def plotMapFrame(time, UA_sites, BLAT, BLNG, DRV_COL, GC_FRA, lngs, lats, EXP_VID, offset=2.5, amplitude=2, alpha=.35, marker=(6, 0), DPI=250, edgecolor='#ffffff'): print('* Exporting {}'.format(str(time).zfill(4)), end='\r') # Create map -------------------------------------------------------------- (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) (fig, ax, mapR) = plotMap(fig, ax, UA_sites, BLAT, BLNG, ptColor='#6347ff') # Pops -------------------------------------------------------------------- (fig, ax, mapR) = plotGenePopsOnMap(fig, ax, mapR, lngs, lats, DRV_COL, GC_FRA, time, edgecolor=edgecolor, marker=marker, offset=offset, amplitude=amplitude, alpha=alpha) ax.text(0.75, 0.1, str(time).zfill(4), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=30) fun.quickSaveFig('{}/{}.png'.format(EXP_VID, str(time).zfill(4)), fig, dpi=DPI) plt.close(fig)
(header, xpidIx) = (('i_rer', 'i_ren', 'i_rsg', 'i_fic', 'i_gsv', 'i_grp'), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7)) outLabels = ('TTI', 'TTO', 'WOP', 'RAP', 'MNX') (PT_ROT, PT_IMG, PT_DTA, PT_PRE, PT_OUT, PT_MTR) = aux.selectPath(USR, LND, REL) ############################################################################### # Setup schemes ############################################################################### tS = aux.printExperimentHead(PT_ROT, PT_IMG, PT_OUT, tS, 'PostProcess ' + AOI) # Setting up tha names for output files --------------------------------------- pth = PT_MTR + AOI + '_{}_' + QNT + '_qnt.csv' DFOPths = [pth.format(z) for z in outLabels] # Setup experiments IDs ------------------------------------------------------- uids = fun.getExperimentsIDSets(PT_OUT, skip=-1) (rer, ren, rsg, fic, gsv, aoi, grp) = uids[1:] (xpDict, smryDicts) = ({}, ({}, {}, {}, {}, {})) # Get experiment files -------------------------------------------------------- ptrn = aux.XP_NPAT.format('*', '*', '*', '*', '*', AOI, '*', 'rto', 'npy') fPaths = sorted(glob(PT_OUT + ptrn)) (fNum, digs) = monet.lenAndDigits(fPaths) qnt = float(int(QNT) / 100) # Setup dataframes ------------------------------------------------------------ outDFs = monet.initDFsForDA(fPaths, header, thiS, thoS, thwS, tapS) (ttiDF, ttoDF, wopDF, tapDF, rapDF) = outDFs ############################################################################### # Iterate through experiments ############################################################################### fmtStr = '{}+ File: {}/{}' for (i, fPath) in enumerate(fPaths):
(DRV, MGV) = aux.humanSelector(AOI, DRV, MGV) (PT_ROT, PT_IMG, PT_DTA, PT_PRE, PT_OUT, PT_MTR) = aux.selectPath(USR, LND, REL) (drive, land) = ( drv.driveSelector(DRV, AOI, popSize=10*10000), lnd.landSelector(LND, REL, PT_ROT) ) (gene, fldr) = (drive.get('gDict'), drive.get('folder')) # Time and head --------------------------------------------------------------- tS = monet.printExperimentHead(PT_ROT, PT_PRE, tS, 'UCIMI Preprocess '+AOI) ############################################################################### # Load folders ############################################################################### (expDirsMean, expDirsTrac) = aux.selectVersionPath(MGV, PT_DTA) (expNum, nodeDigits) = (len(expDirsMean), len(str(len(land)))+1) outNames = fun.splitExpNames(PT_OUT) outExpNames = set(outNames) ############################################################################### # Analyze data ############################################################################### Parallel(n_jobs=JOB)( delayed(monet.preProcess)( exIx, expNum, expDirsMean, expDirsTrac, gene, analysisOI=AOI, prePath=PT_PRE, nodesAggLst=land, outExpNames=outExpNames, fNameFmt='{}/{}-{}_', OVW=OVW, MF=MF, cmpr=FMT, nodeDigits=nodeDigits, SUM=SUM, AGG=AGG, SPA=SPA, REP=REP, SRP=SRP, sexFilenameIdentifiers={"male": "M_", "female": "F_"} ) for exIx in range(0, expNum) )
sns.stripplot(x=cz, jitter=jitter, size=size, color=clrs[2], ax=ax[2], alpha=alpha) for axt in ax: axt.set_ylim(-height, height) axt.set_xlim(0, 10 * 365) axt.set_yticklabels('') axt.set_xticklabels('') axt.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 365 * 10, 365)) axt.set_title('') axt.set(xlabel=None) [t.set_visible(False) for t in axt.get_yticklines()] [t.set_visible(False) for t in axt.get_xticklines()] axt.spines['top'].set_visible(False) axt.spines['right'].set_visible(False) axt.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) axt.spines['left'].set_visible(False) fun.quickSaveFig(PT_IMG + MTR + '_tResponse.png', fig, transparent=False, dpi=500) ############################################################################### # Density ############################################################################### plt.rcParams.update({ "figure.facecolor": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0), # red with alpha = 30% "axes.facecolor": (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0), # green with alpha = 50% "savefig.facecolor": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1), # blue with alpha = 20% }) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, .75)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=3, ncols=1, figure=fig, width_ratios= [1], height_ratios=[.5, .5, .5], wspace=0.3, hspace=-.85 ) df = (az, bz, cz)
mL.drawcoastlines(color=COLORS[4], linewidth=10, zorder=0) ax.tick_params( axis='both', which='both', bottom=True, top=False, left=True, right=False, labelbottom=True, labelleft=True ) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) mH.scatter( list(pts['lon']), list(pts['lat']), latlon=True, alpha=.2, marker='.', s=[10 * math.log(i) for i in list(pts['pop'])], color='#E048B8', zorder=3 ) fun.quickSaveFig(PTH_pts + 'ST.png', fig, dpi=750) # ############################################################################# # Principe # ############################################################################# (minLat, minLong) = (1.5, 7.275) (maxLat, maxLong) = (1.75, 7.5) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, label="1") mH = Basemap( projection='merc', llcrnrlat=minLat, urcrnrlat=maxLat, llcrnrlon=minLong, urcrnrlon=maxLong, lat_ts=20, resolution='h', ax=ax ) mH.drawcoastlines(color=COLORS[0], linewidth=2, zorder=1) mH.drawcoastlines(color=COLORS[3], linewidth=.25, zorder=2)
for (xpNumC, xpId) in enumerate(idTuples): xpNumCS = str(xpNumC + 1).zfill(4) print('* Exporting {}/{}'.format(xpNumCS, xpNumS), end='\r') ####################################################################### # Filter ####################################################################### indepFltrs = [list(df[hId[1]] == hId[0]) for hId in zip(xpId, hdFree)] fullFilter = list(map(all, zip(*indepFltrs))) dfSrf = df[fullFilter] ####################################################################### # Plot ####################################################################### # Prepare the response surface ---------------------------------------- (x, y, z) = (dfSrf[HD_IND[0]], dfSrf[HD_IND[1]], dfSrf[HD_DEP]) (a, b) = ((min(x), max(x)), (min(y), max(y))) rs = fun.calcResponseSurface(x, y, z, scalers=sclr, mthd=mthd) (rsG, rsS) = (rs['grid'], rs['surface']) # Plot the response surface ------------------------------------------- (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 7)) # Experiment points, contour lines, response surface xy = ax.plot(rsG[0], rsG[1], 'k.', ms=3, alpha=.25, marker='.') cc = ax.contour(rsS[0], rsS[1], rsS[2], levels=lvls, colors='w', linewidths=1, alpha=.5) cs = ax.contourf(rsS[0], rsS[1], rsS[2],
from glob import glob import STP_aux as aux import STP_functions as fun import STP_dataProcess as da from datetime import datetime import compress_pickle as pkl import MoNeT_MGDrivE as monet (USR, AOI, REL, LND) = (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]) # (USR, AOI, REL, LND) = ('dsk', 'HLT', 'gravidFemale', 'PAN') (DRV, SKP, QNT, OVW) = ('LDR', False, '75', True) (gIx, hIx) = (1, 0) (PT_ROT, PT_IMG, PT_DTA, PT_PRE, PT_OUT, PT_MTR) = aux.selectPath(USR, LND, REL) uids = fun.getExperimentsIDSets(PT_PRE, skip=-1) (rer, ren, rsg, fic, gsv, aoi, grp) = uids[1:] tS = monet.printExperimentHead(PT_PRE, PT_OUT, tS, 'UCIMI PstFraction ' + AOI) # ######################################################################### # Base experiments # These are the experiments without any releases (for fractions) # ######################################################################### # basePat = aux.XP_NPAT.format('*', '00', '*', '*', '*', AOI, '*', 'sum', 'bz') basePat = aux.patternForReleases('00', AOI, 'sum') baseFiles = sorted(glob(PT_PRE + basePat)) # ######################################################################### # Probe experiments # sum: Analyzed data aggregated into one node # srp: Garbage data aggregated into one node # #########################################################################
ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) (lon, lat) = (list(pts['lon']), list(pts['lat'])) mH.scatter(lon, lat, latlon=True, alpha=.25, marker='.', s=[2], color='#E048B8', zorder=3) for i in range(len(lon)): (x, y) = mH(lon[i], lat[i]) ax.annotate(i, xy=(x, y), size=.2, ha='center', va='center', color='white') fun.quickSaveFig(PTH_PTS + 'raw.png', fig, dpi=1000) mH.scatter([i[0] for i in centroid], [i[1] for i in centroid], latlon=True, alpha=.5, marker='x', s=[5], color='#233090', zorder=3) for i in range(len(centroid)): (x, y) = mH(centroid[i][0], centroid[i][1]) ax.annotate(i, xy=(x, y), size=2, ha='center', va='center') fun.quickSaveFig(PTH_PTS + 'clusters.png', fig, dpi=1000) # ############################################################################# # Kernel Heatmap # ############################################################################# kernel = np.genfromtxt(PTH_PTS + kernelName, delimiter=',')
else: (CLR, CMAPS, YRAN) = (drv.COLHN, drv.COLHM, [0, 100 * 12000 / 2]) STYLE = { "width": .5, "alpha": .15, "dpi": 2 * 300, "legend": True, "aspect": .25, "colors": CLR, "xRange": [0, 365 * 3], "yRange": YRAN } STYLE['aspect'] = monet.scaleAspect(1, STYLE) tS = fun.printExperimentHead(PT_ROT, PT_IMG, PT_PRE, tS, 'Traces') ############################################################################### # Load preprocessed files lists ############################################################################### tyTag = ('sum', 'srp') if FZ: fLists = list( zip(*[ fun.getFilteredFiles(PT_PRE + '*_00_*' + AOI + '*' + tp + '*', PT_PRE + '*' + AOI + '*' + tp + '*') for tp in tyTag ])) else: fLists = list( zip(*[ sorted(glob(PT_PRE + '*' + AOI + '*' + tp + '*')) for tp in tyTag
(fltrPattern, globPattern) = ('dummy', PT_PRE + '*' + AOI + '*srp*') if FZ: fltrPattern = PT_PRE + '*_00_*' + AOI + '*srp*' repFiles = monet.getFilteredFiles(fltrPattern, globPattern) repFiles.reverse() ########################################################################### # Iterate through experiments ########################################################################### (fNum, digs) = monet.lenAndDigits(repFiles) fmtStr = '{}+ File: {}/{}' (i, repFile) = (0, repFiles[0]) for (i, repFile) in enumerate(repFiles): padi = str(i + 1).zfill(digs) print(fmtStr.format(monet.CBBL, padi, fNum, monet.CEND), end='\r') (repDta, xpid) = (pkl.load(repFile), fun.getXpId(repFile, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7))) xpRow = [ da.filterDFWithID(i, xpid) for i in (dfTTI, dfTTO, dfWOP, dfMNX, dfPOE, dfCPT) ] (tti, tto, wop) = [float(row[THS]) for row in xpRow[:3]] (mnf, mnd, poe, cpt) = (float(xpRow[3]['min']), float(xpRow[3]['minx']), float(xpRow[4]['POE']), float(xpRow[5]['CPT'])) # Traces ------------------------------------------------------------------ if LND == 'PAN': tStable = 0 pop = repDta['landscapes'][0][tStable][-1] STYLE['yRange'] = (0, pop + pop * .5) if AOI == 'ECO': STYLE['yRange'] = (STYLE['yRange'][0], STYLE['yRange'][1] * 2) STYLE['aspect'] = monet.scaleAspect(1, STYLE)
# Template layout ############################################################################### template = path.join(PT_IMG, REL + '_template.svg') with open(template, 'r') as file: filedata = ############################################################################### # Replacements ############################################################################### PTRN = 'E_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}-{}' # Find original ids ----------------------------------------------------------- p = re.compile('E_.*png', re.IGNORECASE) pats = re.findall(p, filedata) img_org = list({i[:-8] for i in pats}) print(img_org) # Replacement ids ------------------------------------------------------------- uids = fun.getExperimentsIDSets(path.join(PT_IMG, 'preTraces/'), skip=-1) uids[2] = uids[2][1:] # Delete the zero releases entry expSets = set(list(product(*uids[1:-1]))) print(expSets) ############################################################################### # Iterate ############################################################################### tS = monet.printExperimentHead(PT_ROT, PT_IMG, tS, 'UCIMI PrePanels ' + AOI) (xpNum, digs) = monet.lenAndDigits(expSets) i = 0 exp = sorted(list(expSets))[-18] for (i, exp) in enumerate(sorted(list(expSets))): monet.printProgress(i + 1, xpNum, digs) # Get exp ids ------------------------------------------------------------- (i_rer, i_ren, i_rsg, i_fic, i_gsv) = exp
from joblib import Parallel, delayed (USR, AOI, REL, LND) = (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]) # (USR, AOI, REL, LND) = ('dsk', 'HLT', 'gravidFemale', 'PAN') (DRV, FMT, OVW, MF, JOB) = ('LDR', 'bz2', True, (False, True), 6) (SUM, AGG, SPA, REP, SRP) = (True, False, False, False, True) ############################################################################### # Setting up paths and style ############################################################################### (PT_ROT, PT_IMG, PT_DTA, PT_PRE, PT_OUT, PT_MTR) = aux.selectPath(USR, LND, REL) (drive, land) = (drv.driveSelector(DRV), lnd.landSelector(LND)) gene = drive.get(AOI).get('gDict') # Time and head --------------------------------------------------------------- tS = fun.printExperimentHead(PT_ROT, PT_IMG, PT_PRE, tS, 'Preprocess ' + AOI) ############################################################################### # Load folders ############################################################################### (expDirsMean, expDirsTrac) = fun.getExpPaths(PT_DTA) (expNum, nodeDigits) = (len(expDirsMean), len(str(len(land))) + 1) outNames = fun.splitExpNames(PT_OUT) outExpNames = set(outNames) ############################################################################### # Analyze data ############################################################################### Parallel(n_jobs=JOB)(delayed(monet.preProcess)(exIx, expNum, expDirsMean, expDirsTrac, gene,
# ############################################################################# popsMatch = len(GC_FRA) == len(AGG_lonlats) # ############################################################################# # Map # ############################################################################# # Coordinates ----------------------------------------------------------------- (lngs, lats) = (AGG_centroids[:, 0], AGG_centroids[:, 1]) for time in range(GC_FRA[0].shape[0]): print('* Exporting {}'.format(str(time).zfill(4)), end='\r') # Create map -------------------------------------------------------------- (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) (fig, ax, mapR) = plo.plotMap( fig, ax, UA_sites, BLAT, BLNG, ptColor='#6347ff' ) # Pops -------------------------------------------------------------------- (fig, ax, mapR) = plo.plotGenePopsOnMap( fig, ax, mapR, lngs, lats, DRV_COL, GC_FRA, time, marker=(6, 0), offset=2, amplitude=10 ) ax.text( 0.75, 0.1, str(time).zfill(4), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=30 ) fun.quickSaveFig( '{}/{}.png'.format(EXP_VID, str(time).zfill(4)), fig, dpi=500 ) plt.close('all')
STYLE['aspect'] = monet.scaleAspect(1, STYLE) tS = aux.printExperimentHead(PT_ROT, PT_IMG, PT_OUT, tS, 'PstTraces') ########################################################################### # Load postprocessed files ########################################################################### pstPat = PT_MTR + AOI + '_{}_' + QNT + '_qnt.csv' pstFiles = [pstPat.format(i) for i in ('TTI', 'TTO', 'WOP', 'MNX', 'RAP')] (dfTTI, dfTTO, dfWOP, dfMNX, _) = [pd.read_csv(i) for i in pstFiles] ########################################################################### # Load preprocessed files lists ########################################################################### repFiles = glob(PT_PRE + '*' + AOI + '*' + 'srp' + '*') if FZ: repFiles = fun.getFilteredFiles( PT_PRE + '*_00_*' + AOI + '*' + 'srp' + '*', PT_PRE + '*' + AOI + '*' + 'srp' + '*') else: repFiles = glob(PT_PRE + '*' + AOI + '*' + 'srp' + '*') ########################################################################### # Iterate through experiments ########################################################################### (fNum, digs) = monet.lenAndDigits(repFiles) fmtStr = '{}+ File: {}/{}' for (i, repFile) in enumerate(repFiles): padi = str(i + 1).zfill(digs) print(fmtStr.format(monet.CBBL, padi, fNum, monet.CEND), end='\r') (repDta, xpid) = (pkl.load(repFile), fun.getXpId(repFile, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7))) xpRow = [da.filterDFWithID(i, xpid) for i in (dfTTI, dfTTO, dfWOP, dfMNX)] (tti, tto, wop) = [float(row[THS]) for row in xpRow[:3]]
# Pre process ############################################################################### # print('Diagonal: {}'.format(np.diagonal(psi))) np.fill_diagonal(psi, 0) pIn = np.sum(psi.T, axis=0) # print('ProbIn: {}'.format(pIn)) print('No access: {}'.format(list(np.where(pIn == 0)[0]))) psiN = normalize(psi, axis=1, norm='l2') # (fig, ax) = pts.plotMatrix(psiN) # fun.quickSave(fig, ax, PT_IMG, 'transitions.png', dpi=2000) ############################################################################## # Transitions Matrix and Base Netowrk ############################################################################## G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(psiN) G.remove_edges_from(nx.selfloop_edges(G)) G = fun.calcNetworkDistance(G) ############################################################################## # Community Detection ############################################################################## coms = cd.markov_clustering(G) comsID = coms.communities ptsNum = points.shape[0] labelsN = [fun.find_in_list_of_list(comsID, i)[0] for i in range(ptsNum)] ############################################################################## # Geographic Clustering ############################################################################## kmeans = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=len(comsID)).fit(longlats) labels = list(kmeans.labels_) # Reshape to export list of lists of clusters -------------------------------- comsKM = [[] for i in range(len(comsID))] ids = list(range(ptsNum))