def test_mixed_model():

    test_data = DataFrame(
            'colA': Series(randn(1, 5000).flatten() > 0),
            'colB': Series(100 * randn(1, 5000).flatten()),
            'colC': Series(100 + randn(1, 5000).flatten()),
            'colD': Series(randn(1, 5000).flatten() > 0),

    test_data['colA'] = test_data['colA'].map(str)
    test_data['colD'] = test_data['colD'].map(str)

    factor_cols = [('colA', 'True'),
                   ('colD', 'True')]

    rpy_test_df = com.convert_to_r_dataframe(test_data)
    rpy_test_df = Rtools.convert_columns_to_factors(rpy_test_df, factor_cols)

    base_formula = Formula('colC ~ as.factor(colA) + colB')
    rand_formula = Formula('~1|colD')

    results = Rtools.R_linear_mixed_effects_model(rpy_test_df, base_formula, rand_formula)

    print results['tTable']
    ok_(('tTable' in results), 'Did not have the tTable in the results')
    ok_(('as.factor(colA)False' in results['tTable'].index), 'Did not have the factor in the tTable')
    ok_(('colB' in results['tTable'].index), 'Did not have the variable in the tTable')
def test_converting_to_factors():

    test_data = DataFrame(
            'colA': Series(randn(1, 5000).flatten() > 0),
            'colB': Series(100 * randn(1, 5000).flatten()),
            'colC': Series(100 + randn(1, 5000).flatten()),
            'colD': Series(randn(1, 5000).flatten() > 0),

    test_data['colA'] = test_data['colA'].map(str)
    test_data['colD'] = test_data['colD'].map(str)

    factor_cols = [('colA', 'True'),
                   ('colD', 'True')]

    rpy_test_df = com.convert_to_r_dataframe(test_data)

    rpy_out_df = Rtools.convert_columns_to_factors(rpy_test_df, factor_cols)
    test_cols = [('colA', 'factor'),
                 ('colB', 'numeric'),
                 ('colC', 'numeric'),
                 ('colD', 'factor')]

    for col, typ in test_cols:
        if typ == 'factor':
            yield eq_, rpy_out_df.rx2(col).nlevels, 2
        elif typ == 'numeric':
            yield ok_, (not hasattr(rpy_out_df.rx2(col), 'nlevels'))