  def check_runnable(self):
      Checks if this test can be run.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, check_runnable, boolean, If True can run this test.
    i = 0
    if len(self.minimum_libraries) % 2:
      self.set_skip('skipped (libraries are not matched to versions numbers: '
      return False
    while i < len(self.minimum_libraries):
      library_name = self.minimum_libraries[i]
      library_version = self.minimum_libraries[i+1]
      found, _, actual_version = RavenUtils.module_report(library_name, library_name+'.__version__')
      if not found:
        self.set_skip('skipped (Unable to import library: "'+library_name+'")')
        return False
      if distutils.version.LooseVersion(actual_version) < \
        self.set_skip('skipped (Outdated library: "'+library_name+'")')
        return False
      i += 2

    if len(self.required_executable) > 0:
        args_list = [self.required_executable]
        ret_value = subprocess.call(args_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        if ret_value != 0:
          self.set_skip('skipped (Failing executable: "'
          return False
      except Exception:
        self.set_skip('skipped (Error when trying executable: "'
        return False

    if self.specs['requires_swig2'] and not RavenPython.has_swig2:
      self.set_skip('skipped (No swig 2.0 found)')
      return False
    missing, too_old, _ = RavenUtils.check_for_missing_modules()
    if len(missing) > 0:
      self.set_skip('skipped (Missing python modules: '+" ".join(missing)+
                    " PYTHONPATH="+os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "")+')')
      return False
    if len(too_old) > 0 and RavenUtils.check_versions():
      self.set_skip('skipped (Old version python modules: '+" ".join(too_old)+
                    " PYTHONPATH="+os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "")+')')
      return False
    for lib in self.required_libraries:
      found, _, _ = RavenUtils.module_report(lib, '')
      if not found:
        self.set_skip('skipped (Unable to import library: "'+lib+'")')
        return False
    if self.specs['python3_only'] and not RavenUtils.in_python_3():
      self.set_skip('Python 3 only')
      return False

    return True
def checkVersions():
    Method to check if versions of modules are new enough. Will call sys.exit
    if they are not in the range specified.
    @ In, None
    @ Out, None
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(frameworkDir), "scripts", "TestHarness",
    import RavenUtils
    sys.path.pop()  #remove testers path
    missing, outOfRange, notQA = RavenUtils.check_for_missing_modules(False)
    if len(missing) + len(outOfRange) > 0 and RavenUtils.check_versions():
            "ERROR: too old, too new, or missing raven libraries, not running:"
        for error in missing + outOfRange + notQA:
        if len(missing) + len(outOfRange) > 0:
            print("WARNING: not using tested versions of the libraries:")
            for warning in notQA + missing + outOfRange:
 def check_runnable(self):
   This method checks if the the test is runnable within the current settings
   @ In, None
   @ Out, check_runnable, boolean, If True this test can run.
     missing, too_old, _ = RavenUtils.check_for_missing_modules()
     if len(missing) > 0:
         self.set_skip('skipped (Missing python modules: ' +
                       " ".join(missing) + " PYTHONPATH=" +
                       os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "") + ')')
         return False
     if len(too_old) > 0:
         self.set_skip('skipped (Old version python modules: ' +
                       " ".join(too_old) + " PYTHONPATH=" +
                       os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "") + ')')
         return False
     for lib in self.required_libraries:
         if platform.system() == 'Windows':
             lib += '.pyd'
             lib += '.so'
         if not os.path.exists(lib):
             self.set_skip('skipped (Missing library: "' + lib + '")')
             return False
     if self.specs['python3_only'] and not RavenUtils.in_python_3():
         self.set_skip('Python 3 only')
         return False
     if len(self.required_executable) > 0 and \
        not os.path.exists(self.required_executable):
         self.set_skip('skipped (Missing executable: "' +
                       self.required_executable + '")')
         return False
         if len(self.required_executable) > 0 and \
            subprocess.call([self.required_executable], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) != 0:
             self.set_skip('skipped (Failing executable: "' +
                           self.required_executable + '")')
             return False
     except Exception:
         self.set_skip('skipped (Error when trying executable: "' +
                       self.required_executable + '")')
         return False
     if len(self.specs['skip_if_env']) > 0:
         env_var = self.specs['skip_if_env']
         if env_var in os.environ:
             self.set_skip('skipped (found environmental variable "' +
                           env_var + '")')
             return False
     return True
# Set this outside the class because the framework directory is constant for
#  each instance of this Tester, and in addition, there is a problem with the
#  path by the time you call it in __init__ that causes it to think its absolute
#  path is somewhere under tests/framework.
# Be aware that if this file changes its location, this variable should also be
#  changed.
myDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
RAVEN_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(myDir, '..', '..', '..', 'framework'))

#Need to add the directory for AMSC for doing module checks.
os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = os.path.join(RAVEN_DIR, 'contrib') +\
  os.pathsep + os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "")

_missing_modules, _too_old_modules, _notQAModules = RavenUtils.check_for_missing_modules()

class RavenFramework(Tester):
  RavenFramework is the class to use for testing standard raven inputs.

  def get_valid_params():
      Returns the parameters that can be used for this class.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, params, _ValidParameters, return the parameters.
    params = Tester.get_valid_params()
    params.add_required_param('input', "The input file to use for this test.")