 def __init__(self, last=None, first=None, start=None, pay_rate=None, social=None):
     if (last is None) and (first is None) and (start is None) and (pay_rate is None) and (social is None):
         self.last = input("Input last name:").capitalize()
         self.first = input("Input first name:").capitalize()
         self.start = input("Input start year:")
         self.pay_rate = float(input("Input pay_rate:"))
         self.social = SS()
         self.last = last.capitalize()
         self.first = first.capitalize()
         self.start = start
         self.pay_rate = pay_rate
         self.social = SS(social)
 def set_ss(self, ss, source="self"):
     if len(ss) == 1:
         self.ss = len(self)*ss
         self.ss = ss
     # Infer the Martini backbone secondary structure types
     self.ssclass, self.sstypes = SS.ssClassification(self.ss, source)
def get_TPI(params, bvec):
    start_time = time.clock()
    (T, beta, sigma, nvec, L, A, alpha, delta, b_ss, K_ss, maxiter_TPI,
     mindist_TPI, xi) = params

    abs2 = 1
    tpi_iter = 0
    L = ss.get_L(nvec)
    K1 = ss.get_K(bvec)[0]
    Kpath_old = np.zeros(T + 1)
    Kpath_old[:-1] = getPath(K1, K_ss, T)
    Kpath_old[-1] = K_ss

    while abs2 > mindist_TPI and tpi_iter < maxiter_TPI:
        tpi_iter += 1
        w_path = ss.get_w((A, alpha), Kpath_old, L)
        r_path = ss.get_r((A, alpha, delta), Kpath_old, L)
        b = np.zeros([2, T + 1])
        b[:, 0] = bvec

        b32 = opt.root(b3_error,
                       b[1, 0],
                       args=(nvec[1:], beta, sigma, b[0, 0], w_path[:2],
        b[1, 1] = b32.x

        for t in range(T - 1):
            bvec_guess = np.array([b[0, t], b[1, t + 1]])
            bt = opt.root(
                zero_func, bvec_guess,
                (nvec, beta, sigma, w_path[t:t + 3], r_path[t + 1:t + 3]))
            bgrid = np.eye(2, dtype=bool)
            b[:, t + 1:t + 3] = bgrid * bt.x + b[:, t + 1:t + 3]

        # Calculate the implied capital stock from conjecture and the error
        Kpath_new = b.sum(axis=0)
        abs2 = ((Kpath_old[:] - Kpath_new[:])**2).sum()
        # Update guess
        Kpath_old = xi * Kpath_new + (1 - xi) * Kpath_old
        print('iteration:', tpi_iter, ' squared distance: ', abs2)

    tpi_time = time.clock() - start_time

    return Kpath_old, r_path, w_path
def model_moments(init_vals, args):
    l_tilde = args[3]
    ss_output = SS.get_SS(init_vals, args, graphs=False)

    n_ss = ss_output["n_ss"]

    return n_ss / l_tilde
def send_mail():
    uuid = request.args.get('uuid')
    ugid = request.args.get('ugid')
    people = db.get_people(ugid, uuid)
    if email_check(people):
        status = SS.gen_people(people)
        if status == 200:
            return (jsonify({'status': status}))
def b3_error(b3, *args):

    nvec, beta, sigma, b2, w_path, r_path = args
    n2, n3 = nvec
    w1, w2 = w_path
    r1, r2 = r_path
    c2 = (1 + r1) * b2 + w1 * n2 - b3
    c3 = (1 + r2) * b3 + w2 * n3
    muc2, muc3 = ss.get_MUc(np.array([c2, c3]), sigma)
    error = muc2 - beta * (1 + r2) * muc3
    return error
def minstat(chi_guesses, *args):
    This function generates the weighted sum of squared differences
    between the model and data moments.

    chi_guesses = [J+S,] vector, initial guesses of chi_b and chi_n stacked together
    arg         = length 6 tuple, variables needed for minimizer


    ss_output     = dictionary, variables from SS of model
    model_moments = [J+2+S,] array, moments from the model solution
    distance      = scalar, weighted, squared deviation between data and model moments

    RETURNS: distance

    data_moments, W, income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_params, baseline_dir = args
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega_SS, lambdas, \
                  imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data, h_wealth, p_wealth,\
                  m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_params
    chi_b = chi_guesses[:J]
    chi_n = chi_guesses[J:]
    chi_params = (chi_b, chi_n)
    ss_output = SS.run_SS(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params,
                          chi_params, True, baseline_dir)

    model_moments = calc_moments(ss_output, omega_SS, lambdas, S, J)

    # distance with levels
    distance = np.dot(
        np.dot((np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments)).T, W),
        np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments))
    #distance = ((np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments))**2).sum()
    print 'DATA and MODEL DISTANCE: ', distance

    # # distance with percentage diffs
    # distance = (((model_moments - data_moments)/data_moments)**2).sum()

    return distance
def minstat(chi_guesses, *args):
    This function generates the weighted sum of squared differences
    between the model and data moments.

    chi_guesses = [J+S,] vector, initial guesses of chi_b and chi_n stacked together
    arg         = length 6 tuple, variables needed for minimizer


    ss_output     = dictionary, variables from SS of model
    model_moments = [J+2+S,] array, moments from the model solution
    distance      = scalar, weighted, squared deviation between data and model moments

    RETURNS: distance

    data_moments, W, income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_params, baseline_dir = args
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega_SS, lambdas, \
                  imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data, h_wealth, p_wealth,\
                  m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_params
    chi_b = chi_guesses[:J]
    chi_n = chi_guesses[J:]
    chi_params = (chi_b, chi_n)
    ss_output = SS.run_SS(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_params, True, baseline_dir)

    model_moments = calc_moments(ss_output, omega_SS, lambdas, S, J)

    # distance with levels
    distance = np.dot(np.dot((np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments)).T,W),
                   np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments))
    #distance = ((np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments))**2).sum()
    print 'DATA and MODEL DISTANCE: ', distance

    # # distance with percentage diffs
    # distance = (((model_moments - data_moments)/data_moments)**2).sum()

    return distance
文件: TPI.py 项目: rickecon/OG-JRC
def LfEulerSys(bvec, *args):
    Generates vector of all Euler errors for a given bvec, which errors
    characterize all optimal lifetime decisions, where p is an integer
    in [2, S] representing the remaining periods of life
    bvec       = (p-1,) vector, remaining lifetime savings decisions
                 where p is the number of remaining periods
    args       = length 7 tuple, (beta, sigma, beg_wealth, nvec, rpath,
                 wpath, EulDiff)
    beta       = scalar in [0,1), discount factor
    sigma      = scalar > 0, coefficient of relative risk aversion
    beg_wealth = scalar, wealth at the beginning of first age
    nvec       = (p,) vector, remaining exogenous labor supply
    rpath      = (p,) vector, interest rates over remaining life
    wpath      = (p,) vector, wages rates over remaining life


    bvec2        = (p,) vector, remaining savings including initial
    cvec         = (p,) vector, remaining lifetime consumption
                   levels implied by bvec2
    c_cnstr      = (p,) Boolean vector, =True if c_{s,t}<=0
    b_err_params = length 2 tuple, (beta, sigma)
    b_err_vec    = (p-1,) vector, Euler errors from lifetime
                   consumption vector


    RETURNS: b_err_vec
    beta, sigma, beg_wealth, nvec, rpath, wpath, EulDiff = args
    bvec2 = np.append(beg_wealth, bvec)
    cvec, c_cnstr = get_cvec_lf(rpath, wpath, nvec, bvec2)
    b_err_params = (beta, sigma)
    b_err_vec = ss.get_b_errors(b_err_params, rpath[1:], cvec,
                                c_cnstr, EulDiff)
    return b_err_vec
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import sys
import os

# Household parameters
S = int(80)
beta_annual = 0.96
beta = beta_annual**(80 / S)
sigma = 2.5
ncutper = round((2 / 3) * S)
nvec = np.ones(S)
nvec[ncutper:] = 0.2
L = ss.get_L(nvec)
# Firm parameters
A = 1.0
alpha = 0.35
delta_annual = 0.05
delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual)**(80 / S))
# SS parameters
SS_solve = True
SS_tol = 1e-13
SS_graphs = True
SS_EulDiff = True
# TPI parameters
T = 320
TPI_solve = True
TPI_tol = 1e-13
maxiter_TPI = 200
文件: execute.py 项目: LeiliPR/OG-JRC
bvec_guess1 = (2,) vector, guess for steady-state bvec (b1, b2)
b_cnstr     = (2,) Boolean vector, =True if b_s causes negative
              consumption c_s <= 0 or negative aggregate capital stock
              K <= 0
c_cnstr     = (3,) Boolean vector, =True for elements of negative
              consumption c_s <= 0
K_cnstr     = Boolean, =True if K <= 0
bvec_guess2 = (2,) vector, guess for steady-state bvec (b1, b2)
bvec_guess3 = (2,) vector, guess for steady-state bvec (b1, b2)

f_params = (nvec, A, alpha, delta)

bvec_guess1 = np.array([1.0, 1.2])
b_cnstr, c_cnstr, K_cnstr = ss.feasible(f_params, bvec_guess1)
print('bvec_guess1', bvec_guess1)
print('c_cnstr', c_cnstr)
print('K_cnstr', K_cnstr)

bvec_guess2 = np.array([0.06, -0.001])
b_cnstr, c_cnstr, K_cnstr = ss.feasible(f_params, bvec_guess2)
print('bvec_guess2', bvec_guess2)
print('c_cnstr', c_cnstr)
print('K_cnstr', K_cnstr)

bvec_guess3 = np.array([0.1, 0.1])
b_cnstr, c_cnstr, K_cnstr = ss.feasible(f_params, bvec_guess3)
print('bvec_guess3', bvec_guess3)
print('c_cnstr', c_cnstr)
print('K_cnstr', K_cnstr)
def chi_estimate(income_tax_params,
    This function calls others to obtain the data momements and then
    runs the simulated method of moments estimation by calling the
    minimization routine.

    income_tax_parameters = length 4 tuple, (analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params)
    ss_parameters         = length 21 tuple, (J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                            g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data,\
                            h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon)
    iterative_params      = [2,] vector, vector with max iterations and tolerance
                             for SS solution
    chi_guesses           = [J+S,] vector, initial guesses of chi_b and chi_n stacked together
    baseline_dir          = string, path where baseline results located


    wealth_moments     = [J+2,] array, wealth moments from data
    labor_moments      = [S,] array, labor moments from data
    data_moments       = [J+2+S,] array, wealth and labor moments stacked
    bnds               = [S+J,] array, bounds for parameter estimates
    chi_guesses_flat   =  [J+S,] vector, initial guesses of chi_b and chi_n stacked
    min_arg            = length 6 tuple, variables needed for minimizer
    est_output         = dictionary, output from minimizer
    chi_params         = [J+S,] vector, parameters estimates for chi_b and chi_n stacked
    objective_func_min = scalar, minimum of statistical objective function


    RETURNS: chi_params

    # unpack tuples of parameters
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega_SS, lambdas, \
                  imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data, h_wealth, p_wealth,\
                  m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_params
    chi_b_guess, chi_n_guess = chi_guesses

    flag_graphs = False

    # specify bootstrap iterations
    n = 10000

    # Generate Wealth data moments
    scf, data = wealth.get_wealth_data()
    wealth_moments = wealth.compute_wealth_moments(scf, lambdas, J)

    # Generate labor data moments
    cps = labor.get_labor_data()
    labor_moments = labor.compute_labor_moments(cps, S)

    # combine moments
    data_moments = list(wealth_moments.flatten()) + list(

    # determine weighting matrix
    optimal_weight = False
    if optimal_weight:
        VCV_wealth_moments = wealth.VCV_moments(scf, n, lambdas, J)
        VCV_labor_moments = labor.VCV_moments(cps, n, lambdas, S)
        VCV_data_moments = np.zeros((J + 2 + S, J + 2 + S))
        VCV_data_moments[:J + 2, :J + 2] = VCV_wealth_moments
        VCV_data_moments[J + 2:, J + 2:] = VCV_labor_moments
        W = np.linalg.inv(VCV_data_moments)
        W = np.identity(J + 2 + S)

    # call minimizer
    bnds = np.tile(np.array([1e-12, None]),
                   (S + J, 1))  # Need (1e-12, None) S+J times
    chi_guesses_flat = list(chi_b_guess.flatten()) + list(

    min_args = data_moments, W, income_tax_params, ss_params, \
               iterative_params, chi_guesses_flat, baseline_dir
    # est_output = opt.minimize(minstat, chi_guesses_flat, args=(min_args), method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bnds,
    #                 tol=1e-15, options={'maxfun': 1, 'maxiter': 1, 'maxls': 1})
    # est_output = opt.minimize(minstat, chi_guesses_flat, args=(min_args), method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bnds,
    #                 tol=1e-15)
    # chi_params = est_output.x
    # objective_func_min = est_output.fun
    # # pickle output
    # utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(baseline_dir, "Calibration"))
    # est_dir = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "Calibration/chi_estimation.pkl")
    # pickle.dump(est_output, open(est_dir, "wb"))
    # # save data and model moments and min stat to csv
    # # to then put in table of paper
    chi_params = chi_guesses_flat
    chi_b = chi_params[:J]
    chi_n = chi_params[J:]
    chi_params_list = (chi_b, chi_n)

    ss_output = SS.run_SS(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params,
                          chi_params_list, True, baseline_dir)
    model_moments = calc_moments(ss_output, omega_SS, lambdas, S, J)

    # # make dataframe for results
    # columns = ['data_moment', 'model_moment', 'minstat']
    # moment_fit = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0,J+2+S), columns=columns)
    # moment_fit = moment_fit.fillna(0) # with 0s rather than NaNs
    # moment_fit['data_moment'] = data_moments
    # moment_fit['model_moment'] = model_moments
    # moment_fit['minstat'] = objective_func_min
    # est_dir = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "Calibration/moment_results.pkl")s
    # moment_fit.to_csv(est_dir)

    # calculate std errors
    h = 0.0001  # pct change in parameter
    model_moments_low = np.zeros((len(chi_params), len(model_moments)))
    model_moments_high = np.zeros((len(chi_params), len(model_moments)))
    chi_params_low = chi_params
    chi_params_high = chi_params
    for i in range(len(chi_params)):
        chi_params_low[i] = chi_params[i] * (1 + h)
        chi_b = chi_params_low[:J]
        chi_n = chi_params_low[J:]
        chi_params_list = (chi_b, chi_n)
        ss_output = SS.run_SS(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params,
                              chi_params_list, True, baseline_dir)
        model_moments_low[i, :] = calc_moments(ss_output, omega_SS, lambdas, S,

        chi_params_high[i] = chi_params[i] * (1 + h)
        chi_b = chi_params_high[:J]
        chi_n = chi_params_high[J:]
        chi_params_list = (chi_b, chi_n)
        ss_output = SS.run_SS(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params,
                              chi_params_list, True, baseline_dir)
        model_moments_high[i, :] = calc_moments(ss_output, omega_SS, lambdas,
                                                S, J)

    deriv_moments = (np.asarray(model_moments_high) -
                     np.asarray(model_moments_low)).T / (
                         2. * h * np.asarray(chi_params))
    VCV_params = np.linalg.inv(
        np.dot(np.dot(deriv_moments.T, W), deriv_moments))
    std_errors_chi = (np.diag(VCV_params))**(1 / 2.)
    sd_dir = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "Calibration/chi_std_errors.pkl")
    pickle.dump(std_errors_chi, open(sd_dir, "wb"))

    np.savetxt('chi_std_errors.csv', std_errors_chi)

    return chi_params
if not os.access(ss_output_dir, os.F_OK):
ss_outputfile = os.path.join(ss_output_dir, 'ss_vars.pkl')
ss_paramsfile = os.path.join(ss_output_dir, 'ss_args.pkl')

# Compute steady-state solution
if SS_solve:
    # Make initial guess for rh_ss, rf_ss, and q_ss
    rh_ss_guess = 0.04
    rf_ss_guess = 0.04
    q_ss_guess = 1.0
    ss_args = (nhvec, nfvec, beta, sigma, alpha_h, phi_h, Z_h, gamma_h,
               delta_h, alpha_f, phi_f, Z_f, gamma_f, delta_f, SS_tol_outer,
               SS_tol_inner, xi_SS, SS_maxiter, SS_EulDiff)
    ss_output = ss.get_SS(rh_ss_guess, rf_ss_guess, q_ss_guess, ss_args,

    # Save ss_output as pickle
    pickle.dump(ss_output, open(ss_outputfile, 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(ss_args, open(ss_paramsfile, 'wb'))

# Don't compute steady-state, get it from pickle
    # Make sure that the SS output files exist
    ss_vars_exst = os.path.exists(ss_outputfile)
    ss_args_exst = os.path.exists(ss_paramsfile)
    if (not ss_vars_exst) or (not ss_args_exst):
        # If the files don't exist, stop the program and run the steady-
        # state solution first
        err_msg = ('ERROR: The SS output files do not exist and ' +
                   'SS_solve=False. Must set SS_solve=True and ' +
# b = 0.501
# upsilon = 1.553
ellip_init = np.array([0.2, 1.0])
Frisch = 0.8
scale_param = 1.0
cfe_params = np.array([Frisch, scale_param])
b, upsilon = elp.fit_ellip_CFE(ellip_init, cfe_params, l_tilde, True)

lambdas = np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1])
J = lambdas.shape[0]
age_wgts = np.ones(S) * (1 / S)
age_wgts_80 = np.ones(80) * (1 / 80)
emat = abil.get_e_interp(S, age_wgts, age_wgts_80, lambdas, True)

# Firm parameters
A = 1.0
alpha = 0.35
delta_annual = 0.05
delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual)**(80 / S))
# SS parameters
SS_graph = True

K_init = 100.0
L_init = 50.0
KL_init = np.array([K_init, L_init])

ss_args = (KL_init, beta, sigma, emat, chi_n_vec, l_tilde, b, upsilon, lambdas,
           S, J, alpha, A, delta)
ss_output = ss.get_SS(ss_args, SS_graph)
pickle.dump(ss_output, open('ss_output.pkl', 'wb'))
ss_output_dir = os.path.join(cur_path, ss_output_fldr)
if not os.access(ss_output_dir, os.F_OK):
ss_outputfile = os.path.join(ss_output_dir, 'ss_vars.pkl')
ss_paramsfile = os.path.join(ss_output_dir, 'ss_args.pkl')

# Compute steady-state solution
ss_args = (S, beta, sigma, l_tilde, b_ellip, upsilon, chi_n_vec, A,
           alpha, delta, SS_BsctTol, SS_EulTol, SS_EulDiff, xi_SS,

if SS_solve:
    rss_init = 0.06
    print('Solving SS outer loop using root finder on r.')
    ss_output = ss.get_SS(rss_init, ss_args, SS_graphs)

    # Save ss_output as pickle
    pickle.dump(ss_output, open(ss_outputfile, 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(ss_args, open(ss_paramsfile, 'wb'))

# Don't compute steady-state, get it from pickle
    # Make sure that the SS output files exist
    ss_vars_exst = os.path.exists(ss_outputfile)
    ss_args_exst = os.path.exists(ss_paramsfile)
    if (not ss_vars_exst) or (not ss_args_exst):
        # If the files don't exist, stop the program and run the steady-
        # state solution first
        err_msg = ('ERROR: The SS output files do not exist and ' +
                   'SS_solve=False. Must set SS_solve=True and ' +
    if not ss_output_exst:
        # If the files don't exist, stop the program
        err_msg = ('ERROR: The SS output files do not exist')
        raise ValueError(err_msg)
        ss_output = pickle.load(open(ss_outputfile, 'rb'))

    tp_output_fldr = 'OUTPUT/TP/' + demog_type
    tp_output_dir = os.path.join(cur_path, tp_output_fldr)
    tp_outputfile = os.path.join(tp_output_dir, 'tp_vars.pkl')

    # Make sure that the TPI output files exist
    tp_output_exst = os.path.exists(tp_outputfile)
    if not tp_output_exst:
        # If the files don't exist, stop the program
        err_msg = ('ERROR: The TP output files do not exist')
        raise ValueError(err_msg)
        tp_output = pickle.load(open(tp_outputfile, 'rb'))

    graph = False
    if graph:
        p = params.parameters(demog_type)
        tp.create_graphs(tp_output, p)

tp.tp_pct_change_graphs(tp_results[0], tp_results[1:], p, figure_labels)

ss.ss_pct_change_graphs(ss_results[0], ss_results[1:], p, figure_labels)
文件: execute.py 项目: mp3201/CorpTax
def solve_PE(w0, tax_params, hh_params, firm_params, fin_frictions, grid_params,
             output_dir, guid='baseline', plot_results=False):
    Solve partial equilibrium model
    # set directory specific to this model run
    output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'PE', guid)
    pathlib.Path(output_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # upack dictionaries
    tau_l = tax_params['tau_l']
    tau_i = tax_params['tau_i']
    tau_d = tax_params['tau_d']
    tau_g = tax_params['tau_g']
    tau_c = tax_params['tau_c']
    f_e = tax_params['f_e']
    f_b = tax_params['f_b']
    tax_tuple = (tau_l, tau_i, tau_d, tau_g, tau_c, f_e, f_b)

    alpha_k = firm_params['alpha_k']
    alpha_l = firm_params['alpha_l']
    delta = firm_params['delta']
    psi = firm_params['psi']
    mu = firm_params['mu']
    rho = firm_params['rho']
    sigma_eps = firm_params['sigma_eps']

    eta0 = fin_frictions['eta0']
    eta1 = fin_frictions['eta1']
    eta2 = fin_frictions['eta2']
    theta = fin_frictions['theta']

    sizez = grid_params['sizez']
    num_sigma = grid_params['num_sigma']
    dens_k = grid_params['dens_k']
    lb_k = grid_params['lb_k']
    sizeb = grid_params['sizeb']
    lb_b = grid_params['lb_b']
    ub_b = grid_params['ub_b']

    beta = hh_params['beta']
    h = hh_params['h']

    # compute equilibrium interest rate
    r = ((1 / beta) - 1) / (1 - tau_i)
    # compute the firm's discount factor
    betafirm = (1 / (1 + (r * ((1 - tau_i) / (1 - tau_g)))))

    Compute grids for z, k, b
    firm_params_k = (betafirm, delta, alpha_k, alpha_l)
    Pi, zgrid = grids.discrete_z(rho, mu, sigma_eps, num_sigma, sizez)
    kgrid, sizek, kstar, ub_k = grids.discrete_k(w0, firm_params_k,
                                                 zgrid, sizez, dens_k, lb_k)
    bgrid = grids.discrete_b(lb_b, ub_b, sizeb, w0, firm_params_k, zgrid,
                             tau_c, theta, ub_k)
    # grid_params = (zgrid, sizez, Pi, kgrid, sizek, kstar, bgrid, sizeb)

    Solve for partial equilibrium
    VF_initial = np.zeros((sizez, sizek, sizeb))  # initial guess at Value Function
    # initial guess at stationary distribution
    Gamma_initial = np.ones((sizez, sizek, sizeb)) * (1 / (sizek * sizez *
    op, e, l_d, y, eta, collateral_constraint =\
        VFI.get_firmobjects(r, w0, zgrid, kgrid, bgrid, alpha_k, alpha_l,
                            delta, psi, eta0, eta1, eta2, theta, sizez,
                            sizek, sizeb, tax_tuple)
    VF, PF_k, PF_b, optK, optI, optB =\
        VFI.VFI(e, eta, collateral_constraint, betafirm, delta, kgrid,
                bgrid, Pi, sizez, sizek, sizeb, tax_tuple, VF_initial)
    # print('Policy funtion, debt: ', PF_b[0, int(np.ceil(sizek/2)), :])
    # print('Policy funtion, debt: ', PF_b[5, int(np.ceil(sizek/2)), :])
    # print('Policy funtion, debt: ', PF_b[-1, int(np.ceil(sizek/2)), :])
    # print('Policy funtion, debt: ', PF_b[0, -3, :])
    # print('Policy funtion, debt: ', PF_b[5, -3, :])
    # print('Policy funtion, debt: ', PF_b[-1, -3, :])
    # print('Policy funtion, debt: ', PF_b[0, 3, :])
    # print('Policy funtion, debt: ', PF_b[5, 3, :])
    # print('Policy funtion, debt: ', PF_b[-1, 3, :])
    # print('bgrid = ', bgrid)
    # print('Policy funtion, investment: ', optI[0, :, :])
    # print('Policy funtion, investment: ', optI[5, :, :])
    # print('Policy funtion, investment: ', optI[-1, :, :])
    # quit()

    # print('VF: ', VF[0, -3, :])
    # print('VF: ', VF[5, -3, :])
    # print('VF: ', VF[-1, -3, :])
    # print('Collateral Constraint = ', collateral_constraint[-1, -3, :, -1, :])
    # print('Collateral Constraint = ', collateral_constraint[-1, -3, -3, -1, :])

    Gamma = SS.find_SD(PF_k, PF_b, Pi, sizez, sizek, sizeb, Gamma_initial)

    # print('SD over z and b: ', Gamma.sum(axis=1))

    Compute model moments
    output_vars = (optK, optI, optB, op, e, l_d, y, eta, VF, PF_k, PF_b, Gamma)
    k_params = (kgrid, sizek, dens_k, kstar)
    z_params = (Pi, zgrid, sizez)
    b_params = (bgrid, sizeb)
    model_moments =\
        moments.firm_moments(w0, r, delta, psi, h, k_params, z_params,
                             b_params, tax_tuple, output_vars,
                             output_dir, print_moments=True)

    if plot_results:
        Plot results
        # plots.firm_plots(delta, k_params, z_params, output_vars, output_dir)

    # create dictionaries of output, params, grids, moments
    # output_dict = {'optK': optK, 'optI': optI, 'optB': optB, 'op': op,
    #                'e': e, 'eta': eta, 'VF': VF, 'PF_k': PF_k,
    #                'PF_b': PF_b, 'Gamma': Gamma}
    output_dict = {'optK': optK, 'optI': optI, 'optB': optB, 'VF': VF,
                   'PF_k': PF_k, 'PF_b': PF_b, 'Gamma': Gamma}
    param_dict = {'w': w0, 'r': r, 'tax_params': tax_params,
                  'hh_params': hh_params, 'firm_params': firm_params,
                  'fin_frictions': fin_frictions,
                  'grid_params': grid_params}
    grid_dict = {'zgrid': zgrid, 'sizez': sizez, 'Pi': Pi, 'kgrid': kgrid,
                 'sizek': sizek, 'kstar': kstar, 'bgrid': bgrid,
                 'sizeb': sizeb}
    model_out_dict = {'params': param_dict, 'grid': grid_dict,
                      'moments': model_moments, 'output': output_dict}
    # Save pickle of model output
    pkl_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'model_output.pkl')
    pickle.dump(model_out_dict, open(pkl_path, 'wb'))
L = nvec.sum()

#Firm parameters
A = 1.0
alpha = 0.35
delta_annual = 0.05
delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual)**20)
Problem 1: Checking if feasible () works properly

b_guess_1 = np.array([1.0, 1.2])
b_guess_2 = np.array([0.06, -0.001])
b_guess_3 = np.array([0.1, 0.1])
f_params = (nvec, A, alpha, delta)
results1 = np.array(ss.feasible(f_params, b_guess_1))
results2 = np.array(ss.feasible(f_params, b_guess_2))
results3 = np.array(ss.feasible(f_params, b_guess_3))
Problem 2: Solving steady state
# SS parameters
SS_tol = 1e-13
SS_graphs = False

bvec_guess = np.array([0.1, 0.1])
f_params = (nvec, A, alpha, delta)
b_cnstr, c_cnstr, K_cnstr = ss.feasible(f_params, bvec_guess)
    rss_init = 0.06
    c1_init = 0.1
    if calibrate_n:
        factor_init = 59415.5012 # y_bar_data / y_bar_model when setting chi_n_vec = 1
        init_vals = (rss_init, c1_init, factor_init)
        ss_args = (S, beta, sigma, l_tilde, b_ellip, upsilon, A, alpha,
        delta, SS_BsctTol, Factor_tol, SS_EulTol, SS_EulDiff, xi_SS, xi_factor, SS_maxiter)
        init_vals = (rss_init, c1_init)
        ss_args = (S, beta, sigma, l_tilde, b_ellip, upsilon, chi_n_vec, A,
                   alpha, delta, SS_BsctTol, SS_EulTol, SS_EulDiff, xi_SS,

    print('Solving SS outer loop using bisection method on r.')
    ss_output = ss.get_SS(init_vals, ss_args, calibrate_n, SS_graphs)

    # Save ss_output as pickle
    pickle.dump(ss_output, open(ss_outputfile, 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(ss_args, open(ss_paramsfile, 'wb'))

# Don't compute steady-state, get it from pickle
    # Make sure that the SS output files exist
    ss_vars_exst = os.path.exists(ss_outputfile)
    ss_args_exst = os.path.exists(ss_paramsfile)
    if (not ss_vars_exst) or (not ss_args_exst):
        # If the files don't exist, stop the program and run the steady-
        # state solution first
        err_msg = ('ERROR: The SS output files do not exist and ' +
                   'SS_solve=False. Must set SS_solve=True and ' +
sigma = 1.5  # CRRA
beta = 0.8  # discount rate
alpha = 0.3  # capital share of output
delta = 0.1  # rate of depreciation
A = 1.0  # TFP
T = 20  # number of periods until SS

# exogenous labor supply
n = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.2])
# parameter for convergence of GE loop
xi = 0.1

# solve the SS
ss_params = (beta, sigma, n, alpha, A, delta, xi)
r_init = 1 / beta - 1
r_ss, b_sp1_ss, euler_errors_ss = SS.solve_ss(r_init, ss_params)
print('SS interest rate is ', r_ss)
print('Maximum Euler error in the SS is ', np.absolute(euler_errors_ss).max())

# solve the time path
r_path_init = np.ones(T) * r_ss
b_sp1_pre = 1.1 * b_sp1_ss  # initial distribiton of savings -
# determined before t=1
# NOTE: if the initial distribution of savings is the same as the SS
# value, then the path of interest rates should equal the SS value in
# each period...
tpi_params = (beta, sigma, n, alpha, A, delta, T, xi, b_sp1_pre, r_ss,
r_path, euler_errors_path = TPI.solve_tp(r_path_init, tpi_params)
print('Maximum Euler error along the time path is ',
def minstat(chi_guesses, *args):
    This function generates the weighted sum of squared differences
    between the model and data moments.

    chi_guesses = [J+S,] vector, initial guesses of chi_b and chi_n stacked together
    arg         = length 6 tuple, variables needed for minimizer


    ss_output     = dictionary, variables from SS of model
    model_moments = [J+2+S,] array, moments from the model solution
    distance      = scalar, weighted, squared deviation between data and model moments

    RETURNS: distance

    data_moments, W, income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_params, baseline_dir = args
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega_SS, lambdas, \
                  imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data, h_wealth, p_wealth,\
                  m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_params
    chi_b = chi_guesses[:J]
    chi_n = chi_guesses[J:]
    chi_params = (chi_b, chi_n)
    ss_output = SS.run_SS(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params,
                          chi_params, True, baseline_dir)

    model_moments = calc_moments(ss_output, omega_SS, lambdas, S, J)

    # distance with levels
    if ss_output['ss_flag'] == 0:
        distance = np.dot(
            np.dot((np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments)).T, W),
            np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments))
        distance = 1e14

    #distance = ((np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments))**2).sum()
    print 'DATA and MODEL DISTANCE: ', distance

    # save results along the way
    bh_along = np.reshape(np.append(chi_guesses, distance), (1, 88))
    # x = chi_guesses
    # f = distance
    # fun_dict = {'x':x,'f':f}
    # bh_out = np.append(bh_output, bh_along,axis=1)
    # bh_output = bh_out
    # print bh_output.shape
    columns = list(xrange(88))
    df = pd.DataFrame(bh_along, columns=columns)
    bh_output.loc[len(bh_output), :] = bh_along
    pickle.dump(bh_output, open("estimation_output_along.pkl", "wb"))

    # # distance with percentage diffs
    # distance = (((model_moments - data_moments)/data_moments)**2).sum()

    return distance
A = 1.0
delta_annual = 0.05
delta = 1.0 - ((1.0 - delta_annual)**(yrs_live / S))

# SS Parameters
ss_solve = True
ss_max_iter = 400
ss_tol = 1e-13
xi_ss = 0.1

if ss_solve:
    c1_guess = 0.5
    r_old = 0.5
    params = (beta, sigma, S, ltilde, b, upsilon, chi_n_vec, A, alpha, delta,
              ss_max_iter, ss_tol, xi_ss)
    r_ss, w_ss, c_ss, n_ss, b_ss, K_ss, L_ss, C_ss, Y_ss, b_err, n_err, b_last = ss.get_SS(
        c1_guess, r_old, params)
    ss.create_graphs(c_ss, b_ss, n_ss)
    print(r_ss, w_ss, K_ss, L_ss, Y_ss, C_ss)
    print("savings euler error is {}".format(b_err))
    print("labor supply euler error is {}".format(n_err))
    print("final period saving is {}".format(b_last))
    print("resource constraint error is {}".format(Y_ss - C_ss - delta * K_ss))

# TPI Patameters
tpi_solve = True
T1 = 60
T2 = 90
tpi_max_iter = 500
tpi_tol = 1e-12
xi_tpi = 0.3
b1vec = 1.08 * b_ss
A = 1.0
delta_annual = 0.05
delta = 1.0 - ((1.0 - delta_annual) ** (yrs_live / S))

# SS Parameters
ss_solve = True
ss_max_iter = 400
ss_tol = 1e-9
xi_ss = 0.1

if ss_solve:
    c1_guess = 0.5
    r_old = 0.5
    params = (S, beta, S, sigma, l_ub, b, upsilon, chi, A, alpha, delta, ss_max_iter, ss_tol, xi_ss)
    r_ss, w_ss, c_ss, n_ss, b_ss, K_ss, L_ss,b_err, n_err, b_last = ss.get_SS(c1_guess, r_old, params)
    Y_ss=utils.get_Y(K_ss,L_ss,(A, alpha))
    cnt_err= Y_ss - C_ss - delta * K_ss
    # ss.create_graphs(c_ss, b_ss, n_ss)
    # ss.write_csv(r_ss, w_ss, K_ss, L_ss, Y_ss, C_ss,b_err, n_err, b_last, cnt_err)

# TPI Patameters
tpi_solve = True
T1 = 60
T2 = 90
tpi_max_iter = 500
tpi_tol = 1e-12
xi_tpi = 0.3
b1vec = 1.08 * b_ss
    BQ_args = (lambdas, omega_SS, mort_rates, g_n_SS)
    BQ_init = aggr.get_BQ(bmat_init, rss_init, BQ_args)
    factor_init = 1.0
    init_calc = True
    mean_ydata = calibrate.get_avg_ydata()

    chi_n_vec = 1.0 * np.ones(S)
    ss_init_vals = (rss_init, BQ_init, factor_init, bmat_init, nmat_init)
    ss_args_noclb = (J, E, S, lambdas, emat, mort_rates, imm_rates_adj,
                     omega_SS, g_n_SS, zeta_mat, chi_n_vec, chi_b_vec, beta,
                     sigma, l_tilde, b_ellip, upsilon, g_y, Z, gamma, delta,
                     SS_tol_outer, SS_tol_inner, xi_SS, SS_maxiter, mean_ydata,
    ss_output_noclb = ss.get_SS(ss_init_vals, ss_args_noclb, False)
    # Save ss_output as pickle
    pickle.dump(ss_output_noclb, open(ss_outfile_noclb, 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(ss_args_noclb, open(ss_prmfile_noclb, 'wb'))

    # Update initial guess for factor to factor from chi_n_vec = 1 sol'n
    lambda_mat = np.tile(lambdas.reshape((1, J)), (S, 1))
    omega_mat = np.tile(omega_SS.reshape((S, 1)), (1, J))
    avg_inc_model = \
        (omega_mat * lambda_mat * (ss_output_noclb['r_ss'] *
                                   ss_output_noclb['b_ss'] +
                                   ss_output_noclb['w_ss'] * emat *
    print('average_income_model: ', avg_inc_model)
    factor_init = mean_ydata / avg_inc_model
    print('factor_init: ', factor_init)
# import packages
import numpy as np
import SS

# set model parameters
sigma = 1.5  # CRRA
beta = 0.8  # discount rate
alpha = 0.3   # capital share of output
delta = 0.1  # rate of depreciation
A = 1.0  # TFP

# exogenous labor supply
n = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.2])
# parameter for convergence of GE loop
xi = 0.1

# solve the SS
ss_params = (beta, sigma, n, alpha, A, delta, xi)
r_init = 1 / beta - 1
r_ss = SS.solve_ss(r_init, ss_params)

# solve the time path
import SS
import Xbar
import file_concat

adultdriver = file_concat.file_concat('vehicle-2014-small-adultdriver-new.csv', 'accidents-2014-small.csv')

N = 166519
r = 3
v1 = r-1
v2 = N - r

[Xbar,counter] = Xbar.averages(adultdriver)

SSb = SS.ssb(Xbar, counter)

SSW = SS.ssw(adultdriver, Xbar) - SSb

Fcalc = (SSb*v2)/(SSW*v1)

print Fcalc
print Xbar, N
文件: execute.py 项目: mp3201/CorpTax
def solve_GE(w0, tax_params, hh_params, firm_params, fin_frictions, grid_params,
             output_dir, guid='baseline', plot_results=False):

    # set directory specific to this model run
    output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'GE', guid)
    pathlib.Path(output_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # upack dictionaries
    tau_l = tax_params['tau_l']
    tau_i = tax_params['tau_i']
    tau_d = tax_params['tau_d']
    tau_g = tax_params['tau_g']
    tau_c = tax_params['tau_c']
    f_e = tax_params['f_e']
    f_b = tax_params['f_b']
    tax_tuple = (tau_l, tau_i, tau_d, tau_g, tau_c, f_e, f_b)

    alpha_k = firm_params['alpha_k']
    alpha_l = firm_params['alpha_l']
    delta = firm_params['delta']
    psi = firm_params['psi']
    mu = firm_params['mu']
    rho = firm_params['rho']
    sigma_eps = firm_params['sigma_eps']

    eta0 = fin_frictions['eta0']
    eta1 = fin_frictions['eta1']
    eta2 = fin_frictions['eta2']
    theta = fin_frictions['theta']

    sizez = grid_params['sizez']
    num_sigma = grid_params['num_sigma']
    dens_k = grid_params['dens_k']
    lb_k = grid_params['lb_k']
    sizeb = grid_params['sizeb']
    lb_b = grid_params['lb_b']
    ub_b = grid_params['ub_b']

    beta = hh_params['beta']
    h = hh_params['h']

    # compute equilibrium interest rate
    r = ((1 / beta) - 1) / (1 - tau_i)
    # compute the firm's discount factor
    betafirm = (1 / (1 + (r * ((1 - tau_i) / (1 - tau_g)))))

    Compute grids for z, k, b
    firm_params_k = (betafirm, delta, alpha_k, alpha_l)
    Pi, zgrid = grids.discrete_z(rho, mu, sigma_eps, num_sigma, sizez)
    kgrid, sizek, kstar, ub_k = grids.discrete_k(w0, firm_params_k,
                                                 zgrid, sizez, dens_k, lb_k)
    bgrid = grids.discrete_b(lb_b, ub_b, sizeb, w0, firm_params_k, zgrid,
                             tau_c, theta, ub_k)
    # grid_params = (zgrid, sizez, Pi, kgrid, sizek, kstar, bgrid, sizeb)

    Solve for general equilibrium
    VF_initial = np.zeros((sizez, sizek, sizeb))  # initial guess at Value Function
    # initial guess at stationary distribution
    Gamma_initial = np.ones((sizez, sizek, sizeb)) * (1 / (sizek * sizez *
    gr_args = (r, alpha_k, alpha_l, delta, psi, betafirm, kgrid, zgrid, bgrid,
               Pi, eta0, eta1, eta2, theta, sizek, sizez, sizeb, h, tax_tuple,
               VF_initial, Gamma_initial)
    start_time = time.time()
    w = SS.golden_ratio_eqm(0.8, 1.6, gr_args, tolerance=1e-4)
    end_time = time.time()
    print('Solving the GE model took ', end_time - start_time, ' seconds to solve')
    print('SS wage rate: ', w)

    Find model outputs given eq'm wage rate
    op, e, l_d, y, eta, collateral_constraint =\
        VFI.get_firmobjects(r, w, zgrid, kgrid, bgrid, alpha_k, alpha_l,
                            delta, psi, eta0, eta1, eta2, theta, sizez,
                            sizek, sizeb, tax_tuple)
    VF, PF_k, PF_b, optK, optI, optB =\
        VFI.VFI(e, eta, collateral_constraint, betafirm, delta, kgrid,
                bgrid, Pi, sizez, sizek, sizeb, tax_tuple, VF_initial)
    Gamma = SS.find_SD(PF_k, PF_b, Pi, sizez, sizek, sizeb, Gamma_initial)

    Compute model moments
    output_vars = (optK, optI, optB, op, e, l_d, y, eta, VF, PF_k, PF_b, Gamma)
    k_params = (kgrid, sizek, dens_k, kstar)
    z_params = (Pi, zgrid, sizez)
    b_params = (bgrid, sizeb)
    model_moments =\
        moments.firm_moments(w, r, delta, psi, h, k_params, z_params,
                             b_params, tax_tuple, output_vars,
                             output_dir, print_moments=True)

    if plot_results:
        Plot results
        # plots.firm_plots(delta, k_params, z_params, output_vars, output_dir)

    # create dictionaries of output, params, grids, moments
    # output_dict = {'optK': optK, 'optI': optI, 'optB': optB, 'op': op,
    #                'e': e, 'eta': eta, 'VF': VF, 'PF_k': PF_k,
    #                'PF_b': PF_b, 'Gamma': Gamma}
    output_dict = {'optK': optK, 'optI': optI, 'optB': optB, 'VF': VF,
                   'PF_k': PF_k, 'PF_b': PF_b, 'Gamma': Gamma}
    param_dict = {'w': w, 'r': r, 'tax_params': tax_params,
                  'hh_params': hh_params, 'firm_params': firm_params,
                  'fin_frictions': fin_frictions,
                  'grid_params': grid_params}
    grid_dict = {'zgrid': zgrid, 'sizez': sizez, 'Pi': Pi, 'kgrid': kgrid,
                 'sizek': sizek, 'kstar': kstar, 'bgrid': bgrid,
                 'sizeb': sizeb}
    model_out_dict = {'params': param_dict, 'grid': grid_dict,
                      'moments': model_moments, 'output': output_dict}
    # Save pickle of model output
    pkl_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'model_output.pkl')
    pickle.dump(model_out_dict, open(pkl_path, 'wb'))
def firm_moments(w, r, delta, psi, fixed_cost, h, k_params, z_params, b_params, tax_params, output_vars, output_dir,
    Compute moments

    # unpack tuples
    kgrid, sizek, dens, kstar = k_params
    Pi, zgrid, sizez = z_params
    bgrid, sizeb = b_params
    tau_l, tau_i, tau_d, tau_g, tau_c, f_e, f_b = tax_params
    optK, optI, optB, op, e, l_d, y, eta, VF, PF_k, PF_b, Gamma = output_vars

    k3grid = np.tile(np.reshape(kgrid, (1, sizek, 1)), (sizez, 1, sizeb))
    k2grid = np.tile(np.reshape(kgrid, (1, sizek)), (sizez, 1))
    op3 = np.tile(np.reshape(op, (sizez, sizek, 1)), (1, 1, sizeb))
    # Aggregate Investment Rate
    agg_IK = (optI * Gamma).sum() / (k3grid * Gamma).sum()

    # Aggregate Dividends/Earnings
    equity, div, is_constrained, is_using_equity =\
        find_equity_div(e, eta, PF_k, PF_b, sizez, sizek, sizeb)
    agg_DE = ((div * Gamma).sum() / (np.tile(np.reshape(op, (sizez, sizek, 1)),
                                             (1, 1, sizeb)) * Gamma).sum())

    # Aggregate New Equity/Investment
    mean_SI = ((equity / optI) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    mean_S = (equity * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    agg_SI = (equity * Gamma).sum() / (optI * Gamma).sum()

    # Aggregate leverage ratio
    agg_BV = (optB * Gamma).sum() / ((VF + optB) * Gamma).sum()

    # Volatility of the Investment Rate
    # this is determined as the standard deviation in the investment rate
    # across the steady state distribution of firms
    mean_IK = ((optI / k3grid) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    sd_IK = np.sqrt(((((optI / k3grid) - mean_IK) ** 2) * Gamma).sum())

    # Volatility of Earnings/Capital
    mean_EK = ((op / k2grid) * Gamma.sum(axis=2)).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    sd_EK = np.sqrt(((((op / k2grid) - mean_EK) ** 2) * Gamma.sum(axis=2)).sum())

    # Volatility of leverage ratio
    mean_BV = ((optB / (VF + optB)) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    sd_BV = np.sqrt(((((optB / (VF + optB)) - mean_BV) ** 2) * Gamma).sum())

    # Volatility of rate of new equity issues
    sd_S = np.sqrt((((equity - mean_S) ** 2) * Gamma).sum())

    # Autocorrelation of the Investment Rate, Earnings/Capital ratio,
    # leverage ratio, serial correlation between lagged profits and leverage
    # Autocorrelation of Earnings/Capital
    ac_IK, ac_EK, ac_BV, sc_EK_BV, ac_S =\
        find_autocorr(op, optI, optB, equity, PF_k, PF_b, VF, Gamma, kgrid, Pi,
                      sizez, sizek, sizeb, mean_IK, mean_EK, mean_BV, mean_S,
                      sd_IK, sd_EK, sd_BV, sd_S)

    # compute covariances
    cov_BV_EK = (((optB / (VF + optB)) - mean_BV) *
                 ((op3 / k3grid) - mean_EK) * Gamma).sum()
    cov_SI_EK = (((equity / optI) - mean_SI) *
                 ((op3 / k3grid) - mean_EK) * Gamma).sum()
    cov_BV_IK = (((optB / (VF + optB)) - mean_BV) *
                 ((optI / k3grid) - mean_IK) * Gamma).sum()
    cov_IK_SI = (((optI / k3grid) - mean_IK) *
                 ((equity / optI) - mean_SI) * Gamma).sum()
    cov_IK_EK = (((optI / k3grid) - mean_IK) *
                 ((op3 / k3grid) - mean_EK) * Gamma).sum()

    # compute correlations
    corr_BV_EK = cov_BV_EK / (sd_BV * sd_EK)
    corr_IK_EK = cov_IK_EK / (sd_IK * sd_EK)

    # fraction with investment "spike" (I/K > 0.2)
    inv_spike = (((optI / k3grid) > 0.2) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()

    # put these cross-sectional moments in a dictionary
    cross_section_dict = {'agg_IK': agg_IK, 'agg_DE': agg_DE, 'agg_SI': agg_SI,
                          'agg_BV': agg_BV, 'mean_IK': mean_IK, 'sd_IK': sd_IK,
                          'mean_EK': mean_EK, 'sd_EK': sd_EK,
                          'mean_BV': mean_BV, 'sd_BV': sd_BV, 'ac_IK': ac_IK,
                          'ac_EK': ac_EK, 'ac_BV': ac_BV, 'sc_EK_BV': sc_EK_BV,
                          'ac_SI': ac_S,
                          'cov_BV_EK': cov_BV_EK, 'cov_SI_EK': cov_SI_EK,
                          'cov_BV_IK': cov_BV_IK, 'cov_IK_SI': cov_IK_SI,
                          'cov_IK_EK': cov_IK_EK, 'corr_BV_EK': corr_BV_EK,
                          'corr_IK_EK': corr_IK_EK, 'inv_spike': inv_spike}

    # Macro aggregates:
    agg_B = (optB * Gamma).sum()
    agg_E = (op3 * Gamma).sum()
    agg_I = (optI * Gamma).sum()
    agg_K = (k3grid * Gamma).sum()
    agg_Y = (Gamma.sum(axis=2) * y).sum()
    agg_D = (div * Gamma).sum()
    agg_S = (equity * Gamma).sum()
    agg_L_d = (Gamma.sum(axis=2) * l_d).sum()
    agg_Psi = (Gamma * VFI.adj_costs(optK, k3grid, delta, psi, fixed_cost)).sum()
    agg_C = agg_Y - agg_I - agg_Psi
    agg_L_s = SS.get_L_s(w, agg_C, h, tau_l)
    mean_Q = (VF * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    AvgQ = (VF * Gamma).sum() / (k3grid * Gamma).sum()
    agg_IIT = ((tau_d * agg_D) + (tau_l * agg_L_s) + (tau_i * r * agg_B)
               - (tau_g * agg_S))
    agg_CIT = tau_c * (agg_E - (r * f_b * agg_B) - ((1 - f_e) * delta
                                                    * agg_K) - f_e * agg_I)
    total_taxes = agg_CIT + agg_IIT
    # put these aggregate moments in a dictionary
    macro_dict = {'agg_B': agg_B, 'agg_E': agg_E, 'agg_I': agg_I,
                  'agg_K': agg_K, 'agg_Y': agg_Y, 'agg_D': agg_D,
                  'agg_S': agg_S, 'agg_L_d': agg_L_d, 'agg_Psi': agg_Psi,
                  'agg_C': agg_C, 'agg_L_s': agg_L_s, 'mean_Q': mean_Q,
                  'AvgQ': AvgQ, 'total_taxes': total_taxes,
                  'agg_CIT': agg_CIT, 'w': w, 'r': r}

    # Financing regimes
    frac_equity = (is_using_equity * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    frac_div = ((1 - is_constrained) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    frac_constrained = ((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    frac_debt = ((optB > 0) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    frac_neg_debt = ((optB < 0) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    frac_equity_debt = (((equity > 0) & (optB > 0)) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    frac_div_debt = (((div > 0) & (optB > 0)) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()
    frac_constrained_debt = (((equity == 0) & (div == 0) & (optB > 0)) * Gamma).sum() / Gamma.sum()

    # moments by regime
    share_K_equity = ((is_using_equity * k3grid) * Gamma).sum() / agg_K
    share_K_div = (((1 - is_constrained) * k3grid) * Gamma).sum() / agg_K
    share_K_constrained = (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * k3grid) * Gamma).sum() / agg_K
    share_I_equity = ((is_using_equity * optI) * Gamma).sum() / agg_I
    share_I_div = (((1 - is_constrained) * optI) * Gamma).sum() / agg_I
    share_I_constrained = (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * optI) * Gamma).sum() / agg_I
    if agg_B != 0:
        share_B_equity = ((is_using_equity * optB) * Gamma).sum() / agg_B
        share_B_div = (((1 - is_constrained) * optB) * Gamma).sum() / agg_B
        share_B_constrained = (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * optB) * Gamma).sum() / agg_B
        share_B_equity = 0
        share_B_div = 0
        share_B_constrained = 0
    IK_equity = ((is_using_equity * optI) * Gamma).sum() / ((is_using_equity * k3grid) * Gamma).sum()
    IK_div = (((1 - is_constrained) * optI) * Gamma).sum() / (((1 - is_constrained) * k3grid) * Gamma).sum()
    IK_constrained = (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * optI) * Gamma).sum() / (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * k3grid) * Gamma).sum()
    BV_equity = ((is_using_equity * optB) * Gamma).sum() / ((is_using_equity * (VF + optB)) * Gamma).sum()
    BV_div = (((1 - is_constrained) * optB) * Gamma).sum() / (((1 - is_constrained) * (VF + optB)) * Gamma).sum()
    BV_constrained = (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * optB) * Gamma).sum() / (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * (VF + optB)) * Gamma).sum()
    EK_equity = ((is_using_equity * op3) * Gamma).sum() / ((is_using_equity * k3grid) * Gamma).sum()
    EK_div = (((1 - is_constrained) * op3) * Gamma).sum() / (((1 - is_constrained) * k3grid) * Gamma).sum()
    EK_constrained = (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * op3) * Gamma).sum() / (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * k3grid) * Gamma).sum()
    AvgQ_equity = ((is_using_equity * VF) * Gamma).sum() / ((is_using_equity * k3grid) * Gamma).sum()
    AvgQ_div = (((1 - is_constrained) * VF) * Gamma).sum() / (((1 - is_constrained) * k3grid) * Gamma).sum()
    AvgQ_constrained = (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * VF) * Gamma).sum() / (((is_constrained - is_using_equity) * k3grid) * Gamma).sum()
    # put these moments by regime type in a dictionary
    regimes_dict = {'frac_equity': frac_equity, 'frac_div': frac_div, 'frac_constrained': frac_constrained,
                    'frac_debt': frac_debt, 'frac_neg_debt': frac_neg_debt, 'frac_equity_debt': frac_equity_debt,
                    'frac_div_debt': frac_div_debt, 'frac_constrained_debt': frac_constrained_debt,
                    'share_K_equity': share_K_equity, 'share_K_div': share_K_div,
                    'share_K_constrained': share_K_constrained,
                    'share_I_equity': share_I_equity, 'share_I_div': share_I_div,
                    'share_I_constrained': share_I_constrained,
                    'share_B_equity': share_B_equity, 'share_B_div': share_B_div,
                    'share_B_constrained': share_B_constrained, 'IK_equity': IK_equity,
                    'IK_div': IK_div, 'IK_constrained': IK_constrained, 'EK_equity': EK_equity,
                    'EK_div': EK_div, 'EK_constrained': EK_constrained, 'BV_equity': BV_equity,
                    'BV_div': BV_div, 'BV_constrained': BV_constrained,
                    'AvgQ_equity': AvgQ_equity, 'AvgQ_div': AvgQ_div,
                    'AvgQ_constrained': AvgQ_constrained}

    if print_moments:
        print('The aggregate investment rate = ', agg_IK)
        print('The aggregate ratio of dividends to earnings = ', agg_DE)
        print('The aggregate ratio of equity to new investment = ', agg_SI)
        print('The volatility in the investment rate = ', sd_IK)
        print('The autocorrelation in the investment rate = ', ac_IK)
        print('The volatility of the earnings/capital ratio = ', sd_EK)
        print('The autocorrelation in the earnings/capital ratio = ', ac_EK)
        # print('The fraction of firms issuing equity is: ', frac_equity)
        # print('The fraction of firms who are financially constrained is: ', frac_constrained)
        # print('The fraction of firms distributing dividends is: ', frac_div)
        # print('Share of capital for equity regime: ', share_K_equity)
        # print('Share of capital for constrained regime: ', share_K_constrained)
        # print('Share of capital for dividend regime: ', share_K_div)
        # print('Share of investment for equity regime: ', share_I_equity)
        # print('Share of investment for constrained regime: ', share_I_constrained)
        # print('Share of investment for dividend regime: ', share_I_div)
        # print('Mean E/K for equity regime: ', EK_equity)
        # print('Mean E/K for constrained regime: ', EK_constrained)
        # print('Mean E/K for dividend regime: ', EK_div)
        # print('Mean I/K for equity regime: ', IK_equity)
        # print('Mean I/K for constrained regime: ', IK_constrained)
        # print('Mean I/K for dividend regime: ', IK_div)
        # print('Avg Q for equity regime: ', AvgQ_equity)
        # print('Avg Q for constrained regime: ', AvgQ_constrained)
        # print('Avg Q for dividend regime: ', AvgQ_div)
        print('The aggregate leverage ratio =  ', agg_BV)
        print('The fraction with positive debt = ', frac_debt)
        print('The fraction with negative debt = ', frac_neg_debt)

    model_moments = {'cross_section': cross_section_dict,
                     'macro': macro_dict, 'regimes': regimes_dict}

    return model_moments
ss_outputfile = os.path.join(ss_output_dir, 'ss_vars.pkl')
ss_paramsfile = os.path.join(ss_output_dir, 'ss_args.pkl')

# Compute steady-state solution
ss_args = (S, beta, sigma, l_tilde, b_ellip, upsilon, chi_n_vec, A, alpha,
           delta, SS_BsctTol, SS_EulTol, SS_EulDiff, xi_SS, SS_maxiter)

if SS_solve:
    rss_init = 0.06
    c1_init = 0.1
    init_vals = (rss_init, c1_init)

    print('Solving SS outer loop using bisection method on r.')
    ss_output = ss.get_SS(init_vals, ss_args, SS_graphs)

    # Save ss_output as pickle
    pickle.dump(ss_output, open(ss_outputfile, 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(ss_args, open(ss_paramsfile, 'wb'))

# Don't compute steady-state, get it from pickle
    # Make sure that the SS output files exist
    ss_vars_exst = os.path.exists(ss_outputfile)
    ss_args_exst = os.path.exists(ss_paramsfile)
    if (not ss_vars_exst) or (not ss_args_exst):
        # If the files don't exist, stop the program and run the steady-
        # state solution first
        err_msg = ('ERROR: The SS output files do not exist and ' +
                   'SS_solve=False. Must set SS_solve=True and ' +
文件: execute.py 项目: LeiliPR/OG-JRC
# Compute steady-state solution
if SS_solve:

    Kss_init = 10.0
    Lss_init = 10.0
    rss_init = 0.05
    wss_init = 1.2
    c1_init = 0.1
    init_vals = (Kss_init, Lss_init, rss_init, wss_init, c1_init)
    ss_args = (S, beta, sigma, l_tilde, b_ellip, upsilon, chi_n_vec, A, alpha,
               delta, SS_tol, SS_EulDiff, hh_fsolve, KL_outer)

    if SS_outer_root:
        print('Solving SS outer loop using root finder.')
        ss_output = ss.get_SS_root(init_vals, ss_args, SS_graphs)
        print('Solving SS outer loop using bisection method.')
        ss_output = ss.get_SS_bsct(init_vals, ss_args, SS_graphs)

    # Save ss_output as pickle
    pickle.dump(ss_output, open(ss_outputfile, 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(ss_args, open(ss_paramsfile, 'wb'))

# Don't compute steady-state, get it from pickle
    # Make sure that the SS output files exist
    ss_vars_exst = os.path.exists(ss_outputfile)
    ss_args_exst = os.path.exists(ss_paramsfile)
    if (not ss_vars_exst) or (not ss_args_exst):
        # If the files don't exist, stop the program and run the steady-
import file_concat
import SS
import Xbar

adultdriver = file_concat.file_concat('vehicle-2014-small-adultdriver-new.csv', 'accidents-2014-small.csv')

[Xbar, counter] = Xbar.averages(adultdriver)

S_X = SS.s(adultdriver, Xbar)

print S_X, Xbar, counter
def chi_estimate(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_guesses, baseline_dir="./OUTPUT"):
    This function calls others to obtain the data momements and then
    runs the simulated method of moments estimation by calling the
    minimization routine.

    income_tax_parameters = length 4 tuple, (analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params)
    ss_parameters         = length 21 tuple, (J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                            g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data,\
                            h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon)
    iterative_params      = [2,] vector, vector with max iterations and tolerance
                             for SS solution
    chi_guesses           = [J+S,] vector, initial guesses of chi_b and chi_n stacked together
    baseline_dir          = string, path where baseline results located


    wealth_moments     = [J+2,] array, wealth moments from data
    labor_moments      = [S,] array, labor moments from data
    data_moments       = [J+2+S,] array, wealth and labor moments stacked
    bnds               = [S+J,] array, bounds for parameter estimates
    chi_guesses_flat   =  [J+S,] vector, initial guesses of chi_b and chi_n stacked
    min_arg            = length 6 tuple, variables needed for minimizer
    est_output         = dictionary, output from minimizer
    chi_params         = [J+S,] vector, parameters estimates for chi_b and chi_n stacked
    objective_func_min = scalar, minimum of statistical objective function


    RETURNS: chi_params

    # unpack tuples of parameters
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega_SS, lambdas, \
                  imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data, h_wealth, p_wealth,\
                  m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_params
    chi_b_guess, chi_n_guess = chi_guesses

    flag_graphs = False

    # specify bootstrap iterations
    n = 10000

    # Generate Wealth data moments
    scf, data = wealth.get_wealth_data()
    wealth_moments = wealth.compute_wealth_moments(scf, lambdas, J)

    # Generate labor data moments
    cps = labor.get_labor_data()
    labor_moments = labor.compute_labor_moments(cps, S)

    # combine moments
    data_moments = list(wealth_moments.flatten()) + list(labor_moments.flatten())

    # determine weighting matrix
    optimal_weight = False
    if optimal_weight:
        VCV_wealth_moments = wealth.VCV_moments(scf, n, lambdas, J)
        VCV_labor_moments = labor.VCV_moments(cps, n, lambdas, S)
        VCV_data_moments = np.zeros((J+2+S,J+2+S))
        VCV_data_moments[:J+2,:J+2] = VCV_wealth_moments
        VCV_data_moments[J+2:,J+2:] = VCV_labor_moments
        W = np.linalg.inv(VCV_data_moments)
        W = np.identity(J+2+S)

    # call minimizer
    bnds = np.tile(np.array([1e-12, None]),(S+J,1)) # Need (1e-12, None) S+J times
    chi_guesses_flat = list(chi_b_guess.flatten()) + list(chi_n_guess.flatten())

    min_args = data_moments, W, income_tax_params, ss_params, \
               iterative_params, chi_guesses_flat, baseline_dir
    # est_output = opt.minimize(minstat, chi_guesses_flat, args=(min_args), method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bnds,
    #                 tol=1e-15, options={'maxfun': 1, 'maxiter': 1, 'maxls': 1})
    # est_output = opt.minimize(minstat, chi_guesses_flat, args=(min_args), method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bnds,
    #                 tol=1e-15)
    # chi_params = est_output.x
    # objective_func_min = est_output.fun
    # # pickle output
    # utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(baseline_dir, "Calibration"))
    # est_dir = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "Calibration/chi_estimation.pkl")
    # pickle.dump(est_output, open(est_dir, "wb"))
    # # save data and model moments and min stat to csv
    # # to then put in table of paper
    chi_params = chi_guesses_flat
    chi_b = chi_params[:J]
    chi_n = chi_params[J:]
    chi_params_list = (chi_b, chi_n)

    ss_output = SS.run_SS(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_params_list, True, baseline_dir)
    model_moments = calc_moments(ss_output, omega_SS, lambdas, S, J)

    # # make dataframe for results
    # columns = ['data_moment', 'model_moment', 'minstat']
    # moment_fit = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0,J+2+S), columns=columns)
    # moment_fit = moment_fit.fillna(0) # with 0s rather than NaNs
    # moment_fit['data_moment'] = data_moments
    # moment_fit['model_moment'] = model_moments
    # moment_fit['minstat'] = objective_func_min
    # est_dir = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "Calibration/moment_results.pkl")s
    # moment_fit.to_csv(est_dir)

    # calculate std errors
    h = 0.0001  # pct change in parameter
    model_moments_low = np.zeros((len(chi_params),len(model_moments)))
    model_moments_high = np.zeros((len(chi_params),len(model_moments)))
    chi_params_low = chi_params
    chi_params_high = chi_params
    for i in range(len(chi_params)):
        chi_params_low[i] = chi_params[i]*(1+h)
        chi_b = chi_params_low[:J]
        chi_n = chi_params_low[J:]
        chi_params_list = (chi_b, chi_n)
        ss_output = SS.run_SS(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_params_list, True, baseline_dir)
        model_moments_low[i,:] = calc_moments(ss_output, omega_SS, lambdas, S, J)

        chi_params_high[i] = chi_params[i]*(1+h)
        chi_b = chi_params_high[:J]
        chi_n = chi_params_high[J:]
        chi_params_list = (chi_b, chi_n)
        ss_output = SS.run_SS(income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_params_list, True, baseline_dir)
        model_moments_high[i,:] = calc_moments(ss_output, omega_SS, lambdas, S, J)

    deriv_moments = (np.asarray(model_moments_high) - np.asarray(model_moments_low)).T/(2.*h*np.asarray(chi_params))
    VCV_params = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(np.dot(deriv_moments.T,W),deriv_moments))
    std_errors_chi = (np.diag(VCV_params))**(1/2.)
    sd_dir = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "Calibration/chi_std_errors.pkl")
    pickle.dump(std_errors_chi, open(sd_dir, "wb"))


    return chi_params
bvec_guess = np.array([
    -0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.23, 0.25, 0.23, 0.2, 0.1, -0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.23, 0.25,
    0.23, 0.2, 0.1, -0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.23, 0.25, 0.23, 0.2, 0.1, -0.01, 0.1,
    0.2, 0.23, 0.25, 0.23, 0.2, 0.1, -0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.23, 0.25, 0.23, 0.2,
    0.1, -0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.23, 0.25, 0.23, 0.2, 0.1, -0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.23,
    0.25, 0.23, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
    0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1

# f_params = (nvec, A, alpha, delta, bq_distr, beta)
# b_cnstr, c_cnstr, K_cnstr = ss.feasible(f_params, bvec_guess)
#beta, sigma, nvec, A, alpha, delta, SS_tol, chi, fert_rates, mort_rates, imm_rates, omega_SS, gn_SS, g_y
ss_params = (beta, sigma, nvec, A, alpha, delta, SS_tol, fert_rates,
             mort_rates, imm_rates, omega_SS, g_vec[-1], g_y)
ss_output = ss.get_SS(ss_params, bvec_guess, SS_graphs)

b_ss = np.append([0], ss_output['b_ss'])
K_ss = ss_output['K_ss']
w_ss = ss_output['w_ss']
r_ss = ss_output['r_ss']
c_ss = ss_output['c_ss']
C_ss = ss_output['C_ss']
Y_ss = ss_output['Y_ss']
EulErr_ss = np.append([0], ss_output['EulErr_ss'])
RCerr_ss = ss_output['RCerr_ss']
BQ_ss = ss_output['BQ_ss']

results = np.zeros((S, 10))

results[:, 0] = b_ss.T
cur_path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
ss_output_fldr = 'OUTPUT/SS'
ss_output_dir = os.path.join(cur_path, ss_output_fldr)
if not os.access(ss_output_dir, os.F_OK):
ss_outputfile = os.path.join(ss_output_dir, 'ss_vars.pkl')
ss_paramsfile = os.path.join(ss_output_dir, 'ss_args.pkl')

# Compute steady-state solution
if SS_solve:
    # Make initial guess for b_ss and make sure it is feasible
    # (K >= epsilon)
    bss_guess = 0.05 * np.ones(S - 1)
    f_params = (nvec, A, alpha, delta)
    cg_cstr, Kg_cstr, bg_cstr = ss.feasible(bss_guess, f_params)
    if Kg_cstr or cg_cstr.max():
        if Kg_cstr:
            err_msg = ('ERROR: Initial guess for b_ss (bss_guess) ' +
                       'caused an infeasible value for K ' + '(K < epsilon)')
            raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
        elif not Kg_cstr and cg_cstr.max():
            err_msg = ('ERROR: Initial guess for b_ss (bss_guess) ' +
                       'caused infeasible value(s) for c_s ' + '(c_s <= 0)')
            print('cg_cstr: ', cg_cstr)
            raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
        ss_args = (nvec, beta, sigma, A, alpha, delta, SS_tol, SS_EulDiff)
        ss_output = ss.get_SS(bss_guess, ss_args, SS_graphs)

        # Save ss_output as pickle