soc_e, soc_c = numpy.linalg.eigh(soc_ham) soc_orbs = ghf_coeffs_guess = numpy.zeros((2 * norb, sum(mol.nelec))) * 1.j ghf_coeffs_guess[:norb, :ncore] = mo_coeff[:, :ncore] ghf_coeffs_guess[norb:, ncore:2 * ncore] = mo_coeff[:, :ncore] # ground state for i in range(5): ghf_coeffs_guess[:, 2 * ncore + i] = soc_orbs[:, i] dm = gmf.level_shift = 0.2 gmf.max_cycle = 100 gmf.kernel(dm0=dm) # write ghf coeffs overlap = gmf.get_ovlp(mol) basis = la.block_diag(mo_coeff, mo_coeff) ghfCoeffs = QMCUtils.writeMat(ghfCoeffs, "ghf.txt", True) QMCUtils.prepAFQMC_soc(mol, mf, ecpso.reshape(2 * norb, 2 * norb)) QMCUtils.write_afqmc_input(seed=4321, soc=True, left="ghf", right="ghf", nwalk=10, stochasticIter=50, choleskyThreshold=1.e-3, fname="afqmc.json")
atomstring = "" for i in range(10): atomstring += "H 0 0 %g\n"%(i*r) mol = gto.M(atom=atomstring, basis='sto-6g', unit='bohr', symmetry=0) mf = scf.RHF(mol) mf.kernel() norb = mol.nao # uhf dm = [numpy.zeros((norb, norb)), numpy.zeros((norb, norb))] for i in range(norb//2): dm[0][2*i, 2*i] = 1. dm[1][2*i+1, 2*i+1] = 1. umf = scf.UHF(mol) umf.kernel(dm) # afqmc print("Preparing AFQMC calculation") # write hf wave function coefficients rhfCoeffs = numpy.eye(mol.nao) QMCUtils.writeMat(rhfCoeffs, "rhf.txt") overlap = mf.get_ovlp(mol) uhfCoeffs = numpy.empty((norb, 2*norb)) uhfCoeffs[:,:norb] =[0]) uhfCoeffs[:,norb:] =[1]) QMCUtils.writeMat(uhfCoeffs, "uhf.txt") # calculate and write cholesky integrals QMCUtils.prepAFQMC(mol, mf) QMCUtils.write_afqmc_input(seed = 4321, left="uhf", right="rhf", nwalk=20, stochasticIter=50, choleskyThreshold=1.e-3, fname="afqmc.json")
shci.dryrun(mc, mc.mo_coeff) command = "mv input.dat dice.dat" os.system(command) with open("dice.dat", "a") as fh: fh.write("writebestdeterminants 1000") # run dice calculation print("Starting Dice calculation") command = f"mpirun -np {nproc} {dice_binary} dice.dat > dice.out; rm -f shci.e" os.system(command) print("Finished Dice calculation\n") # afqmc print("Preparing AFQMC calculation") rhfCoeffs = numpy.eye(mol.nao) QMCUtils.writeMat(rhfCoeffs, "rhf.txt") # dummy mcsscf for core averaging mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, mol.nao, mol.nelectron) mc.mo_coeff = mc0.mo_coeff QMCUtils.prepAFQMC(mol, mf, mc) QMCUtils.write_afqmc_input(seed=4321, numAct=8, numCore=2, left="multislater", right="rhf", ndets=500, nwalk=10, stochasticIter=50, choleskyThreshold=1.e-3, fname="afqmc.json")
fh.write("writebestdeterminants 10000") # run dice calculation print("Starting Dice calculation") command = f"mpirun -np {nproc} {dice_binary} dice.dat > dice.out; rm -f shci.e" os.system(command) print("Finished Dice calculation\n") # afqmc print("Preparing AFQMC calculation") # write hf wave function coefficients # rohf states are treated as uhf rhfCoeffs = numpy.eye(mol.nao) uhfCoeffs = numpy.block([rhfCoeffs, rhfCoeffs]) QMCUtils.writeMat(uhfCoeffs, "uhf.txt") # calculate and write cholesky integrals # dummy mcsscf for core averaging mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, mol.nao, mol.nelectron) mc.mo_coeff = mc0.mo_coeff QMCUtils.prepAFQMC(mol, mf, mc) QMCUtils.write_afqmc_input(seed=142108, numAct=8, numCore=1, left="multislater", ndets=100, right="uhf", nwalk=20, stochasticIter=50,
os.system(command) with open("dice.dat", "a") as fh: fh.write("writebestdeterminants 10000") # run dice calculation print("Starting Dice calculation") command = f"mpirun -np {nproc} {dice_binary} dice.dat > dice.out; rm -f shci.e" os.system(command) print("Finished Dice calculation\n") # afqmc print("Preparing AFQMC calculation") # write hf wave function coefficients rhfCoeffs = numpy.eye(mol.nao) QMCUtils.writeMat(rhfCoeffs, "rhf.txt") # calculate and write cholesky integrals QMCUtils.prepAFQMC(mol, mf, mc) # write afqmc input and perform calculation afqmc_binary = vmc_root + "/bin/DQMC" blocking_script = vmc_root + "/scripts/" os.system("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1; rm samples.dat -f") # rhf trial QMCUtils.write_afqmc_input(seed = 4321, left="rhf", right="rhf", nwalk=50, stochasticIter=500, choleskyThreshold=1.e-3, fname="afqmc_rhf.json") print("\nStarting AFQMC / RHF calculation", flush=True) command = f''' mpirun -np {nproc} {afqmc_binary} afqmc_rhf.json > afqmc_rhf.out;
fh.write("writebestdeterminants 10000") # run dice calculation print("Starting Dice calculation") command = f"mpirun -np {nproc} {dice_binary} dice.dat > dice.out; rm -f shci.e" os.system(command) print("Finished Dice calculation\n") # afqmc print("Preparing AFQMC calculation") # write hf wave function coefficients # rohf states are treated as uhf rhfCoeffs = numpy.eye(mol.nao - norbFrozen) uhfCoeffs = numpy.block([rhfCoeffs, rhfCoeffs]) QMCUtils.writeMat(uhfCoeffs, "uhf.txt") # calculate and write cholesky integrals # dummy mcsscf for core averaging mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, mol.nao - norbFrozen, mol.nelectron - 2 * norbFrozen) mc.mo_coeff = mc0.mo_coeff QMCUtils.prepAFQMC(mol, mf, mc) # write afqmc input and perform calculation afqmc_binary = vmc_root + "/bin/DQMC" blocking_script = vmc_root + "/scripts/" os.system("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1; rm samples.dat -f") # rohf trial QMCUtils.write_afqmc_input(seed=89649,