.writeElist: elist, elistFile = self.prepareElist(sample,sample.names[itree]) if self.readElist: iterator = self.createGenerator(elist.GetN()) nprog = elist.GetN() self.timers[6].start() eh = EventHelper(tree) self.timers[6].stop() # for iev in range(tree.GetEntries()): nall = 0 nsel = 0 # self.timers[7].start(paused=True) # self.timers[8].start(paused=True) if self.progress: self.progress.initialize(length=nprog," "+sample.names[itree]) for iev in iterator: # for iev in sample.getentries(tree): # if sample.downscale==1 or (iev%sample.downscale)==0: jev = iev if not self.readElist else elist.GetEntry(iev) # self.timers[8].resume() self.timers[8].start() eh.getEntry(jev) # self.timers[8].pause() self.timers[8].stop() nall += 1 if self.progress and nall%100==0: self.progress.increment(100) if self.readElist or ( \ ( self.preselection==None or self.preselection.accept(eh,sample) ) and \ ( sample.filter==None or sample.filter.accept(eh) ) ): # if"TTJets"): # print "Accepted for ",,":",eh.get("run"),eh.get("lumi"),eh.get("evt") # self.timers[7].resume() self.timers[7].start() self.fill(eh,sample,itree) # self.timers[7].pause() self.timers[7].stop() for timer in self.timers[:7]: if timer.stop() if self.writeElist: elist.Enter(iev) nsel += 1 # print "Ntot for ",,sample.names[itree]," = ",nall,nsel # for ev in tree: # self.fill(ev) # self.timers[7].stop() # self.timers[8].stop() if self.writeElist: elist.Write() if self.writeElist or self.readElist: elistFile.Close() if self.progress and self.progress.status!=3: self.progress.update(1.) # handle under- & overflows for n,v in PlotsBase.variables.iteritems(): v.moveUnderOverFlow(self.histogramList[n]) self.showTimers() def fill1DBySign(self,name,pdg,value,weight): fullname = name if pdg>0: fullname += "Minus" elif pdg<0: fullname += "Plus" self.histogramList[fullname].Fill(value,weight) def fill1DByFlavour(self,name,pdg,value,weight): self.histogramList[name].Fill(value,weight) if pdg!=None: if pdg==0 or abs(pdg)==11: self.histogramList[name+"Ele"].Fill(value,weight) if pdg==0 or abs(pdg)==13: self.histogramList[name+"Mu"].Fill(value,weight) def fill1DByCategory(self,name,category,value,weight): self.histogramList[name].Fill(value,weight) if category!=None: self.histogramList[name+category].Fill(value,weight) def fill1D(self,name,value,weight): self.fill1DBySign(name,0,value,weight) def fill2DBySign(self,name,pdg,xvalue,yvalue,weight): fullname = name + "_" if pdg>0: fullname += "Minus" elif pdg<0: fullname += "Plus" self.histogramList[fullname].Fill(xvalue,yvalue,weight) def fill2D(self,name,xvalue,yvalue,weight): self.fill2DBySign(name,0,xvalue,yvalue,weight) def passedCut(self,label,w,nameFlow="DefaultCutFlow"): flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow] self.cutflowList[nameFlow].Fill(flow.index(label),w) def passedCutByFlavour(self,label,pdg,w,nameFlow="DefaultCutFlow"): flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow] self.cutflowList[nameFlow].Fill(flow.index(label),w) if pdg!=None: if pdg==0 or abs(pdg)==11: flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow+"Ele"] self.cutflowList[nameFlow+"Ele"].Fill(flow.index(label),w) if pdg==0 or abs(pdg)==13: flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow+"Mu"] self.cutflowList[nameFlow+"Mu"].Fill(flow.index(label),w) def passedCutByCategory(self,label,category,w,nameFlow="DefaultCutFlow"): flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow] self.cutflowList[nameFlow].Fill(flow.index(label),w) if category!=None and category!="": flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow+category] self.cutflowList[nameFlow+category].Fill(flow.index(label),w)
def optimap(f_xy, X_params, Y_params, heat=True, symm=False): Stats = ["Trades", "Mean", "R | Sharpe", "R | Sterling" ] ## Around which statistical metrics are we going to optimize. arrays = (list, tuple, dict, range, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series ) ## Indexable arrays for "X" & "Y" parameter arguments. assert isinstance(X_params, arrays) and isinstance( Y_params, arrays), "{TYPE} 'X' & 'Y' params must be indexable arrays." X_labels, Y_labels = X_params, Y_params ## "Grid" df's index/column labels may tentatively be the parameters themselves. ## However, if "X"/"Y" params' array is a dict, keys will be column labels in Grid. Values will be arguments for "f_xy". if isinstance(X_params, dict): X_params, X_labels = list(X_params.values()), list(X_params.keys()) if isinstance(Y_params, dict): Y_params, Y_labels = list(Y_params.values()), list(Y_params.keys()) Grid = pandas.DataFrame( index=X_labels, columns=pandas.MultiIndex.from_product(iterables=(Stats, Y_labels))) Combs = list(itertools.product(range(len(X_params)), range( len(Y_params)))) ## Indexes of all possible "X" & "Y" pairs. ## In cases where "X" & "Y" share exact same indicator nature (e.g.: both SMA), omit repeated/swapped cases. Example: if symm: Combs = [(nx, ny) for nx, ny in Combs if (X_params[nx] <= Y_params[ny]) ] ## "(p1, p2) = (p2, p1)". Keep just one. Prog = ProgBar.ProgBar(steps=len( list(Combs))) ## Create a progress bar made with characters. ## For given parameters "x" and "y", we will run the exercise, find its stats and create a 2D grid. for nx, ny in Combs: ## For every combination of parameters. x_param, y_param, x_label, y_label = X_params[nx], Y_params[ ny], X_labels[nx], Y_labels[ny] try: ## Run the exercise with a function as specified. S = f_xy(x_param, y_param).Stats[symbol][ "Return"] ## From the backtest results, keep only the returns' ".Stats". for stat in Stats: Grid.loc[x_label, (stat, y_label)] = S[stat] except: 1 ## When it's impossible to calculate stats (e.g.: no signals/trades), forget about errors. Prog.up() ## Increase progress bar. Figure, Axes = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(ncols=len(Stats)) ## Heatmaps will display the most optimal spots in red. Grid.replace(to_replace=[-numpy.inf, numpy.inf], value=numpy.nan, inplace=True) for n, stat in enumerate(Stats): ## Infs ⇧ when denominator is 0. lim = max(abs(Grid[stat].min().min()), abs( Grid[stat].max().max())) * 1.25 ## Y-axes' max span for lines. if heat: Axes[n].contourf(*numpy.meshgrid(X_params, Y_params), Grid[stat].values.T) # Heatmap, 2D. else: Grid[stat].plot( ylim=[-lim * (Grid[stat] < 0).any().any(), lim], ## When no negative numbers found... ax=Axes[n], legend=False, linewidth=2.5) ## ...lowest y-axis point can be 0. Axes[n].set_title(stat, fontweight="bold") if not (heat): Axes[0].legend(fontsize=13) ## Add legend just to the first line plot. matplotlib.pyplot.pause( 1e-13) ## This line avoids a (quite loooong) Tkinter warning print. return Figure, Grid
class PlotsBase: variables = {} cutflows = {} def getVariables(self): return PlotsBase.variables def getVariables1D(self): return [v for v in PlotsBase.variables.values() if not v.is2D()] def getVariables2D(self): return [v for v in PlotsBase.variables.values() if v.is2D()] def addVariable(self, name, nbins, xmin, xmax, scut='l', uselog=True, binEdges=None): assert name.isalnum() assert not name in self.histogramList if not name in PlotsBase.variables: nb = nbins if binEdges else nbins / self.rebin PlotsBase.variables[name] = Variable(name, nb, xmin, xmax, scut, uselog) h1d = PlotsBase.variables[name].createHistogram(binEdges) self.histogramList[name] = h1d setattr(self, "h" + name, h1d) def getCutFlows(self): return PlotsBase.cutflows def addCutFlow(self, labels, nameFlow="DefaultCutFlow"): assert nameFlow.isalnum() assert not nameFlow in self.cutflowList if not nameFlow in PlotsBase.cutflows: PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow] = CutFlow(nameFlow, labels) h = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow].createHistogram() self.cutflowList[nameFlow] = h setattr(self, "c" + nameFlow, h) def addVariablePair(self, xname, nbinsx, xmin, xmax, yname, nbinsy, ymin, ymax, uselog=True, suffix=None): varPair = VariablePair(xname,nbinsx/self.rebin,xmin,xmax,yname,nbinsy/self.rebin,ymin,ymax, \ uselog,suffix) assert not in self.histogramList if not in PlotsBase.variables: PlotsBase.variables[] = varPair h2d = varPair.createHistogram() self.histogramList[] = h2d setattr(self, "h" +, h2d) def __init__(self, name, preselection=None, elist=None, elistBase="./elists", rebin=1): = name self.preselection = preselection self.elist = elist if elist != None: self.elist = elist.lower()[0] self.elistBase = elistBase assert os.path.isdir(elistBase) self.timers = [] for i in range(10): self.timers.append(MyTimer()) self.writeElist = False self.readElist = False if self.preselection != None and self.elist != None: self.preselName = self.preselection.__class__.__name__ if self.elist == "w" or self.elist == "a": self.writeElist = True elif self.elist == "r" or self.elist == "a": self.readElist = True if self.writeElist or self.readElist: self.preselDirName = os.path.join(self.elistBase, self.preselName) if not os.path.isdir(self.preselDirName): os.mkdir(self.preselDirName, 0744) self.rebin = rebin self.progress = None def showProgressBar(self, flag=True): if flag and self.progress == None: self.progress = ProgBar() elif self.progress != None and not flag: if self.progress.isActive(): self.progress.halt() self.progress = None def showTimers(self): line = "" for t in self.timers: line += "{0:14.2f}".format(1000000 * t.meanTime()) # line += " " + str(t.meanTime()) print line def prepareElist(self, sample, subSampleName): elist = None elistFile = None if self.readElist or self.writeElist: dirName = os.path.join(self.preselDirName, if not os.path.isdir(dirName): os.mkdir(dirName, 0744) elistFileName = os.path.join(dirName, subSampleName + "_elist.root") if self.elist == "a": self.writeElist = False self.readElist = False if not os.path.exists(elistFileName): self.writeElist = True else: elistTime = os.path.getmtime(elistFileName) if elistTime <= os.path.getmtime( self.preselection.sourcefile): self.writeElist = True if elistTime <= os.path.getmtime( sample.fullname(subSampleName)): self.writeElist = True self.readElist = not self.writeElist if self.writeElist: print "(Re)creating elist for ",, subSampleName if self.writeElist: print "Reading elist for ",, subSampleName opt = "recreate" if self.writeElist else "read" elistFile = ROOT.TFile(elistFileName, opt) objarr = ROOT.TObjArray() if self.writeElist: objstr = ROOT.TObjString() objstr.SetString( objarr.Add(objstr.Clone()) objstr.SetString(subSampleName) objarr.Add(objstr.Clone()) objstr.SetString(str(sample.downscale)) objarr.Add(objstr.Clone()) objarr.Write("file", ROOT.TObject.kSingleKey) elist = ROOT.TEventList( "elist", self.preselName + " / " + + " / " + subSampleName) else: objarr = elistFile.Get("file") assert objarr[0].GetString().Data() == assert objarr[1].GetString().Data() == subSampleName assert objarr[2].GetString().Data() == str(sample.downscale) elist = elistFile.Get("elist") return (elist, elistFile) def createGenerator(self, end, downscale=1): i = downscale - 1 while i < end: yield i i += downscale def fillall(self, sample): for itree in range(len(sample.names)): tree = sample.getchain(itree) # print,itree # print tree.GetEntries() nentries = tree.GetEntries() nprog = nentries downscale = sample.downscale iterator = self.createGenerator(tree.GetEntries(), sample.downscale) if self.readElist or self.writeElist: elist, elistFile = self.prepareElist(sample, sample.names[itree]) if self.readElist: iterator = self.createGenerator(elist.GetN()) nprog = elist.GetN() self.timers[6].start() eh = EventHelper(tree) self.timers[6].stop() # for iev in range(tree.GetEntries()): nall = 0 nsel = 0 # self.timers[7].start(paused=True) # self.timers[8].start(paused=True) if self.progress: self.progress.initialize(length=nprog, + " " + sample.names[itree]) for iev in iterator: # for iev in sample.getentries(tree): # if sample.downscale==1 or (iev%sample.downscale)==0: jev = iev if not self.readElist else elist.GetEntry(iev) # self.timers[8].resume() self.timers[8].start() eh.getEntry(jev) # self.timers[8].pause() self.timers[8].stop() nall += 1 if self.progress and nall % 100 == 0: self.progress.increment(100) if self.readElist or ( \ ( self.preselection==None or self.preselection.accept(eh,sample) ) and \ ( sample.filter==None or sample.filter.accept(eh) ) ): # if"TTJets"): # print "Accepted for ",,":",eh.get("run"),eh.get("lumi"),eh.get("evt") # self.timers[7].resume() self.timers[7].start() self.fill(eh, sample, itree) # self.timers[7].pause() self.timers[7].stop() for timer in self.timers[:7]: if timer.stop() if self.writeElist: elist.Enter(iev) nsel += 1 # print "Ntot for ",,sample.names[itree]," = ",nall,nsel # for ev in tree: # self.fill(ev) # self.timers[7].stop() # self.timers[8].stop() if self.writeElist: elist.Write() if self.writeElist or self.readElist: elistFile.Close() if self.progress and self.progress.status != 3: self.progress.update(1.) # handle under- & overflows for n, v in PlotsBase.variables.iteritems(): v.moveUnderOverFlow(self.histogramList[n]) self.showTimers() def fill1DBySign(self, name, pdg, value, weight): fullname = name if pdg > 0: fullname += "Minus" elif pdg < 0: fullname += "Plus" self.histogramList[fullname].Fill(value, weight) def fill1DByFlavour(self, name, pdg, value, weight): self.histogramList[name].Fill(value, weight) if pdg != None: if pdg == 0 or abs(pdg) == 11: self.histogramList[name + "Ele"].Fill(value, weight) if pdg == 0 or abs(pdg) == 13: self.histogramList[name + "Mu"].Fill(value, weight) def fill1DByCategory(self, name, category, value, weight): self.histogramList[name].Fill(value, weight) if category != None: self.histogramList[name + category].Fill(value, weight) def fill1D(self, name, value, weight): self.fill1DBySign(name, 0, value, weight) def fill2DBySign(self, name, pdg, xvalue, yvalue, weight): fullname = name + "_" if pdg > 0: fullname += "Minus" elif pdg < 0: fullname += "Plus" self.histogramList[fullname].Fill(xvalue, yvalue, weight) def fill2D(self, name, xvalue, yvalue, weight): self.fill2DBySign(name, 0, xvalue, yvalue, weight) def passedCut(self, label, w, nameFlow="DefaultCutFlow"): flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow] self.cutflowList[nameFlow].Fill(flow.index(label), w) def passedCutByFlavour(self, label, pdg, w, nameFlow="DefaultCutFlow"): flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow] self.cutflowList[nameFlow].Fill(flow.index(label), w) if pdg != None: if pdg == 0 or abs(pdg) == 11: flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow + "Ele"] self.cutflowList[nameFlow + "Ele"].Fill(flow.index(label), w) if pdg == 0 or abs(pdg) == 13: flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow + "Mu"] self.cutflowList[nameFlow + "Mu"].Fill(flow.index(label), w) def passedCutByCategory(self, label, category, w, nameFlow="DefaultCutFlow"): flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow] self.cutflowList[nameFlow].Fill(flow.index(label), w) if category != None and category != "": flow = PlotsBase.cutflows[nameFlow + category] self.cutflowList[nameFlow + category].Fill(flow.index(label), w)
def BasicGraphs(GraphPath, Data): """Creates basic graphs Creates graphs of the energy production Only creates the graphs if they don't already exist Creates: Production graph of entire period Monthly and Daily graphs of production Parameters ---------- GraphPath : str Path to save the graphs. Data : array-like The data to graph. """ pcount = 0 toCreate = 0 if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Monthly/Share2018-3.png'): MonthGraphs = 60 else: MonthGraphs = 0 if not os.path.isdir(GraphPath + 'Daily/'): os.makedirs(GraphPath + 'Daily') if not os.listdir(GraphPath + 'Daily'): DayGraphs = 150 else: DayGraphs = 0 if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Diesel.png'): toCreate += 1 if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Wind.png'): toCreate += 1 if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Water.png'): toCreate += 1 if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Total.png'): toCreate += 1 toCreate += MonthGraphs toCreate += DayGraphs #toCreate += 1 progbar = ProgBar.Progbar(target=toCreate, newline_on_end=False, text_description='Creating overview graphs: ') years = mdates.YearLocator() # every year months = mdates.MonthLocator() # every month yearsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y') plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [16, 9] if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Diesel.png'): pcount += 1 #print('Creating diesel overview graph') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(Data.index, Data.Diesel, color=Color1) # format the ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) # round to nearest years... datemin = np.datetime64(Data.index[0], 'Y') datemax = np.datetime64(Data.index[-1], 'Y') + np.timedelta64(1, 'Y') ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax) plt.title('Timeseries') plt.xlabel('Time [date]') plt.ylabel('Diesel production [% of total]') ax.grid(which='major', alpha=1, color='black') ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.05, color='black') fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.savefig(GraphPath + 'Diesel.png') plt.close(fig) progbar.update(pcount) if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Wind.png'): pcount += 1 #print('Creating Wind overview graph') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(Data.index, Data.Wind, color=Color1) # format the ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) # round to nearest years... datemin = np.datetime64(Data.index[0], 'Y') datemax = np.datetime64(Data.index[-1], 'Y')\ + np.timedelta64(1, 'Y') ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax) plt.title('Timeseries') plt.xlabel('Time [date]') plt.ylabel('Wind production [% of total]') ax.grid(which='major', alpha=1, color='black') ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.05, color='black') fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.savefig(GraphPath + 'Wind.png') plt.close(fig) progbar.update(pcount) if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Water.png'): pcount += 1 #print('Creating Water overview graph') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(Data.index, Data.Water, color=Color1) # format the ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) # round to nearest years... datemin = np.datetime64(Data.index[0], 'Y') datemax = np.datetime64(Data.index[-1], 'Y')\ + np.timedelta64(1, 'Y') ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax) plt.title('Timeseries') plt.xlabel('Time [date]') plt.ylabel('Water production [% of total]') ax.grid(which='major', alpha=1, color='black') ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.05, color='black') fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.savefig(GraphPath + 'Water.png') plt.close(fig) progbar.update(pcount) if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Total.png'): pcount += 1 #print('Creating Total overview graph') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(Data.index, Data.Total, color=Color1) # format the ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) # round to nearest years... datemin = np.datetime64(Data.index[0], 'Y') datemax = np.datetime64(Data.index[-1], 'Y')\ + np.timedelta64(1, 'Y') ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax) plt.title('Timeseries') plt.xlabel('Time [date]') plt.ylabel('Total production [%]') ax.grid(which='major', alpha=1, color='black') ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.05, color='black') fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.savefig(GraphPath + 'Total.png') plt.close(fig) progbar.update(pcount) majorTick = mdates.DayLocator(interval=7) # every month majorFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%d/%m') minorTick = mdates.DayLocator() # every day if not os.path.isdir(GraphPath + 'Monthly'): #print('Monthly folder not found, creating it') os.makedirs(GraphPath + 'Monthly') if not os.path.isfile(GraphPath + 'Monthly/Share2018-3.png'): progbar = ProgBar.Progbar(target=toCreate, newline_on_end=False, text_description='Creating monthly graphs: ') month = 3 year = 3 done = False count = 0 #print('Creating Monthly share graph [%]') while not done: pcount += 1 #if count % 6 == 0: # print('\u220E', end='', flush=True) StartPoint = Data.index.get_loc\ ('201'+str(year)+'-'+str(month)+'-'+'01 00:00',method='nearest') EndPoint = Data['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month)].shape[0] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(Data.index[StartPoint:StartPoint + EndPoint], Data.Diesel['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month)]) # format the ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorTick) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorTick) datemin = np.datetime64(Data.index[StartPoint], 'm') # round to nearest years... datemax = np.datetime64(Data.index[StartPoint + EndPoint - 1], 'm') ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax) ax.grid(which='major', alpha=1, color='black') ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.05, color='black') fig.autofmt_xdate() Diesel = Data.Diesel['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month)] Water = Data.Water['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month)] + Diesel Wind = Data.Wind['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month)] + Water plt.plot(Water, color=Color2) plt.plot(Wind, color=Color3) plt.fill_between(Wind.index, Wind, Water, facecolor=Color3, alpha=1) plt.fill_between(Water.index, Water, Diesel, facecolor=Color2, alpha=1) plt.fill_between(Diesel.index, Diesel, 0, facecolor=Color1, alpha=1) plt.title('201' + str(year) + ' - ' + monthDict[month]) plt.ylim([-1, 105]) plt.xlabel('Time [date]') plt.ylabel('Total production [%]') plt.legend(['Diesel', 'Water', 'Wind']) plt.savefig(GraphPath + 'Monthly/' + 'Share201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month) + '.png') plt.close(fig) progbar.update(pcount) if month == 12: month = 1 year = year + 1 else: month = month + 1 if year == 8 and month == 4: done = True #print('') """ If not created, create "random" graphs of single days This can help see the flow of a day """ years = mdates.YearLocator() # every year months = mdates.MonthLocator() # every month hours = mdates.HourLocator() # every hour hoursM = mdates.HourLocator(interval=3) # every 3rd hour yearsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%d') hoursFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%H:%M') if not os.listdir(GraphPath + 'Daily'): progbar = ProgBar.Progbar(target=toCreate, newline_on_end=False, text_description='Creating daily graphs: ') #widgets = ['Creating daily share graph: ', progressbar.Percentage(), # ' ',progressbar.Bar(marker='∎',left='[',right=']'), # ' ', progressbar.AdaptiveETA()] #pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=150) #pbar.start() #print('') #print('Creating Daily share graph [%]') for count in range(0, DayGraphs): #if count % 5 == 0: # print('\u220E', end='', flush=True) #pbar.update(count+1) pcount += 1 year = np.random.randint(3, 7 + 1) if year == 3: month = np.random.randint(3, 12 + 1) elif year == 8: month = np.random.randint(1, 3 + 1) else: month = np.random.randint(1, 12 + 1) if year == 3 and month == 3: day = np.random.randint(5, 31 + 1) elif month == 2: day = np.random.randint(1, 28 + 1) elif month == 4 or month == 6 or month == 9 or month == 11: day = np.random.randint(1, 30 + 1) else: day = np.random.randint(1, 31 + 1) StartPoint = Data.index.get_loc('201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + str(day) + ' 00:00', method='nearest') EndPoint = Data['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + str(day)].shape[0] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot( Data.index[StartPoint:StartPoint + EndPoint], Data.Diesel['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + str(day)]) # format the ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(hoursM) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hoursFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(hours) # round to nearest years... datemin = np.datetime64(Data.index[StartPoint], 'm') datemax = np.datetime64(Data.index[StartPoint + EndPoint - 1], 'm') # + np.timedelta64(1, 'D') ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax) ax.grid(which='major', alpha=1, color='black') ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.05, color='black') fig.autofmt_xdate() Diesel = Data.Diesel['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month) + ' - ' + str(day)] Water = Data.Water['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month) + ' - ' + str(day)] + Diesel Wind = Data.Wind['201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month) + ' - ' + str(day)] + Water #plt.plot(Diesel,color=Color1) plt.plot(Water, color=Color2) plt.plot(Wind, color=Color3) plt.fill_between(Wind.index, Wind, Water, facecolor=Color3, alpha=1) plt.fill_between(Water.index, Water, Diesel, facecolor=Color2, alpha=1) plt.fill_between(Diesel.index, Diesel, 0, facecolor=Color1, alpha=1) plt.title('201' + str(year) + ' - ' + monthDict[month] + ' - ' + str(day)) plt.ylim([-1, 105]) plt.xlabel('Time [date]') plt.ylabel('Total production [%]') plt.legend(['Diesel', 'Water', 'Wind']) plt.savefig(GraphPath + 'Daily/' + 'Share201' + str(year) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + str(day) + '.png') plt.close(fig) progbar.update(pcount) #pbar.finish() progbar = ProgBar.Progbar(target=toCreate, newline_on_end=False, text_description='Done: ') if toCreate > 0: progbar.update(pcount)