def simpleToContinuousRates(self, simpleRates, dates, day_counter=ql.Actual360()): continousRates = simpleRates.copy() for i in range(len(simpleRates) - 1): r_simple = ql.InterestRate( simpleRates[i + 1], ql.Actual360(), ql.Simple, ql.Once ) t = day_counter.yearFraction(dates[i], dates[i + 1]) r_continuous = r_simple.equivalentRate(ql.Continuous, ql.NoFrequency, t) continousRates[i + 1] = r_continuous.rate() return continousRates
def create_swaption_helpers(data, index, term_structure, engine): swaptions = [] fixed_leg_tenor = ql.Period(1, ql.Years) fixed_leg_daycounter = ql.Actual360() floating_leg_daycounter = ql.Actual360() for d in data: vol_handle = ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(d.volatility)) helper = ql.SwaptionHelper(ql.Period(d.start, ql.Years), ql.Period(d.length, ql.Years), vol_handle, index, fixed_leg_tenor, fixed_leg_daycounter, floating_leg_daycounter, term_structure) helper.setPricingEngine(engine) swaptions.append(helper) return swaptions
def build_volatility_curve(volatility): """Create volatility curve""" volatility = ql.SimpleQuote(volatility) volatility_curve = ql.BlackConstantVol(0, ql.TARGET(), ql.QuoteHandle(volatility), ql.Actual360()) return volatility, volatility_curve
def to_ql_day_counter(arg): """Converts a string with day_counter name to the corresponding QuantLib object. Parameters ---------- arg: str Returns ------- QuantLib.DayCounter """ if arg.upper() == "THIRTY360E": return ql.Thirty360(ql.Thirty360.European) elif arg.upper() == "THIRTY360": return ql.Thirty360() elif arg.upper() == "ACTUAL360": return ql.Actual360() elif arg.upper() == "ACTUAL365": return ql.Actual365Fixed() elif arg.upper() == "ACTUALACTUAL": return ql.ActualActual(ql.ActualActual.ISMA) elif arg.upper() == "ACTUALACTUALISMA": return ql.ActualActual(ql.ActualActual.ISMA) elif arg.upper() == "ACTUALACTUALISDA": return ql.ActualActual(ql.ActualActual.ISDA) elif arg.upper() == "BUSINESS252": return ql.Business252() else: raise ValueError( "Unable to convert {} to a QuantLib day counter".format(arg))
def testPiecewiseeFlatForwardCurve(asOfDate, basis, curveId): curve = builder.PiecewiseFlatForwardCurve(asOfDate, basis, curveId) # print(curve.dayCounter()) today = curve.referenceDate() end = today + ql.Period(2, ql.Years) dates = [ ql.Date(serial) for serial in range(today.serialNumber(), end.serialNumber() + 1) ] rates_c = [ curve.forwardRate(d, ql.TARGET().advance(d, 1, ql.Days), ql.Actual360(), ql.Simple).rate() for d in dates ] pydt = [ datetime.datetime(d.year(), d.month(), d.dayOfMonth()) for d in dates ] fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(10.5, 9.5) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( FuncFormatter(lambda r, pos: '{:.2%}'.format(r))) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) l, = plt.plot(pydt, rates_c)
def make_swap(start, maturity, notional, fixed_rate, index, typ=Qlb.VanillaSwap.Payer): end = Qlb.TARGET().advance(start, maturity) fixed_leg_tenor = Qlb.Period('6m') fixed_leg_bdc = Qlb.ModifiedFollowing fixed_leg_dc = Qlb.Actual360() spread = 0.0 fixed_leg_schedule = Qlb.Schedule(start, end, fixed_leg_tenor, index.fixingCalendar(), fixed_leg_bdc, fixed_leg_bdc, Qlb.DateGeneration.Backward, False) floater_leg_schedule = Qlb.Schedule(start, end, index.tenor(), index.fixingCalendar(), index.businessDayConvention(), index.businessDayConvention(), Qlb.DateGeneration.Backward, False) swap = Qlb.VanillaSwap(typ, notional, fixed_leg_schedule, fixed_rate, fixed_leg_dc, floater_leg_schedule, index, spread, index.dayCounter()) return swap, [index.fixingDate(x) for x in floater_leg_schedule][:-1]
def jpy_3m_example(): calendar = objects.get('JAPAN') start = ql.Date(15, 3, 2020) maturity = ql.Date(15, 6, 2020) fixedSchedule = ql.MakeSchedule(start, maturity, ql.Period('3M'), calendar=calendar) floatSchedule = ql.MakeSchedule(start, maturity, ql.Period('3M'), calendar=calendar) jpy_3m_crv = curves.get('JPY.3M') jpy_3m_yts = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(jpy_3m_crv) jpy_libor_3m = objects.get('JPY.3M').clone(jpy_3m_yts) jpy_yts = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(curves.get('JPY.OIS')) engine = ql.DiscountingSwapEngine(jpy_yts) swap = ql.VanillaSwap(ql.VanillaSwap.Receiver, 1e9, fixedSchedule, -0.15 / 100, ql.Actual365Fixed(), floatSchedule, jpy_libor_3m, 0, ql.Actual360()) swap.setPricingEngine(engine) print(f"Swap NPV : {swap.NPV():,.2f}") print(f"Swap Rate : {swap.fairRate() * 100:,.6f}")
def uf_list(date_dt, infla, yieldcurve_clp, yieldcurve_uf): #Quantlib day_count, compounding and frequency convention day_count = ql.Actual360() compounding = ql.Simple freq = ql.Annual #Todays UF actual_uf = infla[infla['Dates'] == date_dt]['UF'].iloc[0] #Today date in quantlib format from datetime format today_date_ql = ql.Date(, date_dt.month, date_dt.year) size = len(infla) dates = [] ufs = [] i = 0 for i in range(7300 - size): #next date to calculate UF i += 1 calc_date = infla['Dates'].iloc[-1] + Day(i, normalize=True) aux_date_ql = ql.Date(, calc_date.month, calc_date.year) yrs = day_count.yearFraction(today_date_ql, aux_date_ql) rate_uf = yieldcurve_uf.zeroRate(yrs, compounding, freq).rate() rate_clp = yieldcurve_clp.zeroRate(yrs, compounding, freq).rate() next_uf = (1 + rate_clp * yrs) * actual_uf / (1 + rate_uf * yrs) dates.append(calc_date) ufs.append(next_uf) tmp = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'Dates': dates, 'UF': ufs}) final = pd.concat([infla, tmp], ignore_index=True) return final
def usd_1m_example(): calendar = ql.UnitedStates() start = ql.Date(17, 11, 2019) maturity = calendar.advance(start, ql.Period('5y')) fixedSchedule = ql.MakeSchedule(start, maturity, ql.Period('6M')) floatSchedule = ql.MakeSchedule(start, maturity, ql.Period('1M')) usd_1m_crv = curves['USD.1M'] usd_1m_yts = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(usd_1m_crv) usd_libor_1m = ql.USDLibor(ql.Period('1M'), usd_1m_yts) usd_yts = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(curves['USD.OIS']) engine = ql.DiscountingSwapEngine(usd_yts) fixedRate = 0.354500 / 100 swap = ql.VanillaSwap(ql.VanillaSwap.Receiver, 10e6, fixedSchedule, fixedRate, ql.Thirty360(), floatSchedule, usd_libor_1m, 0, ql.Actual360()) swap.setPricingEngine(engine) bbg_mtm = -573192.53 print(f"Swap NPV : {swap.NPV():,.2f}") print(f"BBG NPV : {bbg_mtm:,.2f}") print(f"Swap PV01 : {swap.fixedLegBPS():,.2f}") dif = bbg_mtm - swap.NPV() print(f"Diff : {dif:,.2f}") print(f"Diff (bps): {dif / swap.fixedLegBPS():,.2f}")
def day_count_fraction(self, dcf): """ day_count_fraction takes a string that is used in the conventions DataFrame, and returns the QuantLib-equivalent day-count object. This function takes all day-counters that are currently allowed in QuantLib. Currently, the function takes the following strings: Act360, Act365Fixed, ActAct, Bus252, 30360 Args: dcf (str): day count fraction string Returns: object: QuantLib day-count-fraction object """ if dcf == 'Act360': return qlib.Actual360() elif dcf == 'Act365Fixed': return qlib.Actual365Fixed() elif dcf == 'ActAct': return qlib.ActualActual() elif dcf == 'Bus252': return qlib.Business252() elif dcf == '30360': return qlib.Thirty360()
def CURVE(today, ticker, quote): depo = quote[quote['InstType'] == 'CASH'] futures = quote[quote['InstType'] == 'FUTURE'] swap = quote[quote['InstType'] == 'SWAP'] todays_date = ql.Date(, today.month, today.year) ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = todays_date if ticker == 'USDIRS': calendar = ql.UnitedStates() dayCounter = ql.Actual360() adjustment = ql.ModifiedFollowing settlementDays = 2 frequency = ql.Semiannual elif ticker == 'KRWIRS': calendar = ql.SouthKorea() dayCounter = ql.Actual365Fixed() adjustment = ql.ModifiedFollowing settlementDays = 2 frequency = ql.Quarterly # Build Rate Helpers # 1. Deposit Rate Helper depositHelpers = [ ql.DepositRateHelper(ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(rate / 100)), ql.Period(int(day), ql.Days), settlementDays, calendar, adjustment, False, dayCounter) for day, rate in zip(depo['DaysToMaturity'], depo['Market.Mid']) ] # 2. Fra Rate Helper futuresHelpers = [] for i, price in enumerate(futures['Market.Mid']): iborStartDate = ql.Date(futures['Maturity'][i].day, futures['Maturity'][i].month, futures['Maturity'][i].year) futuresHelper = ql.FuturesRateHelper( ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(price)), iborStartDate, 3, calendar, adjustment, False, dayCounter) futuresHelpers.append(futuresHelper) # 3. Swap Rate Helper swapHelpers = [ ql.SwapRateHelper(ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(rate / 100)), ql.Period(int(day), ql.Days), calendar, frequency, adjustment, dayCounter, ql.Euribor3M()) for day, rate in zip(swap['DaysToMaturity'], swap['Market.Mid']) ] # Curve Construction helpers = depositHelpers + futuresHelpers + swapHelpers depoFuturesSwapCurve = ql.PiecewiseLinearZero(todays_date, helpers, dayCounter) return depoFuturesSwapCurve
def Hazard_Rate_Ex2(interest_rate, matrix, LGD, Maturity): """ Purpose: Compute the expected hazard rate through Stripping Input: interest_rate compound interest rates matrix the matrix of maturity and CDS Spread LGD Loss Given Default Maturity Vector of the CDS Maturities Return value: Fwd The forward hazard rate """ recoveryRate = 1 - LGD settlementDate = ql.Date().todaysDate() yts = ql.FlatForward(2, ql.TARGET(), interest_rate, ql.Actual360()) #Rate of changing #Maturities CDS_tenors = [ql.Period(1, ql.Years), ql.Period(3, ql.Years), ql.Period(5, ql.Years), ql.Period(7, ql.Years), \ ql.Period(10, ql.Years)] #Spread Spread = [160, 180, 200, 210, 250] CDSHelpers_ctpy = [ql.SpreadCdsHelper((CDS_spread / 10000.0), CDS_tenor, 0, ql.TARGET(), ql.Quarterly, ql.Following, \ ql.DateGeneration.TwentiethIMM, ql.Actual360(), recoveryRate, ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(yts)) for CDS_spread, CDS_tenor in zip(Spread, CDS_tenors)] Fwd_Hazard_rate = ql.PiecewiseFlatHazardRate(settlementDate, CDSHelpers_ctpy, ql.Thirty360()) #pd_curve are tuples print("Calibrated hazard rate values: ") for x in Fwd_Hazard_rate.nodes(): print("fwd hazard rate on %s is %.7f" % x) test = list(Fwd_Hazard_rate.nodes()) Fwd = [] for i in range(len(test)): Fwd.append(list(test[i])) Fwd.pop(0) Fwd = np.array(Fwd) return Fwd
def build_interest_curve(rate_risk_free): """Create interest curve""" rate_risk_free = ql.SimpleQuote(rate_risk_free) rate_risk_free_curve = ql.FlatForward(0, ql.TARGET(), ql.QuoteHandle(rate_risk_free), ql.Actual360()) return rate_risk_free_curve
def testOrStmt(): basis = 'Act/360' # basis = ql.Actual360() day_count = None print(day_count, type(day_count)) day_count = basis if isinstance(basis, ql.DayCounter) else ql.Actual360() print(day_count, type(day_count)) print(isinstance(day_count, ql.DayCounter))
class DayCount: ACT360 = ql.Actual360() ACT365Fixed = ql.Actual365Fixed() _30360BB = ql.Thirty360(ql.Thirty360.BondBasis) _30E360 = ql.Thirty360(ql.Thirty360.EurobondBasis) _30360US = ql.Thirty360(ql.Thirty360.USA) ACT365NL = ql.Actual365NoLeap() ACTACT = ql.ActualActual()
def to_dayCounter(s): if (s.upper() == 'ACTUAL360'): return ql.Actual360() if (s.upper() == 'ACTUAL365FIXED'): return ql.Actual365Fixed() if (s.upper() == 'ACTUALACTUAL'): return ql.ActualActual() if (s.upper() == 'ACTUAL365NOLEAP'): return ql.Actual365NoLeap() if (s.upper() == 'BUSINESS252'): return ql.Business252() if (s.upper() == 'ONEDAYCOUNTER'): return ql.OneDayCounter() if (s.upper() == 'SIMPLEDAYCOUNTER'): return ql.SimpleDayCounter() if (s.upper() == 'THIRTY360'): return ql.Thirty360()
def makeInstrument(self, swapType, notional, start, maturity, index1, index2, spread): schedule1 = ql.MakeSchedule(start, maturity, index1.tenor()) leg1 = ql.IborLeg([notional], schedule1, index1) schedule2 = ql.MakeSchedule(start, maturity, index1.tenor()) leg2 = ql.OvernightLeg([notional], schedule2, index2, ql.Actual360(), ql.Following, [1], [spread], True) return ql.Swap(leg1, leg2)
def defineParameters(self): self.calendar = CalendarCl(2001,50) self.day_counter = ql.Actual360() self.settlement_days = 2 self.fixing_days = 0 self.ICP = ql.OvernightIndex("ICP", self.settlement_days, ql.CLPCurrency(), self.calendar, self.day_counter)
def __init__(self, ccy): self.ccy = ccy if self.ccy == 'USD': self.calendar = ql.UnitedStates() self.dayCounter = ql.Actual360() self.depo = { 'settlementDays': 2, 'dayCounterConvention': ql.Actual360(), 'businessDayConvention': ql.ModifiedFollowing, 'EOM': False } self.futures = { 'settlementDays': 2, 'months': 3, 'dayCounterConvention': ql.Actual360(), 'businessDayConvention': ql.ModifiedFollowing, 'EOM': True } self.swap = { 'settlementDays': 2, 'fixedLegFrequency': ql.Semiannual, 'fixedLegTenor': ql.Period(6, ql.Months), 'fixedLegAdjustment': ql.Unadjusted, 'fixedLegDayCounter': ql.Actual360(), 'floatingLegFrequency': ql.Quarterly, 'floatingLegTenor': ql.Period(3, ql.Months), 'floatingLegAdjustment': ql.ModifiedFollowing, 'index': ql.USDLibor(ql.Period(3, ql.Months)), 'EOM': False } self.swaption = { 'fittable': [('1Y', '1Y'), ('1Y', '2Y'), ('1Y', '5Y'), ('1Y', '10Y'), ('1Y', '20Y'), ('2Y', '1Y'), ('2Y', '2Y'), ('2Y', '5Y'), ('2Y', '10Y'), ('2Y', '20Y'), ('5Y', '1Y'), ('5Y', '2Y'), ('5Y', '5Y'), ('5Y', '10Y'), ('5Y', '20Y'), ('10Y', '1Y'), ('10Y', '2Y'), ('10Y', '5Y'), ('10Y', '10Y'), ('10Y', '15Y'), ('20Y', '1Y'), ('20Y', '2Y'), ('20Y', '5Y'), ('15Y', '10Y')] }
def timesteps(self): if self._timesteps is None: months = range(3, 12 * self.nb_years + 1, 3) s_periods = [str(month) + "m" for month in months] dates = [as_of_date ] + [as_of_date + ql.Period(s) for s in s_periods] T = [0] + [ ql.Actual360().yearFraction(as_of_date, dates[i]) for i in range(1, len(dates)) ] self._timesteps = np.array(T) return self._timesteps
def setUp(self): self.calendar = ql.TARGET() today = self.calendar.adjust(ql.Date.todaysDate()) self.settlementDays = 2 settlement = self.calendar.advance(today, self.settlementDays, ql.Days) deposits = [ ql.DepositRateHelper( ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(rate / 100)), ql.Period(n, units), self.settlementDays, self.calendar, ql.ModifiedFollowing, False, ql.Actual360(), ) for (n, units, rate) in [ (1, ql.Months, 4.581), (2, ql.Months, 4.573), (3, ql.Months, 4.557), (6, ql.Months, 4.496), (9, ql.Months, 4.490), ] ] swaps = [ ql.SwapRateHelper( ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(rate / 100)), ql.Period(years, ql.Years), self.calendar, ql.Annual, ql.Unadjusted, ql.Thirty360(), ql.Euribor6M(), ) for (years, rate) in [(1, 4.54), (5, 4.99), (10, 5.47), (20, 5.89), (30, 5.96)] ] self.termStructure = ql.PiecewiseFlatForward(settlement, deposits + swaps, ql.Actual360())
def str2dc(s): s = s.lower() if s=="actual365fixed" or s=="act365": return ql.Actual365Fixed() elif s=="actualactual" or s=="actact": return ql.ActualActual() elif s=="actual360" or s=="act360": return ql.Actual360() elif s=="Thirty360" or s=="30360": return ql.Thirty360() else: print("Period String Error")
def plot(curve): today = curve.referenceDate() end = today + ql.Period(2, ql.Years) dates = [ ql.Date(serial) for serial in range(today.serialNumber(), end.serialNumber() + 1) ] rates = [ curve.forwardRate(d, ql.TARGET().advance(d, 1, ql.Days), ql.Actual360(), ql.Simple).rate() for d in dates ] plotCurve(dates, rates)
def _calculate_cc(self, date, spot_price, currency_curve, di_curve): maturity_date = self._maturity_on_the_run(date) future_price = currency_curve.exchange_rate_to_date( date, maturity_date) di = di_curve.zero_rate_to_date(date, maturity_date, ql.Compounded, ql.Annual) di_rate = ql.InterestRate(di, ql.Business252(), ql.Compounded, ql.Annual) date = to_ql_date(date) compound = spot_price * di_rate.compoundFactor( date, maturity_date) / future_price rate = ql.InterestRate.impliedRate(compound, ql.Actual360(), ql.Simple, ql.Annual, date, maturity_date) return rate.rate()
def Prepare_BSM_Option(spot, strike, rd, rf, vol, init_date, exp_date, type='call'): today = qt.Date(, init_date.month, init_date.year) qt.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = today if type == 'call': option = qt.EuropeanOption( qt.PlainVanillaPayoff(qt.Option.Call, strike), qt.EuropeanExercise( qt.Date(, exp_date.month, exp_date.year))) else: option = qt.EuropeanOption( qt.PlainVanillaPayoff(qt.Option.Put, strike), qt.EuropeanExercise( qt.Date(, exp_date.month, exp_date.year))) u = qt.SimpleQuote(spot) rd = qt.SimpleQuote(rd) rf = qt.SimpleQuote(rf) sigma = qt.SimpleQuote(vol) rf = qt.FlatForward(0, qt.TARGET(), qt.QuoteHandle(rf), qt.Actual360()) rd = qt.FlatForward(0, qt.TARGET(), qt.QuoteHandle(rd), qt.Actual360()) volatility = qt.BlackConstantVol(0, qt.TARGET(), qt.QuoteHandle(sigma), qt.Actual360()) process = qt.GarmanKohlagenProcess( qt.QuoteHandle(u), qt.YieldTermStructureHandle(rf), qt.YieldTermStructureHandle(rd), qt.BlackVolTermStructureHandle(volatility)) engine = qt.AnalyticEuropeanEngine(process) option.setPricingEngine(engine) return option
def plot3(curve): today = curve.referenceDate() dates = [today + ql.Period(i, ql.Months) for i in range(0, 12 * 60 + 1)] rates = [ curve.forwardRate(d, ql.TARGET().advance(d, 1, ql.Days), ql.Actual360(), ql.Simple).rate() for d in dates ] pydt = [ datetime.datetime(d.year(), d.month(), d.dayOfMonth()) for d in dates ] fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(12.5, 10.5) l, = plt.plot(pydt, rates, '.', lw=2)
def testPiecewiseLinearZeroCurve(asOfDate, basis, curveId): crv = builder.PiecewiseLinearZeroCurve(asOfDate, basis, curveId) print(crv.dayCounter()) for node in crv.nodes(): print(node) dates, rates = zip(*crv.nodes()) crv2 = ql.ZeroCurve(dates, rates, ql.Actual360()) spot = crv.referenceDate() sample_dates = [spot + ql.Period(i, ql.Weeks) for i in range(15 * 52)] z1 = [ crv.zeroRate(d, ql.Actual360(), ql.Continuous).rate() for d in sample_dates ] z2 = [ crv2.zeroRate(d, ql.Actual360(), ql.Continuous).rate() for d in sample_dates ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot_date([d.to_date() for d in sample_dates], z1, '.') ax.plot_date([d.to_date() for d in sample_dates], z2, '-')
def testPiecewiseLogCubicCurve(asOfDate, basis, curveId): curve = builder.PiecewiseLogCubicDiscountCurve(asOfDate, basis, curveId) today = curve.referenceDate() end = today + ql.Period(2, ql.Years) dates = [ ql.Date(serial) for serial in range(today.serialNumber(), end.serialNumber() + 1) ] rates = [ curve.forwardRate(d, ql.TARGET().advance(d, 1, ql.Days), ql.Actual360(), ql.Simple).rate() for d in dates ] plotCurve(dates, rates, '.')
def makeSwap(self, optionTenor, swapTenor, swapRate=None, spread=0.0, notional=1.0, fixedLegTenor=ql.Period('6M'), fixedLegDayCounter=ql.Actual360(), endOfMonth=False): self.optionTenor = optionTenor self.swapTenor = swapTenor self.notional = notional self.strike = swapRate self.fixedLegTenor = fixedLegTenor self.fixedLegDayCounter = fixedLegDayCounter self.endOfMonth = endOfMonth self.exerciseDate =, optionTenor) self.effectiveDate =, self.settlementDays) self.maturity =, swapTenor) # schedule generation self.fixedSchedule = ql.Schedule(self.effectiveDate, self.maturity, self.fixedLegTenor,, ql.ModifiedFollowing, ql.ModifiedFollowing, ql.DateGeneration.Forward, endOfMonth) self.floatSchedule = ql.Schedule(self.effectiveDate, self.maturity, self.iborIndex.tenor(),, ql.ModifiedFollowing, ql.ModifiedFollowing, ql.DateGeneration.Forward, endOfMonth) # make vanilla swap self.payerSwap = ql.VanillaSwap(ql.VanillaSwap.Payer, notional, self.fixedSchedule, swapRate, self.fixedLegDayCounter, self.floatSchedule, self.iborIndex, spread, self.iborIndex.dayCounter()) self.receiverSwap = ql.VanillaSwap(ql.VanillaSwap.Receiver, notional, self.fixedSchedule, swapRate, self.fixedLegDayCounter, self.floatSchedule, self.iborIndex, spread, self.iborIndex.dayCounter()) swapEngine = ql.DiscountingSwapEngine(self.discountTermStructure) self.payerSwap.setPricingEngine(swapEngine) self.receiverSwap.setPricingEngine(swapEngine) self.fairRate = self.payerSwap.fairRate()
def getForwardCurve(spotCurve): today = spotCurve.referenceDate() end = today + ql.Period(50, ql.Years) dates = [ ql.Date(serial) for serial in range(today.serialNumber(), end.serialNumber() + 1) ] rates_c = [ spotCurve.forwardRate(d, ql.TARGET().advance(d, 1, ql.Days), ql.Actual360(), ql.Simple).rate() for d in dates ] return rates_c