def get_bbox(pc, pose=None): ''' get the bounding box for the point cloud if a pose is provided then it will find the bbox for the data aligned to that pose return: bbox array |xmin, xmax| |ymin, ymax| |zmin, zmax| ''' pts = ru.to_array(pc) if pose != None: ps = ru.to_PoseStamped(pose) ps_wrtPC = ru.transformPose(ru.get_frame_id(pc), ps) T = tr.rospose2tr(ps_wrtPC.pose) pts =, np.vstack( (pts.T, np.ones(pts.shape[0])))).T pmin = np.min(pts[:, :3], axis=0) pmax = np.max(pts[:, :3], axis=0) bbox = np.array([pmin, pmax]).T return bbox
def fit_sphere(p1, n1, p2, n2, eps=0.005, alpha=np.deg2rad(30.0)): ''' fit a sphere to the two point/normal pairs eps: distance thres for determining if the fit is a valid sphere both points must be < eps from the sphere alpha: angle thres for determining if the fit is a valid sphere both normals must be < alpha from the sphere normals return (valid, center, radius); valid is a bool indicating if the fit was valid based on the points and normals ''' p1 = np.asarray(p1); n1 = np.asarray(n1); p2 = np.asarray(p2); n2 = np.asarray(n2); # find closes points on the lines (pc0, pc1) = mu.line_line_closest_point(p1, n1, p2, n2); # center of the sphere c = (pc0 + pc1) / 2.0; # compute radius r = (np.linalg.norm(p1-c) + np.linalg.norm(p2-c))/2.0; # check if the fit is valid if ((np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(p1 - c)) > eps) or (np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(p2 - c)) > eps)): return (False, c, r); sa = np.sin(alpha); if ((np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(n1, p1-c))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(n2, p2-c))) > sa)): return (False, c, r); return (True, c, r);
def fit_sphere(p1, n1, p2, n2, eps=0.005, alpha=np.deg2rad(30.0)): ''' fit a sphere to the two point/normal pairs eps: distance thres for determining if the fit is a valid sphere both points must be < eps from the sphere alpha: angle thres for determining if the fit is a valid sphere both normals must be < alpha from the sphere normals return (valid, center, radius); valid is a bool indicating if the fit was valid based on the points and normals ''' p1 = np.asarray(p1) n1 = np.asarray(n1) p2 = np.asarray(p2) n2 = np.asarray(n2) # find closes points on the lines (pc0, pc1) = mu.line_line_closest_point(p1, n1, p2, n2) # center of the sphere c = (pc0 + pc1) / 2.0 # compute radius r = (np.linalg.norm(p1 - c) + np.linalg.norm(p2 - c)) / 2.0 # check if the fit is valid if ((np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(p1 - c)) > eps) or (np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(p2 - c)) > eps)): return (False, c, r) sa = np.sin(alpha) if ((np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(n1, p1 - c))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(n2, p2 - c))) > sa)): return (False, c, r) return (True, c, r)
def get_bbox(pc, pose=None): ''' get the bounding box for the point cloud if a pose is provided then it will find the bbox for the data aligned to that pose return: bbox array |xmin, xmax| |ymin, ymax| |zmin, zmax| ''' pts = ru.to_array(pc); if pose != None: ps = ru.to_PoseStamped(pose); ps_wrtPC = ru.transformPose(ru.get_frame_id(pc), ps); T = tr.rospose2tr(ps_wrtPC.pose); pts =, np.vstack((pts.T, np.ones(pts.shape[0])))).T; pmin = np.min(pts[:,:3], axis=0); pmax = np.max(pts[:,:3], axis=0); bbox = np.array([pmin, pmax]).T; return bbox;
def order_transforms(Tlist, Tbase, transWeight=1.0, rotWeight=1.0, method=2): ''' orders the Transforms/Frames ''' Tlist = [ru.to_array(T) for T in Tlist]; Tbase = ru.to_array(Tbase); d = [Tdist(T, Tbase, transWeight, rotWeight, method) for T in Tlist]; return (np.argsort(d), d);
def order_transforms(Tlist, Tbase, transWeight=1.0, rotWeight=1.0, method=2): ''' orders the Transforms/Frames ''' Tlist = [ru.to_array(T) for T in Tlist] Tbase = ru.to_array(Tbase) d = [Tdist(T, Tbase, transWeight, rotWeight, method) for T in Tlist] return (np.argsort(d), d)
def ev2rot(*args, **kwargs): ''' converts eigen vectors to a 4x4 transform representing the rotation if eigen values are provided it will sort the vectors if no values are provided it is assumed the vectors are sorted accepted args: - iterable of 3 'vectors' - 3 vector arguments kwargs: - 'evals': iterable of 3 values returns the Quaternion as an array NOTE: this is not the ros pose convention [x, y, z, w]. use ev2rosq(r) to get a ros quaternion message ''' if (len(args) == 1): evec = np.array(map(ru.to_array, args[0])) if (len(args) > 1): evec = np.array(map(ru.to_array, args[:3])) if (kwargs.has_key('evals')): # sort based on eigen values (high->low) isortEvals = np.argsort(ru.to_array(kwargs['evals']))[::-1] evec = evec[isortEvals] # normalize evec = np.array([(ev / np.linalg.norm(ev)) for ev in evec]) R = np.eye(4) R[:3, :3] = evec.T return R
def get_centroid(pts): ''' computes the centroid of the point cloud ''' pts = ru.to_array(pts) return np.mean(pts, axis=0)
def fit_plane(p1, n1, p2, n2, p3, n3, alpha=np.deg2rad(30.0)): ''' fit a plane to the three point/normal pairs alpha: angle thres for determining if the fit is a valid sphere both normals must be < alpha from the sphere normals return (valid, p, normal); valid is a bool indicating if the fit was valid based on the points and normals ''' p1 = np.asarray(p1); n1 = np.asarray(n1); p2 = np.asarray(p2); n2 = np.asarray(n2); p3 = np.asarray(p3); n3 = np.asarray(n3); v1 = p2 - p1; v2 = p3 - p1; n = np.cross(v1, v2); n /= np.linalg.norm(n); sa = np.sin(alpha); sang = map(lambda nx: np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(n, nx))), [n1, n2, n3]); if (np.any(sang > sa)): return (False, p1, n); return (True, p1, n);
def estimate_normals(pts, k=5, weightNeighbors=True, viewpoint=None): ''' estimates the point cloud normals from an unorder point cloud pts: NxD point array k: number of nearest neighbors to consider weightNeighbors: flag indicating that weights on the neighbors should be used viewpoint: vector indicating the viewpoint direction to correct direction ''' def compute_normal(pts): cent = np.mean(pts) cov = np.cov(np.transpose(pts - cent)) (u, s, vh) = np.linalg.svd(cov) return vh[2, :] pts = ru.to_array(pts) # compute distance matrix d = distance_matrix(pts, pts) # find nearest neighbors nn = np.argsort(d, axis=1) normals = np.array(map(lambda row: compute_normal(pts[row[:k + 1], :]), nn)) if (viewpoint != None): vcheck = map(lambda i:[i, :], viewpoint - pts[i, :]), np.arange(pts.shape[0])) normals[(vcheck < 0), :] *= -1.0 return normals
def estimate_normals(pts, k=5, weightNeighbors=True, viewpoint=None): ''' estimates the point cloud normals from an unorder point cloud pts: NxD point array k: number of nearest neighbors to consider weightNeighbors: flag indicating that weights on the neighbors should be used viewpoint: vector indicating the viewpoint direction to correct direction ''' def compute_normal(pts): cent = np.mean(pts); cov = np.cov(np.transpose(pts - cent)); (u, s, vh) = np.linalg.svd(cov); return vh[2,:]; pts = ru.to_array(pts); # compute distance matrix d = distance_matrix(pts, pts); # find nearest neighbors nn = np.argsort(d, axis=1); normals = np.array(map(lambda row: compute_normal(pts[row[:k+1],:]), nn)); if (viewpoint != None): vcheck = map(lambda i:[i,:], viewpoint - pts[i,:]), np.arange(pts.shape[0])); normals[(vcheck < 0),:] *= -1.0; return normals;
def fit_plane(p1, n1, p2, n2, p3, n3, alpha=np.deg2rad(30.0)): ''' fit a plane to the three point/normal pairs alpha: angle thres for determining if the fit is a valid sphere both normals must be < alpha from the sphere normals return (valid, p, normal); valid is a bool indicating if the fit was valid based on the points and normals ''' p1 = np.asarray(p1) n1 = np.asarray(n1) p2 = np.asarray(p2) n2 = np.asarray(n2) p3 = np.asarray(p3) n3 = np.asarray(n3) v1 = p2 - p1 v2 = p3 - p1 n = np.cross(v1, v2) n /= np.linalg.norm(n) sa = np.sin(alpha) sang = map(lambda nx: np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(n, nx))), [n1, n2, n3]) if (np.any(sang > sa)): return (False, p1, n) return (True, p1, n)
def get_centroid(pts): ''' computes the centroid of the point cloud ''' pts = ru.to_array(pts); return np.mean(pts, axis=0);
def ev2rot(*args, **kwargs): ''' converts eigen vectors to a 4x4 transform representing the rotation if eigen values are provided it will sort the vectors if no values are provided it is assumed the vectors are sorted accepted args: - iterable of 3 'vectors' - 3 vector arguments kwargs: - 'evals': iterable of 3 values returns the Quaternion as an array NOTE: this is not the ros pose convention [x, y, z, w]. use ev2rosq(r) to get a ros quaternion message ''' if (len(args) == 1): evec = np.array(map(ru.to_array, args[0])); if (len(args) > 1): evec = np.array(map(ru.to_array, args[:3])); if (kwargs.has_key('evals')): # sort based on eigen values (high->low) isortEvals = np.argsort(ru.to_array(kwargs['evals']))[::-1]; evec = evec[isortEvals]; # normalize evec = np.array([(ev / np.linalg.norm(ev)) for ev in evec]); R = np.eye(4); R[:3,:3] = evec.T; return R;
def get_chessboard_pose(img, info, ncol=5, nrow=4, squareSize=0.045, useSubPix=True, publishDetection=True, isRect=True): ''' compute the pose of the chessboard in the camera frame ''' (success, chessboard_wrtImage) = find_chessboard(img, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow, useSubPix=useSubPix); if (len(chessboard_wrtImage) == 0): rospy.logwarn(__name__ + ': no chessboard found'); return None; if (publishDetection): chessboardCV = draw_chessboard(img, chessboard_wrtImage, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow); chessboardMsg = cvmat2msg(chessboardCV, img.encoding, frame_id=img.header.frame_id, stamp=rospy.Time().now()); chessboardDetectionPub.publish(chessboardMsg); # compute pose chessboard_wrtBoard = cv.CreateMat(ncol*nrow, 1, cv.CV_32FC3); for i in range(ncol*nrow): chessboard_wrtBoard[i,0] = ((i % ncol) * squareSize, (i / ncol) * squareSize, 0); # get camera intrinsics (cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, projectionMatrix, rotationMatrix) = info2cvmat(info); # extrinsic outputs rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1) # find chessboard pose if isRect: distCoeffs = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_32FC1); distCoeffs[0,0] = 0; distCoeffs[0,1] = 0; distCoeffs[0,2] = 0; distCoeffs[0,3] = 0; cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(chessboard_wrtBoard, chessboard_wrtImage, projectionMatrix[:,:3], distCoeffs, rot, trans); else: cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(chessboard_wrtBoard, chessboard_wrtImage, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rot, trans); # get transform from rot, trans rot = np.asarray(rot); trans = np.asarray(trans); th = np.linalg.norm(rot); r = rot / th; R = np.cos(th)*np.eye(3) + (1 - np.cos(th))*, r.T) + np.sin(th)*np.array([[0, -r[2], r[1]], [r[2], 0, -r[0]], [-r[1], r[0], 0]]); if not isRect: Trect = tr.trans(-projectionMatrix[0,3]/cameraMatrix[0,0],-projectionMatrix[1,3]/cameraMatrix[1,1], 0) Rcam = tr.rot2tr(np.asarray(rotationMatrix)); Tmodel2cam =,,, tr.rot2tr(R)))); else: Tmodel2cam =, tr.rot2tr(R)); return ru.to_PoseStamped(Tmodel2cam, frame_id=info.header.frame_id, stamp=info.header.stamp);
def get_blob_pose(pts): ''' computes the pose of the point cloud arr is expected to be Nx3 return Pose ''' pts = ru.to_array(pts); cent = get_centroid(pts); (x, y, z) = get_ev(pts); pose = geometry_msgs.Pose(); pose.position = geometry_msgs.Point(*cent); pose.orientation = tr.ev2rosq((x,y,z)); return pose;
def project_points(points, caminfo): ''' projects the 3D point into the desired image coordinates points: array of points to project (default is Nx3) in the camera frame return: Nx2 array of projected points ''' # format input correctly points = ru.to_array(points); pshape = points.shape; if (len(pshape) < 2): points = np.array([points]); elif (max(pshape) > 3): if (pshape[1] > pshape[0]): points = points.T; elif (max(pshape) == 3): if (pshape[0] > pshape[1]): points = points.T; # get camera matrix C = np.reshape(np.array(caminfo.K), (3,3)); # get distorition coef (k1, k2, p1, p2, k3) = caminfo.D; # normalize with z points = points.T/points[:,2]; # undistort r2 = np.sum(points[:2,:]**2, axis=0); xy =[:2,:], axis=0); d1 = (1.0 + k1*r2 + k2*r2**2 + k3*r2**3); c1 = points[:2,:]*np.array([d1,d1]); c2 = np.array([2.0*p1*xy, 2.0*p2*xy]); c3 = np.array([p2*(r2 + 2*points[0,:]**2), p1*(r2 + 2*points[1,:]**2)]); points[:2,:] = c1 + c2 + c3; return C; # project prj =, points); if (prj.shape[1] == 1): return prj[:2,0].T; else: return prj[:2,:].T;
def get_blob_pose(pts): ''' computes the pose of the point cloud arr is expected to be Nx3 return Pose ''' pts = ru.to_array(pts) cent = get_centroid(pts) (x, y, z) = get_ev(pts) pose = geometry_msgs.Pose() pose.position = geometry_msgs.Point(*cent) pose.orientation = tr.ev2rosq((x, y, z)) return pose
def get_ev(pts, includeEigenValues=False): ''' computes the eigen vectors for the point cloud arr is expected to be Nx3 return: array of row vectors (e1, e2, e3) ''' pts = ru.to_array(pts); trans = -1 * np.mean(pts, axis=0); pts += trans; cov = np.cov(pts.T); (u, s, vh) = np.linalg.svd(cov); if includeEigenValues: return (vh, s); else: return vh;
def get_ev(pts, includeEigenValues=False): ''' computes the eigen vectors for the point cloud arr is expected to be Nx3 return: array of row vectors (e1, e2, e3) ''' pts = ru.to_array(pts) trans = -1 * np.mean(pts, axis=0) pts += trans cov = np.cov(pts.T) (u, s, vh) = np.linalg.svd(cov) if includeEigenValues: return (vh, s) else: return vh
def Tdist(T0, T1, transWeight=1.0, rotWeight=1.0, method=2): if (method == 1): # 1 norm td = np.linalg.norm(T0[:3,3] - T1[:3,3]) rd = np.linalg.norm(rot2quat(T0) - rot2quat(T1), ord=1); return (transWeight * td + rotWeight * rd); if (method == 2): # 2 norm td = np.linalg.norm(T0[:3,3] - T1[:3,3]) rd = np.linalg.norm(rot2quat(T0) - rot2quat(T1)); return (transWeight * td + rotWeight * rd); if (method == 'ax'): # squared angle between each axis td = np.linalg.norm(T0[:3,3] - T1[:3,3]) (x0, y0, z0) = rot2ev(T0); (x1, y1, z1) = rot2ev(T1); rd = np.linalg.norm([ru.angle_between(v0, v1) for (v0, v1) in ((x0, x1), (y0, y1), (z0, z1))]); return (transWeight * td + rotWeight * rd);
def translate_rospose(pose, t): ''' translates a ros pose with respect to the poses orientation return will be a Pose or PoseStamped based on the input (header will be copied) ''' t = ru.to_array(t); if (t.ndim == 2): # 4x4 transform (extract the translation from it) t = trans(t[:3,3]); else: t = trans(t[:3]); T = rospose2tr(pose); nT =, t); if (type(pose) == geometry_msgs.PoseStamped): return geometry_msgs.PoseStamped(pose=tr2rospose(nT), header=copy.copy(pose.header)); else: return tr2rospose(nT);
def translate_rospose(pose, t): ''' translates a ros pose with respect to the poses orientation return will be a Pose or PoseStamped based on the input (header will be copied) ''' t = ru.to_array(t) if (t.ndim == 2): # 4x4 transform (extract the translation from it) t = trans(t[:3, 3]) else: t = trans(t[:3]) T = rospose2tr(pose) nT =, t) if (type(pose) == geometry_msgs.PoseStamped): return geometry_msgs.PoseStamped(pose=tr2rospose(nT), header=copy.copy(pose.header)) else: return tr2rospose(nT)
def rotate_rospose(pose, r): ''' rotates a ros pose orientation with respect to the poses current orientation rot: either list of EulerZYX angles (z, y, x) or 4x4 transform matrix return will be a Pose or PoseStamped based on the input (header will be copied) ''' R = ru.to_array(r); if (R.ndim == 2): # 4x4 transform (extract the rotation from it) R[:3,3] = 0.0; else: R = ezyx(r); T = rospose2tr(pose); nT =, R); if (type(pose) == geometry_msgs.PoseStamped): return geometry_msgs.PoseStamped(pose=tr2rospose(nT), header=copy.copy(pose.header)); else: return tr2rospose(nT);
def rotate_rospose(pose, r): ''' rotates a ros pose orientation with respect to the poses current orientation rot: either list of EulerZYX angles (z, y, x) or 4x4 transform matrix return will be a Pose or PoseStamped based on the input (header will be copied) ''' R = ru.to_array(r) if (R.ndim == 2): # 4x4 transform (extract the rotation from it) R[:3, 3] = 0.0 else: R = ezyx(r) T = rospose2tr(pose) nT =, R) if (type(pose) == geometry_msgs.PoseStamped): return geometry_msgs.PoseStamped(pose=tr2rospose(nT), header=copy.copy(pose.header)) else: return tr2rospose(nT)
def Tdist(T0, T1, transWeight=1.0, rotWeight=1.0, method=2): if (method == 1): # 1 norm td = np.linalg.norm(T0[:3, 3] - T1[:3, 3]) rd = np.linalg.norm(rot2quat(T0) - rot2quat(T1), ord=1) return (transWeight * td + rotWeight * rd) if (method == 2): # 2 norm td = np.linalg.norm(T0[:3, 3] - T1[:3, 3]) rd = np.linalg.norm(rot2quat(T0) - rot2quat(T1)) return (transWeight * td + rotWeight * rd) if (method == 'ax'): # squared angle between each axis td = np.linalg.norm(T0[:3, 3] - T1[:3, 3]) (x0, y0, z0) = rot2ev(T0) (x1, y1, z1) = rot2ev(T1) rd = np.linalg.norm([ ru.angle_between(v0, v1) for (v0, v1) in ((x0, x1), (y0, y1), (z0, z1)) ]) return (transWeight * td + rotWeight * rd)
def compute_pose(c, n): v = np.cross([1, 0, 0], n) v /= np.linalg.norm(v) th = ru.angle_between([1, 0, 0], n) return geometry_msgs.Pose(geometry_msgs.Point(*c), tr.axis_angle2rosq(v, th))
def compute_pose(c, n): v = np.cross([1, 0, 0], n); v /= np.linalg.norm(v); th = ru.angle_between([1, 0, 0], n); return geometry_msgs.Pose(geometry_msgs.Point(*c), tr.axis_angle2rosq(v, th));
def fit_cone(p1, n1, p2, n2, p3, n3, eps=0.005, alpha=np.deg2rad(10.0)): ''' fit a cone to the three point/normal pairs eps: distance thres for determining if the fit is a valid cylinder both points must be < eps from the cylinder alpha: angle thres for determining if the fit is a valid cylinder both normals must be < alpha from the cylinder normals return (valid, apex, axis, opening angle); valid is a bool indicating if the fit was valid based on the points and normals ''' p1 = np.asarray(p1); n1 = np.asarray(n1); p2 = np.asarray(p2); n2 = np.asarray(n2); p3 = np.asarray(p3); n3 = np.asarray(n3); # find cone apex (intersection of the 3 planes formed by the point/normal pairs) # line normal from plane 1/2 intersection (lp, ln) = mu.plane_plane_intersection(p1, n1, p2, n2); c = mu.line_plane_intersection(lp, ln, p3, n3); # find the axis from the normal of the plane formed by the three points pc1 = c + (p1 - c)/np.linalg.norm(p1 - c); pc2 = c + (p2 - c)/np.linalg.norm(p2 - c); pc3 = c + (p3 - c)/np.linalg.norm(p3 - c); a = np.cross(pc2 - pc1, pc3 - pc1); a /= np.linalg.norm(a); # find opening anlge ac = np.array(map(lambda p: ru.angle_between(p - c, a), [p1, p2, p3])); w = np.sum(ac)/3.0; # check validity # project each point onto the axis p1_proj_a = - c, a) * a; p2_proj_a = - c, a) * a; p3_proj_a = - c, a) * a; # and rejections p1_rej_a = (p1 - c) - p1_proj_a; p2_rej_a = (p2 - c) - p2_proj_a; p3_rej_a = (p3 - c) - p3_proj_a; # projection mag d1 = np.linalg.norm(p1_proj_a); d2 = np.linalg.norm(p2_proj_a); d3 = np.linalg.norm(p3_proj_a); # mag of vector from axis to cone edge r1 = d1 * np.tan(w); r2 = d2 * np.tan(w); r3 = d3 * np.tan(w); # scale rejections to find the cone point c1 = c + p1_proj_a + (r1/np.linalg.norm(p1_rej_a))*p1_rej_a; c2 = c + p2_proj_a + (r2/np.linalg.norm(p2_rej_a))*p2_rej_a; c3 = c + p3_proj_a + (r3/np.linalg.norm(p3_rej_a))*p3_rej_a; # is the point within distance thres? distToCone = np.array([np.linalg.norm(p1 - c1), np.linalg.norm(p2 - c2), np.linalg.norm(p3 - c3)]); if np.any(distToCone > eps): return (False, c, a, w); # compute cone normals cn1 = np.cross(np.cross(a, (c1 - c)), (c1 - c)); cn2 = np.cross(np.cross(a, (c2 - c)), (c2 - c)); cn3 = np.cross(np.cross(a, (c3 - c)), (c3 - c)); cn1 /= np.linalg.norm(cn1); cn2 /= np.linalg.norm(cn2); cn3 /= np.linalg.norm(cn3); # are the normals close? sa = np.sin(alpha); if ((np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(cn1, n1))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(cn2, n2))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(cn3, n3))) > sa)): return (False, c, a, w); return (True, c, a, w);
def fit_cylinder(p1, n1, p2, n2, eps=0.005, alpha=np.deg2rad(10.0)): ''' fit a cylinder to the two point/normal pairs eps: distance thres for determining if the fit is a valid cylinder both points must be < eps from the cylinder alpha: angle thres for determining if the fit is a valid cylinder both normals must be < alpha from the cylinder normals return (valid, center, axis, radius); valid is a bool indicating if the fit was valid based on the points and normals ''' p1 = np.asarray(p1) n1 = np.asarray(n1) p2 = np.asarray(p2) n2 = np.asarray(n2) # find cylinder axis a = np.cross(n1, n2) a /= np.linalg.norm(a) # project lines (defined by the point/normal) onto the plane defined by a.x = 0 pp1 = p1 - a *, p1) pn1 = n1 - a *, n1) pp2 = p2 - a *, p2) pn2 = n2 - a *, n2) # find intersection (c, c1) = mu.line_line_closest_point(pp1, pn1, pp2, pn2) # cylinder radius r = np.linalg.norm(pp1 - c) # check if the fit is valid # find rejections of the points from the cylinder axis cp1 = pp1 - c cp2 = pp2 - c ca = c + a rej1 = cp1 -, ca) * ca rej2 = cp2 -, ca) * ca pa = create_normals_pose_array(np.array([p1, p2]), np.array([rej1, rej2])) #Debug.pa1Pub.publish(pa); print rej1 print rej2 print np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej1, n1))) print np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej2, n2))) print np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(rej1)) print np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(rej2)) sa = np.sin(alpha) if (((np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej1, n1)))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej2, n2))) > sa)): return (False, c, a, r) if ((np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(rej1)) > eps) or (np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(rej2)) > eps)): return (False, c, a, r) sa = np.sin(alpha) if (((np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej1, n1)))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej2, n2))) > sa)): return (False, c, a, r) return (True, c, a, r)
def fit_cone(p1, n1, p2, n2, p3, n3, eps=0.005, alpha=np.deg2rad(10.0)): ''' fit a cone to the three point/normal pairs eps: distance thres for determining if the fit is a valid cylinder both points must be < eps from the cylinder alpha: angle thres for determining if the fit is a valid cylinder both normals must be < alpha from the cylinder normals return (valid, apex, axis, opening angle); valid is a bool indicating if the fit was valid based on the points and normals ''' p1 = np.asarray(p1) n1 = np.asarray(n1) p2 = np.asarray(p2) n2 = np.asarray(n2) p3 = np.asarray(p3) n3 = np.asarray(n3) # find cone apex (intersection of the 3 planes formed by the point/normal pairs) # line normal from plane 1/2 intersection (lp, ln) = mu.plane_plane_intersection(p1, n1, p2, n2) c = mu.line_plane_intersection(lp, ln, p3, n3) # find the axis from the normal of the plane formed by the three points pc1 = c + (p1 - c) / np.linalg.norm(p1 - c) pc2 = c + (p2 - c) / np.linalg.norm(p2 - c) pc3 = c + (p3 - c) / np.linalg.norm(p3 - c) a = np.cross(pc2 - pc1, pc3 - pc1) a /= np.linalg.norm(a) # find opening anlge ac = np.array(map(lambda p: ru.angle_between(p - c, a), [p1, p2, p3])) w = np.sum(ac) / 3.0 # check validity # project each point onto the axis p1_proj_a = - c, a) * a p2_proj_a = - c, a) * a p3_proj_a = - c, a) * a # and rejections p1_rej_a = (p1 - c) - p1_proj_a p2_rej_a = (p2 - c) - p2_proj_a p3_rej_a = (p3 - c) - p3_proj_a # projection mag d1 = np.linalg.norm(p1_proj_a) d2 = np.linalg.norm(p2_proj_a) d3 = np.linalg.norm(p3_proj_a) # mag of vector from axis to cone edge r1 = d1 * np.tan(w) r2 = d2 * np.tan(w) r3 = d3 * np.tan(w) # scale rejections to find the cone point c1 = c + p1_proj_a + (r1 / np.linalg.norm(p1_rej_a)) * p1_rej_a c2 = c + p2_proj_a + (r2 / np.linalg.norm(p2_rej_a)) * p2_rej_a c3 = c + p3_proj_a + (r3 / np.linalg.norm(p3_rej_a)) * p3_rej_a # is the point within distance thres? distToCone = np.array([ np.linalg.norm(p1 - c1), np.linalg.norm(p2 - c2), np.linalg.norm(p3 - c3) ]) if np.any(distToCone > eps): return (False, c, a, w) # compute cone normals cn1 = np.cross(np.cross(a, (c1 - c)), (c1 - c)) cn2 = np.cross(np.cross(a, (c2 - c)), (c2 - c)) cn3 = np.cross(np.cross(a, (c3 - c)), (c3 - c)) cn1 /= np.linalg.norm(cn1) cn2 /= np.linalg.norm(cn2) cn3 /= np.linalg.norm(cn3) # are the normals close? sa = np.sin(alpha) if ((np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(cn1, n1))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(cn2, n2))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(cn3, n3))) > sa)): return (False, c, a, w) return (True, c, a, w)
def fit_cylinder(p1, n1, p2, n2, eps=0.005, alpha=np.deg2rad(10.0)): ''' fit a cylinder to the two point/normal pairs eps: distance thres for determining if the fit is a valid cylinder both points must be < eps from the cylinder alpha: angle thres for determining if the fit is a valid cylinder both normals must be < alpha from the cylinder normals return (valid, center, axis, radius); valid is a bool indicating if the fit was valid based on the points and normals ''' p1 = np.asarray(p1); n1 = np.asarray(n1); p2 = np.asarray(p2); n2 = np.asarray(n2); # find cylinder axis a = np.cross(n1, n2); a /= np.linalg.norm(a); # project lines (defined by the point/normal) onto the plane defined by a.x = 0 pp1 = p1 - a *, p1); pn1 = n1 - a *, n1); pp2 = p2 - a *, p2); pn2 = n2 - a *, n2); # find intersection (c, c1) = mu.line_line_closest_point(pp1, pn1, pp2, pn2); # cylinder radius r = np.linalg.norm(pp1 - c); # check if the fit is valid # find rejections of the points from the cylinder axis cp1 = pp1 - c; cp2 = pp2 - c; ca = c + a; rej1 = cp1 -, ca)*ca; rej2 = cp2 -, ca)*ca; pa = create_normals_pose_array(np.array([p1,p2]), np.array([rej1,rej2])); #Debug.pa1Pub.publish(pa); print rej1 print rej2 print np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej1, n1))) print np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej2, n2))) print np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(rej1)) print np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(rej2)) sa = np.sin(alpha); if (((np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej1, n1)))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej2, n2))) > sa)): return (False, c, a, r); if ((np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(rej1)) > eps) or (np.abs(r - np.linalg.norm(rej2)) > eps)): return (False, c, a, r); sa = np.sin(alpha); if (((np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej1, n1)))) > sa) or (np.sin(np.abs(ru.angle_between(rej2, n2))) > sa)): return (False, c, a, r); return (True, c, a, r);