    def update_mouse_hovering(self):
        mouse_x = bl.state(bl.TK_MOUSE_X)
        mouse_y = bl.state(bl.TK_MOUSE_Y)

        if mouse_x >= self.x and \
           mouse_x <= self.x2 and \
           mouse_y >= self.y and \
           mouse_y <= self.y2:
            self.mouse_hovering = True
            self.mouse_hovering = False
def menu(header, options, width):
    if len(options) > 26: raise ValueError('Cannot have a menu with more than 26 options.')
    #calculate total height for the header (after auto-wrap) and one line per option
    #header_height = libtcod.console_get_height_rect(con, 0, 0, width, SCREEN_HEIGHT, header)!!!

    header_height = len(textwrap.wrap(header, width))
    height = len(options) + header_height
    #set co-ords of menu
    menu_x = SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - width/2
    menu_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 - height/2

    #paint menu background
    terminal.color(MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR) #menu
    for y_bg in range(height):
        for x_bg in range(width):
            terminal.put(menu_x + x_bg, menu_y + y_bg, 20)

    #print the header, with auto-wrap
    y = 0
    for line in textwrap.wrap(header, width):
        terminal.print_(menu_x, menu_y + y, line)
        y += 1

    #position of options, below header (y)
    y = menu_y + header_height
    letter_index = ord('a')

    #print all the options
    for option_text in options:
        text = '(' + chr(letter_index) + ') ' + option_text
        #libtcod.console_print_ex(window, 0, y, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, text)
        terminal.print_(menu_x, y, text)
        y += 1
        letter_index += 1
    #present the root console to the player and wait for a key-press

    key = terminal.read() #temporary halt of operation, wait for keypress/click

    #clear the menu from screen
    terminal.clear_area(menu_x, menu_y, width, height)

    if terminal.state(terminal.TK_CHAR): #!! maybe no if statement here?
        #convert the ASCII code to an index; if it corresponds to an option, return it
        index = terminal.state(terminal.TK_CHAR) - ord('a')
        if index >= 0 and index < len(options): return index
        return None
def get_names_under_mouse():
    #global mouse
    #mouse = terminal.read()
    #if mouse == terminal.TK_MOUSE_MOVE:
    #    print terminal.state

    #return a string with the names of all objects under the mouse
    (x, y) = (terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)) #!!

    #create a list with the names of all objects at the mouse's coordinates and in FOV
    names = [obj.name for obj in objects
        if obj.x == x and obj.y == y and libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, obj.x, obj.y)]

    names = ', '.join(names)  #join the names, separated by commas
    return names.capitalize()
def target_tile(max_range=None):
    #return the position of a tile left-clicked in player's FOV (optionally in a range), or (None,None) if right-clicked.
    global key, mouse
    while True:
        #render the screen. this erases the inventory and shows the names of objects under the mouse.
        key = terminal.read() #temporary halt of operation, wait for keypress/click

        (x, y) = (terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y))

        #if mouse.rbutton_pressed or key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ESCAPE:
        if key == terminal.TK_ESCAPE or key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_RIGHT:
            return (None, None)  #cancel if the player right-clicked or pressed Escape

        #accept the target if the player clicked in FOV, and in case a range is specified, if it's in that range
        #if (mouse.lbutton_pressed and libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y) and
        if (key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT and libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y) and
            (max_range is None or player.distance(x, y) <= max_range)):
            return (x, y)
class AtMan(MapChild):
    def __init__(self, x, y, parent_map):
        MapChild.__init__(self, x, y, '@', parent_map)
        eventhandler.register(self, *ARROW_EVENTS)

    def receive_event(self, event):
        if event == bl.TK_RIGHT: new_pos = (self.x + 1, self.y)
        elif event == bl.TK_LEFT: new_pos = (self.x - 1, self.y)
        elif event == bl.TK_UP: new_pos = (self.x, self.y - 1)
        elif event == bl.TK_DOWN: new_pos = (self.x, self.y + 1)
        self.parent_map.move(self, new_pos)

SCREEN_WIDTH = bl.state(bl.TK_WIDTH)

the_map = Map(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 3, 3, 9, 9)
at = AtMan(5, 5, the_map)
left_apostrophe = MapChild(0, 1, "'", the_map)
right_apostrophe = MapChild(2, 1, "'", the_map)
dud = MapChild(4, 4, "\u2193", the_map)
eventhandler.register(the_map, *ARROW_EVENTS + WASD_EVENTS)

menu = ui.Menu(60, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1)

paint(gridtools.hollow_rectangle(2, 2, 10, 10))
paint(gridtools.rectangle(60, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1))