    def _create_query_for_field(self, field, value, analyzer=None):
        """generate a field query

        this functions creates a field->value query

        :param field: The fieldname to be used
        :type field: str
        :param value: The wanted value of the field
        :type value: str
        :param analyzer: The analyzer to be used
                         Possible analyzers are:
                         - :attr:`CommonDatabase.ANALYZER_TOKENIZE`
                           the field value is splitted to be matched word-wise
                         - :attr:`CommonDatabase.ANALYZER_PARTIAL`
                           the field value must start with the query string
                         - :attr:`CommonDatabase.ANALYZER_EXACT`
                           keep special characters and the like
        :type analyzer: bool
        :return: resulting query object
        :rtype: PyLucene.Query
        if analyzer is None:
            analyzer = self.analyzer
        if analyzer == self.ANALYZER_EXACT:
            analyzer_obj = PyLucene.KeywordAnalyzer()
            value = self._escape_term_value(value)
            analyzer_obj = PyLucene.StandardAnalyzer()
        qp = PyLucene.QueryParser(field, analyzer_obj)
        if (analyzer & self.ANALYZER_PARTIAL > 0):
            # PyLucene uses explicit wildcards for partial matching
            value += "*"
        return qp.parse(value)
    def _create_query_for_string(self, text, require_all=True,
        """generate a query for a plain term of a string query

        basically this function parses the string and returns the resulting

        @param text: the query string
        @type text: str
        @param require_all: boolean operator
            (True -> AND (default) / False -> OR)
        @type require_all: bool
        @param analyzer: the analyzer to be used
            possible analyzers are:
             -  L{CommonDatabase.ANALYZER_TOKENIZE}
                    the field value is splitted to be matched word-wise
             -  L{CommonDatabase.ANALYZER_PARTIAL}
                    the field value must start with the query string
             -  L{CommonDatabase.ANALYZER_EXACT}
                    keep special characters and the like
        @type analyzer: bool
        @return: resulting query object
        @rtype: PyLucene.Query
        if analyzer is None:
            analyzer = self.analyzer
        if analyzer == self.ANALYZER_EXACT:
            analyzer_obj = PyLucene.KeywordAnalyzer()
            text = _escape_term_value(text)
            analyzer_obj = PyLucene.StandardAnalyzer()
        qp = PyLucene.QueryParser(UNNAMED_FIELD_NAME, analyzer_obj)
        if (analyzer & self.ANALYZER_PARTIAL > 0):
            # PyLucene uses explicit wildcards for partial matching
            text += "*"
        if require_all:
        return qp.parse(text)